Government Partners

Do you need background studies, data collection or future projections and reference material to lead policy decisions? Do you want to network with experts in academia and beyond who can help?

Collaborate innovatively with researchers and students towards mutual goals.

Social science and humanities research and related activities funded by SSHRC draw together participants and organizations locally, regionally, provincially, nationally and internationally to ask new questions about historical issues and situations, theorize about potential outcomes and develop possible solutions to current problems.

Partnerships in Action

Still image-video of Joanne Burgess and Léon Robichaud

Joanne Burgess &
Léon Robichaud

How it Works

  1. Consider the research questions and/or gaps in talent needs, and how social science and humanities research and knowledge mobilization activities could assist you.
  2. Find the researchers best suited to your needs by exploring your own contacts, SSHRC’s awards search engine or connecting with university and college research offices (view SSHRC eligible institutions). Researchers or institutions may also approach potential partners directly.
  3. Meet with researchers and additional partners, if relevant, to discuss the potential partnership.
  4. Work with your team members and partners to develop and submit a grant application. The application must be submitted on behalf of the partnership by a “project director.” All grants awarded by SSHRC must be administered by an eligible Canadian institution, and the project director must be affiliated with this institution. Please note that federal government departments and organizations may partner with a Partnership Grants funding opportunity, and individuals from this sector may participate as collaborators.
  5. After a competitive review process, your partnership may be awarded a grant. See Funding for complete funding opportunity descriptions and upcoming application deadlines.

At any time, contact SSHRC for more information on partnership funding opportunities including Partnership Development Grants and Partnership Grants.

Read the tips in the Partnerships Tool-Kit.