Programme de bourses postdoctorales du CRSH : attributions du concours de 2018

Candidature Organisme administrateur Titre de la demande Montant
Acuna, Maria V. Université McGill Cultural Transfer in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Spain: The Italian Castrato in Madrid 81 000 $
Ahmed, Kawser  Université de Winnipeg Radicalism Driven Violent Extremism: In Search of a Pedagogical Model for Conflict Transformation 81 000 $
Aijazi, Omer  Simon Fraser University Muslim affects: lived religion and disaster recovery in Northern Pakistan and Kashmir 81 000 $
Alger, Justin  University of Toronto Contested Marine Conservation: The Political Economy of Environmental Policy Deliberation 81 000 $
Ancell, Aaron J. University of Toronto Towards a Democratic Theory of the Regulatory State 81 000 $
Andrachuk, Mark  University of Guelph Supporting Wildlife Conservation Through a Digital Platform for Knowledge Co-production 81 000 $
Anzueto, Marc-André  Université d'Ottawa Contradictions des politiques canadiennes de droits humains au Guatemala et en Colombie (2009-2019) 81 000 $
Baker, Alysha T. University of Denver Is Trust Built with Consistency? An Examination of the Influence of Behavioural Consistency on Perceptions of Truthfulness 81 000 $
Bédard, Mélanie  Université de Montréal L'organisation et la division du travail éducatif dans les espaces physiques des écoles primaires publiques du Québec 81 000 $
Bejan, Raluca  University of Oxford Sameness and difference: Whiteness, economics and cultural difference within Canada and UK 81 000 $
Bélanger, David  Université McGill Conflits de codes, conflits de classe : lecture sociocritique de la littérature québécoise (1760-1960) 81 000 $
Bemme, Doerte  University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Digital Phenotyping. Conceptualizing the Human Mind and its Illnesses in the Age of Big Data 81 000 $
Bernier, Stéphanie  Université McGill Présence des mentors : prolégomènes à une histoire du mentorat en littérature québécoise 81 000 $
Bérubé, Maxime  Université Concordia Et si on parlait de jihadisme? Une démarche d'éducation sociale visant à prévenir l'extrémisme violent 81 000 $
Bimm, Jordan E. Princeton University Putting Mars in a Jar: The Military Origin of Astrobiology 81 000 $
Bittner, Robert  University of British Columbia LGBTQ Youth Information Seeking Practices and Implications on Identity Formation 81 000 $
Blacker, Sarah E. University of Calgary The Science of Contamination: How Water Becomes Political in Alberta's Oil Sands 81 000 $
Bobbette, Adam W. University of Toronto Living with Extinction: Birds, Markets, and Men in Indonesia 81 000 $
Bonneau, Adelphine  Université de Montréal De pacotille à parure : utilisation différenciée et aspects socio-culturels des perles de verre de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) 81 000 $
Brankley, Andrew E. Carleton University Evidence-Based Risk Levels for the Hare Psychopathy Check List-Revised 81 000 $
Brown, Étienne  University of Toronto Democracy and Deceit: Rethinking Collective Decision-Making in the Era of Misinformation 81 000 $
Brown, Gregory R. Université York Is police visibility the new police accountability? A comparative study of body-worn video implementation in Canadian and American policing contexts 81 000 $
Campana, Andrew P. University of Toronto Delete and Rewrite: Hybrid Digitality in Japanese Media 81 000 $
Campbell-Miller, Jill  Carleton University Settler Colonialism and Development: Experiences from Canada and India, 1953-58 81 000 $
Charlton, Adar  Université du Manitoba Reading Belonging: Northwestern Ontario Anishinaabeg Readers and Literature 81 000 $
Chartrand, Louis JN. University of Pittsburgh Invariants et différences dans le concept de connaissance autour du monde: étude de corpus multiculturel 81 000 $
Chbat, Marianne  Université du Québec en Outaouais Les possibilités de (re)formations identitaires au sein des familles lesboparentales : Analyse comparative Québec, France, Suisse 81 000 $
Cleave, Evan P. University of Toronto Fourth-wave local economic development planning in Ontario, Canada 81 000 $
Constant, Marie-Hélène  Université Laval Quand je donne lieu à l'histoire : penser les événements sociopolitiques et les subjectivités essayistiques 81 000 $
Cooke, Thomas N. Queen's University Hacking Privacy: Or, Cyber Conflict Waged in the Name of Placing Personal Data Control in the Hands of Social Media Users 81 000 $
Cook, Katherine R. McMaster University Newfoundland Cemeteries in Atlantic Memory, 1650-1950 81 000 $
Cundy, Jody Ellyn  University of Oxford The Re-enchantment of Greece: Wonder in Pausanias' Periegesis Hellados 81 000 $
Cunningham, Julie  Université Laval Expliciter la « manière »: 3 études de cas sur les pratiques d'accompagnement autochtones relatives à la santé globale des femmes 81 000 $
Daoust, Jean-François  Université McGill Le sens des élections au Québec : vers une nouvelle ère? 81 000 $
Darroch, Francine E. University of British Columbia Making a Move: Examining the Role of Fathers in Mothers Well-Being in the Downtown Eastside 81 000 $
Deschamps, Carl  Université d'Ottawa Vers un service public soutenable et efficace : Contraster les modèles de gestion de la performance des organisations fédérales belges et canadiennes 81 000 $
Desmeules, Marie-Hélène  The New School Les usages normatifs du consentement et leur critique à partir de l'approche phénoménologique 81 000 $
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina  Harvard University Azerbaijani Mugham: the Emergence of a Post-Soviet Muslim Musical Identity 81 000 $
Diamanti, Jeff  University of Guelph Terminal Landscapes: Media Ecologies of the Postindustrial Environment 81 000 $
Doane, Sébastien  Université McGill Intertextual Study of the Fulfillment Quotations in the Gospel of Matthew from Israel's Prophetic Literature 81 000 $
Dorais, François-Olivier  Université du Québec à Montréal Circulations savantes, contacts et transferts entre le Québec et les États-Unis : l'expérience des « retours d'Amérique » (1940-1960) 81 000 $
Draisey-Collishaw, Rebecca B. Queen's University A new policy framework for mediating musics? Evaluating the role of live music in CBC's programming agenda 81 000 $
Dubnewick, Michael  Université McGill Locating familial knowledge in the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project 81 000 $
Dunning, Andrew N.J. University of Cambridge Networking the manuscript: Literary communities in twelfth- and thirteenth-century England 81 000 $
Duval, Dominic F. University of California, Davis Public Opinion and Election Pledges: what do citizens want and what do parties offer? 81 000 $
Earhart, Rebecca J. Griffith University Police and Prosecutor Decision-Making about Whether to Prosecute Child Sexual Abuse 40 500 $
Elfert, Maren  University of Alberta Mapping the OECD-Canada Adult Education Relationship: A Policy and Network Ethnography 40 500 $
Éthier, Benoit  University of Victoria Territorialités enchevêtrées et rencontres cartographiques : étude comparative sur les productions cartographiques des Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok (Québec) et des Coast Salish (Colombie-Britannique) 81 000 $
Farrell, Ann H. Université d'Ottawa Risks and outcomes of bullying: longitudinal associations with personality, social relationships, and environment 81 000 $
Field, Ellen G. Lakehead University Climate Change Pedagogies in Uncertain Times 81 000 $
Filiatrault-Veilleux, Paméla  Simon Fraser University The development of executive functions and reading comprehension in plurilingual school-age children 40 500 $
Fitzpatrick, Ryan  University of Toronto Nested Poetics: Navigating the Entangled Spatialities of Settler and Indigenous Poetry in Canada 81 000 $
Forbes, Clarissa A. University of Arizona Linearizing pre- and post-verbal morphology in Gitksan 81 000 $
Fradet, Pierre-Alexandre  Université de Montréal Le problème du réel dans la philosophie québécoise : Charles De Koninck et Charles Taylor 81 000 $
Gagnon, Alex  Université McGill Héros et figures de l'exceptionnalité dans l'imaginaire québécois contemporain : formation et célébration d'un panthéon national, de Robert Piché à Dédé Fortin 40 500 $
Gajevic Sayegh, Alexandre G. Université McGill The Ethics of Building a Green Economy 81 000 $
Gibeau, Ariane  Université d'Ottawa Relire la prose narrative des femmes au Québec, 1949-1960 81 000 $
Glover, Noel A.D. McMaster University Between Disillusionment and Democracy: Psychosocial studies in culture and development 81 000 $
Gray, Julia A. Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Reconsidering clown practices in children's hospitals: A performance studies approach 81 000 $
Hall, Rebecca J. Carleton University Caring Labours in the Northern Mixed Economy 81 000 $
Halsall, Tanya G. Université d'Ottawa Exploring youth engagement in governance within a global collaborative designed to promote youth well-being 81 000 $
Hamel, Jessica  University of Cambridge Possession, Dietary Medicine, and Women's Food Refusal in the British Long Eighteenth Century 81 000 $
Harvey, Isabel  Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia En suivant la Via Flaminia : femmes, lieux sacrés et circulations des idées (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) 81 000 $
Harvey, Megan  University of Saskatchewan Heeding the Call: Reconciliation, Universities, and Community-Engaged Experiential Learning Programs with Indigenous Communities 81 000 $
Hay, Travis A. Lakehead University Frontiers of Health and Medicine in Northern Ontario, 1930-2001 81 000 $
Hedley, Alison F. Université McGill Graphical Thinking: Data Visualization in Popular British Periodicals, 1830-1910 81 000 $
Jacobson, Jenna  Ryerson University Organizational Practices & Ethics of Social Media Analytics 81 000 $
Jean-Bouchard, Évelyne  Université de Montréal Les femmes et la gouvernance autochtone au Québec : revendiquer et satisfaire des droits dans un contexte de pluralisme juridique 81 000 $
Jennex, Craig M. University of Regina Music cultures, liberation politics, and the promise of queer collectivity in Canada 81 000 $
Jensen, Graham H. University of Victoria The Canadian Modernist Magazines Project 81 000 $
Joncas, Jo-Anni  Université d'Ottawa La place des Premiers peuples à l'intérieur de la formation universitaire à l'enseignement dans les facultés d'éducation canadiennes en contexte francophone 81 000 $
Kastner, Sarah J. Université York Yvonne Vera and Canada: critical life writing at the nexus of place and subjectivity 81 000 $
Kelvin, Laura E. Memorial University of Newfoundland Avertok Archaeology Archive Project 81 000 $
Khelfaoui, Mahdi  Université d'Ottawa Analyse des politiques de privatisation des entreprises technologiques de la Couronne et de leurs conséquences (1985-1993) 81 000 $
Kirouac-Massicotte, Isabelle  Université de Moncton Le trash littéraire : une esthétique des minorités autochtones, franco-canadiennes et québécoises 81 000 $
Klassen, Sarah E. University of British Columbia Urbanism, Regional Networks, Water Management, and Implications for Resilience in Medieval Cambodia 81 000 $
Kress, Emily  University of Toronto The Metaphysics of Processes in Aristotle's Natural Science 81 000 $
Langille, Joanna M. University of Melbourne Moral Exceptions in International Economic Law: A Comparative and Systemic Analysis 81 000 $
Lanzarotta, Tess  University of Toronto North to the Future: A History of Global Health in the Circumpolar World 81 000 $
Larochelle-Audet, Julie  Université McGill L'accompagnement des enseignant(e)s noir(e)s en milieu scolaire québécois : comprendre le racisme systémique pour agir sur l'équité 81 000 $
Larochelle, Catherine  University of Toronto De la mission à l'expansion : Le Père Lacombe et l'imagination impériale au Canada français (1849-1886) 81 000 $
Lavoie, Bertrand  Université de Sherbrooke La diversité religieuse en milieu hospitalier : l'évaluation de la recevabilité d'une demande d'accommodement par des professionnels de la santé 81 000 $
Lavoie-Marcus, Catherine  University of Amsterdam Les défis épistémologiques d'un champ chorégraphique en expansion : théorie et pratique 81 000 $
Laws, Meghan Camilla  University of St Andrews Lost in Transition: The Hidden Narratives of the Indigenous Batwa of Post-Genocide Rwanda 81 000 $
Létourneau, René  Université de Montréal Le naturalisme dans la littérature apocalyptique de la fin du XIIIe siècle 81 000 $
Lifshitz, Michael  Stanford University Illuminating cognitive mechanisms of Evangelical Christian prayer 81 000 $
Livingston, Cecilia A. King's College London Reaching the stage: making opera in the 21st century 81 000 $
Loranger, Caroline  Université du Québec à Montréal Le radioroman canadien-français à l'âge d'or de la littérature radiophonique (1935-1949) 81 000 $
Lum, Julia C. University of Toronto Landscapes in Parallel: Image-making and the Northwest Boundary Survey (1857-1876) 81 000 $
MacDonald, Cheryl  Saint Mary's University How to make ice hockey queer friendly: Evaluating the effectiveness of presenting issues and research on masculinity, sexuality, and hockey to male Atlantic University Sport athletes 81 000 $
MacDonald, Katherine M. Université Concordia Women's Experiences of Sexual Violence in Volunteer and Study Abroad 81 000 $
Madore, Frédérick  University of Florida L'islam en contexte minoritaire dans des villes du Golfe de Guinée: mutations internes et participation politique des communautés musulmanes du Bénin et du Togo (depuis 1960) 81 000 $
Manning, Dolleen R. Michigan State University Anishinaabe Imaging Practices: Intuiting Other-Than-Human Spheres 81 000 $
Marchand, Steeve  University of California, Berkeley The effects of family size on economic mobility, wages and entrepreneurship 81 000 $
Marcoux, Jean-Michel  Université McGill Transnational public policy and the power of arbitrators to impose obligations on foreign investors 81 000 $
Marder, Lev  Queen's University How Do the Constitutive Elements of Democratic Regimes Incorporate Ignorance? 81 000 $
McCutcheon, Jessica  Université du Nouveau-Brunswick An exploration of the experiences of LGBTQ2+ military members in the Canadian Armed Forces 81 000 $
Mikulan, Petra  University of British Columbia The problematics of life sciences in education policy 81 000 $
Miltsov, Alexandre  Western University Cognitive Labour and Precarious Employment: Examining the Relationship between Job Insecurity, Age, and Digital Technology Use in Canada 81 000 $
Mitton, John L. University of Toronto Reputation, Rivalry, and the Coming of Conflict: A Dynamic Understanding of Hostile International Dyads 81 000 $
Moscrop, David R.H. Université d'Ottawa Civic engagement in the new digital public sphere: How online political talk could save—or harm—democracy 81 000 $
Moshkin, Alex  University of Toronto Minor Geographies: Russian Émigrés, the Literature of Deterritorialization and Spatial Politics in Israel 81 000 $
Mulvin, Dylan W. University of British Columbia Zero days: The history of the Year 2000 Problem and the politics of technological repair 81 000 $
Nadeau, Frederick  Scuola normale superiore di Pisa Globalizing extremism: How people, ideas, and tactics circulate in a transnational 'ecosystem' of extreme right social movements. A comparative and relational approach to far right activism in Italy and Canada 81 000 $
Nelson, Sarah E. Queen's University Responsibility, resilience, and memory: The roles of storytelling and Indigenous knowledge in the health of communities and aging Indigenous Elders 81 000 $
Nigam, Sunita  Université York Casa house: the performance and politics of housing in Mexico and Canada 81 000 $
Nijdam, Elizabeth  University of Waterloo Panelled Pasts: East German History and Memory in the German Graphic Novel 40 500 $
Paquin-Pelletier, Alexandre  Cornell University Mosques in the Market: The Political Economy of Religious Tolerance 81 000 $
Payton, Jonathan D. University of Calgary How to Identify Wholes with Their Parts 81 000 $
Peppard, Anna F. Brock University Sex and Fantasy in American Comics 81 000 $
Pyne, Jake M. University of Guelph Dis/human Others: A Discursive and New Media Exploration of Autistic and Transgender Forms of Life 81 000 $
Rannaud, Adrien  Université du Québec à Montréal De la mondanité à la célébrité : déploiement médiatique du vedettariat et vie culturelle au Québec (1918-1965) 81 000 $
Rashid, Azra  University of Sydney Multiplicity of Women's Experience Under the Khmer Rouge 81 000 $
Reeves-Latour, Maxime  Université Laval Déviance et délinquance dans les milieux professionnels au Québec 81 000 $
Reynaud, Anne-Marie J.B. Université de Montréal Looking Beyond the Lens: the Canadian TRC, Memory and Visual Media 81 000 $
Ritts, Max J. University of Minnesota Formatting A Smart Ocean: Citizen Sensing and the Politics of Marine Observation 40 500 $
Rivest, Justin K. University of Toronto The Rise of Drug Monopolies in Eighteenth-Century France: The Global Demand of Military, Missionary, and Mercantile Consumers 81 000 $
Rizk, Jessica  University of Waterloo The Digital Learning Gap: Examining Access to Technology in Ontario Elementary Schools 81 000 $
Rocchi, Meredith  Université McGill Supportive Contexts and Supportive Interpersonal Behaviours — Towards a Peer Mentorship Program for Informal Caregivers of Adults with Spinal Cord Injury 81 000 $
Rodrigues, Antonia T. University of British Columbia Uncovering traditional marine tenure systems and salmon stewardship on the northwest coast of British Columbia: An integrated approach 81 000 $
Rojas, David  University of Toronto What role individuals, institutions, and government play in developing a self-sustainable, non-colonial, academic international collaboration between a Canadian and a low-income country university 40 500 $
Roots, Katrin  Carleton University Criminal Sentencing and Immigration Penalties for Human Trafficking Convictions in Canada 81 000 $
Rosenbloom, Daniel B. University of Toronto The politics of low-carbon transition pathways: Investigating how historical trajectories, cross-sectoral interactions, and actor dynamics shape climate-energy planning in Ontario 81 000 $
Ross, Sara G. University of British Columbia Community Consultation Practices and City (Re)Development: Equality of Law for Transgressive Countercultural Spaces, Engaging At-Risk Communities, and the United Nations' New Urban Agenda 81 000 $
Rotas, Nikki  Université Concordia Creative Ecologies and Pedagogical Practices of Sustainability in Urban Environments 81 000 $
Rotz, Sarah E. Queen's University Indigenous energy sovereignty as reconciliation in Canada: Exploring relationships, experiences and ways of knowing 81 000 $
Ruiz-Serna, Daniel  University of British Columbia Entangled Violence and Forest Experiences of War in Colombia 81 000 $
Safshekan Esfahani, Roozbeh  Massachusetts Institute of Technology Shiism in the Cyber Era: The Impact of the Internet on Clerical Authority in Iran 81 000 $
Schmaltz, Eric  University of Pennsylvania Sounds in the North: Sonic Poetic Communities in Canada 40 500 $
Schoenberger, Laura T. Université d'Ottawa Sand grabbing: Disentangling land, water and sand to reveal new struggles for territory 81 000 $
Shirazipour, Celina  Dalhousie University Invictus: promoting quality parasport participation and psychosocial well-being among current and former military personnel with illnesses and injuries 81 000 $
Simard-Gagnon, Laurence  Université York Enough to make you crazy: navigating daily spaces of mothering and mental ill-health in Québec City 81 000 $
Simpson, Michael P. University of California, Berkeley Pipelines and Frontlines: Conflicts over North American Energy Futures 81 000 $
Sloan Morgan, Vanessa  University of Northern British Columbia Inheritors of the Future: Community-Driven Voices of Youth Contemplating Resource Development in British Columbia's Indigenous and Northern Geographies 81 000 $
Smith, Martin  University of British Columbia The Nature and Interpersonal Expression of Perfectionism in Adolescence 81 000 $
Spaulding, Hannah A. Université Concordia From the Burglar Alarm to the Smart House: A History of Technological Surveillance in the Canadian and American Home 81 000 $
Spike, Sara  Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Cultural Histories of Fog in Atlantic Canada 81 000 $
Stecula, Dominik  Simon Fraser University Source credibility in the age of fake news 81 000 $
Sutton, Rebecca A. Université McGill How the emotions and perceptions of international actors impact the implementation of International Humanitarian Law in armed conflicts 81 000 $
Tang, Alva  University of Maryland Long-term consequences of developmental trajectories of shyness from infancy to middle adulthood 81 000 $
Tremblay-Racicot, Fanny  Université du Québec à Montréal Transportation planning by and for whom? A comparative analysis of transportation project evaluation and prioritization mechanisms in Canada's largest metropolitan areas, and their impact on sustainability 81 000 $
Turgeon, Alexandre  Université de Montréal La mémoire collective québécoise et les humanités numériques : théorie et pratique à l'ère des médias sociaux 81 000 $
Vanner, Catherine E. Université McGill Time to Teach About Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada 81 000 $
Vansteenkiste, Jennifer  University of Waterloo Gendered-Capabilities Governance: Feminist-informed grassroots capabilities methodology to enhance food security and social stability 81 000 $
Vena, Daniel  Carleton University From Slab to Screen: Transsexual Bodies, Surgical Technologies, and the Evolution of the Medical Horror Film 81 000 $
Vercillo, Siera  University of Waterloo Big food, bigger waistlines: Explaining the influence of globalizing urban food systems on food culture in Ghana 81 000 $
Weatherhead, Drew  University of British Columbia It's not just what you say: The influence of social information on infants' speech processing 81 000 $
Weitzner, Viviane A. Université McGill Cartography otherwise: mapping the effects of the law—or laws—on Indigenous and Afro-Descendant peoples and their gold-rich territories in Colombia 81 000 $
Westra, Evan E. University of Toronto The action-prediction hierarchy: An integrative framework for social cognition 81 000 $
Yoshinari, Mary  University of Tehran Towards a Sociological Understanding of Iran's National Economy, 1921-51 81 000 $
Zurba, Melanie  Université de Winnipeg Intergenerational Indigenous participation, engagement and learning in environmental governance 81 000 $