Bénéficiaires des bourses d’études supérieures du Canada – Suppléments pour études à l’étranger Michael-Smith – Concours de 2019

Candidature Organisme administrateur Titre Somme accordée
Ahmad, Hassan  University of Toronto The New Immunity in Domestic Courts: Transnational Human Rights Claims against Multinational Corporations 6 000 $
Ambrose, Angela D. University of Calgary Models of Citizenship: A Comparative Analysis of Digital Humanitarianism and Local Activist Engagement 5 050 $
Amrov, Sabrien  University of Toronto Making Home in Little Syria: Arab Migrants in Istanbul after the Arab Spring 6 000 $
Anderson, Cole E. Ryerson University Artists' Films at Risk: Assessing the Collection at Canyon Cinema 6 000 $
Anderson, Janice  Université York Autotheory: Refusal, self-fashioning and world-making in Black women's literature in the Americas 5 800 $
Aoun, Wissam  Université York The International Patient Practice Narrative: Patient Agents, Epistemic Capture and the Patent Bargain 6 000 $
Auclair, Justine  Université Laval Entre rahui local, aires marines protégées nationales et objectifs environnementaux internationaux : la fondation Pew à la jonction du local et du global en Polynésie française 6 000 $
Ballantine, Jacquie  Carleton University Reported challenges experienced by undergraduate students with autism in acquiring academic writing genres: A mixed methods study 6 000 $
Beals, Ann Marie  Wilfrid Laurier University Indigenous Oral Stories from Australia and Canada as Identity Exploration and Education Tools, in a Time of Truth and Reconciliation 6 000 $
Beaudoin-Gagnon, Simon  Université de Montréal Research field in Geneva 6 000 $
Bell, Elyse Marie  Queen's University Home and belonging in the British Atlantic world, 1750-1830 6 000 $
Bhalloo, Insiya  University of Toronto Literacy in multilingual Canada: Evaluating and enhancing early literacy development in Urdu-English bilingual children 6 000 $
Blye, Clara-Jane  University of Alberta Nature is diverse, visitors should be too. Understanding diversity in parks and outdoor recreation. An investigation of policy, events, and staff perceptions 5 800 $
Bogović, René University of Toronto Ethnoracial boundaries negotiation through language use: ethnography of Afrikaans theatre and arts festivals 6 000 $
Brunt, Michael W. University of British Columbia Directed study at the School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Nottingham 6 000 $
Bukkfalvi-Cadotte, Alix  Institut national de la recherche scientifique L'accompagnement des parturientes par les sages-femmes : approches socioanthropologiques 6 000 $
Campbell, Hannah M. Simon Fraser University The Places We Choose: Exploring Scottish Folklores Connection to Protected Lands Through a Multi-Disciplinary Approach 6 000 $
Cantin Paquet, Marc-Olivier  Université de Montréal La radicalisation des combattants au sein des guerres civiles 6 000 $
Carlier, Denis  Université du Québec à Montréal Le masculinisme en France depuis la fin du 19e siècle 6 000 $
Carter, Sarah  Université McGill Art and Eros in the Circles of Henry Fuseli 6 000 $
Choi, Seenae  Université York Cinematic Taxidermy: A Discourse on Representation and Looking 6 000 $
Cohen, Jeremy  McMaster University Experiences with and Attitudes Towards Death in the Transhumanist Community 5 889 $
Damecour, Eric J. Saint Mary's University High-Flying Risks 5 000 $
Dent, Nicolette Université McGill Health impacts of commuter and recreational cycling on the greenway trail system in Anchorage, Alaska 6 000 $
Degenstein, Lauren M. University of Alberta Integration of a product stewardship model into the Canadian textile waste stream 5 478 $
Dehghansai, Nima  Université York A Comprehensive Examination of the Development of Parasport Athletes 6 000 $
Díez González, Maria Estrella  University of Alberta Les Génériques toponymiques empruntés par l'anglais d'Amerique 6 000 $
Doria, Nicole C. Dalhousie University Technology-Facilitated Violence of Adolescents on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter 6 000 $
Drukker, Kelly N. Université Concordia Naming the Traces: (Re)Constructing an Irish-Canadian Family Narrative of Emigration, Place-Making, and Return 6 000 $
Dunn, Suzanne M. Université d'Ottawa Deepfakes and Digital Misrepresentations: A Cross Jurisdictional Issue 6 000 $
Evans, Meredith G.B. Université York Music Therapy and the Aesthetics of Healing: An Ethnography of Music Therapy in Canadian Public Hospitals 6 000 $
Farley, Claire  Université d'Ottawa Resource Poetics: Collectivity and Futurity in the Contemporary Documentary Project 6 000 $
Fennig, Maya  Université McGill Helping refugees heal, improving Eritrean refugees access to effective mental health care 4 954 $
Filewod, Benjamin A. University of Toronto Developing multidimensional typologies of the global forest products sector to inform economic development policy 6 000 $
Fletcher, Beatrice A. McMaster University Combining soil chemistry and micromorphology to investigate Indigenous landscape histories 6 000 $
Forbes, Marisa  Université du Nouveau-Brunswick The French Colonial Experience: A Bioarchaeological Exploration of Treponemal Disease at the 18th century Fortress of Louisbourg 6 000 $
Forrest, Jacob  University of British Columbia Computing Los Angeles: Genealogies of Digital Urban Governance, 1970-2019 6 000 $
Forte, Kennis  Queen's University The Sacri Monti and their cultural milieu in early-modern Lombardy 6 000 $
Fortin, Jonathan  Université du Québec à Montréal Le statut marital comme catégorie d'analyse : célibat, genre et sexualité à Montréal 6 000 $
Fredborg, Beverley K. Ryerson University Examining Mechanisms of Change in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Integrated Trauma Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder with Posttraumatic Stress 6 000 $
Gabriele, Felicia  Université McGill "Awakening the consciences, informing the minds, and moving the hearts of the people:" the affective nature of anti-slavery fairs and bazaars, 1839-1865 6 000 $
Gagné Zouvi, Colin  Université de Montréal Séjour de recherche au Centre de documentation et d'étude Salvador Espriu en Catalogne 5 180 $
Gagnon Chainey, Benjamin  Université de Montréal Entre deux fins-de-siècle médicolittéraires : les expériences incarnées de la souffrance du mourant 6 000 $
Garrah, Juno  Université McGill Connecting Bright Spots and Local Environmental Stewardship in New York City 4 992 $
Gödöllei Lappalainen, Anna F. University of Waterloo My job has been automated: Time to get creative 6 000 $
Gomez, Camilo  Université McGill ¨The Value of the Sacred: Extraction of Natural Resources in Territories of the Colombian Amazon¨ 6 000 $
Gooding, Alexandra  Ryerson University Rediscovering the Caribbean: A Critical Analysis of Geographic Nomenclature in the Royal Commonwealth Society Collection 6 000 $
Grant, Amber M. Ryerson University Examining environmental justice in urban forest management and decision-making 6 000 $
Guye-Perrault, Aurélie  Université de Montréal Séjour de recherche au Centre George Simmel 6 000 $
Hedayati, Mona  University of Victoria Visualizing Unspoken Words: A Creative Project 6 000 $
Hill, Stephanie A. Ryerson University Political Advocacy By For-Profit Enterprises:  Actions and Governance Implications 6 000 $
Hird-Younger, Miriam  University of Toronto In pursuit of a good society: Situating trust in the political and social imaginary in Ghana 6 000 $
Holt, Emerald  University of British Columbia The Multimodal Landscape: an immersive audiovisual installation of nature 6 000 $
Houser, Natalie E. University of Saskatchewan Physical literacy in preschool aged children: An opportunity for training and measurement 6 000 $
Illesinghe, Mahabaduge V.F. Ryerson University The lived experiences and vulnerabilities of Sri Lankan women in their permanent migration to Canada: exploring the pre-migration context 5 757 $
Jaques, Bronwyn E. Queen's University Tourism, Cultural Diplomacy and the Local-Global Continuum 6 000 $
Karsgaard, Carrie A. University of Alberta Teaching the Trans Mountain Pipeline: (Anti)colonial Public Pedagogy on Instagram 6 000 $
Kim, Dongwon  University of Toronto Valuable books: medieval and modern use and reception of fifteenth-century Books of Hours 6 000 $
Kostecki, Isabelle  Université de Montréal Portée des rituels de mort pour accompagner les patients en fin de vie et leurs familles : comparaison entre établissements de santé au Québec et en Suisse romande 6 000 $
Laflamme, Mathieu  Université d'Ottawa Les lieux, les temps et les mots de la sexualité ordinaire à Toulouse au 18e siècle 6 000 $
Lajoie, Steffen J. Université de Montréal Urban climate change adaptation. Diversity, power and negotiation in Panorama, Colombia 6 000 $
Lambek, Nadia C.S. University of Toronto Transnational Agrarian Movements and the Normative Elaboration of International Law 6 000 $
Lam, Vienna C. Simon Fraser University Retrospective Taphonomic Study on Aquatic Body Decomposition 6 000 $
Langill, Jennifer C. Université McGill From Opium to Oranges: Intergenerational Livelihood Change in a Northern Thai Hmong Village 6 000 $
Laplante-Dubé, Pascale  Université du Québec à Montréal Princesses rebelles et dragons subversifs, en vol vers une ouverture des possibles : déplacement du motif du dragon dans la littérature jeunesse écrite par les femmes 6 000 $
Lawson, Kathryn  Queen's University Decreation and the Anthropocene: Winter-term abroad at the University of Cambridge (UK) to study the theological and environmental potential of Simone Weil's work 6 000 $
Leduc Berryman, Alexandre  Université Laval Le jeune Derrida, Ricoeur et Husserl : l'idéalisme transcendantal en question 6 000 $
Lem-Smith, Timothy C. University of Toronto Symmetries:  Paranoid Reading and Contemporary American Fiction 6 000 $
Lew, Dana  University of Toronto Imprisonment and Abduction: Captivity Narratives and the Transatlantic Development of the Novel, 1750-1820 6 000 $
Lin, Tian  University of Toronto Research collaboration with World Agroforestry Southeast Asia on agroforestry adoption 6 000 $
Lord Ferguson, Sarah T. Simon Fraser University Shopping for a Healthcare Provider: The Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth on Patient Decision-making 6 000 $
Lucas, Yasmine  University of Toronto Desiring Jewishness in Contemporary Poland: Jewish-Identifying Non-Jews in a Post-WWII Society 5 700 $
Luscombe, Alexander J. University of Toronto New Frontiers in High Policing Research 6 000 $
Macnab-Séguin, Philippe  Université McGill Modus Poperandi: Aural Sonology as a Method for Syncretic Musical Composition 6 000 $
Majeau-Bettez, Emmanuelle  Université McGill Research internship: Analysis of Musical Practices Research Group (MICA) 6 000 $
Martinborough, Alex  Queen's University Constituting a Settler Empire: The Movement of Constitutional Ideas Among British Settler Colonies, 1860-1910 6 000 $
Martinez, Magdalena  University of Toronto Fostering University Extension: Student Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives in Brazil 6 000 $
McCauley, Brea M. Simon Fraser University Testing Alternate Hypotheses for the Cross-Cultural Variation in Polynesian Tattooing Traditions 6 000 $
McKay, Jennifer L. University of Waterloo Conflict, Repression and Creating a Dictatorship in 1950s East Germany 5 700 $
McLorn Purcell, Emily  Simon Fraser University The Potential of Biological Microremains as Paleoenvironmental Proxies in a Riverine Context: A Case Study in Sts ailes Territory, BC 6 000 $
McNicoll, William  Université Laval Cartographie et analyse spatiale des camps informels du Liban 6 000 $
McSweeney, Mitchell J. Université York Sport for Development and Peace for Refugees in Kampala, Uganda 6 000 $
Messelink, Jennifer  Université McGill Strange Echoes: A Genre Study of Post War Exotica 6 000 $
Moncion, Laura  University of Toronto Accessing the Archival Evidence for Women Recluses in Late-medieval Strasbourg 6 000 $
Murray, Nathan  Université Laval Passions populaires, passions politiques? Une histoire émotionnelle de la foule romaine sous la République et le début de l'Empire romain (133 av. J.-C. - 68 ap. J.-C.) 6 000 $
Noh, Kisuk  Université McGill Parable of the Trickster: Computer Memory and the Octavia E. Butler Collection at the Huntington Library 6 000 $
Nye, Matthew R.A. Université Concordia Wildness in Queer Utopic Architecture 6 000 $
Oligny-Bissonnette, Andréanne  Université du Québec à Montréal La remise en cause de Roe v. Wade aux États-Unis : les impacts du ressac conservateur sur l'accès à l'avortement pour les femmes appartenant à une minorité ethnoculturelle 6 000 $
Panaite, Andreea-Catalina  Université de Montréal Un détestable amour : le cas des manele roumaines 3 786 $
Paquin, Simon  Université de Montréal Les conditions environnementales et climatiques des premières dispersions d'humains anatomiquement modernes en Europe de l'Ouest 6 000 $
Penney, Dana M. University of British Columbia The Woman Warrior, Bodies, Subjectivity and Gender in Popular Culture and Society:  An Analysis of Wonder Woman, Gamora, Nebula and Rey 6 000 $
Perron, Laurence  Université du Québec à Montréal Filature, filiation, fictionnalisation. Rencontre entre les fictions biographique et policière dans le récit d'enquête au féminin 6 000 $
Petersen, Norah M. Queen's University Illuminating Ceramics in Late Nineteenth-Century Danish Painting 6 000 $
Peterson, Jonathan  University of Toronto Communities of Difference:  A Social History of Religious Polemic in early-modern India, 1582-1655 6 000 $
Pigford, Ashlee-Ann  Université McGill Exploring the coordination of Arctic scientific research in Canada and the United States 6 000 $
Pimentel, Erica  Université Concordia When Auditors Speak, Will Anyone Listen?  A Study on Identity in the Audit Profession 6 000 $
Poirier, Guillaume G. Université d'Ottawa Le rapport de l'écriture à l'oralité dans le discours politique colonial, 16e-18e siècles 6 000 $
Poulakidas, Georgios  University of Toronto Growing platform technologies under risk and uncertainty: Synthetic biology in the United States of America and China 6 000 $
Raycraft, Justin  Université McGill Conflict or Co-existence? The Changing Social and Political Landscapes of Human-Wildlife Interactions in Northern Tanzania 6 000 $
Redekop, Stephanie I. University of Toronto "Stories in order to live": the literary aesthetics of American crisis discourse 6 000 $
Ricioppo, Sabine  University of Alberta Developing a text analysis tool for measuring syntactic structures in second language writing 6 000 $
Ripley, AJ  Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Inside Looking Out: An Autoethnography of Telling Transness Online 5 960 $
Rochon, Élisabeth  Université du Québec à Montréal Le marché aux chevaux de Paris (17e-18e siècles) : étude d'un espace économique, social et urbain 6 000 $
Ryan, Caitlin J. University of Calgary A Comparison of Implicit and Explicit Instruction in CALL for L2 German Pragmatics 3 900 $
Samokishyn, Marta  Royal Roads University Facilitating transformative action through digital tools in Higher Education: an intercultural perspective 6 000 $
Sanger, Malcolm  Université McGill Tulum's Tourists and Migrants: Gaps and Overlaps 6 000 $
Saumure Régimbald, Camille  Université du Québec en Outaouais Les stratégies visuelles utilisées dans le jugement d'expressions faciales de douleur chez une prosopagnosique 6 000 $
Schutte, Valerie R. Université d'Ottawa From camps to campus: English literacy development programs for adolescent English language learners of refugee backgrounds with emerging literacy in Australia and Canada 6 000 $
Scott, Shelby  University of Toronto The Value of Infracranial Nonmetric Variation in the Identification of Unknown Human Remains: Establishing Objective Legal Standards using a Statistically Quantifiable Method of Radiographic Identification 6 000 $
Sheppard, Rebecca I. University of British Columbia The mind of the criminal: crime and responsibility in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century British fiction, science, and the law 6 000 $
Simpson, Isabelle  Université McGill Cultural political economy of startup societies 6 000 $
Speller, Jeffrey G. Memorial University of Newfoundland L'Anse aux Meadows: An Integrated Geoarchaeological Investigation 6 000 $
Stroud Stasel, Rebecca  Queen's University Factors affecting teacher acculturation in international schools 6 000 $
Swanson, Ross K. University of Toronto Amazonian Shamanism in Latin American Literature and Film 6 000 $
Tamhane, Swapnaa Université Concordia Could the action of drawing be representative of the politics of translation 5 300 $
Terpstra, Christina Ilse  University of Calgary Applying the socio-historical lens to the development of progressive constructions in Dutch 6 000 $
Théorêt, Alexandrine  Université de Montréal Les répliques et les scripts : conditions d'attribution de la valeur en art conceptuel 6 000 $
Thouin, Éliane  Université de Montréal Portraits des trajectoires d'emploi et d'éducation de jeunes vulnérables en transition vers l'âge adulte en Angleterre et au Canada 6 000 $
Tran, Tanya  Queen's University Pathways of psychosocial functioning in psychosis prone individuals: The role of motivation to engage in daily activities 5 700 $
Vafaeikia, Parnia  University of Toronto Iranian Shi'i Landscapes of Messianism 6 000 $
Van Haren, Ian M. Université McGill Selecting Refugees for Resettlement at the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) 6 000 $
Van Patter, Lauren E. Queen's University Urban ecologies and more-than-human cartographies 5 000 $
Veillette, Anne-Marie  Institut national de la recherche scientifique Se protéger en contexte de violence urbaine : le cas des résidentes des favelas de Rio de Janeiro 6 000 $
Vucetic, Nevena  Dalhousie University The Gendered Reality of Working in Ugandan Development Organizations 6 000 $
Walker, Jaisie  University of Lethbridge Unsettling Lateral Violence: Queer Genealogies of Non/Monogamy in Southern Alberta 6 000 $
Wang, Ruo Ran  University of British Columbia The Boston Project:  Graduate Research at Harvard and MIT 6 000 $
Wenglenski, Virginie  Université de Montréal Quête d'identité juive par les archives : quand il ne reste que la généalogie. Un cas concret de recherche matérielle et virtuelle 6 000 $
Whitelaw, Diane E. Queen's University Political Intimacies: Mainza Chona, The Chona Commission, and Zambian National Identity 6 000 $
Wyngaarden, Sara L. University of Waterloo Participatory Evaluation of the Role of Youth Research Teams in Livelihood Choices and Development Outcomes in Rural Honduras 6 000 $
Yassine, Ghinwa  Simon Fraser University Relationality, Autobiography and Scenography 2 625 $
Zaga Mendez, Alejandra  Université du Québec en Outaouais Application du cadre de bricolage institutionnel dans l'analyse de paiements pour services écosystémiques 6 000 $
Zaurrini, Joey  Simon Fraser University The Soundscapes of Saint Andrew's Square 6 000 $
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