NORFACE launches one-time call for proposals on the topic of migration in Europe

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January 2009 Competition

NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe) is a network of 14 research Councils to increase co-operation in research and research policy in Europe. As part of its international strategy, SSHRC has developed an excellent working relationship with NORFACE and has become an associate member of the network. Under its Transnational Research Program, NORFACE has launched a one-time call for proposals on the topic of Migration in Europe- Social, Economic, Cultural and Policy Dynamics. This program will fund projects over a four year period which addresses one of the following themes:

  • Migration- Causes and Consequences
  • Integration
  • Cohesion and Conflict

Canadian researchers affiliated with a Canadian postsecondary institution are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to link up with researchers in the NORFACE network within this call for proposals. The deadline for the Letter of Intent stage is September 10,2008.

SSHRC will fund the participation of Canadian researchers on successful NORFACE applications based on an overall budget envelope of $250,000 per year over four years. Canadian researchers participating on successful projects under the NORFACE program will be invited to submit their budget requests directly to SSHRC. Further details on this process will be available in the fall of 2008.

For more details, please visit the NORFACE website or contact:

Mika Oehling
Program Officer
Strategic Programs and Joint Initiatives

Tel: 613-992-4227
Fax: 613-947-0223