Award Recipients for SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships: 2022 Competition

Applicant Affiliation Title Funding
Adam, Edmund York University Nuances of internationalization: An intersectional analysis of international students' experiences in post-secondary institutions in Australia, Canada, and Germany $90,000
Alexander, Danielle University of Ottawa A Design Thinking Approach to Enhancing Gender Equity in Sport for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities in Canada $90,000
Almanssori, Salsabel University of Windsor Pedagogy of Social Change: Teacher Education to Prevent Sexual Violence $90,000
Amini, Babak The University of British Columbia An Emerging Discipline in a Warring World: Classical Sociology and the First World War $90,000
Amosava, Tatsiana V. Carleton University Humour in Anti-Authoritarian Political Discourse in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine $45,000
Bandarchian Rashti, Nesa York University Through the eyes of Afghan girls and young women as refugees $90,000
Beaudoin, Christine Carleton University A living lab approach to assess "other effective area-based conservation measures" in the Canadian context $90,000
Benson-Sokmen, Susan York University Revolutionary Pasts, the Authoritarian Present and Emancipatory Futures: Kurdish Women and Memorial Resistance in the Middle East $90,000
Bowen, Haley E. McGill University Breaching the Cloister: Convents, Laywomen, and the State in the Early Modern French Empire $45,000
Breault, Chantale Université du Québec à Montréal L'inclusion de l'enfant à besoins particuliers en Centre de la petite enfance selon une approche sociale : recherche collaborative explorant la vision et le pouvoir d'agir de l'enfant et d'adultes-clés $90,000
Cagulada, Elaine K. Queen's University Stories of Disability and Race: Memorialized Life within Kingston Penitentiary, 1835-2013 $90,000
Carline, Katie A. Dalhousie University Township churches, violence, and conflict resolution in South Africa's transition to democracy, 1990-1994 $90,000
Caron, Cloé Université de Genève Les syntagmes stéréotypés dans les textes des pyramides : étude sur les motifs des formules de transfiguration et sur leur processus de composition $90,000
Carron, Samantha M. The University of British Columbia « L'Autre, c'est moi » : la fluidité du je travesti dans le discours romanesque du XVIIe siècle $90,000
Chaput, Emmanuel Johns Hopkins University Le concept de vie dans la philosophie politique de Hegel à la lumière des enjeux contemporains $90,000
Chen, Ling Harvard University Transnational Climate Cooperation and Lawmaking: Case Studies of Cities and Corporations in Canada, China, and the United States $90,000
Chien, Christopher Simon Fraser University Comparison without Commensuration: Art, Difference, and Coalition across Global Asia $90,000
Cloutier-Trépanier, Béatrice Queen's University Lee Lozano in (feminist) conversations $90,000
Comtois, Nicolas École pratique des hautes études Traduction et commentaire du traité 5 (V, 9) de Plotin $90,000
Cooper, Mariah Dalhousie University Rape Myths: A Medieval History with Modern Consequences $90,000
Coupienne, Marilyn Centre de recherche de Montréal sur les inégalités sociales et les discriminations De la prise en charge de la déviance féminine par le droit : étude des pratiques de contrôle des adolescentes délinquantes par la protection de la jeunesse $90,000
Couture, Stéphanie Université de Montréal Intimité et bien-être sexuel lors de la transition vers l'âge adulte : méthodes mixtes combinant étude quantitative longitudinale et étude qualitative observationnelle $90,000
Csenkey, Kristen A. Toronto Metropolitan University Regulatory Reponses to the Uncertainty of Disruptive Technologies: A Comparative Case Study of Governance Through Standardization Policy of Quantum-Safe Algorithms $90,000
Cyr, Emily N. York University Boosting Girls' Belonging and Persistence in STEM by Intervening with Boys $90,000
Daly, Christine A. University of Waterloo Continuing Co-Reclamation: Gesturing Towards Intercultural Collaboration and the Renewal of Indigenous Cultural Landscapes after Oil Sands Extraction in the Fort McKay Traditional Territory, Treaty 8, Alberta $90,000
Danson Faraday, Jacob A. McGill University An Intersectional Analysis of Gender in the Live Sound Industry, Past and Present $90,000
Dean, Nikolaus A. The University of Waikato Exploring Adaptive Skateboarding and Its 'Push' for the Paralympic Games $90,000
Derome, Léa University of Toronto Aristotle on perceptual accuracy and animal cognition $90,000
Dickson, Daniel D. University of Ottawa Drifting From De- to Re-institutionalization: Housing Policy for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Canada $90,000
Dineen, Tineke E. The University of British Columbia Scaling-up a community-based diabetes prevention program: A longitudinal matrixed multiple case study to examine implementation context $90,000
Dogar, Didem York University An analysis of automated systems in the EU used in the fields of migration and asylum as per the substitution principle $90,000
Duchesne, Émile McGill University Appréhender le passé et l'histoire autochtone à travers la mythologie : un projet de base de données pour la mythologie innue $90,000
Dunbar Winsor, Katharine Wilfrid Laurier University Examining Managed Alcohol Programs as a Harm Reduction Approach for Women in their Reproductive Years $90,000
Duncan, Emily R. University of Regina Algorithmic Agriculture: Exploring the role of digitalization on decision making in farming $90,000
Dykstra, Victoria University of California, Irvine Adolescent disclosure and concealment of negative experiences: Examining honesty promotion in the context of adolescent development $90,000
Eldridge, Aaron University of Toronto Religious Space, Ecological Sensibility and the Unseen in Lebanon $90,000
Elliott, Christian M. Brown University International Climate Commitments and Domestic Lobbying: Analyzing Financial Sector Alignment in the United States $90,000
Fleerackers, Alice L. The University of British Columbia Scholarly communication in the news: Investigating how mediatization of science shapes journalism $90,000
Fréchette-Simard, Catherine Université de Montréal Conditions favorisant l'adoption de pratiques enseignantes efficaces pour prévenir les problèmes de santé mentale chez les élèves du primaire $90,000
Fried, Ben A H. Dalhousie University Migration and the making of Anglophone literatures $90,000
Gagné-Julien, Anne-Marie Université de Montréal Démocratiser l'expertise en psychiatrie $90,000
Gelbard, Sarah B. University of Ottawa Just Home: Mapping Collective Housing Journeys of Gender and Criminalization $90,000
Gerbasi, Joseph V.D. Princeton University The Ancient Greeks and Ecology: Rethinking the Philosophical Legacy in an Age of Climate Crisis $90,000
Gilbert Tremblay, Ugo Université Laval Les paradoxes juridiques et démocratiques de la conception « virologique » de la propagande haineuse $90,000
Gillett, Molly-Claire I.M. National University of Ireland, Galway Crafting Communities: place, care and identity in rural Irish and Canadian women's lives $90,000
Giroux-Works, Nakeyah University of Ottawa Pour une écologie politique de la réhabilitation environnementale : ethnographie des cimetières naturels au Québec $90,000
Gold, Efrat York University Narrative Tensions between "Expert" and "Lived Experience" in Mental Health Archives $90,000
Gradito Dubord, Marc-Antoine Curtin University L'ère de la transformation numérique des interventions en psychologie positive : exploration scientifique de l'utilisation de deux plateformes numériques sur la motivation des équipes de travail $90,000
Gravel, Anne-Sophie Université du Québec à Montréal Entre stéréotypes et subversions : les féminins en tension dans les webséries de Radio-Canada $90,000
Greenwood, Steven Concordia University Queer Detective Fiction and the Montréal Postwar Criminal Underworld $90,000
Grenier, Yan New York University Conditions de mobilité et exercice du droit à l'égalité des personnes viant des situations de handicap : la mise en accessibilité du réseau de transport de la ville de New York $90,000
Guernet-Mouton, Marianne University of Toronto A New World for-profit: Funding French Atlantic trade in the 18th century and its long-term effects on financial institutions and minorities $90,000
Hai, Tasmia University of Manitoba Identifying Needs of Stress-Exposed Children: Baseline and Longitudinal Predictors of Well-being in a National Cohort Study $90,000
Handziuk, Natalia M. University of Notre Dame Why Houses of the Dead Speak for Cities of the Living $90,000
Hassan, Raha University of Guelph Emotion reactivity and regulation in middle childhood: Influence of family emotion dynamics $90,000
Hatton-Proulx, Clarence Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Gérer les déchets urbains par l'incinération : comparaison historique de la trajectoire des incinérateurs des Carrières (Montréal) et d'Ivry (Paris), 1969-2023 $90,000
Hopper, Courtneay E. The University of British Columbia Ancient proteins in ceramics: Paleoproteomic perspectives on the social, economic, and subsistence decisions of Later Stone Age herders in South Africa $90,000
Hucklebridge, Sherry A. Memorial University of Newfoundland Speakers and Possibilities: Conceptualizations of the Future in Dene Languages $45,000
Iavarone-Turcotte, Anne The City University of New York Grandeurs et misères du « choix » : penser et habiliter la prise de décision des femmes en contexte d'oppression $90,000
Jamal, Shaila McGill University Spatiotemporal analysis of intergenerational everyday travel in Montreal $90,000
Johnson, Letitia University of Victoria Lasting Local Effect: Remembering Health Care Provided by Japanese Canadian Internees in Remote British Columbia Internment Sites (1940s) $90,000
Kane, Owen H. Brock University English Civility and Early Modern Arctic Contact Literature $90,000
KC, Luna Simon Fraser University Rebels to Politicians: Women Ex-Combatants' Transformation into Political Representatives in Post-Conflict Nepal and Colombia $90,000
Kerrigan, Danielle J. University of California, Berkeley The digital "Mom-and-Pop" landlord: the influence of prop-tech on landlord-tenant relations $90,000
Khalil, Samiha University of Toronto Palestine, Alienation and Questions of Home in Philosophy $90,000
Kim, Su Kyung The University of British Columbia Justified treatment? An investigation of when and why customers mistreat service employees $90,000
Kingston, Andrew J. McMaster University Wolves and Tricksters: Posthuman Voices in the Oral Tradition $90,000
Kirkpatrick, Casey L. McGill University An Archaeogenetic Investigation of the Origins and Evolution of Syphilis and Other Treponemal Diseases $90,000
Komori, Jane The University of British Columbia Moved to Work: Mobilizing Asian and Indigenous Labour in British Columbia's Extractive Industries, 1858-1942 $90,000
Kramers, Sara C. The University of British Columbia Where are we now, where are we going? Advancing women in coaching through feminist participatory action research $90,000
Kratz, Veronika Queen's University Atomic Ecosystems: A Cultural Analysis of Cold War Radioecology $90,000
Lachance, Erik Brock University Goal or No Goal? Explaining the Relationship between Decision Making and Effectiveness in Sport Organization Boards $90,000
Lambert, Kevin Université du Québec à Chicoutimi L'imaginaire colonial dans la littérature du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean $90,000
Lapierre, Hugo G. Université Laval Étude comparative de l'effet de la robotique éducative et du langage visuel sur l'apprentissage de la programmation chez les jeunes $90,000
Lavigne, Mathieu Dartmouth College How political and media discourses impact citizens' perceptions of misinformation $90,000
Le Forestier, Joel M. Cornell University Examining the role of identity threat and concealment in sexual minority health disparities $90,000
Legendre, Izabeau Concordia University The Factsheet Five Corpus and its Legacies. An Archeology of Contemporary Zine Culture $90,000
Legendre, Maxime Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Santé mentale et engagement parental chez les mères avec un historique de maltraitance : comprendre la résilience par le biais de la mentalisation $90,000
Lepage-Richer, Théo Concordia University Computing the North: National Histories of Resource Extraction and Mediation $90,000
Lévesque, Ann Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Le prélèvement d'eau à des fins d'irrigation en contexte de conflit de conservation : une étude de cas sur l'action collective des systèmes agraires à travers la théorie des jeux $90,000
Levesque, Simon Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Figures de l'écrivain blanc en autochtone $90,000
Levine, Shelby L. Carleton University It takes a village: How do individuals mobilize their supporters to achieve their goals? $90,000
Lopez-Rodriguez, Irene Universidad de Huelva Animal Symbols and Gender Violence in Contemporary Spanish and Canadian Literature (20th and 21st centuries) $90,000
Ludwig, Dylan M. New York University Functions of Consciousness in Visual Perception $90,000
Mack, Amy C. University of Oslo Participating in patriarchy: How Canadian women (re)produce the far-right $90,000
MacLachlan, Janna L. Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre Exploring and conceptualizing a service delivery model grounded in Inuit knowledge for women and child victims of violence in Nunavut $90,000
March, Loren York University Queer pandemic ecologies in Toronto $90,000
McLeod, Dayna Middlebury College Excavating Middle-Aging Queer Female Subjects in Film through Video Essay Scholarship $90,000
Michalovich, Amir Simon Fraser University Participatory digital media production with teachers of newcomer youth: Toward anti-oppressive transformative pedagogies $90,000
Mockler, Patricia E. Western University  Political participation in unprecedented times: Assessing pandemic trends in political behaviour in Canada $90,000
Mongrain, Philippe Université libre de Bruxelles Debiasing Citizens: Actively Open-Minded Thinking in Polarized Times $90,000
Moore, Andrew University of Saskatchewan Mapping Material Consumption and Access to Resources in Southeast England, 1250-1450 $90,000
Movahedi Pour, Hamed McGill University The metaphysics of historical formations and subjectivation: Deleuze, Foucault, and Bergson $90,000
Musiwa, Anthony S. McMaster University Fatherhood and men's participation in care for pregnant mothers in rural Zimbabwe: Towards fair opportunity and culturally relevant policies and practice $90,000
Occhietti, Raphaelle University of Guelph Picturing the Ecology of Finance: How Contemporary Art Captures Economy's Conflation with Nature $90,000
Ofosu, Eugene University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The Psychological Understanding of Structural Bias by the Average Individual $90,000
Ouellet, Catherine McGill University Lifestyle et politique : étudier les choix du quotidien pour mieux comprendre la polarisation citoyenne et les préjugés $90,000
Pageau-St-Hilaire, Antoine Université de Montréal Ethics without Metaphysics? Gadamer's Aristotle Between Appropriation and Critique $90,000
Pannetier Leboeuf, Gabrielle Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Représentations et stéréotypes féminins comparés dans la narcoculture mexicaine : une étude des personnages féminins dans quatre types de productions audiovisuelles sur le narcotrafic $90,000
Papale, François Université Laval Embracing complexity in evolutionary biology: evaluating the epistemic usefulness of reduction $90,000
Paquin-Boudreau, Amylie Université de Genève L'expérience des parents vivant une coparentalité conflictuelle après la séparation : effet du genre et du contexte socio-culturel au Québec et en Suisse romande $90,000
Perkins-McVey, Matthew Bar-Ilan University Drugs on the brain, or: how we learned to think chemically $90,000
Perron, Laurence Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Genre du procès et procès du genre. Remises en question queer des épistémologies juridiques et des normes de genre dans les représentations littéraires de procès $90,000
Pham, Theresa Western University Oral language in the classroom $90,000
Pimenova, Oxana University of Windsor Developing a predictive machine learning model to detect and forecast Argument Continuities in government-led reasoning: the case of superficial Indigenous consultations $90,000
Plante-Hebert, Julien Université du Québec à Montréal Caractéristiques prosodiques d'appelants trompeurs au service d'urgences 9-1-1 $90,000
Plant, Jessica University of Toronto Molding States: Stucco as an Agent in the Politics of Space $90,000
Poirier, Brigitte Queen's University Vulnerable and (In)visible: Exploring Implications of Police Body-Worn Camera Use for Victims and People Experiencing Mental Health Crises $90,000
Price, Taylor R. New York University Transforming Libraries of Sound into Music: The Role of Archives in the Creative Process of Music Producers $90,000
Quinlan, Joshua A. University of Waterloo The Role of Need Frustration and Uncertainty in Receptivity to Misinformation $90,000
Ramirez Herrera, Juliana University of Toronto Ancient American Art (History) in Canada: The Ceramics at the Gardiner Museum $90,000
Raulier, Marie University of Basel Amazones de l'Ancien Régime. Représentations et réécritures d'un mythe $90,000
Reid, Darren S. McGill University Colonial saboteurs? Settler-led Indigenous rights organizations in the Anglo World, 1840-1940 $90,000
Revington, Robert C. Queen's University Confronting Anti-Semitism and Indigenous Issues in the History of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies $90,000
Ritchie, Patrick M. Simon Fraser University A Sts'ailes-Coast Salish Settlement Constellation $90,000
Rivard, Alexandre University of Calgary Not in My Backyard: Determinants of Opposition and Support for New Housing $45,000
Rogers, Allyson Carleton University Sounds of Change: Jazz and Experimental Music at the National Film Board of Canada During Quebec's Quiet Revolution $90,000
Roy-Vallières, Maude Université Laval Des contextes éducatifs propices à la réussite éducative : portrait du soutien à l'apprentissage offert à l'éducation préscolaire en contextes conventionnel et à ciel ouvert $90,000
Ruder, Sarah-Louise University of the Fraser Valley Cultivating Technology Sovereignty for Cellular Agriculture in Canada: Power, Politics, and Policy $90,000
Sangiuliano, Anthony R. University of Toronto How Judges Can Use Tort Law as a Tool to Create a More Just Society $90,000
Schott, Nicole D. Memorial University of Newfoundland Gathering and Sharing Eating Disorder Stories through Performing Research-Informed Poetry $90,000
Shaul, Dylan Kyle Zlotnik Yale University Hegel and Judaism: God, the Law, Exile, and Redemption $45,000
Shchuka, Virlana M. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Labour's Haunting Refrain: Tracing Maternal Guilt, Trauma, and the Memory of Childbirth Complications in Romantic-period and Contemporary Novels $90,000
Shodjaee-Zrudlo, Ilya Queen's University An interpretive critique of the learning sciences $90,000
Shore, Krystle University of Waterloo Examining the adoption of electronic health records software in Canadian long-term care: For what and for whom? $45,000
Sick, Kelsey V. Stanford University Modeling affective experiences related to the physical self: From verbal theory to formal computation $90,000
Stroud Stasel, Rebecca Western University  Unpacking transnational policyscapes of "special education": Toward equitable, culturally sensitive and inclusive practices in international schools $90,000
Tasker, Heather Queen's University Justice Through Care?: Holistic Support Programs and Legal Decision Making for Survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo $90,000
Taylor, Joanne The University of British Columbia A new model of transboundary water governance for the Columbia River Basin $90,000
Templeman, Jessica E.C. The University of British Columbia Understanding Criminal Deportation: Race, Constitutionality and the Canadian Immigration System $90,000
Thompson, Samantha University of Victoria Co-operatives in Crises: Renters' experiences of care in housing co-ops $90,000
Tilleczek, William C. McGill University The Ethics of Neoliberal Capitalism: Historical and Comparative Perspectives $90,000
Tissera, Hasagani University of Toronto Towards a Functional Understanding of the Role of Metaperceptions in Social Interactions $90,000
Toupin, Sophie University of Toronto Decolonial and Feminist Digital Governance $90,000
Treffers, Stefan R. University of Windsor At the Frontiers of Private Urban Governance: Examining Condominiums and Business Improvement Districts in Windsor and Detroit $90,000
Tucker, Aaron R. University of Toronto Machine Landscapes: The Canadian Development of Artificial Intelligence as Techno-National Project $90,000
Turgeon, Jessica University of Calgary Cycles of maltreatment: A focus on intergenerational continuity and discontinuity $90,000
Udenigwe, Ogochukwu C. University of Sydney Exploring knowledge practices in global maternal health policy consultations $90,000
Vallée-Dubois, Florence University of Toronto The Impact of Contextual Changes on Ideas about Democratic Representation: Reactions of Dominant, Marginalized Groups and their Representatives $90,000
Vazquez Cordoba, Hector M. University of Victoria Learning in community: Envisioning bridges of collaboration between Indigenous culture bearers and music teacher candidates $90,000
Vernon, Thomas R. York University Staying in the Game: a post-doctoral cinema and digital humanities training project theorizing stigma as a creative and critical tool $90,000
Wamsley, Dillon University of Sheffield Depoliticization, Macroeconomic Policymaking, and Democratic Governance in Transatlantic Politics Since 2008 $90,000
Wang, Sze Yuh Nina Cornell University Understanding and Combatting the Spread of Conspiracy Theories Using a Computational Social Science Approach $90,000
Wapeemukwa, Wayne R. The University of British Columbia Partisans of the Soil: Racial Capitalism and Métis Dispossession, 1870-1920 $90,000
Weldrick, Rachel Toronto Metropolitan University Going it alone: Geo-narratives of older renters who live alone in the urban periphery of Hamilton and Toronto, ON $90,000
Yanful, Bernice University College London Cultivating Food Systems Change: Black Youth and Food Sovereignty in Toronto and London $90,000
Yang, Ruilin Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Generating Knowledge through Outward Foreign Direct Investments: Acquisition, Radiation, and Regional Development $90,000
Yoneda, Tomiko B. The University of British Columbia The Importance of Personality Traits for Within-Couple Synchrony in Optimal Aging $90,000
Zeghiche, Sabrina Université du Québec en Outaouais La construction de l'insémination frauduleuse comme problème social : une étude exploratoire qualitative $90,000
Zhu, Joyce McGill University The emotion dynamics of impulsivity: An experience sampling study using dynamic structural equation modeling $90,000
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