Business Partners

Research and knowledge collaborations give you access to unique information, skills and talent that can help drive innovation and business success.

SSHRC partnership grants provide opportunities for Canadian and international businesses to work jointly with researchers in the social sciences and humanities and with other partners.

These partnerships can help you develop cutting-edge ideas and solutions to enhance your products and services, expand your markets, and increase your productivity.

Social sciences and humanities researchers across Canada are examining a wide range of business and management issues, from recruitment and retention to cost optimization and intercultural relations.

If you represent a for-profit organization, or are involved in an industry association or consortium, take advantage of the opportunity to work with researchers and students who bring their knowledge, connections and talent to help you succeed.

Partnerships in Action

Still-vidéo image of Neil Randall

Neil Randall

How it works

  1. Consider the research questions and/or gaps in talent needs, and how social science and humanities research and knowledge mobilization activities could assist you.
  2. Find the potential participants (i.e. co‑applicants and collaborators) and partners best suited to your needs by exploring SSHRC’s awards search engine or contacting university and college research offices (view SSHRC eligible institutions). You may also approach potential partners directly.
  3. Meet with participants and other partners, if relevant, to discuss the potential partnership.
  4. Work with your team members and partners to develop and submit a grant application. The application must be submitted on behalf of the partnership by a “project director.” All grants awarded by SSHRC must be administered by an eligible Canadian institution, and the project director must be affiliated with this institution. Please also note that private sector organizations may partner with a Partnership Grants funding opportunity, and individuals from this sector may participate as collaborators.
  5. After a competitive review process, your partnership may be awarded a grant. See Funding for complete funding opportunity descriptions and upcoming application deadlines.

At any time, contact SSHRC for more information on partnership funding opportunities including Partnership Development Grants and Partnership Grants.

Read the tips in the Partnerships Tool‑Kit.