Types of Approaches to Partnered Chairs
Selection Process
Funding Formula
Supporting Information and Documentation Required
Recognition of SSHRC
Applying institutions (such as universities, colleges, and some not-for-profit organizations) are invited to submit proposals with partners to establish Partnered Chairs that contribute directly to the objectives of the Research partnerships program, and that are aligned with the Partnership Grant funding opportunity description. Applicants may also create Partnered Chairs in collaboration with other organizations and institutions. However, the host institution will be responsible for managing the funds and for overall partnered chair arrangements.
Types of Approaches to Partnered Chairs
Below are two suggested approaches to applying for Partnered Chairs. If you would like to propose another approach, we encourage you to contact SSHRC program staff well in advance of the application deadline.
- A key feature of a broader funding proposal: Applicants can include a Partnered Chair as one of the key features, amongst others, of their Partnership Grant proposal. For example, a Partnership Grant proposal involving partners from the information technology (IT) sector could include a partnered chair to play an instrumental role in tracking how a rural community in northern Canada adapts to satellite technologies. In this example, the Partnered Chair would undertake activities related to a broader program of research in support of the Partnership Grant project’s goals, and that would help achieve the objectives of the Research partnerships program.
- A stand-alone Partnered Chair proposal: Applicants can submit a Partnership Grant proposal that focuses exclusively on creating one or more Partnered Chair(s) to be co-funded by SSHRC and either one other institution, or a number of other institutions and partners. An example of this approach would be two institutions pooling resources (cash and/or in-kind) with a private sector partner to support a chair or chairs to develop a research program on Canadian literature. In this case, the partnered chair(s) would be expected to lead a program of research and related activities in that field. Depending on the arrangement with the partner, the chair(s) may need to work closely with the partner, or be involved only at arm’s length. In all cases, however, the governance arrangements and operating methods of the partnership must be clearly specified in the application.
Selection Process
At Stage 1, applicants should indicate their intention to use one of the above approaches or another approach. Furthermore, at Stage 1, applicants should:
- explain the rationale for proposing one or more chairs as a sound approach for achieving the objectives of the Research partnerships program;
- explain the proposed funding arrangement to cover the chair’s salary (i.e., Will the host institution contribute funding to cover the salary or will the partners be expected to cover the entire salary?); and
- explain the process for selecting the partnered chair(s).
Note: At Stage 1, applicants may have already identified a candidate. If this is the case, in addition to responding to the above questions, applicants must also provide background information on the candidate’s track record.
SSHRC will consider applications for partnered chair positions created up to six months prior to the Stage 1 application deadline.
At Stage 2, proposed partnered chairholder must be identified. Applicants will be asked to explain or describe the following:
- the identity of the proposed partnered chair holder(s) and the selection process used;
- track record of the proposed partnered chairholder(s);
- relevance of the partnered chair(s) in achieving the proposed project goals;
- evidence demonstrating that the host institution and/or its partners have the confirmed cash to cover the salary of the partnered chair(s) for the duration of the grant; and
- outline of the proposed activities as well as the program of research, training and related activities to be undertaken by partnered chair(s).
Note: Partnered Chairs cannot currently hold an existing federal or a tri-agency chair position. However, should a candidate be offered a Canada Research Chair or other federally funded chair at some point following the submission of an application for a Partnered Chair, or during the period of the award, and should they wish to accept it, the institution must notify the SSHRC program officer. In such cases, the Partnered Chair proposal or award may be adjusted to ensure that there is no overlap in the funding of eligible expenses.
Funding Formula
The institution(s) and the partner(s) will pool cash and/or in-kind resources to cover the salaries of the Partnered Chair(s). SSHRC funds cannot be used to cover the chair’s salary. However, SSHRC funds can be used to cover other expenses that are eligible according to the
Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide.
It is expected that the cash contribution from the institution(s) and the partner(s) will be incremental and will contribute to creating a new chair position or several positions not currently in place.
Applying institutions are expected to secure, over and above the budget requested from SSHRC, a minimum of 35 per cent in additional resources from sources other than SSHRC during the life of the grant. The host institution and/or partners’ contribution towards the salary of the Partnered Chair position(s) will be counted as part of this 35 per cent minimum cash and/or in-kind contribution. For example, if $1 million is requested from SSHRC, a minimum of $350,000 in additional cash and/or in-kind support must be secured. Part of that $350,000 contribution would be in cash and would cover the full costs of salary and benefits for the partnered chair(s). For more information, refer to the guidelines for cash and/or in-kind contributions.
In accordance with the requirements of the Partnership Grant funding opportunity, Partnered Chair positions must have a duration of four to seven years, and be sustained for that period with funding by partners and institutions.
Supporting Information and Documentation Required
A letter clearly committing resources from the institution(s) and the partner(s) involved in supporting the partnered chair(s) must be attached to the full proposal. The letter must demonstrate that a formal agreement exists between the institution(s) and the partner(s) to maintain the Partnered Chair(s) for a minimum period of four to seven years.
Recognition of SSHRC
SSHRC should be recognized as contributing to the chair position(s).