Award Recipients for SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships: Fall 2022 Competition

Candidature Établissement Titre Financement
Abayakoon, Ruchini T.K. McMaster University Situated Apathy: The Politics of Postcolonial Climate Apathy and Artistic Mobilization in Sri Lanka 60 000 $
Abrahams, Naomi Benyamina Université d'Ottawa Family justice professionals and custody and access cases: Understanding, acknowledging and implementing children's views and preferences 60 000 $
Abram, Olivia H. University of Saskatchewan Read, View, Listen: Ethical Settler Engagements with Indigenous Literary Expression in Academic, Educational, and Public Contexts 60 000 $
Adams, Olivia A. Université d'Ottawa Give Her the Keys: An In-Depth Examination of Keyboard Repertoire by Women Music History Forgot 80 000 $
Aelick, Charlotte Dalhousie University Risk Factors and Barriers to Successful Reintegration of Indigenous Peoples in Contact with the Canadian Justice System 60 000 $
Agaba, Samuel M. University of Calgary Anti-Black Racism invigorated by Police Brutality: A Critical Ethnographic Dialogue with Black Canadians 40 000 $
Ahmed, Maria Western University Health inequalities in maternal and child health: Impact of hospital policies on disadvantaged populations 60 000 $
Alba, Razieh University of Calgary Creating Space for Indigenous Storytelling: Two-Eyed Seeing in Post-Secondary Art Education 60 000 $
Albert, Spencer University of Toronto The Sins of our Fathers: Individual Obligations in cases of Collective Wrongdoing and Reparations for Historical Injustice 40 000 $
Alexander, Ian F. The University of British Columbia Perspectives and experiences of Social Studies teachers in Canadian accredited British Columbia offshore schools 40 000 $
Alexander, Melissa Université York Recovering the women of the Heliconian Club of Toronto 40 000 $
Ali, Hannah Cornell University Toronto's Fentanyl Epidemic and Somali-Canadian Youth 80 000 $
Al Rubai, Rachel N. University of Toronto Networks of Late Antique Ascetic Female Communities 40 000 $
Altaras, Nesi Stanford University A Labour History of Istanbul Jews 80 000 $
Ameli, Fatemeh University of Toronto Examining Student Achievement Trajectories in Ontario from Kindergarten to Grade 10 20 000 $
Anderson, Hannah University of Waterloo (Care)ful inquiry: Care values and knowledge creation in field ecology 80 000 $
Anderson, Rebecca Brock University Understanding the effect of institutional signals of inclusion on decision-making behaviour in STEM 80 000 $
Angrish, Kirina Brock University Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating An Online Prenatal Yoga Program In The Canadian Population 60 000 $
Archambault, Adam Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Regards sur les productions cartographiques comme outils de transmission intergénérationnelle des savoirs territoriaux et de dialogue interculturel dans des contextes de cohabitation territoriale chez les Anicinabek et les Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok (Québec) 80 000 $
Archambault, Rachel Université de Montréal De déchets dérangeants à artéfacts éloquents : Archéologie contemporaine des dépôts subaquatiques et forestiers québécois de 1890 à 1950 80 000 $
Arifoulline, Nicole Université de Sherbrooke Effets immédiats et longitudinaux des processus de counseling de carrière individuel sur l'adaptabilité à la carrière: Influence des composantes d'intervention et des traits de personnalité 80 000 $
Arsenault, Amelia C. Cornell University Procurement and Practice: The Global Proliferation of Contemporary Surveillance Technologies 40 000 $
Asif, Hassan University of Toronto Remixing the Sacred: An Exploration of Muslim Digital Media Practices in Pakistan 20 000 $
Atimniraye Nyelade, Richard C.C. Université d'Ottawa Naviguer la souveraineté dans un monde hostile : stratagèmes et représentations des diplomates de Taïwan et du Somaliland 40 000 $
Audet, Ariane Université de Sherbrooke Violence conjugale sexuelle émise par les hommes en recherche d'aide : facteurs de risque et perception du passage à l'acte 60 000 $
Avanthay, Jacqueline Université d'Ottawa French-Speaking LGBTQ* Parents' Experiences During the Transition to Parenthood 40 000 $
Babin, Darby Université d'Ottawa Thickening Theory: Memoir, Affect, and Fat Feminist Futures 60 000 $
Bagshawe, Mercedes University of Calgary Understanding Autobiographical Memory in Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Associations with Early Life Adversity and Social-Emotional Functioning 80 000 $
Bajaj, Deepika University of Calgary An Exploration of Body Dissatisfaction Among Women of Colour 80 000 $
Bakour, Hayam Saint Mary's University The future of interviewing: Examining features of virtual interviewing technology products 80 000 $
Barber, Rachel L. Queen's University Did We Forget Anyone? An Analysis of Left-Behind Places in the Canadian Context 80 000 $
Barden, Joshua T. University of Alberta Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as bodily-affective style: A Husserlian analysis of the symptomology of OCD 60 000 $
Bardou-Bourgeois, Victor Université du Québec à Montréal Prendre le jeu au sérieux : comprendre la radicalisation en ligne d'extrême droite américaine au sein de la communauté du GamerGate 40 000 $
Bareket-Shavit, Carmelle The University of British Columbia What does accountability cost? Barriers in acknowledging harm done from bias 80 000 $
Bartleman, Michelle Université d'Ottawa Robot journalism in Canada: Factors in the uptake of machine-generated content in Canadian newsrooms 60 000 $
Bates, Aaron University of Calgary German Second World War Artillery Doctrine and Practice in a Comparative Perspective 80 000 $
Beaulieu, Celine R. University of Alberta Emerging strategies: Policing urban encampments 80 000 $
Beaulieu, Hanneke G. Université du Québec en Outaouais La participation aux Tables locales de gestion intégrée des ressources et du territoire (TLGIRT) du Québec permet-elle de créer des espaces de démocratie participative à l'échelle locale? Une étude de cas de la TLGIRT de l'Outaouais 20 000 $
Beaulieu, Janyck Université d'Ottawa Explorer la participation dans les projets de développement et ses retombées depuis l'implantation de la Politique d'aide internationale féministe du Canada: le cas des projets en santé sexuelle et reproductive au Bénin 60 000 $
Beaulieu, Karl Université du Québec à Montréal Entre travail social et travail carcéral : Les travailleurs sociaux face à l'expansion des partenariats avec la police 80 000 $
Bedard, Amanda A. Simon Fraser University Xaad Kihlga tl'a guusuugiigang: A Haida Research Framework Applied to Successful Xaad Kil Immersion 20 000 $
Bédard-Bruyère, Flavie Université Laval L'apprentissage informel de la musique pour soutenir le développement, la participation sociale et le bienêtre d'élèves autistes vivant avec une déficience intellectuelle 60 000 $
Bédard, Vincent Université du Québec à Montréal Contextes d'interaction quotidiens en français de personnes adultes immigrantes peu scolarisées ou peu alphabétisées : mieux comprendre leur réalité pour un enseignement plus adapté 60 000 $
Bellemare, Marie École Polytechnique de Montréal Vers l'implantation d'un système de consigne de contenants pour plats et boissons pour emporter : étude de cas dans la Ville Prévost 60 000 $
Bell, Louise V. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Identifying predictors that contribute to level of engagement in online support groups for caregivers of children with cancer 60 000 $
Benammar, Samy Université de Montréal S'approprier la photographie coloniale dans la wilaya de Batna en Algérie 80 000 $
Benoit, Prisca Institut national de la recherche scientifique Retraite dorée ou dans la pauvreté: les écarts de richesse entre les pères et les mères expliqués par les modes de gestion des épargnants 80 000 $
Beres, James P. Lancaster University Faculty Conceptualizations of "Curriculum" in Canadian Polytechnics: A Phenomenographic Study 60 000 $
Bernard-Brind'Amour, Marie Université Concordia Non-Conforming Populations: The Alternative Media Fight For Activist Visibility During The 1976 Montreal Olympics 80 000 $
Bertoncini, Riley A. Université McGill Fins, claws, jaws, and teeth: Dreams and nightmares of apex predators 80 000 $
Bimo, Sara Université York From Imaginaries to Resistance: Exploring User Sensation and Power in Algorithmic Experience 60 000 $
Birkenstock, Benjamin K.C. The University of British Columbia Neo-Daoism, Cognitive Psychology, and Effortless Action in Community 80 000 $
Bissky Dziadyk, Devin University of Toronto Agricultural Productivity and the Growth of the Satellite Industry 40 000 $
Blackburn, Darren Scott The University of British Columbia Professional Identity Formation in Canadian Emergency Managers 40 000 $
Blacker, Mishka Brock University Investigating Mental Toughness and Risk Taking Behaviours in High Performance Sport 20 000 $
Blain, Daphné Université du Québec à Montréal Participation à différentes catégories de sport organisé à l'enfance et à l'adolescence et adaptation psychosociale 20 000 $
Block, Kelsey M. University of Victoria Supporting LGBTQ+ Individuals in Christian Communities 60 000 $
Bloomfield, Elizabeth McMaster University Learning to Live Well: Scrappy pedagogy 60 000 $
Bogaski, Deanna J.L. Carleton University (Re)mapping Winnipeg through Indigenous Food Sovereignty 60 000 $
Bond, Bronwyn P. Queen's University The Restoration of Italian Renaissance Polychrome Sculptures 20 000 $
Bonsall, Daisy University of Cambridge From Shearing Sheep to Stitching Status: The Textile Economy of Early Medieval England 80 000 $
Bouchard, Samantha Université McGill Perinatal factors, mental health concerns and related medical services use associated with prospective and retrospective measures of child maltreatment: A Canadian longitudinal study 80 000 $
Boucher, Isabelle Université Concordia Embodied Flows: An Epistemic Exploration of Energy Pasts and Futures to Rethink Sustainability 60 000 $
Bougie, Sabrina Université Laval Regards croisés sur la transition énergétique en Alt Empordà (Catalogne, Espagne) 80 000 $
Bowen, Jennifer E. University of Victoria Don Cardinal: The People's Painter 80 000 $
Brady, Kelsey The University of British Columbia There Are No Such Things as Territorial Rights: Indigenous Stewardship Alternatives 80 000 $
Brassard, Leah J. University of Alberta Emotion socialization in children with ADHD: A multi-method examination 80 000 $
Brault, Sébastien Université de Sherbrooke Interactions entre le droit fiscal et le droit privé québécois : théoriser la complexité 80 000 $
Brecka, Joshua University of Toronto Logic and the mind: Inference as a psychological act 40 000 $
Brown, Hannah University of Toronto Gender, Artistic Labour, and Technological Work in Electronic Music in the Digital Age 60 000 $
Brown, Ra'anaa Y. Université Concordia With(out) the Institution: The Emergence of Black Queer Art and Activism in NSwakamok 60 000 $
Burd, Caitlin Taylor Western University The Representation of Intimate Partner Violence and Solutions in Canadian Policy and Funding Strategies 40 000 $
Bursey, Richard S.B. Florida State University The Theology of Terror: Muhammad Qutb and the Rise of Global Jihad 60 000 $
Butters, Jason G. Columbia University Culture for the National Interest: Imperial tourism, the Japan Travel Bureau, and the origins of cultural diplomacy in the Pacific, 1912-1951 40 000 $
Bykova, Alina Stanford University Extraction Islands: Environment, Politics and Security on Svalbard, 1850 to Present 20 000 $
Cadotte, Gabrielle Université de Montréal Exploring female athletes' psychological consequences following concussions 60 000 $
Campbell, Aidan V. University of Toronto Meaningfulness of Effort: Deriving Purpose from Really Trying 60 000 $
Cantú Patiño, Diego Université de Montréal Intermédialité des lyriques médiévales : étude des mécanismes de circulation des traditions lyriques de langue romane du Moyen Âge central et modélisation de leurs structures médiatiques 80 000 $
Caputo-Nimbark, Roshni Memorial University of Newfoundland Making Common Space Commonplace: Queering Economy through Cooperative Home Gardening in Rural Newfoundland 40 000 $
Cardo, Michaela A. Queen's University Gifting Love, Making Self: Dress and the Creation of British Female Friendships, 1830-1870 80 000 $
Caron-Veilleux, Victor M. Université du Québec à Montréal Le prix du succès. Trajectoires d'oubli et de consécration des auteurs lauréats du Prix du Cercle du livre de France de 1950 à 1985 80 000 $
Carpendale, Hannah Simon Fraser University Creative Avenues for Data Understanding, Engagement and Advocacy at the Confluence of the Ecological and Climate Crises 60 000 $
Carroll, Taylor University of Waterloo Helping managers be consistent in their procedural fairness 80 000 $
Carr, Shaelyn University of Regina Multiple Independent Lineups: A Technique to Differentiate between Weak and Strong Memory Traces in Eyewitnesses 80 000 $
Cassidy-Neumiller, Martha R. McMaster University Greening Steeltown: The Impact of Climate Change on Community Identity 60 000 $
Chadwick, Anna R. University of Victoria How Loud Do We Have to Yell? Co-researching Gender-based and Sexualized Violence with BIPOC Youth 80 000 $
Chamberland-Fontaine, Sarah Carleton University Understanding the importance of provisioning fisheries in the Great Lakes 80 000 $
Chan, Elizabeth W. University of Toronto Allocating time to promote well-being and development in emerging adulthood: A compositional data analysis 80 000 $
Charette, Mylène Université de Montréal Conception inclusive de l'environnement bâti pour la reconnaissance de la neurodiversité : exploration de l'expérience vécue et de la perception du cadre construit chez des élèves fréquentant l'école secondaire régulière 40 000 $
Charlesworth, Marcus Université d'Ottawa The (In)authenticity of Nations: A Heideggerian Critique of Nationalism 20 000 $
Cheladyn, Ileanna University of California, Davis Disorientation and somatic justice in Vancouver's dance community 60 000 $
Chi, Chenkai University of Windsor Embarking on a West-East Reciprocal Learning Journey: A Narrative Inquiry into Generalist and Specialist Teaching Models 20 000 $
Chigumba, Chiedza C. Saint Mary's University Exploring the job mobility experiences of Black immigrant Women in Atlantic Canada 60 000 $
Chitgian Urzua, Violeta Raquel Université d'Ottawa The Impact of the Bail Process on the Lives of Canadian Women in Ontario 60 000 $
Chorna, Yuliya Université York Following the money in the global health response to tuberculosis: From policymaking to the lived experiences of tuberculosis survivors 80 000 $
Christoforou, Melanie MC. Wilfrid Laurier University What Do People Need and When Do They Need It? Examining Social Support from Close Others 80 000 $
Clayton, Kamilah Université York A Place to Belong: Co-constructing theories on Social Work's role in supporting Black students' experiences of belonging in Ontario secondary schools and the impact on academic achievement 60 000 $
Cline, Emily Queen's University Working women, witnesses, & wraiths: Catherine Crowe's challenge to Victorian knowledge hierarchies 40 000 $
Cobb, Rhiannon Université York Voicing spatial precarity in Toronto through collaborative podcasting 40 000 $
Coderre, Isabel Carleton University The impact of public or private ownership on the security of Canadian rail and pipeline infrastructure 60 000 $
Cole, Julia A. University of Toronto La Féminité de Fontevraud?: Ordinary Female Authority in Early Modern French Monastic Networks 80 000 $
Collie, James Western University Legitimating the Illegitimate: A Study of Political Legitimacy in Canada 60 000 $
Collis, Ryan B. Université York Autistics in (educational) space: Building our own futures 40 000 $
Comeau, Emily M. The University of British Columbia Indigenous digital landscapes: Digital tools for place-based language learning 60 000 $
Comper, Kathryn M. University of Edinburgh Gender, religious discipline, and the 'godly community' in Scotland, 1660-1700 60 000 $
Conevska, Aleksandra Harvard University Are Green Parties good for the environment?  Understanding the effect of Green Parties on environmental policy development 40 000 $
Conte, Andrea Université Concordia Blueprints of Sabotage: Manufacturing threats as Canadian state-building following uprising at Sir George Williams University 80 000 $
Contreras, Nayid University of Toronto Queer Temporality and the AIDS Crisis in Latin American and Colombian Narratives 20 000 $
Cordeaux, Emily University of Toronto Should I speak up or stay silent? An institutional ethnography of patient and caregiver voicing in a complex continuing care centre 60 000 $
Cormier, Émilie Université du Québec à Montréal Revenir à la maison. Une exploration phénoménologique existentielle de l'expérience des soins palliatifs de fin de vie vécue par les personnes âgées en situation d'itinérance 40 000 $
Cossette-Côté, Flavie Université de Montréal Profils d'adaptation d'enfants d'âge préscolaire victimes d'abus sexuel et leur évolution sur 12 mois 20 000 $
Côté, Éloïse University of Toronto The moralization of political conflict: Content and consequences of moral language use among politicians 80 000 $
Côté, Louis Pierre Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Le contrat carcéral : reconsidérer le complexe industriel carcéral au moyen du contrat de domination de Charles W. Mills 40 000 $
Coulter, Myra Jane O'Neill Université du Québec à Montréal Hospitality in rural tourism: Negotiating profitability and community social reproduction 60 000 $
Courchesne, Caitlin Simon Fraser University Digital Mindfulness Programming to Promote Resiliency After Concussion: An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Study 60 000 $
Couturier, Laura Memorial University of Newfoundland A Longitudinal Study of Weight Stigma and Health-Related Behaviours in Young Adulthood: The Role of Shame, Social Safeness and Self-Compassion 80 000 $
Cramer, Dana Louise Toronto Metropolitan University The Future Internets: The Road to Network2030 and the Evolution of Internet Protocols in Broadband Technologies 60 000 $
Crettenand Pecorini, Béatrice Université d'Ottawa Appréhender et comprendre les expériences vécues des adultes aînés et des jeunes adultes durant le processus de la gérontologie narrative numérique dans les dimensions cognitive, conative et affective 40 000 $
Croteau, Terri-Lynn University of Saskatchewan Factors that Reduce or Exacerbate the Impact of Microaggressive Experiences on Nonbinary Gender Individuals Psychological Wellbeing 80 000 $
Crouthers, Sara D. Université York Critical food systems learning, social infrastructure, and emancipatory knowledge 60 000 $
Cullen, Emma K. Université Concordia Grey Matters: Investigating Provisional Creative Practices in Disability Arts 60 000 $
Cyr, Monica B. Université du Manitoba Digital storytelling and navigating knowledge pathways of Métis women's perceptions of breastfeeding practices and approaches in urban Winnipeg Manitoba 60 000 $
Davies, Kiefer Western University Fin De L'Enfant: The Erotic Aesthetics of the Decadent Child 40 000 $
Davis, Sarah Brock University Evaluating the Application of Behavioural Coaching Strategies in Dance Education 20 000 $
Dean, Alicia Western University Unsilencing Blackness in the allied health professions through situating the experiences of Black Canadian occupational therapists 60 000 $
deJonge, Melissa L. University of Toronto Leveraging the benefits of physical recreation: An experientially-informed, co-design project to improve postsecondary student social inclusion and well-being 40 000 $
Delaisse, Anne-Cécile The University of British Columbia Navigating postcolonial dynamics in a migration context: A critical ethnography about the local and transnational occupations and belongings of recent Vietnamese migrants to Vancouver and Paris 40 000 $
Dempster, Madeleine G.M. Queen's University The Impact of the French Revolution on the Art Market and Art Collections 60 000 $
Derbyshire, Kaitlin University of Toronto Thanks for the EXperience: How Social Comparisons Between a Current and Ex-Partner Influences Partner Perception and Relationship Satisfaction 60 000 $
Déry, Axel Université McGill Vélo ou taxi? Ce que les habitudes de vie révèlent sur le comportement électoral au Japon 80 000 $
Deslippe, Alysha L. The University of British Columbia EATing in a GENdered world (EatGen): How gender impacts teens involved in high school sports food identity formation 60 000 $
Desmond, Jordan P. Queen's University Common worlds and the boundaries of distributive justice 40 000 $
Dhaliwal, Sandip K. University of Calgary Understanding the Family Dynamics Between Emerging Adults Diagnosed with Blood Cancer and their Parents and Siblings: Re-Locating Home in the World 60 000 $
Dhillon, Ashley University of Toronto An ecological systems perspective on gender development in Thailand 60 000 $
Didehvar, Mina University of Calgary Resettlement Experiences of Afghan Refugee Women in Canada 60 000 $
Dillon, Rebecca University of Toronto Evolving Catastrophe: Romantic Disaster and its Literary Constructions 80 000 $
Ding, Meng Qi Western University Image Mining: Effects of Image Content on Review Helpfulness 20 000 $
Dionne, Evelyn Université Laval Les facteurs expliquant l adoption par les organisations syndicales de positionnements et de pratiques en lien avec la lutte aux changements climatiques ainsi qu aux conflits pouvant en decouler au sein du mouvement syndical 20 000 $
Di Placido, Cinzia Université McGill Breaking down barriers in science education: A critical disability study 80 000 $
Dirks, Yutaka J.Y. Université York Dispossession as Reconciliation? Financialized Home-ownership and the Politics of Canadian Settler-Colonialism 80 000 $
Dixon, Lauren A. Université Gustave Eiffel Les logiques divergentes de la gestion de la scène ouverte de la drogue dans le Paris Nord-Est 60 000 $
Dobrin-De Grace, Roksana Toronto Metropolitan University An Examination of Children's Prosocial Lie-Telling Behaviour in Different Contexts 60 000 $
Do, Elvin University of Alberta A cultural approach to French Bilingualism: Understanding the dynamics of French choral music  programming at English speaking Canadian post-secondary institutions 80 000 $
Doll, Kaitrin University of Toronto Jumping the Apex: An Exploring of Resilience Through the Experiences of Sexual and Gender Minority Roller Derby Players 40 000 $
Dorward, Sarah E. Carleton University Erased by Posterity: Popular Literature, Late-Nineteenth and Early-Twentieth Century Canadian Authorship, and the Transatlantic Print Network 20 000 $
Dou, Tianyue University of Toronto Musical recognition in early development using melodic and lyrical cues 60 000 $
Dubé, Caitlyn N. University of Alberta Boo Who?: Psychoanalyzing the Ghost Story in Contemporary Children's Literature 80 000 $
Dubé, David Université McGill The impact of international sanctions on Russian-western relations amidst the invasion of Ukraine 80 000 $
Dubé, Joëlle Université Concordia Eating Future Others with Care 60 000 $
Dubrule, Amanda C. University of Oregon Precarious Existence: Transactional Bodies, Disability, and Culture 80 000 $
Duguay, Gabrielle Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Santé mentale périnatale et développement du nourrisson : rôles des antécédents parentaux de traumatismes développementaux et de la pandémie de COVID-19 40 000 $
Dumoulin, Pierre Gabriel Université du Québec à Montréal Traduttore in Fabula. Étude sémiotique sur l'expérience de traduction 40 000 $
Dunsford, Jennifer Université du Manitoba Just Part of the Job? Navigating Violence Against Essential Workers 40 000 $
Dyck, Nathan D. Université York Inquiry in Action: Agency, Rationality and Democracy 40 000 $
Eckton, Heather M. Université du Manitoba Teacher Participatory Action Research for Excellence in Climate Change Education 80 000 $
Edge Almond, Madison Simon Fraser University Determining if Dynamic Risk Factors Form Short-Term Casual Pathways to Violent Behaviour 80 000 $
Egbunonu, Patrick C. Queen's University Digital Technologies and Black Entrepreneurship 40 000 $
Eley, Elizabeth H. Université Concordia Navigating Stigma at Work 20 000 $
El Khalil, Khaoula Université McGill Exploitation des mécanismes de gamification par les groupes d'extrême droite au Canada 80 000 $
Emond, Marianne Université de Montréal Peux-tu t'imaginer comment je me sens? : Prise de perspective lors de conflits amoureux et fonctionnement relationnel 60 000 $
English, Sarah University of Waterloo Dyadic Trajectories of Children's Conversational Styles Across Repeated Interactions With an Unfamiliar Peer 60 000 $
Enkhtugs, Bilguundari University of Guelph Cyberbullying among university students in Canada and Mongolia: A Comparative analysis 80 000 $
Enouy, Sarah Carleton University The Antecedents and Consequences of Academic Success Overvaluation 80 000 $
Epelbaum, Nicolas E. Université York Investing in a Digital Asset Environment: The Effects of Accounting Disclosures and The Fear of Missing Out on Investors' Behaviour 40 000 $
Evans, Terri L. Simon Fraser University Battleground suburbia: Examining the logics behind the regulation of suburban homeless encampments in metropolitan Vancouver 20 000 $
Fang, Zi Wei University of California, Irvine Time-Space Disorientation: Globalization in Chinese and Asian North American Literature 80 000 $
Fardfini, Kimia Carleton University Associations among changes in positive psychological wellbeing and blood glucose 60 000 $
Farkash, Craig E. Université Concordia An Experiment in Listening: Imagining an Acouste(m)pathic Approach to Sound in Edmonton, Alberta 60 000 $
Fasold Bergés, Ana Gabriella New Université York Contentious Land: Agrarian Reform, Development, and Post-Dictatorship Nation Building in the Dominican Republic, 1961-1980 20 000 $
Fast, Nicholas R. University of Toronto Packing Up: Meatpackers Encounters with Industrial Capitalism and Deindustrialization in Winnipeg and Chicago, 1960-1988 20 000 $
Fayant, Shannon J. University of Regina Educational Leadership Stories of Métis Iskwêwak (Women) 40 000 $
Fernandes, Shannon Brock University A roadmap to effective municipal climate change adaptation : Bridging the implementation gap 80 000 $
Fernandes, Victor École nationale d'administration publique Immigration, diversité ethnoculturelle et transition à la vie adulte chez les jeunes placés au Québec : transformer les politiques à travers l'étude des parcours de vie 60 000 $
Filaber, Adam Université McGill Chord Structure in Twentieth-Century French Music 80 000 $
Flipot Meunier, Gabrielle Université de Montréal Postures du devenir femme: la figure de l'adolescente dans la littérature contemporaine des femmes (1975 à aujourd'hui) 80 000 $
Foran, Anna University of Toronto 'I Love the Whole World:' On Agnes Martin's Screens 60 000 $
Forde, Sydney L. Penn State Juxtaposing Democracy and Regulatory Capture: A political economic analysis of the US broadband cartel 40 000 $
Ford, Meghan Queen's University What Helps Families Thrive? The Role of Race and Social Status in IBD Care 80 000 $
Foss, Kieran A. University of Oxford Emasculating Music: Perceptions of Masculinity and Virility in the Wycliffite Movement and Late Medieval English Music 80 000 $
Foster, Lesley Ann Queen's University The Argentine Green Tide Movement: A Research-Creation Project 40 000 $
Fournier, Laurie Université Concordia The policy against homophobia and transphobia: A symbolic gesture or a true partnership? Analyzing the response of the Quebec government from the point of view of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer community organizations 40 000 $
Fourrier, Ambre Université du Québec à Montréal Le poids du désordre : enquête sur les petites mains invisibles de l'économie circulaire 40 000 $
Fox-Gieg, Nicholas A. Université York Lightning Artist Toolkit: Frame-By-Frame Volumetric Animation 40 000 $
Fox, Nicolle Université York The role of protective behavioural strategies in the relationship between unplanned cannabis use and associated negative consequences 80 000 $
Fraser, Amanda Wilfrid Laurier University COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery: Wholistic Needs of Indigenous Youth 80 000 $
Frazer-McKee, Gabriel J. Université Laval Les facteurs sous-tendant la (non-) diffusion d'innovations lexicales dans le français québécois du debut du 21e siècle: Une approche par les mégadonnées 80 000 $
Frechette, Julien Université Laval Le processus de désistement dans un contexte de gestion du risque: l'expérience du retour en communauté des personnes ayant commis un crime sexuel au Canada 40 000 $
Freed, Alexandra L. Wilfrid Laurier University "Envisioning and Reclaiming a New Approach for the Creation of Algonquin Program Indicators for Child and Family Well-being": Healing the Pathway to Kinship Responsibility and Sustainability for Nigig Nibi Ki-win. 80 000 $
Freig, Zachary University of Cambridge Political Ontology and the Irreducible in Postwar French Democratic Thought 80 000 $
Friedland, Asher University of Calgary Finding Home: Mental Health Support for Indigenous Reconnection 80 000 $
Gagné, Benjamin Université de Montréal Les nouvelles églises urbaines québécoises et les relations d'amitié comme source de vitalité urbaine 80 000 $
Garneau, François-Xavier Université de Montréal Médiations, mémoire et transmission : la création littéraire et cinématographique chez les descendant.e.s de troisième génération des victimes de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale en Amérique du Nord et en Europe 40 000 $
Gasteiger, Maglyn University of Saskatchewan Prairie Women: Second Wave Feminism in Saskatchewan from the 1960s to the 1980s 80 000 $
Gauthier, Pascal Université du Québec à Chicoutimi L'influence positive ou négative des inondations de 2017 et de 2019 sur les parcours scolaires des adolescents vivant en milieu rural 80 000 $
Gazith, Adina Université McGill Examining Reduced Inattentional Blindness in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 80 000 $
George, Sarah I. Carleton University Being Becoming and Belonging: The Black Radical Tradition of African Caribbean and Black Women's Leadership in Canada 80 000 $
Gierus, Bogumila K. University of Calgary An Embodied Approach to Teaching Quantum Physics 80 000 $
Gillard, Emily M. McMaster University The art of being with: An ethnographic study of midwifery practices of care 80 000 $
Ginoux, Félix Université Laval Contours de la notion de liberté de contracter selon son évolution en droit privé du XIIIe au XIXe siècle et interaction avec ses limites contemporaines 80 000 $
Gladu, Eve Université du Québec à Montréal Description de compétences en écriture numérique, d'adolescents du Québec, mobilisées en contexte d'écriture d'un article journalistique numérique : une recherche mixte 20 000 $
Glozic, Lana University of Cambridge Philo of Alexandria: Monotheism and Metaphysics 80 000 $
Goldstein, Marni A. Toronto Metropolitan University How Do Mind Wandering and Repetitive Behaviour Influence Student Learning Among Neurotypicals and Autistics? 80 000 $
Gordon, Dara University of Toronto An institutional ethnography of low-income women living with inflammatory bowel disease 80 000 $
Gorska, Joanna Queen's University Separatism, Socialism, and Indigeneity: Anticolonial Struggle in Nineteenth Century Siberia 40 000 $
Gosselin, Courtney A. Université d'Ottawa To be at leisure with oneself: Comparing the well-being effects and perceived benefits of total solitude versus public solitude 80 000 $
Goulem, Brigid A.K. University of Toronto A comparative analysis of health vulnerabilities for temporary foreign workers in Windsor-Essex, Ontario and undocumented migrant workers in Manolada, Greece 80 000 $
Gow, Elspeth S. University of Pennsylvania Archiving Animal Genes: The USDA's National Animal Germplasm Program and the Animal-Genetic Resources Information Network 80 000 $
Grady, Alexandra M. Université d'Ottawa Mental health in older lesbian, gay, and bisexual Canadians: A longitudinal, strengths-based approach 80 000 $
Gray, Amy-Leigh J. Université du Manitoba "The eye could literally not follow her": Deviant Girlhood and Spaces of Meat in Twentieth-Century American Texts 40 000 $
Green, Jared R. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick The Efficacy of Teacher In-Service Training for Dyslexia 80 000 $
Greenspon, Jacob University of Oxford Wage Increases and Automation: Evidence on Causes and Consequences from Labour Strikes during the Second Industrial Revolution 80 000 $
Gregoire, Nina H.D. The University of British Columbia Understanding and Reducing Invalidation of Chronic Pain 60 000 $
Gregoire-Zawilski, Myriam Syracuse University Technology policy for meeting net-zero carbon goals by 2050: Accelerating innovation in complementary technologies to decarbonize the electrical grid 20 000 $
Gregson, William L. University of Toronto Understanding Mental Health as Human Flourishing: Virtue, Liberty, and Reconciliation 80 000 $
Grenier, Chantal Université Laval Développement d'un sentiment d'efficacité personnelle (SEP) et mobilisation des compétences professionnelles attendues suite au stage final de maîtrise : l'expérience vécue des personnes étudiantes 60 000 $
Griffin, Paloma The New School Transnational Solidarity and the Other: Rights, belonging, and social movements across borders 40 000 $
Grigg, Rachel E.J. Carleton University Reframing the gender political ambition gap: Women's political organizations, candidate training, and women's political representation in Canada 80 000 $
Guay, Karine Université Laval L'insertion professionnelle des enseignants de musique au primaire 60 000 $
Guénette, Maxime Université de Montréal Le culte de Liber dans l'Empire romain : la religion comme phénomène de globalisation ancienne 80 000 $
Guerreiro, Ferron University of Toronto Emotion, gender and subjectivity in the drama of Margaret Cavendish and Aphra Behn 80 000 $
Guesthier, Andree-Anne Université de Sherbrooke Engager les parents d'athlètes envers l'antidopage dans le sport par des contenus véhiculés sur les plateformes numériques 60 000 $
Guitard, Rachelle Université du Québec à Montréal L'élargissement de la capacité d'action des délégué.e.s syndicaux au Québec par l'occupation d'espaces de participation dans l'organisation syndicale 80 000 $
Gu, JiaXIN The University of British Columbia Reliance, Resistance, and Resilience: The Gaslighting against Chinese Migrant Workers in the Canadian Service Industry 20 000 $
Gunn, Mitchell S. University of Toronto Games of Meaning: A Cognitive-Phenomenological Theory of What, How, and Why We Read 20 000 $
Hachey, Shelly B. Wilfrid Laurier University What Knowledge Matters When Creating Child Welfare Policies Towards the Full Return of Authority to Indigenous Communities and Nations? 80 000 $
Hajizadeh, Saba Université Laval The feeling of interconnectedness during mindful walking in university students: The role of eye gaze direction 60 000 $
Hall, Andrew Queen's University "Jumping-to-conclusions" and resistance to disconfirmation: The role of information search deficits on anti-vaccine attitude endorsement 60 000 $
Hamdon, Carly The University of British Columbia Gender and Climate Denial in Alberta 80 000 $
Hanly, Katherine L. University of Calgary The Vulnerability and Adaptability of Mountain Guides to Climate Change in Banff National Park 60 000 $
Hashemi, Masoumeh Université Concordia United States Information Agency and its Office of Private Cooperation in Tehran: The Role of the American Private Sector in Anti-Communist Propaganda in Iran during the Cold War 80 000 $
Hawke, Jamie The University of British Columbia Being and becoming adult dancers: Experiences of engaging and participating in dance as a recreational activity 60 000 $
Healey, Marianna Wilfrid Laurier University Rights-based approaches in Canadian childhood disability services: Building expert consensus on approaches to advance the rights of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities 40 000 $
Heida, Jolene Université York Sharing Heavy Knowledge Bundles: Our Stories are our Medicines - Listening to and learning from Indigenous women who have experienced Commercial Sexual Exploitation 60 000 $
Heir, Arjan S. University of Oxford Deception-induced consent in sexual encounters: Ethical and legal perspectives 80 000 $
Helps, William L. University of Guelph Assessing the benefits of the New Zealand Recognized Seasonal Employer scheme for migrant farm workers, agricultural employers, and international development 40 000 $
Herceg, Luciana University of Alberta Browsing and engaging with social networking sites as a transgender individual: A mixed-methods study 80 000 $
Hermant, Jacob University of Toronto Judaism, Literature, and Faith in the Age of Climate Crisis: Nature and Climate Imagery in Modern Diasporic Jewish Literature 80 000 $
Herrewynen, Megan R.V. Toronto Metropolitan University Keep calm? How to carry on: How organizational transgressions affect employees 80 000 $
Herrington, Madison Université du Nouveau-Brunswick A Theoretical Model of Alcohol Use in Older Adults: An Extension of the Motivational Theory of Addiction 80 000 $
Herzig, Marissa R. University of Toronto Woven Woods, Transforming Trees: Posthumanist Subversions in Contemporary Jewish Fantasy 80 000 $
Hill, David University of Toronto Solidarity Economies amid COVID-19: Learning from Collective Decision-Making in Costa Rican Cooperatives 20 000 $
Hills, Andrew D. Université McGill Political Economy and the Legal System 80 000 $
Hira, Karen University of Victoria Police, Leadership, and Diversity: A Provincial Case Study 40 000 $
Hirsch, Brayden R. Boston University A History of Metaphorical Idols and Idolatry in Early Christian Thought, c. 100-400 CE 60 000 $
Hoang, Joe University of Toronto Why Are Conservatives Sometimes More Cognitively Rigid and Biased than Liberals? 40 000 $
Hocura, Brandon E. Queen's University Trade Winds and Electronic Currents: Subaltern Musical Ecologies as Resistance and Cultural Force 60 000 $
Hodge, Vanessa Carleton University Canada's Official Languages Act: The Experiences of Indigenous Federal Workers 80 000 $
Hoholuk, Jamie University of Calgary Youth navigating sexual assault via popular culture in a post-#MeToo era 80 000 $
Hollinger, Megan S. Université d'Ottawa Same Problem, Alternative Approaches: Combating Antisemitism in Contemporary Canada 40 000 $
Hollingshead, William E. Western University #AFringeMinority: Collective identity in the Freedom Convoy protests on social media 20 000 $
Hollman, Heather A. University of Victoria Postpartum physical activity promotion leveraging the multi-process action control framework 40 000 $
Houdayer, Hanna Université de Sherbrooke Analyse de la réponse du lecteur dans Chroniques bibliques au féminin et Chroniques talmudiques au féminin, de l'auteure juive française Janine Elkouby 80 000 $
Houston, Kathryn The University of British Columbia Dictatorial Decay: Eco-Horror in the Narrative Fiction of Contemporary Female Argentine Authors 40 000 $
Hoveling, Leonie University of Alberta The Role of Language and Executive Function on Mathematics Word Problem-Solving Skills of Autistic Adolescents 80 000 $
Hovey, Elsie University of Victoria Nonhuman Voices in Victorian Women's Poetry: An Ecofeminist Reading of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti, and Eliza Cook 80 000 $
Huang, Yue Université de Montréal Le processus d'apprentissage du français et d'intégration à la société québécoise : les défis et les barrières rencontrés par les nouveaux immigrants chinois 80 000 $
Huberdeau, Shawn Villanova University Before Genealogy: Temporality's Conceptual Role in Foucault's Archaeological Method 60 000 $
Huckson, Kathryn S. McMaster University Still hungry: Complicating representations of eating disorders through art and participation 40 000 $
Hunter, Devan M. University of Guelph Intergenerational interactions in Canadian public spaces: A cultural study of space, solidarity, and perceptions of age and generation 40 000 $
Hutchinson, Charles Duke University Generosity, search, and match quality: Evidence from the Canada Emergency Response Benefit 80 000 $
Hytman, Lauren Toronto Metropolitan University Social Programming to Support Well-Being in Older Adult Canadian Immigrants 80 000 $
Ibrahim, Alaa Université York Flourishing of autistic youth: Those with intellectual disability and those from marginalized/racialized communities 80 000 $
Immer, Elsa Université McGill Buddhism, Food and Vietnamese Immigration to Montreal 80 000 $
Infantino, Erika Université McGill An Integrated Clinical Model of Research Utility for Individualized Educational Plans: A Model for Selecting, Implementing, and Assessing Evidence-Based Interventions 80 000 $
Isaacs, Sean K. Université York Patterns of urbanization and urban social movements in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 60 000 $
Isbister, Krystal M. University of Alberta Searching for mine reclamation "success" in the Yukon 40 000 $
Ives, Eliza E. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Insomnia: A Fugue State 40 000 $
Izadi, Faezeh University of Calgary Giving and God: A Study of Effectiveness of Religious Charitable Activities With a Global Perspective 60 000 $
Jaipaul, Lauren Noelle University of Alberta The Power of the Pale Blue Dot: Space Travel, Moral Obligations, and Social Justice 40 000 $
Janes, Hayley University of Toronto Listening to and learning from children in the private music studio 40 000 $
Jegatheeswaran, Calpanaa University of Toronto The Influence of Maternal Responsivity on Low-Income Children's Reactions to Environmental Stressors 80 000 $
Jobin, Emilie Université de Sherbrooke Exploring gambling patterns of electronic gambling machine players through the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic: A descriptive qualitative study 60 000 $
Johnson, Mary Queen's University Consumption, Hunger, and the Role of Food in Victorian Children's Literature 80 000 $
Jolly, Priscilla Université Concordia Inhabiting Alien Worlds: Tropicality, Climate, Race, and Viral Incursions 40 000 $
Joly, Eric Université de Montréal Géographies du terrain de recherche : incidences épistémologiques de la territorialité des géographes 80 000 $
Jospeh, Richard A. Université McGill No such thing as a bad review: Book reviewing and American literature 80 000 $
Jourdan, Antoine École des hautes études en sciences sociales Choisir l'économie : coordonner la distribution sélective du crédit dans la France d'après-guerre (1945-1973) 60 000 $
Juliano, Gabriel Simon Fraser University Popular Media Arts Epistemologies: Brazilian Rappers' Practice as Decolonial Knowledge-making 40 000 $
Jung, Won Kyu University of Calgary Neighbourhood Socioeconomic Disparity in Relationship Satisfaction Trajectory of Pregnant Couples 80 000 $
Kabacinska, Katarzyna The University of British Columbia Companionship With a Pet Robot: Developing a Theory 60 000 $
Kaliel, Emily University of Guelph Colonial Landscapes: Health Districts, Public Health Programming, and Nutrition Education in Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1920s - 1960s 20 000 $
Kalinowski, Katharine Université du Manitoba Effectiveness of inclusive research methods on social inclusion efforts for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities 80 000 $
Kalvari, Lauren Wilfrid Laurier University Intersections of gender, religion & intimate partner violence 60 000 $
Kalyn Bogard, Holly J. University of Lethbridge An investigation of social norm subscription among scientists and graduate students in Canada 80 000 $
Kamblé-Bagal, Nikita Université d'Ottawa L'usage de l'écriture inclusive dans les médias écrits : une étude comparative entre le Québec et la France 80 000 $
Kampen, Andrea N. The University of British Columbia The work of art: Understanding informational affordances of arts-based interventions in social science research 20 000 $
Kamps, Sophia D. Yale University The Morality of Wallpaper: Taste-Making in the Victorian Middle-Class Home 80 000 $
Kapahnke, Sheri L. University of Toronto Resource Movement Inspired by Specialized Production in the Bronze Age Aegean 80 000 $
Kashi, Sharareh Université York Home: An Exploration of Belonging among Post-secondary Refugee Students Sponsored by WUSC's Student Refugee Program 20 000 $
Kaszuba, Adam E. Université d'Ottawa Communities of practice for the empowerment of future French second language teachers: A critical complexity-informed perspective 40 000 $
Katz, Rachel A. University of Toronto Trust and Responsibility During Global Health Emergencies 60 000 $
Keil, Trudy L. University of Regina Exploring teacher activism within and beyond the union in Saskatchewan 40 000 $
Keohane, Colin J. University of Victoria Tomorrow Begins Yesterday: Ecocritical Promise in the Works of John Gower and Geoffrey Chaucer 20 000 $
Khaliqi, Najiba Queen's University Migration, Violence, and Challenges Affecting Afghan Women Refugees in Ontario 80 000 $
Khare, Aditi University of Alberta Decolonising the understanding of the Indian textile network and its entanglement with British systems: A material culture analysis, c. 1750-1860 20 000 $
Khodarahmi, Negar The University of British Columbia Early Childhood Educators' Beliefs of Trauma-Informed Practice 20 000 $
Khoury, Juliana M.B. University of Regina Sexual violence among Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers: An iterative search for solutions 80 000 $
Kim, Juri The University of British Columbia Developing a Neighbourhood Disaster Recoverability Index (NDRI) : An investigation of neighbourhood-level barriers and facilitators in economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic within Vancouver neighbourhoods, British Columbia, Canada 20 000 $
Klein, Noé Université du Québec à Montréal Se rencontrer en ligne, et après ? Analyse du rapport entre conceptions de l'intimité et des parcours relationnels chez les personnes utilisant des sites et applications de rencontre 60 000 $
Kneller, Kennedy R.M. The University of British Columbia Relationships to place in guide outfitting: An exploration of collisions, contradictions, and contact zones in Northern British Columbia 80 000 $
Kowalchuk, Katelynn The University of British Columbia Mental Healthcare Governance in Canada: Contemporary and Historical Catalysts for Evolution and Stagnation 80 000 $
Krawecka, Malgorzata Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya The Body as Instrument for Empathy 80 000 $
Kuehn, Sarah D. Memorial University of Newfoundland Bivalves as Proxies for Palaeoenvironment, Seasonality, and Harvest Intensity on the Pacific Northwest Coast 60 000 $
Kujundzic, Hannah University College London ldling No More: Youth as Caretakers in the Climate Crisis 80 000 $
Kuplowsky, Luke M.P. Université York How Do We Live?: Configuring Community in Contemporary Global Cinema 80 000 $
Kutlu, Kutay Université York Green Grabbing and the Instrumentality of Law: An Analysis of Land Acquisitions in Renewable Energy Projects in Turkey 40 000 $
Kutor, Senanu Kwasi Western University Family Separation, Subjective Wellbeing and Health, Empowerment, and Gender Norms: A Comparative Study Between Transnational and Internal Migration in Ghana 40 000 $
Labelle, Sarah Université de Montréal Murmures militants : l'agentivité de l'intime dans l'expression poétique au féminin 80 000 $
Laberge Perrault, Emilie Université de Montréal Les expériences des jeunes (12-17 ans), souffrant de troubles mentaux, avec les services sociaux et médicaux : une enquête sur leurs besoins, le soutien social et la qualité des soins 80 000 $
Labrie, Gabriel Université de Montréal Le multilinguisme au Luxembourg : habitudes et préférences linguistiques de jeunes résident:e:s 60 000 $
Lachapelle, Julie Université du Québec à Montréal Analyse des relations entre la qualité de l'environnement éducatif relatif à l'émergence de l'écrit et l'engagement des enfants à l'éducation préscolaire 40 000 $
Lacombe, Ariel Queen's University Miraculous Madonnas of the South: A cross-cultural study on sacred practices in Molise, Italy 80 000 $
Laflamme, Kelly Université du Québec en Outaouais Violences sexuelles perpétrées par des joueurs de hockey et culture du hockey permissive à l'égard de ces gestes : Étude de la contribution des attitudes tolérantes aux violences sexuelles et sexistes 80 000 $
La France, Stéphanie A. The University of British Columbia Imagining future assessment practices in mathematics through biographical and speculative storytelling 80 000 $
Lambrinakos-Raymond, Zoe A. Dalhousie University A Seemingly Incongruous and Poetic Spark: Modernist Poet-Collagist Duos and Collagist Poets 80 000 $
Lam, Janice Y. Université York Male allyship for gender equality improving men's own career outcomes 40 000 $
Lam, Loritta L. Université York The Mostly-Missing Story: Searching for Queer Chinese Canadians 1858-1968 80 000 $
Landry, Jyllenna University of Saskatchewan Understanding social processes of grief through a co-designed grief support initiative in long-term care 80 000 $
Laplante, Marianne Université York Agentivité syntaxique et inférences de responsabilité en contexte de procès au Québec 60 000 $
Lapointe, Raphaël Université du Québec à Montréal Le rôle des facteurs biopsychosociaux dans la  performance aux examens à enjeux élevés 40 000 $
Lapointe, Valérie Université du Québec à Montréal La reconsolidation des souvenirs négatifs: interventions basées sur le conditionnement et la régulation intégrative 40 000 $
Lareau, Justine Université de Montréal Enquête sociologique d'épistémologie pratique sur les mises en forme algorithmiques de la connaissance 60 000 $
Larose, David Université Laval La promotion des saines habitudes de vie chez les jeunes et les adolescents dans les camps d'été 40 000 $
Larsen, Veronika R. The University of British Columbia Hard to Stomach: Language Triggers in Eating Disorder Sufferers 80 000 $
Latham, Graham E. Université Concordia "This is Mile End, my friend": Gentrification, resistance, and complicity in late 20th century Montreal 80 000 $
Laurence, Savanah Université Laval Accompagner les démarches daccessibilité à un emploi durable pour des personnes ayant des incapacités 80 000 $
Lawton, Kanika University of Toronto Neutral Violences: Surveillant Aesthetics and Uncaptured Lives 60 000 $
Leblond, Maggy Université de Montréal Prédicteurs et modérateurs de l'adaptation scolaire des enfants durant la transition du préscolaire au scolaire 20 000 $
Ledsham, Victoria L. University at Albany, State University of New York Risk factors for executive functioning deficits in preschool children 40 000 $
Lépine Lopez, Anaïs Yoreley Université du Québec à Montréal Conception et validation d'un outil sur les limitations fonctionnelles des travailleurs avec un trouble mental courant ou un trouble musculosquelettique 60 000 $
Levy, Sarah University of Oxford A Tale of Two Seal Hunts: Contesting the conflation of Canadian sealing activities in law and policy 60 000 $
Lewis, Anna R. University of Toronto Cooking Up Englishness and Otherness: Recipes and Seventeenth-Century Women Writers 60 000 $
Lichty, David AF. Université York Crisis in Collections: Intangible Collections and Museum Publics 60 000 $
Liddar, Rupinder Université McGill Visible Minority Political Representation and Community Mobilization: The Case of Sikhs in Canada 60 000 $
Light, Erin M.M. University of Victoria A prospective examination of anxiety in preschool children during the transitional period to formal schooling 80 000 $
Lin, Zi Simon Fraser University The impact of creative confidence on students' well-being: Integrating creative-directed learning tasks into university students curricula 60 000 $
Liu, Helen Université York The Dramatic Rise of International Secondary School Students in Canada: Exposing Vulnerabilities and Recognizing Responsibilities 20 000 $
Liu, Rui University of Toronto Itineraries of Settler Colonialism: Visions of Race and Indigeneity Across the Pacific 80 000 $
Loepp Thiessen, Anneli Université d'Ottawa Whose Worship? An Examination of Gendered Limitations on Women in the Contemporary Worship Music Industry 40 000 $
Loncar, Nicole University of Toronto Shifting practice in child protection: "Seeing" survivors 60 000 $
Longtin, Emilie University of Victoria Creating an anti-racist future: Exploring covert racism in Canadian private refugee sponsorship 80 000 $
Lorentz, Brittany University of Calgary Language Preferences: Global Views of Language used to describe Autism 80 000 $
Ly, May University of Regina Understanding the Role of Dependence and Trust in Institutions on Well-being: A Mixed-Methods Study of Institutional Betrayal 80 000 $
MacCallum, Emily University of Toronto Music, Sound, and the Land/scape as British Cultural and Material Resource, c.1900-1925 40 000 $
MacIsaac, Angela E. Lakehead University The effect of trait victimhood on perceptions of, and responses to, interpersonal stress and trauma: A daily diary and cross-sectional evaluation 40 000 $
MacKinnon, Megan Memorial University of Newfoundland The Encoded Memories of a Changing Climate: A 2,000-Year Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Crassostrea virginia in an Atlantic Canadian Context 80 000 $
Maduakolam, Chika O. Université York Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Against Men and Boys in Nigeria's Contemporary Conflict 40 000 $
Magnan-St-Onge, Carolanne Institut national de la recherche scientifique Conjuguer amour hétérosexuel et revendications féministes : expériences des femmes et des hommes québécois.e.s 80 000 $
Maharani, Marsya Université York Art Collectives as a Pathway for Systemic Change from the Ground Up 40 000 $
Makinde, Oludolapo T. The University of British Columbia Combating Corruption involving Canadian Multinationals: An Integrated Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence Approach 20 000 $
Mamajanyan, Mher University of Toronto The Political Influence of the Police in Autocracies: Police Coups and Beyond 40 000 $
Mannina, Sophia C. Queen's University Developing An Interpretive Theory of Mobile Health Application Success 60 000 $
Marcelli, Elodie Université de Montréal L'écologie handicapée à l'ère de la dévastation environnementale: penser et expérimenter les dynamiques de contamination entre corps handicapés et environnements endommagés 80 000 $
Maripuu, Tiina University of Toronto Comparative Perspectives on Palliative Care in the Province of Ontario 60 000 $
Martin, Lily W. Queen's University Passive suicidal ideation among young adults: A longitudinal test of the interpersonal theory of suicide 80 000 $
Marttinen, Terry-Lee M. Oxford Brookes University Unsettling Nordic Colonialism: Transnational Sámi Religion, Gender, and Eugenics at the Periphery 80 000 $
Massé, Louis Université McGill Le futur économique: Imagination et projection dans un monde social et politique incertain 80 000 $
Matebekwane, Kamogelo A. University of Regina An ethnographic study of Black children's identity construction in early childhood education 60 000 $
Matthews, Erin University of Saskatchewan An Unorthodox Approach: Orthomolecular medicine and wellness in North America since 1968 80 000 $
Matthews-Hunter, Keir University of Toronto Develop or delay? An empirical analysis of real options and land use regulation in the multi-residential development process in Toronto 80 000 $
Mbengue, Marie-Andrée École nationale d'administration publique Équité, diversité et inclusion : auto-identification et expériences minoritaires 40 000 $
McAulay, Taylor Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Adolescent Sport Dropout: A Longitudinal Study of Barriers to Play and Effects of Dropout 80 000 $
McCracken, Brennan Université Concordia Rewriting cultural understandings of ecology in contemporary literature 60 000 $
McCracken, Krista N. Manchester Metropolitan University Indigenous control of information and Indigenous community identity formation 80 000 $
McElcheran, Susan R. University of St. Michael's College Embodiment and Affect in Spiritual Knowledge from a Disability Perspective 40 000 $
McEwan, Samantha K. McMaster University Trials and Triumphs of 'Riding the Bicycle': Performance of Women's Bisexual Identity in Music and Online Affective Archives 40 000 $
McKillop, Hannah M. Université d'Ottawa Simply put, we are not in this alone: The Good Place and Nonreligious Ethics in the United States 40 000 $
McLaughlin, Matthew University of Toronto When Life Loses Its Zest: Psychiatric Self-Help Literature in Interwar America 60 000 $
McMullin, Jessica L. Queen's University Moral Agency of For-Profit Corporations 80 000 $
McNamee, Clara University of Toronto Conceptualizations of identities in bisexual, pansexual and plurisexual communities 80 000 $
McNaughtan, Harrison University of Toronto Evaluating and Validating an Assistive Technology Recommendation Protocol 20 000 $
McNeil, Aliya University of Waterloo Insecure Attachment, Intrusive Thoughts, and Safety Behaviours: A Mixed Methods Investigation of Fear of Compassion and Shame as Mediators 80 000 $
McPherson, Carter L. Simon Fraser University Place Resentment in Canada: A Study of Rural, Suburban, Urban, and Migrant Groups 80 000 $
Mekerian, Aïki Université d'Ottawa Le chemin Roxham: Analyse discursive de l'imaginaire national canadien 80 000 $
Mendel, Billie Université d'Ottawa An interview study of personal and relational correlates in women with lifelong vaginismus (LLV) 80 000 $
Menon, Aparna University of Toronto An ethnographic study of the use of Alternative and Augmentative Communication by autistic adolescents 80 000 $
Mérineau, Samuel Université de Montréal Apprentissage par renforcement des similarités partagées avec un groupe 40 000 $
Meyerson, Benjamin University of Toronto Momentum, Substrate, Center: Distance and Material Complexity in Orally Transmitted Poetries from the Iberian Peninsula 80 000 $
Michelle, Ellen S. University of Toronto Innovations in Accessible Book Production: How Disabled Readers Access Books 40 000 $
Miljus, Milica Université de Montréal Étude systémique de la perception du climat scolaire interculturel et de l'identification ethnoculturelle d'adolescents issus de l'immigration dans deux régions québécoises 60 000 $
Milne, Samuel E. Western University Retributive Philanthropy 40 000 $
Minville, Geneviève Université York A feminist political ecology of climate justice in fishing communities of the Philippines 80 000 $
Mirza, Jeeshan Wilfrid Laurier University Post-Sale Value Management in Business-to-Business Markets 40 000 $
Mohamed, Adam Western University Deleuzean Planes of Immanence in Romanticism: Mixing Literature and Philosophy 40 000 $
Mok, Shannon V. Western University Labour Market Outcomes of Sexual and Gender Minorities from an Intersectional Perspective 40 000 $
Monette, Erynn Queen's University Mobilizing social and cultural capital to enhance services for older populations in low-income rural communities 60 000 $
Montgomery, Diane University of Prince Edward Island A Holistic Assessment Approach to Support Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms 60 000 $
Morency, Sophie-Anne Université du Québec à Montréal Humour et « rire-ensemble » : Analyse sociologique des dynamiques conflictuelles entourant la définition de l'humour au Québec 60 000 $
Morin, Alexis Université du Québec à Montréal Expertise populiste et ventriloquie : la constitution communicationnelle du mouvement anti-mesures sanitaires au Québec 80 000 $
Mosannef, Daniel Western University Accounting for The Overrepresentation of Indigenous Offenders in Canadian Prisons 40 000 $
Mungall, Luke Ryan Dalhousie University The role of primal world beliefs in political attitudes and behaviours 80 000 $
Murray, Emerson Northwestern University The Last Dominion: Settler Colonial Lineages of British 'National' Statehood 60 000 $
Muscat, Luke University of Calgary Embodied Storytelling: Fostering Queer Mo(ve)ments in Early Childhood 40 000 $
Mylett, Marisa L. Simon Fraser University Social camouflaging, internalized stigma & mental health in adult ADHD 80 000 $
Nachabe, Jude Université Concordia Cultural Consensus: Psychosocial Distress and Well-being in Arab-Canadian Muslims vs. European-origin Canadians 60 000 $
Nachman, Jessica R. Université York Creating equitable futures alongside diverse youth cyclists: A participatory action project with Charlie's Freewheels 80 000 $
Nachtigall, Rebecca University of Toronto Thrift shopping: Meaning, morals, and motivation 60 000 $
Nahas, Jean Université Concordia Investigating the roles of impulsivity and resilience in the association between intolerance of uncertainty and alcohol use 80 000 $
Nakagawa, Hanika S. Dalhousie University Indigenous food sovereignty from centre to margin: The loss of identity and worldview in the Amami people 80 000 $
Nakhaei, Mahyar University of Calgary The change starts from within: The story of '-esh' in Persian 20 000 $
Nandhra, Roshon S. The University of British Columbia Felt Histories in the Archival Gap: Indigenous and South Asian Relations in British Columbia 80 000 $
Neufeld, Sadie University of Guelph Sibling Dynamics and Children's Empathy: An Active Approach 80 000 $
Ng, Justin The University of British Columbia The Expansion of Medical Assistance in Dying to Mental Illness: Stricking a Balance Between Autonomy and Protection 40 000 $
Ng Man Chuen, Caitlyn University of Massachusetts - Amherst Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Non-Human Performers in East Asian Pop Music 80 000 $
Ngo, Hazel University of Toronto Teaching Adults to Understand and Respond to Others: What makes for an effective empathy intervention? 60 000 $
Ngo, Sabrina Simon Fraser University Decolonizing Practices in Vocational Education 40 000 $
Nguyen, Linh San University of Cambridge Patterns that become ecosystems: Developing pedagogic practices that honour emergence and pluralities within writing workshops and educational policy 80 000 $
Nicoll, Grace L. University of Alberta The Two Swords: Visualizations of Papal Power in the Middle Ages, 1075-1300 40 000 $
Nikcevic, Hana Massachusetts Institute of Technology Plastic Matters: Modern and Late Modern Artists on Plastics as Ecological, Social, and Political Materials 80 000 $
Nnake, Nnamdi S. McMaster University Data Technologies and Discrimination in Nigeria and Kenya (1945-1994) 80 000 $
Nofal, Mozynah University of Toronto One more piece in the Canadian leadership mosaic:  Islamic school principals leading Islamic schools in Ontario 20 000 $
Nolin, Raymond Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Soutenir le développement de la pensée mathématique en contexte de jeu symbolique dans une perspective de continuité pédagogique entre l'éducation préscolaire et le primaire 60 000 $
Nordstrom, Morgan V. Carleton University Paying for wasted space: Measuring affordability pressures from excess street width 80 000 $
Novielli, Julia Université d'Ottawa The Role of Rumination in Moral Trauma 80 000 $
Noyes, Amira Western University Youth taking charge: Listening to youths' voices to reconceptualize resilience and thriving 40 000 $
Nzobonimpa, Stany École nationale d'administration publique Iniquités algorithmiques: Une analyse comparative des solutions qu'apportent les États aux défis d'équité socio-économique à l'ère de l'intelligence artificielle 60 000 $
Obie, Michael A. University of Toronto The Archaeology of Inundated Landscapes within the Georgian Bay Basin 60 000 $
O'Connell, William University of Toronto Bailing-in or out? The politics of moral hazard in international finance 20 000 $
O'Donnell, Ian E.C. Western University Pay Up or Shut Down: Local Minimum Wage Effects 60 000 $
Ogunnubi, Olusola Queen's University Agency and Norm Domestication in Global Resource Governance: A Cross-Regional Examination of Canada, Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania 80 000 $
O'Hagan, Maire L. Toronto Metropolitan University Examining the Influence of Digital Technology on Alibi Witness Memory 80 000 $
Okaluk, Tiffany R. Ariel University Center of Samaria Axes and foodways: A comparative experimental study of Judahite and Philistine butchery practices 60 000 $
Olson, Brayden P. Western University Musical Semiology and the Winchester Tropers 60 000 $
Olson, David Université York Investigating the impact of novel training and individual differences in emotion recognition on interpersonal skill performance 60 000 $
O'Neil, Hailey A. Wilfrid Laurier University Examining Young-Onset Dementia in Southern Ontario: Physical Activity and Social Support Programming for Informal Caregivers 80 000 $
Orszak, Corey M. Université York Bird without Wings: Experiments in Citizenship-Building and Public Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1965-1975 60 000 $
Osei Kye, Nancy Western University Examining Campus-Based Sexual Violence in Ghana Using African Feminist Perspectives 60 000 $
O'Sullivan, Brianne Western University Delivering equity: Determinants of sustainable and scalable delivery drone networks in low-resource public health systems 60 000 $
Ottley, Katherine M. University of Saskatchewan What matters?: An examination of family decision making at the end-of-life for persons living with dementia using Q methodology 40 000 $
Ozog, Sarah E. Simon Fraser University Reconciliation and Decarbonization policy integration:  Examining opportunities for UNDRIP implementation in the Haida energy transformation 40 000 $
Pacquing, Mykelle Toronto Metropolitan University A Socially Assistive Robot Design for Indigenous Language Reclamation 40 000 $
Palucci, Jonathan Université McGill Free Choice: The mystery of modal quantification 60 000 $
Panasiuk, Sofia University of Toronto The reality behind life satisfaction measurements: Using rich data and supervised machine learning to interpret and predict life satisfaction responses 80 000 $
Papuha, Samantha E. University of Alberta Framing of Refugee Deservingness in Canadian and Italian Television News - 2015-2022 40 000 $
Paquette Guay, Alex Université de Sherbrooke Politiques publiques concernant les technologies innovantes en santé: le rôle des chercheurs-développeurs et l'importance du raisonnement éthique dans la promotion du changement 40 000 $
Parker, Olivia Brock University Can we alter perceptions of fear of falling among people with a progressive disease? 80 000 $
Parsons, Amy J. Memorial University of Newfoundland Exploring the Experiences of Psychiatric Weaponization Among Alberta's Frontline Healthcare Workers who Have Disclosed Psychiatric Diagnoses in the Workplace: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis 60 000 $
Pastore, Olivia OP. Université McGill Understanding and Reducing Compassion Fatigue Using the Compassion Fatigue Resilience Model and Self-Compassion in Peer Mentors of Canadian Spinal Cord Injury Community-Based Organizations 40 000 $
Patel, Shaneha Université du Québec à Montréal Parenting Stress and Intervention Development for Couples of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 40 000 $
Pavlik, Natalie Université Concordia Art-trans-formations: Queering art education as a process of accessibility 80 000 $
Peckham, Stephen B. University of Calgary The Forgotten Few: Cognitive Risk and Well-being among Older Adults with Bipolar Disorder 40 000 $
Pejic, Samantha R. Toronto Metropolitan University Internalization of prototypes: Exploring Asian-subgroups' self-perceptions and implications for social justice movements and reporting metrics 80 000 $
Pelland-Goulet, Pénélope Université de Montréal Collégiens, cognition, santé mentale et fonctionnement académique en temps de pandémie 20 000 $
Pelletier, Gabrielle N. University of Alberta The Effect and Experience of a Human Library on Pre-Service Teachers' Knowledge and Beliefs About Childhood Trauma 20 000 $
Pepetone, Alexandra University of Waterloo Food Insecurity in Middle- and High-Income Countries Before (2018/2019) and During (2020/2021) the COVID-19 Pandemic 40 000 $
Perera, Naiomi M. Université York Countering Far-Right Radicalization in Canadian Schools: Insights from School Staff, Parents, and Students 80 000 $
Perry Cox, Alexei Université Concordia Balance/Unbalance: Ungrounding legal courses of occupation through radical poetry from the unceded lands of North America and the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel 80 000 $
Petit-Homme, Frédéricka SKC. Université McGill Building Resilience through Gospel Music as Cultural Production in Higher Music Education 60 000 $
Petric, Alexander T. University of Waterloo Assessing links between housing stock and social capital through agent-based modelling and ground-truthing mixed-method research 60 000 $
Philip LaForest, Shelly L.V. Trent University Exploring the well-being of the Black Nurse working in the Canadian healthcare system 60 000 $
Picard, Véronique Université Concordia Indigenous Youth Finding Their Voices and Leadership 40 000 $
Pickett, Emily A. Queen's University Finding Out the Woman's Part: A Praxis-Based Examination of Genre and Feminism in Genderbent All-Female Shakespeare 80 000 $
Pimienta, Jessica University of Toronto Pharmaceutical influencer marketing on social media: A Canadian critical ethnographic study 60 000 $
Plouffe, Thomas Université Laval La documentation pedagogique en tant que modalite d evaluation formative et dynamique servant l emergence de la litteratie a l education prescolaire 60 000 $
Pringle, Victoria University of Toronto How do we make up our minds about others? 60 000 $
Proulx, Nancy Université du Québec à Montréal La qualité éducative offerte aux enfants de 0 à 3 ans en centres de la petite enfance ayant adopté l'approche piklérienne 20 000 $
Proulx, Sarah M. University of Toronto Responsibilities to our Ancestors: Reconciling colonial legacies and Anishinaabe reclaimation in Shebahonaning 40 000 $
Pulver, Benjamin S. University of Toronto To Err is Human: Morality and Desire in French Art of the Long Digital Age 80 000 $
Quach Soquier, Irene McMaster University Galatians 5:19-23 as Second Temple Period Jewish Lists of Vices and Virtues 20 000 $
Rabideau, Theresa A.L. Université d'Ottawa Visual cues in voicing in Canadian English and Canadian French speakers 60 000 $
Raîche-Savoie, Geneviève Université Laval L'éducation entrepreneuriale par le design comme levier à l'apprentissage en continu et à l'agentivité des designers graphiques 40 000 $
Rajwani, Khaleel M. Université McGill How can Western psychedelic therapies ethically integrate Indigenous and non-Western psychedelic knowledge and practices? 80 000 $
Rankaduwa, Saisha Dalhousie University What Makes a Skilled Reader? 80 000 $
Raza, Kashif University of Calgary Communicative practices of multilingual immigrants and their impact on newcomer integration: A case study of South Asians in Northeast Calgary 40 000 $
Redford, Jasmine L.G. University of Saskatchewan Blood on the Snow: Crime and Violence in Captain Canuck Comic Books 40 000 $
Reeve, Kate Columbia University Contesting the Covenant: Indigenous Internationalism in the Twentieth Century 80 000 $
Reichardt, Elliott M. Stanford University Clear Cut Futures? Transformations of settler-Indigenous capitalism in the logging frontiers of Canada 20 000 $
Reinsch, Emma University of Victoria Lockdowns and Domestic Violence in Canada 80 000 $
Renaud, Sandrine Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Expériences d'injustices liées au sanisme dans les services publics québécois et pratiques pour les contrer 40 000 $
Restrepo, Daniel Université d'Ottawa Rapports décoloniaux à la connaissance: rapports humain-plante au sud de la Colombie 40 000 $
Richards, Jenna K. Université d'Ottawa Beyond Music: Postsecondary Performance Curriculum and the Portfolio Careers of Western Classical Music Professionals 40 000 $
Riopel, Gabrielle Université de Montréal L'exploration de la créativité en lien avec la dérégulation émotionnelle 80 000 $
Risi, Lydia Institut national de la recherche scientifique Shifting the Lens on Sexuality in Nunavik: Pleasure Activism as Inuit Resurgence 80 000 $
Ritondo, Talia Université d'Ottawa Searching for Support: Canadian Safe Sport Policy and Pregnant and Parenting Elite Athletes 80 000 $
Roberge-Maltais, Isabelle HEC Montréal Le travail émotionnel des délégués syndicaux : Barrière à la diversité représentative? 40 000 $
Romano, Meghan M. University of Toronto Midway Modernism: Newfoundland and Labrador Media Infrastructures 20 000 $
Romero Espitia, David University of Victoria Peacebuilding from the Grassroots Up: The Case of Police Reform in Colombia 60 000 $
Rommelaere, Benjamin D. University of Toronto Is Biomass Power Carbon Neutral?: A Structural Model of the US Logging Industry 40 000 $
Rooney, Jean C. Université Concordia Homing Eco-Artists: A Place-Based Critical Art Education Study 60 000 $
Rossignol, Antoine Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Les élites médicales québécoises et le champ politique. Stratégies et circulations entre les élites associatives médicales et les élites politiques aux paliers fédéral et provincial, 1867 à 2020 60 000 $
Rousseau, Pascale Université Laval Effets d'un dispositif d'enseignement du vocabulaire académique en classe de sciences sur les connaissances lexicales d'élèves du secondaire en contexte plurilingue 60 000 $
Roy, Marie-Christine Université de Montréal Slow fashion ou le ralentissement de l'industrie de la mode Quelles responsabilités pour quelles parties prenantes 80 000 $
Roy-Turgeon, Olivier Université de Montréal Les masculinités bibliques ondulatoires : repenser les masculinités guerrières de Ehud, Naaman et Samson à la lumière des études du handicap 80 000 $
Rozycki, Victoria Wilfrid Laurier University Is there room for resilience? Examining the patterns and effects of resilience on housing stability, mental health, and substance use outcomes among youth in Housing First for Youth 80 000 $
Rumeo, Carla University of Waterloo Exploring the Relationship between Epistemic Trust, Attachment, and Social Functioning 80 000 $
Russell, Pia University of Victoria Decolonizing Canadian historical consciousness: Truth-telling, textbooks, and Indigenous resurgence 60 000 $
Ryu, Ha Na Simon Fraser University Exploring The Reciprocal Relationship between Victimization and Social Networks Through A Life-Course Perspective 40 000 $
Sabada, Shayla K. Université York Queering Mad Death: The Intimacies of Death and Dying 60 000 $
Sacco, Sabrina Université Concordia Understanding how body mass index, psychological processes, and obesity program participation impact the psychosocial well-being of individuals: An investigation from a developmental perspective 80 000 $
Sandrin, Ryan Simon Fraser University "Trade your uniform, change your life": Toward a sport-development model for understanding policing careers 60 000 $
Sanger, Malcolm Université McGill Forests & trees in Canada and communications: Resources & relations 60 000 $
Santucci, Katya Université McGill Stability and Dissolution of Friendships in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: Links with Implicit Friendship Beliefs and Relationship Quality 60 000 $
Satre, Hugo Université de Montréal L'eclat du sujet : les multiples visages du sujet dans l'ecriture de soi contemporaine 60 000 $
Saulnier-Abastado, Camille Université du Québec à Montréal Les droits humains et la solidarité Canada-Amérique centrale (1979-1996) 80 000 $
Savard, Lindsay Université McGill Strengthening parental self-efficacy and family cohesiveness using Emotion-Focused Family Therapy in parents with youth experiencing suicidal ideation 80 000 $
Saville, Elizabeth M. The University of British Columbia Examining how diverse students experience secondary Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) classrooms in ways that support the construction of identities in STEM 40 000 $
Sayani, Salima The University of British Columbia Positive Youth Development in a Global Context: A Community-based Research-to-Action Project with Children in Pakistan 20 000 $
Saymour, Isra Samara University of Toronto A Mansion of Ruins: Manuscript Looting, Illicit Trade, and the Plunder of the Mughal Imperial Library 40 000 $
Sbaï, Firdaous University of Toronto Racial disproportionality in incarceration: Measuring the legacy of racial history 40 000 $
Schloss, Rachel J. University of California, Los Angeles Building Communities: Inca Earthen Architecture in the Department of Cusco, Peru 60 000 $
Schmitt, Gabrielle Toronto Metropolitan University Mother-to-child transmission of depressive symptoms: Maternal socialization of infant positive affect as a mediator 80 000 $
Schmor, Rebecca L. University of Toronto Investigating plurilingual instructor identities 60 000 $
Scott, Alexandra T. Université York The Myth of 'Good Enough': Law, Engineering, and Autonomous Weapons Systems 60 000 $
Seale, Persephone C. University of Guelph Liminal Bodies: Exploring Infanticide in Seventeenth-Century Scotland 80 000 $
Séguin, Nicholas Université d'Ottawa An investigation of audio-based puzzles in video games 60 000 $
Seibel, Thomas J. Université McGill Gender, Poverty, and Ritual Innovation in North India During the COVID-19 Pandemic 80 000 $
Selby, Ishaan McMaster University Animal, Abolition, Property 40 000 $
Selliah, Sugirthini Institut national de la recherche scientifique Comprendre les interactions entre la diversité biologique et culturelle dans un écosystème  urbain: une perspective de recherche ethnobotanique urbaine critique 80 000 $
Serrao, Natasha University of Waterloo Social-Ecological Keystone Species in Chilika Lagoon 40 000 $
Shakespear, Mark The University of British Columbia Mapping the Field of International Climate Change Discourse: Nation-State Networks, Roles, and Policy 40 000 $
Shamayleh, Ghalia Université Concordia Digitized Healthcare Services: How Mental Healthcare Platforms Shape Therapy 20 000 $
Sharma, Alisha Queen's University Against the Violence of Humanism: Fanonian Black (and) Trans Liberation 40 000 $
Shea, Joey King's College London Egypt's Repression Dissent Nexus Post-2013 60 000 $
Sheppard-Perkins, Madeleine Carleton University Maps In Action: Examining Socio-Spatial Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Sexual- and Gender-Based Violence Support Services in Rural, Remote, and Northern Canada 60 000 $
Sherwood, Devon University of Waterloo Trade networks of sexual violence: A transatlantic analysis of early modern rape in France and New France (1540-1700) 60 000 $
Shwed, Alanna N.M. The University of British Columbia Transforming the Research System: Implementing an intervention to support the use of the integrated knowledge translation guiding principles for conducting and disseminating SCI research in partnership 40 000 $
Siegel, Ashley N. Université York Effectiveness of Self-Compassion for Emotion Regulation Strategies in the General Population 80 000 $
Sim, Cassiea Université McGill An Exploration of Dungeons and Dragons as an Experiment in Social Inclusion for Autistic and Non-Autistic Children 80 000 $
Simitian, Anahid Z. University of Toronto Geographies of Religious-Gendered Difference: An intersectional analysis of food security in Lebanon 60 000 $
Simovic, Tiana V. University of Toronto Exploring the role of perspective taking and social reasoning in language understanding 40 000 $
Simpson, Kaeley Université du Manitoba Promoting Well-Being and Supportive Parenting: An Analysis of How Self-Compassion Impacts Parenting Practices in Mothers with Psychological Distress 80 000 $
Singh, Rosemarie Memorial University of Newfoundland Learning and teaching social justice in online social work education 20 000 $
Skura, Tyler Western University Marriage and Fertility Beliefs, and Labor Market Outcomes 40 000 $
Slauenwhite, Sarah D. University of Cambridge A Pragmatic, Mixed Methods Approach to the Transition of Rural Nova Scotian Students from Secondary to Tertiary Physics Education 60 000 $
Smith, Adam J. Université McGill Method and Manifestation: Michel Henry's Phenomenology of Religion 20 000 $
Smith, Cristalle University of Calgary Ekphrastic Reconstruction: A Lyric Investigation of Domestic Violence 40 000 $
Smith, Danielle University of Calgary Inclusive Mental Health: A Case Study of Newcomer Families' Experiences of School-Based Mental Health 40 000 $
Smith, Kristy D. Université York Pedagogies of discomfort and care: Drama teachers' experiences navigating intimacy and vulnerability 20 000 $
Solomon, Rhonda University of Toronto Lying on a restroom floor: Disabled childhoods with no place to go 40 000 $
Solomon, Shirlee Daniela Université McGill Sport and Indigenous Resurgence: A case study of the Haudenosaunee Nationals Lacrosse Club 60 000 $
Spady, Danielle University of Calgary Queer in a country school: LGBTQ student experiences in rural Alberta high schools 80 000 $
Speller, Jeffrey G. Durham University Farming the North Atlantic: Sustainable Practice Through Time 80 000 $
Spencer, Noah University of Toronto The Health Impacts of Youth Pharmacare: Evidence from the Ontario Health Insurance Plan 60 000 $
Sprangers, Nolan K.C. University of Toronto Flora, Fauna, Seasons, and Floods: Towards an Ecological Perspective of Stravinsky 80 000 $
Stajic, Kristina University of Toronto The Representation of Intimacies in Twenty-first Century Mexican Fictional Narratives 40 000 $
Steele, Robert W.T. University of Toronto Clockwork Plots: Timekeeping Narratives in Victorian Fiction 80 000 $
Stewart, Breanna D. Université McGill Sounding Care: Exploring the Maternal Subject in Contemporary Electroacoustic Music 60 000 $
Stewart, Jayme D. The University of British Columbia To Tell or Not to Tell: The Role of Social Perception in Improving the Experience and Effectiveness of Sexual Assault Disclosures to Police 80 000 $
St-Georges, Jade Université Laval Vers des pratiques de gestion féministes intersectionnelles et décoloniales en coopération internationale : analyse d'alternatives à partir de l'expérience d'organisations boliviennes 40 000 $
St-Pierre, Elisabeth Université Laval Abus sexuels commis par des entraîneurs : profils comportementaux de passage à l'acte et carrière criminelle 60 000 $
St-Pierre, Xavier Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Ethnographie du processus de choix scolaire d'écoles privées ou sélectives à Trois-Rivières Perspectives des familles et du personnel scolaire 60 000 $
Stubbs, Alisha A. Wilfrid Laurier University Competencies of School Social workers in Supporting Autistic Girls in the Ontario Public Education System 40 000 $
Sulemana, Saaka University of Calgary Gendering Cabinets in Africa: The Impact of Democratization and Post-conflict Politics 20 000 $
Sultana, Nasrin HEC Montréal Open innovation for sustainability in healthcare 20 000 $
Sutton, Jesse A. Western University The role of global economic integration in Canadian regional economic resilience 60 000 $
Sviridenko, Eduard Western University Russian Propaganda: Goals, Tools, and Effects 60 000 $
Sylliboy, Simon St. Francis Xavier University Apjiatunej tan tel ekinamasimk maqmikewiktuk (Let's go back to what the land can teach us) 40 000 $
Tacuri, Natalie Université McGill Trendy or Troublesome? Deconstructing the "Epidemic" of Sexualization in Studio-Based and University-Level Competitive Dance Contexts 60 000 $
Tahtadjian, Talia L. Université d'Ottawa The effect of language contact on  the production and perception of Armenian obstruents 80 000 $
Taiwo, Tolulola University of Toronto Experiences of Microaggressions by Individuals who are Black, Indigenous and Persons of Colour (BIPOC) Working in Human Service Organizations 80 000 $
Takhtaganova, Nadia University of Toronto The Emergence of Spanish Prepositions in Nahuatl 40 000 $
Tak, Purnoor London Business School Household Finance 40 000 $
Tang, Xuyan The University of British Columbia Promoting the Use of Anchoring Vignettes to Address Self-Report Response Heterogeneity in Social Science Research 40 000 $
Tardif-Loiselle, Simon Université Laval Recherches des fondements : Actualité et postérité de la Controverse de Davos (1929) dans le rapport entre philosophie et science (Cassirer, Heidegger, Blumenberg) 80 000 $
Tarkhanian, Serina The Oslo School of Architecture and Design A Right to Microbes: Radical more-than-human healthcare design in the context of microbial health equity 80 000 $
Tarnawsky, Angus Université Concordia Sonic Encounters on the Lachine Canal 40 000 $
Tarves, Kirsten G. University of Toronto Myth and National Narratives of Violence in Far-Right Russian Political Authorship: The Case of Aleksandr Prokhanov 20 000 $
Taylor, Micheal Memorial University of Newfoundland PRISON TURNED INSIDE OUT: Interpreting probation work in Canada 80 000 $
Tchuisseu Tchepnkep, Rivellie Aimée Université du Québec à Montréal Évolution institutionnelle du Genre dans les services de conseil agricole et agroenvironnementale: une comparaison Canada-France 60 000 $
Thibeault, Charles-Antoine Université de Montréal Le processus d'affirmation de genre des enfants trans et non-binaires: Une recherche phénoménologique interprétative 80 000 $
Thibodeau, Simon Université du Québec à Montréal Faire image. La photographie comme geste entre stratégies et usages tactiques de la ville 60 000 $
Thomas, Joshua K.R. Yale University The Impact of the Indian Act Coverage Formula on Marriage Sorting among First Nations in Canada 80 000 $
Thombs, Sherry University of Victoria Religious Identity and Its Impact on Legal Practice 40 000 $
Thompson, Danielle E. University of Waterloo Digital workplace surveillance in Ontario: Assessing the impacts and regulation of employee monitoring in the remote work era 60 000 $
Tibbits-Lamirande, Meghan Carleton University The Protester as Producer: Direct Action and the Radical Media (1955-1975) 20 000 $
Tingley, Zachary A. Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Navigating a Marine Commons: The Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Challenges of Maritime Safety, 1815-1867 60 000 $
Toledo, Estefania University of Toronto Critical testimonios of student success: How can Canadian universities better serve Latinx/e students? 40 000 $
Toledo, Tamara Université York Aesthetics of Resistance: Latin American Artists in Canada 1990-2020 20 000 $
To, Lok Sang Jeffrey Université McGill Using a Multi-Category IAT to Measure Implicit Biases and Predict Behavior 80 000 $
Tomas, Giana Cecille Louise University of Waterloo At 'Home' Away from Home: Welcoming New Filipin*-Canadian Stories of Re-Creating Home 60 000 $
Tonita, Risa The University of British Columbia The Pianist's Self: Political Action in Piano Performance as a Relational Practice 20 000 $
Tootonsab, Zahra McMaster University Water as Sanctuary: Indigenous and Ecopoetic Practices of Shelter-Making from Canada to Iran 60 000 $
Tremblay, Julie Andrée Université du Québec à Montréal Esthétique du dépaysage ou la défaillance du paysage 40 000 $
Tremblay-Moll, Krystale University of Toronto Tourism in the Hispanic Caribbean Imagination 40 000 $
Trotter, Marie E. Université McGill Creating Theatrical Reality: Shakespearean Metatheatre and the Making of the Audience 60 000 $
Trudgill, Diane I.N. University of Windsor Posttraumatic Stress Symptomatology and Comorbid Mental Health Conditions in Canadian Emergency Department and Acute Care Nurses Post-COVID-19 Pandemic 20 000 $
Tung, Audrey University of Victoria A Room of One's Own: Holding Space for Women and Gender-Diverse People who are Homeless or Housing Insecure 60 000 $
Umenwofor-Nweze, Nmesomachukwu Université McGill Understanding the social supports of Inuit experiencing homelessness 60 000 $
Uy, Danielle Anne Toronto Metropolitan University Problematic Gaming or Problems Outside of Gaming? An Examination of how Nongaming Factors Influence Gaming Outcomes 40 000 $
Vallerand, Viviane Université Laval Vers une intelligence artificielle responsable en éducation : La perspective de groupes sous-représentés sur les enjeux éthiques d'une intelligence artificielle pour prévenir le décrochage scolaire au Québec 60 000 $
Van Meyl, Katherine N. Université McGill Providing Mental Health Services to Sex Workers: Whorephobia, Internalized Whorephobia, and Forming Therapeutic Alliances with Sex Workers 80 000 $
Van Vuuren, Luke W. Queen's University Local Christians and Crusaders in the Crusader States 60 000 $
Velugu, Snigdha University of Toronto Deconstructing Dominant Discourses About Menstruation in Urban Slums of India 60 000 $
Vennes, Thomas Université de Sherbrooke Conquérir, pacifier, commander : l'action militaire et politique des officiers français dans la mise en dépendance de l'espace ouest-africain (1854-1898) 40 000 $
Villemaire-Krajden, Rosanne Université Concordia Extracurricular Activity Participation in Emerging Adulthood: Identity Exploration, Self-Development and Well-being 40 000 $
Vinik, Viktoriya Université York Leisure-Driven Migration to the Occupied Palestinian Territories 60 000 $
Vipond, Hillary G. London School of Economics and Political Science Locating Technological Unemployment in 19th Century Britain 20 000 $
Vouligny, Alexandra Université de Sherbrooke Malades ou déviant·e·s? Traitements et représentations des insensé·e·s à Paris et à Londres (1750-1850) 80 000 $
Wagner, Richelle University of Alberta SCAT3 Symptom Reporting and Screening for Mental Health Disorders in Varsity Athletes 40 000 $
Walker, Hailey-Ann Carleton University, Big Data and The Will to Identity: Toward a Genealogy of Genealogy 20 000 $
Walling, Jeremy Université de Montréal Les universités québécoises et la Deuxième Guerre mondiale 40 000 $
Walters, Lucas Université d'Ottawa Assessing Sexual Attractions Over Time 20 000 $
Wang, Jenny H. University of Guelph Covering up unethical behaviour: Why and when employees conceal coworkers' misconduct and how these effects can be overcome 20 000 $
Ward-Griffin, Emma University of California, Berkeley Bisexual Invisibility: Improving attitudes towards bisexuals by reducing bisexual erasure and misperceptions 40 000 $
Weber, Gerard R. Western University Sexuality, devotion and desire in late-medieval Song of Songs antiphons 40 000 $
Webster, Alexis D. The University of British Columbia Upholding data integrity: An assessment of strategies to detect carelessness and bots in online samples 80 000 $
Weidman, Zoe University of Guelph A Comprehensive Analysis of Day-to-Day Fluctuations in Parenting Stress and Mood Lability in Parents and Children 80 000 $
Wendel, Jason S. University of Cambridge Luke the Teacher of Torah: A Defense of Christian Law-Observance 60 000 $
Wentzell, Alexander J. Washington University in St. Louis The Moral Status of Artificial Intelligence 80 000 $
Werner, Leah B. Université Concordia Towards a universal basic income: A comparative ethnography of two emerging social movements 80 000 $
West, Karen R. University of Alberta Treaty as a Living Agreement within Science Education 60 000 $
White, Dylan J. University of Guelph Norms of attention: Psychological realism and the attention economy 60 000 $
Whitelaw, Keely Université Concordia Momentous Bodies: Spinning the weave of an acrobat-body and apparatus 60 000 $
Wilson, Angus University of Toronto Fate and Fear: Hope, Despair, and Uncertainty in the Aeneid 80 000 $
Windisch, Thomas Université McGill La vérité, rien que la vérité (judiciaire)! Épistémologie du droit de la preuve civile au Québec 80 000 $
Winkelman, Darragh University of Chicago Language Contact and the Structure of Middle Ottoman Turkish 40 000 $
Wipond, Michaela C.W. Queen's University Excessive feeling and proto-environmentalism in early twentieth-century girls' fiction 40 000 $
Wolfries-Thomas, Diontay University of Toronto Reconstructing Historical Narratives in the Civil Rights Movement 80 000 $
Wong, Chi Pan University of Southern California Reconceiving Diaspora Politics: Hongkonger Migrants Against Authoritarianism 20 000 $
Wong, Elizabeth Utah State University Everyday Food Practices as Knowledge and Healing among Spiritual/Religious 2SLGBTQ+ BIPOC 20 000 $
Wong, Harris The University of British Columbia Chinese Canadian Youths Experiences of Critical Consciousness Development 80 000 $
Wong, Julia Penn State Critical (Trans) Care: Meeting the Needs of Becoming 40 000 $
Wong, Keefer Université York Examining the experiences of anti-Chinese racism in London and Kitchener-Waterloo during COVID-19 20 000 $
Wong, Mitchell J. University of Toronto Teaching for Musical Amateurism in Schools 40 000 $
Wood-Ross, Chelsea Queen's University Cognition in Daily Life: Investigating Change Over Time and Associations with Affective State 40 000 $
Wright, Kelly-Ann University of Waterloo A case of Montego Bay, Jamaica: Engaging racial capitalism towards decolonialist analyses of labour relations in hotels and resorts 60 000 $
Wu, Judy Simon Fraser University Investigating Eco-anxiety in Youth: Identification of Demographic, Socio-contextual, and Modifiable Protective Factors Associated with Eco-Anxiety to Inform Support Resources 80 000 $
Wygiera, Hannah J. University of Calgary The Power to Punish: Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction within English Heresy Laws, 1530-1680 80 000 $
Wylie, Megan S. Queen's University Forms of Situation-Dependent Expressive Suppression: When, Why, and For Whom? 40 000 $
Yankey, Manzah-Kyentoh University of Alberta To Protect and Serve Whom? The Whiteness of Canadian Policing 80 000 $
Yli-Renko, Teija The University of British Columbia Teachers' Perspectives on Fostering Inclusive Transition Planning Processes for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder 80 000 $
Yuan, Shangcao University of Toronto How did semi-elite private universities emerge? A comparative case study of Japan, South Korea, and China 40 000 $
Yucel, Shiv G. University of Oxford Adapting to Extreme Heat: Measuring Resilience and Inequalities in Access to Relief Facilities 80 000 $
Yuzyk, Seon A. University of Alberta The Political Economy of Oil and Indigenous Self-Determination in Alberta 60 000 $
Zavarce, Elsy Université Concordia Socially Engaged Art interventions through Art-Based Action Research (ABAR): Imaging a sense of place and community in Griffintown, Montreal 20 000 $
Zentner-Barrett, Joshua G. Université Saint-Paul Remembering and Reconciling: A Decolonizing Framework for Liturgy in Canadian Faith Communities in Light of the TRC 80 000 $
Zentner, Emilie Simon Fraser University Indirect Reciprocity in Strategic Interactions: Behavioural and Experimental Evidence 80 000 $
Zhu, Carina J. University of Calgary Understanding women's experiences of grief in infertility 80 000 $
Ziani, Melissa Institut national de la recherche scientifique Jeunes universitaires à l ère de l urgence climatique : éducation relative à l environnement et rapports au travail 60 000 $
Zora, Samar Duke University Divine Circulations: Magic and Mediation in Kuwait 20 000 $
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