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Programme de bourses d'études supérieures du Canada Joseph-Armand-Bombardier : attribution des bourses de doctorat du concours de novembre 2016

Candidat Organisme administrateur Titre de la demande Montant
Moselle, Sarah N. National University of Singapore Social determinants of labour migration in rural Indonesia 105 000,00 $
Tonkin, Ryan J. University of Victoria Democratizing distributive justice: public reason and the law of taxation 105 000,00 $
Pépin, Karine Université de Sherbrooke La noblesse canadienne après la Conquête : maintien ou dérogeance, 1760-1900 105 000,00 $
Harms, Sheila Université York Chaos in physician learning: tensions between certainty and humility 105 000,00 $
Wang, Skyler University of California, Berkeley 'Sharing' bodies in the sharing economy: the hidden costs of couchsurfing 105 000,00 $
Taylor-Neu, Robyn H. University of Chicago Mediating truth in public/s: the role of investigative journalists in Central America's 'Northern Triangle' 105 000,00 $
Braund, Sumner A.R. University of Oxford Dynastic cults: gendered constructions of sanctity in Anglo-Saxon England 105 000,00 $
Luscombe, Alexander J. Université d'Ottawa With/out strings attached: assessing police-private ties through charitable donations 105 000,00 $
Banerjee, Neil Massachusetts Institute of Technology On the availability of multiple specifiers 105 000,00 $
Ramani, Samuel Nathan University of Oxford Explaining Russia's increasingly aggressive responses to popular revolutions: an instrumental constructivist approach 105 000,00 $
LeBlanc, Richard Princeton University Kant and the colonial enlightenment 105 000,00 $
Sun, Angela M. University of British Columbia Philosophical perspectives on architectural value 105 000,00 $
Macdonald, Alexandra M.M. University College London Social networking, gossip and material culture in eighteenth-century Britain 105 000,00 $
Schnitzer, Ben Queen's University Toward a comprehensive framework for Canadian arts and culture policy in the digital era: a multi-stakeholder analysis 105 000,00 $
Lindsay, Margaret Anne Université du Manitoba The radicalization of Red River: imagined communities and colonialism in the Red River settlement, 1835 to 1870 105 000,00 $
Couture, Fannie Simon Fraser University How do trade associations manage their internal tensions in order to accomplish collective institutionalentrepreneurship 105 000,00 $
Boschmann, Kathryn R. Université Concordia Faith and space: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in post-1945 Winnipeg 105 000,00 $
Sangiuliano, Anthony R. Cornell University The separation of powers and the philosophical foundations of cooperative constitutionalism 105 000,00 $
Forrest, Jacob University of British Columbia The value-neutrality of economic valuation: examining the birth of standardized property appraisals in Canada 105 000,00 $
Le Barbenchon, Claire University of Chicago The effects of vulnerability on labour market outcomes for the poorest: a study of 'invisible barriers' 105 000,00 $
Bath, Rachel Duquesne University Each of us has his own rhythm of suffering: on the phenomena of intense grief 105 000,00 $
Choudhury, Nafay King's College London Conceptualizing the failures and successes of legal transplantations based on cultural difference: the case of Afghanistan 105 000,00 $
Moore, Charlotte E. Duke University Speech perception and production in infants: a multi-methodological approach 105 000,00 $
Chenier, Natasha R. Université McGill Lexical modernism 105 000,00 $
Gillis, Matthew L. University of Oxford Thus Cwæþ the cyning, evermore: a study of law, lineage, and royal authority in King Alfred's project of literary reform 105 000,00 $
Chin, Kristi A. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Attachment, intimacy, and hormones 105 000,00 $
Murphy, Caroline E. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Marshaling architecture as historical evidence in seventeenth-century England 105 000,00 $
Hammond, Carson R.S. University of Toronto Writing the nonsense job: literary aesthetics of conspicuous alienation 105 000,00 $
Story, Eric Wilfrid Laurier University Fighting the white Plague: tuberculosis in the era of the First World War in Canada 105 000,00 $
Mayer, Connor J. University of California, Los Angeles Embodied primitives in phonological theory 105 000,00 $
Carson, Tyler Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Surviving queer narcissism: childhood, archives, self-reflexivity 105 000,00 $
Beingessner, Naomi E. Université du Manitoba Beyond private and public: models of agricultural land tenure and governance in the prairie provinces 105 000,00 $
Whiteduck, Mallory University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Skunk medicine and deer hide: material culture and the performance of Algonquin kinship 105 000,00 $
Zuliani, Andrew D. New York University Dazzle and scatter: the aesthetics of counter-surveillance 105 000,00 $
Critchley, Harrington F. Boston College The usus pauper debate: Peter John Olivi at the origin of individual rights theory 105 000,00 $
Gauthier, Maeva University of Victoria Food security, social and environmental justice, and resilience in the Canadian Arctic, using participatory video method 105 000,00 $
Kim, Dongwon University of Toronto Threads of devotion: clothwork in the spiritual imagination of late medieval nuns, c. 1380-1515 105 000,00 $
Lau, Bryony London School of Economics and Political Science The legacy of the left: thwarted communist revolution and the politics of inequality in Southeast Asia 105 000,00 $
Campbell, Hawley N. University of Calgary Is trade bad for the environment: a novel analysis of the pollution haven hypothesis 105 000,00 $
Wangert, Devin Brown University New ordinaries: media/ted archaeologies of contemporary crises 105 000,00 $
Motala, Michael Université York The new international tax diplomacy: an empirical analysis of legal and regulatory compliance among G-20 nations 105 000,00 $
Bradshaw, Samantha University of Oxford The politics of cybersecurity standards 105 000,00 $
Vogl, Thomas M. University of Oxford Enabling big data in government services: removing barriers to the implementation of information and communication technologies that support service provision, program evaluation, policy analysis, decision making, and research 105 000,00 $
Brie, Èvelyne University of Pennsylvania L'impact des enjeux électoraux polarisants sur le taux de participation électorale : analyse comparée des États membres de l'OCDE 105 000,00 $
Krech, Michele New York University, School of Law Competing rights and regulations: strengthening transnational regulatory accountability for the advancement of gender equality in sport 105 000,00 $
Bird, Christine Y. University of Victoria Taybwaytamowin: understanding the power of culture, language and land in the development of community decolonization strategies 105 000,00 $
Eso, David J. University of Victoria Flattened earth and the civic sphere in Alden Nowlan's archive 105 000,00 $
Gauvreau, Alisha M. University of Victoria Long-term culture landscape development at Triquet Island, British Columbia, Canada 105 000,00 $
George, Rachel A. University of Victoria The convergence of reconciliation and resurgence in the age of healing 105 000,00 $
Hamilton, Robert C. University of Victoria Aboriginal title and the dispossession of Indigenous lands in Canada's maritime provinces 105 000,00 $
Kazani, Zahra S. University of Victoria Magical incantation or scientific ingenuity: recovering meanings of Arabic script patterns in medieval Islam 105 000,00 $
Mohun, Hannah E. University of Victoria Standing in someone else's emotional and cognitive shoes: does it make children more socially competent 105 000,00 $
Park, Hyeone H. University of British Columbia Building social resilience of urban communities with food forestry 105 000,00 $
Wees, Nicholas J. Western University Street arts, social space and creative action: an analysis of claims to public space 105 000,00 $
Rousseau, Andréanne SciencesPo D'une économie numérique à une économie algorithmique de la culture : enjeux et mesures 105 000,00 $
Allard-Chapais, Catherine Université de Montréal Le rôle de la mentalisation dans la relation entre l'autocritique et l'automutilation 105 000,00 $
Badrudin, Marie Université de Montréal Ethnographie des pratiques de régulation de la délinquance boursière 105 000,00 $
Bédard-Provencher, Ariane Université de Montréal Féminisme sécularisé et féminisme musulman au Canada : ethnographie comparative de l'influence des représentations du sécularisme et de l'inclusion des enjeux du féminisme musulman au sein des mouvements féministes sécularisés entre l'Ontario et le Québec 105 000,00 $
Bellerive, Karine Université de Montréal L'écriture autobiographique comme expérience performative du vieillissement : une exploration du soi vieillissant par une recherche-création féministe 105 000,00 $
Bradette, Marie Eve Université de Montréal La langue en portage : l'imaginaire des langues autochtones dans la littérature des premières nations écrite en français 105 000,00 $
Cossette-Lefebvre, Hugo * Université McGill Les droits humains en démocratie : pour une approche institutionnelle de ces normes politiques et fondamentalement démocratiques 105 000,00 $
Dahan, Michel Université de Montréal Je vais retourner chargé de reliques : la dévotion aux saints des catacombes romaines au Canada 105 000,00 $
Darveau-St-Pierre, Vincent Université de Montréal La certitude morale chez Descartes 105 000,00 $
David, Isabelle Université de Montréal Sur les traces d'Auguste Descarries (1896-1958) : analyse des enjeux pianistiques et édition d'oeuvres pour piano solo du compositeur québécois 105 000,00 $
Deschênes, Marie-France Université de Montréal Le développement du raisonnement par une stratégie éducative basée sur la concordance de script 105 000,00 $
Gagnon Dion, Marie-Hélène Université de Montréal La protection des enfants autochtones : vers des pratiques culturellement ancrées 105 000,00 $
Georgiou, Angelos Université de Montréal Philosophie comme manière de vivre : la conciliation entre l'acte -ergon- et la parole -logos- chez le Socrate de Platon et le Socrate de Xénophon 105 000,00 $
Girard, Marie-Andrée Université de Montréal Impact de l'encadrement légal sur la pratique collaborative interprofessionnelle en établissement de santé au Québec : étude en méthode mixte 105 000,00 $
Hamel-Roy, Laurence Université de Montréal Allocation directe dans le secteur de l'aide à la personne : quelle implication pour la main-d'oeuvre immigrante et/ou racialisée 105 000,00 $
Lajoie, Steffen J. Université de Montréal Where top-down policy meets bottom-up initiative: how Colombia's National Adaptation Plan works with Bogotá's poor 105 000,00 $
Lambert, Kevin Université de Montréal Le livre sublimé : écrire la fin du livre – Beaulieu, Cixous, Duras, Quintane – suivi de Obombre d'Hubert Aquin 105 000,00 $
Lamothe, Josianne Université de Montréal Patient violence in psychiatric settings: a study of the role of social support, aggression management training and cumulative exposure to violence 105 000,00 $
Legault Verdier, Alicia Université de Montréal Matérialités, visibilités et expériences musulmanes : les Baye Fall aux États-Unis, en Italie et au Sénégal 105 000,00 $
Marcoux, Gabrielle Université de Montréal Modes de gestion et de conceptualisation du territoire dans l'art autochtone actuel au Canada : souveraineté rhétorique, mémorielle et territoriale 105 000,00 $
Monteiro Joca Martins, Martha Priscylla Université de Montréal Territorial rights and Indigenous women in environmental conflicts: perspective gaps between law, life and landscape in Canada and Brazil 105 000,00 $
Morin, Dominic Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) Subjectivité et socialité : individuation et entrelacement intentionnel dans les écrits tardifs de Husserl 105 000,00 $
Paquin, Simon Université de Montréal Les conditions environnementales et climatiques des premières dispersions d'humains anatomiquement modernes eu Europe de l'Ouest 105 000,00 $
Parent, Valérie Université de Montréal Transfert des connaissances et actualisation des connaissances en centre de réadaptation de la jeunesse 105 000,00 $
Pelland, Danielle* Université de Montréal Intégration sociale des personnes ayant un trouble grave de santé mentale sous l'égide d'un cadre légal : regards croisés des divers acteurs québécois et suisses 105 000,00 $
Poirier, Brigitte Université de Montréal L'approche des réseaux sociaux appliquée à l'acquisition d'armes à feu illégales au Canada 105 000,00 $
Pothier Bouchard, Geneviève Université de Montréal Comparing neanderthal and homo sapiens animal acquisition in Northwest Italy: collagen fingerprinting-informed archeozoological and taphonomic analyses of faunal assemblages from Riparo Bombrini-Balzi Rossi 105 000,00 $
Robichaud, Jean-Michel Université de Montréal Quand et comment exercer son autorité : impacts du domaine social et de la nature du lien transgression – discipline sur l'obéissance et le processus d'intériorisation des adolescents 105 000,00 $
Tétreault, Emilie Université de Montréal Relations parents-enfant et développement des patrons de sommeil à l'âge préscolaire 105 000,00 $
Thouin, Éliane Université de Montréal Conditions de vie stressantes et santé mentale lors de la transition à l'âge adulte chez les jeunes décrocheurs 105 000,00 $
Trudeau, Simon Université de Montréal Développement professionnel suite à l'évaluation du potentiel : de l'intention à l'action 105 000,00 $
Vani, Juliette Université de Montréal Théorie narrative du procès et verdicts : bon sens et biais sociaux 105 000,00 $
Zoghlami, Khaoula Université de Montréal Pratiques communicationnelles et dynamiques de représentation des femmes députées à l'Assemblée Nationale Constituante tunisienne post-révolutionnaire 105 000,00 $
Andrews, Katherine E. Université McGill Facilitating preschool children's consideration of intention 105 000,00 $
Beaulieu, Leah Université McGill A review of the effects, facilitators, and barriers of evidence-based psychological interventions 105 000,00 $
Berthiaume, Annabelle Université McGill La pauvreté intergénérationelle dans une communauté territoriale : ethnographie des acteurs du quartier Hochelaga-Maisonneuve 105 000,00 $
Blais, Michaël Université Laval S'approprier un passé qui n'est pas le sien : l'usage de la mémoire dans le roman québécois contemporain 105 000,00 $
Cardinal, Pierre-Alexandre Université McGill China, the West and international law: from revolutions against empire to the limits of modernity 105 000,00 $
Côté-Roy, Laurence Université McGill Morocco's master-planned future: deconstructing the kingdom's city-centric reform 105 000,00 $
Felts, Kyrstin P. Université McGill Fan campaigns for better representation: activism in online communities 105 000,00 $
Joachim, Joana Université McGill Don't touch my hair: examining transformations in black female hair care and styling practices in 19th-century genre paintings in Canada and the United States 105 000,00 $
Kelly, Jack D. Université McGill Digital processing vs recording methodologies: a comparison of techniques for immersive multichannel 3D audio 105 000,00 $
Kielich, Gabrielle Université McGill A labour perspective on the working process and function of touring 105 000,00 $
Lamb, Pamela S. Université McGill The art of ally conversation: arts-based methods to address violence towards Indigenous women 105 000,00 $
Makarova, Evgeniya Université McGill Idee und Gestalt—of the national socialist temporality: mediating myth in architectural representation 105 000,00 $
Melanson, Marie-Ève * Université McGill Le défi des conceptions subjective et objective de la liberté de religion dans le droit canadien pour l'inclusion des minorités religieuses 105 000,00 $
Noh, Kisuk Université McGill The American short story and monthly magazines, 1969 to the present 105 000,00 $
Page, Gina L. Université McGill Aspiring to heal, not harm: the impact of evidence-based design on Canadian and American hospital architecture 105 000,00 $
Penoyer-Kulin, Trevor Université McGill Opérette from the years 1872-1898: a foundational history 105 000,00 $
Pigford, Ashlee-Ann Université McGill Engaging an innovations ecosystems approach to enhance the translation and integration of northern scientific research 105 000,00 $
Ross-Sheppard, Callan Université McGill Poisoned chalices: lead isotope analyses of archaeological human remains and lead bearing ceramic materials from Liao Dynasty 907-1125ce sites in Northeastern China 105 000,00 $
Sivathasan, Shalini Université McGill Multimodal emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum disorders: the case of music, face, and voice 105 000,00 $
Tetrault, Amanda L. Université McGill Picturing otherness:  an analysis of Islamophobia and cultural othering in Canada through phenomenological participatory action research using staged photography 105 000,00 $
Veilleux, Christian University of Toronto Formes et enjeux du parallèle dans les – meslanges – renaissants 105 000,00 $
White, Willow D. Université McGill Dangerous comedy: women playwrights of the eighteenth century 105 000,00 $
Anctil Avoine, Priscyll Université du Québec à Montréal La vulnérabilité et la précarité comme mécanismes pour l'action politique : la résistance corporelle des femmes en processus de réintégration à la vie civile dans le département de santander en Colombie 105 000,00 $
Brisson, Pierre-Luc L. Université du Québec à Montréal Rome, Paul-Émile et la troisième guerre de macédoine: évolution des rapports interétatiques en méditerranée ancienne 105 000,00 $
Charest-Réhel, Sandrine Université d'Ottawa Les espaces muséaux et mémoriels de la shoah face aux enjeux contemporains : analyse comparative Canada, France et pologne 2001-2020 105 000,00 $
Descheneaux, Julie Université du Québec à Montréal Soutenir la prise de décision pour optimiser l'efficacité des stratégies de transfert et d'utilisation des connaissances dans les apprentissages sociosexuels 105 000,00 $
Deville-Stoetzel, Jean-Benoît Université du Québec à Montréal Métamorphoses de la – menace psychédélique – : entre thérapeutique, spiritualisme, récréation et risques 105 000,00 $
Favreau-Léger, Marilou University of Toronto Trajectoires institutionnelles, nationalismes, et stratégies de mobilisation : analyse historique comparative de l'Irlande du Nord et de l'Écosse 105 000,00 $
Grenon, Elisa Université du Québec à Montréal Liens entre biais négatif d'auto-évaluation de compétence scolaire et sentiment d'imposture chez les élèves 105 000,00 $
Guertin, Monelle Université du Québec à Montréal Variation phonétique et évaluations sociales dans les français parlés au Québec et en Acadie : existe-t-il une norme orale partagée 105 000,00 $
Mathieu, Félix Université du Québec à Montréal Les nations fragiles : institutions et citoyennetés en contexte plurinational 105 000,00 $
Nenciovici, Lucian Université du Québec à Montréal Effets de deux pratiques pédagogiques sur l'apprentissage de concepts difficiles en sciences 105 000,00 $
Paquette, Mélodie Université du Québec à Montréal Constituants-clés de la pause active dans la classe primaire : effets sur les interactions dans le groupe 105 000,00 $
Poirier, Marjolaine Université du Québec à Montréal Le spectacle de la ville : l'identité de Montréal et Québec aux premiers temps de la photographie en trois dimensions 105 000,00 $
Radziszewski, Stephanie Université du Québec à Montréal Influence de l'environnement résidentiel sur le bien-être des locataires en logements sociaux 105 000,00 $
Riggi, Jessica Université du Québec à Montréal Le mouvement environnementaliste québécois et la politisation des enjeux environnementaux au Québec, 1970-1984 105 000,00 $
Theurillat-Cloutier, Arnaud Université du Québec à Montréal Philosophie sociale de la financiarisation du capitalisme : la finance est-elle une nouvelle médiation sociale 105 000,00 $
Toupin, Rémi Université du Québec à Montréal Médias sociaux et sciences de l'environnement : les transformations de l'activité scientifique et du rôle social des chercheurs à l'ère numérique 105 000,00 $
Ahmed, Sadaf N. University of Toronto Muslim women and maternity care: re-producing Islams in Canada 105 000,00 $
Beaulne-Stuebing, Rebecca L. University of Toronto Untold histories of 1970s Indigenous resistance: storywork with women and elders 105 000,00 $
Bos, Kristen University of Toronto Artefacts for resurgence: the material culture of the Métis 105 000,00 $
Botchwey, Brianna L.S. University of Toronto Understanding the politics of climate change adaptation in East Africa 105 000,00 $
Brocic, Milos University of Toronto Negotiating nuance or cultivating conviction: assessing the impact of associations on polarization 105 000,00 $
Chianelli, Julianna E. University of Toronto Middle English literature and premodern technologies of identity 105 000,00 $
DuBois, Denise University of Toronto Somewhere to turn: relocating from the family home for adults with developmental disabilities 105 000,00 $
Dumont-Gauthier, Marina University of Toronto Resisting labels: mapping liminal spaces and the emergence of modernism 105 000,00 $
Duoer, Daigengna University of Toronto Mapping Inner Mongolian Buddhists: a study on land, Buddhism, and identities in Inner Mongolia, 1911-1949 105 000,00 $
Ferguson, Amanda M. University of Toronto Behaviourally measuring mindfulness: evaluating mental effort as an index of open monitoring 105 000,00 $
Hall, Jessica S. University of Toronto The characteristics of computation in Computational Theories of Mind 105 000,00 $
He, Yongshan University of Toronto How images became alive: Buddhism and the transformation of figural representations in China 105 000,00 $
He, Chong University of Toronto Gender and self-presentation in the labour market 105 000,00 $
Helps, David University of Toronto Meeting the new neighbours: America's Town Meeting of the Air and the Global Community, 1935-1956 105 000,00 $
Hird-Younger, Miriam University of Toronto Reimagining participation: situating trust within agricultural development in Ghana 105 000,00 $
Hussain, Sherena University of Toronto Planning by leverage: understanding the influence of project finance and long term contracts for infrastructure delivery on Canadian urban centres 105 000,00 $
Jackson, Taryn L. University of Toronto Audible visions of modernity: music and technology in Italian fin-de-siècle ballets 105 000,00 $
Kaufman, Andrew F. University of Toronto Feeding on the dead: vulture funds, sovereign debt, and the urban implications of global finance 105 000,00 $
Kennedy, Daniel University of Toronto Legal and literary fictions at the early modern inns of court>/ 105 000,00 $
Kim, James University of Toronto Sexual rejection in romantic relationships and the management of sexual disagreements 105 000,00 $
Klippenstein, Christine P. University of Toronto Liminal landscapes in Middle English and Shakespeare: topography, otherworldly encounters, and the romance tradition 105 000,00 $
Konnelly, Alexah D. University of Toronto Enriching sociolinguistic categories: evidence from LGBTQ speech communities 105 000,00 $
Laming, Erick University of Toronto The evolution of police use of force practices and procedures in Ontario, 1990-2016: the case of Aboriginal communities 105 000,00 $
Lem-Smith, Timothy C. University of Toronto The literary production of paranoid hermeneutics in modernist and postmodernist literature 105 000,00 $
Lightstone, Vardit R.C. University of Toronto Performing immigrant identity: Canadian Yiddish life stories 105 000,00 $
Louie, Patricia University of Toronto Public attitudes towards employment discrimination claimants: do race and gender matter 105 000,00 $
Manis, Karl University of Toronto Technology, embodiment, and postmodern identity in contemporary American fiction 105 000,00 $
McLelland, Kaleigh H. University of Toronto The Church is in crisis: (re)making religious institutions in Quebec 105 000,00 $
Menicanin, Sadie University of Toronto Modernism, staged: the dramaturgy and mise-en-scène of operas by Zemlinsky, Schreker, and Korngold 105 000,00 $
Mersereau, Michel University of Toronto The internet as a social resource: the internet's role in supporting social housing in Toronto 105 000,00 $
Milad, Jonathan University of Toronto Defining the indefinable concept of terrorism 105 000,00 $
Mogosanu, Andreea University of Toronto Social change and the evolution of gender differences in psychosocial resources 105 000,00 $
Moozeh, Kimia University of Toronto Retooling engineering education: an integrated instructional framework to enhance learning in undergraduate laboratories 105 000,00 $
Nevin, Andrew D. University of Toronto Understanding chronic digital piracy experiences in Canada 105 000,00 $
Nocita, Gabriella A. University of Toronto The effect of high quality subsidized child care on low income families in Toronto 105 000,00 $
Peckel, Ariel University of Toronto Anti-Semitism as archetypal system of generic hatred: a philosophical genealogy 105 000,00 $
Peterson, Jonathan University of Toronto Demons in holy dress: religious polemic and the language of sectarianism in India, 1520-1700 105 000,00 $
Roussel, Anne Sophie University of Toronto To speak or not to speak French: immigrants and the linguistic-moral contract in Québec 105 000,00 $
Sanders, Jane E. * University of Toronto Understanding, reaching and supporting students expelled from school: an exploratory study of students who have been expelled in Ontario 105 000,00 $
Sanscartier, Shayne A.M. University of Toronto Attachment styles and community connectedness in sexual minorities 105 000,00 $
Sewell, Karen M. University of Toronto Evaluating client outcomes of staff supervision: a randomized control trial of a theoretically grounded, evidence-informed model of supervision for children with disruptive behavioural difficulties 105 000,00 $
Shen, Qingyang University of Toronto Impact of public transit fare subsidies across neighbourhoods and income categories 105 000,00 $
Sokil, Allison University of Toronto Women producing pop: silent strategies and tactics in the music industry 105 000,00 $
Waite, Spirit-Rose University of Toronto Sensory spaces: experiencing reformed spaces and rituals in Italian civic religion, 1444-1650 105 000,00 $
Wilczek, Tobias René University of Toronto Surviving language: Kafka's and Celan's topographies of linguistic conflicts 105 000,00 $
Wilhelm, Elisabeth L. University of Toronto Readership, authorship, and the word's work: Luther and the early 16th-century polemic 105 000,00 $
Morrisseau, Jason Trent University Treaty Three and its discontents: queering treaty as a re-imagination of Anishinaabeg relationships 105 000,00 $
Smibert, Dylan P.G. Saint Mary's University Workplace monitoring in the 21st-century: the development of a theoretical model 105 000,00 $
Zaga Mendez, Alejandra Université du Québec en Outaouais Pérenniser les pratiques agro-environnementales : une analyse institutionnelle pour augmenter la résilience face aux changements climatiques en milieu agricole 105 000,00 $
Jeanson, Caroline Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières L'expérience d'élèves au sein d'une initiative visant à développer leur compétence sociale : une étude de cas 105 000,00 $
Barrales-Hall, Andrea Lynn McMaster University An analysis of the Theban women from Sophocles to Statius 105 000,00 $
Blanchard, Kaitlin R. McMaster University Wasteful thinking: the formalism of environmental and social decay 105 000,00 $
Brydges, Madison M. McMaster University What is a paramedic: an institutional ethnography of paramedic work 105 000,00 $
Gordon, Michael McMaster University (De)constructing illegality: comparative migrant journeys and the humanitarian-security nexus 105 000,00 $
Lam, Yee Ling Elene McMaster University An institutional inquiry into anti-trafficking investigation of migrant sex workers 105 000,00 $
LoGiudice, Andrew B. McMaster University Is practice testing an effective learning tool for complex tasks 105 000,00 $
Reid, Walter Université McGill A defense of Kantian fideism 105 000,00 $
Suttie, Megan H. McMaster University Fantastic education: a study of teaching and learning in English-language fantasy fiction 105 000,00 $
Weigeldt, Olivia J. McMaster University As/and garbage: encountering and engaging refugees and waste 105 000,00 $
Whitwell, Sarah McMaster University Front line resistance: African American women and racial violence in the Southern United States 105 000,00 $
Andrews, Evan J. University of Waterloo Governing thresholds in Atlantic Canada's fishery systems: examining the unexpected drivers of social behaviour in the context of a rapidly changing ocean 105 000,00 $
Bacso, Sarah A. University of Waterloo Resolving miscommunication: cognitive predictors of children's ability to repair communicative errors 105 000,00 $
Cousineau, Luc S. University of Waterloo Internet-based social groups' influence on social policy in Canada: a digital ethnography 105 000,00 $
Dupasquier, Jessica R.R. University of Waterloo The impact of self-compassion on self-disclosure and social support 105 000,00 $
Emami, Parastoo University of Waterloo Rethinking water governance situations: connecting new actors and external forces 105 000,00 $
Etmanski, Brittany A. University of Waterloo Beyond academia: explaining the career pathways of PhD graduates in the social sciences 105 000,00 $
Funk, Julie M. University of Victoria Flesh politics: the forensics of embodied violence 105 000,00 $
Gautreau, Chantal M. University of Waterloo When thoughts during sex are no longer sexual: understanding the influences of body image dissatisfaction on sexual outcomes 105 000,00 $
Joynt, Amanda A. University of Waterloo Governing urban food systems: food, policy and poverty in Mzuzu, Malawi 105 000,00 $
McNeil, Julia University of Waterloo Why don't we talk about sex 105 000,00 $
Milovanov, Alexandr University of Waterloo Working hard and feeling guilty: how guilt motivates us to achieve our goals 105 000,00 $
Piereder, Jinelle Y. University of Waterloo How, where, and when ideologies matter: a network-based study of ideological conflict in social policy 105 000,00 $
Raffoul, Amanda University of Waterloo The ignored consequences of obesity: how a focus on weight impacts psychological well-being 105 000,00 $
Silburt, Aviva University of Waterloo Business for peace: mapping the governance of mining multinationals and peacebuilding in Guatemala 105 000,00 $
Staples, Kiri University of Waterloo Options for integrating land use planning and environmental assessment: a case study of the Yukon, northern Canada 105 000,00 $
Vimalakanthan, Kiruthiha University of Waterloo The caregiving approach to appearance comparisons 105 000,00 $
Zabara, Nick University of Waterloo The nature, determinants, and consequences of safety behaviour use in social anxiety 105 000,00 $
Boyle, Brianna Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Examining the influence of the probation officer relationship on criminal desistance 105 000,00 $
Stewart, Hannah Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Examining perspectives of how chronic repeat offenders transition over time towards criminal desistance 105 000,00 $
Thorpe-Gosley, Amelia C. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Educational experience and gender identity: listening to transgender voices on issues of representation and erasure in educational contexts across New Brunswick 105 000,00 $
Heffer, Taylor Brock University Investigating coping flexibility using daily diaries and a longitudinal design: a multi-method approach to understanding context-specific coping 105 000,00 $
Trudeau, Lynn Brock University Indigenous researcher identity: reconciling differing spaces from an Ojibway perspective 105 000,00 $
Flett, Alison L. Wilfrid Laurier University Further investigating social self-compassion in interpersonal functioning and adaptation 105 000,00 $
Hancock, Samantha E. Wilfrid Laurier University Helping or hindering: interactive effects of employee accent and gender in the workplace 105 000,00 $
Kim, Su Kyung Wilfrid Laurier University Being deviant but with good reasons: antecedents and consequences of pro-social rule-breaking behaviours in the workplace 105 000,00 $
Kreutzer, Tino Wilfrid Laurier University Humanitarian governance at the breaking point 105 000,00 $
Mayor, Christine Wilfrid Laurier University Missing factor: traumatic stress and the academic achievement gap 105 000,00 $
Richardson, Eliza M. Wilfrid Laurier University For whom neither spouse nor child will mourn: the postwar lives of the Canadian Army Medical Corps bluebirds 105 000,00 $
Wall, Sarah E. Wilfrid Laurier University The joint influence of relationship commitment and regulatory focus on relationship goal pursuit 105 000,00 $
Ahmad, Fahad Carleton University Operating at the nexus: the role of community organizations in preventing radicalization 105 000,00 $
Amell, Brittany E. Carleton University Story-quilting: using digital stories and writing groups to share stories of Indigenous graduate students' experiences 105 000,00 $
Butler, Samantha A. Carleton University Intellectually disabled persons and self-advocacy: the impact of law and support staff in regulated group homes in Ontario and Nova Scotia 105 000,00 $
Douglas, Heather P. Carleton University Using ordinal skills training to improve arithmetic proficiency in young children: a web-based tutoring system intervention 105 000,00 $
Hipson, William E. Carleton University Overcoming social fear: examining the role of emotion regulation in the early school adjustment of young shy children 105 000,00 $
Hollingshead, Samantha Carleton University Does concern about another group's future lead to acceptance of their discriminatory policies 105 000,00 $
MacIsaac, Samuel Carleton University The immigrant debt service ratio: a microdata analysis of the debt load and remittance payments of Canadian immigrants 105 000,00 $
Mitchell, Scott S. Carleton University Cloudy with a chance of whooping cough: an analysis of digital disease tracking tools 105 000,00 $
Pham, Anh Trinh T. Carleton University Predictive accuracies of intimate partner violence risk assessment instruments 105 000,00 $
Purvis, Matthew L. Carleton University Erotic nationalism in Canadian visual culture from 1965-1975 105 000,00 $
Ring, Jessica A.M. Carleton University Re-tooling the sisterhood: reclaiming feminist epistemologies and technical practices through feminist tinker spaces 105 000,00 $
Rothwell, Emily J. Carleton University Drawing Britain's fairy godmothers: the production and illustration of literary fairy tales in an age of British nationalism, 1865 to 1914 105 000,00 $
Smith, Stephen N. Carleton University World Order with Chinese characteristics: the development of a Chinese school of international relations and implications for China's foreign policy 105 000,00 $
Van Vliet, Lindy M. Carleton University The power of the sex talk: disrupting settler commonsense in Canadian sex education 105 000,00 $
Merwin, Kathleen E. Dalhousie University Does communication during sexual activity benefit the sexual well-being of long-term couples 105 000,00 $
Alarie, Laurent Université d'Ottawa L'interaction du réseau des élites politiques et économiques au Québec : les cas de Québecor et de Power Corporation 105 000,00 $
Arseneau, Véronique Université d'Ottawa Entre stéréotype et reconnaissance : étude de la réception d'oeuvres d'auteures franco-canadiennes 105 000,00 $
Azzi, Stéphanie T. Université d'Ottawa Le rôle de l'attachement amoureux et l'offre de soutien chez des couples 105 000,00 $
Bailey, Maykal S. Université d'Ottawa Into the belly of the beast: a look at police role management from behind the uniform 105 000,00 $
Beauchamp, Jérémie University of British Columbia Syntaxe et sémantique des expressions locatives 105 000,00 $
Beauregard, Mélanie Université d'Ottawa Dominer par l'écriture : une analyse critique des discours d'opinion médiatiques canadiens sur les femmes musulmanes 105 000,00 $
Brant, Kiera University of British Columbia Making it mandatory: negotiating the challenges of compulsory Indigenous teacher education 105 000,00 $
Cassin, Katelyn L.H. Université d'Ottawa Micro-level peacebuilding through religious interfaces and interchanges: the capacity of religion to connect UN military and police peacekeepers with local populations in Lebanon 105 000,00 $
Cloutier de Repentigny, Pierre Université d'Ottawa Protecting marine life through the reformation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: envisioning what environmental law could be 105 000,00 $
Deneault, Audrey-Ann Université d'Ottawa La validation des échelles PARS pour mesurer l'attachement enfant-parent à l'âge préscolaire 105 000,00 $
Descarreaux, Samuel Université d'Ottawa La naturalisation de l'épistémologie kantienne : étude sur la normativité épistémologique dans le cadre du renouveau de la philosophie kantienne dans la seconde moité du XIXe siècle en Allemagne 105 000,00 $
El Haj Hassan, Boushra Université d'Ottawa Firm's political connection and executive compensation 105 000,00 $
Farley, Claire Université d'Ottawa Works cited: feminist documentary poetries as archive 105 000,00 $
Firzly, Najat Université d'Ottawa Le mentorat inversé au travail : maintenir les liens intergénérationnels 105 000,00 $
Gauthier-Trépanier, Camylle Université d'Ottawa Violence et marginalisation dans la littérature adolescente québécoise et franco-canadienne 105 000,00 $
Gendreau Richer, Nichola Université d'Ottawa L'hégéliano-marxisme contemporain : Postone, Honneth et Zizek 105 000,00 $
Guérin Marion, Camille Université d'Ottawa Physiological, intrapersonal, and interpersonal substrates of emotion regulation and the link to suicidality in Canadian youth 105 000,00 $
Jolin, Stéphanie Université d'Ottawa Le rôle de la relation de couple sur le fonctionnement triadique parents-enfant 105 000,00 $
Langlois, Marie-Dominik Université d'Ottawa Identité Autochtone et développement extractiviste : le cas du peuple Xinka au Guatemala 105 000,00 $
Marshall, Elsa M. University of Southampton Bursting into song: charting form and sonic transitions in the film musicals of MGM's Freed Unit 105 000,00 $
Mitchell, Megan E. Université d'Ottawa The overincarceration of Indigenous peoples in Canada: a comparative analysis of risk and decision-making in post-Gladue bail court 105 000,00 $
Nelson, Robin Université d'Ottawa Unintended policies: the translation of government instruments into an experienced policy 105 000,00 $
Pageau St-Hilaire, Antoine University of Chicago Hans Georg Gadamer, Leo Strauss et Gerhard Krüger : la critique de la modernité dans le platonisme contemporain 105 000,00 $
Petit, Arnaud University of Oxford The normative mind and its place in nature 105 000,00 $
Petricone-Westwood, Danielle Université d'Ottawa Caregiving for patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer: an examination of attachment theory in relationships with the cancer care team 105 000,00 $
Swain, Stacie A.* Université d'Ottawa State neutrality and Indigenous spirituality: the politics of prayer in contemporary Canadian governance 105 000,00 $
Coombs, Andrew J. Queen's University Preparing assessment capable teachers: examining the impact of diverse models of teacher assessment education 105 000,00 $
DeFrance, Kalee Queen's University Emotion regulation across adolescence: individual differences and mechanisms of change 105 000,00 $
DePaola, Ashley H.M. Queen's University Examining the relationship between street family affiliation, social support, and crime 105 000,00 $
Fowler, Susan E. Queen's University Transracial adoption and the role of the Chinese daughter in Canadian literature: critical reflections and poetic inquiry 105 000,00 $
Hamel, Dominique Queen's University Navigating through grey areas: assessing the role of the accounting conceptual framework in curbing earnings management 105 000,00 $
Hargadon, Daniel P. Queen's University Validating the habit implicit association test (Habit IAT): an implicit measure of habit strength 105 000,00 $
Henry-Noel, Darren Queen's University The crusades as a state-building exercise under Philip II of France 105 000,00 $
Hobill, Astrid Queen's University Examining the evidence: studying the painting techniques of Bosch and Bruegel 105 000,00 $
Hudson, Chloe C. Queen's University Understanding others: unravelling the mechanisms that lead to peer victimization 105 000,00 $
Jamieson, Lesley P. Queen's University Locating literature in moral philosophy: reason, emotion, and the legitimacy of arguments 105 000,00 $
Jaques, Bronwyn E. Queen's University The working of nation and identity in Canadian tourism 105 000,00 $
Legge, Rosemary L.S.. Queen's University Specular pleasures: the mirror in the Rococo interior 105 000,00 $
MacGregor, Stephen W. Queen's University Knowledge mobilization in Canadian universities: exploring research impact with non-academic partners 105 000,00 $
McDonald, Pamela A. Queen's University Examining the pathways model of mathematics in children with an arithmetic disability 105 000,00 $
Mussell, Linda Queen's University Building resilience beyond bars: intersectionality-based policy options to enable beneficial child-incarcerated parent relationships in Canada 105 000,00 $
Nuri, M.R. Parvin Queen's University Theory to practice: what works to meet the needs of families of children with disabilities in Bangladesh 105 000,00 $
Richert, Eric Queen's University The role of parental assistance in the production of their children's education 105 000,00 $
Robbins-Kanter, Jacob L. Queen's University Political multilingualism in Canada: linguistic dissonance in election campaign messaging 105 000,00 $
Watts, Galen Queen's University Spirituality and social justice: an interdisciplinary analysis of the culture of Canadian millennials 105 000,00 $
Munkittrick, Tricia J.A. Memorial University of Newfoundland Regional insights into childhood lead exposure from historical North American skeletal remains 105 000,00 $
Webber, Valerie B. Memorial University of Newfoundland Public privates: measure B, pornographic sex, and the ethics of public health 105 000,00 $
Auger Cortez, Sarah L. University of Alberta Indigenous art as pedagogy 105 000,00 $
Cormier, Matthew S. University of Alberta Postmodernism en Acadie: breaking open France Daigle's literary rubik's cube, Pour sûr 105 000,00 $
Dunford, David T. University of Alberta A look into how Canadian law enforcement and intelligence services use "soft power" to combat radicalization and terrorism 105 000,00 $
Fehr, Colton D. University of Alberta Ensuring courts and legislatures are effectively governing privacy in the digital age 105 000,00 $
Kafara, Rylan K. University of Alberta Real revitalization: poverty, urban development, and homelessness in Edmonton 105 000,00 $
Kroon, Ariel P. University of Alberta Moving beyond survival in twentieth-century Canadian post-apocalyptic science fiction 105 000,00 $
Kujala, William J. University of Alberta Doing cruelty justice: history and the legitimation of violence 105 000,00 $
Kvas, Kevin V.K. University of Alberta Balancing accounts in 21st-century Canadian economic narratives 105 000,00 $
Lavoie, Michelle M. University of Alberta Building mechanisms of social support: a narrative inquiry into LGBTTQ mentorship 105 000,00 $
Parent, David N.B. University of Alberta The people who moved themselves: post-WWII Metis migration to Vancouver, British Columbia, 1940-1970 105 000,00 $
Ricioppo, Sabine University of Alberta Examining English language learners' writing proficiency levels: a hierarchical assessment framework of syntactical structures 105 000,00 $
Scheuneman Scott, Isabel M.S. University of Alberta A contextualized narrative exploration of incarcerated Indigenous women's violent crimes via traditional storytelling practices 105 000,00 $
Pérez-Lauzon, Sara HEC Montréal Développement des capacités d'innovation des PME de l'aérospatiale : l'environnement institutionnel régional et les pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines comme sources d'avantages compétitifs - étude comparative Canada-Mexique 105 000,00 $
Saldanha, Fabio Prado HEC Montréal L'inclusion sociale par le réveil de l'aspiration au changement : une étude sur la transférabilité d'une innovation sociale au bénéfice de la jeunesse des Premières Nations du Canada 105 000,00 $
Kelly, Liam D. University of Guelph An economic analysis of intrahousehold dynamics and the implications for agricultural productivity: investigating gender, customary land tenure, and agricultural investment 105 000,00 $
Panetta, Larissa University of Guelph Student academic functioning and adjustment to university: examining the unique predictive utility of circadian misalignment 105 000,00 $
Robertshaw, Matthew J. * Université York The Two Haitis: cautionary tale or postcolonial epic 105 000,00 $
Underhill, Angela A.L. University of Guelph Revisioning reproduction: exploring the experiences of medicalized embodiment of infertility on intra- and interpersonal relationships 105 000,00 $
Brown, Matthew F.D. Western University Trauma-informed perspective on the ideation-to-action framework of suicide: extension to network modelling 105 000,00 $
Bruce, Kirsten L. Western University The lived experience of cancer in ancient Peru 105 000,00 $
Dobson, Kiersten A. Western University Ideal sexual preferences: what do people want in their ideal sexual relationship, and how does this relate to their actual relationships 105 000,00 $
Girard, Tyler Western University Examining the emergence and contestation of financial inclusion in the international community 105 000,00 $
Hoven, Emily A. University of Alberta Poetics of the city: rewriting civic narratives in Edmonton 105 000,00 $
Johns, Arwen M. Western University The richness of food: food as spectacle in early state systems on the North Coast of Peru 105 000,00 $
Lau, Chloe Western University The pursuit of meaningful living: a longitudinal investigation on the association between search and presence of meaning in life 105 000,00 $
Mowat, Alistair D.C. Western University The late Roman and early Byzantine military landscape of Northern Greece 105 000,00 $
Oswick, Derek E. Western University The role of values in neuroscientific progress 105 000,00 $
Slothouber, Vanessa J. Western University Narratives of detransition: disrupting the boundaries of gender and time 105 000,00 $
Tardif, Suzie Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Étude sur les facteurs favorisant la diplomation collégiale ou universitaire de jeunes adultes québécois vivant avec une dysphasie 105 000,00 $
Bird, John R.E. University of Saskatchewan Prophetic visions: Christianity and the development of nineteenth-century Indigenous historical consciousnesses 105 000,00 $
Dase, Kyle D. University of Saskatchewan Donne's second religion: social context in the verse letters of John Donne 105 000,00 $
Joe-Strack, Jocelyn A. University of Saskatchewan Dän k'e, our way from self-government to self-determination: insight and impact of developing the champagne and Aishihik First Nation's settlement land use plan 105 000,00 $
Pelletier, Terrance R. University of Saskatchewan Exploring leadership development in an Indigenous context: a historical case study of Cowessess First Nation 105 000,00 $
Stavrou, Stavros G. University of Saskatchewan Understanding the experiences of Aboriginal mathematics educators: reshaping the space for achievement 105 000,00 $
Deasley, Shanna University of Windsor Social well-being and the quality of Facebook interactions in emerging adults with symptoms of ADHD 105 000,00 $
Santarossa, Sara University of Windsor SocialMedia: exploring children's social networking site use, parental modelling, and how to leave a positive digital footprint 105 000,00 $
Barnes, Jennifer Université du Manitoba Investigating the relationship between maternal depression and infant attachment security in an Aboriginal population 105 000,00 $
Dietrich, Noelle Université York Vengeance or mercy: locating justice in restorative justice after homicide 105 000,00 $
Duthie-Kannikkatt, Kaitlyn Université du Manitoba Harvesting the fruits of biocultural design: seed sovereignty and farmer innovation in small-scale food systems 105 000,00 $
Kenyon, Katherine M. Université du Manitoba The empowerment process of women who have experienced Intimate partner violence 105 000,00 $
Kosmenko, Nickolas J. Université du Manitoba Northern Indigenous athletes and competitive sport: an exploration of factors influencing participation in Manitoba 105 000,00 $
Penner, Heather Université d'Ottawa Leprosy, necrosis and pus in late ancient literature: the impact of Christianization on medicine 105 000,00 $
Rahman, Mohammad Azizur Université du Manitoba Refugee youth experiences influencing integration trajectories in Canada 105 000,00 $
Shaw, David Queen's University Cultural entanglements: Indigenous knowledges and agential realism 105 000,00 $
Ward, Michelle A. Université du Manitoba Maternal ASD and parenting: a similarity-fit approach to understanding the parenting experiences and practices of mothers with Autism Spectrum Disorder 105 000,00 $
Busque-Carrier, Mathieu Université de Sherbrooke Validation d'un modèle théorique de valeurs de travail basé sur la théorie de l'autodétermination auprès d'adultes québécois 105 000,00 $
Carlos, Jean-Philippe Université de Sherbrooke Le rebelle traditionaliste : biographie sociointellectuelle de François-Albert Angers - 1909-2003 105 000,00 $
Comtois, Charlotte Université de Sherbrooke Patriquer l'espace au féminin : une étude de la mobilité géographique dans les romans québécois depuis 1930 105 000,00 $
Gagné, Karine Université de Sherbrooke Effets d'une intervention relationnelle sur les composantes de la sensibilité maternelle et la sécurité d'attachement de l'enfant 105 000,00 $
Guimond, Olivier Université d'Ottawa L'histoire de l'idée de souveraineté populaire au Québec : étude de l'esprit républicain québécois face aux traditions idéologiques dominantes du Canada (1838-1896) 105 000,00 $
Leduc, Karissa Université McGill La collaboration entre les écoles et les services sociaux et de la santé : répondre aux besoins des enfants qui présentent un trouble anxieux et des adultes qui les accompagnent 105 000,00 $
Agro, Hilary University of British Columbia Drug user activism and experiences with the war on drugs in Mexico 105 000,00 $
Baer, Carolyn University of British Columbia Metacognition and social interaction in children 105 000,00 $
Brace, Jordan C. University of British Columbia Evaluation of measurement invariance under realistic conditions 105 000,00 $
Chen, Lihan University of British Columbia Two-stage approach for item-level missing data in social sciences 105 000,00 $
Chewinski, Maximilian University of British Columbia Public-private partnerships for sustainable development: evidence from Ghana, Burkina Faso and Peru 105 000,00 $
Couture, Jesse L. University of British Columbia But they're only children: considering kids' sport, Canadian media, and the (re)production of risk 105 000,00 $
Ducharme, Michael J.J. University of British Columbia Audience interaction systems in interactive computer music 105 000,00 $
Giannone, Zarina A. University of British Columbia Championing athletes' transition out of sport: investigating the effectiveness of the life development intervention on the psychological adjustment of Canadian high-performance athletes during sport retirement 105 000,00 $
Hare, Kathleen University of British Columbia New threads in the web: opportunities to democratize sexual knowledge via participatory media 105 000,00 $
Hofman, Darra L. University of British Columbia Privacy and identity: democracy, freedom, and human rights in records 105 000,00 $
Kaseweter, Kimberley A. University of British Columbia Shock value: exploring the link between sadism, psychopathy, and aggressive behaviour 105 000,00 $
Lanki, Colleen P. University of British Columbia Kishida Rio: a woman's voice in the Japanese avant-garde theatre 105 000,00 $
Lee, Angelina S. University of British Columbia A picture is worth a thousand words: understanding post-migration experiences of Syrian refugee families in Canada 105 000,00 $
Lee, Nicole Y.S. University of British Columbia Chinese Canadian artists working with and beyond tradition: an a/r/tographic visual narrative inquiry 105 000,00 $
MacArthur, Ewen University of Oxford Imagining Europe at its borders: a view from Gambian migrants in Tangier, Morocco 105 000,00 $
Park, Joanne L. University of British Columbia Associations among mothers' and fathers' executive functions, child-responsibility attributions, and parenting practices 105 000,00 $
Pun, Anthea C. University of British Columbia Infants' understanding of social dominance relationships 105 000,00 $
Rose, Katherine B. University of British Columbia Thanks for the mnemories: a five-year follow-up of experimentally-induced false memories 105 000,00 $
Suzuki, Saeko University of British Columbia Popular educational books for women as cultural commodities in early modern Japan 105 000,00 $
Swanson, Ross K. University of British Columbia Beyond anthropocentrism: shamans and shapeshifters in recent Colombian popular culture 105 000,00 $
TeBokkel, Nathan B. University of British Columbia Poet-farmers and problems of (agri)culture and aesthetics 105 000,00 $
Treleaven, Christina University of British Columbia Care conundrum: the impacts of informal eldercare on young workers' careers 105 000,00 $
Walker, Katherine A. University of British Columbia Completing the "post-colonial" circle: Indigenous holistic theory in political practice 105 000,00 $
White, Cindel J.M. University of British Columbia The developmental origins, mental representation, and behavioural consequences of belief in karma 105 000,00 $
Xia, Wenyi University of British Columbia Climate change adaptation for seaports under uncertainty 105 000,00 $
Bergen, Hilary Université Concordia Dancing media: posthuman movement at the limits of the body 105 000,00 $
Cober, Lucas S.P. Université Concordia Without blemish or defect: disability and Biblical interpretation 105 000,00 $
Di Bartolomeo, Jacqueline University of Toronto Women travellers in the Age of Empire: the politics of feminist selfhood in the nineteenth-century Atlantic world 105 000,00 $
Dickson, Daniel D. Université Concordia New population, old problems: policy implementation and the social inclusion of older adults with developmental disabilities in Canada 105 000,00 $
Drukker, Kelly N. Université Concordia Naming the traces: re/constructing an Irish-Canadian family narrative of emigration, place-making, and return 105 000,00 $
Ferrar, Saskia J. Université Concordia Emotion expression and conflict resolution in at-risk mother-child and sibling dyads: a bidirectional and dynamic systems perspective 105 000,00 $
Franks, Kristine N. Université Concordia Uncharted waters: using community-based participatory research and videovoice to navigate the water ethics of Indigenous groups in Canada 105 000,00 $
Herriot, Heather L. Université Concordia Self-compassion, self-regulation, and subjective well-being in older adulthood: a longitudinal analysis 105 000,00 $
Jalbert, Elie Université de Montréal Assembling the gulf: competing governance models in the era of climate change 105 000,00 $
Larios, Lindsay G. Université Concordia When migration policy is care policy: experiences of migrants in Canada through the ethics of care 105 000,00 $
Leduc, James University of California, Berkeley Locating sovereignty: Richard Creagh, Tudor Ireland, and the early modern world 105 000,00 $
MacDonald, Corina Université Concordia Disseminating research-creation: from product to process in online scholarly publishing 105 000,00 $
Marcotte, Jessica R. Université Concordia They grew on me: human attachment to NPCs in games 105 000,00 $
Newcomb-Anjo, Sarah E. Université Concordia A comprehensive analysis of subjective and objective well-being pathways during the transition from university to post-graduation pursuits 105 000,00 $
Royer, Justin Université McGill The scalar base of modality: evidence from expletive negation in Chuj and Tseltal (Mayan) 105 000,00 $
Ruivivar, June Université Concordia Nonstandard spoken grammar in second language teaching: issues and possibilities 105 000,00 $
Schuurman, Matthew William Université du Québec à Montréal Understanding the variations in word order across languages: an exploration of the syntactic relationship between quantifier scope ambiguities and word order in two Indigenous languages of Canada, Mi'gmaq and Inuktitut 105 000,00 $
Tremblay-Boily, Guillaume Université Concordia L'implantation et l'engagement des marxistes-léninistes québécois dans des milieux de travail: analyse d'une rencontre entre intellectuels et travailleurs 105 000,00 $
Turcotte, Anne-Marie Université Concordia The sound of breaking glass: reconstructing shattered identities through an investigation of the hidden narrative behind acts of property destruction committed by young Nunavimmiut 105 000,00 $
Abdelbaki, Rawan Université York Settlement and the subjectivities of skilled immigrants 105 000,00 $
Anderson, Janice Université York Beyond the limits of man: constituting decolonial interventions of hue-myn being in African diaspora literature 105 000,00 $
Angus, Siobhan Université York Picturing a forgotten frontier: visual culture and resource extraction in Canada 105 000,00 $
Baird, Kyla A. * Université York The intersection between child protection services and sex trafficking 105 000,00 $
Ball, Tyler Scott Université York Writing wider worlds: (re)theorizing hospitality with Indian Ocean literature 105 000,00 $
Barnstaple, Rebecca E. Université York Affording agency: dance and healing in North Simcoe 105 000,00 $
Davidson, Tal Université York Who's counter-what: the countercultural value of liberation and its contingency on privilege in the psychedelic, feminist and Black psychologies of the 1960s 105 000,00 $
Fraser, Clara M. Université York Imagining planning futures: urban planning as fulfillment of treaty promises 105 000,00 $
Goldberg, Cara Université York The right touch: negotiating non-apparent impairments with/in embodied interactions 105 000,00 $
Han, David Université York Imagined heights: engaging and empowering youth through art and technology training and participation in a collaborative virtual reality community art project 105 000,00 $
Hildebrand-Edgar, Nicole Université York Exploring the use of creaky voice in adolescent peer-group formation 105 000,00 $
Hnatuk, Tyler Université York Place-based services and the production of feeblemindedness in Ontario 105 000,00 $
Hunter, Andrew G. Université York The painter and the arsonist: understanding the diverse expressions of boredom 105 000,00 $
Leung, Maybelle University of Toronto Violent beholding as female knowledge of Christ in medieval devotional writing 105 000,00 $
Marchinko, Elan T. Université York Staging Indigenous experience and Canadian colonial violence through dance: a critical analysis of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet's Going Home Star and The Ecstasy of Rita Joe 105 000,00 $
Phung, Kam J. Université York The business of modern slavery: abolition and institutional resistance 105 000,00 $
Rewegan, Alexander N. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Plastic memories: how neuroscientists render memory knowable in the age of plastic brains 105 000,00 $
Shadaan, Reena* Université York Challenging environmental racism and environmental violence: the leadership and mobilization of young Indigenous women and young women of colour 105 000,00 $
Sicondolfo, Claudia F. Université York Shifts in the cinematic: strategies of 21st-century youth engagement in Canadian screen communities 105 000,00 $
Turner, Camille J. Université York The landscape of forgetting: staging black memory in Canadian heritage museums 105 000,00 $
Dawson, Krysta Simon Fraser University Networked pathways to violence: the role of social networks in the criminal trajectory of gang members 105 000,00 $
Kwon, Katerina C. Simon Fraser University Moving beyond assessment: linking cumulative effects management to Aboriginal decision-making in British Columbia 105 000,00 $
Massie, Alicia Simon Fraser University Negotiating fossil fuel futures: a critical investigation of Canada's oil and gas industry 105 000,00 $
Neudecker, Christine H. Simon Fraser University The method to their madness: using risk terrain modeling to predict terrorist attacks 105 000,00 $
Pastia, Cristina Simon Fraser University The changing landscape of fear of crime in Canada 1994-2014 105 000,00 $
Sersli, Stephanie M. Simon Fraser University Planning for cycling cities: equity, inclusion, and the sustainable city 105 000,00 $
Thobani, Imran New York University Explanations in computational neuroscience 105 000,00 $
Treen, Emily R. Simon Fraser University The carrot and the cliff: the overpowering influence of deterrence factors over incentives on participation in crowdsourcing 105 000,00 $
Vachon-Roy, Maude Simon Fraser University The material culture of the French word in late medieval England—c.1300-1500 105 000,00 $
Wiesenthal, Zeph Arlen Jacob J. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor The sultan-caliph and the heroes of the revolution: heroism, media culture, and the contestation of public persona in the late Ottoman Empire, 1900-1914 105 000,00 $
Beks, Tiffany A. University of Calgary Finding institutional courage: cultivating restorative responses to military psychological trauma 105 000,00 $
Cameron, Emily E. University of Calgary Learning the lingo: the impact of early childhood sleep patterns on language ability at school-entry 105 000,00 $
Godollei Lappalainen, Anna F. University of Calgary Game-based selection assessments 105 000,00 $
Larson, Nicole L. University of Calgary The dynamics of team dynamics: examining developmental trajectories of transition, action, and interpersonal team processes 105 000,00 $
Ngo, Kevin University of Calgary Improvisation: bridging the gap between composition and performance in WA Mozart's piano music 105 000,00 $
Petruik, Courtney R. University of Calgary Understanding cultural resiliency and perceptions of beauty in young Aboriginal women in Calgary, Alberta, using participatory action research 105 000,00 $
Lemieux, Joanie Université du Québec à Rimouski Chambre 22, roman, suivi de Robinsonnades contemporaines : nouveaux espaces de solitude chez Éric Chevillard, Aude, Denis Thériault et Nicolas Dickner 105 000,00 $
Beaumier, Guillaume Université Laval Commerce électronique : la gouvernance d'un système complexe et les défaillances d'une analyse de marché 105 000,00 $
Binette, Amélie Université Laval La désuétude des textes en droit constitutionnel canadien : nombreuses nuances dans le sommeil de la norme constitutionnelle 105 000,00 $
Boutin, Pier-Ann Université Laval Interagir pour apprendre : la négociation de sens à travers les interactions épistémiques entre stagiaires et enseignants associés, outil de formation et de développement professionnel 105 000,00 $
Ellington, Lisa Ann Université Laval Le processus de guérison des hommes Autochtones ayant séjourné dans un pavillon de ressourcement au Canada 105 000,00 $
Fournier, Julien Université Laval Aux confins des faits et du droit : les renversements jurisprudentiels sur la base de la preuve en droit constitutionnel 105 000,00 $
Godin-Tremblay, Laurence Université du Québec à Montréal Logique d'Aristote et logique de Leibniz : mots versus symboles 105 000,00 $
Haemmerli, Guillaume Université Laval Établissement et mobilité des réfugiés admis au Canada, 2000 à 2015 105 000,00 $
Lambert, Sarah Université Laval La céramique géométrique, archaïque et classique du palais d'Amathonte : regard évolutif d'une royauté étéochypriote 105 000,00 $
Lavoie, Guillaume Université Laval Une histoire des manuels de scénarisation américains (1911-2016) : du photoplay à l'ère du numérique 105 000,00 $
Lavoie, Andréanne Université Laval Effets de systèmes agroforestiers sur le maintien de la diversité bioculturelle dans la Cordillera Azul au Pérou 105 000,00 $
Liljesthrom, Valeria Université Laval Figuration de l'histoire dans le roman francophone : modalités énonciatives et construction du sens dans l'oeuvre de Dany Laferrière, Tierno Monénembo et Patrick Chamoiseau 105 000,00 $
Pelletier, Simon Université Laval Pour une histoire littéraire des discours sur la liberté de la presse 1789-1836 105 000,00 $
Pereira de Grandmont, Pascal-Olivier Université Laval Anthropologie historique de l'autonomisme dans la commune de Nuku Hiva 1946 à aujourd'hui 105 000,00 $
Pomerleau Turcotte, Justine Université Laval Les facteurs psychologiques et cognitifs pouvant influencer les performances en formation auditive chez des étudiants de niveau postsecondaire 105 000,00 $
Renauld, Stéphanie Université Laval Difficultés de compréhension en lecture chez les élèves du secondaire : départager le rôle de l'intervention orthophonique ciblée et de l'intervention motivationnelle 105 000,00 $
Savage, Laura-Émilie Université Laval Expériences de trauma vécues par les mères à l'enfance en lien avec leur adaptation psychosociale et le développement émotionnel de leur enfant 105 000,00 $
Savoie, Daphnée Université Laval Au-delà de l'antagonisme entre collectivisme et individualisme méthodologique : un argument ontologiquement neutre en faveur du concept de responsabilité morale individuelle 105 000,00 $
Brunt, Nathaniel Ryerson University The country without a post office: a metaphotographic history of Kashmir's insurgency 105 000,00 $
Illesinghe, Mahabaduge V.F. Ryerson University Immigration policy and volence against immigrant and refugee women in Canada 105 000,00 $
Loney, Danielle Ryerson University Evaluating evidence-based decision making by review boards about offenders found not criminally responsible 105 000,00 $
Thomas, Emily J. Ryerson University Re-conceptualizing sexual consent: an exploration of alternative approaches to sexual violence prevention 105 000,00 $
Cosma, Stephanie Ryerson University Meaning, value, and status of sex among heterosexual young men 105 000,00 $