Ahmad, Hassan |
University of Toronto |
Multinational Corporations and the New Immunity: Exploring the Governance Gap in Transnational Human Rights Disputes |
105 000 $ |
Alam, Rusaba |
University of British Columbia |
Transpacific Solidarities: the Poetics and Politics of the Ocean |
105 000 $ |
Alarie, Julien |
Université de Montréal |
Excentrements géographiques dans le récit français contemporain |
105 000 $ |
Alidina, Faraz F.A. |
University of Toronto |
The relationship between Isma'ilism and Sufism in Safavid Persia (16th -18th cent. CE) |
105 000 $ |
Alilovic, Lea |
Université York |
Yugoslav migrants in a post-Yugoslav state: Waiting and moving-on in post-war Istria |
105 000 $ |
Allard, Edith |
Université Laval |
La résolution de problèmes à caractère scientifique en contexte de jeu : pratiques enseignantes et manifestations chez les enfants fréquentant la maternelle 4 ans à temps plein |
105 000 $ |
Almubarak, Rabeea |
University of British Columbia |
Rhetoricising the Stranger: An Inquiry into the Rhetorical Conditions of Address of Postcolonial Writers |
105 000 $ |
Alonso, Georgina |
Université d'Ottawa |
Unpacking Exploitation in the Fisheries Sector: A feminist political ecology approach to understanding Vietnamese fisheries |
105 000 $ |
Amédée, Laetitia Mélissande |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Relation entre l'attachement, les fonctions exécutives et les problèmes de comportement chez les enfants victimes d'agression sexuelle |
105 000 $ |
Anderson, Douglas M. |
Université York |
Approaching reconciliation through Indigenous place-based learning |
105 000 $ |
Anderson, Thomas |
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
L'historique et le transcendantal dans la Science de la Logique de Hegel |
105 000 $ |
Armstrong, Joshua P. |
Université York |
Transnational Advocacy and the Repeal of the Death Penalty for Same-Sex Relations |
105 000 $ |
Arsenault, Angela G. |
Université Concordia |
Working through deindustrialization: Art and ruination |
105 000 $ |
Arsenault, J. Nicole |
Dalhousie University |
Modelling the Environmental Impacts of Possible Future Canadian Dietary Patterns |
105 000 $ |
Astrologo, Lisa |
Université Concordia |
Exploring the structure and contextual variations in children's perception of their self-concept |
105 000 $ |
Atkin, Jacqueline |
Université McGill |
Networking the Brain: Artistic and Medical Collaboration in the Emerging Age of Neuroscience (1861 to 1937) |
105 000 $ |
Auer, Meagan |
University of Alberta |
Different women, different framing? Complicating what we know about women and terror in the news |
105 000 $ |
Bailey, Tanya A. |
Trent University |
From Green Dragon to War Rig: Driving Through the Cinematic Intersection of Armoured Cars, Gender and War |
105 000 $ |
Bajpeyi, Arpita |
Brunel University |
Echoing bodies: embodiments of histories in kathak |
105 000 $ |
Ballantine, Jacquie |
Carleton University |
Improving Supports for Undergraduate Academic Writing: Responding to the Experiences Reported by Students with Autism |
105 000 $ |
Bandola, Camille |
Université du Québec en Outaouais |
Lorsque le cumul est plus grand que la somme de ses parties: Étude des facteurs de risque de la négligence envers les enfants dans la population générale |
105 000 $ |
Barbeau-Julien, Kheana |
Université d'Ottawa |
Exploring the relative role of motivation orientation, coping, and context in perceiving and experiencing body image threats among women |
105 000 $ |
Barreiro Argüelles, Sarai |
Université de Montréal |
Mi'kmaq, Européens et Métis dans la baie des Chaleurs. Interactions culturelles et rencontres migratoires en milieu maritime, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle |
105 000 $ |
Bartlett, Stephanie J. |
University of Calgary |
Towards a Curriculum for Reconciliation Through Sustained Place-Based Education |
105 000 $ |
Bateman, Andrew M. |
Ryerson University |
Communication Blackouts: Technology, Resources, and Sovereignty in the Arctic Ocean |
105 000 $ |
Bauer, Kate E. |
University of Toronto |
Where Sea Meets State: Sovereignty, Territoriality, and the Canadian Lighthouse System, 1867-1985 |
105 000 $ |
Beacock, Emily C.M. |
Western University |
Critical health ethnography in NunatuKavut: Exploring wholistic health for Southern Inuit communities |
105 000 $ |
Beaucage, Nathan J. |
University of Alberta |
Qualities of expert therapists of First Nations clients |
105 000 $ |
Beauchamp, Gilles |
Université McGill |
De la séparation à la collaboration : termes d'une collaboration équitable entre l'État et les différentes confessions religieuses à l'intérieur du cadre de séparation de l'État laïc et des religions |
105 000 $ |
Beaudin, Brielle L.M. |
Université du Manitoba |
Supporting a Nation to Nation Relationship in Research Ethics: A Case Study Involving the Metis Nation |
105 000 $ |
Beaudin-Quintin, Chélanie |
Université Concordia |
L'animisme technologique : penser les relations entre humains et robots sociaux par la recherche-création |
105 000 $ |
Beaudoin, Christine |
Université d'Ottawa |
Greener waters: How can we mobilize environmental knowledge to sustain two national historic sites, the Rideau Canal and the Trent-Severn Waterway? |
105 000 $ |
Beaulieu, Jack |
University of Toronto |
Awareness, Not Knowledge: Engaging Cross-Culturally with Indian New Reason Epistemology |
105 000 $ |
Bellefleur, Kathy |
Université McGill |
La nature dans les conceptualisation de la propriété au sein des grandes traditions juridiques canadiennes. Contribution à l'émergence d'une propriété transsystémique |
105 000 $ |
Belschner, Laura |
University of British Columbia |
Smarted feelings? Children's perceptions of their parents' smartphone use and how it relates to the quality of the parent-child relationship |
105 000 $ |
Benabdallah, Leila |
Université de Montréal |
La flexibilité comportementale des leaders: son impact chez les employés |
105 000 $ |
Beni, Stephanie L. |
Brock University |
Examining Implementation of the Meaningful Physical Education Approach |
105 000 $ |
Benson, Nicole |
University of Victoria |
Reclaiming Skwxwú7mesh: Determining Successes in Adult Indigenous Language Immersion |
105 000 $ |
Bergeron, Laurie |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Étude des traits caractéristiques de la culture du champ de l'orthopédagogie au secondaire en mathématiques au Québec |
105 000 $ |
Beribisky, Nataly |
Université York |
Evaluating the performance of equivalence testing in structural equation models |
105 000 $ |
Berry, Alexandra M. |
Western University |
An artistic memoir based investigation of children's entanglements with waste in Ecuador |
105 000 $ |
Bérubé, Patricia |
Carleton University |
Towards a more inclusive museum: developing multi-sensory approaches to the visual arts for blind and visually impaired audiences |
105 000 $ |
Betke, Tyla C. |
Carleton University |
"The Wards of Nobody": Nehiyawak (Cree) Transnational Kinship in the Canada - U.S. Borderlands, 1850 to 1950 |
105 000 $ |
B-Hardy, Marie-Hélène |
McMaster University |
Effects of Smallpox Epidemics on Colonization Migration Patterns and Contact with First Nations |
105 000 $ |
Bilevicius, Elena |
Université du Manitoba |
Shame mediates the risk pathway from depression to solitary drinking in emerging adults: Evidence from ecological and experimental studies |
105 000 $ |
Bishop, Courtney D. |
Brock University |
The role of policy and practice in supporting the human rights and quality of life outcomes for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities |
105 000 $ |
Bizier-Lacroix, Roxanne |
Université de Sherbrooke |
De la violence entre pairs à la violence en couple : établir les trajectoires à l'adolescence |
105 000 $ |
Blanchet, Patricia-Anne |
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi |
Le théâtre social comme pratique réconciliatrice pour le développement des apprentissages sociaux et émotionnels des étudiantes autochtones du collégial |
105 000 $ |
Block, Niko |
Université York |
Trade Deficits, Capital Mobility, and the Problem of Public Debt Accumulation in Britain, Canada, and the US |
105 000 $ |
Bogosavljevic, Katarina |
Université d'Ottawa |
Victim and Vector: Challenging notions of victimhood in HIV nondisclosure |
105 000 $ |
Bogue Kerr, Stephanie |
Université d'Ottawa |
La trajectoire de nouvelles déviances : Un regard croisé sur l'addiction aux réseaux sociaux et aux sports |
105 000 $ |
Boileau-Perreault, Laurence |
Université d'Ottawa |
Le mindset et ses conséquences sportives et académiques : Un modèle intégrateur |
105 000 $ |
Boileau, Xavier |
Université de Montréal |
Multiculturalisme, impérialisme et colonialisme: quelle culture? |
105 000 $ |
Boivin, Karol'Ann |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Pour une histoire (para)littéraire des romans universitaires au Québec |
105 000 $ |
Bolduc, Brandon |
Université d'Ottawa |
Les «virtual gated communities» : une analyse des outils de surveillance dans les quartiers intelligents |
105 000 $ |
Bouchard, Mathieu |
Université McGill |
Shakespeare and the Editorial Construction of the Dramatis Personae, 1709-1733 |
105 000 $ |
Boulanger Martel, Simon Pierre |
Université de Montréal |
Légitimité de la transformation des groupes armés en partis politiques : La perspective d'études de cas en Colombie |
105 000 $ |
Boulianne-Simard, Catherine |
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi |
Étude des effets à long terme de l'insatisfaction corporelle vécue à l'adolescence sur la satisfaction dans les relations intimes à l'âge adulte |
105 000 $ |
Bowman, Sophie |
University of Toronto |
Writing the Inside of Post-war Dictatorship: the politics of aesthetics in Korean short stories from the 1950s to 1970s by women authors |
105 000 $ |
Brethour, Miranda |
Université d'Ottawa |
Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women and Girls in Hiding with Polish Gentiles During the Holocaust in Poland |
105 000 $ |
Bruzzone, Victor A. |
University of Toronto |
New Forms of Democracy: A Critical Engagement with Non-Hierarchical Alternatives |
105 000 $ |
Buliga, Elena |
University of Calgary |
Examining how support of policies aiding minority groups can be promoted in the context of cross-group relationships between Canadian and international students |
105 000 $ |
Callanan, Andreae |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Many solitudes: form, idiom, and identity in poetry by Canadian women |
105 000 $ |
Cameron, Michael H. |
Dalhousie University |
"I can understand how you suffer now": The Problem of Empathy in Post-Apocalyptic Fiction |
105 000 $ |
Cantin Paquet, Marc-Olivier |
Université de Montréal |
Après le Califat: repenser les approches de "state-building" face aux défis politiques et sécuritaires en Irak post-Daesh |
105 000 $ |
Cariès, Ricardo |
Université de Montréal |
Politiques municipales torontoises et montréalaises sur la diversité ethnoculturelle et sexuelle : les discours municipaux et leur rôle dans le travail des responsables de la diversité |
105 000 $ |
Carle, Myriam S. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Building and evaluating a virtual reality environment for chemistry education |
105 000 $ |
Carlier, Denis |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Le masculinisme en France, 1880-2018 : Généalogie d'une représentation sociale antiféministe |
105 000 $ |
Carmona, Nicole E. |
Ryerson University |
The roles of cognitive load and appraisals in predicting subjective fatigue and task disengagement |
105 000 $ |
Caron, Joanie |
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue |
Facteurs de succès liés au recrutement, à l'intégration et à la rétention des employés autochtones au sein de l'industrie minière |
105 000 $ |
Carranza-Hernandez, Giovanni |
Université York |
Colonial Legacies: A Thing Of The Past, eh? |
105 000 $ |
Chakma, Tanisha |
University of Toronto |
Fame and immortality: the epic hero in ancient Indian and Greek traditions |
105 000 $ |
Champagne-Gélinas, Alex |
Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
De la conteneurisation à la transition énergétique : Évolution des liens spatiaux et économiques entre ports, arrière-pays et marchés globaux |
105 000 $ |
Chen, Ling |
Université McGill |
Toward effective and resilient climate cooperation: optimizing mega-environmental agreements and mini-climate clubs |
105 000 $ |
Cimprich, Alexander F.P. |
University of Waterloo |
Sustainability management in the Canadian healthcare sector: organizational life-cycle assessment of an Ontario hospital |
105 000 $ |
Clement, Krista M. |
Queen's University |
The Operationalization of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Planning: Indigenous-led Institutional Development for Self-Determination and Sustainability |
105 000 $ |
Cleveland, Tristan |
Dalhousie University |
An audit tool for empowering government to achieve healthy urban design |
105 000 $ |
Cloutier-Trépanier, Béatrice |
Queen's University |
The artist as (feminist) historian: Revising historiography through creative interventions in the archives |
105 000 $ |
Collette, Frédérique |
University of Toronto |
Le trauma de la perte d'un enfant chez Violette Leduc, Annie Ernaux, Camille Laurens et Laure Adler |
105 000 $ |
Connors, Scott T. |
University of Cambridge |
Constructive Orientalism in Britain's Asian Empire, 1815-1860 |
105 000 $ |
Coombes, Karinne A. |
University of Western Australia |
The Role for International Law in Securing the Right to Health for Vulnerable Populations in Canada, Australia, and Beyond |
105 000 $ |
Corkum, Trevor W. |
University of Toronto |
Migrant youth, 'islandness', and belonging on Prince Edward Island |
105 000 $ |
Corso, Christine A. |
University of Toronto |
The role of evidence-based decision making in math policy |
105 000 $ |
Cossette, Samuel |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Automatisation et algorithmisation de la production, de la circulation, du traitement et de la consommation des discours politiques |
105 000 $ |
Coulombe, Émilie |
Université de Montréal |
Maintenir le texte sur scène : pratiques et usages de la lecture théâtrale au Québec |
105 000 $ |
Courtney, Telisa |
Dalhousie University |
Theatre for Development in Community Reconciliation |
105 000 $ |
Croswell, Kimberly |
University of Victoria |
Art as a Catalyst for Social & Environmental Justice: Leadership Development and Prefigurative Politics in Collective Grassroots Organizing |
105 000 $ |
Crowell, Dwight R. |
Saint Louis University |
Deification as a participation in the life of God in Thomas Aquinas |
105 000 $ |
Cullen, Olivia M. |
University of Calgary |
Youths' understandings of risk, safety, and online sexual exploitation |
105 000 $ |
Czechowski, Konrad |
Université d'Ottawa |
Refugees arrive but do they thrive? A mixed-methods approach to the study of refugee resettlement and integration in Canada |
105 000 $ |
Daneau, Patrice |
Université de Sherbrooke |
La responsabilité partagée en santé organisationnelle: définir les comportements des employés |
105 000 $ |
Dang, Tiffany K. |
University of Cambridge |
Dispossession by design: politics, territory, and the colonial antecedents of the Canadian national parks system |
105 000 $ |
Daniel, Victoria L. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Personal Life Engagement and Work: Examining and Strengthening Enrichment |
105 000 $ |
Dantzer, Benjamin W. |
University of British Columbia |
We can help each other: Using community-based research to invite children and youth who are "at-risk" to develop positive mentoring relationships with one another in a marginalized community |
105 000 $ |
DeCaire, Ryan A. |
University of Hawai'i at Hilo |
Identifying Factors That Differentiate L1 and L2 Mohawk Speakers |
105 000 $ |
Decault, Clément |
Université de Montréal |
De la transformation de la mobilité urbaine à la (re)configuration d'inégalités : étude du cyclisme urbain à Toronto, Montréal et Vancouver |
105 000 $ |
Dei-Sharpe, Jamilah |
Université Concordia |
Decolonizing Hip-Hop: Re-framing Black Men through Community Engagement and Empowerment |
105 000 $ |
De Line, Sebastian N.F. |
Queen's University |
Postmortem Economies: The Necropolitics of Value in Indigenized Art Collections |
105 000 $ |
Devries, Melody |
Ryerson University |
Platforms of activation: An ethnography of trolling to the far-right |
105 000 $ |
Diaz, Ileana I. |
University of Waterloo |
Navigating food futures: post-disaster food sovereignty in Puerto Rico |
105 000 $ |
Dick, Jonathan |
University of Toronto |
The New American Poetry: Mimeographs, Magazines, and an Aesthetic of Mutual Contingency |
105 000 $ |
DiStefano, Michela |
Université d'Ottawa |
The homework-helping environment: exploring how parents influence their children's learning |
105 000 $ |
Domingue, Jean-Laurent |
Université d'Ottawa |
Understanding the identity construction of persons not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder or unfit to stand trial; A critical ethnography of forensic review boards |
105 000 $ |
Drew, Raechel E. |
University of British Columbia |
The continuity of moral development across early childhood |
105 000 $ |
Dubé, Denis |
Université McGill |
Stigma experienced by gay men aging with HIV in Montreal: Uncovering lived experiences |
105 000 $ |
Dubue, Jonathan |
University of Alberta |
National survey of Canadian psychologists suicide risk assessment experiences: a sequential explanatory mixed methods study |
105 000 $ |
Duchesne, Émile |
Université de Montréal |
Les Innus et les changements climatiques : implications cosmologiques et chocs cosmopolitiques |
105 000 $ |
Dunn, Suzanne M. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Deepfakes and Digital Misrepresentations: A Legal Analysis of Online Attacks Against Women |
105 000 $ |
Duquette, Anne-Marie |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
La liberté de création excède-t-elle la liberté d'expression? Le cas des procès littéraires en France au tournant du XXIe siècle |
105 000 $ |
Dussault, Catherine |
Université Laval |
Quelle « objectivité » pour la bioéthique? Histoire d'une discipline et généalogie d'une difficulté |
105 000 $ |
Duval-Pélissier, Julien |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Les bannis de Paris : criminalité, marginalité et mobilités en France, 1750-1790 |
105 000 $ |
Eaton, Scott C. |
Queen's University |
Railway Colonialism: Solidifying the Settler Colonial Project in Newfoundland, 1881-1934 |
105 000 $ |
Elliott, Kathleen R. |
Simon Fraser University |
Cart-ography: tracking the birth, life and death of an urban grocery cart, from work product to work tool |
105 000 $ |
Ellis-Young, Margaret |
University of Waterloo |
Out of Place? Lived Experiences of Gentrification-Induced Displacement in Hamilton, Canada and Sheffield, UK |
105 000 $ |
Emmonds, Francine M. |
University of British Columbia |
The potential and realized contributions of Indigenous Elders in higher education |
105 000 $ |
Émond-Sioufi, Véronique |
Université McGill |
Digital Labour and Digital Organizing: how Canadian workers find protections through collective organizing in a digital economy |
105 000 $ |
Enescu, Alex |
Université McGill |
Investigating the Neuro-Phenomenological Relationship Between Dreams, Hallucinations, and Psychedelic Experiences |
105 000 $ |
Esau, Paul |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
A Departmental Dilemma: Producing, Selling, and Controlling Canadian Arms, 1984-2000 |
105 000 $ |
Etoubashi, Nesma |
Université McGill |
Critical thinking and heuristic awareness for socio-scientific issues in the online world |
105 000 $ |
Ettinger, Tara R. |
University of British Columbia |
Examining the role of child advocacy centres in addressing the needs of child victims during disclosures of physical and/or sexual abuse |
105 000 $ |
Fahner, Craig |
Ryerson University |
Inverting the Algorithmic Gaze: Artistic Tactics Toward Media Transparency |
105 000 $ |
Fallon, Laura R. |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Witness Interrogation: The Effect of the Use of Threats by Police Interviewers on Witnesses |
105 000 $ |
Femi-Cole, Megan |
University of Toronto |
Back in freedom's land: exploring sites of memory and Sierra Leonean immigrant identities in Canada |
105 000 $ |
Ferguson, Ryan J. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Exploring the Cyclical Relationship of Self- and Other-Evaluations on Cognitive, Behavioural, and Psychophysiological Outcomes in Social Anxiety |
105 000 $ |
Finch, Katherine K. |
University of Waterloo |
Musical performance and mental imagery |
105 000 $ |
Fisher, Justin |
University of Saskatchewan |
Energy transitions in a Prairie economy: A social and environmental history of fossil fuels in Saskatchewan |
105 000 $ |
Fitzgibbons, Joanne M. |
University of British Columbia |
Justice, equity, and inclusiveness in planning for nature-based solutions |
105 000 $ |
Flavelle, Genevieve L. |
Queen's University |
Redrawing Art History's Boundaries: Imagining Self-determined Queer Pasts Through Contemporary Art |
105 000 $ |
Fleerackers, Alice L. |
Simon Fraser University |
Framing science: How do social media users frame news about children's use of technology? |
105 000 $ |
Fletcher, Beatrice A. |
McMaster University |
Analyzing Multi-Element Soil Chemistry to Identify Hunter-Gatherer Landscape Use |
105 000 $ |
Fontaine, Aleah |
Université du Manitoba |
Effecting Change Within the Child Welfare System in Manitoba to Promote Better Well-Being |
105 000 $ |
Fontaine, Jessica E. |
Université McGill |
National (Mis)Attunements: Feelings of Multiculturalism and Belonging in Canadian and Indigenous Pop Music Performances on CBC Platforms, 2014-2018 |
105 000 $ |
Forbes, Rachel C. |
University of Toronto |
Falling from Grace: Responses to the Moral Transgressions of the Powerful |
105 000 $ |
Forshaw, Laurel |
University of Toronto |
Engaging Indigenous Voices in the Academy: Decolonizing Music in Canadian Universities |
105 000 $ |
Fraser, Adriana |
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions |
Vaccination, the body, and the Canadian body politic |
105 000 $ |
Fredborg, Beverley K. |
Ryerson University |
A program evaluation of two resilience skills training groups on Canadian university campuses in Southern Ontario |
105 000 $ |
Funk, Alisan M. |
Université McGill |
Creativity Education in Post-Secondary Circus Arts Schools: Mapping and Applications |
105 000 $ |
Furman, Elise |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Applying transformative justice theory to improve support for LGBTQ communities impacted by gender-based violence |
105 000 $ |
Gadanidis, Timothy Demetrios |
University of Toronto |
The sociopragmatic functions of uh and um |
105 000 $ |
Gailits, Nicola S. |
University of Toronto |
Distress outside the DSM: storying Latina women's migration |
105 000 $ |
Garneau, Brianna |
Université York |
Impacts of immigration detention and deportation on families |
105 000 $ |
Gaudet, Colby |
Université Concordia |
Abbé Jean-Mandé Sigogne's Mission Among the Mi'kmaq and Acadians |
105 000 $ |
Gauthier-Lacasse, Maxime |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Les choix scolaires des parents québécois au sein d'un système éducatif stratifié : un facteur clé de la justice scolaire |
105 000 $ |
Gauthier-Mamaril, Emma J. |
Université de Montréal |
Corps savants : discours de femmes sur le corps dans les écrits épistolaires du XVIIe siècle |
105 000 $ |
Gélineau, Félix-Antoine |
Harvard University |
Vers la fin d'un paradigme en épistémologie? Évaluation de la viabilité du conséquentialisme épistémique |
105 000 $ |
George, Christopher T. |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Repatriating Wabanaki Knowledges and Modes of Learning through Longhouse Teachings |
105 000 $ |
George, Heather C. |
University of Waterloo |
Haudenosaunee Storytelling and Cultural Practice in Museology: Building Relationships Tsi Teyótte Karhá:kon (at the Edge of the Woods) |
105 000 $ |
Gerber, Corinne S. |
University of Toronto |
Relating the Self: The Role of Publication in the Negotiation of Personhood |
105 000 $ |
Gerber, Lizette |
Université York |
Body and spirit: Speculative fiction from women of the African diaspora |
105 000 $ |
Gerbrandt, Emily R. |
University of Alberta |
Rape, in 280 characters or less: criminal justice responses to sexual assault in the #MeToo era |
105 000 $ |
Giang, Vivian |
University of Alberta |
New approaches to communities, communication and consultation through the lens of geothermal energy development on the traditional lands of the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation |
105 000 $ |
Gibbard, Katherine A. |
University of Guelph |
The impact of felt trust and empowering leadership on creativity at work |
105 000 $ |
Gill, David T. |
University of Victoria |
Reimagining justice: Cree law and criminal law reform |
105 000 $ |
Gillett, Molly-Claire I. |
Université Concordia |
Complicating meaning with materials: Irish lace in images of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) |
105 000 $ |
Gingras, Marie-Pier |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Les médias sociaux chez les adolescents : prédicteurs et liens longitudinaux entre l'utilisation, dépendance et estime de soi |
105 000 $ |
Girard, Marianne |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Traumas, attachement et perceptions de la violence conjugale sur le fonctionnement conjugal et sexuel |
105 000 $ |
Giroux-Works, Nakeyah |
Université Laval |
S'approprier l'espace forestier : ethnographie des mises en valeur alternatives de la forêt au Québec |
105 000 $ |
Gismondi, Christopher J. |
Université McGill |
Simcoes 1793 Gradual Abolition: Reproductive Labour, Resistance, and Settler-Slavery in Upper Canada |
105 000 $ |
Gluck-Thaler, Aaron |
Université McGill |
The Enemy in Fragments: A 20th Century History of Detecting Signals in Noise |
105 000 $ |
Godin, Marie-Andrée |
Aalto University |
Notes on the Future: Women, Magic and Postcapitalism |
105 000 $ |
Goertzen, Leah |
Université du Manitoba |
Post-colonial discourses of mental illness recovery: Examining experiences of stigma with Indigenous individuals when seeking mental health care |
105 000 $ |
Goldhar, Christina A. |
Carleton University |
Common goals on shared lands: Indigenous rights to territory in Labrador and Québec |
105 000 $ |
Goodbrand, Nicole K. |
Queen's University |
De Dwa de Dehs Nyes, we are taking care of each other amongst ourselves: Implementing a Collaborative Urban Indigenous Wellbeing Study in Brantford, Ontario |
105 000 $ |
Gordon, MacKenzie |
University of Alberta |
Levelling Up: Iterative Game Design for Sexual Violence Prevention |
105 000 $ |
Gorton, Alice L. |
Columbia University |
Closing the All Red Line: Colonial Relations and Imperial Media in the Pacific, 1887-1914 |
105 000 $ |
Gosselin, Leah L.M. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Investigating the neural effects of French-English language mixing |
105 000 $ |
Poirier, Guillaume G. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Le rapport de l'écriture à l'oralité dans le discours colonial : 16e-18e siècle, Nord-Est américain |
105 000 $ |
Grand'Maison, Valérie |
University of Guelph |
Women with disabilities who have experienced violence: A narrative analysis of disclosure |
105 000 $ |
Grant, Amber M. |
Ryerson University |
Examining environmental justice in urban forest management and decision-making |
105 000 $ |
Gray, Malinda J. |
Trent University |
Manidoominens (Little Spirit Beads): How Anishinaabe Bead Artists contribute to Indigenous Culture |
105 000 $ |
Greey, Alison D. |
University of Toronto |
Advancing trans-inclusion within small-city and rural Canadian locker rooms |
105 000 $ |
Grégoire-Labrecque, Geneviève |
Université Concordia |
The transformational potential of everyday participation for immigrant children and young people in Montreal |
105 000 $ |
Grisdale, Sean E. |
University of Toronto |
Toronto the Smart? Sidewalk Labs, Platform Cooperativism and the Future of Smart Urbanism on the Toronto Waterfront |
105 000 $ |
Grittner, Alison L. |
University of Calgary |
Hidden in Plain Sight: Design Ethnography, Social Justice, and Sex Work |
105 000 $ |
Ground, Mackenzie I.P. |
Simon Fraser University |
Ceremony and City: Spiritual Space and Poetic Place |
105 000 $ |
Guo, Elaine X. |
University of Toronto |
Socioeconomic variations in the pattern of mental health service use: Is the lack of access to public psychological service affecting the use of clinical service? |
105 000 $ |
Gustas, Robert H. |
University of Victoria |
The Land was Never Empty: Using Shell Middens to Explore Indigenous Demographic Change |
105 000 $ |
Hannon, Sarah K. |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Emancipation and the Aftermath of Slavery in Bermuda: Opening the Archive |
105 000 $ |
Happynook, Tommy G.C. |
University of Victoria |
Picking up my Responsibilities: Indigenous reconnection to traditional lands |
105 000 $ |
Harvey, Madison B. |
Simon Fraser University |
Delayed repeated interviews of repeated arousing events |
105 000 $ |
Hassan, Yousif |
Université York |
Sociotechnical imaginaries of digital platforms and the making of the African publics |
105 000 $ |
Hayes, John P. |
McMaster University |
Local conflict in an Internationalized Context: The Impact of Commercial Mining on Municipal Democracy in Southern Mexico |
105 000 $ |
Hebert, Jasmine |
Université d'Ottawa |
Corporate Liability in Canada and the United Kingdom |
105 000 $ |
Helgason, Elizabeth A. |
London Business School |
The low social class advantage: Employee social class upbringing, helping behaviour, and performance and satisfaction at work |
105 000 $ |
Helmers, Miriam G. |
University of British Columbia |
Like the Dickens: The Embodiment Potential of Simile in Charles Dickens |
105 000 $ |
Herrick, Shannon |
Université McGill |
Developing Safe and Inclusive LGBTQ+ Experiences in Physical Activity |
105 000 $ |
Hill, Lowine S. |
University of Waterloo |
Resilience to environmental disturbances and climate change in coastal socio-ecological systems in Small Islands Developing States |
105 000 $ |
Hladik, Stephanie Kay |
University of Calgary |
Design of Feminist Public Learning Environments for Computational Thinking |
105 000 $ |
Hocine, Julien |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Voix et points de vue des peuples du Nord : une étude du potentiel émancipatoire de l'appropriation des médias et des technologies numériques en contexte inuit |
105 000 $ |
Hoekstra, Aryen H. |
Western University |
To what extent do the materials of an artwork co-author its outcome? |
105 000 $ |
Hogue, Jacqueline V. |
Université York |
Young women's experiences of viewing #thinspiration and #fitspiration on Instagram |
105 000 $ |
Holmgren, Andrada-Elena |
University of British Columbia |
Explaining experience: a defence of the ontological and conceptual priority of the first-person stance in philosophy of mind |
105 000 $ |
Holowka, Eileen M. |
Université Concordia |
Communities of Care: Chronic Pain Life Writing on Social Media |
105 000 $ |
Holt, Regan |
University of Alberta |
Exploring intercultural understandings of mental health for school contexts |
105 000 $ |
Horst, Rachel S. |
University of British Columbia |
Collaborative Future Narrative and Multimodal Technological Inquiry |
105 000 $ |
Hosford, Kate A. M. |
Simon Fraser University |
Understanding Changes in Urban Form and Social Connectedness in Canadian Cities |
105 000 $ |
Hounslow, Wanda J. |
Université du Manitoba |
Gender, Ecologies, and Collective Identity: A Feminist Approach to Symbiotic Relations in Genocide |
105 000 $ |
Hrenyk, Jordyn J. |
Queen's University |
Seeking Authenticity in Revitalization: Understanding Indigenous Restaurateurs as Cultural Custodians |
105 000 $ |
Hung, Kai-Hsin |
HEC Montréal |
From Digital Disruption to Transformation: Assessing Canadian Workforce Resilience |
105 000 $ |
Hunter, WhiteFeather C. |
University of Western Australia |
The Witch in the Lab Coat: Bubbling, Bubbling, Toiling and Troubling the Narratives and Methodologies of Standard Scientific Research Practices |
105 000 $ |
Huot Couture, Maxime |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
État subsidiaire et bien commun: le gouvernement démocratique dans la philosophie politique néothomiste (1929-1959) |
105 000 $ |
Hupfield, John R. |
Université York |
From Theory to Practice: Bringing Indigenous Pedagogies of Relation into the Classroom |
105 000 $ |
Hurtubise, Jessica L. |
University of Windsor |
The influence of gender bias on word processing during reading |
105 000 $ |
Irvine, Thomas D.E. |
Université York |
Uncovering the History of the Ancient Berbers: Numidian Culture Before and After the Romans |
105 000 $ |
Iskander, Lee C.M. |
University of British Columbia |
The Status of Gender in Teaching: Learning from the Workplace Experiences of Transgender Teachers in Canada and the United States |
105 000 $ |
Islam, Jaan S. |
University of British Columbia |
The Development of Islamic Political Thought and the Origins of Fundamentalist Islamic Ideology |
105 000 $ |
Jackson, Bradley J. |
University of British Columbia |
Cognitive Approaches to Shakespeare's Theatre: Dynamic Interactions, Multimodality, and Embodied Cognition |
105 000 $ |
Jafri, Mohammad Nabeel |
University of Toronto |
Orating History: Tarikh in the Urdu Shi'i Hadis |
105 000 $ |
Ji, Daniel E. |
University of British Columbia |
Creating a conceptual framework for understanding resistance in adult-adolescent interactions |
105 000 $ |
Johal, Prabhjeet K. |
University of Toronto |
Wine production and Greeks in the East: Rewriting the narrative on Classical Gandharan Buddhist stair risers |
105 000 $ |
Johnson, Morgan |
Université York |
Performing Decolonization: Land Education in Settler-Colonial Canada |
105 000 $ |
Johnston, Carla |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Examining Indigenous and Settler Food Systems in the Northwest Territories with Collaborative Governance |
105 000 $ |
Jonker, Anouk A. |
Queen's University |
Copies as Agents of Cultural Conquest in the Multinational French Empire (1793-1848) |
105 000 $ |
Kamalou, Somayyeh |
University of Toronto |
Attachment and subjective well-being: The mediating role of conflict resolution |
105 000 $ |
Kilshaw, Robyn E. |
University of Utah |
Using Vocal Markers to Differentiate Between Subgroups of Callous-Unemotional Youth |
105 000 $ |
King, Olivia J. |
McMaster University |
Ruling with Rhetoric: The Oratorical Performance of Power in Early Modern English Drama |
105 000 $ |
Kitchenham, Ashlee V. |
University of Calgary |
Exploring stories of career development success among young people who aged-out of out-of-home care in Canada |
105 000 $ |
Klein, Candice M. |
University of Saskatchewan |
"Lacking a lady one makes do:" Queering the Canadian Prairies, 1900-1950 |
105 000 $ |
Kratz, Veronika |
Carleton University |
Archives of the Genre-Experts: Revealing the Influencers of Postwar Science Fiction Publishing |
105 000 $ |
Krill, Sydney |
University of Victoria |
Resurgence Theory, Feminist Solidarities, and the Contemporary Indigenous Rights Movement |
105 000 $ |
Kyle, Ashley |
University of Alberta |
Navigating Protective Custody: Examining Incarcerated Women's Experiences |
105 000 $ |
Ladhani, Sheliza |
University of Calgary |
Reviving Anti-Racism Pedagogy: Exploring the Experiences of Social Work Educators and Students in Post-Secondary Education |
105 000 $ |
Laliberté-Bouchard, Louis |
Université McGill |
L'écriture testamentaire à l'âge classique, du « beau testament » aux Mémoires |
105 000 $ |
Lallani, Shayan S. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Cultural Globalization in the Caribbean: Dining & the American Middle-Class Turn in Cruise Ship Tourism |
105 000 $ |
Lallouz, Rachel C. |
University of Alberta |
Ultraliminal Bodies: Reading the Posthuman in Queer Women's Artistic Self-Representations |
105 000 $ |
Lalonde, Chanelle |
Université McGill |
Ecological Listening in Contemporary Art: Human/Nonhuman Relations |
105 000 $ |
Langill, Jennifer C. |
Université McGill |
From Opium to Oranges: Intergenerational Livelihood Change in a Northern Thai Hmong Village |
105 000 $ |
Laperrière-Désorcy, Louis-Vincent |
University of Toronto |
Les pratiques de pêche ancestrales chez les Abénakis d'Odanak (Québec), 1000 à 1700 de notre ère |
105 000 $ |
Laprise, Maxime |
Université de Montréal |
Une histoire sociale et anthropologique de l'évolution de la messe du VIIIe au XIe siècle |
105 000 $ |
Laut, Danae A. |
University of Calgary |
Development of Resilience in Youth Living with a Military Parent with PTSD |
105 000 $ |
Lawson, Kathryn |
Queen's University |
Nature, Art, and the Sacred |
105 000 $ |
Lawson, Stephen |
Université York |
Trans/forming authenticity: Stigmatized Bodies, Creative Perversions and the Performative Power of Shame |
105 000 $ |
Lazurko, Anita M. |
University of Waterloo |
Linking process to outcomes in the water sector: Synthesizing and communicating outcomes of emerging planning approaches for socio-ecological resilience |
105 000 $ |
Leboeuf, Roxane |
Université de Sherbrooke |
La maltraitance entre aînés vivant en résidence privée pour aînés : une approche de promotion et de défense des droits pour comprendre et agir |
105 000 $ |
LeClerc, Jérémie |
Université McGill |
Fields, forces and fiction: British literature and the new physics of the nineteenth century |
105 000 $ |
Leclerc, Marie-Ève |
Université d'Ottawa |
Comprendre la violence conjugale chez les dyades de même sexe par le biais de la théorie de l'attachement |
105 000 $ |
Leduc Berryman, Alexandre |
Université Sorbonne |
Le jeune Derrida, Ricoeur et Husserl : l'idéalisme transcendantal en question |
105 000 $ |
Lee, Dennis W. |
University of Toronto |
Indonesian Death Metal: Postcolonial Theory and the Subcultural Imaginary |
105 000 $ |
Lefebvre-Côté, Béatrice |
Université de Montréal |
Postures d'auteures et écriture de soi chez Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir et Annie Ernaux |
105 000 $ |
Lennox, Rebecca |
Simon Fraser University |
Democratizing the digital sphere: an intersectional analysis of the impacts of cyberviolence in Canada |
105 000 $ |
Lessard, Michaël |
University of Toronto |
Do the deceased have rights? A legal theory of posthumous interests |
105 000 $ |
Levine, Shelby |
Université McGill |
Self-compassion as a method to combat self-critical perfectionism: A targeted journaling program |
105 000 $ |
Leyden, Jeremy J. |
University of Calgary |
Reconciling archaeology and oral traditions: a novel approach to the interpretation of archaeological, geographical and cultural landscapes associated with the bison hunting complex |
105 000 $ |
Li, Sabrina |
University of Oxford |
Emerging Risks of Human Mobility in a Globalized World: Understanding the Effects of Human-Environment Interactions on the Geographic Spread of Dengue Virus |
105 000 $ |
Lister, Iona C. |
University of Toronto |
Wielding the sexual body: social mobility in Anglo-Norman literature |
105 000 $ |
Loget, Violette |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Le prix de la protection éternelle : les mutations contemporaines du régime d'inaliénabilité des collections dans les musées publics de France et du Canada |
105 000 $ |
Lopez-Rodriguez, Irene |
Université d'Ottawa |
Taking the Bull by the Horns Representing Women as Animals in Spain's post-war novels |
105 000 $ |
Lucas, Yasmine |
University of Toronto |
Desiring Jewishness in Contemporary Poland: Jewish-Identifying Non-Jews and Philo-Semites in a Post-WWII Society |
105 000 $ |
Luckert, Erika R. |
University of Nebraska–Lincoln |
Recomposing the writing workshop: creative composition pedagogies |
105 000 $ |
MacDonald, Adam P. |
Dalhousie University |
As the Ice Melts:The Maintenance of Arctic Stability in an Era of Major Power Competition |
105 000 $ |
Mack, Amy C. |
University of Alberta |
Nordicism and far-right networks: An ethnography of online and offline spaces |
105 000 $ |
MacLean, Sarah E. |
Carleton University |
The Fear of Being (Online): Feminist Women's Experiences of Digital Gendered Violence |
105 000 $ |
Macnab-Séguin, Philippe |
Université McGill |
Modus Poperandi: Aural Sonology as a Method for Syncretic Musical Composition |
105 000 $ |
Madhok, Raahil |
University of British Columbia |
The socio-environmental costs of coal-fired power plants: pollution, labour productivity, and household welfare in India |
105 000 $ |
Magel, Chantelle A. |
University of Calgary |
Do coping strategies mediate the relationship between personality and body image? |
105 000 $ |
Mahadevia Ghimire, Kanksha |
University of Toronto |
Natural disasters and path dependence: Reflective self-critique as a mechanism to overcome obstacles to institutional reform |
105 000 $ |
Marquez, Jimena |
Université d'Ottawa |
Nunavik Sivunitsavut: A case study of culturally relevant post-secondary programming for Inuit youth from Nunavik |
105 000 $ |
Martinelli, Gabrielle |
Université de Montréal |
Adolescents' values, well-being and basic psychological needs: Longitudinal and experimental studies |
105 000 $ |
Martinez, Magdalena |
University of Toronto |
Fostering University Extension: Student Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives in Brazil |
105 000 $ |
Massong, Natalie F. |
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca |
Viva la città! Embodiment and Street Life in Early Modern Bologna |
105 000 $ |
Matarazzo, Anthony |
Université d'Ottawa |
Dystopia, Ecology, Community |
105 000 $ |
Matchim, John R. |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
International Grenfell Association hospital ships and rural-remote health care, 1965-1972 |
105 000 $ |
Mathieu, Catherine |
Université McGill |
Chevauchements et conflits entre les législations consuméristes fédérales et provinciales : Les impacts du fédéralisme canadien sur la protection des droits des consommateurs |
105 000 $ |
Mayo, Andrew C. |
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor |
The structure of language and nature in Heraclitus |
105 000 $ |
Mazachowsky, Tessa R. |
Brock University |
The neglected areas of children's future thinking: Bringing attention to methodological issues and the development of children's saving for the future |
105 000 $ |
McCartney, Kevin D. |
University of British Columbia |
Energy Transitions in Compromised Times: How Extractive Communities Live with Climate Change |
105 000 $ |
McCauley, Brea M. |
Simon Fraser University |
The Role of Extreme Body Modification Rituals in Promoting Cooperation and Conflict Throughout History |
105 000 $ |
McComb, Sarah |
Université York |
Body dissatisfaction following upwards comparison to an Instagram model: the role of perfectionism and cognitive coping |
105 000 $ |
McDonald, Mandee |
University of Alberta |
Land-Based Education and Indigenous Self-Determination |
105 000 $ |
McDougall, Taija Mars |
University of California, Irvine |
Black Concepts of Time and Objects of Temporal Measurement |
105 000 $ |
McSweeney, Mitchell J. |
Université York |
Sport for Development and Peace for Refugees in Kampala, Uganda |
105 000 $ |
Mendez, Mila N. |
Université York |
Chinese-Trinidadian performance of inter-racial and inter-ethnic identity |
105 000 $ |
Merritt, Olivia A. |
University of Waterloo |
All in the Family: How Family Factors Influence the Path to Wellness |
105 000 $ |
Meyers, Julia |
Simon Fraser University |
Bone Development as an Expression of Social Realities in Past Children |
105 000 $ |
Miles, James A. |
University of Toronto |
Investigating the teaching and learning of difficult histories in a culture of redress |
105 000 $ |
Moncion, Laura |
University of Toronto |
Women Recluses in Strasbourg, 1200-1500: Integrating Social and Religious History |
105 000 $ |
Moore, Amanda |
Université McGill |
Personality Change Goals from a Self-Determination Theory Perspective: The antecedents, underlying mechanisms and long-term sustainability of personality change |
105 000 $ |
Morassaei, Sara |
Queen's University |
The retirement experiences of immigrants in Canada: Exploring meaning and realities |
105 000 $ |
Morasse-Choquette, Étienne |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
De la révolution des jardins à la science de l'art : sur les origines culturelles de l'esthétique environnementale (1820-1860) |
105 000 $ |
Morton Ninomiya, Scott C.O. |
University of Waterloo |
Writing New Energy Stories: What can energy entrepreneurs in the Global South teach Canadian communities about imagining and implementing low carbon energy solutions? |
105 000 $ |
Mullally, Katelyn N. |
University of Guelph |
Understanding false guilty pleas among youth defendants |
105 000 $ |
Murphy, Ryan J. |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Enabling crowd-based problem solving |
105 000 $ |
Mutschler, Christina |
Ryerson University |
Social Environment and Recovery Identity Among Problematic Substance Users |
105 000 $ |
Nash, Jonathan |
University of Victoria |
Precarious Migrations: Narratives and Identities of the Migrant Boat |
105 000 $ |
Nasiri, Pedrom |
University of Calgary |
Polyfamilies: Reconceptualizing Canada's Multi-Partner Families and Kinship Practices |
105 000 $ |
Neilson, Tessa L. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Fear versus Protection: The Importance of Distinguishing between the Motives for Mental Disorder Stigma in the Workplace |
105 000 $ |
Néméh-Nombré, Philippe |
Université de Montréal |
Cartographie des relations, tensions et lieux de rencontres entre peuples autochtones et communautés noires au Canada et au Québec : vers une solidarité émancipatrice? |
105 000 $ |
Nepton, Samuel |
Université Laval |
L'éducation comme laboratoire de l'épistémologie : les enjeux du pragmatisme dans le système d'éducation du Québec |
105 000 $ |
Nesbitt, Holly K. |
University of Montana |
Effects of Watershed Governance Change & Affirmation of Indigenous Rights on Social-Ecological Interactions at an Individual-level for Watersheds in Canada & the United States |
105 000 $ |
Nieborowska, Victoria |
University of Calgary |
Rumination: The Underlying Mechanism Between Body Dissatisfaction and Weight Control Behaviours in Midlife Women |
105 000 $ |
Nightingale, Elana |
Western University |
Reclaiming traditional territory in Biigtigong Nishnaabeg |
105 000 $ |
Noël, Antoine |
Queen's University |
Should Canada sign bilateral trade agreements or multilateral trade agreements? |
105 000 $ |
O'Brien, Marc-Étienne |
Université Laval |
L'influence possible du ministère public sur le caractère volontaire du plaidoyer de culpabilité négocié au Canada |
105 000 $ |
Olivier, Laurence |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
La narration-caméra : la phrase et ses images en mouvement, suivi de Fondus de Neige noire |
105 000 $ |
Onifade, Temitope T. |
University of British Columbia |
Law, society and the regulation of low-carbon economies |
105 000 $ |
O'Riain, Hannah B. |
University of Calgary |
Improving obstetric reasoning with insights from epistemology |
105 000 $ |
O'Shaughnessy, Haley |
University of Washington |
Suspended Humanisms: Blackness and Indigeneity within Philippine Intellectual History |
105 000 $ |
Ouellet, Katryne |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
Le développement de pratiques d'enseignement plus inclusives en contexte de recherche collaborative : le cas d'enseignants du primaire ayant fait le choix d'oeuvrer dans des écoles inspirées du mouvement de l'éducation nouvelle |
105 000 $ |
Paquet-Clouston, Masarah-Cynthia |
Simon Fraser University |
The Co-Evolution of Information Technologies and Crime |
105 000 $ |
Pardy, Aaron |
Simon Fraser University |
Assessing the role of local governments in climate change mitigation policy |
105 000 $ |
Parker, Victoria A. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Trust in the Give and Take: The Role of Inter-Party Mistrust in Political Compromise |
105 000 $ |
Park, Katey E. |
Ryerson University |
"Excuses don't burn calories!": The effects of #fitspiration imagery on body image dissatisfaction and exercise motivation |
105 000 $ |
Parks, Kaitlyn M.A. |
Western University |
A Temporal Community Structure Approach to Statistical Learning in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
105 000 $ |
Paulin, Catherine |
Université de Montréal |
Environmental Impacts of Animal and Animal Product Trade: A Case Study of Montreal and Quebec City, 1830-1914 |
105 000 $ |
Paul, Karen E. |
Université McGill |
A framework for 'good social work practice' in the midst of armed conflict: A study of Syria |
105 000 $ |
Pearce, Ky G.J. |
Queen's University |
Participatory Queer Theory: Toward A Grounded Theory of Rural Queer Experience |
105 000 $ |
Pearse, Doreen E Linda |
Université McGill |
Intercultural Artistic Collaboration: Narrative, Identity, Culture, Communication |
105 000 $ |
Pellerin, Sabrina |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Les déterminants de la détresse psychologique chez les cadres de premier niveau : particularités et paradoxes |
105 000 $ |
Peltekov, Petar |
University of Calgary |
Subtitles in the L2 classroom: The effects of captioned videos on Canadian second language learners' listening comprehension skills |
105 000 $ |
Perley-Robertson, Bronwen |
University of Toronto |
An integrated model of static and dynamic risk for criminal justice decision making |
105 000 $ |
Perron, Laurence |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Filature, filiation, fictionnalisation. Rencontre entre la fiction biographique et policière dans le récit d'enquête au féminin |
105 000 $ |
Peters, Olivia Christiane |
University of Guelph |
Preventing stalking violence and homicide in intimate relationships |
105 000 $ |
Phillips-Amos, Georgia |
Université Concordia |
Absurdist Politics and Aesthetics in Contemporary Art |
105 000 $ |
Pilin, Maya |
University of British Columbia |
Towards a dual-process understanding and modification of affective forecasting errors |
105 000 $ |
Poulin, Lauren E. |
Université York |
Proactive management of emotional reactivity in interpersonal interactions |
105 000 $ |
Préfontaine, Isabelle |
Université de Montréal |
Enseignement par tablette tactile et prédicteurs psychosociaux de l'apprentissage chez les enfants ayant un trouble de spectre de l'autisme |
105 000 $ |
Proctor, Cecile J. |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Impacts of psychological flexibility on thriving: Examining impacts beyond personality |
105 000 $ |
Proulx, Gabriel |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Modernisme anglo-saxon et littérature française contemporaine: nouvelles généalogies et défiguration du langage |
105 000 $ |
Qiu, Shi Tracy |
Université Concordia |
Decolonizing Botanical Gardens: Power, Discourse, and Societal Implications |
105 000 $ |
Quinn, Hannah E. |
University of Toronto |
Sexual Violence and Women with Intellectual Disabilities: Defining Sexual Ethics Beyond Consent |
105 000 $ |
Racette, Jean-Christophe |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
D'ici et d'ailleurs : la participation de Montréal aux réseaux d'échanges de savoirs intermunicipaux |
105 000 $ |
Rallis, Nicole |
University of British Columbia |
"How can we even talk about it if we don't have the language?": A/r/tography as emerging planning praxis |
105 000 $ |
Ralston, Benjamin A. |
University of Saskatchewan |
Spatializing Rights: Mapping the law/geography nexus between Indigenous rights and environmental effects |
105 000 $ |
Rawcliffe, Dalton |
Université York |
The Cultural Revolution and the British Chinese: Radicalization of a Transnational Community |
105 000 $ |
Redekop, Stephanie I. |
University of Toronto |
Stories in order to live: the literary aesthetics of American crisis discourse, 1961-1979 |
105 000 $ |
Reed, Graeme |
University of Guelph |
Indigenous Community-Based Monitoring in the Oil Sands: Supporting or Preventing Indigenous Self-determination? |
105 000 $ |
Reid, Christopher |
Université McGill |
Learning with the land: The lived experiences of urban Indigenous youth in land education |
105 000 $ |
Reid, Jessica L. |
University of Guelph |
Beyond the Prison Walls: Comparative effects of the causes of prolonged parental absence on attachment representations, risk, and resilience in young adults |
105 000 $ |
Richardson, Robin J. |
University of Windsor |
Susceptibility to Stereotype Threat Among Male and Female Athletes |
105 000 $ |
Rimmer, Charlotte |
Université McGill |
The power of percussion: effects of a musical education program on language skills of children with autism spectrum disorder |
105 000 $ |
Rine, Sydney |
University of Saskatchewan |
An Examination of Risk-Need Profiles among Saskatchewan NCR Acquitees |
105 000 $ |
Rioux, Jean-François |
University of Toronto |
Valeur et actualité de l'exigence de systématicité chez Fichte et ses successeurs |
105 000 $ |
Rivet-Préfontaine, Louis |
Université de Montréal |
Le défi sociétal d'une transition économique : le cas du secteur de l'alimentation au Québec |
105 000 $ |
Robertson, Jesse G. |
University of Victoria |
A New Light on Canadian State Formation and Colonization, 1850-1920 |
105 000 $ |
Robert, Virginie |
Université de Sherbrooke |
La pensée fonctionnelle : étude des possibilités et des contraintes de son développement chez les élèves du primaire à travers des activités d'enseignement-apprentissage |
105 000 $ |
Robinson, Jill M. |
University of British Columbia |
The Role of Cognition and Bias in Early Cannabis Use |
105 000 $ |
Roddick, Charlotte |
University of British Columbia |
Listen to the heart: The effects of loneliness on heart rate variability and well-being |
105 000 $ |
Rogers, Camille |
University of Toronto |
Queer possibilities in Baroque historical performance |
105 000 $ |
Rollins, Curtis |
University of Leeds |
Exploring the use of latent psychological attributes in economic models |
105 000 $ |
Rosenberg, Aron L. |
Université McGill |
Investigating and supporting students' engagement with the implications of digital technologies |
105 000 $ |
Ross, Alexander |
University of Toronto |
A Slot Machine in Your Pocket? The Political Economy of Social Casino Apps |
105 000 $ |
Ross, Margaret E. |
Queen's University |
The History of Prostitution in Ontario, 1880-1920 |
105 000 $ |
Roussin, Rena-Marie |
University of Toronto |
Gendering Joseph Haydn's Late Oratorios |
105 000 $ |
Ruddy, Alexandra M. |
University of British Columbia |
School mental health climate: Development and validation of a student self-report questionnaire |
105 000 $ |
Saad, Dima |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Materializing Palestinian Memory: Objects of Home and the Everyday Eternities of Exile |
105 000 $ |
Sadeghi, Mahsa |
University of Waterloo |
Understanding influences on adolescent goal-striving behaviour |
105 000 $ |
Samardzic, Tanja |
University of Windsor |
The consequences of self-silencing in women with and without intimate partner abuse experience: A longitudinal study |
105 000 $ |
Sanchez-Hood, Nicola A. |
University of Victoria |
Intersections of emergent visual media technology and the preservation of Indigenous Ontologies |
105 000 $ |
Sanchez, Tatiana |
University of British Columbia |
Assessing the Effect of Recreational Cannabis Legalization on Substance Use Cognitions in Youth |
105 000 $ |
Saqui, Sonja L. |
University of British Columbia |
Supporting the emotional learning of students with intellectual disabilities |
105 000 $ |
Savolle, Adrien |
Université Laval |
La nouvelle zone économique de Xiong'An : « mégapole verte » à la chinoise, entre ingénierie sociale étatique et revendications de la société civile |
105 000 $ |
Schuitemaker, Nahannee-fe R. |
Trent University |
Godi'nigoha' and Mana Wahine: re-envisioning Indigenous women's knowledge in a contemporary context |
105 000 $ |
Scott, Shelby |
University of Toronto |
The Value of Infracranial Nonmetric Variation in the Identification of Unknown Human Remains: Establishing Objective Legal Standards using a Statistically Quantifiable Method of Radiographic Identification |
105 000 $ |
Segal, Shira C. |
Ryerson University |
The contribution of attention and emotion recognition to the development of emotion regulation in infancy |
105 000 $ |
Selmer, Aidan J. |
University of Toronto |
Reciting Resistance: Oral Politics and Poetics in English Royalist Broadside Verse, 1647-1649 |
105 000 $ |
Shalabi, Doaa |
University of Waterloo |
Life after Religious School: The Socialization of Canadian Muslim Youth |
105 000 $ |
Shank, Monica J. |
University of British Columbia |
Language, Identity, and 'Development': Intergenerational Schooling Experiences of Rural Women in Tanzania |
105 000 $ |
Shaw, Joshua D.M. |
Université York |
The Social Organization of Medical Assistance in Dying in Federal Penitentiaries |
105 000 $ |
Shodjaee-Zrudlo, Ilya |
Université McGill |
Moral identities of Canadian youth in educational contexts in an age of transition |
105 000 $ |
Shum, Priscilla Lok-chee |
Simon Fraser University |
Closing the gap: Analysis and application of non-sexist communication behaviors in sexism reduction interventions |
105 000 $ |
Simard, Isabelle |
Université Ontario Tech |
The neural underpinnings of antisocial behaviour in youth at risk for offending |
105 000 $ |
Simoes-Gomes, Austin |
University of Toronto |
Female Deity Possession in the Kathmandu Valley |
105 000 $ |
Simons, Eric |
University of British Columbia |
Penelakut Island: An Archaeological Contribution to IRS Reconciliation |
105 000 $ |
Simundic, Amanda |
Université McGill |
The Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on School Adjustment |
105 000 $ |
Snow, Mark D. |
Université Ontario Tech |
Understanding the role of alibi witness age in evaluating alibi witness testimony |
105 000 $ |
Song, Gloria M. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Access to justice for Inuit women in the Kitikmeot: Exploring the intersection of gender-based violence and housing insecurity in western Nunavut |
105 000 $ |
Specker, Sharonne K. |
Queen's University of Belfast |
Paradoxes of place: nationalism and localized engagement and resistance among urban Swiss folk musicians |
105 000 $ |
Speiran, Siobhan I.M. |
Queen's University |
Monkey Business: Exploring Ecotourism Impacts on White-Headed Capuchins (Cebus capucinus) & Local Communities in Costa Rica |
105 000 $ |
Steele, Cory G. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Understanding Nonreligion: Canadian Law and Its Conceptualization of a Worldview That Is Not Religious |
105 000 $ |
St-Georges, Simon |
Université de Montréal |
Le pouvoir politique corporatif et la diffusion des politiques publiques: le cas de l'imputabilité criminelle et pénale des entreprises multinationales |
105 000 $ |
St-Pierre, Louis-Patrick |
Queen's University |
Ëtre Romain après « Rome » : conceptions et affirmations de l'identité romaine dans l'Empire byzantin sous les règnes de Léon VI et Constantin VII (886-959) |
105 000 $ |
Suckling, Joanna K. |
Western University |
Serving the Dead: The Bioarchaeology of Funerary Bundles on the Central Coast of Peru |
105 000 $ |
Surprenant, Stéphane |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Application des méthodes d'apprentissage automatique en macroéconomie |
105 000 $ |
Swanlund, David A. |
Simon Fraser University |
Protecting Spatial Privacy in Academic Research |
105 000 $ |
Sylliboy, John R. |
Université McGill |
Revitalizing the Mikmaq language to reflect the diversity of gender identities and sexuality of youth |
105 000 $ |
Talu, Merve Cigdem |
Université McGill |
The Flâneuse and the Metropolis: Urban Atmospheres in Late-Victorian London |
105 000 $ |
Taylor, Renee E. |
University of Windsor |
How Afrocultural Beliefs Interact with Stigma to Hinder Emotional Wellbeing Among Black Canadians |
105 000 $ |
Telengut, Alisi |
Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf |
Lake Baikal: Re-animating Animism |
105 000 $ |
Tellier-Marcil, Arnaud |
Université de Montréal |
Vers un changement de paradigme en matière d'interprétation des contrats : de la règle du texte clair au principe de la primauté réfragable du texte |
105 000 $ |
Tessier, Eugénie |
Université de Montréal |
La construction identitaire à travers la musique de l'Ontario français : Imaginer la communauté et les limites de l'inclusivité |
105 000 $ |
Thomas, Leanna |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Shaping identities and redefining histories of the French Atlantic World: the historical influence of twentieth-century Acadian and Guadeloupean authors |
105 000 $ |
Tison, Rémi |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Systèmes prédictif et cognition énactive: doit-on radicaliser la théorie du traitement prédictif? |
105 000 $ |
Todd, Kendra R. |
University of British Columbia |
Implications of exercise participation on subjective well-being for adults with spinal cord injury: A comparison of two evidence-based exercise guidelines |
105 000 $ |
Toll, Haley R. M. |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Creative Community Connections: Art Therapy Supporting Newcomer Refugee Women to Newfoundland and Labrador |
105 000 $ |
Townsend, Justine |
University of Guelph |
All our relations: Indigenous conservation governance and reconciliation in Canada |
105 000 $ |
Tremblay-Dion, Catherine-Laura |
Université d'Ottawa |
Textiles and sustainability education: An early childhood narrative approach |
105 000 $ |
Trudel, Josée |
Université Laval |
Étude de la mise en oeuvre d'initiatives d'éducation à l'égalité des sexes dans les services de garde éducatifs à l'enfance du Québec à travers l'analyse des croyances et du discours des directeur.trice.s d'installations |
105 000 $ |
Tucker, Angie D. |
University of Alberta |
Developing a Métis Consultation Framework: Buffalo Lake's Relationship to Their Territory |
105 000 $ |
Turgeon, Jessica |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
L'impact intergénérationnel des difficultés perceptuelles des mères ayant un vécu de maltraitance |
105 000 $ |
Vachon, Wolfgang |
University of Victoria |
Tuning into Child and Youth Care: An arts-based audio-drama inquiry with Child and Youth Care Practitioners who have lived in residential care |
105 000 $ |
Vaz-Jones, Laura J. |
University of Toronto |
An Intersectional Right to the City: Reframing Domestic Worker Organizing as Struggles for Urban Social Justice in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil |
105 000 $ |
Vemuri, Ayesha |
Université McGill |
Coping with Climate Change: A Study of Flood Management and Local Resilience in Assam, India |
105 000 $ |
Venne, Sharon Helen |
University of Alberta |
Cree Worldview on Treaty Making can lead to Genuine Reconciliation |
105 000 $ |
Vidovic, Vanja |
University of Waterloo |
Friendship formation and maintenance in social anxiety |
105 000 $ |
Villeneuve-Siconnelly, Katryne |
Université Laval |
Populistes ou anti-systèmes? : distinction conceptuelle des partis nationalistes et leur institutionnalisation |
105 000 $ |
Voicescu, Sonia A. |
University of Victoria |
Landscapes in motion: Investigating the drivers of change in mountain ecosystems |
105 000 $ |
Vo, Tin D. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Behind the façade of a safe space: Discrimination, intersectionality and resilience of racialized lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people in queer spaces |
105 000 $ |
Waisman, Rory M. |
University of Alberta |
The heavy-handed advantage in nudging sustained behaviour change |
105 000 $ |
Walkland, Tyler A. |
University of Toronto |
Taking an Inquiry Stance on Drug Education |
105 000 $ |
Wamsley, Dillon |
Université York |
Welfare, crime, and punishment: toward a converging system of poverty governance in the US and Canada |
105 000 $ |
Wapeemukwa, Wayne R. |
Pennsylvania State University |
White or Ward: The Racialization of the Métis in Treaty-Era Canadian Prairies, 1870-1920 |
105 000 $ |
West, Leah R. |
University of Toronto |
The Application of the Charter in Cyberspace: Protecting Rights in the Digital Age |
105 000 $ |
Weva, Vanessa |
Université McGill |
The Academic Achievement of Immigrant Youth: Considerations of Ancestral Culture |
105 000 $ |
Whissell-Turner, Kathleen |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Les effets d'un enseignement des racines latines et grecques sur la connaisance du vocabulaire disciplinaire, le traitement morphologique et la compréhension en lecture des élèves de 6e année du primaire scolarisés en français |
105 000 $ |
Whitelaw, Diane E. |
Queen's University |
Political Intimacies: Mainza Chona, The Chona Commission, and Zambian National Identity |
105 000 $ |
White, Lisa W. |
University of British Columbia |
Re-framing Research: Educational Research, Indigenous Peoples, and Policy Outcomes |
105 000 $ |
Whitford, Brent R. |
University at Buffalo—SUNY |
Eco-cultural dynamic in the Southeast European Neolithic: effects on population and migration |
105 000 $ |
Wierts, Colin |
University of British Columbia |
Transforming sport coaches' communication using motivational interviewing: A randomized controlled pilot trial |
105 000 $ |
Wightman, Megan B. |
McMaster University |
Pas de deux, ou quand la danse s'associe au langage : la mise en scène du moi dans les écrits autobiographiques de danseurs et chorégraphes francophones du XXe siècle |
105 000 $ |
Wilde, Jesse Lee |
Western University |
Cognitive Mechanisms of Depression and Relationship Distress |
105 000 $ |
Wolfstone, Irene W.F. |
University of Alberta |
Re-Storying Indigenous Matricultures: Exploring the conditions of cultural continuity and the capacity for climate change adaptation |
105 000 $ |
Wong, Erin K. |
University of Alberta |
Musical Performance as Ekphrasis |
105 000 $ |
Woods, Sarah P. |
Université Ontario Tech |
Youth Justice Policy Implementation: Community-Based Organizations' Perspective |
105 000 $ |
Woolley, Michael J.H. |
University of British Columbia |
Performance Art and Queer Disappearance: Rethinking Modes of Documentation and Erasure |
105 000 $ |
Wylie, Breanne ER. |
Brock University |
Evaluating and improving children's use of causal language within a legal context |
105 000 $ |
Xie, Sally Yuan-Jun |
Université McGill |
Person perception across groups: A dynamic model of impression formation across race and gender lines |
105 000 $ |
Xu, Cheng M. |
University of Toronto |
War of All Against All or Perpetual Peace? Explaining the Divergent Patterns of Insurgency in the Philippines towards a Model of Peacebuilding |
105 000 $ |
Yang, Dawei |
Queen's University |
Developing reading comprehension in students with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
105 000 $ |
Yang, Jennifer |
Simon Fraser University |
Fostering change: Turning points in the adult lives of serious and violent young offenders |
105 000 $ |
Yiu, Wei Si Nicole |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Not Just Friends, Not Quite Lovers: Migrant Intimacies In-between Spaces of Friendship and Romance |
105 000 $ |
Yona, Leehi |
Stanford University |
Translating scientific knowledge into action: climate policies and national greenhouse gas inventories |
105 000 $ |
YoungWolfe, Denali |
University of British Columbia |
We Rise: Mapping Indigenous Assurgency |
105 000 $ |
Zambo, Zsofia M. |
Université York |
The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Farmer Health: A Political Economy Perspective |
105 000 $ |
Zawadski, Krista |
Carleton University |
Qatiktalik: Nexus of Colonial Encounters |
105 000 $ |
Zhang, Heidi |
Université York |
Social worker identities and their practice shaped through diversity discourse |
105 000 $ |
Zhu, Joyce |
University of Toronto |
The Effects of Psychosocial Family Contextual Factors on Emotion Regulation and Psychological Functioning in Emerging Adulthood |
105 000 $ |
Zolf, Benjamin |
Queen's University |
Moral Risk and Applied Ethics |
105 000 $ |
Zozula, Kaitlyn |
Université Concordia |
Empire in Denial: Anti-Imperialist Filmmaking and the Geopolitical Functions of the American Art-Cinema Industry |
105 000 $ |
Zubriski, Stephanie |
Dalhousie University |
Beyond outcomes: The influence of rituals, procedures, and social hierarchies within Nova Scotia Wellness Courts' institutional processes |
105 000 $ |
Zuccato, Brandon G. |
University of Windsor |
An Exploration of Social, Emotional, Motivational, and Cognitive Reasons for Invalid Performance on Baseline Testing in Sport-Related Concussion |
105 000 $ |