Archived Funding Opportunities
The following list of recently offered SSHRC funding opportunities is provided for administrative purposes and does not represent a comprehensive list of all past SSHRC funding opportunities. For detailed information regarding specific previous competitions, please contact the related program officer.
For information on current SSHRC funding opportunities, see Funding.
The following funding opportunities are not currently offered:
Not currently offered
The following funding opportunities are no longer offered:
No longer offered
- Aboriginal Research: Development Grants
- Aboriginal Research: Research Grants
- Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences
- Aid to Small Universities
- Canadian Election Study
- Canadian Environmental Issues–Special Call: Community-University Research Alliances
- Canadian Environmental Issues-Special Call: Research Development Initiatives
- Canadian Environmental Issues-Special Call: Research Grants
- Canadian Initiative on Social Statistics (CISS) Data Training Schools
- Community-University Research Alliances
- Image, Text, Sound and Technology: Research Grants
- Image, Text, Sound and Technology: Summer Institute, Workshop and Conference Grants
- Imagining Canada’s Future Ideas Lab: Canada and the Circular Economy
- International Community-University Research Alliances
- International Opportunities Fund: Development Grants
- International Opportunities Fund: Project Grants
- Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships—Master's Program
- Knowledge Syntheses on the Environment
- Knowledge Synthesis Grants (Effects of energy and natural resources)
- Knowledge Synthesis Grants: Aboriginal Peoples
- Knowledge Synthesis Grants: Emerging Technologies
- Knowledge Synthesis Grants: Leveraging public investments in higher education research and development to stimulate innovation
- Knowledge Synthesis Grants: Skills Development
- Knowledge Synthesis Grants: Ways of learning
- Major Collaborative Research Initiatives
- Metropolis National Research Competition
- NORFACE Transnational Research Programme
- Northern Communities: Towards Social and Economic Prosperity–Special Call: Community-University Research Alliances
- Northern Communities: Towards Social and Economic Prosperity–Special Call: Research Development Initiatives
- Northern Communities: Towards Social and Economic Prosperity–Special Call: Research Grants
- Public Outreach Grants: Dissemination
- Public Outreach Grants: Workshops and Conferences
- Research Development Initiatives
- Research/Creation Grants in Fine Arts
- SSHRC Aurora Prize
- SSHRC Gold Medal for Achievement in Research
- Standard Research Grants
- T-AP Digging into Data Challenge
- Targeted Research: Syrian Refugee Arrival, Resettlement and Integration
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