Connection Grants

The August 1 deadline for Connection Grants has moved forward to June 20. This is a one-time change for the 2024-25 cycle. Going forward, the standard application deadlines will be in place.

2024-25 Competitions

Value Events: $7,000 to $25,000
Outreach activities: $7,000 to $50,000; higher amounts can be considered if well justified
Duration 1 year
Application deadlineFootnote * February 1, 2024; May 1, 2024; June 20, 2024; November 1, 2024 (8 p.m. eastern)
Results announced At the end of each funding cycle (January, March, June, September); see funding cycle schedule below
Apply Web CV, application and instructions

On this page


Connection Grants are expected to respond to the objectives of the Research Partnerships program.

These grants support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. These events and activities represent opportunities to exchange knowledge and engage with participants on research issues they value. Events and outreach activities funded by a Connection Grant can often serve as a first step toward more comprehensive and longer-term projects.

Connection Grants support workshops, colloquiums, conferences, forums, summer institutes or other events or outreach activities that facilitate:

  • disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary exchanges in the social sciences and humanities;
  • scholarly exchanges between those working in the social sciences and humanities and those working in other research fields;
  • intersectoral exchanges between academic researchers in the social sciences and humanities and researchers and practitioners from the public, private and/or not-for-profit sectors; and/or
  • international research collaboration and scholarly exchanges with researchers, students and non-academic partners from other countries.

Only a Canadian institution that holds institutional eligibility can administer funds. However, the intellectual leadership and governance for Connection Grant activities can come from within the research community and/or from within the not-for-profit sectors.

SSHRC welcomes applications involving Indigenous research, as well as those involving research-creation. To this regard, for Connection Grants support events and outreach activities related to research-creation and Indigenous research.

Joint initiatives

SSHRC collaborates with organizations from across the not-for-profit, private and public sectors to support and promote training, research and connection activities in the social sciences and humanities. SSHRC’s joint initiatives are designed to reflect its strategic objectives and mandate, inform decision-makers and, in certain cases, address specific needs of its partners.

Learn more about joint initiatives.

For a complete list of available joint initiatives, see SSHRC’s funding search tool.

Research Data Management Capacity Building Initiative

Through this initiative, SSHRC is committed to funding at least 10 meritorious Connection Grant proposals per competition to help the social sciences and humanities research community develop and adopt research data management standards, tools and skills. Learn more about the Research Data Management Capacity Building Initiative.

Unless otherwise indicated, there is no separate application process for most initiatives and supplements. However, candidates must select this initiative on the first page of the application to indicate they wish to be considered for an initiative or a supplement. They also need to explain why they wish to be considered in their application form.

Future Challenge Areas

SSHRC invites all applicants to review Imagining Canada’s Future’s 16 future global challenges and to consider addressing one or more of these areas in their research proposal. This is not an evaluation criterion for merit review and does not offer additional or dedicated research funds for this funding opportunity.

Value and duration

Connection Grants supporting events are valued at $7,000 to $25,000 over one year.

Connection Grants supporting outreach activities are valued at $7,000 to $50,000 over one year.

A minimum request of $7,000 is required.

SSHRC is willing to consider amounts higher than $50,000, although such applications must satisfactorily justify the need for the higher amount, as well as provide evidence the entire award can be managed within the one-year timeframe.

Matching funds

SSHRC will not fund the full cost of any Connection Grant project. Additional support in the form of eligible cash and/or in-kind contributions (excluding registration fees) equivalent to a minimum of 50% of the amount requested from SSHRC must come from sponsoring organizations. For example, an applicant asking SSHRC for $10,000 in funding will have to demonstrate additional support equal to at least $5,000. SSHRC will consider only eligible funds stemming from sponsoring organizations in its calculations of matching funds; individual contributions will not be considered in the calculation of matching funds.

Applicants must demonstrate their ability to secure at least the minimum matching funding. Applicants must do so by including letters of support from sponsoring organizations that clearly confirm the amounts and types of contributions the organizations are providing for the proposed event or activity. A letter of support must be signed by someone with signing authority for the organization.

Only contributions from sponsoring organizations identified in signed letters of support will count toward the required 50% matching funds. Amounts appearing in letters of support from individuals will not be used in this calculation.

Applicants can draw on complementary funding from SSHRC research grants and/or other research funding agencies but must make clear in their budget proposal that there is no duplication of financial support for the same budget expenses. While such funds can be used in this complementary way, these funds cannot be counted toward the 50% requirement for matching funds.

See SSHRC’s Guidelines for Cash and In-Kind Contributions for more details.

Salary research allowance

A salary research allowance can be requested for not-for-profit organizations involved in the partnership with an applicant, co-director or co-applicant on the team to release them from duties to their organization.


Subject matter

Most SSHRC funding is awarded through open competitions. Proposals can involve any disciplines, thematic areas, approaches or subject areas eligible for SSHRC funding. See the guidelines on subject matter eligibility for more information.

Projects whose primary objective is to conduct research activities (e.g., literature reviews, field work, data collection, interviews) or to develop stand-alone volumes are not eligible for funding under this funding opportunity.


Events are short-term activities that are usually completed in a week or less (e.g., a two-day conference or a one-week workshop). The bulk of the activities will happen within this short period. As part of the overall proposal, applicants can request support for longer-term activities directly related to the event (e.g., developing proceedings, publications or reports, or other forms of knowledge synthesis).

Proposed events can be:

  • face-to-face or involve virtual interaction;
  • discipline-specific or cross-disciplinary and/or cross-sectoral; and
  • open- or closed-invitation.

Outreach activities

Proposed outreach activities must be designed to engage a broader public in social sciences and humanities knowledge through one or a combination of the following: knowledge dissemination, transfer, brokering, translation, synthesis, exchange, networking or co-creation beyond what would typically be achieved through an event. Proposed activities can include, but are not limited to:

  • adaptation (including translation, for example, into French, English or Indigenous languages) of texts or presentations for the purpose of broader knowledge mobilization to different audiences;
  • development of policy briefs, knowledge syntheses and scoping reviews;
  • development of articles for print or online publication in newspapers or weekly or monthly magazines—whether specialized or general interest;
  • virtual networking;
  • media events (such as television/radio presentations);
  • speaker series;
  • public debates;
  • artistic exhibits, performances or festivals;
  • development/use of interactive technologies, audiovisual products or software; and/or
  • development/use of educational aids, instruments or equipment.

Projects can occur in Canada or abroad. If a proposed project is to occur abroad, the applicant must justify the project’s potential to mobilize Canadian research on an international stage and why the project must happen outside Canada.

Connection Grants are intended to support applicants and project directors who are running a knowledge mobilization event or outreach activity. Applicants must provide evidence they are playing an active and significant role in the organization and delivery of the event or outreach activity.

Ineligible activities

Although applicants can apply for Connection Grants to support eligible events and outreach activities organized by academic associations, the following association activities are not eligible for funding:

  • annual general meetings or any other activity directly related to an association’s business meetings;
  • book launches or similar report dissemination;
  • receptions for association members; and
  • any activities normally paid for by the association’s operating fees.

SSHRC will not fund past events and outreach activities retroactively. Please consult the table below for the earliest possible start date of the proposed project for each funding cycle.

Deadline Earliest start date of proposed project
November 1 January 1
February 1 April 1
May 1 July 1
June 20 October 1

Participants and audiences

Participants or audiences, in Canada and abroad, for both events and outreach activities, can include, among others:

  • academic researchers;
  • non-academic researchers;
  • policy-makers;
  • professional practitioners;
  • representatives from public, private or not-for-profit organizations;
  • representatives from community-based, local or regional non-academic organizations; and/or
  • students at all levels.


Applications can be submitted by institutions or by individual applicants and teams (consisting of one applicant or project director and one or more co-applicants and/or collaborators).

Institutional Connection Grant applications must be submitted by a Canadian institution that holds institutional eligibility to conduct an event, an outreach activity or a combination of the two that allows the institution to achieve strategic objectives relevant to its mission and mandate. The project director must be affiliated with the host institution (the applicant), prepare the application on behalf of the host institution and be responsible for the overall leadership of the project. The term “institution” from this point on in this description refers to both postsecondary institutions and not‑for‑profit organizations.

Individual Connection Grant applicants (except postdoctoral researchers) must be affiliated with a Canadian postsecondary institution that holds institutional eligibility at the time of application. Applicants conduct an event, outreach activity or a combination of the two that primarily falls in their areas of expertise and will allow them to make a significant contribution to their field of research. In the case of a team approach, all team members must meet the eligibility criteria specific to their role.

See the section below on Institutions for more information.

Researchers who maintain an affiliation with a Canadian postsecondary institution, but whose primary affiliation is with a non-Canadian postsecondary institution, are not eligible for applicant or project director status.

Applicants or project directors who have received a SSHRC grant of any type but have failed to submit an achievement report by the deadline specified in their Notice of Award are not eligible to apply for another SSHRC grant until they have submitted the report.

Postdoctoral researchers are eligible to be applicants or project directors if they have formally established an affiliation with an eligible institution within three months of the grant start date and maintain this affiliation for the duration of the grant period. Postdoctoral researchers should consult the Research Grants Office of the eligible institution(s) at which they will be seeking affiliation early in the process to confirm that administration of the grant is possible.

Students enrolled in a program of study are not eligible to apply.

Connection Grant proposals led by students can be submitted, provided the proposals involve both students and researchers and are submitted on behalf of the student by a faculty member at an eligible Canadian postsecondary institution. Students can be collaborators, but not co-applicants. Students who are collaborators on a project team cannot be paid a stipend or wage by the grant.

Federal scientists who are affiliated with a Canadian postsecondary institution must demonstrate that their proposed research or research-related activity is not related to either the mandate of their employer or the normal duties for which they receive payment from that employer.

If the proposal falls within the mandate of the federal government and the research or research-related activity is performed in government facilities, funding can only be allocated for student salaries, stipends and travel costs.


Grant funds can be administered only by an eligible Canadian postsecondary institution. Institutions proposing to administer a grant awarded under this funding opportunity must hold or obtain institutional eligibility.

All not-for-profit organizations that require institutional eligibility must contact SSHRC at least five business days prior to the application deadline to be added to the application form and begin the eligibility process.

Indigenous not-for-profit organizations wanting to administer multiple Partnership Development Grants, Partnership Grants and/or Connection Grants going forward are encouraged to begin the institutional eligibility application process at least two months prior to the relevant funding opportunity’s application deadline.

Institutions must contact SSHRC to begin the institutional eligibility application process or if they have questions about institutional eligibility.


Individuals (including postdoctoral researchers) are eligible to be co-applicants if they are formally affiliated with any of the following:

  • Canadian eligible postsecondary institution; not-for-profit organization; philanthropic foundation; think tank; or municipal, territorial or provincial government; or
  • International postsecondary institution.


Any individual who makes a significant contribution to the project is eligible to be a collaborator. Collaborators do not need to be affiliated with an eligible Canadian postsecondary institution.

Individuals from the private sector or federal government can participate only as collaborators.

Multiple applications and holding multiple awards

Individuals can apply, as an applicant, for only one Connection Grant per calendar year.

An applicant cannot apply for or hold more than one Connection Grant for the same event or outreach activity. Applicants or project directors on an active SSHRC Connection Grant cannot apply as an applicant or a project director for another individual or institutional Connection Grant.

See SSHRC’s regulations regarding multiple applications and holding multiple awards for more information.


Grant holders will be expected to report on the use of grant funds, on funded activities undertaken during the grant period and on outcomes. Successful applicants will be informed of reporting requirements when they receive their notice of award.

Application process

Applicants must complete the application form in accordance with accompanying instructions. Applications must be submitted electronically by an authorized research grants officer or equivalent from the applicant’s institution, or by a representative of the not-for-profit organization that has financial signing authority and is not participating in the project.

Eligible postdoctoral researchers not currently affiliated with a SSHRC eligible institution can submit their applications directly to SSHRC.

Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications well in advance of the start date of the proposed event or outreach activity. They should submit their application by the deadline corresponding to the decision date most appropriate to their project’s needs, keeping in mind SSHRC cannot award a grant retroactively for an event or outreach activity that has taken place prior to the final funding decision. All funded activities must take place within one year of the start date indicated on the notice of award.

Applicants needing help while preparing their application should communicate with SSHRC well in advance of the application deadline.

SSHRC makes Connection Grant funding decisions through a merit review process during four funding cycles per year, according to the following schedule:

DeadlineFootnote * Decision Date
November 1 (8 p.m. eastern) January
February 1 (8 p.m. eastern) April
May 1 (8 p.m. eastern) July
June 20 (8 p.m. eastern) October

After the 8 p.m. (eastern) application deadline has passed, the application server will be offline for 48 hours and unable to accept applications. After this time, the server will come back online, ready to accept applications for the next competition deadline.

Merit review

Applications are reviewed, and available funds awarded, through a competitive merit review process. SSHRC bases funding decisions on the recommendations of the merit review committee and on the funds available. Committee discussions are guided by the principle of minimum essential funding.

SSHRC’s Guidelines for the Merit Review of Indigenous Research are relevant for researchers (applicants and project directors) and students preparing SSHRC applications related to Indigenous research. SSHRC provides these guidelines to merit reviewers to help build understanding of Indigenous research and research-related activities, and to assist committee members in interpreting SSHRC’s specific evaluation criteria in the context of Indigenous research. SSHRC relies on a community of merit reviewers with experience and expertise in Indigenous research to judge the extent to which the guidelines can be applied to a particular research proposal. SSHRC makes concerted efforts to include experts in Indigenous research in doctoral and postdoctoral merit review committee. The guidelines may also be of use to external assessors, postsecondary institutions and partner organizations that support Indigenous research.

Evaluation criteria and scoring

The following criteria and scoring scheme are used to evaluate the applications:

  1. Challenge—The aim and importance of the endeavour (40%):
    • originality, significance and expected contribution to the preservation of, access to and/or mobilization of research knowledge;quality of the proposed project and appropriateness of the approach;
    • quality and significance of the research being mobilized;
    • quality of training and mentoring to be provided to students, emerging scholars and other highly qualified personnel, and opportunities for them to contribute; and
    • potential for the project results to have influence and impact within and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community.
  2. Feasibility—The plan to achieve excellence (30%):
    • appropriateness of the proposed timeline and probability that the objectives will be met;
    • appropriateness of the requested budget and justification of proposed costs; and
    • indications of other planned resources including leveraging of cash and in-kind support from other sources.
  3. Capability—The expertise to succeed (30%):
    • quality, quantity and significance of past experience and published and/or creative outputs of the applicant / project director and any co-applicants relative to their roles in the event or activity and the stage of their career;
    • evidence of past knowledge mobilization activities (e.g., films, performances, commissioned reports, knowledge syntheses, experience in collaboration / other interactions with stakeholders, contributions to public debate and the media) and of impacts on professional practice, social services and policies, etc.; and
    • quality and quantity of past contributions to the training and mentoring of students, postdoctoral researchers and other highly qualified personnel.

Scoring table

Merit review committee members assign a score for each of the three criteria above, based on the following scoring table. The appropriate weighting is then applied to arrive at a final score. Applications must receive a score of 3.0 or higher for each of the three criteria to be recommended for funding.

Score Descriptor
5-6 Very good to excellent
4-4.9 Good to very good
3-3.9 Satisfactory to good
Below 3 Unsatisfactory

Communication of results

SSHRC makes competition results available to applicants (through the SSHRC Extranet for Applicants) and institutions (through the Grants and Scholarships Administration Portal), as applicable.

Regulations, policies and related information

SSHRC reserves the right to determine the eligibility of applications, based on the information included. SSHRC also reserves the right to interpret the regulations and policies governing its funding opportunities.

All applicants and grant/fellowship holders must comply with the Regulations Governing Grant Applications and with the regulations set out in the Tri-Agency Guide on Financial Administration.

Grant holders must also comply with the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications (see the Open Access overview for more information) and the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy, which replaced SSHRC’s Research Data Archiving policy for all active grants on April 1, 2021

Specific rules for the use of grant funds

  • Grant funds cannot be used to provide salaries or stipends to applicants, co-applicants or collaborators, regardless of an individual’s eligibility to apply for grants.
  • Grant funds cannot be used to provide salaries or stipends to Canadian faculty members or to other individuals whose status would make them eligible to hold a grant from the agency.
  • Grant funds cannot be used to pay for research activities.
  • Grant funds cannot be used to pay for conference registration fees.
  • An organization cannot be both a contractor and a sponsoring organization in the same project.
  • Grant funds can be used (up to $50,000) to develop connection-related tools for the purpose of knowledge mobilization activities.

Guidelines and related support material

All applicants for SSHRC funding should consult the following while preparing their application:

Contact information

For more information, contact:

Toll-free: 1-855-275-2861

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