Programs Committee Mandate

The Programs Committee monitors the overall design, coherence and performance of SSHRC’s suite of programs and program-related policies in the context of the strategic direction and priorities endorsed by council in the pursuit of excellence.


  • Assesses the extent to which SSHRC’s programs, including tri-agency programs, support the achievement of objectives and the pursuit of quality, efficiency and excellence, based on performance information and the results of evaluations and audits;
  • Makes recommendations to council related to program planning and the overall structure and balance of SSHRC’s programs and program-related initiatives, based on emerging trends and issues;
  • Provides input and makes recommendations to council on program-related policies; and
  • Provides input to council on strategic direction for program budget allocations.


  • The chair of the committee appointed by the council on the recommendation of the Executive Committee will be a council member from the academic community.


  • Members of the committee are appointed by council on the recommendation of the Executive Committee;
  • The committee is composed of the SSHRC president, the vice-president and chair of council, and at least nine other members, a minority of whom shall be members external to council;
  • The committee aims to be representative of Canada’s regions and official languages; academia and civil society, including the public, private and not-for-profit sectors; large, medium and small postsecondary institutions, including colleges; the humanities and the social sciences; and emerging and established scholars, reflecting a diversity of ages; and
  • In addition, members of SSHRC’s governing council and senior management will, within the limits of privacy and confidentiality, strive for diverse membership on the committee from underrepresented groups, e.g., women, visible minorities, Indigenous peoples, people with disabilities and LGBTQ2+ communities.


  • The committee shall meet at least twice per year. The schedule of meetings will be determined by the chair of the comittee in consultation with management.

Quorum and voting

  • A majority of the members of the committee, including the chair, shall constitute a quorum;
  • The committee will make decisions based on consensus whenever possible;
  • When a vote is required, a majority of votes shall govern; and
  • When an equal number of votes are cast, the chair shall have a second and governing vote.

Reports to council

  • The committee chair or a designated alternate will present an oral report at each council meeting, summarizing the committee’s observations and advice; and
  • Draft minutes of the committee’s most recent meeting will also be provided at each council meeting.
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