Contract Expenditures April 1, 2015 - June 30, 2015

Date Vendor Name Description Value
2015-04-10 R.A. MALATEST AND ASSOCIATES Other professional services not elsewhere specified - Grants Evaluation $94,976.50
2015-04-14 NICOLE BEGIN-HEICK & ASSOCIATES INC. Other professional services not elsewhere specified $24,975.00
2015-05-15 HAY GROUP LIMITED Purchase of Training Packages and Courses $24,860.00
2015-05-25 RENAUD FOSTER MANAGEMENT Human resources management services $54,724.77
2015-06-11 GOSS GILROY INC. Other Professional Services not elsewhere specified $121,287.14
2015-06-12 MODIS CANADA INC. Information Technology and Telecommunications Consultants. $1,126,477.76

Proactive disclosure for contracts over $10,000.00 in fiscal year 2015-16 for the period of April to June.

NB: The contract date represents the date that the contract is recorded in the departmental financial system.