Ada Tchoukou, Julie |
Université d'Ottawa |
Legal Development and Post-modern Africa: A Case for the Legal Regulation of Cultural Violence against Girls in Nigeria |
60 000 $ |
Adam, Edmund |
University of Toronto |
The Impact of Global Rankings on Funding |
40 000 $ |
Adams, Alisha |
University of Otago |
From the mouths of babes: weaning, diet, and stress in Neolithic Northern Vietnam |
60 000 $ |
Afiouni, Rania |
Université McGill |
A Study of the Evolving Nature of the Radiologist's Job in the Age of AI: A Job Crafting Perspective |
40 000 $ |
Ainsley, Martin J. |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Askew: a novel of colonial British Columbia |
60 000 $ |
Akbary, Sayed Hamid |
University of Calgary |
Shift in gender roles and masculine status: Examining how the gender dilemmas in post-migration experiences of Muslim men impact their social integration in Canada |
40 000 $ |
Allard-Gaudreau, Noémie |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
Entrevues d'enquête auprès d'enfants victimes d'agression sexuelle : une analyse sociopragmatique du discours des victimes |
40 000 $ |
Allen, Jeffrey J. |
University of Toronto |
Suburbanization of poverty and adverse travel behaviour outcomes in Canadian cities |
80 000 $ |
Ally, Shuaib |
University of Toronto |
The Process of the Integration of Linguistic Analysis (Pragmatics) into Quran Commentaries from the 11th to the 14th C |
20 000 $ |
Alston, Lauren |
University of Alberta |
The impacts of school-based gay-straight-alliance clubs on student academic achievement and emotional wellbeing in urban and rural Alberta |
80 000 $ |
Amiro, Fae E. |
McMaster University |
The Portraiture of the Empress Sabina |
20 000 $ |
Anaquod, Jennifer |
University of British Columbia |
Where we are from: Stories of place, displacement and third-space |
20 000 $ |
Andersen, Grant T. |
Université York |
Democracy and the Order of Knowledge in Historical Perspective |
40 000 $ |
Andre, Gwenaelle |
Simon Fraser University |
Adolescents' experiences of digital literacy practices |
80 000 $ |
Andrews, Derek W. |
Dalhousie University |
Mental Competence and the Right to Die: Dementia and Medical Aid in Dying |
60 000 $ |
Anka, Jaiya A. |
University of Victoria |
Interwoven identities: portraiture and the spaces between 'East' and 'West' in Renaissance Venice |
60 000 $ |
Anstey, Hannah |
University of Regina |
An Intersectional Approach to Investigating Gender Based Microaggressions |
80 000 $ |
Aslam, Awish |
Western University |
Second-generation Canadian Muslim women and their work experiences |
40 000 $ |
Aubry, Philip-Emmanuel |
Université McGill |
L'économiste en tant que théoricien politique : Max Weber, Joseph Schumpeter et Karl Polanyi |
80 000 $ |
Aucoin, Philip M. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Math anxiety and performance: Understanding the role of feeling threatened by math |
80 000 $ |
Badawy, Philip |
University of Toronto |
The Paradox of Control: Investigating the Nature and Implications of Time and Task Control with a Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Design |
40 000 $ |
Bafghinia, Mandana |
Université de Montréal |
The architecture of the skyscraper's summit and its effect on the representation and experience of the urban skyline |
40 000 $ |
Baillargeon, Justin |
Université York |
Comparing and Curating Virtual Reality Experiences in Canada |
20 000 $ |
Baker, Joseph L. |
Université McGill |
Knowing by Habit: the Origins of Ethical Knowledge in Aristotle |
80 000 $ |
Bakos, Cassandra |
Simon Fraser University |
The professional evolution of primary teachers, utilising technology for teaching mathematics |
40 000 $ |
Baldwin, Christopher J. |
University of Toronto |
An Empire of Plunder Maritime Violence in the British Caribbean 1689 1763 |
40 000 $ |
Baldwin, Danielle |
Carleton University |
Developing a Comprehensive Model of Shame |
80 000 $ |
Ball, Tanya C. |
University of Alberta |
Li Jhyaab is My Cousin: Michif Storytelling and Religiosity in St. Ambroise, Manitoba |
80 000 $ |
Bambrah, Veerpal |
Université York |
What does it mean to be boredom prone? Exploring the role of poor self-regulation |
80 000 $ |
Bardaxoglou, Sarah |
Université McGill |
Inégalités de deuxième génération dans le milieu universitaire: un défi pour le droit et l'égalité |
80 000 $ |
Barnett, Rachel A. |
McMaster University |
Local Political Parties and Diverse Candidates in Canadian Cities |
40 000 $ |
Bartel, Sara |
Dalhousie University |
Social networks and substance use: A longitudinal study of social influence |
40 000 $ |
Bateman, Dylan S. |
University of British Columbia |
(Un)Borderings: Shape-Shifting as Resistance in Contemporary Texts on Turtle Island |
60 000 $ |
Batist, Zachary |
University of Toronto |
Investigating how information infrastructures frame archaeological practice |
40 000 $ |
Baugh, Leah |
University of British Columbia |
Partner Trust after Childhood Maltreatment: A Mixed-Method Approach with Veterans |
80 000 $ |
Beamer, Kate M. |
University of Calgary |
Educating the silenced: A hermeneutic inquiry into the use of the novel to educate adolescent undisclosed child sexual abuse survivors |
60 000 $ |
Beboua, Pascal Blaise |
Université d'Ottawa |
De l'affinité élective entre milieu religieux et engagement civique chez les immigrants récents (post-1965): le cas des protestants évangéliques Chinois de Toronto |
20 000 $ |
Béchard, Benoît |
Université Laval |
Le rôle de l'intuition dans la prise de décisions des politiciens |
40 000 $ |
Bechard-Torres, Edward |
Université McGill |
Realizing Socio-Economic Rights: Investigating Two Distinct Paths of Judicial Enforcement |
80 000 $ |
Belafi, Veronica |
Columbia University |
Energy Poetics: Writing Carbon in the Twentieth Century |
40 000 $ |
Bélanger Sabourin, Catherine |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Interventions de proximité avec des familles en situation de vulnérabilité: coconstruire le sens des situations et de la pratique |
20 000 $ |
Bélanger, Audrey |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Enseigner la lecture littéraire et la pensée historienne au secondaire: une recherche développement autour d'un roman historique évoquant l'Holocauste |
80 000 $ |
Beninger, Christina G. |
University of Cape Town |
Seeking access to justice for gender-based violence in transitional and plural legal contexts: Lessons for rule of law development programming |
80 000 $ |
Bennett, Arlana |
University of Alberta |
Co-producing knowledge of chronic wasting disease with Indigenous partners |
80 000 $ |
Bernier, Emmanuel |
Université Laval |
Tous corrompus? Argent, influence et politique provinciale au Québec (1920-2015) |
80 000 $ |
Berry, Gabrielle J.M. |
Université McGill |
The Sound of Silence: Listening to Sign Language in Popular Film and Television |
80 000 $ |
Bérubé, Éloi |
McMaster University |
The Relationship between Humans and their Environment in the Everyday Life and Ritual Practices of the Zapotecs at Monte Albán, Oaxaca, Mexico (500 BC to 750 AD): Paleoethnobotanical Research |
80 000 $ |
Biernacki, Paulina |
Stanford University |
Promoting Test Fairness for English Language Learners with Disabilities |
60 000 $ |
Blampied, Thomas E. |
University of Toronto |
The power and responsibilities of "Ontario's Development Road": the Ontario Northland Railway, the Omushkego and provincial colonialism, 1900-present |
60 000 $ |
Blouin, Jocelyn |
University of Saskatchewan |
Resilience and adults' pursuit of leisure time physical activity: Prediction and change |
40 000 $ |
Boileau, Elizabeth Y.S. |
Lakehead University |
How do forest school experiences shape children's empathy and care for the environment? |
20 000 $ |
Boisvert, Marie-Ève |
Université de Montréal |
Vers une compréhension intégrée de l'industrie osseuse des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent |
80 000 $ |
Boivin, Marie-Pier |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Le fonctionnement multidimensionnel de l'individu au travail : conceptualisation et développement d'un instrument de mesure validé |
40 000 $ |
Bone, Heather |
University of Toronto |
Do User Ratings Help Mitigate Risk? Evaluating the Importance of User Feedback on Online Drug Markets |
80 000 $ |
Boublil, Shachar |
Université Laval |
La gravité einsteinienne: conception, réalisation et analyse de l'ingénierie de l'enseignement au secondaire |
80 000 $ |
Bouchard, Karen |
Université Laval |
Indigenous Self-government and Extractive Resource Development in the Canadian and Norwegian Arctic |
80 000 $ |
Boulé, Jessica |
University of Guelph |
The Positive Life Experiences of Older Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Adults Living in Southern Ontario: A Community and Arts-Based Research Initiative |
80 000 $ |
Bouvier, Victoria |
University of Calgary |
Michif nishtoohtamhk didaan enn grann vil (Metis understanding in the city) |
40 000 $ |
Bragoli-Barzan, Léa |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Lien entre le contexte social et les configurations identitaires des immigrants |
40 000 $ |
Breton-Demeule, Charles |
Université Laval |
Vers une approche territorialiste de la protection juridique du patrimoine culturel québécois? |
60 000 $ |
Brewster, Barbara Jane M. |
University of Prince Edward Island |
Expressive writing as a treatment for math anxiety in female college preparatory students |
80 000 $ |
Bricka, Ivan |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
La dimension sémantique des contenus représentationnels et la nouvelle génération de l'intelligence artificielle |
40 000 $ |
Brisson, Ariane |
Université de Montréal |
Agogique de la musique d'hier à aujourd'hui ou la transcription musicale comme outil créatif |
60 000 $ |
Brown, Christopher D.P. |
University of Calgary |
The Haunted North: Counter-Narratives of the Indian Agent in the Canadian North-West |
40 000 $ |
Bubak, Oldrich |
McMaster University |
Explaining Policy Divergence in Integrated Polities |
40 000 $ |
Buchanan, Rachel |
Université McGill |
Considering Indigeneity in Uganda's education system |
80 000 $ |
Buchinski, Alexander J. |
Indiana University, Bloomington |
The Conceptual Interpretation of Kant's Transcendental Idealism |
40 000 $ |
Bullock, Nerida |
Simon Fraser University |
Crimes of Commitment: A Queer Critique of the Supreme Court of British Columbia Charter Reference on Polygamy |
60 000 $ |
Burgess, Julianne |
Brock University |
Community resilience: Learning from/with young adult Syrian refugees in Ontario |
40 000 $ |
Burns, Robyn L. |
University of Waterloo |
Gentrification of the 'Gayborhood' in North End Halifax, Nova Scotia |
80 000 $ |
Burns, Samara E. |
University of Toronto |
A Logic for Situated Belief Revision |
80 000 $ |
Butler, Michael Blake |
Western University |
Arctic unicorns: A history of human interactions with narwhals |
60 000 $ |
Butterfield, Julian |
McMaster University |
The Pusa yingluo benye jing and Buddhist Initiation in Early Medieval Chinese Society |
80 000 $ |
Buzzell, Andrew W. |
Université York |
Does Cognitivist Explanation Require A Naturalized Theory of Representation? |
80 000 $ |
Cameron, Sheena E. |
University of Toronto |
Stories of Relation, Resistance and Resilience: Transformative Counter Narratives in the Environmental Justice Movement |
40 000 $ |
Campana, Christine |
Western University |
The long poem in transit: Indigenous, diasporic, and settler women's contemporary writing in Canada |
40 000 $ |
Campbell, Warren C. |
University of Notre Dame |
Textual Archives, Literary Migration, and the History of Jewish-Christian Relations: The Case of the Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions |
60 000 $ |
Campeau, Kathryn |
University of Toronto |
Differentiating human skeletal remains through elemental analysis |
40 000 $ |
Carlson, Jonathan |
Carleton University |
The Relationship between Indigenous Labour and Self-Determination |
40 000 $ |
Carpenter, Justin R. |
University of Waterloo |
Authorship, Agency, and Emergence: Generative Approaches in Pale Fire; Green Grass, Running Water; and No Man's Sky |
20 000 $ |
Carpentier, Tania |
Université de Montréal |
Évaluation de l'implantation et des impacts d'une intervention visant la communication sociale auprès d'élèves du primaire présentant un trouble du comportement |
40 000 $ |
Castellanos, Mariana |
École nationale d'administration publique |
Les transformations des institutions publiques à l'aube d'une nouvelle politique culturelle au Québec |
40 000 $ |
Castonguay-Khounsombath, Sonn |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Les relations entre l'adhésion aux croyances et préjugés vis-à-vis la violence sexuelle et les formes de violence sexuelle subies en milieu universitaire selon le genre chez les é universitaires |
80 000 $ |
Chalk, Alex |
Université York |
Producing Play: TRPG Culture and the Political Economy of Actual Play Media |
60 000 $ |
Chang, Jie |
Université Concordia |
Is emotional differentiation good for you? It depends on the cultural context |
80 000 $ |
Charest-Bourdon, Noémie |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Le malade, le maire et le magistrat: la difficile reconnaissance d'un droit aux soins de santé au Québec (1921-1970) |
60 000 $ |
Charron, Renee |
Université Concordia |
Drawing from the Architectural Body |
80 000 $ |
Chassé, William |
Université Laval |
Subir le changement d'empire : le sort des communautés françaises des Grands Lacs, du pays des Illinois et de la vallée de l'Ohio, 1720 à 1775 |
80 000 $ |
Chattoraj, Ananya |
University of Calgary |
Understanding modal reasoning in non-fundamental science |
60 000 $ |
Cheng, Michèle P. |
University of British Columbia |
An exploration of social constructivist constructs in reading interventions |
40 000 $ |
Cheng, Siu Mee |
Ryerson University |
Collective Case Study on Healthcare and Social Services Integration for Older Adults in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta |
40 000 $ |
Cherney, Katrina |
Université McGill |
Subjective financial wellbeing during young adulthood: The role of debt |
20 000 $ |
Chong, Samantha M. |
Lakehead University |
The Investigation of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis among Pathological Narcissists |
40 000 $ |
Chrétien-Vincent, Myriam |
Université Laval |
Accompagner l'éducateur en milieu de garde incluant un enfant ayant un trouble du spectre de l'autisme par une meilleure compréhension des manifestations sensorielles pour favoriser sa participation sociale |
40 000 $ |
Chutter, Jennifer A. |
Simon Fraser University |
Palimpsests and Placemaking: an investigation of Vancouver as home |
40 000 $ |
Clermont, Guillaume |
Université libre de Bruxelles |
Des différents modes de diffusion de l'oeuvre d'art: l'improbable comme générateur de sens en art actuel |
40 000 $ |
Clouston, Nicole E. |
Université York |
Enmeshed Selves |
20 000 $ |
Cloutier, Meagan N. |
University of Calgary |
The Gendered Division of Labour in Constituency Offices: The Consequences for Women in Canadian Politics |
80 000 $ |
Cole, Lindsay |
University of British Columbia |
Expanding Theoretical Foundations and Evaluation Practice in Public Sector Innovation Labs to Increase Their Beneficial Impacts |
60 000 $ |
Collis, Susan |
Queen's University |
From settler colonial to capital colonial relations: How neoliberal law is rewriting Canada's legal infrastructure of colonialism |
20 000 $ |
Comtois, Nicolas |
Université de Montréal |
L'art de l'interprétation dans l'oeuvre de Pierre Hadot |
60 000 $ |
Constant Pruvost, Axel |
University of Sydney |
The concept of niche construction in the philosophy of biomedicine |
80 000 $ |
Copeland, Anastasia V.M. |
Simon Fraser University |
The Lesbian Show: The evolution of marginalized voices in Canadian Audio Media |
60 000 $ |
Cormier, Lauren A. |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
In their own words: Examining sexual assault from the perpetrator's perspective |
60 000 $ |
Correia, Vanessa |
University of Waterloo |
Harm Reduction for Corporations |
40 000 $ |
Courteau, Clément |
Université McGill |
Des grands récits médiévaux - poétique de la compilation |
80 000 $ |
Courteau, Emilie |
Université de Montréal |
Les processus neurocognitifs associés aux mécanismes d'acquisition du langage : une question de sémantique et de morphosyntaxe |
40 000 $ |
Coutu, Charlotte |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Faire voir l'invisible: fonctions de la négativité dans la représentation de la marginalité en littérature et au cinéma |
80 000 $ |
Croll-Baehre, Marta M. |
McMaster University |
Transing the North-American Neverland: Trans Conceptions of Single-Sex and All-Gender Spatialities |
80 000 $ |
Curlic, Vesna |
University of Oxford |
Medicine, Immigration, and Ethnicity in Britain, 1890-1914 |
80 000 $ |
Cyr, François-Xavier |
Université Laval |
Quel dialogue au sein du Conseil Cris-Québec sur la foresterie? Ethnographie d'une collaboration entre un État et une nation autochtone |
40 000 $ |
Czuy, Kori |
University of Calgary |
Ethno(mathematics): weaving together mathematical knowings through story |
20 000 $ |
Dakin, Cortney K. |
Western University |
Indigenous Energy Justice in Anishinaabeg Pipeline Resistance |
40 000 $ |
Daly, Owen |
Brock University |
A Multi-Method Approach to Understanding Affinity for Aloneness in Childhood and Adolescence |
80 000 $ |
Danckert, Paula |
University of Toronto |
The Role of the Dramaturg: Remaking Historiographies, Revisioning Relationships |
20 000 $ |
Danniels, Erica P. |
University of Toronto |
Supporting the inclusion of children with developmental disabilities in play-based pedagogy |
40 000 $ |
Davidson, Andrea H. |
University of Antwerp |
Constructing Adolescent Minds in Experimental Fiction for Young Readers: A Genetic Approach to the Dance series by Aidan Chambers |
80 000 $ |
de Weers, Noortje |
Simon Fraser University |
The effect of speaker ethnicity and accent on speech processing and speaker evaluation |
20 000 $ |
DeMaio, Peter N. |
McMaster University |
Supporting Mindfulness-based Interventions in Older Adults: A Qualitative Investigation |
80 000 $ |
Demeau, Elodie |
Université de Montréal |
Distribution spatiotemporelle de la criminalité à Montréal: Une évaluation de l'importance conceptuelle de la microtemporalité |
60 000 $ |
Demers, Hervé |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
La ville désindustrialisée comme lieu de survivance : une poétique cinématographique de l'après |
80 000 $ |
Dempsey, Erin E. |
Dalhousie University |
The Development of Moral Foundations in Autism Spectrum Disorder |
40 000 $ |
Denicourt-Fauvel, Camille |
University of Oxford |
Au nom de la démocratie. Entre impunité transitionnelle et extrême violence actuelle : Analyse à la lumière des cas du Brésil et du Chili post-transition |
80 000 $ |
Derrickson, Aaron N. |
University of British Columbia |
Leadership and Governance from a Syilx Perspective: Revitalization and Resurgence Resident in "Oraliture." A Contemporary Model of Tradition. (Armstrong, 2009, p.40) |
40 000 $ |
Desjardins Mooney, Zachary |
Columbia University |
Jean Hyppolite et la philosophie française (1938-1968) |
80 000 $ |
Desjardins, Bridgette |
Carleton University |
#WeAreHumboldt: The affect of white nationalism in Canada |
60 000 $ |
Desjardins, Émilie |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Évaluation d'une intervention de formation en manutention: à quelles conditions l'intervention s'avère rentable? |
80 000 $ |
Desmeules, Amélie |
Université Laval |
Analyse de la mise en place d'un dispositif de développement professionnel ancré dans une approche enactive lors de l'entrée en carrière d'enseignants et enseignantes à l'éducation préscolaire |
40 000 $ |
Di Lonardo, Sabrina M. |
Carleton University |
Learning from mistakes: Intelligent tutors for common math misconceptions |
60 000 $ |
D'Itri, Michael |
Université McGill |
Milton and Posthumanism: The Tenuous Ontological Divides of Paradise Lost |
80 000 $ |
Dixon, James |
University of Saskatchewan |
The political economy of the Canadian opioid crisis in four Western Canadian centres: An exploratory case study |
20 000 $ |
Dizdar, Ivana |
Harvard University |
Critical horizons: North American landscape painting as a site of institutional critique |
80 000 $ |
Doering, Sara |
Simon Fraser University |
Understanding terrorism in Canada: A model of municipal variation in terrorist incidents |
80 000 $ |
Drago, Alessandro |
Université McGill |
From the Bedroom to the Streets: How White Supremacists Recruit and Mobilize |
60 000 $ |
Dudko, Oksana |
University of Toronto |
Recycled Soldiers: War, Violence, and Identity on the Eastern Front (1914-1920) |
40 000 $ |
Dufoe, Nicole |
University of Toronto |
Meanwhile: Sleep and the Victorian Novel |
40 000 $ |
Duguay, Michèle |
City University of New York |
Gendering Musical Spaces in Experimental and Popular Music |
40 000 $ |
Dunbar Winsor, Katharine |
Université Concordia |
The days are long, but the years are short: Motherhood and substance use in Canadian prison and parole |
80 000 $ |
Dunbar, James |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Cohabitation, Marriage, and Childbearing in The Welfare State |
40 000 $ |
Dunleavy, Matthew |
Université York |
Writing Work and the Work of Writing: The Reform Work of Clementina Black and Margaret Harkness, 1880-1915 |
20 000 $ |
Dupéré, Geneviève |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
écH2osystème : Du Fleuve à la scène |
60 000 $ |
Dupuis, Jérémie B. |
Université de Moncton |
Social Determinants of Health on Probabilities of Academic Achievement and Mental Health for New Brunswick Youth: A Bayesian Predictive Model |
60 000 $ |
Dupuis, Rosemary |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Geographies of trauma: Refugee women's well-being from camp to Kipling street, are global health policies and practices gender-responsive? |
40 000 $ |
Dysart, Taylor |
University of Pennsylvania |
Portable Healing: Hallucinogenic Plant Medicines in the Human and Life Sciences Between the Peruvian Amazon and North America, 1948-2018 |
60 000 $ |
Elias, Paula Veronica |
University of Toronto |
Young adults and Ontario's Literacy and Basic Skills pathway to postsecondary education |
60 000 $ |
Ellis, Heather C. |
Western University |
Aftershocks: The Psychological Cost of the First World War in Canada |
60 000 $ |
Elsaadawy, Norhan |
University of Toronto |
Good Judges of Meta-Perception: Who are they and how do they do it? |
80 000 $ |
Empey, Julia A. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
She Becoming It Becoming She: Sex Robots and Embodied Subjectivities |
60 000 $ |
Enel, Lucie |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Les enjeux relationnels des nouvelles structurations sociales du travail à l'ère numérique |
40 000 $ |
Engstrom, Holly |
University of British Columbia |
Investigating why socioeconomic status (SES) is related to how people believe others see them, how this impacts risk-taking and inequality, and how intervening can improve outcomes for low SES people |
80 000 $ |
Evans, Vanessa K. |
Université York |
Leaving the Land Before Time: The Planetary Presence of Indigenous World Literatures |
20 000 $ |
Fang, Bingxu |
University of Toronto |
The informational role of non-financial performance measures in the bond market |
40 000 $ |
Farina-Schroll, Andreas |
Université de Montréal |
Le scepticisme hégélien comme liberté de la subjectivité : le décloisonnement de la finitude |
80 000 $ |
Farmer, Julia R. |
University of Alberta |
Raising Readers: The Impact of Parental Attitudes Toward Pleasure Reading on the Development of Child Reading Orientation and Motivation |
80 000 $ |
Fassi-Fihri, Hatim |
HEC Montréal |
Des communautés en consensus |
20 000 $ |
Favreau, Julien |
McMaster University |
Geochemical Sourcing of Stone Tools at Olduvai Gorge |
80 000 $ |
Fergie, Dexter |
Northwestern University - Illinois |
Geopolitics in Orbit: The United States and Global Satellite Communications |
60 000 $ |
Fernandez, Amanda K. |
University of Calgary |
Attention Biases and Wellbeing Within the Family |
40 000 $ |
Figueiredo Pereira de Faria, Ane Cristina |
Université du Manitoba |
How Environmental Degradation Affects Basic Human Needs and Food Security in Fragile States: A Comparative Study of Somalia and South Sudan |
60 000 $ |
Filiatrault, Jean-François |
Université de Montréal |
Transformation des marchés de l'emploi et modes d'accès au travail chez les personnes handicapées |
80 000 $ |
Fiorentino, Carlos A. |
University of Alberta |
Rich Prospect Taxonomy on Structural Colour: A Tool for Research to Connect Nature and Design |
20 000 $ |
Forcier, Eric R. |
Swinburne University of Technology |
Grounded in Convergence: Information Behaviours of Transmedia Fan Communities |
60 000 $ |
Forrest, Nikki |
Université Concordia |
From Experimental to Ecological: Non-Binary Approaches to Sound Art Practice |
80 000 $ |
Fortin-Guichard, Daniel |
Université Laval |
Le profil cognitif comme agent de rétention dans le sport: Le cas de la position occupée au volley-ball |
20 000 $ |
Foshay, Jeff E. |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Understanding the Role of Coping in the Use of Unwanted Pursuit Behaviours in Young Adulthood |
20 000 $ |
Franco Vazquez, Abigail |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Identifying and Evaluating the Role of Ethical Capital in the Performance of Social Enterprises |
60 000 $ |
Frappier, Daniel |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Le « devenir-peinture » de la musique et le « devenir-musique » de la peinture sous le régime esthétique des arts |
40 000 $ |
Friesen, Laura S. |
University of Alberta |
How do Psychologists Win the Trust of Clients in Rural Culture Communities? |
40 000 $ |
Fuller, Erin K. |
Simon Fraser University |
The identification of culturally-informed risk and protective factors for violence in emerging adults |
80 000 $ |
Gagnon, Audrey |
Université Concordia |
Les voies de l'engagement idéologique et militant radical au Québec |
40 000 $ |
Gagnon-Legault, Maryse |
Université McGill |
A soloist perspective on early 19th century German clarinet repertoire |
80 000 $ |
Gallucci, Alissa T. |
University of Calgary |
Understanding the School Integration of Newcomer Youth Through a Case Study Exploration |
40 000 $ |
Gaudette-Leblanc, Aimée |
Université Laval |
L'impact de la participation à un programme d'éducation musicale en dyade parent-enfant sur le développement de la relation d'attachement et le développement du jeune enfant |
20 000 $ |
Gauvin, Mitchell J. |
Université York |
Rhetoric and the Literary Text as a Technology of Citizenship |
40 000 $ |
Gennis, Hannah G. |
Université York |
Operationalizing the construct of child emotion regulation: impact of caregiver factors |
40 000 $ |
Germann, Fraser K. |
University of British Columbia |
In the Footsteps of a Demon King |
20 000 $ |
Ghazal, Jenan |
Carleton University |
The wall, the line and the square: investigating spatial violence in Beirut |
40 000 $ |
Gidaris, Constantine |
McMaster University |
Re-Imagining Everyday Carcerality in an Age of Surveillance and (In)Security |
40 000 $ |
Giffen, Robyn L. |
University of Victoria |
WAYKing Up Endangered Languages: An Analysis of the WAYK Teaching and Learning Method in Language Revitalization |
80 000 $ |
Gill, Louis-Nascan |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Mise au point d'un programme d'intervention basé sur la présence attentive pour favoriser l'engagement scolaire |
80 000 $ |
Girard-Joyal, Olivier |
Université de Montréal |
Le trouble du déficit de l'attention/hyperactivité : une porte d'entrée vers une meilleure compréhension de la créativité ? |
40 000 $ |
Godbout, Ariane |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Citoyenneté de fait et citoyenneté d'expérience: les modalités de la mobilisation politique à La Rochelle entre 1614 et 1650 |
80 000 $ |
Godfrey, Michael J. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Cultural diversity within interdependent sport team contexts |
40 000 $ |
Goldstein, Laura |
Université York |
Validation of a novel coding tool for nonverbal behavior during the adult attachment interview (AAI) |
80 000 $ |
Gordon, Tiffany M. |
Dalhousie University |
Incarceration and Collective Responsibility for Historical Wrongdoing |
40 000 $ |
Granger, Steven |
University of Calgary |
Workplace Injuries and Mental Health |
40 000 $ |
Gray, Christina |
University of Calgary |
Emotions and Social Perspective-Taking in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |
40 000 $ |
Greer, Eleanor |
School of Advanced Studies, University of London |
Scholarship and Status: Tension in the Intellectual and Material History of Book Collecting in the 18th Century |
60 000 $ |
Groat, Cody W. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Politics and Plaques: Indigenous People and the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, 1919-2019 |
60 000 $ |
Groh, Benjamin L. |
University of Calgary |
Historical Modernities: Democratizing Allegory in the Works of Walter Benjamin |
60 000 $ |
Gruno, Jennifer B. |
University of Victoria |
Nature based physical activity and its benefits to adolescent girls' self determined motivation |
40 000 $ |
Guay-Boutet, Charles |
Université McGill |
The financialization of the Canadian oil sector |
60 000 $ |
Guertin, Marc-André |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
La formation relative à l'environnement des élus municipaux québécois - enjeux socioécologiques, fondements et stratégies |
40 000 $ |
Guzman Martin, Esther |
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna |
Queering Ghosts: memories of queer resilience during Spanish fascism |
80 000 $ |
Gwathmey, Matthew O. |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Inside A Dog: A Novel |
40 000 $ |
Habib, Rishad |
University of British Columbia |
Motivating prosocial behaviour through benefit appeal type and group membership |
40 000 $ |
Hadziosmanovic, Maida |
Université Concordia |
An alternative to corporate greenhouse gas emissions accounting: modelling emissions using business factors |
60 000 $ |
Half, Judy M. |
University of Calgary |
Nehiyaw Ontology and Heritage: Revitalizing the Sacred Stories of Little Hunters Band in Alberta |
60 000 $ |
Halvorsen, Jeffery J. |
University of Calgary |
White male social justice allyship: Engagement, commitments, and tensions |
60 000 $ |
Hamelin, Gabrielle M. |
Université de Montréal |
La circulation défendue des savoirs bibliques : évolution des pratiques hétérodoxes de traduction de la Bible en italien à Venise (1596 à 1660) |
60 000 $ |
Hancock, Amanda J. |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Employee attitudes and outcomes after a leader discloses a stigmatized identity |
40 000 $ |
Harbec, Marie-Josée |
Université de Montréal |
Liens bidirectionnels entre les trajectoires développementales de participation au sport organisé et celles du développement psychosocial chez des élèves du primaire |
40 000 $ |
Harris, Sheereen M. |
McMaster University |
Investigating Learned Industriousness and Decision-Making |
80 000 $ |
Harris-Brandts, Suzanne |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Constructing the post-socialist capital: Identity contestation in urban development, event programming, and branding |
20 000 $ |
Harrison, Helen F. |
Western University |
The lived experience of peer mentoring in an undergraduate program: an hermeneutic phenomenological study |
40 000 $ |
Hatabi, Miriam |
Université d'Ottawa |
La construction discursive de la violence : analyse du discours sur le féminicide dans l'État de Oaxaca |
80 000 $ |
Healey, Priscilla L. |
University of Victoria |
Street involved youth: Pathways to adulthood |
60 000 $ |
Hébert-Ratté, Roxanne |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Jeux de rôle massivement multijoueurs et leurs conséquences : une analyse par profils |
40 000 $ |
Henri-Garand, Laure |
Université de Montréal |
Écrire entre les genres et les formes : interdépendance des poétiques littéraire et journalistique chez Albert Laberge et Jean-Aubert Loranger |
40 000 $ |
Hequet, Céline |
Université McGill |
L'impact des mesures d'austérité dans les services publics de soin sur le temps de travail domestique selon le sexe |
60 000 $ |
Heystee, Bryan W. |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
The Impact of Technology on Contemporary Society in the thought of George Grant |
80 000 $ |
Hinton, Lucy |
University of Waterloo |
Nutrition Transition Governance: Lessons for Policy and Partnerships |
40 000 $ |
Ho, Jennifer A. |
McMaster University |
People with Disabilities and Meaningful Employment Outcomes: What Factors Contribute to the Job Carving Negotiation? |
80 000 $ |
Hogan, Jessica L. |
University of St Andrews |
Winds of Change: Barriers to Acceptance of Wind Turbines in Ontario and Scotland |
80 000 $ |
Hoover, Bradley J. |
University of Oxford |
François Delsarte at the opera: an harmonic system of artistic expression |
80 000 $ |
Howlett, Marnie L.A. |
London School of Economics and Political Science |
Rethinking Ukrainian from the Cartographic Peripheries: Borders, Boundaries, and National Identities |
60 000 $ |
Hudec, Mariah |
University of Guelph |
Women and the Supernatural in Nineteenth-Century Scottish Writing |
20 000 $ |
Hurly, Jane |
University of Alberta |
Exploring leisure in the wellbeing and sense of belonging of African refugees in Canada |
40 000 $ |
Ignatovich, Elena |
University of British Columbia |
Lifelong education in the era of multiple modernities: A study of USSR and Russian policies 1917-2018 |
40 000 $ |
Ireland, Leanna J. |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Uber for Cops: The Effects of Mobile Applications on Citizen Reporting and Police Interaction |
40 000 $ |
Issi, Cynthia |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
Waste Histories from Beirut: Toward a Methodology of Environmental Justice in Visual Culture |
60 000 $ |
Jacob, Christine |
University of Toronto |
Palliative poetics: early modern lyric as physic |
80 000 $ |
Jagger, Patricia L. |
University of Alberta |
Being feminist ~ becoming teacher: Negotiating feminist identities, pedagogies, and emotion through collaborative film |
40 000 $ |
Jalsevac, John |
University of Toronto |
Memory, mnemonics, and moral perception: Thomas Aquinas' philosophy of memory |
80 000 $ |
Jamieson, Brittany |
Ryerson University |
Unpacking mother-infant regulatory attunement: Advancement of a theoretical and empirical model |
40 000 $ |
Jamil, Rawa |
University of Windsor |
Mental Health and Well-Being in Arab Canadian Immigrants |
40 000 $ |
Janssen, William F. |
Brock University |
Thinking (and thinking...) about perfection: A test of the Perfectionism Cognitions Theory |
80 000 $ |
Jiao, Ziqian |
University of British Columbia |
Addressing discrimination of people who use drugs within public sector services: A case study |
40 000 $ |
Jodoin Léveillée, Maude |
Université de Montréal |
L'héritage des Nanas Benz: trajectoires d'implication des revendeuses de pagne dans le milieu associatif loméen |
20 000 $ |
Johnson, Benjamin T. |
Université York |
The True North: remote and algorithmic security in the Canadian Arctic |
40 000 $ |
Johnson, Brittany |
University of Alberta |
Birthing Beaver: Sexual and Reproductive Justice in amiskwaciwâskahikan |
60 000 $ |
Jones, Alan M. |
University of Toronto |
A Narrative of Silence? Confronting the Memory of Nazi Crimes in West Germany, 1959-1965 |
80 000 $ |
Jones-Chick, Rachael |
Saint Mary's University |
Lead to innovation: the development of a leader training program to promote employee innovation |
80 000 $ |
Kabir, Mabruk |
University of Toronto |
Education in Crisis: Improving Gender Equity in Afghanistan |
60 000 $ |
Kalb, Natalie |
University of Toronto |
Understanding the Substance Use Behaviour of LGBQ People of Colour: The Role of Intersectional Microaggressions, Identity, and Collective Resilience |
40 000 $ |
Kane, Jocelyn M. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Lived experiences of stateless persons in Canada |
40 000 $ |
Kapron, Benjamin J. |
Université York |
Storying survivance of Land: Land as an agent and teacher of decolonization for settler Canadians - Case study: the Trent-Severn Waterway |
40 000 $ |
Karasewich, Tara A. |
Queen's University |
Situational Barriers to Young Children's Prosocial Behaviour |
40 000 $ |
Karim, Mariam |
University of Toronto |
Tracing transnational feminist solidarities: A study of Arab women's online collectives |
60 000 $ |
Karn, Sara E. |
Queen's University |
Passing the torch: Canadian youth and the social memory of the First World War, 1918-2018 |
80 000 $ |
Karunananthan, Meera |
Université d'Ottawa |
Women's Rights to the Thirsty City: A Comparative Analysis of Struggles for Water among Women living in Poverty in Cape Town and Bangalore |
40 000 $ |
Kelly-Turner, Ken |
Université Concordia |
Examining Beliefs about Losing Control: A Multimethod Investigation |
80 000 $ |
Kempton, Allen |
University of Toronto |
Crossroads in digital gaming: metaplay, communication, interaction |
20 000 $ |
Kenney, Theresa N. |
McMaster University |
Imagining Asexual Citizenship: Queerly Alternative (Digital) Practices of Relation in Conceptions of Belonging |
80 000 $ |
Kernan, Luke |
University of Victoria |
Madness and Myth in Graphic Narratives--A Case Study of Recovery Communities of Practice |
60 000 $ |
Kinakin, Emma |
University of Toronto |
Inter-temporal Climate Change Treaties with Adaptation |
80 000 $ |
King, Clare L. |
Western University |
Follow the Leader: Understanding Genre and Canon Formation Through a Case Study of Nümetal Music |
40 000 $ |
Kirley, Michael P.M. |
University of Toronto |
The Agent Standpoint and the Structure of Actions |
60 000 $ |
Korytko, Joel F. |
University of Oxford |
The "Law of the Land" in the land of the Lagides: the influence of Hellenistic law upon the Greek translation of Exodus 21-23:19 |
80 000 $ |
Kovalchuk, Alexander |
McMaster University |
Sovereign as Sanctified? Sanctuary Toronto in Graphic Novel |
40 000 $ |
Kowalski, Christopher M. |
Western University |
Development and Validation of the Rumination Domains Questionnaire |
80 000 $ |
Kunimoto, Erica |
University of Toronto |
A Genealogy of Desire: Recovering Authentic Desire in a Good Life |
80 000 $ |
Kuri, Erin L. |
McMaster University |
Young mothers' experiences and views of support: A feminist arts based study |
40 000 $ |
Kuzucuoglu, Sahver N. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
The Jerrahi Sufis of Canada Experiences of a 'Minority Within a Minority' |
60 000 $ |
Kuzyk, Olivia |
Université Concordia |
Contextual changes in peer victimization: A longitudinal, cross-cultural analysis of the predictors of peer victimization in preadolescence and the moderating roles of anxiety and depressed affect |
80 000 $ |
Kyeremeh, Emmanuel K. |
Western University |
Immigrants' Networks and the Integration Process in Canada: A Case Study of Ghanaian Immigrants in the Greater Toronto Area |
40 000 $ |
Labonté, Thalie |
Université de Montréal |
La régulation émotionnelle comme variable médiatrice du lien entre les insécurités d'attachement et le bien-être sexuel chez une population de couples en détresse |
60 000 $ |
Labonté, Véronique |
Université Laval |
Le rôle des médias et des TIC dans la reconstruction mémorielle post-conflit : Analyse du discours entourant les projets de reconstruction patrimoniale en Bosnie-Herzégovine |
60 000 $ |
Labossière, Sophie |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Processus de développement des attitudes et comportements alimentaires problématiques pour les éètes universitaires |
80 000 $ |
Labrecque, Katherine |
Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Pratiques de sociabilité liées au visionnement de séries chez les jeunes adultes québécois : rôle dans la construction du rapport au monde |
60 000 $ |
Lachance, Valérie |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Profils d'empathie dispositionnelle chez les psychothérapeutes: Corrélats avec la personnalité et impact sur l'expression d'empathie |
40 000 $ |
Ladouceur, Patrick |
Université d'Ottawa |
Comprendre la justice sociale par la voix des militantes et des militants |
60 000 $ |
Laguë Maltais, Magalie |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Femmes magistrats et liturges en Grèce antique (Ier siècle avant J.-C.-IIIe siècle après J.-C.) |
80 000 $ |
Lambert, Danaël |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Développement d'un modèle explicatif de la maturation des organisations dans la gestion du développement durable |
60 000 $ |
Lamoureux, Samuel |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Linstitutionnalisation et la légitimation de léconomie néoclassique par la communication le cas de la Banque du Canada |
80 000 $ |
Lapierre, Andréanne |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Résolution de conflits dans les relations amoureuses à l'adolescence: variations quotidiennes du stress et de l'attachement comme facteurs situationnels menant à la violence |
20 000 $ |
Laszlo, Rita K. |
University of Toronto |
A Genealogy of Gullibility in German Literature and Theory |
60 000 $ |
Lavigne, Mathieu |
Université McGill |
Accessibilité des données sur les électeurs et efficacité des communications électorales |
80 000 $ |
Lavoie Mongrain, Catherine |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
La valeur de la "compagnie" des femmes : Pratiques et sens du sugar dating en contexte occidental contemporain |
60 000 $ |
Lawrence, Casey M. |
University of Dublin Trinity College |
The New Womanly Man: Crossdressing, androgyny, and transgenderism in Joyce and Woolf |
80 000 $ |
Leahy, Emily Catherine G. |
University of Toronto |
Settlement and National Mythmaking in the Fictionalized Canadian and American Prairies of the Late Nineteenth Century |
80 000 $ |
Lecoq, Garrett P. |
Carleton University |
Governing Death: The Right to Die and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms |
20 000 $ |
Lee, Angela |
Université d'Ottawa |
Saving the Planet and Feeding the People: Advancing Technology Justice in the Agri-Food Sector through Improved Law and Governance |
20 000 $ |
Lee, Chelsey M. |
Simon Fraser University |
The effectiveness of afterschool mentorship programs: An evaluation of the metro Vancouver YWCA Youth Education Programs |
80 000 $ |
Lee, Grayson F. |
University of Toronto |
Digital Imaginations Within/Without Capitalism: The South Korean Webtoon Industry and Its Transnational Narratives |
80 000 $ |
Lefebvre, Rachael |
University of Toronto |
The intersection of poverty and child maltreatment: Narrowing the gap in knowledge within the Canadian context |
40 000 $ |
Legg, Nicole K. |
University of Victoria |
Examining emotional consequences and trajectories of disordered eating in undergaduate females |
80 000 $ |
Lehoux-Jobin, Etienne |
Université de Montréal |
Cinéma québécois au Japon : circulation, traduction et réception |
60 000 $ |
Leibel, Miranda S. |
Carleton University |
"Getting it right for the kids?": Manufacturing scandal and transparency in provincial child death inquiries in Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario |
60 000 $ |
Leon-Carlyle, Michael R. |
Pennsylvania State University |
Feminist ethics of care and early twentieth century French and German epistemology |
40 000 $ |
Lepage-Richer, Théo |
Brown University |
Neural Media: On Machine Learning and the Reformulation of Knowledge |
60 000 $ |
Leroux, Maxime |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
La prise de décision lorsque l'information abonde : une application aux modèles macroéconomiques |
60 000 $ |
Leslie, Jason S. |
University of British Columbia |
Housing versus Finance: A Critique of Mortgage Securitization in Canada using the Human Capabilities Approach |
20 000 $ |
Leung, Enoch |
Université McGill |
Comparing attitudes and beliefs towards sexual education among pre-service and in-service educators in Quebec |
40 000 $ |
Leveau, Fanny |
Western University |
Métamorphose des corps ou redéfinition de l'humain chez les écrivaines contemporaines |
60 000 $ |
Levesque, Nataly |
Université Laval |
Marque humaine: comportement des fans et stratégies de marketing innovantes |
20 000 $ |
Lewis-Sing, Emma B. |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Plastic landscapes: an archaeological and heritage approach to places of ecological shame |
80 000 $ |
Lion, Vittoria L. |
University of Toronto |
"We are but everlasting animals": speculative Darwinism, the paleontology of the self, and the Surrealist adventure |
80 000 $ |
Lockwood, Ilana E. |
University of Toronto |
Optimizing outcomes for Indigenous justice-involved youth: A study of culturally tailored rehabilitation and firsthand accounts of pathways to success |
40 000 $ |
Logan, Emily C. |
University of British Columbia |
Managing Music Performance Anxiety Through Non-Medical Interventions |
40 000 $ |
Long, Austin J. |
University of Toronto |
Woolf and Hemingway: Style, Content, and Opposition as Products of the Press |
80 000 $ |
Lord Ferguson, Sarah L. |
Simon Fraser University |
Marketing, eWOM and the Modern Healthcare Consumer: Using Artificial Intelligence to Demystify Online Patient Reviews |
60 000 $ |
Louis, Dustin E. |
University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Trans-indigenous relationality through the migratory route of yellow breasted chats (Icteria virens auricollis) |
80 000 $ |
Lukacik, Eden-Raye A. |
University of Calgary |
Detecting Faking in Online Video Job Interviews |
40 000 $ |
Lummack, Robert A. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Reassessing understandings of contemporary conflict using a bottom-up approach: Appreciating the agency of military members within the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria and the war in Eastern Ukraine |
60 000 $ |
Luo, Yu |
University of British Columbia |
Sociocultural influences on climate change perception and action |
80 000 $ |
Lynch, Signy C. |
Université York |
Direct Audience Address: Inviting Emotion and Felt Immediacy in Contemporary Performance in Canada |
20 000 $ |
Ma, Cindy X. |
University of Oxford |
The troll academy: Irony and the politics of transgression in the "alt-lite" |
80 000 $ |
Ma, Dennis G. |
University of British Columbia |
Essays on organizing platforms: Towards a theory of platform organizing using Ethereum blockchain data |
20 000 $ |
MacDonald, Jennifer C. |
University of Calgary |
Re-Imagining Curriculum to Renew Ethical Relations with the Land |
20 000 $ |
MacDonald, Kristie L.A. |
Université York |
Documents from Antarctica |
40 000 $ |
Machado Araujo, Vanina Sofia |
University of Toronto |
Spontaneous Spanish: Prosodic alignment in the speech of speakers of Uruguayan Portuguese |
60 000 $ |
Mackay, Caroline L. |
Simon Fraser University |
How do moral convictions impact pro-environmental action? |
60 000 $ |
MacKenzie-Dale, Brittni |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Their Imperceptible Parts: Interrogating the Animal Industrial Complex Through Gothic Creative Writing |
80 000 $ |
Mackey, Wendy L. |
St. Francis Xavier University |
Transforming a School System through Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: An Instrumental Case Study |
20 000 $ |
MacKinnon, Marla J. |
University of Victoria |
Form and function: Adaptive responses of human pelvic morphology in forager populations |
40 000 $ |
MacLachlan, Janna L. |
University of Toronto |
Understanding rehabilitation from the perspective of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit |
40 000 $ |
MacNeil, Sasha |
Université Concordia |
Early Adversity, Attributional Style, and Negative Social Interactions in Adolescence: The Moderating Influence of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia |
60 000 $ |
MacQueen, Michelle |
Queen's University |
Resilient, Dissident, Restorative: Musical Communities and Counternarratives to Nova Scotian Identity |
80 000 $ |
Majnemer, Jacklyn |
London School of Economics and Political Science |
Understanding reneging: Why allies withdraw from nuclear sharing commitments |
40 000 $ |
Makovichuk, Lee |
University of Alberta |
Transitioning from Home to School: Researching Lived Experiences of Children, Parents, and Teachers |
60 000 $ |
Mallery, David |
Université York |
a relational framework for sustainability assessment |
40 000 $ |
Mario, Brittany L. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Mental Health and Prison Programming for Federally Sentenced Women in Canada |
40 000 $ |
Marquis, Alexandra R. |
Ryerson University |
Drawing links between infants social exposure and their recognition of emotion |
40 000 $ |
Martalogu, Alexandru |
University of Oxford |
Beyond change and continuity: local trading patterns under the first dynasties |
80 000 $ |
Mason, Elliot Allan |
Université Concordia |
Monsters on the Margins: Minority Identification With Monsters and the Monstrous |
40 000 $ |
Matheson, Lauren P. |
University of Victoria |
Does doing gender have to be part of doing parenthood? Household labour in same- and mixed-sex couples |
80 000 $ |
McAuley, Katherine R. |
University of Guelph |
Understanding barriers to behaviour change in vulnerable populations to inform and address community home safety programming |
80 000 $ |
McClure, Bryan M. |
Western University |
'Gave His Life for the Empire': Memory, Memorials and Identity in the British Empire after the First World War |
40 000 $ |
McConnell, Elysa I. |
Université d'Ottawa |
The Nation at the Periphery: Fascism and the Holocaust in the Northeastern Italian Borderlands, 1918-1948 |
20 000 $ |
McCutcheon, Shawn |
Université McGill |
Of Honest Men and Brutes : Education and Masculine Selfhood in the Laurentian Valley 1791-1840 |
40 000 $ |
McEvoy, Joshua |
Queen's University |
The glocal energy transition: (dis)assembling community renewable energy projects |
40 000 $ |
McFadden, Daniel |
University of Toronto |
Accident in Media: Imagining Complex Causality |
20 000 $ |
McKay, Jennifer L. |
University of Waterloo |
Conflict, Repression and Creating a Dictatorship in 1950s East Germany |
60 000 $ |
McKelvie, Sylvia |
Columbia University |
Courts of cognition: state violence and justice for disability communities in the post-welfare era |
80 000 $ |
McKeown, Ryder |
University of Toronto |
The Weaponization of the Social: Emerging Practices of Strategy in Space, Cyberspace and International Law |
40 000 $ |
McLay, Rachel J. |
Dalhousie University |
Political change and extremism in a "culture of defeat" |
80 000 $ |
McMahon, Nicole |
Western University |
Transgender Visibility in Western Democracies: Comparing Public Policy in Canada and Australia |
40 000 $ |
McTavish, Sarah C.R. |
University of Waterloo |
Exploring Queer Identity on the Early Internet, 1983-1999 |
40 000 $ |
Medvick, Amy K. |
Tulane University |
Queens and batuqueiras: race and gender in the transnational migrations of Brazilian maracatu-nação |
20 000 $ |
Mendonca, Brandon |
University of Guelph |
Writing to the Masses, not the 'Masseys': Agricultural Journalism, Cultural Nationalism and the Canadian Farm Writers' Federation, 1945-2003 |
40 000 $ |
Mian Akram, Ayesha K. |
University of Windsor |
Expose Fears, Not Women: Challenging Contradictions in Canada's Presumed Secularity |
40 000 $ |
Michelot, Florent |
Université de Montréal |
Pensée critique et compétences métalittéraciques d'étudiants sur Facebook : une étude de cas multiple dans trois universités de la francophonie |
20 000 $ |
Miller, Chris D. |
University of Waterloo |
Out of the Broom Closet and into the Academy: The Development of Contemporary Pagan Studies and the Impact of Scholarship on Legitimacy |
40 000 $ |
Mills, Erin |
University of Waterloo |
External drivers affecting nutrient management in the Lake Erie Basin: Implications for water governance |
40 000 $ |
Mockler, Patricia E. |
Queen's University |
Learning to be good citizens: long-form deliberative processes and lessons for democratic citizenship |
40 000 $ |
Moevus, Adrien |
Université McGill |
The Hidden Siddhas: The Importance of Adamantine Songs For Atisha and The Kadam Tradition |
80 000 $ |
Morgan-Thorp, Emma K. |
Université York |
Acting on Behalf of the Ocean: The Performative Politics of the Pipeline & Tanker Debate on the Pacific Coast of Canada |
40 000 $ |
Morin, Laurence |
Université de Montréal |
Présence attentive, régulation émotionnelle et satisfaction conjugale en contexte de transition parentale : une étude longitudinale intensive |
60 000 $ |
Morris, Heather M. |
University of Alberta |
Promoting a public health approach to Canada's opioid overdose epidemic: The role of bereaved mothers' media advocacy |
40 000 $ |
Mouland, Carolyn R. |
University of Toronto |
Remedying the right to life, liberty, and security |
80 000 $ |
Mouton, Gauthier |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
La sécurisation du secteur énergétique en Chine depuis la fin des années 1970 |
40 000 $ |
Mullen, Faye C. |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Architecture décoloniale : Déconstruction du mur par la démarche artistique visant la frontière transdisciplinaire en Art Contemporain depuis 2000 |
40 000 $ |
Munroe, Melanie |
University of Toronto |
Exploring Pathways from Growth to Wisdom: The Role of Coping Styles and Meaning-making |
20 000 $ |
Murchison, Daniel R. |
Université York |
Becoming Indians or Citizens: Metis Lives, Lands, and Laws in the United States and Canada, 1860-1930 |
40 000 $ |
Naismith, Benjamin |
University of Pittsburgh |
Statistical measures of lexical development and their relationship with user ratings |
60 000 $ |
Nayak, Preeti |
University of Toronto |
An examination of how teachers apply 'race training' in secondary school classrooms |
80 000 $ |
Néron, Camille |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Apparentements textuels et filiations littéraires dans les romans et nouvelles de Virginia Woolf et d'Anne Hébert |
40 000 $ |
Neuman, Sydney R. |
Université York |
The transnational circulation of pharmaceuticals |
60 000 $ |
Nixon, Lindsay M. |
Université McGill |
Fem the future: contemporary Indigenous (new) feminist art, manifestos from the margins |
80 000 $ |
Noorizadeh, Bahar |
Goldsmiths University of London |
Economic science fictions |
80 000 $ |
Noury, Cynthia |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Recherche(création) compréhensive sur les pratiques d'entrevues de rue médiatiques (titre de travail) |
40 000 $ |
O'Brien, Laura J. |
Université McGill |
Vice, Virtue and (In)Visibility: The Benevolent Network of Montreal, 1887 - 1905 |
40 000 $ |
Occhiuto, Katherine |
Carleton University |
The Gendered Complexities of Relying on Community Charities to Meet Basic Needs: Effects on Mothers and the Communities to Which They Belong |
40 000 $ |
O'Doherty, Desmond A.D. |
Université York |
Tongzhi in Hong Kong: Queer (Un)Belonging in the Age of Post-colonialism |
40 000 $ |
Olmstead, Nathan A. |
University of Toronto |
A Posthuman critique of Transhumanism and the quest for digital immortality |
80 000 $ |
Oloko, Majing |
University of Saskatchewan |
Strengthening the Nuu-chah-nulth Peoples' Traditional Food System Through Youth Participation: An Effort Towards Enhancing Food Security in the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve Region |
80 000 $ |
O'Neill, Kerry Ellen |
Carleton University |
Conditional cash transfers: a policy tool for women's empowerment or exploitation? |
40 000 $ |
Oralova, Gaisha |
McMaster University |
Differences in cognitive processing of logographic and alphabetic writing systems |
40 000 $ |
Osborne, Carla A. |
University of Victoria |
We Know Where We Are: Indigenous Historiography in Northern North America |
40 000 $ |
Padgett, Jessica K. |
Université York |
Polyculturalism and Modern Masculinity: A Canadian Model |
60 000 $ |
Pageau, Laurie |
Université Laval |
Les représentations des élèves de 4e et 5e secondaire au sujet de l'histoire et de l'épreuve unique ministérielle |
40 000 $ |
Pajunen, Patricia |
University of Guelph |
Norval Morrisseau's Legacy or A Sini Dreamt About Amik and Maanameg |
40 000 $ |
Paré, Alexandra |
Université de Montréal |
Analyse comparative de la relation entre stratégies architecturales et théories du développement de l'enfant dans un corpus canadien d'écoles primaires contemporaines |
60 000 $ |
Parent, Josianne |
Université du Québec à Rimouski |
Développement d'une intervention orthopédagogique, fondée sur la négociation graphique, visant l'amélioration des habiletés en orthographe grammaticale d'élèves du primaire |
60 000 $ |
Parent, Simon |
Université de Montréal |
La programmation au primaire dans une perspective de développement de compétences transversales : un regard sur la résolution collaborative de problèmes |
40 000 $ |
Pascoe, Rachael V. |
University of Toronto |
Shame Reduction and Feminist Advocacy for Adolescents who have Sexually Offended |
80 000 $ |
Patrick, Heather R. |
Université du Manitoba |
Desacralizing ancient texts: satire and parody in first- and second-century early Christian and Greco-Roman literature |
80 000 $ |
Patterson, Sean David |
University of Alberta |
Beyond East and West: Zaporizhian Regional and National Historical Narratives in Post-Stalinist and Post-independence Ukraine |
60 000 $ |
Pedreira, Karli M. |
Université du Manitoba |
A Comparison of EIBI Treatment Quality Across Settings |
60 000 $ |
Pelletier-De Koninck, Marie-Charlotte |
Université de Montréal |
Les concours de Miss et Mister Terena: historicité et transformations des dynamiques de représentations et d'auto représentations d'un groupe d'autochtone du Brésil |
40 000 $ |
Pennanen, Kelsey A. |
University of Calgary |
The Future History of Qikiqtaryuk Monitoring Threatened Heritage in Canadas Western Arctic |
80 000 $ |
Perron, Eve-Lyne |
Humboldt University in Berlin |
The symmetry theory: Leibniz on the problem of extrospection |
60 000 $ |
Pesic, Julija |
University of Toronto |
Cultural Specificity, Global Dynamics: The Performance Art of Marina Abramovic |
40 000 $ |
Petryszak, Alexandra |
University of British Columbia |
Equal Shares of Sorrow: Men of Feeling on the Early Modern English Stage |
60 000 $ |
Petschke, Karl F.W. |
Université York |
Lives on the line: Remediating wayside ecologies in regional transportation corridors |
80 000 $ |
Pind, Jackson |
Queen's University |
Beyond the Binary Experience: Reframing Indigenous Day Schooling in Ontario, 1930-1982 |
60 000 $ |
Pineault, Laura A. |
Wayne State University |
How can work-life intervention programs better promote women in leadership? |
40 000 $ |
Poucher, Zoe A. |
University of Toronto |
Psychosocial Well-Being in Canadian High-Performance Sport |
60 000 $ |
Price, Taylor R. |
University of Toronto |
A Digital Art World in the Making: The Case of Canadian Recording Artists |
40 000 $ |
Prost, Jean-François |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Architectures adaptatives |
80 000 $ |
Purcell, Victoria L. |
University of Calgary |
Relationships Between Parental Characteristics, Emotional Regulation, and Anxiety Symptom Development in Adolescence: A Path Model |
60 000 $ |
Qi, Hongyuan |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
A Cross-cultural Comparison of Chinese and Euro-Canadian Children's Memory |
40 000 $ |
Quistberg, Kirsten |
University of Victoria |
Preventing Maladaptive Behaviours: The Effects of Parenting on Self-Regulation Development |
80 000 $ |
R.Gagné, Andréanne |
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi |
Entre mer et montagnes. Étude de l'imaginaire de la Gaspésie dans les romans québécois de 1965 à 2015 |
40 000 $ |
Rabbani, Golam |
Queen's University |
Commodifying Baul Spirituality: Consumer Capitalism, Agency, and Changing Baul Literature and Music in Bangladesh |
40 000 $ |
Rahimi Fard Jahromi, Seyedeh Dorna |
University of British Columbia |
Immigrant Students' Experiences of Biculturalism |
40 000 $ |
Rahman, Farhana A. |
University of Cambridge |
Rickety Boats to Refuge(e): Gender, Identity, and Everyday Negotiations of Rohingya Refugee Women |
40 000 $ |
Ramsundarsingh, Susan N. |
University of Toronto |
When safe spaces aren't safe, exploring how the organizational characteristics of social service organizations contribute to service user oppression |
20 000 $ |
Rattner, Maxxine |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Advancing palliative care's discourse on dying |
40 000 $ |
Reale, Kylie S. |
Simon Fraser University |
Online child pornography offending: A criminal career and life-course perspective |
60 000 $ |
Reeves, Paige E. |
University of Alberta |
Physically present but socially distant: The role of ableism in shaping the experiences of community belonging of adults with intellectual disability |
40 000 $ |
Rempel, Emma R. |
Ryerson University |
Technology on Trial: Exploring the Cognitive and Affective Influence of Animations on Mock Jurors' Legal Judgments |
80 000 $ |
Richardson, Ashley A. |
Ryerson University |
Examining Indigenous Education: Decolonization, Curricula & Well-being |
40 000 $ |
Rioux Collin, Josiane |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Étude des fonctions du droit en matière d'accès à la saine alimentation au Québec |
40 000 $ |
Roberts, Aaron J. |
McMaster University |
Ethical analysis of synthetic gene drive applications in mosquitoes for malaria elimination |
60 000 $ |
Rodrigues, Michelle |
University of Toronto |
Turning the focus to fathers: Broadening our understanding of how fathers influence child development |
40 000 $ |
Romagnoli, Bianca |
University of California, Los Angeles |
The Eyes and Ears of the North: Canadian Northern Sovereignty and Canadian Armed Forces Ranger Patrol Group |
60 000 $ |
Romain-Tappin, Christine |
Queen's University |
Part of the Team; Exploring the Added Value of Early Childhood Educators' Approaches to Assessment in Play based Kindergarten Education |
60 000 $ |
Rouleau, Héloïse |
Université de Montréal |
Bruxelles arrive, résurgence de la scène rap belge à l'ère du numérique |
80 000 $ |
Rouleau, Traleena M. |
Université d'Ottawa |
The role of self-compassion in resolving discrepancies about the provision and perception of support in romantic relationships |
80 000 $ |
Rounds, Kelsey |
University of Victoria |
Stories of strength: Resilience in older trans adults |
20 000 $ |
Roy, Beverley C. |
University of Toronto |
Indigenous Higher Education in Northern Ontario: Linking Worldviews with Strategic Policy Action |
20 000 $ |
Rozenberg, Sara S. |
Université York |
"Decolonial Crossings: Aesthetic Futures in Contemporary Literary and Visual Arts" |
40 000 $ |
Rozhon, Jon |
University of Calgary |
Dawn of the Anthropocene: Emergent Representations of Energy in Early Modern English Literature |
60 000 $ |
Runesson Sanfridson, Rebecca Tove Maria |
University of Toronto |
The Creation of Social Space in Antiquity: Categorizing Different Modes of Elective Group Foundation in the Ancient Mediterranean World |
80 000 $ |
Ryan, Erin B. |
University of British Columbia |
Shared reality as a developmental model for the psychological construct of solidarity with animals |
80 000 $ |
Sabattis-Atwin, Allan J.W. |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Skicinuwimiyewakono Returning to our Cultural Realm to create a Wolastoqey model of education |
40 000 $ |
Saiphoo, Alyssa N. |
Ryerson University |
Social Comparisons of Facial Attractiveness |
60 000 $ |
Salerno, Alisha C. |
Université York |
Improving police response to Autism Spectrum Disorder: a social-psychological approach |
60 000 $ |
Sauvageau, Claudine |
Université de Montréal |
L'oral réflexif entre pairs pour favoriser la consolidation du vocabulaire rencontré en lecture chez les élèves à risque du 1er cycle du primaire |
60 000 $ |
Schaufert, Braidon T. |
University of Alberta |
Queer Hospitality: Sexuality and Race at the Threshold |
40 000 $ |
Schmidt, Catherine J. |
University of Toronto |
Parenting in the shadows: the caregiving experiences of undocumented parents with young children in Canada |
60 000 $ |
Schmitt, Romain |
Université Laval |
Analyse de la validité et de l'impact du Test de certification en français écrit pour l'enseignement : le TECFÉE |
40 000 $ |
Schriemer, Lydia |
Université d'Ottawa |
I Ask You to Give Me a Guardian: Female Guardianship and the Influence of Christianity in Late Antique Egypt |
80 000 $ |
Schultz, Christie |
University of Alberta |
Towards Care-Centered Leadership in Higher Education: A Narrative Inquiry into Care Ethics Experiences and Practices of Academic Leaders |
40 000 $ |
Schwartz, Flint D. |
Dalhousie University |
Direct and intergenerational effects of the Sixties Scoop and Indian Residential School system in Manitoba: Social, family, and community impacts and resiliency |
60 000 $ |
Schwartz, Noah S. |
Carleton University |
Quick Draw History - the National Rifle Association, the Politics of Memory & the Great Gun Debate |
40 000 $ |
Sears, Nathan A. |
University of Toronto |
International Politics in the Age of Existential Threats |
40 000 $ |
Sedov, Ivan D. |
University of Calgary |
Unplanned pregnancy and parenting self-efficacy |
40 000 $ |
Segger, Mark |
University of Alberta |
Colliding Referents: Opus 0 no. 0 |
40 000 $ |
Sellinger, Katrina E.L. |
McMaster University |
Passing for Human: Queer Technologies of Racial Passing |
80 000 $ |
Semple, Tori L. |
Carleton University |
A pre-post evaluation of a mobile crisis intervention team |
80 000 $ |
Sevi, Semra |
Université de Montréal |
Youth and Representation |
40 000 $ |
Sezlik, Sage B. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Father and mother emotion dialogues with children in middle childhood: Associations with parental sensitivity and stress, attachment, and child social adaptation |
60 000 $ |
Shahsavar Zadeh, Elham |
Université York |
Reading Iraniannesses through contemporary Isfahan's Naqsh-e Jahan Square |
60 000 $ |
Shanahan Somerville, Mari C. |
Université Concordia |
Crime Onset and Neighbourhood Change in an "At-Risk" Sample |
60 000 $ |
Shankar, Saguna |
University of British Columbia |
Care-driven migration strategies: Investigating how information practices influence migrants' ability to thrive |
40 000 $ |
Sheppard, De-Ann Michelle |
University of Toronto |
Decolonizing Indigenous Health Nursing in Unamaki Cape Breton Nova Scotia Equity Oriented Collaborative Community Based Research |
40 000 $ |
Siad, Roda M. |
Université Concordia |
Digitally displaced: The impact of blockchain and other emerging technologies on refugee rights |
80 000 $ |
Simard, Charles-Olivier |
Université de Montréal |
Vivre sous un même toit : une analyse sociodémographique des arrangements résidentiels chez les Inuits de l'Arctique canadien |
40 000 $ |
Simon, Jérome |
Université d'Ottawa |
First language maintenance in a non-native bilingual linguistic environment |
60 000 $ |
Sirois, Marie-Soleil |
Université de Montréal |
Le tempérament des enfants et leur fonctionnement socio-émotionnel à l'entrée scolaire: Le rôle modérateur de la qualité de la relation mère-enfant |
40 000 $ |
Skulstad-Brown, Timothy J. |
Queen's University |
Imagining a World Without Prisons: Decolonial Abolitionist Social Imaginaries |
40 000 $ |
Slavik, Catherine E. |
McMaster University |
Expert and non-expert perceptions of risk: Improving the risk communication of cancer clusters |
60 000 $ |
Smith, Kevin |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
La victimisation par les pairs et dans le cadre des relations amoureuses : médiations et génétique |
60 000 $ |
Smith, Sarah E.K. |
Queen's University |
Roots: An Ethnographic Study of Women, Hair and Madness |
80 000 $ |
Soloninka, Deanna R. |
University of Edinburgh |
States of Nationalism: External Influence on State-Minority Relations in Post-Soviet Ukraine and Moldova |
60 000 $ |
Souffrant, Kharoll-Ann |
Université d'Ottawa |
De #AgressionNonDénoncée à #moiaussi: analyse des mouvements de dénonciation en ligne d'agressions sexuelles au Québec entre 2014 et 2017 |
80 000 $ |
Steele, Bridget |
University of Oxford |
The Relationship Between Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Women's Economic Empowerment |
80 000 $ |
Stenason, Lauren |
Université d'Ottawa |
Assessing and Addressing the Parenting Needs of Foster Caregivers |
40 000 $ |
Stephens, Phoebe G. |
University of Waterloo |
Impact Investing for Sustainable Food Systems |
40 000 $ |
Stewart, Brandon D. |
Yale University |
Addressing the everyday legal problems of Ontario's low-income LGBTQ+ community |
80 000 $ |
Stieva, Katelyn N. |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Race, racism, and the systemic exclusion of racial minorities in the Canadian Army during the Second World War |
80 000 $ |
Sumner, Carolyne |
University of Toronto |
Musical Networks and Cultural Expression in Canada: The Postcentennial Years |
40 000 $ |
Sunahara, Cecile |
Southern Methodist University |
The influence of maternal implicit attitudes towards their child on the development of socioemotional abilities in children: the implications of epigenetic alterations in the oxytocin receptor gene |
80 000 $ |
Sutcliffe, Jordan |
University of Wollongong |
Examining the influence of parent-athlete relationships on positive youth development through sport |
80 000 $ |
Suteu, Oana |
Université de Montréal |
Le mouvement des plantes: vers une éthologie de représentation de la vie végétale |
80 000 $ |
Sutherland, D. Kyle G.R. |
University of British Columbia |
Addressing Transgender-Related Social Barriers to Health-Care |
60 000 $ |
Sutherland, Graeme |
University of Toronto |
Diversity and Assimilation: Muslims in Early Modern Rome |
80 000 $ |
Swim, Jeffrey R. |
Western University |
"Airs upon Pan's pipes": Victorian pagan revivals |
40 000 $ |
Tahir, Munazza |
Université d'Ottawa |
Maternal wellbeing during the postpartum period in mothers with intellectual and developmental disabilities |
80 000 $ |
Tanguay, Eric |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Infrastructures for Peace in Ghana: Navigating Hybridity and Local Ownership in Peacebuilding |
40 000 $ |
Tanner, Alexa |
University of British Columbia |
Disaster resilience in complex systems: Planning for and recovering from natural hazards |
40 000 $ |
Taylor, Brandon |
University of Toronto |
Towards a Vibrant Ecomythology: Resisting Enlightenment Humanist Myths |
60 000 $ |
Tchanou, Armel Quentin |
HEC Montréal |
Impact Of Information Technology Multitasking On Hedonic Experience: A Neurophysiological Perspective |
60 000 $ |
Teigeiro, Sarah |
École Polytechnique de Montréal |
Policies for material traceability and information sharing: Blockchain application for the Circular Economy |
80 000 $ |
Thomas, Alexander J.C. |
University of Toronto |
Interpretive Plurality in Romantic Biblical Hermeneutics |
60 000 $ |
Thompson, Lauren E. |
Carleton University |
Eyewitness memory for a familiar perpetrator: The influence of prior contact and a subjective sense of familiarity on recall and recognition accuracy |
80 000 $ |
Thompson, Michelle |
Carleton University |
World Music as a Transcultural Meeting Place for francophones |
40 000 $ |
Thompson-Walsh, Catherine A. |
University of Toronto |
Promoting social-emotional development in child victims of exposure to domestic violence |
40 000 $ |
Tollefson, Hannah |
Université McGill |
The politics of logistics and infrastructure at the Port of Vancouver |
80 000 $ |
Tong, Donia |
Université McGill |
Encouraging truth-telling in children: Comparison of three techniques |
80 000 $ |
Toomey, Nisha |
University of Toronto |
Humanitarianism on Indigenous lands: Development and displacement on the Thai-Burma border |
20 000 $ |
Tran, Emily Y. |
University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Race, memory, and school desegregation in Boston, 1974-2014 |
60 000 $ |
Tran, Kieu Trang |
University of Toronto |
What's Love Got to Do With It? A Study on the Regulation of Marriage and Policing of Marriage Fraud in Canada |
20 000 $ |
Trode, Rachel G. |
European University Institute |
Striking a Balance: Social Relations, Identity, and Practice during the 1906 General Strike in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
60 000 $ |
Tsakpinoglou, Florence |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Comprendre la compétence émotionnelle pour promouvoir la réussite des élèves en formation professionnelle |
40 000 $ |
Tsui, Tiffany Y. L. |
Queen's University |
Linking emotion dynamics and well-being in peer relationships |
40 000 $ |
Tsuruda, Samantha M. |
University of British Columbia |
Kwéweme: harvesting knowledge for Indigenous education reform |
60 000 $ |
Tunnicliffe, Kevin R. |
University of Victoria |
(An)aesthetic Narrative Form in Modernist Fiction |
60 000 $ |
Turner, Ian S. E. |
University of Toronto |
Locating the Home in Newar Buddhism: (Re)Productions of Place and Personhood |
80 000 $ |
Twance, Melissa |
Lakehead University |
The Ceremony of Place: Mazinaabikiniganan as Sites of Resistance and Renewal |
40 000 $ |
Udenigwe, Ogochukwu C. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Cost Effectiveness and Job Satisfaction of Reoriented Traditional Birth Attendants |
60 000 $ |
Underwood, Erik |
Université McGill |
Nationalism and the Quest for Status in International Relations |
60 000 $ |
Unsworth, Roisin AM. |
University of Victoria |
Substance Use, Violence & Pathways to Resilience: Examining the Experiences of Street-involved Young Women |
80 000 $ |
Uribe Albornoz, Alejandra |
Université de Montréal |
Colombian paramos: a study of environmental borders and livelihoods |
60 000 $ |
Vaccaro, Mary-Elizabeth |
McMaster University |
Participatory installation of permanent housing with women experiencing chronic homelessness |
60 000 $ |
Vanzella Yang, Adam P. |
University of British Columbia |
Musical tastes and social stratification: A cross-national analysis |
60 000 $ |
Vaughan, Dylan T. |
Western University |
Speaking in Absolutes: Jean-François Lyotard and his Speculative Philosophy of Language |
20 000 $ |
Vazquez, Hector |
University of Victoria |
Building appreciation for Indigenous cultures in Mexico via music education |
40 000 $ |
Vermette, Kyrie |
University of British Columbia |
Sister Colonialism?: the Interactions Between Korean Women and Foreign Women in Korea, 1884-1945 |
60 000 $ |
Vicars, Kelsey L. |
University of British Columbia |
A Historical Defence of Indigenous Land Claims |
80 000 $ |
Victor, Florence |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Esthétiser l'abject. Considérations pratiques et théoriques sur la peinture; vers une représentation contemporaine de la nature morte |
60 000 $ |
Vidal, Sabrina |
Université de Montréal |
New Bee to Chief Bee : Compétence criminelle des producteurs de drogues de synthèse |
40 000 $ |
Viger, Jonathan |
Université York |
Historicizing the Political Geography of the Middle East: Social Conflicts, Competing Sovereignties, and Changing Territoriality |
20 000 $ |
Visser, Serena N. |
University of Lethbridge |
Determining the impact of institutional practices on trans and gender diverse people accessing mental health services |
80 000 $ |
Vovk, Justin |
McMaster University |
Deathly Rites: Royal Funerals in Post-Reformation Britain and Austria, 1695-1780 |
60 000 $ |
Vrantsidis, Thalia |
University of Toronto |
Mechanisms of stereotype overuse under cognitive load |
40 000 $ |
Walton, Ann M. |
Carleton University |
From Labour to Leisure: Gender, Residential Institutions, and Shifting Approaches to Aging in Canada, 1900-1960 |
40 000 $ |
Walzak, Laura C. |
Simon Fraser University |
Social Cognition in Older Adults: Mechanisms Associated with Fraud Susceptibility and Risky Decision-Making |
40 000 $ |
Warner, Matthew |
Stanford University |
Reading Sex Backwards: Sexuality, Historicism and Anachronism in Tudor England |
40 000 $ |
Watts, Carolyn J. |
Princeton University |
Half warrior, half musician: Adolph Bolm and American ballet |
20 000 $ |
Weiner, Joshua |
University of British Columbia |
The Changing Legitimacy of Assassination |
60 000 $ |
Wenzel, Abra |
Carleton University |
Métis Moose Hair Tufting: Revival of a Tradition |
40 000 $ |
Whistance-Smith, Gregory |
University of Alberta |
Structured Wandering: Embodied Spatiality in 'Walking Simulator' Videogames |
80 000 $ |
Wilson, Fiona M. |
University of Toronto |
The many kinds of 'no': Negation in Muskeg Cree |
40 000 $ |
Wray, Dana |
University of Toronto |
Reshaping Fatherhood through Policy: The Consequences of Parental Leave for Fathering Definitions and Practices |
60 000 $ |
Wynes, Christopher S. |
University of British Columbia |
Mitigating climate change at the individual level |
40 000 $ |
Yanota, Erin N. |
University of Texas at Austin |
Formal experimentation and myth in transatlantic women's modernist poetry |
60 000 $ |
Yellow Old Woman, Pearl M. |
University of Calgary |
Siksikaitsitapi (Blackfoot Speaking People) Parenting of Children with Disabilities |
40 000 $ |
Young, Deborah G. |
Carleton University |
Walk the Talk: Can the Talk of Reconciliation Transform the Federal Government? |
80 000 $ |
Young, Jason A. |
University of Calgary |
Mêskanaw-Natawaho: A Research Based Composition for Mixed Ensemble in Four Movements |
40 000 $ |
Yousuf, Biftu M. |
Université York |
Transnational Geographies of Solidarity and Cooperation Mobilized by Oromos in Diaspora |
80 000 $ |
Zakharchuk, Nataliia V. |
University of Saskatchewan |
Transforming university governance in the context of the Bologna Process: A case study of Ukrainian higher education |
40 000 $ |
Zelenka, Antony |
University of Toronto |
Translating sustainability: collaborative development and the knowledge politics of Cree sovereignty |
80 000 $ |
Zepeda, Michelle S. |
University of Calgary |
Do infants use helpful and harmful interactions to predict social category membership? |
80 000 $ |
Zuniga, Didier |
University of Victoria |
An ethics of interdependency. Ecosocial diversity, sustainability and reconciliation |
20 000 $ |