Award Recipients for Knowledge Synthesis Grants: Gender-Based Violence

Applicant Barb MacQuarrie Western University
Adriana Berlingieri Western University
Title Best and promising practices to end gender-based harassment and violence at work: A multi-pronged approach
Years 1
Funding $29,941
ApplicantZack MarshallUniversity of Calgary
Co-applicant Alan Santinele Martino University of Calgary
Katherine Maurer McGill University
Martin Morris McGill University
Richard S. Henry McGill University
Collaborator Hartmut Krentz University of Calgary
Jessica H.B. Whitehead McGill University
LeeAndra Miller Central Toronto Youth Services
Rene Peltekian Nova Scotia Health Authority
Title Help-seeking experiences of 2SLGBTQQIA+ survivors and/or perpetrators of intimate partner violence
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantJennifer J.A. MarchbankSimon Fraser University
Co-applicant Balbir K. Gurm Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Claire E. Robson Simon Fraser University
Gloria M. Gutman Simon Fraser University
Kathleen J. Reed Vancouver Island University
Title Elder abuse in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender + communities
Years 1
Funding $16,679
ApplicantKatherine L. SalterDalhousie University
Co-applicant Donna M. Halperin St. Francis Xavier University
Elizabeth A. McGibbon St. Francis Xavier University
Title Precarious Employment, Gig Work and Gender-based Violence
Years 1
Funding $29,985
ApplicantGenevieve F. JohnsonSimon Fraser University
Title Criminalization as a Compounding Contributor to Gender-Based Violence against Trans, Non-Binary, and/or Racialized Sex Workers
Years 1
Funding $27,854
ApplicantJennifer A. JasperJustice Institute of British Columbia
Title Gender-based violence amongst first responders in training and work-place settings: a scoping review
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantBilkis VissandjéeUniversité de Montréal
Co-applicant Ann P. Pederson BC Women's Hospital and Health Centre
Arminée Kazanjian The University of British Columbia
Caterine Bourassa-Dansereau Université du Québec à Montréal
Estibaliz Jimenez Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Gillian Einstein University of Toronto
Margaret J. Haworth-Brockman University of Manitoba
Marie-Marthe Cousineau Université de Montréal
Nancy Clark University of Victoria
Neeru Gupta University of New Brunswick
Shira Goldenberg Centre for Gender & Sexual Health Equity
Collaborator Adelaïde Blavier Université de Liège
Adina Ungureanu Alliance des communautés culturelles pour l'égalité dans la santé et les services sociaux
Alisa Tukkimaki Other/Unknown
Angela Dawson University of Technology, Sydney
Angela Deane University of Toronto
Annick Legault Boisclair & Legault Law Firm
Djenabou Sangaré Réseau d'action pour l'égalité des femmes immigrées et racisées du Québec
Élise Dubuc Université de Montréal
Geneviève Rail Concordia University
Marianne Kana GAMS Belgique
Patrizia Vinci Femmes du monde à Côte-des-Neiges
Rose Félécité Afrique au Féminin
Serge Maynard Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal
Shivani Raheja MOSAIC - Multilingual Orientation Service Association for Immigrant Communities
Wangari Tharao Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre
Title Care and Support for Women and Girls with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Canada: A Scoping Review of Health and Legal Resources
Years 1
Funding $29,980
ApplicantN. Zoe HiltonUniversity of Toronto
Co-applicant Chris Smith University of Toronto
Dana L. Radatz Niagara University
Collaborator Elke Ham Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
Natalie M. Snow Chiefs of Ontario
Title A Scoping Review of the Lived Experience, Measurement, and Policing of Coercive Control in 2SLGBTQQIA+ Relationships
Years 1
Funding $29,983
ApplicantJanine BenedetThe University of British Columbia
Co-applicant Isabel Grant The University of British Columbia
Title Responding to Sexual Violence Against Women with Mental Disabilities
Years 1
Funding $29,400
ApplicantLaura PachecoMemorial University of Newfoundland
Co-applicant Ami-Lynn E. Goulden Memorial University of Newfoundland
Coralie Mercerat Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal
Marie-Marthe Cousineau Université de Montréal
Marjorie Aunos Brock University
Title Investigating Reproductive Coercion and Violence Towards Women with Disabilities
Years 1
Funding $29,907
ApplicantTanvir ChowdhuryUniversity of Calgary
Co-applicant Fariba Aghajafari University of Calgary
Janki Shankar University of Calgary
Ranjan Datta Mount Royal University
Zack Marshall University of Calgary
Collaborator Kamal Sehgal Alberta Network of Immigrant Women
Ruksana Rashid Foundation for the Voice of Immigrants in Canada for Empowerment
Title Gender-based violence against visible minority women: Intersecting effects of gender with racism and xenophobia
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantAlexa K. Martin-StoreyUniversité de Sherbrooke
Co-applicant Geneviève Paquette Université de Sherbrooke
Collaborator Brett Holfeld Memorial University of Newfoundland
Deinera Exner-Cortens University of Calgary
Melanie A. Dirks McGill University
Wendy M. Craig Queen's University
Title Addressing the overlap between sexual violence and sexuality and gender-based minority stressors: Advancing understanding by centering 2SLGBTQQIA+ adolescents and young adults
Years 1
Funding $29,999
ApplicantEmily K. GraftonUniversity of Regina
Co-applicant Amber J. Fletcher University of Regina
Collaborator Crystal J. Giesbrecht Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan
Tmira Marchment SOFIA House
Title Addressing GBV in Saskatchewan through Second Stage Housing: Mitigating Public Policy Deficits to Enhance Safety for Survivors
Years 1
Funding $29,999
ApplicantRupaleem BhuyanUniversity of Toronto
Collaborator Deepa Mattoo Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
Sajedeh Zahraei Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
Title A critical knowledge synthesis of the complex role of digital technologies in perpetuating and addressing gender-based violence among racialized (im)migrant populations
Years 1
Funding $29,487
ApplicantDoris Muhwezi KakuruUniversity of Victoria
Co-applicant Julia H. Sinclair-Palm Carleton University
Collaborator Laura H.V. Wright University of Edinburgh
Title Understanding Gender-Based Violence against Diasporic LGBTQ Youth
Years 1
Funding $29,987
ApplicantJames GacekUniversity of Regina
Co-applicant Dale C. Spencer Carleton University
Rosemary Ricciardelli Memorial University of Newfoundland
Title Pride, Prison, and Punishment: Exploring Gender-Based Violence in Canadian Prisons
Years 1
Funding $28,963
ApplicantAlexandra M. DodgeSaint Mary's University
Co-applicant Christopher Dietzel McGill University
Kaitlynn D. Mendes Western University
Michael D. Kehler University of Calgary
Suzanne M. Dunn Dalhousie University
Title Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence among Young People: Synthesizing the Research to Promote Digital Safety in Canada
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantRita DhungelUniversity of the Fraser Valley
Co-applicant Karun Karki University of the Fraser Valley
Liza Lorenzetti University of Calgary
Collaborator Colleen Bell University of the Fraser Valley
Shireen Surood Alberta Health Services
Title Integrative Systematic Review: Addressing Gender-Based Violence Against Immigrants and Refugees Living with HIV in Canada
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantFrancine DarrochCarleton University
Co-applicant Heather MacDonald Carleton University
Lyndsay M.C. Hayhurst York University
Title Strengthening Core Understanding of Physical Activity for Individuals who Experience Gender-Based Violence: A Scoping Review Approach
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantSilvia SarapuraUniversity of Guelph
Title Transforming structures of violence: How gender-based violence impacts Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada's agricultural sector
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantSharada SrinivasanUniversity of Guelph
Co-applicant Shivajan Sivapalan South Asian Autism Awareness Centre Autism Centre
Title International students' experiences of gender-based violence in Canada
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantLindsay M. TeddsUniversity of Calgary
Title Addressing Gender-based Violence through Economic Security: Is there a Role for a Basic Income?
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantBehdin Nowrouzi-KiaUniversity of Toronto
Co-applicant Amin Yazdani Conestoga College (Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning)
Basem Gohar University of Guelph
Douglas P. Gross University of Alberta
Vijay Kumar Chattu University of Alberta
Collaborator Aaron Demedeiros-Howe Columbia University
Ali Bani-Fatemi University of Toronto
Title Rising Burden of Gender-Based Violence at Workplace in the Digital Era: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Years 1
Funding $29,986
ApplicantBeverley M. EssueUniversity of Toronto
Co-applicant Cyndirela Chadambuka University of Toronto
Sarah Kaplan University of Toronto
Collaborator Amaya Perez-Brumer University of Toronto
Title Exploring the experiences of navigating support services for racialized survivors of gender-based violence through an intersectional lens: A critical synthesis of evidence
Years 1
Funding $29,960
ApplicantAmi-Lynn E. GouldenMemorial University of Newfoundland
Co-applicant Laura Pacheco Memorial University of Newfoundland
Stephanie Baird King's University College at Western University
Collaborator Deborah A. Norris Mount Saint Vincent University
Lisa M. Faye St. John's Status of Women Council
Title A qualitative meta-synthesis of the lived experiences of gender-based violence among women with disabilities
Years 1
Funding $29,931
ApplicantLisa M. BoucherTrent University
Title Taking Stock of Shifts in Community Need and Service Provision in Response to #MeToo and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Years 1
Funding $21,624
ApplicantMylène FernetUniversité du Québec à Montréal
Co-applicant Catherine Flynn Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Martine Hébert Université du Québec à Montréal
Title Synthèse des connaissances des pratiques d'intervention ciblant les violences sexuelles exercées en contexte conjugal
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantNadine LanctôtUniversité de Sherbrooke
Co-applicant Delphine Collin-Vézina McGill University
Denis Lafortune Université de Montréal
Katherine Pascuzzo Université de Sherbrooke
Marie-Pierre Villeneuve Université de Sherbrooke
Sophie Couture Université de Sherbrooke
Collaborator Joan A. Reid University of South Florida
Title Pratiques prometteuses auprès de jeunes exploités sexuellement : étude de portée
Years 1
Funding $29,958
ApplicantKristine Plouffe-MaletteUniversité de Sherbrooke
Collaborator Vanessa Tanguay McGill University
Title Enjeux juridiques relatifs aux femmes et aux filles victimes de traite des êtres humains, réfugiées ou migrantes, au Canada : étude croisée en droit des réfugiés et en droit pénal
Years 1
Funding $29,948
ApplicantCatherine Montmagny GrenierMcGill University
Co-applicant Cécile Rousseau McGill University
Ghayda Hassan Université du Québec à Montréal
Léa Clermont-Dion Université Laval
Samuel P. Veissière McGill University
Vivek Venkatesh Concordia University
Collaborator Andrew Pel Moonshot
Dave Poitras Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Title Violence fondée sur le genre et double rôle des espaces virtuels : examen de la portée
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantDave PoitrasInstitut national de santé publique du Québec
Co-applicant Maude Lachapelle Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Mylène Fernet Université du Québec à Montréal
Title La cyberviolence dans les relations amoureuses des jeunes : identifier les facteurs de risque et de protection ainsi que leurs impacts différenciés selon le genre
Years 1
Funding $30,000
ApplicantDominique TrottierUniversité du Québec en Outaouais
Title Attitudes tolérantes aux violences sexuelles et sexistes : synthèse de leur contribution aux violences sexuelles perpétrées et au climat social permissif à l'égard des personnes qui les commettent
Years 1
Funding $30,000
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