Titulaires des bourses postdoctorales du CRSH – Concours de 2021

Candidature Établissement Titre Financement
Addona, Victoria Université de Montréal Architecture, Technology, and the Forces of Nature in Late Renaissance Florence 90 000 $
Allard-Gaudreau, Noémie Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Réticence des enfants à dévoiler une agression sexuelle durant l'entrevue d'enquête : une analyse du lien victime-agresseur 90 000 $
Ashdown-Franks, Garcia L. Brunel University London Inclusive activity for diverse bodies: Exploring the possibilities of a Physical Activity at Every Size approach 90 000 $
Assaturian, Sosseh University of Toronto Stoic Assertibles 90 000 $
Atoui, Farah Université Concordia Displacement: Between Politics and Aesthetics 90 000 $
Balloud, Simon Université de Montréal Genre, mission catholique et colonisation : les Filles de la Croix dans la Prairie canadienne (1904-1914) 90 000 $
Bédard, Philippe Université McGill Making Space(s) for Empathy: Ethical Considerations for the Exhibition of Virtual Reality Experiences 90 000 $
Bégin, Vincent Université de Montréal Trajectoires développementales de traits psychopathiques à l'enfance : conséquences sur l'adaptation personnelle et sociale à l'âge adulte et facteurs de protection impliqués 90 000 $
Bernard, Jean-Philippe University of Toronto Conservation, colonisation et conflits d'usage : les réserves de castor au Québec et en Ontario au XXe siècle 90 000 $
Berry, Alexandra M. University of British Columbia The Studio for Child-Climate Pedagogies at the FEELed Lab 90 000 $
Bérubé, Patricia Université d'Ottawa Feeling the Museum: The Role of Emotions in Enacting Access, Inclusion and Representation for Canadian Neurodivergent Publics 90 000 $
Bird, Johannah Université du Manitoba Visiting, Reading, Writing the Land of Water: Research as Coming Home Through Story 90 000 $
Bordeleau-Pitre, Émile Université de Sherbrooke Se tailler une place dans l'universel : la « petite littérature » lesbienne, gaie, bisexuelle, trans et queer 90 000 $
Bouchard, Mathieu Université d'Ottawa How peer community affiliation orients user participation in professional services 90 000 $
Brahimi, Mohamed Amine Université du Québec à Montréal Champ scientifique et construction de l'islam comme problème public dans l'espace canadien francophone et anglophone (1990 -2020) 90 000 $
Bridgman, Aengus B. Université du Québec à Montréal Who produces and shares misinformation and why? A mixed-method study on the motivation of digital activitists 90 000 $
Brubacher, Laura J. University of Waterloo Place, (im)mobilities, and well-being: A comparative community-based, action-oriented inquiry into livelihood opportunities, decision-making, and access to health and social services in the Global North and Global South 90 000 $
Brunet, Carole Polytechnique Montréal Sous le soleil du Grand Nord 90 000 $
Brunt, Michael W. University of Guelph Who's improving the good: Attitudes and perceptions of positive welfare promotion of dairy cattle and its implications on the mental well-being of veterinarians and farmers in the Canadian dairy industry 90 000 $
Brunton, Judith Ellen Yale University Afterlives of Oil 90 000 $
Campeau, Marilyn Université de Montréal Facing Europe: Soviet Soldiers in Germany, 1945-1994 90 000 $
Campero, Cecilia D. McMaster University Impact assessments and sustainable development goals in the mining industry: Cases from Canada and Chile 90 000 $
Cantin Paquet, Marc-Olivier Université McGill Combatant Socialization and the Perpetration of Violence Against Civilians in Intrastate Conflicts 90 000 $
Capener, Sean C. Dartmouth College Stolen Time: Usury, Slavery, and Economic Theology in the European Middle Ages and Early Modernity 90 000 $
Carter, Sarah University of Chicago "Empire follows Art": Trafficking Culture in Imperial Britain 1780-1830 90 000 $
Chabot, Kevin R. Dalhousie University Queer Spectrality in Gothic Literature, Film, and Television from the 19th Century to the Present 90 000 $
Chapola, Jebunnessa University of Regina Women-led Community Climate Solutions Spaces (WCCSS): Developing A Policy Guide from Indigenous, Racialized Immigrants, and Refugee Women's Perspectives 90 000 $
Chen, Zhenxiang University of British Columbia Life-course and Experimental Approach to Global Chinese Migration 90 000 $
Chewinski, Maximilian University of Alberta Contested Contamination: Science, Trust, and Public Participation After Disaster Strikes 90 000 $
Choi, Dawoon Yale University Birth of memories: Brain development and the ontogeny of autobiographical memories in infancy 45 000 $
Cichosz, Maria University of Toronto Set and Setting: A Cultural History of Synthetic Drugs, 1970-2021 90 000 $
Cossette-Lefebvre, Hugo Aarhus Universitet Why is discrimination wrong? A Relational egalitarian conception of anti-discrimination law 90 000 $
Couture, Fannie HEC Montréal Investigating the potential of field-configuring events for generating voluntary regulation that work 90 000 $
Cowan, Felix University of Toronto Urban Poverty and Inequality in Revolutionary Russia 90 000 $
Crooks, Katherine Mount Saint Vincent University Gendering the Northern Contact Zone: Settler and Indigenous Women in Canada's Eastern Arctic, 1960-1980 90 000 $
Crosby, Andrew A. University of Waterloo Rental Housing Insecurity in a Public Health Emergency: Evictions, Resistance, and Criminalization of Tenant Organizing during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada 90 000 $
Currie, Mark McMaster University Social Memory, Racism, and Antiracism in Small-Town Southwestern Ontario 90 000 $
Dahan, Michel Université libre de Bruxelles La naissance de l'industrie touristique canadienne (1866-1939) 90 000 $
Dani, Doan Université de Montréal Fondation et évolution d'une religion politique 90 000 $
Das, Alisa Unité de recherche en éthique pragmatique de la santé Mad Ethics: Synthesizing Hidden, Everyday Ethics Work to Strengthen Mad Communities 90 000 $
Dase, Kyle D. University of Victoria Prototyping the Network Edition: Theory and Praxis 90 000 $
DeCock, Miriam J. Université du Manitoba The Religious Expertise of the Christian Biblical Exegete in Late Antiquity 90 000 $
Desjardins, Bridgette Deakin University Queer(ing) Sport Fandom: Experiences of LGBTQ+ Australian rules football fans 90 000 $
Di Sante, Mélissa Université de Montréal L'action intersectorielle locale pour soutenir le développement langagier des enfants : étude rétrospective de deux quartiers montréalais 90 000 $
Dobson, Kiersten University of Toronto Avoiding Pain or Approaching Connection: Navigating Sexual Rejection in Romantic Relationships 90 000 $
Drapeau-Bisson, Marie-Lise Carleton University Books and Unusual Archives: An Analysis of Intimate Feminist Memory Work in Québec 90 000 $
Duke, Hilary M. University of Toronto Human Origins, Technically Speaking: Exploring stone tool innovations of the earliest humans 500-200 thousand years ago in the Northern Cape, South Africa 90 000 $
Durocher, Myriam Universiteit van Amsterdam Food as Means of Resistance: Exploring Practices & Materialities in a Biomedicalized Food Culture 90 000 $
Dyakonov, Severyan Université McGill COLD War in Neutral Spaces of International Organizations: The Soviet Red Cross and Red Crescent Society and the International Federation of the Red Cross in 1950-1991 90 000 $
Dyzenhaus, Alexander P. University of Toronto The Determinants and Effects of Land Redistribution in Post-apartheid South Africa 90 000 $
Empey, Julia A. University of Cambridge Mind-Uploading Across Time, Space, and Ethics 90 000 $
Enns, Clint G. Université de Winnipeg The Thawed Moment: Vernacular Photography in the Digital Age 90 000 $
Erl, Christopher R. Toronto Metropolitan University The Fight for City Hall: Populism in Ontario's Municipal Politics 90 000 $
Fabian, Thomas University of Queensland Revival, Continuity, Appropriation: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Indigenous Games Heritage 90 000 $
Farokhi, Zeinab Université Concordia Right-Wing Extremisms: Affective Digital Islamophobia in Canada, the United States, and India 90 000 $
Feng, Xiangjun University of British Columbia An alternative history of book burning in China's age of print 90 000 $
Finestone, Erika University of Victoria Restorying Reconciliation: Amplifying Stories of Indigenous "Hidden Children" on Vancouver Island Through Arts-Based Participatory Action Research 90 000 $
Fisher, Alexandra N. Australian National University Behind Every Great Woman: How Heterosexual Women's Romantic Relationships Help and Hinder their Leadership Pursuits 90 000 $
Fleming, Sean Université McGill Return of the Luddites: The Origins and the Future of Anti-Tech Radicalism 90 000 $
Forbes, James M. University of Saskatchewan Liberalism and Territorial Governance in Canada's Prairie West, 1870-1905 90 000 $
Friesen, Isaac University of Cambridge State Affects and Expectations of State among Egyptian Migrant Workers in Jordan 90 000 $
Gauvin, Mitchell J. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Postcolonial Literature and the Political Value of Time: Theorizing Temporal Transgression 90 000 $
Gélinas Duquette, Joëlle Université Concordia En marge de l'innovation créative : la gentrification technologique et les espaces culturels et commerciaux 90 000 $
Ghaedipour, Farnaz H. Stanford University The Effect of AI-Driven Persuasive Technology Design on Platform Workers' Anxiety and Time Management: Redesigning Instagram with Humane Design Practices 90 000 $
Gilfoy, Kieran J. Simon Fraser University Fallen Trees and Men: Moral extraction and deforestation in the eastern Amazon 90 000 $
Glenn, Clinton Estonian Academy of Arts Surveying LGBT, Queer, and Feminist Exhibitions in the Baltic States, 1991-Present 90 000 $
Hallward, Laura Western University Promoting embodied movement to enhance women's body image and psychosocial experiences with exercise 90 000 $
Halpern, Ira Northeastern University The Pursuit of Health: Medicine, Reform, and American Culture 90 000 $
Hamel-Charest, Laurence Université du Québec à Montréal Manger « autochtone » en ville : pour une restauration de la visibilité des cultures alimentaires autochtones 90 000 $
Hamila, Ahmed University of California, Berkeley Réfugiés LGBTQ au Canada : au cœur du pouvoir discrétionnaire des commissaires de l'asile 90 000 $
Harris, Elizabeth A. University of Toronto The role of shared reality in sharing (and belief in) misinformation 90 000 $
Harris, Sheereen M. Brock University Investigating real-time motivation and effort-based decision-making among Canadian youth 90 000 $
Hatef Naiemi, Atri University of British Columbia On the Periphery of the Ilkhanate: Provincial Architecture in Post-Conquest Iran 90 000 $
Henderson, Philip Carleton University The Army of (Re)Production and the Defenders of the Land: Solidarity and Conflict between Labour and Indigenous Movements in Canada 90 000 $
Herbison, Jordan D. Université McGill Supporting Peer Mentors with Spinal Cord Injury: Examining Risk and Protective Factors in Support of Mentors' Well-Being 90 000 $
Herrick, Shannon C. University of British Columbia Exploring assemblages of disability-sexuality-gender in physical activity 90 000 $
Hill, Stephanie A. Rutgers University Sign the Manifesto: Examining Corporate Communication in the Negotiation of an International Plastic Pollution Treaty 45 000 $
Hofer, Marlise K. University of Victoria The Impact of Olfactory Dysfunction on Social and Mental Health 90 000 $
Horne, Rebecca M. University of Texas at Austin Couples' goal coordination, adaptation, and relationship quality during work-family transitions 90 000 $
Hoskin, Rhea A. University of Waterloo Visualizing Femmephobia: Using thematic networks to connect and challenge the systemic devaluation and regulation of femininity 90 000 $
Inglis, Kathleen L. University of Victoria Citizen science and HIV/AIDS research in the age of big data 90 000 $
Jeffrey, Nicole K. University of Windsor Educating Our Sons: Exploring young men's engagement with social norms that support and disrupt sexual violence to help expand education and prevention efforts 90 000 $
Jelinski, James L. University of Toronto Licit Images: Criminology, Forensic Science, and the Visual Culture of Dr. Wilfrid Derome 90 000 $
Johnson, James W. Dalhousie University Northern Nadir: Black Modernisms in Canada, 1889-1945 90 000 $
Jones, Robert E. Pennsylvania State University Reimagining Apocalyptic Literature 90 000 $
Jordan, Daniel University of Toronto Inclusion, Equity, and Race in Barcelona's Music Ensembles 90 000 $
Karim, Sakeef M. New York University Why do individuals support exclusionary politicians? Exploring the cultural roots of Trumpism among white Americans 90 000 $
Karpinski, Max University of California, Davis Siting Ecopoetics: Environmental Poetry in North America since 1965 90 000 $
Karsgaard, Carrie A. Arizona State University Youth Resistance to Fossil Fuel Developments: Visual Aesthetics of Public Pedagogy on Instagram 90 000 $
Kaufman, Andrew F. Queen's University Life after debt: The market for the Global South's debt in the pandemic era 90 000 $
Keyser-Verreault, Amélie Université Concordia "Fat is the worst quality a woman can have": Weight stigma, fat oppression and the anti-fat-shaming movement in Taiwan 90 000 $
Klassen, Michael University of Oxford How professions respond to societal challenges: Curriculum responses to climate change in engineering and architecture 90 000 $
Klassen, Susanna E. University of Victoria Agri-tech, agroecology, and climate change: What future for agricultural workers? 90 000 $
Kocsis, Joanna L. Newcastle University Neoliberal Reform And The Lives Of Urban Youth In Cuba: The disruption of imagined futures, material security and belonging 90 000 $
Koebel, Kourtney L. University of Toronto Using causal empirical methodologies to evaluate the impact of family-friendly policies on child development, intergenerational mobility, and gender inequality in the labour market 90 000 $
Kosmenko, Nickolas J. Université du Manitoba A better way to do sport? Exploring the Front Runner Project's impact on cultural awareness and safety, Indigenous inclusion, and reciprocity among U Sports teams 90 000 $
Kovinthan, Thursica University of Toronto Trauma-Informed Pedagogies for Integration and Reconciliation in Refugee Education 45 000 $
Kysla, Iuliia U. University of Victoria Screening the Difficult Past: Histories, Memories and Images of the Soviet Union in Ukrainian Cinema, 1991-2021 90 000 $
Laberge, Jean-Sébastien Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Brésil et Japon avec Félix Guattari 90 000 $
Laferté-Coutu, Mérédith M. Université Concordia Levinas on Land: An Expanded Account of Responsibility 90 000 $
Lapierre, Andréanne Université de Montréal Évolution des facteurs de risque situationnels de la violence perpétrée par les hommes dans leur relation intime 90 000 $
Larouche, Karl Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Le rôle de la mentalisation des traumas dans l'adaptation des pères ayant une histoire de maltraitance 90 000 $
Lavoie Mongrain, Catherine Victoria University, Melbourne The mainstreaming of "The Great Replacement" theory in Australia 90 000 $
Lavoie, Pierre Université Laval La vie en bleu-blanc-rouge. Célébrités françaises et identités francophones aux États-Unis (1922-1968) 90 000 $
Lawson, Owain J. University of Toronto Development Archipelago: River Basins and Decolonization in the Middle East 90 000 $
Leader, Joelena S. University of Waterloo Building a Participatory Framework for Community Co-Design: Perspectives on Technology Access, Adoption and Use in Northern and Remote Indigenous Communities 90 000 $
Lebenbaum, Michael University of Wisconsin–Madison Estimating the Causal Effect of Television on Social Capital using Multiple Econometric Approaches and Incorporating Genomic Insights 90 000 $
LeBrun, Andréanne Université du Québec en Outaouais Les étudiant.e.s en enseignement au primaire et au secondaire et le passé scolaire canadien : enjeux pour la valorisation de la profession enseignante et la formation des maîtres 90 000 $
Legendre, Nicolas Université Concordia Indigenous financing barriers 90 000 $
Lem-Smith, Timothy C. University of California, Irvine Genres of Contingency: Recent Fictions of the Unexpected 90 000 $
Lin, Hause University of Regina Understanding and combating online misinformation using an integrative computational social science approach 90 000 $
Lior, Mika L. Université York Body Politics of Afro-Brazilian Candomblé 90 000 $
Lobo, Rachel University of Toronto "Good enough to work, good enough to stay": Archiving care workers' struggles in Canada 90 000 $
Lonergan, Michelle Université d'Ottawa Attachment injuries in couple relationships: A mixed-method study of both partners' experience 90 000 $
Lteif, Diala University of Cambridge Slaughterhouse Struggle: Space, Time and Ideology in Beirut's class conflicts of the 1960s 90 000 $
Lucibello, Kristen Brock University Internalized weight stigma and psychological well-being in adolescents 90 000 $
Luederitz, Christopher Université McGill Leveraging peer influence online: Promoting climate action among Canadian small businesses 90 000 $
Lynn, Shane New York University Race, Empire and Greater Ireland, 1895-1905 90 000 $
Macdonald, Dianne University of Toronto Biliteracy intervention for bilingual children with reading impairment and weak rapid automatized naming (RAN): Helpful or detrimental? 90 000 $
Mackenzie, Pamela University of Cambridge Cures and Curiosities: Visualizing the Stone Disease in Early Modern England 90 000 $
Manulak, Daniel F. University of Toronto Canada, Race, and the African National Congress' Struggle for Legitimacy, 1969-1994 90 000 $
Marineau-Pelletier, Amélie Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Consolidation ou déclin? Mutations du système des paraiges à Metz au prisme de leurs pratiques matrimoniales (1400-1500) 90 000 $
Marr, Gemma E. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Histories of sexuality in the bifurcated province: Discourses of desire and morality in New Brunswick, 1860-1960 90 000 $
McFarland, Jami L. University of Guelph Making Stories, Making Kin: 2SLGBT Older Adults and Access to Technology, Culture, and Life 90 000 $
McMahon, Lucas R. Université d'Ottawa Constantinople and Damascus: Ruling the late antique world from Italy to Khurasan 90 000 $
Messelink, Jennifer Yale University Easy Listening, Race, and the Emergence of the Long Play Record 90 000 $
Miller, Mark D. University of Toronto The predictive dynamics of well-being 90 000 $
Milman, Evgenia Western University Modeling the Experience of Grief During the Pandemic: A Longitudinal Examination of Meaning Making 90 000 $
Monteiro Joca Martins, Martha Priscylla University of Victoria Indigenous Laws and Environmental Governance in Canada and Latin America: A Legal Pluralistic and Comparative Perspective 90 000 $
Moore, Charlotte E. Université Concordia Testing two accounts for bilingual infants' struggles with code switching 90 000 $
Moran, Robyn L. Université du Manitoba Playing with Gender: Effectively mobilizing educators to foster safe and supportive learning environments for gender diverse Manitoban youth 90 000 $
Munro, Daniel Université York Illusions of Knowledge: Imagination in an Age of Misinformation 90 000 $
Murdoch, Chandra Université York The Will to Power: Inheriting Colonialism On and Off Reserve in Nineteenth Century Ontario 90 000 $
Nadon, Rachel Université de Sherbrooke Vrai, faux et fictif. Poétiques de la lecture et politiques des émotions dans la presse jaune criminelle au Québec (1940-1960) 90 000 $
Nelems, Rebeccah J. Université McGill Unearthing Relational Pathways towards a Pluriverse of Eco-Social Rights: Decolonizing Children's Rights 90 000 $
Néméh-Nombré, Philippe Université Concordia Les écologies noires : (in)injustice environnementale, militantisme et études noires au Québec 90 000 $
Nini, Matthew Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg From Thinking to Living: J.G. Fichte's Late Philosophy 90 000 $
Novovic, Gloria Université d'Ottawa Localize or perish: Critical analysis of policy attempts to address the legitimacy crisis of international cooperation 90 000 $
O'Connor, Alison M. Stanford University Why are older adults more honest? Exploring social mechanisms and implications of the age-related increase in honesty across adulthood 90 000 $
Pajovic, Vesna Université McGill How employment stability has changed from the 1970s to the late 2010s: Examining gender differences and effects on the family 90 000 $
Patience, John Matthew R.. University of Victoria L2 pronunciation of Hul'q'umi'num': The role of speech motor skill and perceptual acuity 90 000 $
Patton, Karissa University of Strathclyde The Wombs of the Nation: Reproductive Health Services and National Healthcare in Canada and the United Kingdom, 1967-1980 90 000 $
Philipp-Muller, Aviva Z. University of Toronto Why do consumers reject science? A framework for understanding antiscience views 90 000 $
Piana, Marco M. University of Calgary Bleeding Desire: Blood Devotion and Queer Narratives in Flagellant Confraternities 90 000 $
Pingeot, Lou Université d'Ottawa Feedback effects between intervention abroad and policing at home: The case of Canada 90 000 $
Press, Sara V. Harvard University The Standardization of Whiteness: Rhetoric and the History of Medicine 90 000 $
Ragetlie, Rosalind O. P. Balsillie School of International Affairs Gender and food insecurity in multi-local migrant households in Benin: Resolving the urban-rural dichotomy 90 000 $
Rahman, Mohammad Azizur Toronto Metropolitan University Self-employment and Economic Integration of Refugees Resettled in Canada 90 000 $
Razavi, Nasya S. Université York Caring cities: Quechua women's everyday experiences of care work in Bolivia 90 000 $
Rivet-Préfontaine, Louis École normale supérieure de Cachan Sociologie processuelle de la transition socioéconomique. Un chantier pour penser nos défis environnementaux contemporains 90 000 $
Rom, Michael University of British Columbia Ports of Call: Ethnic Prostitution in Rio de Janeiro and Vancouver, 1890-1929 90 000 $
Salimjan, Guldana Simon Fraser University Camp Land: Settler Tourism, Indigenous Removal, and Belonging in Northwest China 90 000 $
Sandle, Luke A. Cornell University The People of Populism or The People Out-of-Doors? Negotiating Conflicting Understandings of Peoplehood in Radical Democratic Theory 90 000 $
Sardinha, Katie A. University of British Columbia A dual-purpose grammar of causation in Kwak'wala 90 000 $
Schmirler, Katherine M. University of Lethbridge A morphological model and intelligent online dictionary for the Blackfoot language 90 000 $
Scott, Colin P.C. Université Concordia Social Networks and Integration "at the margins": A multi-method survey of migrants in the Greater Montreal Area 90 000 $
Shaikh, Majidullah University of British Columbia Co-developing principles and strategies for research partnerships to advance positive youth development through sport 90 000 $
Slavik, Catherine E. University of Oregon Exploring the information processing of a visual risk education tool: Can maps improve risk comprehension and mitigation? 90 000 $
Smith, Julia J. University of Calgary Individual Responsibility in Epistemically Pernicious, Polarizing Online Environments 90 000 $
Sohm, Matthew G. University of British Columbia Capitalism from the Margins: Environment, Migration, Gender, and Labour in West Germany and Turkey, 1972-1988 90 000 $
Sorensen, Thomas K. University of Utah The Style of Democracy: Studies in Nineteenth Century American Nonfictional Prose 90 000 $
Spring, Lauren University of British Columbia Moral injury in the military and beyond: A forum theatre-based, community education-centred approach to supporting veterans and family members 90 000 $
Stang, Sarah M. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Pregnancy, Maternity, and Play: Analyzing the Portrayal, Reception, and Design of Mothers and Mothers-to-be in Video Games 90 000 $
Straus, Elizabeth University of Guelph Reimagining "good" parenting in a postfeminist and (post)pandemic world: Using digital storytelling to explore disabled parents' experiences 90 000 $
Sutcliffe, Jordan University of Toronto Examining parent-child emotion regulation and youth development in sport 90 000 $
Tan, Enda University of Maryland Differential prediction from early childhood of psychosocial outcomes: Social versus non-social inhibition 90 000 $
Tang, Cynthia L. University of Edinburgh "A Short Cut to Better Services": A Social History of Day Surgery and Post-Operative Patient Care in the British National Health Service, c.1950-2000 90 000 $
Tersigni, Elisa M. Northeastern University Converting Cuisine: The Christianization of Jewish and Islamic Foods in Early Modern Europe 90 000 $
Touizrar, Mohamed University of Toronto Sonic Luminosities: Texture, Temporality, and Sonority in Post-tonal Depictions of Light 90 000 $
Vani, Madison F. University of Toronto Body surveillance and body-related embarrassment influence sport performance in adolescence 90 000 $
Vanzella Yang, Adam P. Université de Montréal The intergenerational transmission of social class: Examining the role of psychosocial problems in childhood 90 000 $
Vipond, Evan (Sharon) Carleton University Beyond Trans Rights: Decertifying Sex/Gender in Canada 90 000 $
Waldispuehl, Elena Université du Québec à Montréal Engagement féministe en ligne : analyse comparative des effets de la fatigue émotionnelle au temps du Web social 90 000 $
Wallace-Hare, David Université Concordia Before bees left: Locating urban beekeeping in the past 90 000 $
Weideman, Julian University of Toronto National Islams in Global History: Orientalism, Decolonization, and State-Building in the 20th Century 90 000 $
Wigginton, Michael J. Carleton University Electoral systems, candidate recruitment, and women's descriptive representation: A comparative study of advanced democracies 90 000 $
Wilson, Vernon K. University of Victoria Gitxsan Intellectual Property Law 90 000 $
Winfield, Taylor P. Université McGill (Re)socialization, Resistance, and Resilience in South African Women's Prisons 90 000 $
Wong, Tracy University of Toronto A longitudinal study on the association between online self-presentation and mental health and well-being among emerging adults in post-secondary school 90 000 $
Wylie, Breanne E.R. University of Southern California The influence of question type on children's reports: A multi-methodological approach examining the pitfalls of questions with dual meanings, and implications for child witness questioning 90 000 $
Yuan, Felix University of British Columbia Social-environmental drivers for non-material visions of a good life under transformative change 90 000 $
Zhang, Yi Ran Angela Harvard University Race Formations in Mediterranean Europe, 1350-1600 90 000 $
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