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Programme de bourses d'études supérieures du Canada Joseph-Armand-Bombardier : attribution des bourses de doctorat du concours de novembre 2015

Candidat Organisme administrateur Titre de la demande Montant
Abrams, Kelly Western University Place-based knowledge production and sites of exchange: innovation and adaptation in Southern Ontario agriculture 105 000,00 $
Akbari Sharbaf, Ehsan Université Concordia Using smartphones to encourage youth to attend to everyday sounds 105 000,00 $
Alabi, Halimat I. Simon Fraser University Developing a visual cognition model of judgments of learning with learning analytics 105 000,00 $
AlHassan, Lina Carleton University An empirical investigation of the role of formulaic sequences in upgrading EAP students' academic writing skills: a quantitative research study 105 000,00 $
Alorse, Raynold Wonder * Queen's University International business and human rights: a study of Canadian multinational mining firms in South Africa and Ghana 105 000,00 $
Amerongen Maddison, Julia University of Otago Building community in ecological restoration projects using creative science communication 105 000,00 $
Amini, Babak Université York Democratizing effects of workers' control organization 105 000,00 $
Anderson Boyd, Julia University of Toronto Flares at injustice: comparative approaches to literary analysis and curriculum application for nonviolent social justice in the works of contemporary writer-activists 1962-2011 105 000,00 $
Anderson, David R. Université York The monstrous child: denaturalizing the figure of the child in developmental discourses 105 000,00 $
Archambault, Emil University of St Andrews Conceptualising contemporary war: between hostility and humanity 105 000,00 $
Arseneau, Isabelle Université Laval Points de vue de scientifiques engagé.e.s publiquement dans le cas de questions scientifiques socialement vives : quelles implications didactiques pour l'enseignement des sciences 105 000,00 $
Ash, Rowan Western University Powers astral, chthonic, Olympian, and worldly in the Paris handbook (PGM IV): a study of attitudes to deity, agency, and identity in the Greek magical Papyri, in their religious-historical and anthropological contexts 105 000,00 $
Auclair, Alexandra Université du Québec à Montréal Élaboration d'un outil d'intervention orthopédagogique basé sur la littérature jeunesse pour l'enseignement des concepts de base en mathématiques aux élèves en difficulté 105 000,00 $
Bachour, Omar Queen's University Community, equality and human flourishing 105 000,00 $
Bae, Na Young University of British Columbia Identifying factors underlying resilience and promoting positive social development after victimization 105 000,00 $
Baimel, Adam S. University of British Columbia Meaning making in the religious experience 105 000,00 $
Baitz, Rachel University of British Columbia Adolescent's risky online behaviours: a mixed-methods analysis of motivation, social support, and emotional development 105 000,00 $
Barlow, Meaghan Université Concordia Self-regulation, coping and emotional well-being in romantic couples: a longitudinal analysis 105 000,00 $
Barnes, Ashley J. University of Toronto Dispensing practical justice to individuals: mass claims in a changing international legal order 105 000,00 $
Bastarache, Kassandre Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Les Lumières désenchantées : anti-utopie et critique de l'idée de progrès au XVIIIe siècle 105 000,00 $
Bateman, Eric W.T. Queen's University Practicing doubt: interfaith encounter and religious identity during the Crusades 105 000,00 $
Bay, Odelia R. * Université York Mapping the margins of a disability paradigm: promoting self-care in the accommodation of chronic illness in employment 105 000,00 $
Beach, Laura J. University of Toronto Indigenous women and self-harm in western Canadian prisons 105 000,00 $
Beatie, Brooke E. Université du Manitoba Exploring caregivers' experience seeking psychological services: a mixed methods study 105 000,00 $
Beattie, A. Elizabeth University of British Columbia Meaningful outdoor learning experiences in early childhood science and sustainability education 105 000,00 $
Beauchamp, Jérémie University of British Columbia Syntaxe et sémantique des expressions locatives 105 000,00 $
Beauchemin, William-Jacomo University of Toronto L'expérience dans les sciences sociales : entre empirisme et épistémologie sociale 105 000,00 $
Beaudoin, Karine Western University Trouble dans le genre et littérature québécoise pour adolescents (2000-2015) 105 000,00 $
Beck, Marin I. Queen's University Sewing, social networking, and settlement: exploring the gendered dimensions of immigrant women's integration services 105 000,00 $
Bédard, Philippe Université de Montréal Un regard hors de soi-même : étude des points de vue exo-centriques engendrés par les caméras GoPro et de leur influence sur la perception humaine 105 000,00 $
Bélair, Joanny Université d'Ottawa Investissements fonciers en Tanzanie et en Éthiopie : une perspective locale sur l'économie politique des récents projets agroalimentaires 105 000,00 $
Bélanger Sarrazin, Roxanne Université d'Ottawa Le syncrétisme religieux en Égypte tardo-antique : l'apport des textes magiques coptes 105 000,00 $
Belcourt, Billy-Ray University of California, Berkeley A phenomenology of indigeneity: deadly presents, ethical futures 105 000,00 $
Belford, Liora University of Toronto The curatorial self: from John Cage's rolywholyover a circus' (1989-95) to the contemporary experimentalism of urban life 105 000,00 $
Bellefeuille, Carol-Ann Université Michel de Montaigne (Bordeaux III) Une allemande de l'est à la chancellerie : histoire, identités et politiques d'Angela Merkel 105 000,00 $
Belsky, Danielle Université York Making bodies making bodies: biomedical communications as genealogical practice 105 000,00 $
Belu, Charlene F. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Resolving desire discrepancies in long-term relationships 105 000,00 $
Bendo, Daniella Carleton University An analysis of child and youth advocacy on an international scale 105 000,00 $
Berggold, Craig J. Queen's University The making of precarious cultures 105 000,00 $
Bernardo-Ciddio, Leah Brown University Cultural identities and (post)colonial interactions in ancient Lucania 105 000,00 $
Bertasson, Megan Lillian University of Toronto Native girl, interrupted: an examination of state representations of Indigenous girlhood and violence 105 000,00 $
Bertrand, Anne University of British Columbia Microvariation in exclamative construction in Laurentian French 105 000,00 $
Beveridge, Leah F. Dalhousie University Multi-stakeholder and cross-cultural approaches to managing Arctic ship navigation: the case of Lancaster Sound, NU 105 000,00 $
Beynon-Martinec, Jennifer C. Memorial University of Newfoundland That awkward moment: investigating and developing a new pedagogy of singing for pubertal males 105 000,00 $
Bigras, Noémie Université du Québec à Montréal Le rôle de la pleine conscience dans les liens qui unissent les traumas cumulatifs à la satisfaction sexuelle et conjugale 105 000,00 $
Binning, Amy University of Cambridge Transnational Tibetan texts: the (re)production of tradition in contemporary Tibetan Buddhism 105 000,00 $
Bird, Brian M. Brock University Perceived dominance of self and of one's opponent: proposed mechanisms linking post competition testosterone changes and subsequent aggressive behaviour 105 000,00 $
Bishop, Katherine G. University of Alberta Investigating transhumance and pastoralism in ancient and modern Thessaly, Greece using stable isotope analysis of carbon, strontium, and oxygen isotopes from sheep and goat teeth 105 000,00 $
Blacklock, Adrienne Université McGill Evaluating the indigenist stress-coping model as a predictor of positive social relations, academic success, and increased self-competence among First Nations youth 105 000,00 $
Blouin-Hudon, Eve-Marie C. Carleton University Investigating the influence of mindful awareness on mind-wandering and psychological well-being 105 000,00 $
Bogovic, Rene University of Toronto LGBTQ activism in former Yugoslavia: cross-ethnic collaboration and de-radicalization 105 000,00 $
Boisjoly, Geneviève Université McGill Let's take the bus: allowing low-income populations to reach employment opportunities by public transit in Montreal, QC 105 000,00 $
Boldt, Natalie A. University of Victoria The importance of genre: gender and technology in speculative vs science fiction 105 000,00 $
Bonin, Hugo * Université du Québec à Montréal Democracy : re-conceptualisations anglaises, 1642-1867 105 000,00 $
Boughner, Emily N. Western University Understanding the complex nature of psychologically traumatic experiences through  personality traits 105 000,00 $
Boulanger, Josée S. Université d'Ottawa Re-conceptualizing capacity: a participatory visual ethnography with supported decision makers 105 000,00 $
Boulding, Kaitlyn P. University of Toronto Conversion and poetic quilting: the Early Christian centos of Proba and Eudocia 105 000,00 $
Bowes, Adam M. Western University Virtual territory, Ludic language: indigeneity in videogames 105 000,00 $
Boyce, Margaret R. McMaster University One hundred words for conquest: curating Canadian Arctic sovereignty through the settler-colonial recognition of Inuit cultural practices 105 000,00 $
Boyer, Stéphanie Université d'Ottawa Représentations des expériences d'éducation à la citoyenneté menées dans un cadre scolaire chez les jeunes conscientisés et engagés 105 000,00 $
Brassard, Léonore New York University De la guerre à la terreur : représentations du combat dans la littérature féministe de 1967 à nos jours 105 000,00 $
Brassard, Vicky Université Laval Irresponsabilité pénale et troubles mentaux en matière criminelle : quel statut pour l'entourage et les proches 105 000,00 $
Breitkreutz, Sara H. Université Concordia Nipivut, our voice on the airwaves: building community through urban Inuit radio in Montreal 105 000,00 $
Brown, Andrew I. Université York Stimulating ADHD networks: how a neurobiological framing of ADHD connects communities 105 000,00 $
Brunet-Fontaine, Maud École des hautes études en sciences sociales La réception de Montaigne au 18e siècle en France : un témoignage des tensions au sein des Lumières 105 000,00 $
Brunsek, Ashley University of Toronto The impact of receiving a child care subsidy: the short and long-term impact for children and their families 105 000,00 $
Burris, Kevin Université York Mental health in the welfare state: voluntarism and mental health care in Britain, 1939-1960 105 000,00 $
Butler Burke, Nora Université Concordia Between asylum and exile: the criminalization of transgender women refugees in Canada 105 000,00 $
Butler, Jesse K. Université d'Ottawa Citizenship education in a diverse urban high school: a case study of policy enactment 105 000,00 $
Caldwell, Warren C. Université Concordia Cognitive and physiological predictors of marital conflict in chronically stressed couples 105 000,00 $
Cameron, Kyle A. Western University Work style differences in teams 105 000,00 $
Campbell-Duruflé, Christopher R. University of Toronto Emerging modes of legality under international climate change law 105 000,00 $
Carlson, Elizabeth Marie University of Guelph Empowerment and education: individual strengths and the prediction of school engagement among Indigenous youth 105 000,00 $
Carlton, David A. Western University Pre-Christian vocabulary in post-Christian England 105 000,00 $
Caron-Roy, Fannie Université de Montréal Art et dévotion privée dans la Rome de la Contre-Réforme 105 000,00 $
Carroll-Preyde, Myles R. Université York Crisis and transformation in 21st century Japan 105 000,00 $
Carsley, Dana Université McGill Evaluation of mindfulness art making for decreasing test anxiety in elementary, high school, and university students 105 000,00 $
Cenerini, Chantale A.M. Université du Manitoba The Michif language continuum: supporting language vitality in Métis communities of Manitoba and Saskatchewan through language documentation and sociolinguistic study 105 000,00 $
Chaffe, Alan J. * University of Victoria Voices from the ground: the social and economic benefits of community leadership and activism 105 000,00 $
Chamandy, Melodie Université d'Ottawa La transition vers le marché du travail : les facteurs qui facilitent la réussite 105 000,00 $
Chan, Julia S. Queen's University Stolen images: surveillance, cinematic culture, and nonconsensual pornography 105 000,00 $
Chavez Guerra, Lidoly Université McGill Theatre, identity and indigenous territory in North America (1990-2015) 105 000,00 $
Chiappetta, Margaret E. Université York Understanding innovation: cancer pharmacology in open and proprietary models 105 000,00 $
Chittle, Laura M.M. University of Windsor Developing an action intervention for overcoming relative age effects in female ice hockey players 105 000,00 $
Chouinard, Isabelle Université de Montréal Le cynisme ancien et les écoles philosophiques de son temps 105 000,00 $
Churcher, Frances Carleton University An examination of the role of psychopathic personality traits in stalking and intimate partner violence perpetration 105 000,00 $
Cloutier, Anika E. Queen's University What's love got to do with it: the role of romantic relationships in leader's well-being and leadership behaviour 105 000,00 $
Colpitts, Emily M. Université York Engaging men in preventing sexual violence against women on Canadian university campuses: exploring how two anti-violence campaigns address social constructions of masculinity 105 000,00 $
Côté, Martin Université d'Ottawa Les produits d'assurance et d'investissement offerts par les assureurs au Canada : un cadre juridique à l'ombre du droit des valeurs mobilières 105 000,00 $
Craciunescu, Miruna Université McGill Biofictions renaissantes en langue française (1980-2015) 105 000,00 $
Cullis-Suzuki, Severn S. University of British Columbia Multigenerational language acquisition of Xaayda Kil, a critically endangered indigenous Canadian language: charting a course to fluency for self, family, and community 105 000,00 $
Cunningham, Caitlin A. Birkbeck, University of London Sex, violence, and power: rape in the gold rush Pacific 105 000,00 $
da Estrela, Chelsea Université Concordia Promoting sleep and parent adaptability amongst parents of children with autism 105 000,00 $
Daigle, Bethany F. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick The latest post in the field: postsecularism, postcolonialism, and South Asian fiction 105 000,00 $
Damp, Alycia M. Saint Mary's University Constructive conflict management: a novel approach to studying conflict management and adaptability in the workplace 105 000,00 $
Dang, Silvain S. University of British Columbia The role of culture and interpersonal styles in the sexual functioning of Chinese-Canadian individuals 105 000,00 $
Daoust, Marc-Kevin Université de Montréal Quelles sont les implications normatives des exigences de rationalité 105 000,00 $
Davies, Jon A. Université McGill I'll be your mirror: video art gossip and artists' scenes 105 000,00 $
Dawson, Jeremy J. University of Oxford Can God create less than the best 105 000,00 $
Dawson, Stephanie E. Simon Fraser University Policing a riot: developing a comprehensive theory of police action 105 000,00 $
De Saegher, Thomas Western University How quantum mechanics can predict the existence of objects in space without positing objects local to regions of spacetime 105 000,00 $
de Saussure Paquette, Sophie * Université d'Ottawa Parents incarcérés, enfants protégés - étude de l'impact du concept d' intérêt supérieur de l'enfant lors de la détermination et de l'exécution de la peine d'un parent 105 000,00 $
Deacon, Amanda K. University of Calgary Increasing safety through adaptation in high reliability teams 105 000,00 $
Décloître, Raphaëlle Université McGill Pour une poétique de l'allégorie à la fin du Moyen Âge 105 000,00 $
Derbecker, Andrea University of California, Riverside Sovereignty struggles in Canadian multicultural trades-training institutions 105 000,00 $
Derome, Léa Université de Montréal Nature et rôle des analogies dans la biologie d'Aristote 105 000,00 $
Desbiens, Viviane Université Laval Les mécanismes d'efficacité du programme d'animation scientifique Débrouillards et son apport à l'enseignement des sciences au primaire et à la motivation des jeunes en sciences 105 000,00 $
Deschênes, Andréa Université du Québec en Outaouais L'impact d'un stress psychosocial sur les jugements sociaux ethniques 105 000,00 $
DesClouds, Poppy Université d'Ottawa The impact of mobile technology usage on youth sport participation and development: does self-regulation matter 105 000,00 $
Di Sante, Mélissa Université Laval Le développement pragmatique chez les enfants négligés : l'apport des interactions communicatives adulte-enfant 105 000,00 $
Dick, Kaitlyn R. University of Toronto Canada in #Transition: a virtual ethnography of trans young adults on instagram 105 000,00 $
Dishaw, Samuel Université McGill Natural disagreements: towards a fundamental account of moral conciliation 105 000,00 $
Dodge, Alexandra M. Carleton University Rape myths in the digital age: analyzing Canadian legal responses to online sexual violence 105 000,00 $
Dorrance, Jessica D. University of California, Berkeley The visual and embodied politics of queer historiography 105 000,00 $
Doucet, Marie-Hélène Université McGill Mère excisée, fille excisée : facteurs culturels et sociaux liés aux intentions maternelles de renoncement ou de maintien de perpétuer la tradition des mutilations génitales pour leurs filles en contexte migratoire canadien 105 000,00 $
Douglas, Emily R. Université McGill Laughter, embodiment, and politics: a feminist-phenomenological analysis 105 000,00 $
Drapeau-Bisson, Marie-Lise University of Toronto Choix tactiques communs et contextes politiques divergents : une analyse comparative du militantisme pro-choix au Canada et en Irlande du Nord 105 000,00 $
Du, Angela Y. University of Toronto Character, consciousness, and authorial self-marketing in British novels, 1891-1931 105 000,00 $
Duchesneau, Catherine Université du Québec à Montréal La présence du populaire dans les oeuvres chorégraphiques contemporaines : perspectives et prospectives 105 000,00 $
Dudeck, Michael R. Academy of Fine Arts, Vienne The religion of species is a research/creation project that excavates religious narratives implicit in modern theories of evolution through the construction of fictional documentaries produced by an imaginary museum of artificial histories 105 000,00 $
Dufour-Laperrière, Gabriel Université McGill La prosodie comme modèle applicable à la composition musicale : inflexio vocis pour soprano, orchestre et dispositif électronique 105 000,00 $
Dur-e-Aden, Aden University of Toronto The recruitment of western foreign fighters within ISIS-a gendered analysis 105 000,00 $
Dussault, Caroline Université de Sherbrooke Manifestations parentales de l'inquiétude, l'intolérance à l'incertitude et l'attitude négative face aux problèmes chez des parents souffrant d'anxiété généralisée 105 000,00 $
Eaton, Katherine McMaster University Archival-genomic mapping of plague 105 000,00 $
Ellis, Adam R. University of Toronto Trauma PTSD and gang violence 105 000,00 $
Emiljanowicz, Paul A. McMaster University Beyond conflicts of interests: post-colonial development in Ghana and Kenya, 1938-1966 105 000,00 $
Evans, Meredith G.B. University of Cape Town Transnational movements against gender violence: intersectional tensions and transformative possibilities 105 000,00 $
Ewan, Courtney C. University of Toronto Literary legacies: writing, memory and monumentalization in Rome 105 000,00 $
Farrall, Joanne Carleton University Ever-bending story: state violence, social activism and the battle for truth in a networked society 105 000,00 $
Faubert, Camille Université de Montréal Regards sur le développement des attitudes policières face à l'emploi de la force : observer l'apport prédictif des facteurs sociodémographiques et expérientiels 105 000,00 $
Fedoruk, Jeffrey McMaster University Fabricating Canadian national identity within the creative city complex 105 000,00 $
Fewster, Gregory P. University of Toronto Reading and writing the authentic Paul: pseudepigraphy, interpolation, and variation in the Pauline textual tradition 105 000,00 $
Fogarty-Bourget, Chloe G. Carleton University Engagement through interaction: a study of effective pedagogical strategies used by mathematics instructors to teach undergraduate students in Canadian universities 105 000,00 $
Forbes, James M. University of Calgary Saddle-bag Parliaments: evangelical dissent and the making of Canadian Liberalism, 1828-1878 105 000,00 $
Forrester, Faizal Carleton University Supersyncretic diasporas in foundational and contemporary Caribbean poetry 105 000,00 $
Fortier, Paz McMaster University Examining the influence of environmental reliability and individual differences on children's beliefs and decision-making 105 000,00 $
Fournier, Cathy University of Edinburgh Knowledge exchange appropriation or erasure: the integration of traditional knowledge systems into western science and technology 105 000,00 $
Fradkin, Jeremy A. Johns Hopkins University The Protestant cause, religious toleration and empire in the English Revolution (1642-1660) 105 000,00 $
Frayn, Michael H. Simon Fraser University Investigating the development of pantomime comprehension and production in 12-24 month-old infants 105 000,00 $
Fried, Ben Columbia University The editorial imagination: William Maxwell and postwar fiction 105 000,00 $
Fritze, Karl A. University of Toronto Modernism lives: Bret Easton Ellis and the new pop cultural resistance 105 000,00 $
Fuks, Konstantin University of Toronto Stalin's National Guard: Latvian riflemen in the defence of the Soviet socialist state during the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945 105 000,00 $
Gaille, Nicolas Université Laval Discours métalittéraire et postures d'auteur dans les émissions de Radio-Canada : l'entrée de l'écrivain québecois en régime de présence incarnée (1966-1976) 105 000,00 $
Gates, Sarah L. Northwestern University - Illinois Exploring the development of auditory imagery in musician populations: a longitudinal study 105 000,00 $
Ghebremusse, Sara Université York Re-visiting the resource curse: law, the developmental state, and the governance of natural resources in Africa 105 000,00 $
Gibb, Maia University of Saskatchewan The perks of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: does the ADHD brain offer an advantage for analytic reasoning 105 000,00 $
Giffen, Sheila University of British Columbia Communities of resistance: AIDS literature and activism 105 000,00 $
Giffin, Karen L. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Disease patterns in a historic European population from Mechelen, Belgium 105 000,00 $
Glasgow, Jillian C.S. University of Windsor Social information processing, dating aggression, and coercive control in dating couples 105 000,00 $
Gomes, Véronica Université du Québec à Montréal Femmes en situation d'itinérance : analyse des moyens de résistance aux différentes formes de violence 105 000,00 $
Goodfellow, Melissa Université de Sherbrooke L'adaptation des programmes d'intervention aux besoins des adolescentes placées en centre de réadaptation : la contribution des schémas précoces inadaptés 105 000,00 $
Grant, Bryan D. Western University Decisional control: testing a formal theory of stress coping and application to individual differences in person-environment fit 105 000,00 $
Grant, Sean Queen's University The contingency of risk: Scottish investors and Indian public finance, 1833-1890 105 000,00 $
Gray, Katheryne A. Université York Owning the street with rhythm: blackness, place making, and the second line parades of New Orleans 105 000,00 $
Green, Amy R. University of Calgary An exploration of visual creative expression for adolescent newcomers in Canada 105 000,00 $
Greene, Ezra A. University of British Columbia Learning the tundra: an intergenerational study of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit 105 000,00 $
Grise, Emily A. Université McGill Getting seniors on board: understanding how to provide a high quality public transit service for Canada's aging population 105 000,00 $
Guénette, Marie-France M.K. Université de Montréal Printed translations at the English Court of Queen Henrietta Maria, 1625-1642 105 000,00 $
Guillette, Maxime Université de Sherbrooke Déterminants institutionnels, organisationnels et professionnels de la mise en oeuvre d'une politique publique centrée sur le suivi en première ligne des personnes atteintes de la maladie d'Alzheimer 105 000,00 $
Halamay, Trisha-Lee N. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Mothers' and fathers' contributions to their adolescents' use of help seeking as a coping strategy 105 000,00 $
Haller, Sarah L. University of Toronto The moderating effect of parental communication on intended and actual alcohol use in emerging adulthood 105 000,00 $
Hamel-Charest, Laurence Université de Montréal Castor et pizza : remettre en question de la notion d'alimentation traditionnelle chez les Amérindiens 105 000,00 $
Haque, Iftekharul A.K. Université d'Ottawa Climate change, vulnerabilities and social protection: coastal fisheries based livelihoods in Bangladesh 105 000,00 $
Harder, Rory H. University of Toronto The justification of logic and proper reasoning 105 000,00 $
Harris, Alison J.T. Memorial University of Newfoundland Childhood diet in Newfoundland prehistory: a bioarchaeological study 105 000,00 $
Harvey, Alexandre University of Toronto Politiques et systèmes fragmentés : comprendre les relations entre les sous-systèmes du secteur énergétique canadien 105 000,00 $
Hashimi, Sadaf Simon Fraser University Guns, gangs and homicides: understanding the role of victimization in at risk networks 105 000,00 $
Heard, Kaleigh Sarah University of British Columbia Peace of the Gods: analyzing the impact of the socio-political reification of religious identity on the potential for social stabilization in post-conflict states 105 000,00 $
Heide, Daniel University of Cambridge The Doctrine of Apokatastasis: universalism in Origen and Eriugena 105 000,00 $
Hénault, François Université Laval L'utilisation des concepts de responsabilité civile de droit commun en matière de diffamation au Québec : une approche contraire aux prescriptions de la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne qui nécessite d'être réformée 105 000,00 $
Henderson, Philip University of Victoria (Dis)possessed peninsula: nation-to-nation politicking on the Saugeen/Bruce Peninsula 105 000,00 $
Hepburn, Michelle Lianne Hak L. University of British Columbia Thinking with trees to see the forest: Huayruro and the lived experience of deforestation in San Martin, Peru 105 000,00 $
Hertwig-Jaksch, Benjamin University of Toronto Contemporary representations of the Canadian war in Afghanistan 105 000,00 $
Hillis, Amy J. Université McGill Contemporay, classical music demystified: the language of Lutoslawski and Dutilleux 105 000,00 $
Holmes, Allison P. Université d'Ottawa Change and economic development in Arctic Canada: a comparative case study of two Inuit communities 105 000,00 $
Holterman, Devin J. Université York Extracting world heritage: conservation and extraction in Tanzania 105 000,00 $
Hontoy, Lysa-Marie Université de Montréal L'efficacité d'une intervention destinée à accroître le bien-être au travail des enseignants et la qualité des relations qu'ils entretiennent avec leurs élèves : un essai contrôlé-randomisé 105 000,00 $
Hotte, Ngaio B. University of British Columbia How can trust be built among parties engaged in collaborative  natural resource management 105 000,00 $
Huber, Sandra-Jo Université Concordia Automatic writing and the writing of automata: interface, medium, authorship 105 000,00 $
Huberman, Jackie S. Queen's University Towards gendered models of sexuality: a multi-method examination of responsive sexual desire in women 105 000,00 $
Humble, Shaina N. University of Alberta Contemporary Inuit cultural production and the subversion of historic ethnography 105 000,00 $
Hupé, Pierre-Élie Université Laval À temps plein : vivre son engagement politique dans des communautés fortement intégrées au sein d'une société profondément individualisée 105 000,00 $
Irwin, Alexandra Ryerson University Application of systemic collaborative and proactive solutions to enhance the well-being of students at risk and their teachers 105 000,00 $
Izquierdo Mejia, Esteban University of British Columbia Non-formal and formal spaces of cultural knowledge: social movements, schools and ethnic studies 105 000,00 $
Jacob, Amber L. University of Copenhagen Demotic Egyptian medical texts of the Graeco-Roman era: translation, analysis and publication of the corpus of unpublished Demotic medical manuscripts housed in the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection at the University of Copenhagen 105 000,00 $
Jakubiec, Brittany A.E. University of Prince Edward Island What are they learning: young women's narratives of sexuality education in Atlantic Canada 105 000,00 $
Jamali, Nima University of Toronto A study of the interactions among Zoroastrian, Jewish and Roman legal systems during the 7th and 8th Centuries CE based on a critical edition of Jesubokt's Corpus Juris with commentary and an English translation 105 000,00 $
Jamison, Nicole M. University of Alberta The role of visual arts in creating inclusive early learning classrooms for culturally diverse learners 105 000,00 $
Jean, Monique Université de Montréal La composition modulaire : l'hybridation technologique comme moteur d'une création sonore à la croisée de la performance et de la musique composée en studio 105 000,00 $
Jeffrey, Nicole K. University of Guelph Men's perspectives on and experiences with sexual coercion perpetration in intimate relationships with women 105 000,00 $
Jelinski, James L. Queen's University Self-styled doctors, sailors, and professors: a history of tattooing and its visual culture in Canadian cities, c.1900-1980 105 000,00 $
Jodoin, Benoit Université du Québec à Montréal L'écrit exposé : étude de la présence du texte dans l'art actuel canadien 105 000,00 $
Johnston, Lesley A. University of Waterloo Creating space in mining development for legitimate community participation processes 105 000,00 $
Jones, Tabitha C. Brock University Psychopathy, prejudice, and victimizing: the efficacy of intervention techniques 105 000,00 $
Joordens, Chantele T. University of Victoria Improving the well-being of UVic: a social norms initiative aimed at first-year campus residence students 105 000,00 $
Joshi, Yuvraj Yale University The logic of indirectness 105 000,00 $
Joy, Karima University of Toronto Bereavement accommodation for women in precarious employment in Canada 105 000,00 $
Julien, Marie-Hélène Simon Fraser University Ancient DNA research on impacts of historic whaling of belugas in the Canadian Arctic 105 000,00 $
Kamizaki, Kunitomo Massachusetts Institute of Technology Worlding and shrinking Tokyo in the Asian century: neighbourhood change and alternative economic planning 105 000,00 $
Kane, Owen H. University of Toronto Total artwork at world end 105 000,00 $
Kang, Minku Western University Teacher student matching: gender and ethnicity in education 105 000,00 $
Karpinski, Max University of Toronto Against Arcadia: rereading the pastoral in contemporary Canadian poetry 105 000,00 $
Kaur, Amardeep Université York Sikh cosmopolitanism: place-making, translocal spaces and mobility across Hong Kong, Vancouver and Toronto 105 000,00 $
Kavanagh, Chandra L. McMaster University Living disability: ways forward from decontextual models of disability 105 000,00 $
Kehayes, Ivy-Lee Dalhousie University Investigating similarity in dyads' drinking motivations and drinking behaviours: a psychometric and longitudinal study 105 000,00 $
Kennedy, Gerard J. Université York The effect of amendments to Ontario's rules of civil procedure on access to justice and the rule of law 105 000,00 $
Kent, Sarah L. University of Calgary Homesick and unhomed: spaces of belonging and resistance in postcolonial fiction 105 000,00 $
Kikano, Faten Université de Montréal Du transitoire au permanent : processus d'appropriation et de transformation des solutions d'habitation et des camps de réfugiés syriens au Liban 105 000,00 $
Kinaschuk, Kyle University of Toronto Events of loss: twenty-first century experimental Canadian poetics of grief 105 000,00 $
King, Geraldine Queen's University Indigenous nation (re)building: theorizing the decolonial politics of Indigenous expressions of sexualities and desire 105 000,00 $
Klostermann, Janna Carleton University The politics of living with: tracing sites of work and worry for live-in caregivers 105 000,00 $
Koostachin, Jules A. University of British Columbia Indigenous women filmmakers in Canada 105 000,00 $
Kosc, Jozef University of Oxford Red, white and gold: Canadian diplomacy as crisis mediation 1984-2014 105 000,00 $
Koss, Zane New York University The cold war and North American poetry in Mexico 1953-1969 105 000,00 $
Kotar, Kathryn O.L. Université McGill Investigating Paleoeskimo cultural transition through analysis of zooarchaeological remains from Foxe Basin, Nunavut 105 000,00 $
Kraus, Brittany L. Dalhousie University Claiming truth: refugee narratives in contemporary Canadian literature 105 000,00 $
Krol, Sonia Université McGill Knowing who you are and how others feel: investigating a causal relationship between self-concept clarity and empathy 105 000,00 $
Kwok, Navio K.S. University of Waterloo Exploring the role of leader identity in the leader development process 105 000,00 $
Laberge, Mélanie HEC Montréal Une vision holistique de la régulation émotionnelle dans les milieux de travail avec une clientèle hostile : une approche qualitative et quantitative du travail émotionnel 105 000,00 $
Lachance, Anne Queen's University School choice and the politics of education in advanced societies 105 000,00 $
Laflamme, Mathieu Université d'Ottawa La criminalité urbaine à Toulouse entre 1670 et 1789 : une étude de la justice des Capitouls 105 000,00 $
Lafreniere, Katherine C. University of Alberta The price of stereotypes in charity appeals 105 000,00 $
Lambe, Laura J. Queen's University Defending defined: an exploration of peer defending behaviour in school bullying 105 000,00 $
Lambek, Nadia C.S. * University of Toronto Law and transformation: addressing alterative food movements and their claims for more just, sustainable and equitable food systems 105 000,00 $
Lane, Andrea P. Dalhousie University Nationalism, identity and threat perception in Mohawk-settler relations 105 000,00 $
Lanthier, Jaclyn Western University Understanding memory: how can the faculties collaborate to advance our knowledge 105 000,00 $
Lapierre, Myriam University of California, Berkeley Preserving nasality contrasts in vowels and consonants: the case of Mebêngôkre and Panará 105 000,00 $
Larsson, Paula Brock University Indian day schools: experience and impact on the Canadian prairies, 1900-1975 105 000,00 $
Latty, Stephanie K. University of Toronto Visual modalities of violence and the spectacle of black women's suffering 105 000,00 $
Lauzon-Lacroix, Maxime London School of Economics and Political Science China's rise and the world order: a critical analysis of the  One Belt One Road infrastructure development initiative according to the Tianxia system 105 000,00 $
Lavoie-Moore, Myriam Université du Québec à Montréal Capteurs biométriques et discours technique : vers une compréhension des résistances offertes par les adeptes de la quantification de soi 105 000,00 $
Lazowski, Bronwyn University of Waterloo Stimulating residential electricity consumption shifts using smart grid tools: an analysis of intervention effectiveness on consumer engagement and conservation behaviour 105 000,00 $
Ledger, Marissa University of Cambridge An investigation of the intestinal parasites that infected people living in the oman Empire, and their effect upon health 105 000,00 $
Leduc, Marie-Pier Université de Montréal La critique musicale dans la presse littéraire, artistique et généraliste française 1890-1940 : sur les traces d'Émile Vuillermoz 105 000,00 $
Leferman, Alexander Université York Groups and reasons: a theory of group reasons for action 105 000,00 $
Legassicke, Michelle L. Dalhousie University Creating national unity after Civil Wars: absorbing rebel groups and breaking down shadow governments 105 000,00 $
Legendre, Nicolas Université d'Ottawa Government intervention and the impact of the recent financial crisis on small- and medium-sized enterprises 105 000,00 $
Lemay, Marie-Pier University of Guelph Responsabilité et solidarité : difficultés de la répartition équitable des fardeaux au sein des mouvements féministes 105 000,00 $
Lemire, Colombe * Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Pratiques éducatives inclusives auprès d'enfants âgés de deux mois à cinq ans, de l'implantation du programme Évaluation Intervention Suivi (EIS) aux premiers effets 105 000,00 $
Lemire, Rebecca F. Université Concordia Indigenizing modernism: organic modern architecture in North America and Indigenous design practices 105 000,00 $
Lesnikowski, Alexandra Université McGill Multi-level governance in urban climate change adaptation 105 000,00 $
Levaque, Enya Université d'Ottawa Prévalence et corrélats des intérêts paraphiliques dans la population générale canadienne 105 000,00 $
Lewis, Johanna M. Université York The stories we tell: missionary lives, colonial structures, and a family at home in empire 105 000,00 $
Lew-Levy, Sheina University of Cambridge Social learning in two hunter-gatherer populations: how do Hadza and Chabu children develop their foraging skills 105 000,00 $
Li, Lulu University of Toronto Modelling the acquisition of French wh- interrogatives by Anglophone and Sinophone learners within Processability Theory 105 000,00 $
Lisaingo, Simon University of British Columbia Choose your challenge: how promoting challenges in classrooms can give rise to emotion regulation and self-regulated learning 105 000,00 $
Livernois, Rebecca D. University of British Columbia Individually negligible effects and climate change: on the inherent flaws in economic solutions to climate inaction 105 000,00 $
Lorusso, Jenna R. Western University Surviving and thriving in the 21st century university: investigating a practical plan for the development of leadership-as-disciplinary stewardship to secure kinesiology's future 105 000,00 $
Lucas, Miranda University of Lethbridge The gallery as behaviour setting: art, action, perception 105 000,00 $
Lukin-Linklater, Tanya M. Queen's University Insistence and translation in Indigenous art: art writing as methodology 105 000,00 $
Lynch, Robin Université McGill The allure of creativity: art and industry collaborations in the 1960s and 1970s 105 000,00 $
Lyons, Kimberly J. University of Waterloo A somatic narrative inquiry into collaborative leadership and collaborative intelligence in organizational development with women recovering from trauma 105 000,00 $
Lyskawa, Paulina University of Maryland The relation of case, agreement and word order in three varieties of Heritage Polish 105 000,00 $
Ma, Yan University of Calgary Cost management in the Canadian oil and gas industry 105 000,00 $
Maguire, Kirby Q. Simon Fraser University Alienation of persons: the role of psychology in contemporary neoliberal technologies of the self 105 000,00 $
Maharaj, Sachin University of Toronto Public perception of teachers and their unions 105 000,00 $
Maiolino, Nadia B. Western University Good is not simply the absence of bad: the importance of positive emotion regulation in romantic relationships 105 000,00 $
Mallette, Caroline New York University Résultats différenciés des révolutions de 1989 en Europe centrale et orientale : une étude comparative des cas Polonais, Tchécoslovaque et Roumain 105 000,00 $
Manning, Susan M. Dalhousie University Centering community: new pathways in resource extraction regulatory processes 105 000,00 $
Manulak, Daniel F. Western University Canada and South African apartheid: race, identity, and foreign relations, 1984-1994 105 000,00 $
Marando, Dylan R.J. University of Toronto Invisible interventions: how government masks activist agendas through policy instrument choice 105 000,00 $
Marcotte, Sylvie Université de Montréal Effets de techniques pédagogiques d'enseignants d'expérience sur la compétence à écrire de leurs élèves du secondaire en français, langue d'enseignement 105 000,00 $
Marcoux-Gendron, Caroline Institut national de la recherche scientifique Sociologie du goût, éclectisme culturel et diversité urbaine : les échelles et les profils de la participation de l'immigration maghrébine à la vie musicale montréalaise et le développement des publics de la musique 105 000,00 $
Martak, Danielle P. McMaster University Anxious subjects: youth and (in)security in the contemporary 105 000,00 $
Martinez, Ruth University of Toronto The perception and production of Portuguese nasal vowels by naïve listeners and L2 learners 105 000,00 $
Massey-Garrison, Angela M. University of Toronto Early predictors for identifying ELL and EL1 students with language impairments 105 000,00 $
Mathieu-Soucy, Sarah Université Concordia Étude de l'évolution des perceptions des nouveaux enseignants de mathématiques au postsecondaire par le biais des tensions vécues 105 000,00 $
Mayer, Maryse Université Laval Les stratégies de minimisation fiscale corporative internationale : l'habitus des firmes comptables dans la détermination de la frontière entre la légalité et la moralité 105 000,00 $
McBeth, Renee E. University of Alberta Solidarity after occupy: social movement cohesion in antipoverty activism in Victoria BC 105 000,00 $
McCubbin, Sandra G. Queen's University Human-lion relations in Botswana: conflict, power, and the potential for guardianship 105 000,00 $
McDougall, Pascal Harvard University Embattled paradigms: a lawyer's history of recent debates on international labour standards 105 000,00 $
McEwan, Andrew T. Brock University Writing inkorrect thots: the invented languages of Claude Gauvreau, Hannah Weiner and Bill Bissett as poetic resistance to mental ableism 105 000,00 $
McGoldrick, Maggie E. Queen's University From truth to reconciliation: residential schools, grassroots archives, and decolonization in Canada 105 000,00 $
McLaughlin, Kendra J. Carleton University Choosing between religion and justice: influences of judges' religious and legal attitudes on Muslim women's religious freedoms in court 105 000,00 $
McLeish, Claire E.A. Université McGill All samples cleared: an investigation into the aesthetic consequences of Grand Upright v. Warner 105 000,00 $
McManus, Justin F. Université York The role of scarcity cues in accommodating radical innovation for consumer welfare 105 000,00 $
McNeil, Steven C. Queen's University Seats of empire / sites of identity construction: the Vice-Regal interior in British North America, 1800-1860 105 000,00 $
Meister, Daniel Queen's University Watson Kirkconnell and the genealogy of Canadian multiculturalism, 1895-1977 105 000,00 $
Meyers-Riczu, Jamie F. University of Alberta Composing men: constructing heroic masculinities in 19th century program music, 1830-1855 105 000,00 $
Michails-Posidis, Maria Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Not in my backyard: from field of dreams to post-industrial revival - following the Bakken oil flow from Saskatchewan to New York 105 000,00 $
Michaud-Lapointe, Alice Université de Montréal Entre sublime et spectralité : enjeux, résistances et régénérescences de la cinéphilie contemporaine 105 000,00 $
Midzain-Gobin, Liam McMaster University Making sense: Indigenous peoples and data collection 105 000,00 $
Mikalson, Kaarina L. Dalhousie University Re-working the nation: reading Canada as women's work-space 105 000,00 $
Miller, Miriam E. University of British Columbia Emotion regulation: educators' use of adaptive and maladaptive Strategies 105 000,00 $
Mintah, Kojo Université York Rejection and mental health among adolescents seeking romantic relationships 105 000,00 $
Miya, Chelsea University of Alberta To know it all: excavating the data trail of the American literary renaissance 105 000,00 $
Mizrahi, Sarit K. Université d'Ottawa Copyright in cloud environments: liability for infringement 105 000,00 $
Molnar, Aaron A. University of British Columbia State change and ethnic identity in NE Asia during the Yuan-Ming transition 105 000,00 $
Montgomery-Graham, Stephanie L. Western University Improving native Canadian student educational attainment: an information, motivation, behavioural skills analysis 105 000,00 $
Moore, Marcus University of Oxford Improving outcomes in private law: instrument choice theory as a systematic framework for multidisciplinary analysis of private law- a case study with legal reform implications 105 000,00 $
Morin, Emile Université du Québec à Montréal Esthétique de la complexité, pour un art du dispositif 105 000,00 $
Muhammad Razeq, Zarlasht Université McGill Aiding development: state-multinationals partnerships for global development 105 000,00 $
Murchie, Tyler J. McMaster University Caribou population history as a zoological proxy for investigating archaeological developments in Northern North America and Siberia using ancient DNA 105 000,00 $
Na, Jennifer Jiwon University of British Columbia Reducing children's explicit and implicit stigma of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 105 000,00 $
Nagtegaal, Jennifer A. University of British Columbia Drawing on Spain's immigration in contemporary graphic novels 105 000,00 $
Ng, Jessica University of California, Los Angeles Surviving success: changing dynamics of LGBT activism in post-LGBT rights environments 105 000,00 $
Ng, Victoria Université York Evaluating the merits of alternative analyses for time-to-event data 105 000,00 $
Nicholls, Carleigh E. Université McGill Scottish law and resistance during the Argyll Rebellion of 1685 105 000,00 $
Nie, Yining New York University Optionality and blocking in the Québec French future tense 105 000,00 $
Nielsen, Julie L. Simon Fraser University Aboriginal governance, traditional knowledge and ecosystem-based management: addressing the cultural use of western red cedar through forest planning 105 000,00 $
Noël, Alex Université Laval La dépossession comme condition humaine dans le roman moderne québécois 1945-1984 105 000,00 $
Nye, Matthew R.A. Université Concordia Wildness in queer utopic architecture 105 000,00 $
Oakes, Harrison University of Waterloo But I'm not one of them: threat and defensive prejudice in ageism and homophobia 105 000,00 $
O'Connor, Clare University of Southern California Splitting the atom of Christian rock 105 000,00 $
Oki, Toshio Memorial University of Newfoundland Japanese performers of Irish music: appropriation, power and the creation of culture 105 000,00 $
Olson, Jeremy Université McGill Influencing the feeling of control using suggestion, deception, and magic 105 000,00 $
O'Neill, Alexander J. University of Toronto Thresholds of Buddhist texts and ritual 105 000,00 $
Osmond, Colin University of Saskatchewan Shared spaces, tangled treaties: a history of Coast Salish-settler relations in British Columbia 105 000,00 $
Ouellette-Michaud, Julien Université McGill Les visages du pluralisme logique 105 000,00 $
Oye, Amanda M.N. Université York Reimagining public service broadcasting for the digital age 105 000,00 $
P. Laliberté, Jean-William University of Toronto Long-term contextual effects in education 105 000,00 $
Pannetier Leboeuf, Gabrielle Université de Montréal Narco-cinéma mexicain et corps féminins violentés : un paradigme patriarcal revisité 105 000,00 $
Paquet, Alexandre University of Toronto Gendered bodies as weapons: fantasies of women and men waging war in manga and anime 105 000,00 $
Paterson, Kathryn E. University of British Columbia From policy to practice: exploring the Vancouver school board's sexual orientation and gender identities policy in the elementary school classroom 105 000,00 $
Patrick, Stephanie Université d'Ottawa Privacy, sexuality and agency in celebrity culture 105 000,00 $
Paul, Cameron N. University of Alberta Laborious extracts: examining orth American activist and labor narratives in late industrial petro-capitalism 105 000,00 $
Paul-Hus, Adèle Université de Montréal Les remerciements et leurs fonctions dans le système de la reconnaissance scientifique 105 000,00 $
Peplak, Joanna University of Toronto Why did you hurt me: exploring the links between moral emotions and aggression in children 105 000,00 $
Petersen, Norah M. Queen's University An inquiry into the evolving material reality of the Camposanto of Pisa 105 000,00 $
Petterson, Lanna J. University of Lethbridge Male sexual orientation: a cross-cultural perspective 105 000,00 $
Pettibone, Erin S.M. University of Toronto The acquisition of multiple adjective order in second language Spanish 105 000,00 $
Pettigrew, Aaron S. University of British Columbia What is the state of music practice in the Tetun and Bunaq communities of Timor-Leste's Covalima district 105 000,00 $
Piche, Amanda Ryerson University Same-sex marriage in Canada: the role of media in fostering a tolerant Canadian public 105 000,00 $
Pierini, Davide Université de Montréal Les signatures psychophysiologiques de l'idéation en design - une méthode quantitative en temps réel pour comprendre l'idéation à travers l'expérience des concepteurs et les conversations de design 105 000,00 $
Pilote, Anne-Marie Université du Québec à Montréal Les usages du Web 2.0 chez les femmes politiques : enquête sur l'appropriation des technologies de l'information et de la communication par les élues québécoises et françaises 105 000,00 $
Plamadeala, Cristina Université Concordia Methods and motivations behind the collaboration and resistance of secret informers with the securitate in Communist Romania (1945-89) 105 000,00 $
Plante-Hebert, Julien Université de Montréal Catégorisation individuelle des voix et la théorie des exemplaires : étude des effets de la familiarité et des modalités d'exposition sur la reconnaissance du locuteur 105 000,00 $
Pogrebtsova, Ekaterina A. University of Guelph How can technology be leveraged to improve employee well-being interventions: a diary study exploration with teachers 105 000,00 $
Por, Bradley A. Université McGill Blockades as sources of law: a study of Indigenous resistance 105 000,00 $
Press, Sara V. Université Concordia Terrestrial cosmopolitanism and global literatures of the environment 105 000,00 $
Prouty, Amy R. Université Concordia Art among the qallunaat: survival, identity, and community building in the practice of urban Inuit artists 105 000,00 $
Quach, Simon Princeton University Opportunity cost as a predictor of teacher quality 105 000,00 $
Quigley, Gabriel E. Columbia University Act without words: self-translation and the Turkish reception of Samuel Beckett 105 000,00 $
Quinlan, Joshua A. Université York Can humour increase altruistic behaviour 105 000,00 $
Quinton-Brown, Patrick D. University of Oxford In defence of a Liberal-Pluralist theory of humanitarian intervention 105 000,00 $
Quiring, Vanessa N. University of Waterloo Portraying parenthood: measles, advice literature, and parents, 1920-1945 105 000,00 $
Ravensbergen-Hodgins, Léa University of Toronto Who is not biking in the city toward an understanding of suburban socio-cultural geographies of cycling 105 000,00 $
Ray, Dean R. Université York K'ek'awzik (reading the land): patterns of race amongst White, Sikh and Nlaka'pamux peoples in Merritt BC 105 000,00 $
Rehbein, Christina K. Carleton University A landscape approach to natural resource planning: can it help the biodiversity crisis 105 000,00 $
Revington, Nicholas University of Waterloo The impact of debt on young adults' labour market and housing outcomes in Canada 105 000,00 $
Rewakowicz, Anna E. Université Paris-Saclay Water in the Air: an anti-entropic role of art in the service of designing a better world 105 000,00 $
Ribeiro, Jason A.A. University of Calgary Hacking leadership: improving the impacts of school district technology leadership teams 105 000,00 $
Rice, Christopher T. Université McGill From Hell's heart: Herman Melville and early-modern visions of evil 105 000,00 $
Richardson, Steven M. Queen's University From situated action to situated innovation: wearables and tinkering with the quantified self 105 000,00 $
Ripley, AJ Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Taking on the tipping point: transgender in/visibility across personal and popular narratives 105 000,00 $
Ritchie, Mary B. Carleton University A controlled examination of the role of gait cues in perceptions of vulnerability to victimization 105 000,00 $
Rogalsky, Kristen A. University of Waterloo Keeping kids in sport: addressing youth attrition through an organizational capacity building intervention 105 000,00 $
Rogova, Anastasia University of British Columbia Intensive parenting for the twenty-first century: motherhood, childhood, and class formation in post-socialist Russia 105 000,00 $
Ross, Hayley University of Cambridge Perspectives on Roman Catholicism and authority in seventeenth and early eighteenth century England and Ireland 105 000,00 $
Rowe, Allison V. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Engaging instrumentalism: an ethnographic study of social practice art in Canadian and American art museums 105 000,00 $
Rowett, Jenny Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Transformative learning through two-eyed seeing: integrating indigenous wisdom and Western knowledge into counsellor education 105 000,00 $
Roy, Suparna S. Queen's University Towards a conceptual and operational framework for service-learning in Canada 105 000,00 $
Roy-Malo, Olivia Université Laval Prendre acte des environnements locaux : ethnographies des mouvements pédagogiques de l'éducation environnementale et de la pédagogie du lieu dans les écoles régionales du Québec 105 000,00 $
Saadi, Sardar University of Toronto The poor's pride: sovereignty, survival, and the politics of everyday struggle against poverty among the Kurds in Diyarbakir, Turkey 105 000,00 $
Salmon, Melissa M. Carleton University Bringing a fondly remembered past closer: subjective temporal distance, nostalgia, and psychological well-being among emerging adults 105 000,00 $
Sam, Johanna A. University of British Columbia Exploring the relationship between cyberbullying and academic achievement during adolescence 105 000,00 $
Samaeinejad, Saharnaz University of Toronto Sentencing the prophets and rethinking Islamism: the rhetoric of prophecy and profanation in Jalal Ali Amad and Furugh Farrukhzad 105 000,00 $
Saunders, Darren Université du Québec à Montréal La distribution des structures de représentation corporelle dans la variation de registre en langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) 105 000,00 $
Scheibling, Casey J. McMaster University Digital dads: the culture of fatherhood 2.0 105 000,00 $
Schick, Fiona C. City University of New York How we should conceive of hate speech 105 000,00 $
Schuman, Boaz F. University of Toronto Francis of Meyronnes and the problem of intentionality 105 000,00 $
Schuman, Olivia Université York Donor-conceived individuals: what underlies their rights 105 000,00 $
Scott, Colin P. Université McGill Labour market integration and the challenge of retaining international students after graduation: a mixed-methods study of the lived experiences of international students and prospective employers in three Canadian provinces 105 000,00 $
Scruton, Hilary Brock University Assessing creative problem-solving in children with reading disabilities 105 000,00 $
Semenyna, Scott W. University of Lethbridge Inter-sexual mate competition: a previously unrecognized factor in the evolution of human mating 105 000,00 $
Semple, Angela D. Trent University Asqanaki: to tell two versions of the same story 105 000,00 $
Sendroiu, Ioana University of Toronto The use of indicators by global justice organizations 105 000,00 $
Shah, Sameer Hemant University of British Columbia Water stress, agrarian livelihoods, and institutional failure: advancing household adaptation planning to severe irrigation stress in rural India 105 000,00 $
Shaw, Scott M. Carleton University Behind the crime-terror nexus: determining the drivers of terrorist group participation in criminal activities 105 000,00 $
Sherab, Kunga University of Toronto The no-self doctrine in the treasury of valid reasoning Tshad ma rig gter 105 000,00 $
Shield, Kathryn Alix Simon Fraser University Recovering voices: revisiting twentieth-century Indigenous literatures in Canada 105 000,00 $
Sieben, Alois Simon Fraser University Neuromancing the database: the Canadian poetics of digital culture 105 000,00 $
Skinner, Ruth Western University We will only know in times to come: refiguring histories in the photographic imaginary 105 000,00 $
Skolnik, Terry J. University of Toronto The indirect criminalization and punishment of homelessness 105 000,00 $
Smart, Eric University of Toronto Life journeys parents take with their disabled children 105 000,00 $
Smiley, Cherryl L. Université Concordia Unceded bodies: historical roots, contemporary causes, and full circle solutions to ending violence against Indigenous women and girls in Canada 105 000,00 $
Snefjella, Bryor N. McMaster University Abstraction and psychological distance in language, culture, and mind 105 000,00 $
Snelgrove, Corey J. * University of British Columbia Post-colonial reconciliation: responsibility, freedom and the reanimation of an exhausted concept 105 000,00 $
Soden, Christopher V. Université McGill A voice in the orchestra: understanding musical expressivity through vocal timbre 105 000,00 $
Sohaili, Vajdon Massachusetts Institute of Technology Building for the fall: an architectural vision of the end of times 105 000,00 $
Sok, Pharo Université Concordia Are you Cambodian - oh, pol pot: life stories, intergenerational storytelling, and countering narratives in Khmer Montreal 105 000,00 $
Soroko, Agata Université d'Ottawa Financial literacy in Canada and the United States: a mixed-methods investigation of high school teachers' beliefs and practices 105 000,00 $
Steele, Connor J. Université d'Ottawa Pride and prejudice: queer affects of religion in Canadian law 105 000,00 $
Taylor, Allison E. Université York The skinny on queer fat femmes: a critical qualitative study of queer, fat, and femme-identified women in Canada 105 000,00 $
Taylor, Evan M. University of Toronto Obsessive-compulsive disorder and epistemic inquiry 105 000,00 $
Taylor, Evan P. University of Massachusetts Amherst Crusaders and commodified pasts: (trans)national imagination and changing forms of value 105 000,00 $
Taylor, Luke University of Toronto The economic household and family law exceptionalism in Canada and Australia 105 000,00 $
Taylor, William D.M. University of British Columbia North Korea, Latin America and the Caribbean, 1970-1985 105 000,00 $
Teeuwen, Justin University of Windsor The impact of an intervention using mathematics to develop metacognitive skills in mathematics educators on their efficacy, attitude, anxiety, ability, metacognition and self-regulation 105 000,00 $
Thibault Lévesque, Julien Université d'Ottawa Perceptions des usages de drogues licites et illicites chez les athlètes étudiants et rencontre avec les acteurs du milieu sportif : vers une co-construction de la prévention 105 000,00 $
Thistle, Jesse A. University of Waterloo Indigence, invisibility, and indifference: Metis life in road allowance communities on the Canadian prairies 105 000,00 $
Thivierge, Sigwan Université McGill Inverse-marking in Anishnâbemowin: a cross-linguistic approach 105 000,00 $
Thomson, Jane M. Queen's University Bridging the implementation gap: understanding and eliminating impediments to meaningful family law reform in Canada 105 000,00 $
Ting, Victoria Université York Parent co-regulation and emotion regulation in children with autism spectrum disorder 105 000,00 $
Toupin, Sophie Université McGill Anti-colonial hacking: questioning modernity and hegemonic narratives 105 000,00 $
Tremblay, Katheryn Université Laval Les écrivaines-reporters en France, de 1930 à nos jours 105 000,00 $
Tremblay-Leduc, Gabrielle Université du Québec à Montréal Les études scénaristiques au Québec et au Canada : état de l'art et perspectives 105 000,00 $
Trudeau-Fisette, Paméla Université du Québec à Montréal Acquisition de la focalisation contrastive en français : une étude développementale 105 000,00 $
Tyber, Sydney Université York Affective communication and the doll as a figure of feminine resistance 105 000,00 $
Udala, Megan R. University of British Columbia An evaluation of the efficacy of risk assessment tools on Canadian Aboriginal offenders 105 000,00 $
Upenieks, Laura C. University of Toronto Does environmental disorder get into the bedroom: sexual activity in later life 105 000,00 $
Van Patter, Lauren E. Queen's University Wildlife translocation in Canada: Conceptual, spatial and ethical dimensions 105 000,00 $
Van Schie, Rosanne M. University of Toronto Incorporation of Aboriginal traditional ecological values into sustainable forest management 105 000,00 $
Vandette, Marie-Pier Université d'Ottawa Le développement des compétences en supervision clinique chez le psychologue : une perspective multiple et à mesures répétées 105 000,00 $
Vaudrin-Charette, Julie Université d'Ottawa Réconciliation et enseignement collégial au Québec : incidences culturelles et linguistiques sur les postures pédagogiques 105 000,00 $
Veenstra, Mandi D. Queen's University Mothering in the margins: a comparative analysis of Canadian and Finnish child welfare policy and programming 105 000,00 $
Vercillo, Siera Western University Those who grow the food are the most hungry: explaining gendered smallholder farming food disparity in northern Ghana 105 000,00 $
Vezer, Esztella Ryerson University Facial mimicry and emotion recognition: the impact of social engagement across the lifespan 105 000,00 $
Vipond, Evan (Sharon) Université York Normalizing trans: constructing the ideal trans subject 105 000,00 $
Wall-Wieler, Elizabeth Université du Manitoba Having a child taken into care - the maternal response 105 000,00 $
Wang, Hui Université McGill Teacher burnout and attrition: a multilevel analysis of self-determined motivation 105 000,00 $
Warfield, Kathleen M. University of British Columbia #TheRealMe: phenomenology, new materialism, and social media self-imaging 105 000,00 $
Wawrykow, Natasha University of British Columbia Use of the validationgram with Aboriginal clients: identifying sources of cultural and personal self-validation 105 000,00 $
Welgan, Belisarius N. University of Alberta Instrumentation and mechanica in Early Hellenistic astronomy 105 000,00 $
Whitehead, Joshua P.T. University of Calgary The politics of representing race and disease in contemporary North America 105 000,00 $
Wideman, Trevor J. Simon Fraser University Planning for property: a critical analysis of the relationship between land use, urban planning, and property in a Canadian context 105 000,00 $
Wiens, Jacob Université McGill A common denominator: inhuman processes in Western art music after 1950 105 000,00 $
Wiens, Mya Joylynn Wheeler Université du Manitoba Fracking in Manitoba: creating place for dialogue 105 000,00 $
Wierda, Meagan E. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Diagnosing the Body Politic: Race and Medicine in the Antebellum United States 105 000,00 $
Wilson, Vernon K. University of Victoria A philosophical shame feast: generating gitxsan solutions to gendered violence 105 000,00 $
Wojda, Magdalena University of British Columbia What's a clinic got to do with it: an empirical study of the impact of (clinical) legal education on the career paths of law school graduates 105 000,00 $
Wood, Amy A. University of Toronto Conceptualizing non-governmental organization (NGO) networks in cross-cutting arenas: global trade and climate change governance 105 000,00 $
Woodcox, Adam W. Western University Plato on the nature and value of pleasure 105 000,00 $
Wright, Jessica J.R. University of Toronto A dispositional account of belief 105 000,00 $
Yamamoto, Susan Carleton University Cultural diversity and the law: language, punishment orientation, and juror decision-making 105 000,00 $
Yong Ping, Erin A. Université Concordia Early-life adversity and social development: understanding the role of resiliency from a social-biological perspective 105 000,00 $
Zambrzycka, Joanna University of Toronto The role of teacher-student relationship quality on the mathematics engagement and achievement of children with inattentive traits 105 000,00 $
Zhang, Xijuan University of British Columbia Can the expanded format improve agreement of others' and self-judgements of personality 105 000,00 $
Zhang, Yi Ran Angela University of Toronto On the periphery: understanding slavery in Florence in the late Middle Ages 105 000,00 $
Zorn, Nicolas Université de Montréal Les modèles institutionnels de variétés de capitalisme produisent-ils différents types de croissance économique : une investigation théorique et empirique sur la soutenabilité de la croissance économique dans les pays développés 105 000,00 $