Bénéficiaires des bourses de doctorat du CRSH – concours de l’automne 2019

Candidature Établissement Titre Financement
Abdelhalim, Esraa  McMaster University Understanding the Willingness to Collaborate with AI Teammates 40 000 $
Abdelmaseh, Marette  Université York Biased Affective Processing and Maternal Sensitivity: The Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation 80 000 $
Abi Zeid Daou, Léa  Université McGill Keeping refugee women and girls safe through education and policy: gender-based violence and forced migration 80 000 $
Abolghasemi, Ali  HEC Montréal Asset Prices in a Granular Economy 20 000 $
Abou ElAtta, Pansee H. Carleton University Working at the museum: Resistance, meaning, and value at the borders of the cultural institution 20 000 $
Abrams, Nicholas R. University of Toronto The Paradoxes of Racism and the Populist Politics of Evil in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 20 000 $
Abu Zaineh, Jude  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Home is Where the Maqlouba is: Understanding Palestinian diaspora through art, food, and technology 80 000 $
Achilles, Ricki-Lynn  Western University "Language Would Have Been Everything": Using language revitalization to create a safe and educational space with the Kapuskasing Indigenous Friendship Centre 60 000 $
Afif, Karima  HEC Montréal Étude longitudinale sur l'impact des instruments de la politique environnementale québécoise sur la décision des gestionnaires à adopter la pratique de la réduction à la source de leurs emballages 40 000 $
Ahmed, Hana Shams  Université York Citizenship and Subjectivity of the Indigenous Jumma People of Bangladesh in the aftermath of the Peace Accord 40 000 $
Ahmed, Mishall  Université York Bots, Bias and Borders : The Effects of Technologically Automated Decision-Making on the Canadian Immigration System 60 000 $
Akbar, Mohammad  University of Guelph Is there a convergence across countries for Mobile broadband adoption? 20 000 $
Akerele, Tolulope V. Memorial University of Newfoundland Transit Planning and Social Inclusion of Immigrants and Refugees in Atlantic Canadian Cities 80 000 $
Akhtar Khan, Hadia  University of Toronto The Social Life of Remittances: Revaluations of Social Reproduction in Rural Pakistan 20 000 $
Alary, Anouck  Université de Montréal Le tourisme bariatrique : de la biocitoyenneté à la bioéconomie globale 40 000 $
Allen, JoDee N. Université Concordia Choreographic Echos: Animation, Archive, and Animated Female Movement in Videogames 80 000 $
Anand, Leena  Université McGill Mindful matching: Swiping right for Mr. or Mrs. Right. Examining the role of attachment theory and mindfulness in Tinder use 40 000 $
Anderson Rathwell, Natalie A. Université York The Senses in Canadian Worship Architecture: Churches by Montreal Architect Alexander C. Hutchison 40 000 $
Angehrn, Andréanne  University of Regina Towards a police culture of wellbeing: A gender-focused program 80 000 $
Aranas, Katrina  University of Alberta Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the Classroom: How Can We Best Utilize Physical Activity? 80 000 $
Arias Marin, David Eliecer  Université de Montréal Writing Human Mobility: International Migration and Subjectivities in Contemporary African and South American Narratives in Spanish 40 000 $
Armitage, Cole C. Université Concordia The Webtoon Machine: The Uncanny Ontology of Webtoons 80 000 $
Ashley, Marilyn  Université d'Ottawa The Impact of Online and Offline Sexual Self-Concept Congruence on Sexual Satisfaction Among Canadian Lesbian Women 60 000 $
Au, Anson  University of Toronto Social Structural Transformations in Markets of Human Goods: An Economic Sociological Study of Cosmetic Surgery Consumption in South Korea 40 000 $
Aubé-Pronce, Jean-Félix  Université du Québec à Montréal Étude des annotations marginales dans les manuscrits de La Guerre des Juifs au haut Moyen Âge (VI-Xe s.) : travail d'édition et réflexion à l'œuvre dans les marges des manuscrits médiévaux 80 000 $
Aucoin, Philip M. Université d'Ottawa Math anxiety and performance: Understanding the role of feeling threatened by math 80 000 $
Azizi, Arash  New York University Arabs and Iranians in making of the Global Sixties (1958-1978): Revolutionary Alliances and Cold War connections 40 000 $
Bahary-Dionne, Alexandra  Université d'Ottawa Savoirs expérientiels et institutions de justice : une exploration dans le champ de la santé mentale 80 000 $
Bailey, Andrew R. Université York Affect and Assemblage in the Art History of Videogames 20 000 $
Bailie, Krista M. University of British Columbia Beyond Feminism: Post-identity selfhood and performance art in East Germany, 1974-1989 60 000 $
Baraskewich, Jessica C. University of Calgary Does body image differ in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder compared to their peers? 40 000 $
Baril, Marie-Pier  Université Laval L'exercice du pouvoir discrétionnaire par les fiduciaires de fiducies testamentaires au Québec : concilier objectivité et subjectivité 80 000 $
Barker, Marianne E. Université McGill Improving Canadian integration of immigrants: An exploration of the government-funded Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada program 60 000 $
Bates-Eamer, Nicole  University of Victoria Canada and Climate-induced Mobilities: From Discourse to Policy 20 000 $
Batty, Dustin J. University of Toronto Welcome to the concrete jungle: The urban nonhuman in Canadian fiction 40 000 $
Bauer, Michelle E.E. Université d'Ottawa Exploring Military Parents' Perspectives on Children's Outdoor Risky Play 40 000 $
Beaudry, Hélène  Université du Québec à Rimouski Description des interactions parent-enfant en contexte d'exploitation de trousses littéraires à la maternelle 4 ans 80 000 $
Beaulieu-Guay, Louis-Robert  Université de Montréal Le rôle de l'information dans la formulation des règlements canadiens 40 000 $
Beizaei, Banafsheh  New York University One Object or Two? A Dispute about Words 40 000 $
Bellows, Natasha E. Université McGill Gaining insight into low graduation rates in Quebec 80 000 $
Belo, Dani  Carleton University Understanding Russia's Interventions in an Era of Gray Zone Conflicts 40 000 $
Benjamin, Tova  New York University Urban Prisons and Jews in Russia from 1880-1920 40 000 $
Benjamins, Laura E. Western University Agency, inclusion, and relationality in church worship music 40 000 $
Bergeron, Fabrice C. Université de Montréal L'esthétique et la pensée balzaciennes dans l'oeuvre critique et romanesque de Barbey d'Aurevilly 60 000 $
Bergman, Jennifer D. University of Toronto Remedying Barriers or Reinforcing Them: The Role of the Law in Mental Health Service Use by Children Engaged in the Family Law and Criminal Justice Systems 60 000 $
Bergonzoni, Carolina  Simon Fraser University Translating Movement. Dance, Disability, and Inclusiveness 40 000 $
Bertet, David M. Université de Montréal Devenir moderne de la cruauté et sa relation dynamique avec le pouvoir cernés à partir de l'étude de pratiques violatoires aux droits humains et de cas de coupables fabriqués 20 000 $
Bettney, Esther  University of Wisconsin―Madison Don't be lazy, speak English!: A critical exploration of monoglossic and hegemonic approaches to bilingual education in Colombia 40 000 $
Bilodeau, Karine  Université Laval Insertion et maintien au travail des jeunes enseignantes de niveau préscolaire et primaire : la face cachée de l'expérience des femmes 20 000 $
Birch, Hillary  Sciences Po Paris Responding to urban disease outbreaks: Implications for urban governance across scales in Liberia 80 000 $
Biskupski-Mujanovic, Sandra I. Western University Canadian women in peacekeeping: opportunities, constraints, continuities and disruptions 40 000 $
Blais, Samantha L. University of Alberta Struggling to Survive: Health Impacts of Hydroelectric Development in Northern Manitoba's Indigenous Communities, 1960-2016 40 000 $
Blouin, Philippe  Université McGill Relating and belonging in Mohawk Kaianerekowa political philosophy: Towards an anthropology of alliance 80 000 $
Blunt, Jeremy  University of Calgary Animate Voices in an Animist Landscape: Listening to the Non-Human Voice in Old English Poetry 80 000 $
Bodnariuc, Rachel  Simon Fraser University The burden of (un)belief: Victorian Calvinism and postsecularism 80 000 $
Boivin, Mathieu  Université de Montréal Architecture des Premières Nations au Canada : Étude du développement de l'environnement bâti de deux communautés 60 000 $
Bonin, Maxim  Université du Québec à Montréal La circulation des productions culturelles locales à l'ère des plateformes web global : le cas de Vice 40 000 $
Borairi, Sahar  University of Toronto Identifying potential paths by which reflective parenting shapes children's emotional regulation 60 000 $
Borja Padilla, Pablo Danilo  University of Calgary Forest-Climate Adaptation and Conservation through Social Learning in Ecuador´s Amazon Forest 40 000 $
Borowicz, Julia  University College London Spaces of encounter and refuge: new models of affirmative and dignified human integration in Neukölln, Berlin 80 000 $
Borowiec, Christina  McMaster University Modeling Walking Trips for Work, Non-Work, and Recreational Purposes Across Canada 40 000 $
Borsa, Tomas  University of Oxford Totems and Tablets: Haida Hybridity in the Age of the Digital 60 000 $
Borsato, Joseph Y. Dalhousie University Natural Law and the Law of Nature: English Discourses of Intrusion, Subjugation, Nature, and Empire in the Wider World 1558 - 1640 80 000 $
Bourgeois, Charles  Université de Sherbrooke Une analyse des systèmes d'activités d'enseignants de français en contexte d'apprentissage de la lecture et de développement de la compétence numérique des élèves du secondaire 80 000 $
Bourgeois, Sabrina  Université Laval Négocier les règles du Jeu : l'influence des peuples autochtones sur le développement minier au Québec et en Nouvelle-Calédonie 40 000 $
Boutros, Michael  Duke University The Macroeconomic Consequences of Credit Card Borrowing 20 000 $
Boyco, Morgan W. University of Waterloo The Promise and the Practice of Participatory Planning in the Real World 80 000 $
Brackett, Shawn W. University of Calgary Student Life at Normal Schools in the North American West, 1880-1920 20 000 $
Braham, Justine E. Université d'Ottawa Understanding How People Perceive Consent Cues During Technology-Mediated Sexual Interactions 80 000 $
Brault, Joshua J. Carleton University Structural Changes and the Business Cycle 20 000 $
Brien, Alexandre  Université de Sherbrooke Étude des facteurs d'influence de la supervision clinique 20 000 $
Brightwell, Laura A. Université York Telling femme stories: Challenging gender-based discrimination in LGBTQ communities 20 000 $
Brodeur, Geneviève  Université du Québec à Montréal Évaluation des effets de la formation PAJ + destinée au personnel scolaire en matière de promotion des relations amoureuses harmonieuses à l'adolescence 80 000 $
Bromfield, Sheldon M. University of Toronto Connected yet disconnected: New Public Management and labour expropriation within employment services work 40 000 $
Bronski, Miriam  McMaster University Pessimism and the Badness of Death 60 000 $
Brooke, Auralia  Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Youth Narratives of Isolation, Belonging and Resistance in New Brunswick Schools 80 000 $
Brooks, Kyla Grace L. Université McGill What does gender have to do with professional knowledge anyway? Perspectives from Audio Engineering 40 000 $
Brown, Owen R. Northwestern University Ordering/Racialising the World: Race and the Production of International Order 20 000 $
Buckle, Michelle J. University of Alberta Investigating the Experiences of Black Youth Homicide Co-Victims in Canada: An Educational & Therapeutic Drama Approach 80 000 $
Bunten-Walberg, Alexandra  University of Alberta Theorizing speculative fiction: uncovering historicity in posthumanist discourses 40 000 $
Buterman, Jan L. University of Alberta The damaged citizen: Personhood, citizenship and governance in the digital age 40 000 $
Cadger, Emily A. University of British Columbia Constructing national identity in the British Empire through art and ecology 60 000 $
Caivano, Oksana  Université McGill Adolescents' perceptions and perceived effectiveness of positive and negative responses to cybergossip 80 000 $
Callaway, Dallas A. University of Edinburgh Kierkegaardian selfhood and the inwardness of Christian love as pursuit of the Great Commandment 80 000 $
Carline, Katie A. Michigan State University African women's Christian self-help societies and the making of urban culture in a South African city, 1920-1981 20 000 $
Carrier, Gregory P. University of Toronto Giving History to the Deaf: Deafness in Medieval Europe 80 000 $
Ceccarelli, Laura  Université du Manitoba Understanding Student-Athlete Emotional Well-Being, Knowledge, and Resources 60 000 $
Cervantes, Marianna  Simon Fraser University Impact of Hormonal Environment on Accuracy of Adult Age Estimation 80 000 $
Chan, Jonathan M. University of Oxford Reputation and self-regulation in securities markets: A study of the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market 40 000 $
Chan, Yuly  Université York Social housing: The new frontier of financialization 80 000 $
Chapados, Sydney E. University of British Columbia Chaotic Worlds: Anomie and Sexual Violence 80 000 $
Chapman, Laticia V. University of Alberta In search of good lives on the land: Approaches to decolonial politics for Indigenous and rural communities in the Canadian context 80 000 $
Charbonneau, Sandrine  Université Laval Enjeux éthiques en intelligence artificielle sur les biais discriminatoires 80 000 $
Chaudhary, Zarah  University of British Columbia How do you measure 'good enough'? Aligning high stakes assessments of learning with contemporary test validity theory standards 80 000 $
Cheng, Zhaohua  University of British Columbia Urban forest-based solutions for enhancing urban resilience 60 000 $
Chiasson, Ross H. Carleton University Everything is Ruined: America's Collapse, Imaginary Ruins, and the Cultural Impact of Video Games 60 000 $
Choquette-Levy, Nicolas  Princeton University The Impact of Risk-Sharing Policies on Subsistence Farming Climate Adaptation 40 000 $
Cochrane, Karis S. Université du Manitoba The Mediating Role of Parenting Stress in the Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Family Quality of Life in Mothers and Fathers of Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder 80 000 $
Cohen, Elissa  St. Francis Xavier University The elite few: Women in the upper echelons of academic medicine 80 000 $
Collaton, Joanna  University of Guelph Facilitating effective peer response to disclosures of sexual violence using a participatory-action approach 80 000 $
Cooper, Samantha M. New York University Cultivating High Society: American Jews engaging European Opera in New York, 1880-1940 20 000 $
Corbett, Elisha M. Queen's University Media framing of murdered and missing Indigenous women, girls, and Two Spirit-people in Canada 40 000 $
Corrigan, Eamonn S F. University of Guelph Closing the Gender Gap in Engineering and Physics: The Role of High School Physics 60 000 $
Côté, Thierry  Université de Montréal L'Anthropologie musicale des Lumières 40 000 $
Coulombe, Derek V. Université York Auto-Portrait of this Tourettic State: Or the Image that Fills a Body 40 000 $
Coulombe, Sophie  Université du Québec à Montréal La « prison thérapeutique » : une ethnographie institutionelle 80 000 $
Courchesne, Stephanie  Université de Montréal Partenariats en bibliothèques publiques : défis des bibliothécaires face aux nouvelles bibliothèques sociales 80 000 $
Couture, Stéphanie  Université du Québec à Montréal L'assertivité sexuelle au sein des dyades amoureuses à l'adolescence : un regard sur les expériences de violences sexuelles exercées par un partenaire intime et sur l'adhésion aux rôles de genre traditionnels 60 000 $
Crane, A.W. Geoffrey  Western University Precariously Employed Young Adults: Documenting the Benefits of Improved Emotional and Social Competencies 80 000 $
Croll-Baehre, Emma S. McMaster University 'Spectacle or Gift'?: How Twins Unsettle Individualism, Embodiment, and Autonomy 80 000 $
Cull, Shaelagh  Queen's University The Development of Professional Craft in Northern Ontario, 1967-1990 80 000 $
Currie-Wood, Rob M. Carleton University Examining the Distribution of Decision-Making Power Between Elites and Volunteer Members Inside Canadian Political Parties 20 000 $
Da Costa, Jade  Université York Organizing Around Identity: Understanding the Pragmatic and Intellectual Development of Toronto Activist Group AIDS ACTION NOW! 20 000 $
Dahir, Muna  Queen's University Against The Ideal of a Singular History: On Black Time and the Chronological Illusion 80 000 $
Dangoisse, Pascale  Université d'Ottawa Passing and Failing Identities: Trudeau Performing Feminism 40 000 $
Dauphinais, Chloé  Université du Québec à Montréal Les normes conjugales et familiales par leur envers : récits de femmes vivant seules 80 000 $
Davis, Stephen H. University of Regina French Immersion for Refugees in Canada: Exploring Inclusion and Learning 80 000 $
De Grâce, Nathalie  Université Laval Integrating Digital Tools in a Co-regulated Teaching and Learning Approach to Ear Training Pedagogy 60 000 $
De Marre, Adélie  Université de Montréal Le critère esthétique dans la reconnaissance internationale d'aires naturelles protégées: une étude de la Convention du patrimoine mondial 40 000 $
De Simoni Milione, Vitor  Université de Montréal La sémantique de la guerre dans la philosophie de Xénophon 60 000 $
DeCoste, Kyle A. Columbia University Popular Music and the Politics of Black Childhood 20 000 $
Del Fabbro, Eric J. McMaster University Ceramic analysis in the ancient countryside of Metaponto 80 000 $
Dennie, Martine  University of Calgary The Legality of Violence in Ice Hockey: Risk Assumption and Consent in the Playing Culture of Canadian Hockey Leagues 20 000 $
Deslongchamps-Gagnon, Maxime  Université de Montréal Devenir un joueur vertueux : le rôle de l'émotion dans l'engagement moral en jeu vidéo 20 000 $
Desrochers, Jessica  Carleton University The gender differences in the Dragons of Inaction Psychological Barriers 80 000 $
Desyatova, Yuliya  University of Toronto Portfolio-based language assessment: Practitioner experiences of an assessment policy implementation 20 000 $
DeVries, Megan M. University of British Columbia Indemnification and Pipelines: Canadian Government Support Over Time 80 000 $
Dewar, Michelle  Université du Québec à Montréal Blessures morales, bien-être psychologique et soutien social des travailleurs humanitaires canadiens expatriés 40 000 $
DeWolfe, Christopher E.J. Dalhousie University Addressing the Gender Gap in Physical Activity Levels: A Comprehensive Examination of the Relationship Between Anxiety Sensitivity and Physical Activity Using Longitudinal, Think-Aloud, and Experimental Methodologies 40 000 $
Dignard, Catia  University of Toronto Linguistic Representations of Racialized Voices in Contemporary Cuban Fiction 40 000 $
Dilawri, Shikha  University of London Neglected Encounters: Rethinking the global colour line through exploring anti-Blackness in India 60 000 $
Dim, Emeka  University of Toronto Political institutions and the Gender Gaps in Political Participation in Africa 60 000 $
Ditmars, Hadani R. King's College London Hybridity, Gender and Cultural Narratives in Travelogues of Iraq 60 000 $
Dixon, Alina K.B. Queen's University Youth Perspectives on Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Northern Uganda: A Photo-Voice Project 60 000 $
Do Nascimento, Ashley  Western University Facing Climate Change in the 21st Century: Racialized, Female Youth Voices on Polluted Waters from an urban neighborhood in Hamilton, Ontario 60 000 $
Dougherty, Christopher N. Carleton University How do changes in political representation affect funding for Canadian charities? 80 000 $
Dow, Hilary  Carleton University Re-writing Women's Images: A Feminist Critique of the Historiography of Canadian Women's Photography 80 000 $
Dudok, Stephanie A. Université du Manitoba Assessing substance use, addictions and mental health literacy of public decision-makers 60 000 $
Dueck, Steven M. University of Wisconsin―Madison James Baldwins Buddha: African American thought and a proposal to address the flaws of Western mindfulness movements 80 000 $
Dumaresque, Renee S. Université York Examining the socio-political emergence of vulvodynia in relation to neoliberalism, medicine, psychiatry, race, gender, and sexuality 60 000 $
Dunn, Kristy L. University of Alberta Improving the Reading Skills of English Language Learners: A 2-year Intervention 60 000 $
Dunn, Nicole  University of Toronto Engagements with life: Stories of resistance to unlivability among homeless youth 80 000 $
Dyakonov, Severyan  Graduate Institute Geneva Superpowers' Competition for Development and Modernization in the Global South: Soviet Public Diplomacy in India during the Cold War 40 000 $
Dykstra, Victoria  Brock University The influence of friends and peers on lie-telling during adolescence 80 000 $
Easby, Angela C. University of Guelph Exploring urban Indigenous relationships to land in southern and central Ontario 80 000 $
Edwards, Lauren E.A. Université York Intransitive Love: The Love Without Object 20 000 $
Ekim, Sinan  London School of Economics and Political Science Towards a "new" Turkishness: Islam, education and "the ideal Turk" in the 1950s 60 000 $
Elawani, Jeffrey  Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7) Métaphysique et mathématiques chez Leibniz : du développement de la théorie dynamique aux Initia 80 000 $
Elliott, Christian M. University of Toronto Accountability and sustainability-focused investments: how the governance of green finance shapes environmental outcomes 80 000 $
El-Shamy, Lina  University of Toronto Inside out: The politics of contemporary Egyptian salon rooms 40 000 $
Embree, Robert  University of Toronto Forecasting Levels of Patent Applications: A Panel Data Approach 40 000 $
Enman-Beech, John N. University of Toronto Contract life: the legal theory of people-business relationships 20 000 $
Erdal, Cihan  Carleton University Resisting neoliberalism: Investigating activist youth experiences in Europe in the 2010s 60 000 $
Essafi, Safae  Western University The role of pain in the construction and persistence of self-identity: the actualization of the ontological status of the self through symbolic painful experience 80 000 $
Fadlallah, Hussein  Université York The Governance of Voice in Digital Platforms 20 000 $
Fainstein, David  University of Oregon Coaching Teachers on Effective Math Instruction for Diverse Learners: Implications for Policy and Practice 60 000 $
Falek, Joshua B. Université York Feeling to Flesh: New Configurations of Transgender Subjectivity, Governance and Affect 80 000 $
Farahmandpour, Hoda  University of Toronto Challenging the discourse of risk: Re-imagining employment programs for youth in Toronto 20 000 $
Farmus, Linda  Université York An equivalence test for assessing distributional normality 80 000 $
Farokhi, Zeinab  University of Toronto Digital Islamophobia: A Transnational Comparison of Islamophobic Right-Wing Extremist Groups in Canada, the United States, and India on Twitter 40 000 $
Farwaha, Sumeet  McMaster University Examining the Influence of Self-Construal Style and Socioeconomic Status on Social Cognition 40 000 $
Fayter, Rachel  Université d'Ottawa Stories of Hope from Federally Sentenced Women in Canada: Promoting Resiliency and Reducing Barriers to Community Re-entry 60 000 $
Fischer, Olivia  University of British Columbia Accessing mental health services: Barriers facing transgender and non-binary parents and prospective parents 80 000 $
Flath, Meghan  University of Saskatchewan At-home animal-assisted socialization to combat loneliness in older adults 80 000 $
Forrester, Kathleen M. Simon Fraser University Changing the Story: Queer Disruptions of Nature and Kinship in Children's Picturebooks 60 000 $
Fowlie, Hannah L. University of Guelph Understanding the Eighth Fire: Settler transformational change 80 000 $
Franklin, Gale M. Carleton University Supporting Newcomers in Canada through the Collaborative Development of Music Programming 80 000 $
Furlong, Caitlin  Université de Moncton Bricoler pour bien penser : étude de la résolution de problèmes dans les laboratoires de fabrication numérique 40 000 $
Gagné, Anne-Sophie  Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Étude longitudinale du rôle de l'entourage sur l'estime de soi et l'image corporelle chez les adolescents 60 000 $
Gagnon, Cecile  Université de Montréal Solidarité féministe transnationale : pour une éthique mondiale et environnementale du care 80 000 $
Gagnon, Monica D. University of Toronto Denial of healthcare coverage: Citizenship rights and the discursive construction of deservingness 40 000 $
Gallagher, Benjamin  University of Toronto "Non-Linear" Pedagogy and Poetic Praxis 20 000 $
Garcia-Fialdini, Arianna  Université Concordia Preparing, serving and sharing stories: Immigrants' exploration of identity through art-making, oral history, food and memory 40 000 $
Garfinkel, Jonathan  University of Alberta Diabetes as Illness and Metaphor: Stories from the Body-Technology 60 000 $
Gaspar, Carolyn M. Dalhousie University Assessing the effectiveness of a short course on Indigenous peoples' health in fostering a sense of responsibility and commitment to help reduce Indigenous inequities among first-year health professional students 60 000 $
Gauthier, Charles  Western University Inattention and consumption inequality 20 000 $
Gauthier, Evelyne  Université du Québec à Montréal Stéréotypes de genre, désengagement scolaire et recherche d'estime dans les alter réalités du Web et des médias sociaux chez les élèves du secondaire 40 000 $
Gaylor, Lisa L.E. University of Central Lancashire Addressing the roles of culture and trauma in treating youth antisocial behaviour and delinquency 80 000 $
Ge, Jenny  Queen's University Cultivating teacher assessment identity: Toward a new paradigm for teacher education in assessment 60 000 $
Gélinas, Camilia  Université McGill Poétique du roman « para-arthurien »  (XIIIe-XVe siècles) 80 000 $
Georges, Velvalee M. University of Alberta Gathering Evidence of Learning: Indigenous language teachers and second language learning 20 000 $
Germaine, Mary  Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Crisis, Crisis: Climate, Ecopoetics, and Kierkegaardian Repetition 80 000 $
Ghelani, Amar  Wilfrid Laurier University Impact of cannabis use on the social relationships of young people with first episode psychosis: A qualitative study 80 000 $
Giacomin, Ginelle R. Royal Roads University From exploitation to education to efficacy: The experiences of Indigenous women 60 000 $
Girard English, Maïté  University of Victoria Colonisation épistémique : vers un regard anthropologique de l'histoire de la dépossession des terres autochtones au Canada 80 000 $
Gobin, Keisha C. Université York A Brief Self-Compassion Intervention for Social Media Use: Exploring the Immediate Effects on Body Dissatisfaction 80 000 $
Goddard, Brandi S. University of Alberta From Witch/Craft to Craftivism: Exploring Gendered Discourses on Irish Craft and Artisanship 40 000 $
Goulden, Ami-Lynn  University of Toronto Well-placed but unprepared: Transforming social work practice by understanding sexual well-being among youth with disabilities 40 000 $
Granados Samayoa, Javier  Ohio State University Procrastination: Who, why, and how? 40 000 $
Grenier, Katia  Université de Montréal Des femmes victimes de violences s'expriment : du récit de vie à l'acte créatif pour soi, pour l'autre et avec autrui 60 000 $
Griffin, Andrew S. Dalhousie University The redefinition of the Platonic Tradition in the Middle Ages by Nicholas of Cusa. Making the doctrines of Learned Ignorance and Coincidence of Opposites fundamental, he unifies Augustinian and Proclean-Dionysian directions 80 000 $
Griffin-Merth, Shannon  Université d'Ottawa Interdisciplinary digital collaboration in contemporary English Canadian literature 40 000 $
Gryshchuk, Olena  Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Police officers' response to intimate partner violence cases with female offenders 80 000 $
Guernet-Mouton, Marianne  Université York Représenter la flore du Nouveau Monde en France au siècle des Lumières 40 000 $
Gultia, Kimberly Y. Université McGill The mestiza and the morena: the social construction of the Filipina and postcolonial domestic architecture in the Philippines (1946-1986) 40 000 $
Guyevskey, Victoria  Simon Fraser University Role of Play in a Digitised Elementary Mathematics Classroom 20 000 $
Ha, Vu Tien Dung  Cornell University Race Back to Diversity: Mapping Racial and Ethnic Difference in Southeast Asian National Genome Projects 40 000 $
Habrih, Khalil  Université d'Ottawa Subjectivations masculines sous surveillances policière et pénale à Aulnay-sous-Bois. Une étude ethnographique et sociohistorique de l'impact de la contrainte policière et carcérale sur les jeunes hommes noirs et arabes 60 000 $
Haché-Chiasson, Noémie  Collège militaire royal du Canada Les représentations contemporaines des alliés victorieux de la Grande Guerre dans les bandes dessinées (1979 à nos jours) 80 000 $
Halliwell-MacDonald, Emily  University of Toronto Novel Beauty: A New Aesthetics of Work in the Victorian Novel 20 000 $
Halpern, Ira  University of Toronto Economies of Care: Sickness, Medicine and Inequality in Modern American Literature 20 000 $
Hamel, Kayla G. Université York Fostering Resilience and Well-Being in Nicaraguan Street-Involved Boys 20 000 $
Handfield, Nicolas  Université du Québec à Montréal Les lansquenets : une figure européenne du mercenariat au début de l'époque moderne (XVe-XVIIe siècles) 60 000 $
Haq, Kazi Sabrina S. University of Victoria Can Racial Disparities in Cognitive Functioning be Attributed to Differential Access to Social Resources? 20 000 $
Harley, Daniel E. Université York The virtue of virtual bodies: The discursive frames of contemporary VR 20 000 $
Hart, Melissa J. University of British Columbia Novel and digital research as co-agents for eco-activism, in the rarest rainforest on Earth 80 000 $
Hatzifilalithis, Stephanie  McMaster University Contemporary Dynamics and Intergenerational Landscapes: Implications for Social Unity 20 000 $
Haugen, Stacey L. University of Alberta Marginalized Voices at the Border of International Relations and Rural Development: Experiences of Rural Refugee Resettlement and Integration 80 000 $
Hayward, Ashley L. Université du Manitoba Incarcerated Mother's Experiences with Pregnancy and Childbirth: A Narrative Inquiry 80 000 $
Heaslip, Sean R. University of British Columbia What helps and hinders during assumptive help-receiving experiences: An enhanced critical incident study 20 000 $
Heath, Sean M.R. University of Brighton Swimming in the Deep End: Embodied Practices, Injury and Sociability amongst Youth Swimmers in the UK 60 000 $
Heilporn, Geraldine  Université de Sherbrooke Stratégies d'engagement des étudiants dans des cours hybrides en enseignement supérieur : une approche méthodologique mixte 40 000 $
Henry, Shanelle  University of Toronto Examining child irritability and parental psychological distress among children with externalizing behaviour 40 000 $
Hermanutz, Alexander  Université York "Investors Take Note": Extractive Capitalism, Settler Colonialism, and the Secwepemc First Nation's Resistance to Kinder Morgan 60 000 $
Herzog, Ian  University of Toronto Congestion charging's effect on commuting, employment, inequality, and welfare 20 000 $
Heyden, Ryan W. McMaster University The German Red Cross and Humanitarianism in Divided Germany, 1944-1975 20 000 $
Holden, Michael  Queen's University Enhancing student learning of global competencies: Toward principles of classroom assessment for emergent learning 80 000 $
Hossack, Samantha N. University of Waterloo Uprooted and Displaced: Canadian Land Policies and Indigenous Rights, 1948-1982 40 000 $
Houle, Jean-François  Université Laval En quête d'existence : requête, conflit et reconnaissance dans l'anthropologie philosophique de Paul Ricœur 40 000 $
Hoult, Andrew  Carleton University Policies and Processes of Restorative Justice in Canada's Criminal Justice System 20 000 $
Howard, Ashley  University of Victoria Shorelines: Waterscapes and Fishing in Early Modern Drama 80 000 $
Howe Bukowski, Nicholas W. University of Toronto Soccer and Christianity in Greater Vancouver: Bodies, Relations, and Formations in Canadian Settler-Colonialism 60 000 $
Howsam, Jessica K. University of Wisconsin―Madison Still in survival mode: How legacies of violence shape immigrant-host dynamics 60 000 $
Huang, Hsin yee Cindy  Arizona State University A Big Look at Small Tools: The Spread of Microliths Across Eurasia 60 000 $
Huang, Siqi  University of Windsor Coping with intergenerational conflict among Chinese-Canadian young adults: Testing a conceptual model with a mixed-methods approach 40 000 $
Huggins, Julia M. Brown University Litigating the Body: Gesture, Gadgetry, and the Gavel 40 000 $
Hui, Sze Shing Christian  Ryerson University Creating a Positive Health and Wellness Equity Action Plan: Assessing the impact of privilege on the clinical health outcomes of Canadians living with HIV and the creation of a community-informed health and wellness equity plan of action 80 000 $
Hunt, Robert  Université Concordia Artificial Intelligence, Emotional Surveillance, and Mood Management 80 000 $
Hutchison, Jessica M. Wilfrid Laurier University "It's sexual assault. It's barbaric:" Women's experiences of being strip-searched in prison 40 000 $
Hyland, Corrie H.T. University of Cambridge Advancement of Palaeopathological Stable Isotope Research 80 002 $
Issa, Abdiasis B. Wilfrid Laurier University The Future of Peace and Security in the Horn of Africa: Can Regional Security Governance Mitigate Insecurity and Violent Conflict in the Most Conflict-Ridden Region? 60 000 $
Iwama, Daniel A. University of California, Los Angeles Planning Peace in the Pacific: Post-Military Land Use Planning and Indigenous Politics in Okinawa 20 000 $
Jagayat, Arvin S. Ryerson University User reputation indicators as means of reducing the spread of false news on social media 40 000 $
Jamal, Shaila M.S. McMaster University Inter-generational differences in everyday travel 60 000 $
James, Alyssa  Columbia University The production of heritage: Interrogating the revival of coffee production in Martinique 60 000 $
Jardey, Samaya  Simon Fraser University Hul'q'umi'num' language learning as a means of healing unresolved trauma 40 000 $
Jehn, Anthony  Western University The Effects of Postsecondary Fields of Study on Adult Health 40 000 $
Jerca, Ana-Maria  Université York Comparing the effects of language on convictions in sexual assault trials in Québec and France 40 000 $
Jewell, Rachel R. University of Windsor Health and health care of socioeconomically vulnerable emergent adults with type 1 diabetes: Preliminary examination using the Canadian Community Health Survey, 2001-2016 40 000 $
Johal, Rishma  Université McGill Transgressing Boundaries: South Asian-Indigenous Relations in the Pacific Northwest, 1897-1947 60 000 $
Johnson, Brendyn  Université de Montréal Culture(s) of Delay in Canadian Courts 60 000 $
Johnson, Letitia  University of Saskatchewan Responsibilities of Racism: Health Care and Japanese-Canadian Internment During the Second World War 60 000 $
Jones-Lavallée, Ahisha  Université Laval L'utilisation de l'entretien pour la formulation culturelle et la compétence culturelle chez les intervenants en santé mentale 60 000 $
Joseph, Leigh J. University of Victoria Feeding Our Spirit Indigenizing Ethnobotany to reconnect Skwxwu7mesh and Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin First Nations plant knowledge with cultural and physical well being 40 000 $
Joyce, S.J. Adrienna  Université McGill Race, space, and power relationships: Critical teacher education through photovoice as pedagogy 40 000 $
Kachynska, Nadiia  University of Toronto Fostering the Values of Research: National Policies and Organizational Strategies of Public Universities in Central and Eastern Europe 40 000 $
Kampherm, Monique E. University of Waterloo Poll-Suasion: The Rhetoric of Digital Media Election Poll Trackers During the 2015 and 2019 Canadian Federal Elections 20 000 $
Kanary, Richard T. McMaster University The Canadian Federal Inmate in Context: Where are the Voices? 60 000 $
Karlson, Sarah  University of Victoria Vampire fiction, venereal disease, and infected Victorians 60 000 $
Kassen, Jenny  Western University  Working (In)visible binaries: Two-Spirit, Trans, and Nonbinary youths' experiences of accessing mental health supports in Ontario public secondary schools 20 000 $
Katz, Leanna  Harvard University Legal Conceptions of Time: The Time and Place of Work 80 000 $
Kelley, Stephanie L. Queen's University The adoption and effectiveness of artificial intelligence ethics initiatives 40 000 $
Khalil, Samiha  University of California, Irvine Between Modernity and Racial Slavery: Anti-Black Racism in the Arab World 60 000 $
Khan, Shoilee S. Université York Intimate and Orphaned Disasters: Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching Disaster Narratives 40 000 $
Khasanova, Nariya  University of Alberta Reproductive Decision-Making in a Comparative Familial Migration Context 40 000 $
Kidney, Joseph H. Stanford University Playing Until Doomsday: English Early Modern Drama and the Ars Moriendi 40 000 $
Kim, Hyunah  University of Toronto Effects of cultural familiarity on elementary students' performance on a standardized reading test 20 000 $
Kling, Lucas  University of British Columbia Abstract encounters: queering nonrepresentational modern and contemporary art 80 000 $
Klingspor, Josefine A. Yale University On God's Mind and Idealism in Spinoza 80 000 $
Koberinski, Jodi  University of Waterloo Towards food democracy: tensions between commodification and commoning 80 000 $
Komorowski, Jennifer L. Western University The Masochian Woman 40 000 $
Konken, Lauren C. Princeton University The Politics of Constructive Ambiguity in International Trade Law 20 000 $
Kumar-Ratta, Amrita A. University of Toronto Gendered Geopolitics of Exclusion: Transnational Migration, Institutionalized Violence, and the Wellbeing of Punjabi Women in Canada 60 000 $
Kwakyewah, M. Cynthia  University of Oxford Explaining variations in companies' implementation of human rights principles: Insights from Ghana's extractive industries 60 000 $
Kwiatkowski, Brendan  University of Edinburgh Canadian adolescent males' masculinities and school experiences based on levels of emotional restriction 60 000 $
Labrie, Marie-Pierre  Université Concordia Création numérique et corporéité dans un curriculum centré sur la coprésence connectée 40 000 $
Lacy, Rachel  University of British Columbia Tokens in late medieval and early modern English theatre and theology 40 000 $
Laferté-Coutu, Mérédith  Pennsylvania State University What is Phenomenological Ethics? A Critical Take on Passivity and Affect in Husserl and Levinas 40 000 $
Landry, Pascal  Université Laval Archiver l'insaisissable : le cas de l'improvisation musicale non idiomatique 80 000 $
Langille, Justin  University of Toronto Envisioning Invisible Waters: How activists use images to manifest the political significance of Elora, Ontario groundwater 60 000 $
Langlois-Pelletier, Nicia  Université du Québec à Montréal Étude écosystémique des besoins des élèves-athlètes de 14-17 ans du programme Sport-études pour la gestion de l'anxiété de performance 60 000 $
Laporte, Antoine  Sorbonne Université L'Œuvre pour piano seul et musique de chambre avec piano de Gabriel Pierné (1863-1937) : sources, esthétique et interprétation 80 000 $
Larocque, Emmanuelle  Université d'Ottawa La mise en scène du yoga en travail social : analyse des (en)jeux de légitimation 60 000 $
Lateef, Rusan  Université McGill Child sexual abuse survivors: Shame and non-disclosure in counselling 80 000 $
Lau, Parky  Ryerson University Rumination, Life Stress, and Insomnia Symptoms: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study 80 000 $
Lawrason, Sarah V.C. University of British Columbia Enhancing physical activity quantity and quality among people with spinal cord injuries who ambulate 60 000 $
Lawrence, Toby K. University of British Columbia Models of Reimagined Curatorial Practice: Labour, Land, and Community 20 000 $
L'Écuyer, Roxane  Université du Québec à Montréal Le rôle de l'enseignant dans les relations entre pairs en début de scolarisation 40 000 $
Lee, HeunJung M. University of Alberta Imagining time otherwise: lived experiences among persons living with dementia 20 000 $
Lehman, Samantha  Memorial University of Newfoundland Traumas, They Surround Us: Examining Women, Trauma, and Love in The Mists of Avalon and Le Morte Darthur 60 000 $
Lemay, Flavie  Université de Montréal L'utilisation régulière des réseaux sociaux numériques, quelle influence sur le processus de reconnaissance des préposées aux bénéficiaires et des travailleurs sociaux œuvrant en centre d'hébergement et de soins de longue durée? 80 000 $
Lepianka, Alexander B. Western University After Idealism: Critical Practice in the Work of F.W.J. Schelling, 1809-1815 80 000 $
Lévesque-Lacasse, Alexandra  Université du Québec en Outaouais La stigmatisation sociale chez les personnes aux prises avec des douleurs chroniques 60 000 $
Liang, Jingen  University of Guelph Improving life: Exploring the relationship between psychological distance and automated versus human service 40 000 $
Linde, Eva  University of Victoria Climate Litigation and the Legislative Powers of Courts: Redrawing the Boundaries between Law and Politics? 80 000 $
Lindsay, Brittany L. University of Calgary Contact-based education for suicide stigma reduction 80 000 $
Little, Tarisa D. University of Saskatchewan A History of the Detroit River Wyandot Day School Experience, 1820-1850s 40 000 $
Lively, Christopher J. Memorial University of Newfoundland Youth Interrogation Rights: Can Comprehension Be Enhanced Through The Multimedia Effect? 40 000 $
Livingston, Meghann A. Memorial University of Newfoundland The Côte du Chapeau Rouge: Investigating the historic French cultural landscape of Newfoundland's Burin Peninsula, 1504-1713 80 000 $
Lotay, Anureet  University of Victoria Family Matters: Pregnancy Loss and the Punjabi Canadian Diaspora 20 000 $
Lowe, Lana C. University of Victoria Dechinta nats'edeh / Witaskewin / Living on the land: revitalizing Indigenous law and environmental governance in Denendeh 40 000 $
Lu, Jun  Université York Memory Restoration: Working through Histories in the Ethnic Chinese Diasporas 40 000 $
Ludwig, Dylan M. Université York The Functional Contributions of Consciousness 20 000 $
Ma, Angela C. University of Alberta Situational factors affecting response to exclusionary leader rhetoric 60 000 $
Mac Donald, Kelly A. University of Guelph Work & retirement in Canada: a changing landscape 60 000 $
MacLean Legge, Justine E. Université du Manitoba "I am not a Mindreader:" Dyadic Effects of the Belief that Mindreading is Expected on Romantic Relationship Quality 40 000 $
Maharaj, Sukshmadarshi  University of Toronto A Tale of Two Krishnas 60 000 $
Majumder, Debolina  University of Cambridge Constructing Delhi: labour informality and the urban landscape in the long twentieth century 40 000 $
Maksymetz, Christina K. McMaster University The concept of inclusion in the French language in classrooms, in French as a Second Language textbooks and in curriculum policy documents 20 000 $
Mallette, Frédéric  Université de Sherbrooke La vie personnelle comme facteur explicatif des comportements violents au travail 60 000 $
Maloney, Keisha D.R. University of Sheffield Pursuing reconciliation through challenging the symbolic and material spatial form: Explorations of urban Indigeneity in Toronto, Canada 80 000 $
Mantilla Morales, Valeria  University of Toronto Africans of Colonial New Granada: Food, Identity and Society in the Eighteenth Century 40 000 $
Manuel, Alexa B. University of British Columbia Syilx Approaches to Literary Criticism 40 000 $
Mara-McKay, Nico  University of Guelph The Fluidity of Gender in Medieval Medical Treatises 80 000 $
Marani, Husayn  University of Toronto Public Financial Risk Protection for Family Caregivers of Community-Dwelling Persons Living with Dementia in Ontario 40 000 $
Marchand, François  Université d'Ottawa L'Éducation à la citoyenneté des enfants sous la loupe : l'expérience du comité des droits des enfants du Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Gatineau 60 000 $
Marcotte Bouthillier, Maxime  Université York Beliefs and 'the Political' on the Edges of Regime Change 40 000 $
Marcoux, Rémi  Université de Montréal Modalités de la représentation et enjeux narratifs de la conversation artistique mondaine chez Marcel Proust et Virginia Woolf : suivi de Le salon de Madame Weil 80 000 $
Mardirossian, Vanessa  Université Concordia La face cachée de la matière : une écolittératie du vêtement par le développement de biomatières à porter dans une pratique du design textile 60 000 $
Marino, Jessica P. Carleton University Making Memory, Marking Absence: Analyzing Uruguay's Dictatorial Past through the Production of Literature, Film and Commemorative Art 60 000 $
Marr, Kelsey L. University of British Columbia Shifting futures: Swedish immigration, nationalism, and reproductive planning 60 000 $
Marrs, Sean P. Queen's University People and Paper: The bureaucracy of the French Foreign Ministry, 1774-1787 60 000 $
Martin, Alicia  University of Guelph Agrifood literacy: an expert-validated definition, indicators and sampling of what Canadians know 80 000 $
Mascioli, Brittany A. Lakehead University Does Temporal Discounting Mediate the Relationship between Gratitude and Altruism? 40 000 $
Mash, Cole A.J. Simon Fraser University Read, Listen, Watch: Relationality of Forms and Media in Contemporary Performance Poetry 60 000 $
Mason, Alleson  University of Alberta African-Canadians and Supplementary Education Programs in Edmonton, Alberta 20 000 $
Mastorakos, Tessie  University of Toronto Developmental Progression of Attention Biases among Children with and without Domestic Violence Exposure 40 000 $
Mathews, Marrissa J.L. McMaster University Exploring Indigenous Education Alternatives in the Ontario Education Policy Landscape: A Comparative Study of Hawaiian and Alberta Culture-Based Charter Schools 40 000 $
Maurice-Hammond, Isabelle  University of Victoria Getting to the root of root garden cultivation 40 000 $
Mauro, Vincent  Cornell University Party Systems and Redistribution in Democratic Latin America 40 000 $
Mayne, Kyla  Queen's University The Continuity of Peer and Romantic Victimization in Sexual Minority Adolescents: Fostering a Supportive Classroom for LGBT2Q+ Students 80 000 $
McDevitt, Kelly  Queen's University Gender, Artificial Intelligence, and Posthuman Subjectivity in Contemporary Science Fiction 40 000 $
McDonell, Colleen M. University of Toronto The spectral class: female servants and supernatural insight in British ghost stories, 1845-1905 60 000 $
McGregor, Kate J. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick "There is only one way to be pretty!" Racialized Norms Beauty in the Global German Empire, 1884 to 1939 80 000 $
McKenna, Stephen William Bruce  Université du Québec à Montréal Struggles Over the New Democratic Party, 1961-2019 80 000 $
McKenzie, Braeden C. University of Toronto The Negotiation and Mediation of Sports-related Concussion in Canada 80 000 $
McKinney, Sierra L. Université de Montréal Managing Shame and Working with Guilt in Heritage Contexts 80 000 $
McWhinney, Tara L. Carleton University Revisiting domestic labour in the context of austerity measures and new household formations through an examination of the household labour and freedom of women in Ontario 20 000 $
McWilliams, Jennifer M. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Sibling caregivers of individuals with intellectual disabilities in New Brunswick and Ontario 60 000 $
Melvin, Christopher D. Yale University Remote and Desert Places: Indigenous Territoriality and the Political Ecology of Hemispheric Integration in Colombia and Venezuela, 1931-1989 40 000 $
Midanik, Shaun B. University of Toronto The Emergence of Books of Prints in Early Modern Italy 20 000 $
Mihirig, Abdurrahman Ali  Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München Abstract Objects and General Ontology in Post-Classical Islamic Philosophy 60 000 $
Mikuska, Stefan S. Université York Remaking sovereign money: the political economy of monetary reform in Zimbabwe 20 000 $
Milewski, Patricia D. University of British Columbia Flowers of Parnassus: A Critical Survey and Analysis of Two Seventeenth-Century German Songbooks by Gertrud Möller and Johann Sebastiani 60 000 $
Millard, Robert G. Western University Early-Onset Disability, Financial Incentives, and Educational Investments 40 000 $
Millares Thomson, Alexis R. University of Toronto Bridging the Gap between Microtonal Worlds 80 000 $
Miller, Ian  University of Alberta Morphophonology and Semantics of Latin Diminutives and Words of Personifications 20 000 $
Miller, John S. University of Southern California Perverts and the Dope Peddlers: Psychoactive Drugs, the Construction of Sexual Deviancy, and LGBTQ Culture in the United States, 1930s-1980s 60 000 $
Millot, Pascale  Université de Montréal Mise en récit, stratégies narratives et performativité de l'expérience du vieillissement féminin chez Nathacha Appanah, Denise Boucher, Hélène Cixous, Annie Ernaux et Jacqueline Harpman 80 000 $
Miquet, Françoise  Université de Montréal La traduction de la mémoire gréco-turque et sa réception en Grèce 60 000 $
Mody, Zankhna  University of British Columbia Agricultural Strategies for Drought and Climate Change in Tropical Dry Zones: Comparative Case Studies from Bagan, Myanmar 80 000 $
Mohamed, Surer  University of Cambridge Space, Memory, and the Contested Politics of Conflict-Related Property Disputes in Mogadishu 40 000 $
Mohler, Elizabeth C. Western University Exploring the impact of the direct funding model on occupational performance and engagement for adults with physical disabilities 80 000 $
Mongrain, Philippe  Université de Montréal Citizens as election forecasters 40 000 $
Monnerat, Mélie  Université McGill The price of spice: How high value non-timber forest product commodity chains influence ethnic minority livelihoods in Northern Vietnam 20 000 $
Montminy-Sanschagrin, Noémie  Université Laval Dynamique développementale des processus émotionnels et cognitifs de l'enfant en contextes éducatifs préscolaires 80 000 $
Mooney, Julie A. University of Alberta Living Policy: Canadian university professors begin moving toward reconciliation 40 000 $
Moore, Dylan T. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Optimal Design of Political Finance Regulations 20 000 $
Moorhouse, Emily A. University of Toronto Critical Media Literacy Approaches to Consent and Violence Prevention 40 000 $
Morin, Genevieve  École nationale d'administration publique Facteurs influencant la dynamique de l'intelligence culturelle des gestionnaires et professionnels en santé 80 000 $
Morris, Rae M. University of British Columbia Interactions and Communication Between Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Mental Health Providers: An Interpretive Description Study 40 000 $
Mostowski, Elizabeth H. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Polish-Jewish Literature After the Holocaust: Witnessing, Collective Memory, and Fictitious Remembering 60 000 $
Mukunzi Ntunga, Joana  Université d'Ottawa Évaluation de la surreprésentation des enfants et adolescents noirs dans le système de la protection de l'enfance 80 000 $
Muyingo, Lydia  Dalhousie University The Role of Acculturation on Alcohol Use 40 000 $
Myrick, Alexander  Université d'Ottawa Normalizing psychiatry: debates between psychiatrists and the rest of medicine over psychiatric treatment in Canadian hospitals 1900-1960 80 000 $
Nathoo, Jasmine A. University of Alberta Seeking Refuge: Integration Experiences of Adolescent Syrian Girls in Canada 40 000 $
Nayfeh, Ayah  University of Toronto Exploring Medical Decision-Making and the Experience of Care from the Perspective of Family Members of Seriously Ill and Ethnoculturally Diverse Patients 40 000 $
Ngabusi Sapa, Lucie  Université Laval Parcours d'insertion : le cas des demandeurs d'asile entrés de manière irrégulière au Québec en 2017 et en 2018 60 000 $
Nguyen, Duc Hien  University of Massachusetts Amherst The political economy of sexual orientation and gender identities 60 000 $
Nicolaides, Eleni  University of Guelph Advocating for policy change: legal mobilization by Canadian interest groups in constitutional cases and replies, 2009-2019 40 000 $
Norris, Matthew P. University of British Columbia Our Voices - Urban Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 80 000 $
Novokowsky, Alexandria T. Carleton University Accelerating Transitions to Sustainable Food Systems 80 000 $
Nunoda, Erin S. University of Toronto Queer loneliness, or spectatorship after video 20 000 $
O'Neil, Kelly C. St. Francis Xavier University On the air: A Participatory Action Research project engaging older women in becoming change agents through a community radio initiative 80 000 $
O'Neill, Brittney K. Université York Following Norms or Leading Change: The Language of Degendering in Social Dance 80 000 $
Orr, Erin  Ryerson University Reassurance Seeking Behaviour in Children 40 000 $
Orzel, Charlotte H. University of California, Santa Barbara Screening Circuits: Domestic Chains, Global Exhibition Practice, and Industrial Standards in Formation, 2000-2017 40 000 $
Osborne, Peter C. Université McGill Understanding the integration of social, ecological, economic, and technical systems of sustainable architecture 80 000 $
Ostridge, Lindsay  Université d'Ottawa Sexual Violence Prevention Campaigns in Ontario: An Examination of Discourses of Prevention 60 000 $
Ouimet, Gabrielle  Université de Montréal Le Spoken Word comme médium favorisant l expression de groupes linguistiques marginalisés : la microécriture performative en Suisse germanophone chez Aglaja Veteranyi, Ariane von Graffenried, Nora Gomringer et Stefanie Grob 80 000 $
Pachkowski, Mikayla C.D. University of British Columbia Dissociating from the fear of death: An examination of personal characteristics that may facilitate the decision to die by suicide 80 000 $
Paliy, Anna  University of Toronto Stitching outskirts: Russian ballet stage costumes as intercultural media, 1890-1930 40 000 $
Parent, Anne-Sophie  Université Laval Mise en place d'un dispositif de développement professionnel misant sur la réflexivité et l'apprentissage actif auprès d'enseignants.es d'éducation préscolaire afin de favoriser le soutien à l'apprentissage offert en classe 80 000 $
Parent-Chartier, Clothilde  Université d'Ottawa Quels mécanismes sociaux expliquent l'échec des réformes foncières censées faciliter l'accès des femmes à la terre au Sénégal? 80 000 $
Parent-Taillon, Élizabeth  Université du Québec à Montréal Étude du développement de l'anxiété d'évaluation du primaire au secondaire : son lien dans l'adaptation scolaire et ses prédicteurs personnels et familiaux 60 000 $
Parker, Megan  Université d'Ottawa Metis Women on the Plains, 1800-1885 60 000 $
Patel, Khushi  Ryerson University The contributions of vision and magnocellular visual pathway in reading difficulties 40 000 $
Patel, Naznin Idris  Université McGill When religion and philosophy part ways: Marsilio Ficino's reconciliation of revelation and reason 40 000 $
Patel, Sonali  University of Toronto Invisibilization of Queer South Asian Women in Canada 80 000 $
Pearce, Rebecca L. Université McGill Preterm Children as Learners of Mathematics 40 000 $
Pearson, Erin  Western University Examining Socio-Political Contexts of Parasport Events in Canada and France 80 000 $
Pecile, Éric L. University of Toronto Private Wealth, Public Profits: Moral Economies in sixteenth century Italy 20 000 $
Peers, Robyn  University of British Columbia The Terror Within: Neoliberalism and the rhetoric of fatphobia in North American public discourse 80 000 $
Peng, Hsin-Yun  Université York Conceptualizing Identity and Belonging of Queer Chinese Migrants in Canada 20 000 $
Per, Megan  Université McGill A mindfulness-based training program for self-injury: An approach to improve emotional regulation 80 000 $
Peraic, Ika  Université Concordia Research-creational speculative re-imaginings of the Canadian museum: Indigenous heritage, sensorium and settler-colonialism 40 000 $
Pérez Cañizares, Marcos G. Cornell University An Empire of Mist: The North Pacific from Hapsburgs to Bourbons, 1600-1830 40 000 $
Perkins, Jana M. Université McGill Romantic Poetry and Perception in the Wake of Enlightenment-era Sciences 80 000 $
Perks, Matthew  University of Waterloo Community Management as Governance: Regulation and Resiliency in Online Communities 40 000 $
Perreault, Annie  Université du Québec à Montréal Courir, écrire : Les grands espaces 20 000 $
Philibert-Lignières, Gwenaëlle  Université McGill The effect of a musical education program on cognitive skills of children with autism spectrum disorder 40 000 $
Phillips, Freedom-Kai  University of Cambridge Exploration of Law and Governance Mechanisms at the Nexus of Climate, Oceans and Biodiversity: Innovative Approaches for Advancing Sustainable Development and the Green Economy 80 000 $
Pieber, Darryl A. Western University Lost in space? Locative media use among LGBT youth in urban spaces 40 000 $
Pillersdorf, Daniel  University of Windsor Eyewitness memory in chronic cannabis users 60 000 $
Piskor, Ashley  Western University Negotiating power in cultural heritage management: a comparative study of national parks co-management in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Canada and Northern Territory, Australia 80 000 $
Pizzolato, Larissa A.V. University of Toronto Monitoring snow in Canada using a school-based citizen science initiative 80 000 $
Pomart, Peter N. Université du Manitoba Reframing Stakeholder Management to Advance Indigenous Rights 60 000 $
Pon, Carmen L. University of Sussex Peacebuilding and the elite: A case study of Jordanian private schools serving youth from the Middle East and North Africa 60 000 $
Popa, Denisa R. University of Toronto Gender, Body and Health: Womens College Hospital (Toronto, Canada) 80 000 $
Potvin, Lynne A. Université d'Ottawa How is contraception determined in the context of intellectual and developmental disabilities? The perspectives of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families using an intersectional, family, and justice-based framework 20 000 $
Pradhan, Kesha  University of British Columbia Mate Selection: Young Adult-Parent Goal-Directed Processes 60 000 $
Preece, Cassandra  McMaster University Rights and Recognition: Paths to Ethnic Peace and Representation in East and Southeast Asia 80 000 $
Prevost, Madelyn C. Simon Fraser University Dead settlers and living museums: modern settler colonial identity and nostalgia in Canada 80 000 $
Prieur, Cynthia  Queen's University The Fortune of Perugino's Paintings, From Italy to France, 1797-1820 40 000 $
Prior, Kayla E. Brown University Postapocalyptic Hope: Decolonizing Genres of Being in Contemporary North American Fiction 60 000 $
Pritchard, Kyle  Wilfrid Laurier University Implements of War: Industrial Science, Natural Resources and the Canadian Munitions Industry during the First World War 40 000 $
Prud'homme, Julie  University of Victoria Exploring daily experiences of heterosexism, sexism, and maladaptive coping behaviours in young sexual minority women: An experience sampling study 80 000 $
Prvulović, Dragana  Université d'Ottawa Who Is A Serb Here?: Negotiating Ethnic Difference in Contemporary Croatia 80 000 $
Pullen, Rebekah K.C. McMaster University Nuclear imaginings and anticipatory politics: Exploring exceptional decisions in popular film 40 000 $
Purcell, Kaitlyn E. University of Calgary Restoring ikazi: nate, hani, and heretlis as theoretical practice 60 000 $
Pynn, Shannon  University of Alberta Developing an education and support program to improve sport parents' emotional intelligence 40 000 $
Rainville, Rosalie  Université du Québec à Montréal La culture du terroir au Québec : une sociologie des nouvelles initiatives agricoles et alimentaires liées au terroir 20 000 $
Razek, Sherena  Brown University Histories of Dispossession, Images of Repossession: Indigenous Photography, Film, and Futurity in Canada and Israel-Palestine 60 000 $
Reed, Kathleen J. Simon Fraser University The Digital Experiences and Practices of Rural Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth 80 000 $
Reggin, Lorraine D. University of Calgary Grasping the invisible: Abstract vocabulary for literacy and learning 60 000 $
Rémy-Handfield, Gabriel  Université de Montréal Corporalités queer et post-humaines: étude comparée de la mutation dans la littérature et la culture visuelle sino-futuriste et (futuriste) autochtone 40 000 $
Ren, Yuxi  University of Toronto The Changing Landscape of Expert Searching: A Domain Analysis 60 000 $
Renaud, Marie-Pierre  Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Les relations thérapeutiques entre les professionnels de la santé et les patients autochtones en Abitibi-Témiscamingue : regard sur des mesures de sécurisation culturelle 60 000 $
Richard, Julie  Université Laval Explorer les expériences participatives des jeunes marginalisés des territoires ruraux au Québec 20 000 $
Robinson, Chanelle  Boston College Poetic Incarnations: Exploring Diasporic Poetry by Developing Womanist Theological Anthropology in Canada 80 000 $
Robinson, Lindsay E. Carleton University Unlikely Subjects? Girl-Child Subjectivity and the 'Girling' of Development 40 000 $
Robitaille, Christian  Université d'Ottawa L'action, ses effets et ses motivations 20 000 $
Rosenberg, Lindsay  Dalhousie University Understanding the relationship between awareness of word structure and reading comprehension in early readers 60 000 $
Rothschuh, Stefan  University of Calgary Mobilizing Mathematics: How Technology Enhances Embodied Learning 20 000 $
Rudraiah, Ganga  University of Toronto Akam Cinema: The Aesthetics of Love in Tamil FIlms 40 000 $
Rutigliano, Valentina  University of British Columbia M&As and Labor Markets: How Human Capital Shapes Deals and How Deals Affect Incumbents 60 000 $
Ryken, Alexandra M. Dalhousie University The rhythm of reading: Examining the relationship between prosodic sensitivity and reading comprehension across the early elementary grades 80 000 $
Saaoud, Elie  HEC Montréal L'impact des technologies émergentes sur l'organisation en santé : vers une transformation des pratiques et une redéfinition du pouvoir 80 000 $
Safa, Ali  Université York Opioid-using Women's Perceptions of Stigma and Discrimination in Health Service Interactions 80 000 $
Sanchez Nunez de Villavicencio, Paula  University of Toronto How Augmented Reality is affecting Labour in Canada 60 000 $
Santos, Rachel M. University of Toronto Parenting by lying and its relationship with dishonesty and social-emotional adjustment problems in children with and without severe conduct problems 20 000 $
Sarta, Andrew  Western University Attention Please: Cognitive Triggers for Organizations Adapting to the Emergence of FinTech 20 000 $
Saumier, Geneviève  Université du Québec à Montréal Contribution des pratiques artistiques participatives et dialogiques contemporaines au développement des méthodes de recherche de l'ethnographie collaborative 80 000 $
Savath, Leslie  Carleton University Québécois Folklore and the Politics of Nation-Making in English Canada 20 000 $
Savoie, Justin  University of Toronto Political Ideology: A Network Approach 40 000 $
Sawyer, Catherine E. University of Toronto Gender, indigeneity and geographical imagination in Peruvian avant-garde poetry 80 000 $
Schalburg-Clayton, Jessica R. University of Otago Agricultural transition and climate change at the emergence of social hierarchy in Iron Age Northeast Thailand 40 000 $
Schultz, Kimberleigh C. McMaster University A changing climate: Inuit livelihoods and development in the context of Arctic warming 40 000 $
Scott, Braden L. Université McGill Building Worlds: The Globalization of Ancient Architecture in the Netherlandish Archaeological Imagination 20 000 $
Scully-Blaker, Rainforest  University of California, Irvine Workification and Labour Movements in the Video Game Industry 40 000 $
Shaffer, Miya  University of California, Los Angeles Towards a mixed-race analytic: theorizing race construction in North American dance studies 40 000 $
Shay, Matt  University of Calgary Home is where the heart is: How the home environment can protect against delayed child development in hypertensive pregnancies 40 000 $
Sheedy, Sydney J. Université Concordia The Rise of Occultism in Queer Community Building in Montreal 60 000 $
Sheehy, Grace E. Johns Hopkins University Exploring perceptions of abortion legality among women in West Africa 40 000 $
Shum, Vanessa  Simon Fraser University Fear of missing out ("FOMO"): The perceived prevalence of better work experiences 40 000 $
Simone, Ariana C. University of Toronto To tell or not to tell? Social barriers and consequences of the disclosure of self-injury 60 000 $
Simpson, Alexandra W. Université York Pipelines and Performance: embodied resistance in the anti-fossil fuel movement in Canada 60 000 $
Slack, Gregory  City University of New York Black Marxism: Which Way Forward? 20 000 $
Smeja, Katrina  Université McGill An exploration of Indigenous worldviews and community initiatives that support resilience and reclaiming cultural identity: Implications for decolonizing counselling psychology 80 000 $
Smith, Cameron W. Université d'Ottawa Supporting effective technology integration in Canadian French-as-a-Second-Language education 80 000 $
Smith, Kristina A. University of Toronto Exploring the relational dimensions of suffering and waiting in the context of paediatric transplant and palliative care 20 000 $
Smith, Olivia E. University of Oxford The Pre-Christian Funeral and the Representation of the Past in Old Norse Literature 80 000 $
Snook, Ashley  Western University Phylogenetic Interconnectivity: A Biophiliac Approach to Human and Nonhuman Kinship 60 000 $
Spencer, Stephen A. City University of New York Taxonomies of timbre: Evaluating twentieth-century systems of orchestration 40 000 $
Spring, Cynthia J. Université York Investing in the Future?: Debt, Mobility, and Post-Secondary Education in Ontario and Quebec 40 000 $
Stackaruk, Christian R. University of St. Michael's College Retrieving the Impact of Non-Western Voices at the Second Vatican Council 20 000 $
Stanton, Carley J. University of Oxford Wildfire, morel mushroom harvesting, and "Windows of Opportunity" for post-disaster change 60 000 $
Stendel, Moriah S. University of Oregon To know and be known: how is our Self represented in the minds and brains of friends? 60 000 $
Stewart, Jessica D.W. University of British Columbia The Good Target Across the Lifespan 80 000 $
Stoica, Cristina T. Western University Romania and the Holocaust: Roma Persecution under the Antonescu Regime 60 000 $
Stone, Kerilee  University of California, Santa Cruz Reparative Game Design: Affect, Art, and Psychosocial Disability 20 000 $
Storey, Meaghan M.O. University of Victoria Connecting with core competencies: Learning from the experience of BC secondary language arts educators with curriculum-based social and emotional learning 20 000 $
Stormhunter, Tayzia  Université du Manitoba First Nations Philanthropy Engagement Research Project 80 000 $
Stow, Meara K. Western University Social Development and Perception of Humanness in Autism Spectrum Disorder 80 000 $
Straus, Elizabeth  University of British Columbia Supporting well-being and addressing marginalization for technology-dependent young people with disabilities 20 000 $
Sturtevant, Elliott  Columbia University Empire's Stores: Entrepôt Urbanism in America, 1846-1947 20 000 $
Swyers, Erica L. University of Waterloo Learner beliefs about grammar learning and teaching 80 000 $
Tanga, Mansanga  Université d'Ottawa Assessing the impact of gendered migration trajectories on the political incorporation of immigrant women: The case of women of Congolese origin in Canada 20 000 $
Tetrault, Ella K. Université York Living Well Together―Interspecies collaboration in video and performance 40 000 $
Thompson, Amanda J. Wilfrid Laurier University Relationships of Reciprocity: The Indigenous Oshkaabewis as a Bridge Builder in Post-Secondary 60 000 $
Thompson, Karen A. Simon Fraser University Kinaesthetic Strike: Dance as Radical Strike Within the Affective Encounter Between the Body and Technologies of Control 40 000 $
Thompson, Samantha  University of Washington Tenant experiences of care networks in affordable housing advocacy 60 000 $
Tilleczek, Elliott  University of Toronto Queer Digital Activism: The Affective Dimensions of World Making & Safety Seeking Practices 60 000 $
Timler, Kelsey M. University of British Columbia Growing together: Strengthening foodways and legal traditions for wellbeing through a participatory gardening and culinary program with justice-involved Indigenous women 80 000 $
Timmermans, Matthew  City University of New York RCA (The Radio Corporation of America) Victor's Portrait of America: Opera, Race, and Recording Post WWII Through the Civil Rights Act 60 000 $
Timms, Catherine A. University of Waterloo The Forest Remains: An Environmental History of the Carolinian Forest 60 000 $
Tissera, Hasagani  Université McGill To know, or not to know, that is the question: Exploring short- and long-term benefits of accurate and biased perceptions of partner's understanding 40 000 $
Todorov, Emily-Helen  Université du Québec à Montréal Conflict, Conflict Resolution, and Satisfaction in Adolescent Romantic Relationships: A Daily-Diary Study 40 000 $
Toman, Dario  University of Toronto Counterinsurgency, Radicalization, and Demobilization: Evidence from Colombia 80 000 $
Torelli, Julian  McMaster University Making Successful Human Rights Claims: Claims-Making and Responding Activities about Human Rights Violations in East Timor 60 000 $
Torrell, Ehryn  Loughborough University How does one make and teach art post Black Lives Matter? 80 000 $
Tovmasyan, Hasmik  University of Calgary Syrian-Armenian Refugees in Canada: War, Forced Migration and Cultural Trauma 40 000 $
Tremblay, Alice  Université du Québec à Montréal (Dés)incorporation nominale en innu : étude d'un changement structurel en cours 80 000 $
Tremblay, Monique D. Ryerson University An investigation of the contribution of cognitive biases to anger outcomes and reactive aggression 20 000 $
Trusolino, Madison R. University of Toronto Producing Laughs: Women & LGBTQ+ Comedians in the Canadian Comedy Industry 40 000 $
Tsekova, Virginia  Ryerson University The effect of a computerized task on romantic relationship functioning in individuals high in rejection sensitivity 80 000 $
Turgeon, Stéphanie  Université de Montréal Effet d'une formation interactive en ligne sur le développement de pratiques parentales visant la gestion des comportements problématiques de leur enfant ayant un trouble du spectre de l'autisme 20 000 $
Uher, Valerie  University of Waterloo Not showing up, together: Labour unrest in Canadian literature across the long 20th century 60 000 $
Vachon, Catherine  Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Évaluation de l'efficacité d'un programme d'interventions métacognitives à long terme sur le transfert des fonctions exécutives développées en jouant à des jeux vidéo d'action vers les situations d'écriture en contexte de remédiation pédagogique 80 000 $
Valcke, Alanna G. University of Waterloo Working With Others: The influence of partner and socio-cognitive skills 40 000 $
Vallejo Toledo, Esteban  University of Victoria A legal geography case for land value taxation and the right to the city 80 000 $
Vallette, Salomé  Institut national de la recherche scientifique La participation politique des aînés:  de l'expérience de la ville aux élections municipales 40 000 $
Valois, Darcie D. Memorial University of Newfoundland Anti-fat attitudes and body image in young adults: The moderating role of self-compassion 80 000 $
Van Dyk, Leah  University of Calgary Narrating Climate Crisis: Genre and Environmental Literature in the Age of Climate Change 80 000 $
Van Dyk, Stacey L. University of Oxford Antiquity as authority: Jesus and his Jewish forefathers in the Fourth Gospel 60 000 $
Van Giessen, Eric J. Université York Queerly faithful: Using collaborative art-based inquiry to explore the weaving of religious and sexual identities 80 000 $
Vasko, Jillian  University of Toronto Wages for Women's Work: ASMR, Value, and Labor in the Digital Age 40 000 $
Vegter, Vanessa M. University of Calgary Constructions of Wellness in a Rural Alberta Community: A Critical Ethnography 40 000 $
Venovcevs, Anatolijs  University of Tromsø―The Arctic University of Norway Living with Ruins - A Contemporary Archaeology of Industrial Vestiges 60 000 $
Vero, Eric  University of Waterloo A history of our own: an oral history of disability in fan communities, 1965-2019 80 000 $
Viens, Catherine  Université du Québec à Montréal Le gouvernement local en Inde comme tremplin pour le développement de mécanismes fédéraux en matière environnementale 40 000 $
Villeneuve, Louis-Étienne  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières La connaissance en histoire : une épistémologie naturaliste fondée sur les théories de l'information et le narrativisme 40 000 $
von Schütz, Konstanze  University of Toronto Possibilities and limitations of sharing access and control in the law of property 40 000 $
Wadams, Morgan L. University of Alberta A narrative inquiry study into the experiences of transitions into and out of Alberta correctional facilities for people living with HIV 40 000 $
Wadden, Jordan  University of British Columbia Examining the Moral and Epistemic Space for Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare 40 000 $
Wainwright, Samuel G. University of Oxford "Two souls dwell in the German nation": British scholars, the "two Germanies", and the two World Wars 60 000 $
Wang, Anna  Harvard University Music Theory as Cultural Ethnography on Two Regional Chinese Operas 40 000 $
Warner, Carmen M. Carleton University Racial histories, contested spaces: media and displacement in Nova Scotia, Canada 40 000 $
Webber, Katherine M. University of Calgary Understanding Online and Offline Relational Complexity in Care Provider-Care Receiver Relationships 80 000 $
Weber, Melissa  Université d'Ottawa Self-determined tourism development at the Wrecks of the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror National Historic Site 40 000 $
Weber, Stephanie H. Université McGill Glass culture and Canadian architecture in the Victorian era, 1856-1901 80 000 $
Webster, Christine A.S. University of Victoria Nuu-chah-nulth Leadership Frameworks Embedded in Ceremony 80 000 $
Wedlake, Grace  Queen's University Suicidal ideation as a flux-state: Centring the needs and experiences of people living with passive suicidality 80 000 $
Weisler, Alexander T. Université de Montréal Gig City: Labour and Life Under Airbnb 80 000 $
West, Alyssa  University of Calgary Seeing the Invisible: An Intersectional Analysis of the Cross-Cultural Transitioning Experiences of Sexual and Gender Minority Refugees in Canada 80 000 $
Whittingham, Lisa M. Brock University Examining factors involved in police decision-making regarding persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities 40 000 $
Wickstrom, Hanna C. University of Toronto Meeting in the middle: How can teachers and children optimize kindergarten math education? 40 000 $
Wight, Christine Ki  Simon Fraser University Developing critical pedagogies to support diversity and equity in post-secondary media production programs 40 000 $
Wilkinson, Michael J. University of British Columbia Make it Real: Peformance, Technology, and Meaning-Making in Arthur Conan Doyle 80 000 $
Willcott-Benoit, Whitney  University of Saskatchewan Can we centralize other people's traumatic experiences? An examination of non-offending mothers of sexually abused children 80 000 $
Wilson, Alexander P. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick The impact of recreational cannabis legalization on the illicit cannabis industry in New Brunswick 80 000 $
Wilson, Jordan Philip Henry  New York University The Politics of Language Revitalization in the Settler Colonial Present 60 000 $
Wilson, Joseph B. University of Toronto Communicating Science: A critical ethnography of knowledge production in the field of artificial intelligence 80 000 $
Wilson, Michelle M. Western University Wallow: Understanding the effects of patriarchal settler colonialism on interspecies relations through bison 40 000 $
Woo, Brandon M. Harvard University Infants' understanding of others' actions in sociomoral contexts 40 000 $
Wood, Cristina M. Université York Enchanting the Ottawa: An Affective Environmental History of the Ottawa River 80 000 $
Wyman-McCarthy, Timothy D. University of California, Berkeley Politicizing Human Rights: Social Movements Funding and the Future of Liberal Internationalism 40 000 $
Wyse, Emma F.L. Queen's University Empire's children: The uneasy acceptance of Jewish-British child migrants, 1938-1950 60 000 $
Xiang, Ran  University of British Columbia A cultural analysis of the tea ceremony as a form of aesthetic pedagogy 60 000 $
Xie, Elisabeth B. Carleton University The Secret behind Sexual Desire: A Dyadic Approach to the Motivation and Consequences of Sexual Self-Concealment among Romantic Partners 80 000 $
Yeomans, Richard D. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Inventing a Bountiful Earth: New Brunswick Settler Science and the Moral Economy, 1785-1885 60 000 $
Yu, Christine M. University of British Columbia The Help-Seeking Process for Racial and Ethnic Minority Parents of Children with Anxiety: A Grounded Theory 40 000 $
Yusuf, Badriyya H.R. Queen's University Impact Assessment of Internet Governance and Readiness for Emerging Technologies in West Africa's Tech Hub Cities―Accra, Ghana and Lagos, Nigeria 60 000 $
Zalis, Jordan W. Memorial University of Newfoundland WE THE NORTH: hip hop, basketball, and building community 20 000 $
Zeni, Megan  University of British Columbia No child left inside: loose parts, risky play, and teachers' perceptions of risk associated with playful learning outside the classroom 60 000 $
Zhang, Ying Shan Doris  University of Alberta Well-being, Language, and Social Connectedness of Chinese Immigrants in Canada: A Cohort Comparison Study 40 000 $
Zhao, Can  University of Victoria State and firms in China's information revolution 1994-2019 40 000 $
Zhu, Ma  University of British Columbia Assessing resilience: Do Chinese international students and Canadian domestic students process resilience items differently? 80 000 $
Zia, Belal  Université du Manitoba Promoting treatment seeking among Canadian Muslims: The development, implementation and evaluation of a novel theory-based psychoeducational intervention 80 000 $
Zuhair, Taif  McMaster University Even When it Appears to be English We are Speaking: Indigenous Literatures, Listening, and Immigrant Repositioning on Colonized Lands 40 000 $
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