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October 2010 Competition
Value and Duration
Evaluation and Adjudication
Administrative Regulations
More Information
The Thérèse F. Casgrain Fellowship supports research on
women and social change in Canada.
This program is administered by SSHRC on behalf of the Thérèse
F. Casgrain Foundation
, which was established in 1982 to perpetuate the
memory of Thérèse F. Casgrain by encouraging others to pursue
her thought and action in the field of social justice.
This fellowship supports research in the field of social justice, particularly
in defence of individual rights and the promotion of the economic and
social interests of Canadian women. The Foundation is particularly interested
in research that includes a discussion of public policy options and makes
concrete recommendations for change.
Value and Duration
The non-renewable fellowship, tenable for 12 months and only in Canada,
is available every fourth year. The award consists of a $40,000 stipend,
paid in three instalments, of which up to $10,000 may be used for travel
and research expenses. Note that the successful applicant must take up
the award between April 1 and October 1 following the announcement of
Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
Preference will be given to applicants with at least five years of proven
research experience in their field, as this fellowship is not intended
for scholars just beginning their research careers. Accordingly, this
award may not be used to complete the requirements for a degree program.
Please note that applicants, and anyone else participating in any capacity
in the proposed project, must not be under SSHRC sanction for financial
or research misconduct.
Note: Affiliation with a university or an appropriate research
institute or similar organization is desirable, but is not a condition
of the award.
Institutions that propose to administer any fellowship awarded under
this program must meet the requirements for the management of SSHRC funds
and hold or obtain institutional eligibility.
Evaluation and Adjudication
All applications for the Thérèse F. Casgrain Fellowship
are reviewed by a multidisciplinary selection committee of experts from
the research community. Applications are evaluated according to these
- academic achievement, experience, publication record and research
aptitude of the applicant;
- quality of the proposed research project;
- applicant's discussion of policy options and concrete recommendations
for change in Canadian society.
Administrative Regulations
Applicants must comply with SSHRC's Regulations
Governing Grant Applications and with the regulations set out in the
Holder's Guide. In particular, the Financial Administration section
of the Guide gives detailed information on eligible and ineligible expenses.
More Information
For more information about the Thérèse F. Casgrain Fellowship,
please contact:
Thérése F. Casgrain Fellowship
Fellowships and Institutional Grants Division
350 Albert Street
P.O. Box 1610
Ottawa, ON K1P 6G4
Tel.: 613-943-7777
Fax: 613-943-1329