Imagining Canada’s Future Ideas Lab: Canada and the Circular Economy

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The Imagining Canada’s Future (ICF) Ideas Lab is an exciting, new two-year pilot program designed to encourage innovative research partnerships and projects. By breaking down methodological barriers and empowering participants to explore new approaches to research, the ICF Ideas Lab will aid knowledge sharing and provide foundations for future interdisciplinary projects.

If you enjoy collaborating with other researchers and are seeking new challenges, this funding opportunity may be for you.

What is the ICF Ideas Lab?

Ideas labs are interactive workshops developed by research agencies to stimulate new research on pressing societal challenges.

Participants in the ICF Ideas Lab will join a diverse group of researchers representing different disciplines and institutions in a facilitated, virtual workshop. Workshop participants will form small teams to develop and pitch innovative research proposals to a jury of merit reviewers.

Teams with the most promising proposals will be invited to apply for funding to further develop their project idea. SSHRC will award up to three grants of up to $250,000.

What is the theme?

Participants will address the global challenge of “Living within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity” through the workshop’s theme of “Canada and the Circular Economy.”

Increasingly, Canadians are concerned about the environmental impacts of existing systems of production and consumption. The circular economy offers a sustainable alternative to the current, linear model of production-consumption-waste. Circularity focuses on getting as much value as possible from resources, while eliminating waste and greenhouse gas emissions at all stages of production. The circular economy also addresses deeper issues around consumption, human behaviour and our relationship with the natural world.

During the ICF Ideas Lab, workshop participants will develop projects that evaluate or support circularity in Canadian homes, businesses and public institutions.

How to apply

Competition closed

SSHRC is looking for innovative scholars from all disciplines to be part of this pilot program. To apply to participate in the workshop, submit a letter of interest and CV before July 16, 2021. For more information, see the funding opportunity description.

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