Curriculum Vitae—SSHRC online CV Instructions
Note: Only the SSHRC online CV will be accepted. Other CVs (e.g., NSERC, Canadian Common CV) will not be accepted, nor will information from other CVs be transferred to the SSHRC online CV.
All participants (applicants and co-applicants) must complete or update their own SSHRC online CV using their Internet browser. We suggest that you print and consult this document and the Help with Online Forms document while you are completing your online CV. You may also refer to this document by clicking on "Instructions" at any time within a screen. This will link you directly to the instructions for the screen you are completing.
Applicant (not applicable to postdoctoral applicants)
When you submit electronically your application to the research administrator at your institution, the system will attach a copy of your CV to your application. By clicking "Submit", you confirm that all information provided is accurate and that you accept the Terms of Use. The act of "submitting" an application to the research administrator constitutes your electronic approval and replaces your handwritten signature.
Co-applicants (not applicable to postdoctoral applicants)
The act of "accepting" an applicant’s electronic invitation to participate in an application constitutes your electronic approval and replaces your handwritten signature. The system will also attach a copy of your CV to the application when it is forwarded to SSHRC.
When the research administrator at your institution forwards electronically your application to SSHRC (signed paper copies will no longer be necessary), the data provided in the online CVs and application form are then transferred to SSHRC's corporate database.
Only the information in the "Name" and "Language Proficiency" sections will be made available to selection committee members and/or external assessors. The information you provide in the "Citizenship" and "Statistical and Administrative Information" sections will be used by SSHRC for administrative and statistical purposes only. Filling out the Statistical and Administrative Information section is optional.
Names and Initials
SSHRC will use the information you provide in the Given Name, Initials, and Family Name boxes to address its correspondence to you.
If you use your second or third name as your given name, see the examples below for help in completing the initials box.
Example 1: A.J. Paul Moore
If you prefer to have your initials appear before your given name, you would enter:
Given Name | Initials | Family Name |
A.J. Paul |
Moore |
SSHRC correspondence would address you as Mr. A.J. Paul Moore.
Example 2: Joanne Francine Mélanie Trudeau (normally addressed as Mélanie)
If you usually use your second or third name as your given name and do not want your initials appearing before your given name, you would enter:
Given Name | Initials | Family Name |
Mélanie |
J.F. |
Trudeau |
SSHRC correspondence would address you as Ms. Mélanie J.F. Trudeau.
Language proficiency
Indicate your proficiencies in both official languages, and any other languages.
Indicate your citizenship status by selecting the appropriate option button and answering the applicable questions. Permanent residents should specify the date of permanent residency.
Applicants who are neither citizens nor permanent residents of Canada can now apply to SSHRC’s grant programs. However, they must be employed in teaching or research by the administering institution for the entire duration of the award—unless the eligibility criteria of the program to which they are applying explicitly states otherwise.
Note: The above restriction does not apply to applicants who are citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Consult the Definitions section of SSHRC's website for more information on applicant.
Foreign researchers are eligible to apply as co-applicants to selected SSHRC programs. Please consult the Definitions section of SSHRC's website for more information on "Co-applicants".
If you are applying for a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship or a SSHRC Doctoral Award, you must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada or a protected person under subsection 95(2) of Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act as of the application deadline. If you are a protected person, select “Other” from the citizenship drop-down menu and type the information in the field provided, along with the date on which you obtained this status.
Statistical and Administrative Information
Postal Code
Enter the postal code from your permanent address in Canada (do not include spaces or dashes, e.g., KIP6G4).
Council Identification (CID) Number
The Council Identification (CID) number is a unique identifier that SSHRC assigns to each participant. It is used primarily as an identification key for SSHRC's corporate database and to help us communicate with our clients. If you already have your CID number, enter it here. If you do not know this number, contact the program officer responsible for your committee. If you do not have one yet, please leave this box blank, and SSHRC will assign a CID to you.
Current Position
Enter your current place of employment or university affiliation and your "Contact Information" in this section. If you have changed positions, click on the "New Current Position" button to create a new position. Your previous position will automatically be included in the Work Experience screen. Your current position will then appear as the first entry in Work Experience.
Indicate your position (e.g., Associate Professor, Director, Community Organizer, Student, Postdoctoral fellow or associate). If an applicable position is not listed, select "Other" from the list and type the information in the box provided.
Use only if your current place of employment or university affiliation is not with a Canadian university. (If you are affiliated with a department at a Canadian university, the department's mailing address will be entered once your data is transferred to SSHRC's corporate database.) If you wish the Council to use another address in order to contact you, specify it under the "Correspondence Address" section of the Address screen.
For countries other than Canada and the United States, select the "Other" address format and enter the city/municipality, province or state and postal or zip code in the address lines.
Contact Information
The following information will help us contact you more rapidly. Secondary information will not be released by SSHRC without your consent (e.g., home coordinates are considered to be personal information and are protected under the Privacy Act). This information will appear on the Identification page and will not be seen by selection committee members and external assessors.
Correspondence Address
Complete this screen only if you wish your correspondence to be sent to an address other than that of your current place of employment or university affiliation, or if you have a temporary address.
Permanent Canadian Address (for Postdoctoral Fellowship applicants only)
Regardless of your citizenship status (Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada), you must provide your permanent address in Canada, even if it is the same as your Current Mailing Address.
Temporary Address
If providing a temporary address, phone number and/or E-mail address, ensure that you enter the effective dates.
Work Experience
The information entered in the Current Position screen should not be repeated here. List all other positions, academic and non-academic, you have held, beginning with the most recent. Once the data are saved, the system will automatically sort the data in reverse chronological order, based on the start year.
Indicate your position (e.g., Associate Professor, Director, Community Organizer. Student, Postdoctoral fellow or associate). If an applicable position is not listed, select "Other" from the list and type the information in the box provided. List a maximum of 15 other positions.
Select the Organization and Department/Division by clicking on the "List&hellp;" button. The Country list will appear. Select the country, the province or state (if applicable), then the organization. If the Organization or Department/Division is not listed, select "Other" from the list and type the information in the box provided.
Academic Background
You may list up to five degrees. Check the corresponding box to designate the highest degree you have earned. The highest degree will appear first and all others will appear in reverse chronological order, based on the start date. Degrees currently in progress cannot be listed as the Highest degree.
When required, identify the information requested by clicking on the "List…" button. If the appropriate information is not listed, select "Other" from the list and type the information in the box provided.
Degree type and Degree name
Indicate your degree type by selecting it from the choices provided. If you choose "equivalent" degree, enter the degree name in the Degree name box. You may also use this box to give more details about your Degree name if you think this information would be helpful to us (e.g., degrees that involve interdisciplinary programs).
Start date/Expected date/Awarded date
For completed degrees, indicate the date the degree was awarded. For degrees in progress, enter your expected date of completion.
List up to six awards, scholarships, fellowships, distinctions, licences and professional designations you have received and think would be the most pertinent to the adjudication of your application. List them in reverse chronological order, based on the year awarded.
Information entered on the Funded Research screen should not be repeated here.
If applicable, give the name or a brief description of the award or distinction.
Select the country name by clicking on the "List…" button.
Note: The Source and Duration are mandatory fields if you are applying to the Postdoctoral Fellowships Program.
Research Expertise
The information provided in this section refers to your own ongoing research interests, not to a particular research proposal.
Select appropriate entries under each of the sections using the "List…" button. Duplicate entries are not permitted.
List keywords, separated by semicolons, that best describe your areas of research expertise.
Indicate and rank up to five disciplines that best correspond to your research interests. If an applicable discipline is not listed, you may select an entry such as "Other (relevant discipline)" (e.g., Other Psychology, Other Anthropology, Other Sociology) from the list, and type the information in the box provided.
Entry 1 | Sociology |
Entry 2 | Other Psychology |
Entry 3 | Other Anthropology |
Entry 4 | Other Humanities |
Entry 5 | "Other" |
Duplicate entries are not permitted. For instance, you cannot choose "Other Psychology" in Entry 2 and choose it again in Entry 3. Also, you can only choose "Other" (with an explanation) once in all of the five entries.
Areas of Research
Indicate and rank up to three areas of research that best correspond to your research interests as well as areas to which your research interests would apply.
Temporal Periods
If applicable, indicate up to two historical periods covered by your research interests.
Geographical Regions
If applicable, indicate and rank up to three geographical regions covered by your research interests.
If applicable, indicate and rank up to five countries covered by your research interests.
Funded Research
This section is intended to include grants and funding specifically for research, as opposed to general awards. List up to eight grants or contracts you have received from SSHRC and other sources. It is not uncommon for postdoctoral researchers to leave this section blank.
The information entered in the Credentials screen should not be repeated here. Once the data are saved, the system will automatically sort the data in reverse chronological order, based on the year awarded.
Funding organization
Select the funding organization by clicking on the "List…" button. If the funding organization is not listed, select "Other" from the list and type the full organization name in the box provided.
Year awarded/Completion status
Indicate the year the funding was awarded and the completion status of the research for which the grant or contract was awarded.
Indicate your role (applicant/principal investigator, co-applicant, etc.) in the funded research.
Applicant's name
If you are not the applicant (principal investigator) for the research project, specify that person's name in the spaces provided.
Refer to the instructions given earlier in this document under "Identification" (Names and Initials) before completing this area.
Project title/Total amount
List the project title and the total amount of money received for each grant or contract. Do not include decimals or cents.
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