Acknowledging SSHRC support

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Federal support for research is an investment by Canadians. As such, it is important for taxpayers to know how their research dollars are being spent. By demonstrating the social, economic and cultural value of their social sciences and humanities research, SSHRC funding recipients help strengthen public understanding of and support for SSHRC-funded research.

As a SSHRC funding recipient, you must acknowledge, verbally and/or in writing, the support you receive from SSHRC funding and the role it has played in your research. This applies in the following cases:

When possible, make acknowledgements in English and French. For more information, consult Canada’s Official Languages Policy.

Using the acknowledgement messages

Whether acknowledging SSHRC verbally or in writing, you must make it clear that your research project was supported by SSHRC but not a SSHRC product.

In written formats, you must use one of the following messages:

This [output] draws on research supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.


[Researcher’s name or project name] is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Note: If multiple grants, funding agencies and partners have supported the research project, list all sources of funding and support.

Using SSHRC’s signature

We encourage you to use the SSHRC signature and Canada wordmark in communications products related to your SSHRC-funded project. The SSHRC signature must always be accompanied by one of the acknowledgement messages.

Do not use the signature in a manner that suggests a publication or other research output is a SSHRC product. For example, this should appear on a separate acknowledgements page, instead of on a publication’s front cover or entry page.

To ensure the integrity of the SSHRC signature and Canada wordmark:

  • they may not be altered in any way;
  • they should be displayed in generous open space, free from close association with any interfering or distracting elements;
  • they may not appear on a visually conflicting background;
  • they should be displayed as two distinct elements; and
  • the wordmark may not form part of a headline, phrase or sentence.

Download our signature

Using a visual acknowledgment for a joint initiative

For visual acknowledgement of two or more federal institutions that are part of a joint initiative, the use of the Canada wordmark is recommended and not their signatures.

If a federal institution and a provincial institution are part of a joint initiative, both signatures and the Canada wordmark can be used in the same application.

For international collaborations, the Government of Canada signature is the preferred option.

Download our signature

Communicating the value and impacts of your research

At SSHRC, we will make every effort to work with you and your institution to:

Inform us of your research initiatives, developments and discoveries, especially those that will be published, so that we can work with you, your institution and other funding partners (if applicable) to publicly promote their value and impact.

Sharing your work on social media

Tag SSHRC in your social media posts about SSHRC-funded research so we are notified and can help spread the word. See our terms and conditions for more information.

Contact information

To work with us on a communications initiative or media story, contact

For more information about using SSHRC’s signature, contact SSHRC’s webmaster.

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