Ted Hewitt, President

Travel Expenses—June 2, 2015 - September 1, 2015

Date(s) Purpose Total Cost
08/06/2015 Attend the CHIC (Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes) Workshop on Public Humanities $407.44
24/06/2015 Site visit of York University and Speaking Engagement at the MaRS Symposium $741.34
14/07/2015 To attend the Bonn Group Meeting $5,772.76
27/07/2015 Attend and participate at the Ministerial Announcement for Canada First Research Fund $974.57
04/08/2015 Triumf University Visit and other Meetings $1,801.20
12/08/2015 Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce (BCCC) Board of Directors $66.00
Total : $9,763.31

Hospitality Expenses—June 2, 2015 - September 1, 2015

Date(s) Purpose Total Cost
16/06/2015 Senior Management Committee Retreat $152.56
Total : $152.56