Award Recipients for Canada Graduate Scholarships—Master’s Program: Fall 2022 Competition

Applicant Administering Organization Title Amount Awarded
Abbas, Freya University of Toronto State-Sanctioned Violence and the Changing Acoustic Landscape of Nagaland in the Works of Temsula Ao $17,500
Abdeen, Alia University of Toronto Race and Class Impacts on the Empowerment of Women's Sexuality in Western Popular Music $17,500
Abou, Macilia  HEC Montréal Mieux définir le leadership destructif pour mieux le prévenir $17,500
Abu Al-Saoud, Sarah A. Western University  Promoting Accessibility in Education: An Examination of Cognitive Functioning in Children and Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders $17,500
Abutalib, Shahana  University of Toronto The Eighteenth-Century ''Hindustani air'' and Anglo-Mughal Hybridity $17,500
Acres, Teghan  Royal Roads University Climate Change Storytelling in Canada Critical Scan $17,500
Adams, Alex  University of Ottawa Experienced Psychotherapists Self-Care Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Exploration $17,500
Ade Winter, Mafalda  Concordia University Le cinéma engagé turc de femmes et LGBTQ+ $17,500
Adedun, Ayomide D. University of Regina Stereotype Threat and Institutional Betrayal: Do Microaggressions Influence Cognitive Performance of Women and Racial Minorities? $17,500
Adel, Adibba  University of Calgary Exploring resistance towards social justice education among undergraduate medical students $17,500
Agbayani, Katrina  University of Toronto Kapwa in Canada: Exploring Filipino Forms of Subjectivity in Diasporic Literature $17,500
Ahmad, Fiza  McMaster University The Investigation of Temporal Order and Foreign Language Learning Using Nursery Rhymes $17,500
Ahn, Jessica Y. The University of British Columbia Predicting Help-Seeking Intent Among International Students in a Canadian University $17,500
Ajayi, Mary  Queen's University Using Intersectionality Theory to Frame African, Caribbean, and Black Newcomer Access Disparities in Kingston, Ontario $17,500
Akinola, Oluwatemilorun L. University of Alberta Disciplining Practices of Yoruba Immigrant Parents According to Yoruba and Euro-Canadian Sociocultural Models of Parenting $17,500
Akzam-Ouellette, Marc-Antoine  Université de Montréal Étude oculométrique du traitement lexico-sémantique des personnes âgées ayant un déclin cognitif subjectif $17,500
Alasset, Melody  Université du Québec à Montréal Charivari, scénario palimpseste, suivi d'À la croisée des mondes, essai sur les questions poétiques, sociales et intermédiales que soulève l'adaptation scénaristique de la pièce de théâtre Môman travaille pas, a trop d'ouvrage (1975) $17,500
Aldana, Aliza J. University of Calgary Trust, Effectiveness, and Level of Virtuality in Hybrid Work Teams $17,500
Alexis, Sade B. York University The Joy of Black Womanhood: Love, Survivance, and Foraging Community $17,500
Alhennawi, Samra  York University From Orientalism to Post-Orientalism, The Arab Spring and Self-Orientalization $17,500
Al-Humuzi, Ali  McMaster University Inquiry-Based Learning Versus Lecture-based Learning Approaches and Their Impacts on Students' Sense of Belonging and Intrinsic Motivation at McMaster University $17,500
Ali, Jasmine M. McGill University Taking back our futures: stories of everyday resistance in Black Canada $17,500
Allaby, Katherine G. University of Waterloo A collaborative exploration of flood risk reduction strategies in First Nation communities $17,500
Allan, Alessia  University of Saskatchewan Resilience in University: Exploring University Students' Self-Regulation Skills $17,500
Allard-Cobetto, Penelope  Université du Québec à Montréal L'influence des attitudes de la population adolescente envers la violence dans les relations amoureuses sur leur réceptivité au programme de prévention Étincelles $17,500
Allison, Shaylin A. University of Victoria Snagging Sovereignty: Storying Sex, Bodies, and Land in Contemporary Indigenous Art $17,500
Amarakoon, Anuki  The University of British Columbia Sexual Function Following a Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy: Considering the Role of Estradiol $17,500
Amarasekera, Anurada U. Toronto Metropolitan University A Qualitative Exploration of the Substance Use Experiences of Queer South Asian Young Adults $17,500
Ames, Jillian J.L. University of Alberta Bringing Indigenous People Home: Decolonizing through Indigenous-led Community Housing $17,500
Amin, Naimah-Bint  Emily Carr University of Art + Design "Bikeler Cha": Discussing Second-Generation South Asian Identity through Cherished Everyday Objects and Visual Arts $17,500
Amoako, Jasmin N. NSCAD University Art education experiences of Black women undergraduate students in postsecondary art institutions in Atlantic Canada and Ontario $17,500
Ananthavel Murugan, Arooran S. Wilfrid Laurier University Mental health concerns for sexual orientation and gender identity refugees $17,500
Anderson, Erdanya M. University of Toronto Re-orienting Relationships in Ethics: A Consideration of the Tri-Council Policy Statement's (TCPS-2) Stance on Human Dignity $17,500
Anderson, Mackenzie  Thompson Rivers University Seeking Justice for Acquired Brain Injury Survivors within the Criminal Justice System of Canada $17,500
Andrade, Giovanni  University of Ottawa Perfectionism and Self-Esteem: The Role of Social Comparison $17,500
Antebi, Lara  The University of British Columbia Media representations of suicide by gender in Canadian news media $17,500
Antunes Rezende, Nicole  Institut national de la recherche scientifique Comme nos parents? Étude du profil éducationnel et de la transmission intergénérationnelle éducationnelle des immigrants latino-américains au Canada à l'aide d'une nouvelle mesure du niveau d'éducation $17,500
Archambault-Wakil, Sidney  Université du Québec à Montréal Perceptions des femmes détenues au Québec ayant un vécu en lien avec l'exploitation sexuelle $17,500
Archibald, David C. University of Toronto "The Darling Illusion:" Reinterpreting Maritime Confederation Poetry through Contemporary Composition $17,500
Archibald, Katherine J. University of Calgary Weight in grade school? Storying the student experience of anthropometric measurement through narrative inquiry $17,500
Arendt, Macalister  Concordia University Making Space: Queer Women's Role in the Creation of the Christian Left $17,500
Arnt, Taylor A.J. The University of British Columbia Reaching for freshwater protection: advancing Maori water governance in Te Waipounamu, Aotearoa $17,500
Arseneault, Vincent  Institut national de la recherche scientifique TikTok m'a rendu gai : investiguer la construction algorithmique des identités queer des jeunes sur TikTok $17,500
Arshinoff, Spencer H. York University The Rise of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing in Psychology Textbooks $17,500
Arteau-Leclerc, Benjamin  Université Laval La narrativité sous l'influence du lectacteur : les fictions co-écrites en temps réel avec une intelligence artificielle $17,500
Aryaie, Mina  York University Belief in the Evil Eye $17,500
Ashcroft, Mackenzie K. The University of British Columbia Lyric Trembling: Technology and Victorian Voices $17,500
Asmundson, Aleiia J.N. Queen's University Resistance Training as an Intervention for Comorbid PTSD and Chronic Pain $17,500
Atchison, Lyric  The University of British Columbia Childhood Innocence: It's Not for Every Child and Leads to Deadly Consequences $17,500
Atienza, Shane Jordan M. The University of British Columbia The Crown and Canadian Constitutional Culture in the Westminster Reform Period, 1918-1931 $17,500
Aubut, Jacob G. Queen's University "To Raise Bare Walls out of the Bare Earth": Foregrounding Spatiality in Virginia Woolf's Writings $17,500
Auger, Charlotte  Université Laval Évaluation de l'influence du temps d'incarcération sur la probabilité de récidive criminelle $17,500
Auger-Caron, Stéphanie  Université du Québec à Montréal L'État comme ennemi : discours des groupes insurectionnistes du «Freedom convoy» $17,500
Awotwi-Pratt, Stephanie J. The University of British Columbia Black Canadian Women's Experiences with Reproductive Healthcare in British Columbia $17,500
Ayaz, Azar  Western University Cerebral Blood Flow Changes Associated with Music Listening and Aerobic Exercise: Independent Effects in Post-intervention Executive Function Benefits $17,500
Afzal, Tabeer Brock University Religious Identity and Altrusitic Behaviour: The Effects of Expanding the Boundaries of Religious Identity $17,500
Aziz, Magy E. Queen's University Learning from the Hyphen: Identity Development in Hyphenated Canadian Adolescent Students $17,500
Baczynski, Jakub  Concordia University Understanding the Impact of Front-of-Package Health Claims on Purchase Intentions for Unhealthy Foods $17,500
Baer, Jessica G. Western University How remote working conditions facilitate and hinder inclusivity in teams $17,500
Baerg, Aliyah B. University of Manitoba A Decolonial Architectural Framework to Build Land-Based Healing $17,500
Bah, Fatoumata  University of Ottawa Cognitive Accessibility of Open Access Repositories $17,500
Bailey, Claire M.G. University of Guelph Spinning Yarns: Textile and Garment Production as Poetic and Narrative Method $17,500
Bain, Lindsay M. University of Toronto Applied policy research: Energy alternatives with Indigenous partners and consent-based siting for a Deep Geologic Repository in Canada $17,500
Bains, Supriya  McMaster University The Influence of Shyness on Quality of Life and Involvement in Psychosocial Rehabilitation Among Adults with Schizophrenia $17,500
Bakasa, Tendesai N. The University of British Columbia Representations of Southern African Childhood in Young Adult Literature $17,500
Bakken, Kaja L. York University Interactions between adolescent depression, family conflict, and resiliency $17,500
Bannister, Loanne R. University of Northern British Columbia An investigation into the role of the body schema in action understanding $17,500
Banton, Nicole  University of Regina Artificial Intelligence as a Subject and Method in Contemporary Printmaking $17,500
Barber, Brooklyn B. University of Guelph Museology Under the Midnight Sun: The state of Indigenous representation in Yukon museums $17,500
Barbier, Jeanne  Université de Sherbrooke Étude de l'association entre l'anxiété développementale et la qualité d'insertion professionnelle à l'entrée à l'âge adulte $17,500
Baril-Jannard, Mathilde  McGill University Les exclusions législatives des travailleuses domestiques et des travailleurs agricoles du modèle wagnérien : aux origines esclavagistes? $17,500
Barker, Dustin  Concordia University A Historical and Theological Survey of Apocalyptic Determinism in Early Jewish Apocalypses $17,500
Barkley, Dani S. York University The Role of Applied Theatre Techniques in Addressing Ecological Grief: An Examination of the St. Lawrence Seaway Project through Playbuilding $17,500
Barnett, Samuel J. Simon Fraser University Unlocking the Benefits of Personal Data for Social Groups with Human-Centric Data Intermediaries: A Design-Led Inquiry $17,500
Barth, Delaney A. University of Calgary "Old Friends" and learning to be friendly: How hygiene practices and social contact during the pandemic may affect the early-life gut microbiome and socioemotional development $17,500
Bartlett, Rudolf B. Saint Mary's University Memory and Commemoration of the Centenary of the First World War in Newfoundland $17,500
Baskurt, Serra  Carleton University A meta-analysis of recidivism rates among individuals who commit child sexual exploitation material (CSEM) offending $17,500
Basra, Nimrit K. York University How Our Diasporic Stories Are Shared: Canadian News Media's Depiction of the "No Farmers No Food" Movement $17,500
Bass, Sophie F. Bishop's University Exploring the Impacts of Visual Arts on Student Engagement and Self-Efficacy $17,500
Basso, Nicole  Dalhousie University Investigating the Substance Use Motives of Autistic Emerging Adults $17,500
Bastille, Maude  Université de Montréal Ginevra Cantofoli, peintre femme à Bologne au 17e siècle $17,500
Bath, Dalton  University of Toronto Hegel's Economic Thought $17,500
Batten, Alana G. Queen's University Social and Technological Aspects of the History of Photography $17,500
Battista, Camille M. McGill University Vers des intersections entre la justice globale et le nationalisme dans une recherche de la compassion et de la coopération en politique $17,500
Bawa-Zeba, Hamzia  University of Toronto Identity and Development: African Diasporic Investments Through Transnational Entrepreneurship $17,500
Bayne, Hannah L. University of Alberta "OK Doomer": Climate Doomism and Psychosocial Well-Being $17,500
Beauchemin, Felix  Saint Paul University Au-delà de l'usine : L'impact de la mobilisation syndicale dans l'acquisition historique de droits sociaux et économiques pour les locataires au Québec $17,500
Beaudin, Marie-France  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Étude des distinctions associées au perfectionnisme et à l'excellentisme expliquant les performances aux tâches de pensée divergente $17,500
Beaulieu, Danie A. University of New Brunswick Sexual healing: Discussing sex and intimacy with Canadian cancer survivors $17,500
Beaulieu, Gabrielle  Université Laval L'opinion publique, l'arène politique et les normes de sanction : incursion au cur d'un projet de loi potentiellement innovant $17,500
Beaulieu, Madeleine  Brock University Anti-Capitalism and Collaboration in Contemporary Small Press Communities $17,500
Beaumont, Jack R. Concordia University Growing Affinity $17,500
Becerra, Angelica G. McGill University Understanding Environmental Inequity and Injustice in Park Extension, Montreal $17,500
Beerdat, Ashley  University of Waterloo Reclaiming histories: stories of Guyana beyond the colonial world $17,500
Beggs, Bridget  University of Waterloo Examining gender-based responses and recovery to Typhoon Odette amid the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines $17,500
Bek-Herhard, Nataliya  York University Critical thinking on Decolonizing of Ukrainian Cinema 1960-70s $17,500
Belanger, Daniel E. Brock University The Roman Understanding of the Natural World Through the Lens of Non-Human Pathologies $17,500
Bélanger, Victor  Université du Québec à Montréal Nouvelle forme rituelle du hôyô Jôdo Shinshû: le Techo-hôyô $17,500
Bélanger-Trudelle, Laurence  Université de Montréal Avant le burnout : mieux comprendre les déterminants précoces associés au stress parental $17,500
Béliveau, Gabriel  Université de Montréal Le désengagement policier en relation avec le contrôle de la déviance policière au Québec $17,500
Bella, Roxanne A. The University of British Columbia Empowerment Through Nourishment: The Role of Food Systems in Pilipina Care Workers' Wellbeing $17,500
Belles-Isles, Étienne G. Université Laval Géohistoire du boeuf musqué : Comprendre l'Anthropocène à travers un animal arctique $17,500
Bellon, Océane  McGill University Longitudinal investigation of the effect of Indigenous spirituality on externalizing and internalizing behaviours in First Nations youth in Canada $17,500
Benivolski, Yuula  York University The Black Box is Really Orange $17,500
Benoit, Léandre  Université de Montréal La montée des partis de droite radicale eurosceptiques en Europe $17,500
Bensaddek, Zahra I. Université de Montréal Siri, Alexa, Cortana: the ethical implications of gendering virtual personal assistants $17,500
Berendt, Annika P. University of Victoria Cross-Cultural Interactions in the Work of Migrant Craftspeople in Archaic Boeotia $17,500
Bergeron-Hamel, Cédrik  Université de Montréal Répercussions mnésiques narratives du temps provisoire en jeu vidéo $17,500
Bergevin, Lou  HEC Montréal Le sensemaking en pandémie dans les organisations canadiennes $17,500
Bernier, Asma S. University of Calgary Hijab as a Paradoxical Symbol: Examining Performances of Resistance in the Iranian Protests $17,500
Bernier, Sabrina  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Processus physiologiques, affectifs et sociocognitifs de la résolution du trauma $17,500
Berniqué, Kassandra  Université de Montréal L'impact des stratégies d'organisation et d'étude sur l'anxiété de performance scolaire : une analyse longitudinale chez les personnes adolescentes $17,500
Bernusky, Haley C.R. York University Attitudes Toward and Experiences of Addiction and Recovery in People with Lived Experience $17,500
Bertrand, Laura  McGill University Cultivating Beauty: The Female Character's Need for Self-Fashioning and Strategic Objectification $17,500
Bhanot, Kirandeep K. York University Fear, Dread, and Admiration of the Natural World: EcoGothicism in Romantic Drama $17,500
Biezenski, Maximilian  Queen's University Plato's Theories of Love and Soul $17,500
Bigelow, Alan R. Simon Fraser University An Exploratory Study on Gender-related Effectiveness in Crisis Line Support $17,500
Bilick, Grace E.M. University of Victoria Immersion in the Land of Motionless Childhood (after Bachelard) $17,500
Bilodeau, Jérémie  HEC Montréal Impact du rééquilibrage du portefeuille d'actions sur le score ESG et sur le rendements des fonds communs de placement $17,500
Bisson, Camille  University of Ottawa Comprendre, par le biais du fonctionnement conjugal, les raisons qui expliquent une blessure d'attachement chez les partenaires blessants $17,500
Bissonnette, François  Université du Québec à Montréal Portrait des programmes nationaux de formation des encadrants de plein air à l'international $17,500
Blackwood, Mackenzie E. The University of British Columbia Baitfish: A Gothic Novel, a Pathway to Posttraumatic Growth $17,500
Blanchet-Gavouyère, Alice  Université du Québec à Montréal Art chorégraphique et écologie profonde : L'environnement de recherche en danse comme moteur, sujet et auteur d'une oeuvre chorégraphique $17,500
Blechman, Yael M. Concordia University Nature, Stability, Antecedents, and Outcomes of Work Motivation Profiles: A Longitudinal Self-Determination Theory Perspective $17,500
Blenkhorn, Josephine K. McMaster University Covert Action in Chile: Cold War Diplomacy and the Drivers of US Intervention $17,500
Blinn, Laura C. Dalhousie University Be(longing): Practices of Kinship & Care in Queer "Chosen Families" $17,500
Blomme, Laurence D. University of Calgary Stakeholder Input and Justified Trust in Science $17,500
Bloomberg, Madeline J. Western University The Broader Autism Phenotype and Maintenance in Long-Term Romantic Relationships $17,500
Boegman, Sidney J. University of Victoria Crafting Geographies: Digital Placemaking in the Craft Chocolate Industry $17,500
Boffice, Gabriella E. Concordia University Will you still be my best friend next year? Understanding friendship stability within adolescents with Intellectual and Developmental Disability $17,500
Bogaert, Holiday  University of Ottawa Common Experiences Found Among Sexual Assault Reporting $17,500
Boily, Catherine  Université du Québec à Montréal Comment concevoir l'accompagnement entrepreneurial, au Nunavik, en contexte pluraliste? Co-constructions, apprentissages et démocratisation des connaissances par l'utilisation de méthodes alternatives $17,500
Boisclair, Vincent  Wilfrid Laurier University Comparative cross-case analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 measures and the resulting societal changes in engagement for climate justice community-based organizations $17,500
Bonisteel, Emily A. University of Alberta Perceived Control Over Gestational Weight Gain $17,500
Borbolla Garces, Sarah  University of Ottawa Building the Community Together: Efforts in Crime Prevention $17,500
Borho, Emma  University of Waterloo Interactions between built environments and children's well-being: A qualitative examination of children's perspectives on the influence of urban, suburban, and rural neighbourhoods $17,500
Bortolon, Owen R.M. University of Windsor The Cyclical Exacerbation of Incommunicability and Crisis Inherent to Technological Climate Change Mitigation $17,500
Boser, Faith  University of Alberta Archaeology of Lake Midden: A Pericolonial Site on the Northwestern Great Plains $17,500
Boss, Annie M. University of Toronto Dancers of Ukraine—The Artistic Refugees $17,500
Bouffard, Guillaume  Université Laval La bidirectionnalité entre les pratiques parentales et les symptômes d'inattention et d'hyperactivité de l'enfant $17,500
Boulay, Jennifer  Concordia University Locating D/deaf and Disability Arts in Montréal, Québec $17,500
Boulé, Constance  Université de Montréal Facteurs de risque et de protection associés aux trajectoires des symptômes de trouble de stress post-traumatique chez les pompiers $17,500
Bourque, Sarah  Université Laval (S')assujettir pour s'émanciper : subjectivités, identités et politique dans la représentation du BDSM chez Phyllis Christopher, Catherine Opie et Del LaGrace Volcano $17,500
Bouvier, Maude  Université du Québec à Montréal Pronoms et particules clitiques du coréen : au coeur de l'interface phonologie-syntaxe $17,500
Boyd, Lucy B. Carleton University A Grove for the Infirm? Examining Disability in Late Medieval and Early Modern Convents $17,500
Brackett, Sarah K. University of Alberta The Economics of Hope and Women's Empowerment in Rural Tanzania $17,500
Brett, Sophie I. Carleton University Exploitation of Abjection: Disability in Horror Cinema $17,500
Bridger, Emily  The University of British Columbia 100 Days of Darkness: An Investigation of Postpartum Depression Through Film $17,500
Brophy, Olivia C.K. The University of British Columbia Reconsidering Adolescent Pregnancy and Obstetric Violence in Guatemala $17,500
Broussard, Cathy J. University of Ottawa Évaluer l'Efficacité du Programme Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting: Observation et Mise en Situation des Pratiques Parentales et des Facteurs Prédicteurs $17,500
Brown, Brianna N.S. University of Waterloo Race, Place, and Public Space: The Implications of Architectural Exclusion on African-American Communities $17,500
Brown, Julia  York University The scope of the possible: Canadian courts, emotion, and the assertion of Crown sovereignty $17,500
Brown, Tyler D.J. University of Toronto Effort and Culture Matter: Exploring Causative Factors of the Replication Crisis in Social Science Research $17,500
Broytman, Anna  University of Toronto Though This Be Madness, Yet There Is Method in't: Historical Origins of Putin's Eurasianist Worldview $17,500
Brunet, Layal  Université de Montréal Perceptions et représentations de l'eau : étude des rapports sensibles des paysages fluviaux de la région du Kamouraska $17,500
Brunet, Victoria P. The University of British Columbia Short Deaths: a novel of survival during Canada's opioid overdose crisis $17,500
Buisson, Meaghan N. Dalhousie University "At the end of my leash": Examining the impacts of PTSD service dog interventions on female veterans who have experienced sexual trauma $17,500
Bulgak, Suzan Zaréma  McGill University Social Work Practice with Autistic Adults Facing Sexual Violence $17,500
Bulger, Meaghan K. Dalhousie University Photographic Narratives and National Mythmaking: Challenging Canada's Artistic Record of the Great War $17,500
Bunin, Acadia  Queen's University Examining whether self-compassion interventions can promote positive coping mechanisms in first-generation undergraduate students $17,500
Burbine, Cassandra J. Dalhousie University A Study of Archives in Small Town Nova Scotia $17,500
Burgess, Ariel G. Royal Military College of Canada Cronyism and Military Privatization During the War on Terror $17,500
Burk, Kassandra R. University of Calgary Exploring the Social-Emotional and Behavioral Development of Children of Healthcare Workers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic $17,500
Burke Pellizzari, Katherine R. Queen's University An Examination of Queer Inclusion in the Equity Policies of Federal and Provincial Political Parties $17,500
Burrows, Hannah M.R. Queen's University Ownership in the Domestic Dog $17,500
Buryn, Samantha K. University of Alberta The Trouble with White Feminist Narration in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction $17,500
Busch, Andrew M. University of Toronto Marching Onto the Classical Music Stage $17,500
Busque-Dubois, Marilyne  Université du Québec à Montréal Réciprocités entre guérison des femmes et restauration de la biodiversité à travers une oeuvre de fiction $17,500
Button, Shawna A. University of Ottawa Borderline Personality Features and Intimate Partner Violence in Adolescents and Young Adults $17,500
Byggdin, Keanan  University of Guelph We Are Not Seahorses $17,500
Cadieux, Agathe  Université de Montréal Réanalyse des égrenoirs sur omoplates du site néolithique de Ganj Dareh, Iran $17,500
Calhoun, Alyana S.V. University of Ottawa Education as a Tool of Indoctrination in Early Independent Mozambique $17,500
Calkins, Kasandra E. University of Alberta How the Canadian experience shapes accent-ethnicity expectations $17,500
Cameron, Elizabeth S. Queen's University Illuminating gaps in care for people living with suspected endometriosis $17,500
Campbell, Anna P. University of Toronto The Contemporary Shift in Inclusivity: Have Things Really Improved? $17,500
Campo, Maya S.M. York University Masculinity and Gig Work: a case of rideshare workers in Toronto $17,500
Campos-Gottardo, Rafael  McGill University Democratic Backsliding: El Salvador as a Case Study $17,500
Cantafio Apitz, Carlos E. University of Toronto Potential positive innovation externalities arising from establishing a "mission approach"; to deliver on defense decarbonization $17,500
Caravecchia-Pelletier, Zoé  Université du Québec à Montréal Les facteurs associés au dévoilement des jeunes bisexuel.le.s en milieux familial et scolaire $17,500
Cardinal, Elodie  Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Quels apprentissages font les élèves du secondaire en contexte d'articulation grammaire-lecture-écriture? $17,500
Cardinal, Ethan  Nipissing University Groups 4 Health Youth Sport: Building Resilience and Wellness Around Athlete Deselection $17,500
Cargill, Crystal-Jade  University of Waterloo Grieving to Heal: Addressing silences around grief among unregulated care workers in Long-Term Care Homes $17,500
Carley, Joshua  University of Ottawa Impact of COVID-19 on Young Adults Mental Health Due to Lack of Physical Activity $17,500
Carmichael, Tiffany D. Trinity Western University Working Mothers' Deconstruction of the Ideal Mother Narrative $17,500
Caron, Cécile  Université du Québec à Montréal America a Prophecy et le récit graphique chez William Blake $17,500
Carroll, Miranda G.K. University of Victoria Visualising Failure: Language, Labour, and COVID-19 in the Text-Image Work of Ken Lum $17,500
Carson, Kathryn E. Carleton University The War Measures Act: The Crisis and Its Impact on Canadian Human Rights Culture $17,500
Carter, Tori B. Memorial University of Newfoundland Exploring Sport Officials Mental Health in Canada $17,500
Casgrain-Rodriguez, Camila  Concordia University Un crimen femenino: Feminists and the Debate on Abortion in the Federal District of Mexico, 1930-1940 $17,500
Castaneto, Kristina K. Simon Fraser University The Relation Between Nuanced Perceptions of Others and Prosocial Behaviour $17,500
Castelino, Chantelle M. University of Waterloo Assessing the Effects of Community-Based Parenting Programs on Intercaregiver Relationships $17,500
Castilloux, Émeraude  Université du Québec à Montréal Le silence et le scandale : Administrer les plaintes pour viol portées devant les commissaires de police du Châtelet de Paris (1747-1791) $17,500
Castro, Maria Mikaela B. University of Toronto Beyond Visibility: Stories and Representations of Queer Filipinxs in Manitoba $17,500
Catanzaro, Anastasios N. Western University Motivation in Community-Engaged Learning: For grades or growth? $17,500
Cates, Jordyn M. The University of British Columbia Indigenous Perspectives and Motives for Cannabis Use on Turtle Island $17,500
Causey, Mckenna R. University of Lethbridge Heart-Lock-In: Generating Feelings of Love and Compassion to Decrease Perfectionism in Elementary and Middle School-Aged Children $17,500
Cervant, Camille  Université Laval Validation d'un questionnaire sur les stratégies d'adaptation utilisées par les membres de l'entourage des personnes présentant une problématique de dépendance $17,500
Chabot, Laurence  Université Laval Parcours de précarisation des personnes immigrantes à statut temporaire dans le secteur de la santé dans la région de Chaudière-Appalaches $17,500
Chacinski, Dorothy  University of Saskatchewan The Role of Grandparents in Canadian First Nations Child Well-Being $17,500
Chagnon, Béatrice  Université de Montréal Mascarade de la féminité dans Malina d'Ingeborg Bachmann $17,500
Chagnon, Mathilde  Université de Sherbrooke PÉNIAA - Personnes Étudiantes n/Neurodivergentes: Inclusion, Accessibilité et Appartenance par la valorisation du savoir expérientiel : une étude descriptive exploratoire de l'environnement universitaire $17,500
Champagne, Catherine  Université du Québec à Montréal La réinsertion sociale des femmes détenues au Québec ayant un vécu d'exploitation sexuelle $17,500
Champagne, Laurence  Université du Québec en Outaouais Les Pratiques Centrées sur la Famille (PCF) : facteurs importants à leur application par les psychologues au Québec $17,500
Chan, Ho Wing  Toronto Metropolitan University The Perceptual and Social Differences Between AI-Generated Faces and Real Faces $17,500
Chan, Sybil H.W. Western University The Impact of Trauma-and-Violence-Informed-Care (TVIC) Training for Pre-Service Teachers in Canada $17,500
Chandra, Kavya  University of Saskatchewan Home Alone: How Family Dysfunction Disproportionately Disadvantages Youth Who Sexually Offend $17,500
Chapman, Kalie G. University of Windsor The Visual Art of Language $17,500
Charbonneau, Rose  Université de Montréal Évolution du pied humain : Impact de la morphologie du naviculaire sur la rigidité du pied chez les primates $17,500
Charest, Anne-Julie  Université de Montréal Penser l'action collective et transformatrice : les limites du concept d'agentivité $17,500
Charest-Pépin, William J.A. Université Laval La question du storytelling en littérature : fraude narrative ou vecteur d'un foisonnement discursif? $17,500
Charette, Manuel  University of Ottawa La personnification juridique de la rivière Magpie : une approche anthropologique $17,500
Charette, Nicolas  Université de Sherbrooke Accès 5 : Un pari économique $17,500
Chartrain, Joelle  Lakehead University Understanding addiction: Differences Between Faith-Based and Secular Organizations in Ontario $17,500
Chartrand, Stephanie B.M. University of Toronto Cooking with Aunty: Understanding culinary place-making as Indigenous Food Sovereignty $17,500
Chartrand-Girouard, Emmanuelle  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières La quête de sens en santé mentale et l'utilisation psychoéducative : une étude narrative $17,500
Chartrand-Péloquin, Marie-Alexe  Université du Québec à Montréal De la théorie féministe anticarcérale à la pratique en contexte québécois : étude avec des femmes dont l'agresseur a été condamné à travers le système de justice pénale $17,500
Chatelois, Marion  Université du Québec à Montréal Réseaux sociaux et image corporelle chez les adolescents : comprendre le rôle des stéréotypes de genre et le potentiel protecteur de l'éducation aux réseaux sociaux $17,500
Chattopadhyay, Bhaskar  York University Bibhutibhushan's Aranyak - A Cinematic Study of the Environmental, Anthropological and Philosophical Impact of a Forest on the Urban Educated Youth $17,500
Chau, Bernice  University of Toronto Women and Hong Kong Exploitation Cinema from 1980s-1990s $17,500
Chawla, Chanya  The University of British Columbia Monetary policy and its distributive implications on wealth inequality in Canada $17,500
Chen, Shalen  University of Toronto Examining the justice gap in municipal climate action plans: A study of Toronto's TransformTO Net Zero Strategy $17,500
Cheng, Tiffany  Carleton University I Think Therefore I am: Social Identity and Its Impact on Experiences of Solitude $17,500
Chenne, Wesley H. Simon Fraser University Assessing Heat Mitigation Planning in the Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley Regional Districts $17,500
Chevalier, Étienne  Université de Sherbrooke Anthropisation, résilience et vulnérabilité : l'écologie de la draperie à Montpellier vers la fin du Moyen Âge (1350-1500) $17,500
Chevalier, Henri J. HEC Montréal How Quebec's textile industry could revive within a post-growth policy framework $17,500
Chiang, Natalie K.P. Simon Fraser University Urban Design Metrics for Measuring Progress Towards Sea Level Rise Adaptation in Metro Vancouver's North Shore Municipalities and First Nations $17,500
Choulakian, Lucia  Université du Québec à Montréal Trauma transgénérationnel, femmes et témoignages du génocide arménien : un projet photographique $17,500
Chung, Alison F. University of Victoria Moderators of Social and Community Outcomes in Older Adults Living with Mobility Difficulties $17,500
Ciceron, Angela Gail  University of Manitoba Effects of Neoliberal Economic Policies on Filipino Women Through the Lens of Social Reproduction $17,500
Cinar, Sevval  Wilfrid Laurier University Children's Interpretation of Others' Faces Covered with Medical Masks $17,500
Cinq-mars, Christophe  Université de Montréal De la concurrence à la réciprocité : La production d'une subjectivité des communs dans l'épicerie autogérée La Dal $17,500
Cirnatiu, Daria E. Université de Montréal La hantise protéiforme : étude du rapport au passé dans Volkswagen Blues de Jacques Poulin et Dora Bruder de Patrick Modiano $17,500
Clark, D.Bailey  University of Prince Edward Island The Role of Islandness in the History of Transportation on Twentieth-Century Prince Edward Island $17,500
Clinker, Susannah D. University of Toronto All Fun and Games: Using Archaeological Information and Elders' Knowledge to Understand the Importance of Child's Play to Preserving Cultural Heritage in Inuit Nunangat (Canadian Arctic) $17,500
Clinton, Ryan  Wilfrid Laurier University Locking Down the Loo: Interrogating the link between public washrooms and crime hotspots $17,500
Clouthier, Derrick J. University of Waterloo Resiliency-Driven Design in Architecture: an examination of urgent biophilic movements in architectural history $17,500
Cloutier, Anne-Marie  Toronto Metropolitan University The Function Of Photographs in the 1990s Rave Subculture $17,500
Coad, Abigale  Memorial University of Newfoundland Reimagining a Northern Housing System: A Case Study of the Partnership between the K'asho Got'ine Housing Society and Housing NWT $17,500
Coady, Ellen M.N. Carleton University Identifying Risk/Need/Strength Profiles and Desistance Trajectories in Justice-Involved Youth: A Gender-Informed Analysis $17,500
Cochran-Mavrikakis, Savannah-Lou  Université de Montréal Le sublime de Kant en dialogue avec un poème de Karoline von Günderode $17,500
Code, Zachariah A. University of Manitoba The Forgotten Prisoners: The History of German-Canadian Internment During World War II $17,500
Collette, Emma W.C. University of Waterloo Exploring The Effects of Death-Related Content in Environmental Education Using a Terror Management Theory Framework $17,500
Collette, Marianne  McGill University La topique mécanique dans la littérature médiévale $17,500
Collins, Madeline E. OCAD University Sexuality as Praxis: The Radical Flesh of Women and Queer Artists of Colour MRP $17,500
Colpitts, Olivia R. McGill University Time and Temporality in H.D.'s Poetry and Prose: Reading Beyond the Ordinary Dimensions of Time and Space $17,500
Cook, Alexis M. University of Saskatchewan The Effects of a Canine-Assisted Intervention Program on the Experience of Loneliness in Male University Students $17,500
Cooke, Caitlin  McGill University Shift: Peer Researchers in Community-Based HIV Research and Identifying Opportunities for Change in Employment Conditions $17,500
Cooling, Christine R. York University Governing Canadian Culture in an Information Society: Broadcasting Policy, New Media, and Public Discourse $17,500
Cools, Dillan  McGill University Projet Montréal's Governance of Homelessness Before, During and Exiting the Pandemic $17,500
Cooper, Elizabeth M. Wilfrid Laurier University Queer Religious Spaces in the Canadian Islamic Context $17,500
Cooper, Max B. University of Toronto Investigating Cultural Differences in Interpersonal Conflict Resolution in a Multicultural Canadian Context $17,500
Cooper, Zachery L. The University of British Columbia The Lullaby Home: Exploring Displacement Amid Canada's Housing Crisis $17,500
Corbett, Taylor  University of New Brunswick Fractures at the Fortress: A Study of Fractures and Health at the 18th Century Fortress of Louisbourg $17,500
Corrigan, Katherine D. University of Alberta Guides as educators: How do expedition guides influence pro-environmental behaviors on the Nahanni River $17,500
Corry, Gabriel  The University of British Columbia The effects of online activism on risk evaluation and stock price in the Canadian energy sector $17,500
Côté, André-Anne X. Université du Québec à Montréal Anthropologie d'une mère, suivi de Récit de filiation de l'adoptée $17,500
Côté, Annabelle  Université du Québec à Montréal Les femmes atikamekw et l'artisanat : une étude sur la transmission des savoirs $17,500
Côté-Bernard, Élie  Université de Montréal Afghanistan : de la reconstruction étatique à son effondrement $17,500
Coughlan, Emma  Université Laval Informing well-being of informal caregivers of cancer patients: An analysis of their personal projects and basic psychological needs $17,500
Couillard, Florence  University of Ottawa Regard sur les mobilités internationales contemporaines en Amérique latine : à l'intersection du genre, de la colonialité et du pouvoir $17,500
Couillard, Mathieu  Université Laval Étude sur l'interprétation hégélienne de Platon $17,500
Coulombe, Emilie  Université de Montréal Des racines et des sens : étude ethnobotanique des plantes comestibles dans la communauté autochtone de Kitcisakik $17,500
Courtemanche, Jean-Nicolas  Université du Québec à Montréal Stratégie Indo-Pacifique : Les opportunités et défis à relever par le Québec en Inde dans le cadre de la promotion simultanée d'une diplomatie économique verte ainsi qu'une diplomatie d'influence, basée dans la promotion de l'égalité hommes-femmes $17,500
Cousin, Sam  Lakehead University Creation of a Digital Action Clinic in Thunder Bay ON $17,500
Couture, Patrick  Université Laval Le backpacking au prisme du roman : « La narration dans "The Dharma Bums" de Jack Kerouac porteuse d'une idéalisation du voyage en sac à dos » (essai), suivi de « Ailleurs » (roman) $17,500
Couture-Payer, Marianne  McGill University Ana Sokolovic et les manipulations rythmiques asymétriques : rencontre entre folklore et musique contemporaine dans Svadba,opéra pour six voix de femmes $17,500
Couturier-Rose, Pascale  University of Ottawa Répression ou création? L'art de la censure chez Crébillon fils $17,500
Cowal, Grisha E. Dalhousie University Barriers to Post-Secondary Education for Formerly Incarcerated Women $17,500
Cowan, Cierra  Concordia University A Neurocognitive Approach to Shakespeare: Exploring How Constructive Mental Processes Shape Mindset, Behavior, and Narrative Plot $17,500
Craig, Julia  Memorial University of Newfoundland Experiences of Female Infertility Among Indigenous People in Newfoundland and Labrador $17,500
Cressman, Calvin J. Ontario Tech University The Impact of Sexual Behaviours on Inpatient Recovery from Mental Disorders $17,500
Crone, Gabriel S.H. York University How Can We Improve Students' Statistical Learning? An Analysis of the Relevant Factors in the Introductory Statistics Classroom $17,500
Crooks, Megan  University of Manitoba Efficacy of postoperative virtual reality for treating lower phantom limb pain: A randomized controlled trial $17,500
Crouse, Hannah A. Dalhousie University Gayby Boomers and the Transformation of a Total Institution $17,500
Csiernik, Benjamin R. Ontario Tech University The Relationship Between Internal Training Load Models and Types of Deliberate Practice in Ice Hockey Training $17,500
Csordas, Amy D. Brock University Psychopathic Traits, Fear Enjoyment and Invincibility $17,500
Cuenca Rodriguez, Kharol  Simon Fraser University The Socio-Economic Impacts of Agriculture 4.0 $17,500
Cugino, Emily N. Toronto Metropolitan University The Role of Courage in the Development of Personal and Moral Character $17,500
Cui, Veronica  McMaster University Investigating the Mechanisms of Instructor Growth Mindset Communication $17,500
Cunningham, Abigail C. Simon Fraser University Story-based Hun'q'umin'um' research: Learning from the old to build the new $17,500
Curtis, Kate E.M. University of Victoria Aklavik Community Perspectives and Knowledge of The Yukon North Slope Muskox Population $17,500
Cyr, Matthew  Toronto Metropolitan University News Media, Groomer Panic, and Violence Against Transgender People $17,500
D. Vincent, Rémi  Université du Québec à Montréal La construction d'une civilisation écologique en Chine $17,500
Daftari, Saadi  Université de Montréal Synergy of Knowing: A Sounding-Listening Sound Art $17,500
Dagenais-Chabot, Xavier  Université de Montréal La gestion des paysages forestiers chez les Iroquoiens du Québec méridional lors du Sylvicole supérieur (1000 à 1600 AD) : étude anthracologique du site archéologique Isings (BgFo-24) en Montérégie $17,500
Dagg, Lyndsay M.S. University of Alberta Railroad of Bones: The Search for Unmarked Graves of Chinese Railroad Workers Using Ground Penetrating Radar $17,500
D'Aguanno, Delia R. York University The Implications of the Over-representation of Indigenous Women in the Canadian Criminal Justice System $17,500
Dakic, Marko  University of Toronto Development and Innovation in Canada: A Study of the Abundance of Resources Using "Time-Prices" $17,500
Daly, Stephanie E.L. The University of British Columbia The Effects of Inflation and Interest Rates on the Wealth of Canadian Households $17,500
Dandenault, Natalie  University of Manitoba Caring in Crisis: The Manitoba care economy in the context of neoliberal restructuring $17,500
Danielson, Thalia J. McGill University Rhythms that Disrupt: A Migrant Street Circus Troupe in Italy $17,500
Darius, Wina Paul  University of Ottawa Idéations et comportements suicidaires, discrimination raciale, dépression et mécanismes d'adaptation chez les étudiant.e.s Noir.e.s poursuivant des études postsecondaires au Canada $17,500
DaSilva, Sage S. University of Victoria Do You Even Believe I'm Sick? Experiences of People with Atypical Anorexia Nervosa $17,500
Dassylva, Ophélie  Université du Québec à Montréal Les stratégies d'adaptation utilisées par les enfants victimes d'agression sexuelle : une analyse de classes latentes $17,500
Dave, Nishant  Queen's University Older Adult Play Infrastructure in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia $17,500
Davies, Holly R. The University of British Columbia Supporting Autistic Communication: Investigating Speech Language Pathologist's Perspectives on Social Skills Group Interventions for Adolescents on the Spectrum $17,500
Daza, Yeimy  York University KETA $17,500
de Guzman, Alexander J.K. University of Toronto Entertained Arrested Attention: A Philosophical Analysis $17,500
de Berner, Stacy V. McMaster University IndigiReading Gothic Literature and the Romantics $17,500
de Blois, Emma F. University of Victoria Post-Mortem Conditions: an interactive inquiry into digital remains, executorship and identity $17,500
De Broux, Christophe  HEC Montréal Le lien entre l'identification à l'organisation et l'engagement affectif envers le changement $17,500
De Freitas, Cassandra E. McGill University Exploring Group Fitness Interventions as a Mode of Recovery for Women Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) $17,500
de Grandpré, Éloïse  Saint Mary's University Investigating the Role of Military Culture in Suicidality Within Ranks $17,500
De Souza, Stephanie E.A. Carleton University Afrofuturist Approaches to Otherness $17,500
De Zoysa Siriwardene, Budyanee  University of Ottawa Exploring Gender Differences in Emerging Adults' Affective Responses to Nature-Based Solitude $17,500
Deas, Noah A. Toronto Metropolitan University Mr. Information (Performing Propaganda through Pantomime): Audience/Actor Engagement with Far-Right Misinformation $17,500
Debnath, Arijit  Concordia University Rhythmicity $17,500
Deedman, Tamara J. University of Alberta Inheritance: Coins, Keepsakes and Coping Mechanisms $17,500
Del Giacco, Luca  Simon Fraser University Validation of Harney and Colleagues: Minimally Destructive Method of a DNA Extraction $17,500
Del Rosario, Johannah-Gwyneth  University of Waterloo "Edifice Complex" A Study of Cultural Architecture in the Philippines $17,500
Dela Rosa, Jaden  University of Manitoba Intraminority Solidarity: The Role of Marginalized Social Identities $17,500
Delfs, Erin R. The University of British Columbia Reimagining youth suicide prevention: deconstructing dominant discourses, perceptions, and practices of youth wellness $17,500
Delisle, Renaud  McGill University Developing a framework for participatory planning through digital media in Montreal $17,500
Demers, Marion  HEC Montréal Entreprises opales : quelle compatibilité avec la décroissance soutenable? $17,500
Demers-Lussier, Camille  Université du Québec en Outaouais Expériences de victimisation familiale à l'adolescence : Conséquences sur la santé mentale des jeunes adultes émergents $17,500
den Dunnen, Kevin A.F. Western University Transatlantic Black Abolitionism in Chatham: Why a small Canadian town became a brief hub for Black abolitionist thought $17,500
Desbiens, Simon  Université de Montréal La pratique émergente de l'autodiagnostic : le cas de l'autisme $17,500
Deschamps, Jacob  Institut national de la recherche scientifique Parcours familiaux et aspirations des pères monoparentaux Inuit au Nunavik $17,500
Deschênes, Mélissa  Université Laval Établir le portrait personnologique et psychosocial d' et de victimes de violence conjugale et de harcèlement obsessif $17,500
Descoteaux, Alexandre  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Les capacités empathiques : un possible déterminant de l'épuisement des proches aidants ? $17,500
Desmarais, Ariane  McGill University Racial-ethnic identity development and the impact of racial discrimination on adolescents and their parents. $17,500
Desmeules Mikasi, Emma L. McGill University Economic Aspects of Civil Conflicts: The Case of the Eastern Congo (DCR) $17,500
Desmeules, Olivier  Université Laval L'individu socratique comme évènement historique chez Nietzsche $17,500
Desmeules, Samuel  Université de Montréal Le monde logorrhéique des animaux de Jean Basile : érotisation et queering ; suivi de Chambre-moi l'aurore $17,500
DesRoches, Chanel C. York University An Exploration of Assumed Deviance Through the Queer Lens $17,500
Desrosiers, Émilie  Université de Sherbrooke Développement vertical, leadership conscient et changements climatiques $17,500
Deutsch, Danna  York University Mutual Aid and Canadian Law $17,500
Dhaliwal, Mira L. Wilfrid Laurier University True Crime Documentaries and the Depictions of Those Involved $17,500
Dharamsi, Shazia A. University of Calgary An Intersectional Approach to Addressing Discrimination and Structural Inequities Among Pregnant Individuals in a Contemporary Population $17,500
Dhatt, Simran  University of Guelph Cooperation & Resource State $17,500
Di Nunzio, Alexandro S. York University Artist-Driven Abstractions for Generating Digital Environments in Real-Time Applications $17,500
Dias Martins, Claudia M.E. McGill University The Individual and Dyadic Influences of Interpersonal Mindfulness on Relationship Functioning $17,500
DiBerardino, Nathalie C. Western University Toward Ethical Guidelines for Emotion AI Use in Education $17,500
Diemer, Jocelyn  University of Victoria Biblical Parables in the Poetry of Aemilia Lanyer $17,500
Dingwall, Matthew Brock University Enabling the Uptake of Pedagogical Innovations in Physical Education: The Role of Social Media $17,500
Dierks, Katherine L. Simon Fraser University Bloom not bust: Gitga ata traditional clam management in response to harmful algal blooms $17,500
Dion, Vincent  Université de Sherbrooke La place donnée aux patients dans l'évaluation des apprenants en médecine : la perspective des apprenants $17,500
Dion-Allard, Émilie  Université de Montréal Étude de la croissance osseuse de diverses populations historiques québécoises : exploration de la variation en lien avec l'état de santé $17,500
Dion-Carrier, Daphnée  Université Laval Étude comparée des rites post-menstruels des femmes de traditions juives et hindoues contemporaines $17,500
Dobischok, Sophia A. McGill University Improving the Canadian mental healthcare model: bridging private and public sectors $17,500
Donker, Lauren C. McMaster University The White Bronze Monument Phenomenon $17,500
Donkin, Victoria L. University of Toronto Stressful Communication: Understanding the Interconnectedness of Partner Thoughts and Communication on Emotional, Behavioural and Interpersonal Dysregulation, and Stress Severity $17,500
Donnelly, Jackson H. University of Toronto Scriabin's Fantasy Enacted on the Human Body $17,500
Donnelly, Tamara L. University of Ottawa Retail Food Governance Models for Arctic Indigenous Communities $17,500
Dougan, Tessa G. Toronto Metropolitan University Gender-diverse fashion and identity in Toronto $17,500
Douroudian, Fatemeh  University of Toronto The Study of the Concept of Walayah Based on Imam al-Sadiq's Teachings $17,500
Dow, Jake F. University of Toronto Examining Ravelstein: On Irony and Tragedy in the Twentieth-Century Spirit $17,500
Dowie, Westin T. University of Alberta Assent of the Gods: The Legitimization of Conflict through Religious Narratives in Antonine and Severan Rome $17,500
Downey, Molly K. Memorial University of Newfoundland Educator Attitudes and Preferences Toward Teaching Cannabis Education in the Classroom $17,500
Drouin, Jérémie  Université Laval Évolution systémique d'un parti anti-système : le marketing politique de Québec solidaire dans un écosystème politique en transformation $17,500
Drouin, Violette K.B. McGill University Strangers at Home: An ecocritical analysis of the literature of marginalized groups in the Maritimes $17,500
Dsilva, Kimberly  University of Toronto Impact of Racial Discrimination on Self-esteem of Black Adolescents $17,500
Du Plessis, Johannes P. University of Ottawa Population Ethics and the Very Long Term $17,500
Dubrule, Roman  Simon Fraser University Musical Ecologies: Jazz and Deep Listening in Relation to Climate Activism $17,500
Dubuc, Cloé  Université Laval La Cour pénale internationale sous l'angle de la justice de proximité $17,500
Ducharme, Amélie  McGill University Les images dont nous sommes prisonnières : Étude de la réappropriation des identités féminines dans les romans autobio-graphiques de Julie Delporte, suivi du texte de création « Femme intime » $17,500
Duff, Audrey  Université de Montréal Interprétation des messages de promotion de la santé mentale pendant une pandémie des étudiant.e.s universitaires $17,500
Dufresne, Éléonore  Université de Montréal La modification du rapport émotif et sensoriel à l'espace suite à l'altération des sens due à une commotion cérébrale $17,500
Duguay, Mathieu  University of Toronto An Inquiry into the Relationship between Logic and Beliefs $17,500
Dupont-Hébert, Hélène  Université Laval Étude des ethnonymes comme marqueurs culturels $17,500
Duquet, Aimé  Université de Montréal L'impact du statut-socioéconomique et du stress parental sur les troubles émotifs et comportementaux des enfants pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 $17,500
Durant, Karissa L. Canadian Mennonite University Critical community hermeneutics: Exploring the construction of community hermeneutics in Canadian Mennonite Brethren Church $17,500
Durham, Sydney G. Western University Sexuality and Social Relationships in Roman Military Communities $17,500
Durie, Elise V. McGill University Investigating Planning Frameworks in Ontario's Ring of Fire $17,500
Dussault, Alexane  Université de Sherbrooke Expérience subjective des couples de la diversité sexuelle et de genre ayant vécu la transition à la parentalité $17,500
Dussault, Bénédicte  Université Laval Le retour au travail chez les jeunes adultes ayant subi un accident vasculaire cérébral léger : une étude qualitative $17,500
Duval, Louis A. Université de Montréal Le canal de Soulanges, 1899-1950. Industrialisation et modernité sur le Saint-Laurent en amont de Montréal $17,500
Eady-Sitar, Lauryn E. Lakehead University Cartographic Revitalization of Traditional Indigenous Knowledge: Re-Mapping Historical Tsattine Trails $17,500
Easton, Denae L. University of Saskatchewan Re-victimization and Dating Violence in Visible Minority Adolescents: Findings from the 2019 General Social Survey $17,500
Edmond, Lucas M.K. University of Saskatchewan Reclamation Consultation: Negotiating the Future of Post-Industrial Northern Alberta $17,500
Ehrhardt, Amelia N.P. University of Toronto The World-Building of Dance-Making $17,500
Elaneh, Elias  Queen's University Social Outcomes as a Function of Theory of Mind Accuracy in Conversation $17,500
El-assaad, Sophie  University of Ottawa Channelling through the void: How media affects memory in immigrants $17,500
Eldred, Kate L.M. Carleton University Analyzing the Impacts to Insolvency Rates During Economic Busts in Resource-Dependent Communities $17,500
Elliott, Laura M. Dalhousie University What Makes a Skilled Reader? A fMRI Study on Child Reading Development $17,500
Elmadbak, Rizk  York University Cross-cultural Differences in Identity Concealment Behaviours of Sexual and Gender Minorities $17,500
El-Outa, Malak  Carleton University A Soldier's Tale: An American Soldier's Path to Resistance During the 2003-2011 United States-Iraq War $17,500
El-Tobgy, Farah  University of Ottawa Integrating Indigenous Perspectives in Pedagogical Praxis as a Means of Disrupting Settler-Colonialism $17,500
Emery, Chelsea R. University of Guelph The Politics of Class in Contemporary Populist Movements $17,500
Engel, Alexander R. University of Lethbridge Exploring factors related to the use or non-use of a campus fitness centre $17,500
Enns-Dyck, Micah T. McMaster University Gillian Rose's Political Philosophy of Mourning and Contemporary Political Theology $17,500
Erwin, Keisha N. University of Saskatchewan Community-led Indigenous Language Revitalization in Northern Saskatchewan $17,500
Escobar, Laura  University of Toronto Intonational patterns of spontaneous speech in Tokyo Japanese $17,500
Evans, Emma C. University of Toronto Bizarre... moves: Disability in Contemporary Irish and English Fiction $17,500
Fabbi, Annika S. University of Ottawa Deciphering History: Exploring the Sources of J.S.Bach's Capriccio, BWV 992 $17,500
Fairholm, Madison C. University of Saskatchewan Assessing Risk and Treatment Change in an Outpatient Sample of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators $17,500
Faisal, Eman  University of Toronto Assessing Biological Sex, Age, and Gender Using Machine Learning in Forensic Anthropology $17,500
Fan, Siyi  University of Toronto Bridging the gap between real medical discourse and language-learning content for medical professionals $17,500
Fang, Xiaoyan  McGill University Whether I belong, depends on whether my group belongs: the impact of language barrier and autonomy and relatedness restrictions on the well-being of English-Speaking Black young adults in Quebec $17,500
Fattori, Michelle  McMaster University Cultivating a Culture of Inquiry-Based Learning at McMaster—Understanding Instructor Cultures $17,500
Faul, Ariana L. University of Saskatchewan Building Resilience Playing Table-Top Roleplaying Games $17,500
Faulkner, Katherine L. Queen's University Emotion Regulation Through Digital Means in Youth Across the COVID-19 Pandemic $17,500
Faulkner, Paige M. University of Alberta Childhood Socioeconomic Status' Influence on Social Pain in the Brain $17,500
Faustin, Alexandra  Université de Montréal Iceberg Slim : une entreprise de rédemption (essai), suivi de Libre maintenant, Tina (novella) $17,500
Fechet, Mihnea A. Université de Montréal Maîtrise en études littéraires sur les rapports entre poésie et idéologies $17,500
Fedchenko, Chelsey  Wilfrid Laurier University Body-map Storytelling: An Exploration of the Experiences and Perceptions of Hospitalization Amongst Street-involved Youth in Ontario, Canada $17,500
Feiner, Tatyana  Wilfrid Laurier University Integrating Biodiversity Protection and Climate Mitigation in Nature-based Climate Solutions: An Indicator Analysis $17,500
Feng, Olivia  McGill University A critical discourse analysis of newspaper media representation of athlete experiences with eating disorders $17,500
Fequino, Laura  Université de Sherbrooke La paradiplomatie en matière de biodiversité : le cas du Québec $17,500
Ferguson, Robert I. The University of British Columbia Pandemic Curbside Infrastructure: Accessibility and Mobility Impacts $17,500
Ferry, Caitlin V. University of Manitoba Inter-Racial Divides: Predictors of Collective Action $17,500
Field Lira, Maria Belen  Université de Montréal La négligence émotionnelle et la satisfaction conjugale et sexuelle : L'effet indirect de la régulation émotionnelle chez des couples qui consultent en psychothérapie conjugale $17,500
Figueiredo, Teresa  University of Toronto Proactively and Reactively Addressing Sexual Assault and Harassment in Ontario $17,500
Filice, Victoria A.F. University of Toronto Fostering More Inclusive Workspaces in Corporate Ontario $17,500
Findler, Cashel F. Western University Autochthony in Plato's Menexenus $17,500
Finkelstein, Hannah  The University of British Columbia Children's Sense of Belonging when they return to environments after removal $17,500
Finkelzon, Pearl L. Trent University Community Gardens as Intergenerational and Intercultural Learning Spaces $17,500
Fishback, Kaylee A. University of Windsor Adolescent Mental Health Post COVID-19: The Effects of Active versus Passive Technology Use $17,500
Fisher, Abigail J. University of Toronto Challenges of Supporting Student Mental Health from Teachers' Perspectives $17,500
Fisher, Aden  University of Toronto The Direct Influence of Participation in Urban Agriculture on Urban Inhabitant's Food-Related Environmental Footprint $17,500
Flavin, Micah P. Queen's University From Eco-Anxiety to Eco-Agency: An Arts-based Workshop to Support Youth Climate Action $17,500
Foley, Dana S. Toronto Metropolitan University Solitary Females & Cat Companions: How do Depictions of Female-Cat Relationships in Western Literature Convey the Female Experience of Loneliness? $17,500
Forbes, Camille T. The University of Winnipeg Food Security Research for a Digitally Based Assessment Tool for Northern Indigenous Communities $17,500
Forchuk, Callista A. York University Understanding the Variable Application of Decentring and Its Effects in Daily Life $17,500
Ford, Sarah E.N. McGill University Shifting Focus: How Emerging Media are Redefining Environmental Documentary $17,500
Ford, Taylor  McGill University Born to Play: An Autoethnography of a Canadian Ice Hockey Player Playing Overseas $17,500
Forestell, Patricia M. University of Ottawa Translating Female Figureheads in Medieval Literature: A Neglected Demographic $17,500
Forget-Proulx, Sam  Université de Montréal (Re)politiser la pauvreté : vers une compréhension relationnelle de la pauvreté chez les réfugiés canadiens $17,500
Forner, Katelyn  McGill University Examining face and body integration in whole-person perception $17,500
Fortier, Gabrielle  Université de Montréal Les corps queer à travers la musique : explorer l'univers de Julien Baker $17,500
Fortier, Zoé C. Université Laval Le don de soi : Agentivité et instrumentation des artistes franco-prairiens, entre deux légitimités et marchés linguistiques $17,500
Foshay, Sheyann M.C. University of Alberta Indigenous grassroots abolitionist organizing and lived experiences as theory: Dismantling colonial knowledge production in academia $17,500
Foster, Gavin R. Carleton University The Emergence of Thought: Continual or All-at-Once $17,500
Fournier, Annabelle  Université du Québec à Montréal Comportement de vote face à la complexité : une expérience de laboratoire $17,500
Fournier, Kaitline R.C. University of Ottawa Monolingual and bilingual children's speaker preference when learning a new language $17,500
Fowlow, Davis K. Saint Mary's University Examining Lesbian Intimate Partner Violence and Subverting Images of a Utopian Queer Community Through Poetry $17,500
Francis, Aatika  York University The Defiant Response to Black Female Led Film Remakes $17,500
Francis, Caitlin J. University of Victoria Exploring the Relationship Between Surveillance of Indigenous Peoples and the Canadian Fossil Fuel Industry $17,500
Francis, Rachael A. University of Toronto Code-Switching as Currency: Narrativizing Racial Performance at Predominantly White Institutions in Canada $17,500
Frank, Louis J. University of Ottawa Indigenous Infrastructure and Sovereignty in the Changing Arctic: The Case of Arctic Gateway $17,500
Fratino, Victoria M. Concordia University Early Bilingualism and Executive Functions: A Training Study $17,500
Frechette, Madeleine M. University of Toronto The Socioecological Politics of Tattooing $17,500
Fréchette, Marianne  Université de Montréal La prévention de la violence à caractère sexuel et la problématique de l'alcool : une co-construction avec des du milieu universitaire $17,500
Freeman, Makayla  The University of British Columbia Perinatal wellbeing: Intersections of sexual minority status and race-ethnicity $17,500
Frid, Ally  Queen's University Impacts of Use in a COVID-19 Pandemic—The Experiences of Children with ASD and Their Use of AAC Devices in the Virtual Classroom $17,500
Fridgen, Cailyn P.E. Concordia University Reappraising Beliefs About Losing Control: An Experimental Investigation $17,500
Frye, Norah  McMaster University Potential Correlation Between Rugged Sport and Right-Wing Ideology $17,500
Fuentes Martinez, Javier E. Western University Information Workers or Immigration Consultants?: A case study of the Library Settlement Partnership in Waterloo Region and the shifting labour of multiculturalism $17,500
Furlano, Meaghan K. Western University You will bloom if you take the time to water yourself: A content and thematic analysis of #instagramvsreality images and captions on Instagram $17,500
Gabber, Grace J. McMaster University An Institutional View of One Health: Important for Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance $17,500
Gaboury, Judith  Université de Montréal Poésie pas morte ; suivi de L'imaginaire du patriarcat dans Abandons de Carole David $17,500
Gagné-Legault, Guillaume  Université de Montréal Le rôle médiateur de l'intégration sociale dans l'association entre les problèmes intériorisés et le développement de l'agression $17,500
Gagnon, Gabrielle  Université de Montréal Régler ensemble le problème plutôt que cibler la transgression : la clé d'une discipline plus efficace $17,500
Gagnon, Marilie  Université du Québec à Rimouski Le Nord comme espace interstitiel : déconstruction identitaire et rencontres interculturelles dans Nirliit (2015) de Juliana Léveillé-Trudel, Manikanetish (2017) de Naomi Fontaine et Le territoire sauvage de l;âme (2021) de Jean-François Létourneau $17,500
Gallant, Kaitlin A. Carleton University Sacrificial Lambs? An Examination of Youth Candidates in Canadian Federal Elections $17,500
Gallant, Kristen B. University of Waterloo Addictive behaviour in adolescent gamers: the role of genre and monetization model $17,500
Garboushian, Razmig A. University of Waterloo Building Synergy with Materials $17,500
Garcia Mairena, Paola M. University of Ottawa Considering the intersectionality of persons with chronic pain: Examining moderating effects of (in)validation on associations between trauma and well-being $17,500
Garcia-Barrios, Joshua  University of Waterloo Examining perceptions of the climate change-water security nexus among rural small-scale farming households in the Western Highlands of Guatemala $17,500
Gard, Stefanie  University of Ottawa Investigating EEG Patterns of Working Memory and Attention in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline $17,500
Gariépy, Félix  University of Toronto The Persian War as a Collective Action Problem $17,500
Garlie, Bradley T. University of New Brunswick A History Obscured: The Kennedy Administration and the Secret Battle for Indonesia, 1960-1963 $17,500
Garofalo, Elizabeth R. Lakehead University Neo-Romantic Philosophy in Rotting Christ's The Heretics $17,500
Garofalo, Sarah K. York University The Monstrous-Feminine, Expiation, and Isolation: Punishing Women in Purgatory through Art Horror Cinema $17,500
Gaucher, Saskia R. McGill University Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma Through Parenting $17,500
Gauthier, Natasha G. The University of British Columbia Partially Civilized Animals: A Sort of Love Story $17,500
Gauvreau, Mathieu  York University The Magician $17,500
Gélinas, Kim  Université de Montréal La représentation des femmes et des standards qui leur étaient imposés dans le magazine Châtelaine au Canada francophone durant les années 1960 $17,500
Genest, Étienne  McGill University Including the invisible: Public Spaces for neurodiversity $17,500
George, Brianna E. Memorial University of Newfoundland The Mental Well-Being of Indigenous Women: Socioeconomic Factors and Help-Seeking Behaviors $17,500
Gerrand, Samuel  Vancouver Island University Improving community resilience to wildfire: a social vulnerability approach to risk reduction $17,500
Ghaffar, Selay  York University Integration Experiences of Afghan Women Human Rights Defenders in Canada $17,500
Gheorghiu, Dan  University of Toronto Parasympathetic Activity and Inhibitory Control of Children with Disruptive Behaviours and ADHD $17,500
Gilbert, Emily R. York University Trust in Scientific Research $17,500
Gilbert, Maria H. University of Toronto The Protective Function of Perceived Social Support for Children and Youth: Utilizing Support Systems to Mitigate Intersectional Barriers to Mental Health $17,500
Gill, Vanessa W. The University of British Columbia Turning the Page: A Critical Content Analysis of White Space in the Representation of Libraries and Librarians in Contemporary Children's Picture Books $17,500
Gilmour, Meggie E. University of Ottawa LGBTQ2S+ University Students' Experiences in Accessing Mental Health Services and Supports $17,500
Giovannangeli, Alyssa J. McMaster University Optimal Engagement Threshold for Students Involved in University Intramural Sports $17,500
Girard, Audrey  Université Laval L'Absence suivi de La vie de la mère mise en récit chez Delphine de Vigan, Violaine Huisman et Charles Juliet $17,500
Gislason, Jayson  The University of Winnipeg Land Acknowledgements as a Tool of Reconciliation and Historical Education in Treaty One Territory $17,500
Gnat, Lauren M. Wilfrid Laurier University Understanding Lived and Caregiver Perspectives about FASD: What should people in New Brunswick know about FASD $17,500
Goducheau-Damais, Chloé  Université de Montréal Réception d'un corpus d'oeuvres numériques issu de la diversité auprès d'adolescents-lecteurs de quatrième secondaire $17,500
Golden, Ariella  University of Guelph Reading Self-Concept in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder $17,500
Golden, Grace L. Western University Accessing Providers for Co-Occurring Disorders in Children and Youth $17,500
Goldstein, Elijah D.V. McGill University Musicmaking, Placemaking, and Growing Up Online $17,500
Gomes-Martel, Emmanuelle  Université Laval Conservation et patrimoine agricole alternatif au Québec : le cas des fiducies dutilité sociale agricole $17,500
Gomez Ortiz, Pau G.A. University of Calgary Le récit de voyage de Madame d'Aulnoy au rebours de la tradition narrative au XVIIe siècle $17,500
Good, Sophia H. Simon Fraser University Xwixwi'em' (storytelling): Sharing Snuneymuxw oral history through storytelling $17,500
Gork, Lydia C. University of Manitoba Moccasins and Marching Boots: The Participation and Persistence of Red River Métis Youth in the Cadet Program $17,500
Goruk, Kayla J. Dalhousie University Investigating the Effectiveness of the Motivation-Facilitation Model in Predicting the Perpetration of Technology-Facilitated and In-Person Sexual Harassment $17,500
Gould, Dylan S. University of Toronto Between the Beginning and the End: Queer Possibilities in the Victorian Novel $17,500
Goulet-Blais, Claudia  Emily Carr University of Art + Design Photography as a medium for grieving : A comparison of personal experience with grief and portrayal in popular culture $17,500
Goyet, Gabrielle  Université de Sherbrooke La politique étrangère féministe canadienne en région sahélienne : entre l'idéation, la mise en application et les résultats $17,500
Grad, Rachael  York University Motherhood Moments: Creating New Aesthetic Space $17,500
Graham, Kalla A. McMaster University Angry Wives in Plautus: Challenging Preconceptions of Feminine Frustration in Ancient Roman Comedy $17,500
Graham, Kerry  University of Victoria Conversations: The Interplay between Winds and Voices in Baroque Opera Arias $17,500
Graham, Samantha  The University of British Columbia Left Behind: The Experiences of Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities in the Paralympic Movement $17,500
Grant, Emma C. University of Windsor Equity and Land: Exploring Community Formation and Identity in Essex County, Ontario $17,500
Grant, Weltha E. University of Waterloo Facts, Fear, and Good Intentions: The Power of Affect in Environmental Education $17,500
Granum, Claire M. University of Ottawa Representations of Zombies and Outbreak Narratives in Contemporary Canadian Literature $17,500
Grapes, Allister C. University of Waterloo The Unswayed Mind in a Climate of Multiculturalism: Resistance and its Effect on Culturally Inclusive Workspaces $17,500
Gravel, Laudia  Université de Montréal Les mobilisations étudiantes pros démocratiques thaïlandaises à l'ère du numérique : Les impacts des réseaux sociaux sur l'action collective des mouvements sociaux $17,500
Gravel-LeBlanc, Isatis  Université du Québec à Montréal Tache suivi de L'exploration de la non-fiabilité narrative comme agent de représentation du doute identitaire et de la violence psychologique parentale $17,500
Green, Krystene J. Wilfrid Laurier University Criminalization and Surveillance of Indigenous Land Defenders: Perceptions and interactions with police and state authority in Canada $17,500
Grenier, Michèle  Simon Fraser University Ecosystem Services: the real beneficiaries $17,500
Grenon, Emily L. University of Toronto Staging Alliance: English-French-Russian Relations in Exhibition Culture Before the First World War $17,500
Grewal, Eakam  McMaster University Examining Intersectionality within Employment Supports for People with Disabilities $17,500
Griffo, Anthony S. Wilfrid Laurier University Coaches' Personality and Athletic Experience $17,500
Groomes, Aura-Lynn L. Queen's University Adverse Experiences of Accessing Reproductive Healthcare $17,500
Groulx, Sarah  Université de Montréal Broder les tombeaux hébertiens : ethnocritique du -Tombeau des rois- d'Anne Hébert $17,500
Gruchy, Margaret E. University of Toronto Montgomery's Rewriting of Canadian Landscape $17,500
Gryfe, Marley P. Queen's University The Power of Play as an Age-Friendly Design Element to Mitigate Older Adult Loneliness in Victoria, British Columbia $17,500
Guertin, Amanda  Nipissing University Yorkist Women's Infleunce: A Case Study of Cecily and Anne Neville $17,500
Guilmette, Sophie  McGill University Assessing the effects of cognitive-specific imagery and constructive self-talk in goal kicks in high-performance soccer goalkeepers $17,500
Guimond, Camille  Université du Québec à Montréal Trajectoire de victimisation par les pairs chez les enfants victimes d'agression $17,500
Guindon-Riopel, Alexi V.J. University of Toronto Analysis of the impact of cannabis legalization policies on consumption in North American youth $17,500
Guo, Yang Yi Lin  The University of British Columbia Subjectivity of Cultural Fit and Psychological Well-Being Among East Asian Immigrants $17,500
Gurney, Rachael K. University of Toronto The political economy of hosting mega sporting events $17,500
Habib, John B.W. Queen's University Technical Analysis of a Unique 18th Century Manuscript in the Collection of the Coptic Museum of Canada $17,500
Habonimana, Merano John  University of Ottawa La question du rôle révolutionnaire de la multitude dans la pensée d'Antonio Negri $17,500
Habtegergesa, Makda  Simon Fraser University The Urgency of Intersectionality in the Canadian Representative Process, and the Subsequent Impacts on Policy Outcomes $17,500
Haddad, Nour E.H. McGill University The Underlying Mechanisms of Early Prosocial Behavior $17,500
Haddock, Renée K. Wilfrid Laurier University How Police De-escalation with People in Crisis is Portrayed in Canadian Media $17,500
Hafid, Safia T. Carleton University The Narratives of Islamophobia in Western Popular Culture: An International Affairs Perspective $17,500
Haggerty, Skye M.M. University of Alberta Wearing the Land: Cultural Views of Nature Through Needlework $17,500
Hagi Hussein, Siham  University of Regina Biases in Adult's Truth and Lie Judgements of Black Children's Statements: The Impact of Anti-Black and Colour-Blindness Attitudes $17,500
Hamel, Olivier  Université du Québec à Montréal Projet de mémoire en études littéraires sur le sentiment d'imposture déployé dans les littératures nordiques $17,500
Hamilton, Leanna C. University of Ottawa The Carrier Bag Theory of Meaning—Investigating Materiality as a Narrative Tool in Visual Art $17,500
Hamwi, Lojain  York University Behavioural and Physiological Responses to High Distress in Toddlers: Examining Longitudinal Development and Convergence $17,500
Han, Xuerui  University of Toronto Does flexibility matter? The relationship between emotion regulation flexibility and employee well-being $17,500
Hancock, Alexandra J.E. University of Ottawa Handmade to Mass-Produced: A Shift in Canadian Fashion Consumption Choices $17,500
Hand, Emily A. University of Toronto Where is Here?: Foregrounding Nature's Relation to Identity in Canadian Fiction $17,500
Hanks, Rachel  University of Alberta Breaking Barriers to Bilingualism: Making Access to Bilingualism Equitable for Children with Special Education Needs $17,500
Hanson, Thomas  University of Waterloo Rhetorical Analysis of Decolonial Discourse $17,500
Harley, Jamie J.M. University of Alberta Feminist Canadian Literature and Shifting Identities $17,500
Hart, Alina  University of Manitoba Examining the Myths of Multiculturalism in the Education Curriculums of Canadian Provinces $17,500
Harvey, Florence  Université de Montréal La place de l'esthétique du paysage dans la gouvernance territoriale : le cas des Îles-de-la-Madeleine $17,500
Hasan, Fiza  Simon Fraser University The Reality of Remembering: Implanting a False Memory for Repeated Events in Children $17,500
Hass, Joelle K. University of Calgary Effects of Anthropogenic Habitat Disturbance on Capuchin Monkey (Cebus imitator) Gastrointestinal Parasite Communities $17,500
Hassell-Crépeau, Marieke  Université du Québec à Montréal Les maternités vécues à travers le prisme de la douleur chronique : concilier travail domestique, travail rémunéré et temporalités handicapées $17,500
Hawi, Lina  Western University Teaching Self-reflection to Adolescents with ASD $17,500
Hawkins, Olivia  University of Lethbridge Positive development in Highschool Sport: Examining the influence of transformational leadership on youth development $17,500
Hays-Alberstat, Alexandra  McGill University COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: How Policy Incentivizes Vaccination for Newcomers and Racialized Persons $17,500
Hayter, Emma L. Carleton University Listening With An Accent: French as a Second Language $17,500
Haywood, Antonia  McGill University What happened along the way?: From the Perspectives of Black, Male, High-School Aged Youth No Longer in School $17,500
Hedefa, Rawan M.E. University of Toronto Middle Eastern and North African LGBTQ+ Refugees' Mental Health in Canada $17,500
Heerspink, Bronwyn G. Carleton University Youth Councils in Canada $17,500
Heinrichs, Claire E. University of Toronto Music for Anxiety: The Influence of Texture in Therapeutic Music Listening $17,500
Hein-Salvi, Claire V. The University of British Columbia Mirror Mirror on the Social Wall: Decreasing State Body Image Dissatisfaction While Viewing Edited Social Media Images of Others $17,500
Hendriks, Jessie G. Brock University Effects of Writing Skills Workshops on First-Year Humanities Students' Academic Achievement $17,500
Henry, Emily D. Western University Inuvialuit Digital Data Sovereignty: Identifying and Dismantling Barriers in the Heritage Realm $17,500
Hepp, Amanda  University of Lethbridge Bullying: How mindfulness impacts bullying among adolescents attending an alternative school $17,500
Herkimer, Jaiden V. Toronto Metropolitan University Indigenous Rights and Reconciliation: Examining Post-Colonial Ideology and Collective Action Among Settler-Canadian Allies and non-Allies $17,500
Héroux, Marie-Pierre  University of Ottawa Penser sa propre université : la mobilisation jeunesse et l'autonomie universitaire en Ontario français, 1970-1995 $17,500
Hershon, Malka  McGill University To Breastfeed or to Sleep: The Relationship Between Feeding Method and Infant Sleep $17,500
Hickey, Aiden W. Queen's University Children in the Modern World: On J.M Coetzee's Jesus Fictions $17,500
Hicks, John D. McGill University Populist Self-destruction: Regime Overreach and Mismanagement as a Determinant of Tunisian Political Mobilization $17,500
Hicks, Megan  Carleton University Secrecy, Biography and Memory: A Case-study of Sir William Stephenson and his Biographers $17,500
Higginbottom, Brooke J. University of Victoria Contrasting the experiences of asexuals from those with sexual arousal/interest disorders $17,500
Hilkes, Gabriella D.S. Carleton University A Qualitative Examination of Family and Childhood Risk and Protective Factors for Sibling Incest $17,500
Hill, Isabelle F. Brock University Experimentally testing whether we can reframe biased perception of exercise for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis $17,500
Hill, Laura M. McGill University Perpetuating Change: Reproductive Rights Activism through Art Exhibitions $17,500
Hilsden, Jay  The University of British Columbia Correcting for Salmonopia: Highlighting the Role of Flatfish in Past and Present Indigenous Fisheries at Barkley Sound, BC $17,500
Himmen, Marguerite K. University of Saskatchewan The Psychological Impact of Being Stalked by an Intimate Partner $17,500
Hines, Shernell K. University of Toronto Executive Functioning Impairment Resulting from Perceived Discrimination $17,500
Hiscock, Brooke B. Memorial University of Newfoundland Uncovering the Barriers: Stigma and Misidentification of Relationship Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder $17,500
Hobson, Laken D.W. York University Feminist Philosophy $17,500
Holder, Alexa M. University of Waterloo Imagining Amphibious Architecture in Remote Communities in Ontario $17,500
Hollick-Kenyon, Joshua  Carleton University A Comparative Analysis of Brazilian Government Policy across Two Regions: The Effects of Operation Welcome on Venezuelan Migrant Precarity $17,500
Holloway, Nathaniel J. University of Ottawa How are Pond Inlet community members perceiving and recommending addressing the impacts from the increased presence of killer whales in the Canadian Arctic? $17,500
Holmes, Emma  Carleton University The Puzzle of Sexual Abuse by a Sibling: Identifying Risk Factors $17,500
Hooton, Rachel K. University of Victoria The South Saanich Treaty of 1852: Recognizing WSÁNEC Rights to Fish as Formerly and Ancient Intertidal Sea Garden Elements $17,500
Hopkins, Haydn  Queen's University Exploring the Contradiction: David Foster Wallace and the Postmodern Condition $17,500
Houseman, Leah J.E. University of Saskatchewan Fertility Intentions and Disability in Canada: Disabilities as a Barrier to Parenthood $17,500
Howells, Rachel L. York University The Relationship Between Emotion Regulation and Binge Eating: Exploring Mediating Effects of Urgency and Moderating Effects of Gender and Ethnicity $17,500
Howie, Peter J. York University Cold Coals $17,500
Hsueh, Ting  Wilfrid Laurier University Do they see us?: The impact of identity acknowledgement on psychological well-being $17,500
Hu, Zaiyuan  University of Toronto Examining Racialized Young Adults Codeswitching, Personality Expression, and Well-being in Everyday Life $17,500
Huang, Quinton  The University of British Columbia A Squatter History of Postwar Hong Kong $17,500
Huang, Shiming  Vancouver Island University Planning Publication Trends Regarding Mid-size to Small Cities in British Columbia $17,500
Humer, Kaitlin S. Wilfrid Laurier University Virtual Justice: Court Operations During Covid-19 and Homelessness $17,500
Humphreys-Morris, Abbey J. York University Never Again: Enduring Themes of Humanity in the Expressionist Artwork of Käthe Kollwitz $17,500
Huo, Changxin  University of Calgary Fixing the Democratic Deficit? Policy Diffusion and Fixed Election Date Legislation in Canada $17,500
Huppe, Gabriel  Saint Paul University The Effectiveness of Workplace Spirituality Interventions in Organizations $17,500
Husereau, Tracy  University of Ottawa La perception des risques chez les professionnels de la santé et les étudiants universitaires $17,500
Hutchingame, Tara M. University of Toronto The Stigma Surrounding Homelessness $17,500
Hyun, Olivia B. University of Alberta Measuring Language Development in Connected Speech: The Influence of Age of Acquisition and Language Exposure on School-Aged Children Learning Mandarin in Canada $17,500
Ibrahim, Rame  The University of British Columbia Prisoner; A Short Film about Mental Health Captivity of Immigrant Parents and It's Effect on Their Children $17,500
Ifepe, Vanessa O. Carleton University Social Media as a Social Movement Tool $17,500
Iles, Shea A. University of Calgary Poetic form as a framework for music composition $17,500
Ilie, Alzena I. Dalhousie University Listening to the Voices of Indigenous Parents/Caregivers about Their Children's Sleep, Sleep Problems, and Sleep Needs $17,500
Iqbal, Atiya  University of Toronto Experiences of Loneliness among LGBTQ Muslim Adults Living in the Greater Toronto Area $17,500
Isaacs, Tamiko A. York University Assessing the impact of stroke on social and cognitive functioning and quality of life in children with sickle cell disease $17,500
Isfort, Anna  University of Toronto Zeus Ammon, Serapis, and Hermanubis: the Hybridity of Graeco-Egyptian Deities $17,500
Isomura, Erica  University of Guelph Elemental: An exploration of storied cultural and climate justice narratives $17,500
Issac, Jofri  Royal Roads University Assessing Climate-Biodiversity-Health (CBH) nexus in relation to the Food systems planning in Comox Valley region $17,500
Isse, Warsame  Concordia University Examining Somali Diasporic Experimental Art as Counter-Archiving and Placemaking in Canada $17,500
Jabbour, Guillaume W. Concordia University Sound Walking as a Means of Building Bridges and Community $17,500
Jackson, Steven J. Dalhousie University Cognitive-Emotional Biases in People with Mood Disorders $17,500
Jacob, Grace  University of Ottawa How Black Canadian Youth Cope with Racism $17,500
Jacobs, Craig  The University of British Columbia Pursuing Manhood: Masculinity, Homosociality, and Fragile Self-Identity in Hunting Literature $17,500
Jael, Morghen  University of Toronto Exploring Digital Music Playlists as Engagement Tools for Museum and Gallery Exhibits $17,500
Jaffer-Hirji, Safeera  McGill University Engaged Encounters: The Impact of Critical Pedagogy on Racialized Students in Cultural Studies $17,500
Jain, Aditi  University of Toronto Platforms vs. Publishers: The Impact of Digital Platforms on Major News Websites $17,500
Jalal, Hanna M. York University An Unlivable City: Single Mothers in Toronto $17,500
Jalili Safarian, Homa  Queen's University A gender-based analysis of the commuting patterns before and during the pandemic $17,500
Jalilolghadr, Diana Arina  York University Older Adults and Play $17,500
Jam, Micha  Université de Montréal Revendication territoriales et leaders politiques autochtones en Amazonie brésilienne $17,500
James, Landen M. Laurentian University Development of Multigenerational Housing Types for an Aging Northern Ontario Population $17,500
Jando-Saul, Ella C. Concordia University The authority and reception of Ælfric's Old English Heptateuch and of the Junius Manuscript's biblical verses $17,500
Janssen, Larissa  Ontario Tech University It Gets Better? Comparing the Experiences of LGBTQ+ Adolescents and Emerging Adults $17,500
Jenner, Phoebe J. University of Toronto Life and Theatre: Textualizing Charlotte Salomon $17,500
Jennings, Bebhinn A. McMaster University ArtwashTO: Did Toronto's Year of Public Art empower artists and communities, or paint the way for gentrification? $17,500
Jesuino, Kevin  Simon Fraser University Community Engaged Performance and Food Sector $17,500
Jetté, Myriam  Université de Sherbrooke Parcours auctorial et éditorial croisés : le cas d'Hélène Dorion $17,500
Ji, Sophie  McGill University Exploration of Quebec National Identity in the Context of Chinese Immigration Through Performance Ethnography $17,500
Jiang, Lee  University of Toronto Resistance to singular "they" in Reddit communities $17,500
Jimenez Atochero, Esther  Carleton University Women's Agency and Decision-Making Strategies in Transnational Migrant Households: The Case of Guatemala $17,500
Jin, Harper  Trent University The Relationship Between Water Management and Urbanization in Ancient Greece $17,500
Jiwa, Sarra H. University of Toronto Do people see others the same way across contexts? $17,500
Johner, Zachary  University of Toronto Les modèles épistémiques de la forêt et leurs impacts sur l'aménagement forestier au Québec $17,500
Johnson, Alexis M. Trent University Breaking Bread: Social Class and Food in Medieval England $17,500
Johnson, Benjamin  Brock University How do executive functions impact treatment response in children's reading remediation programs? $17,500
Johnson, Evan J. Dalhousie University Behold, A Pale Horse: Famine in the Agenais 1693-4 $17,500
Johnston, Erica M. University of Guelph Exploring Canadian Post-Secondary Students' Experiences of Economic Abuse $17,500
Jones, Ingrid A.M. University of Toronto Opacity: Reframing the Black Experience Through Theoretical Disobedience $17,500
Jones, Natalya  University of Saskatchewan Knowledge and Experience of Infectious and Contagious Disease Among Q'eqchi' Maya in Belize $17,500
Jones, Owen  University of Toronto Understanding patient-centred barriers to live donor liver transplantation $17,500
Jones, Terry J. York University Osnö' $17,500
Jordan, Claire G. Wilfrid Laurier University Looking Back to Think Ahead: The Role of Subjective Distance and Relevance in Predicting Future Success in Goals $17,500
Joseph, Morgan A. Carleton University Did You Find What You Were Looking For? Financial Snooping Behaviours in Romantic Relationships $17,500
Joseph, Tanya A. Queen's University Determining the perception and understanding of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) by preservice teachers in Ontario teacher education programs to determine their self-efficacy when teaching students with FASD $17,500
Juhnke, Peyton M.H. University of Victoria Grounding Métis Resurgence in Wahkohtowin $17,500
Kalwani, Nikita  Western University The Impact of Intersecting Identities and Social Support on Mental Health Outcomes of 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth in Canada $17,500
Kanabar, Sahana J. University of Victoria Enhancing the Well-being of Racialized International Graduate Students in Canadian Post-secondary Institutions $17,500
Kandola, Jung-Bahadur S. The University of British Columbia Sociocultural and behavioural factors affecting communities' response to countermeasures for COVID-19 epidemic: identifying interventions to build trust $17,500
Kang, Minkyung  The University of British Columbia The Need for Impossible Hope: An Account of Hope in Difficult Times $17,500
Kapanen, Chloe  University of Toronto Strategies to Scale: Analyzing a Circular Economy for Plastic in Canada and the UK $17,500
Karakoyun, Ecenur  University of Toronto Examining Politics of Homogenization in Contemporary Turkey: Gender, Ethnicity, Status and Violence $17,500
Kassam, Iman B.P. Royal Roads University Youth engagement with online news: a Canadian perspective $17,500
Kauenhowen, Cornelia R. University of Manitoba Ageism, the older university student, lifelong intellectual and human development, age-friendly universities $17,500
Kaur, Bisman P. University of Toronto Crafting a Tale of Romance: Female Subjectivity and Narrative Control in the Lais of Marie de France $17,500
Kaur, Jasleen  University of Regina Parenting Behaviours, Paternal Postpartum Depression, and Child Social-Emotional Development during COVID-19 $17,500
Kaur, Sahej  University of Ottawa Identifying Risk Factors for Body-Image Dissatisfaction in South Asian Adolescents $17,500
Kay, Brendan C. The University of British Columbia Magical Matter and Agential Objects: Ancient Magic and the New Materialisms $17,500
Kazubowski-Houston, Amadeusz S. York University Decolonial Conservation: An Indigenous-Led Partnership in Elgin County $17,500
Keast, Riley J. Western University A Comparison of Disordered Eating in Gym Bros, Men with Eating Disorders, and Healthy Men $17,500
Kee, Heather E. Simon Fraser University Implementation of a Values-Based Food Procurement Framework in the Squamish-Lillooet Region $17,500
Kehler, Olivia  The University of Winnipeg Trialing a Culturally Appropriate Community Assessment Process with Dakota Tipi First Nation $17,500
Kenny, Sadhbh S. Simon Fraser University Design and Evaluation of a Children's Emotion Regulation Training App-Toy for Everyday Life $17,500
Keough, Jordan A. University of Calgary Adolescent Boys' Lived Experiences With Depression $17,500
Ketchin, Matthew W. Western University MORI: Mapping Outdoor Recreation Intensity $17,500
Khalid, Athina  McGill University Ngäbe and Buglé Historicity: The Politics of Memory in the Production of Ngäbe and Buglé Historical Narratives $17,500
Khan, Faizaan Ali  University of Toronto Scarborough Stories: Improving Equity in Heritage Value Assessments in Toronto's Inner Suburbs $17,500
Khavaninzadeh, Fatemeh  University of Toronto Medical Body Sovereignty of Practicing Muslim Women $17,500
Kherfellah, Meriem  Université du Québec à Montréal Le design comme outil de création et transformation de l'espace urbain $17,500
Khoris, Mounira N. University of Ottawa L'orientalisme et le Japon dans la litterature francophone contemporaine $17,500
Kidd, Joelle E. University of Guelph New Literary Novel Exploring Feminist Conceptions of Motherhood $17,500
Kim, SooBean T. University of Calgary Transnational Feminism: Asian Social Justice in Canada and the United States After the War in Vietnam $17,500
Kingan, Emi C.S. The University of British Columbia Infrastructures of Control: Maintaining Land-Water Borders in a Flood Risk Community $17,500
Kingsbury, Christina L. Wilfrid Laurier University In what ways do community gardens effect experiences of ecological grief? $17,500
Kingston, Sarah J. McGill University Between the Venetian Self and Ottoman Other: Picturing the Turk in Cesare Vecellio's Costume Albums $17,500
Kirby, Emily  Queen's University The Embodiment and Relationships of Queer and Disabled Women as Influenced by Experiences of Sex Education $17,500
Kirkegaard, Aiden  Emily Carr University of Art + Design Exploring Dreams Through Painting $17,500
Kivilaht, Artur R. Carleton University Public Policy Instruments for Long COVID Relief $17,500
Knowles, Bethany  University of Saskatchewan Made in the Image of God or for Service of Man?: The Christian Church and their Support of the Canadian Eugenics Movement, 1910-1969 $17,500
Knowles, Melissa L. Western University Why Are Women Abandoning Veterinary Medicine? $17,500
Knox, McKenna  University of Victoria Assessing University Based Mental Health Services for Indigenous Students $17,500
Kobetic, Diana  McGill University Identity Reconstructed: Medieval Communitarian Selfhood in Selected Novels of Virginia Woolf $17,500
Koecher, Colby A. University of Toronto Insights from a focus group: How women living in poverty experience mental health counselling $17,500
Kolias, Larissa  University of Calgary Ignorance as Motivation for Moral Encroachment $17,500
Korbynn, Maya  The University of British Columbia Investigating Social Resilience Evaluation and Its Application to the Resilient Vancouver Strategy $17,500
Korlacka, Michelle A. University of Waterloo How Best to Understand and Intervene with Self-criticism: A Comparison of Two Theoretical Perspectives $17,500
Kosak, Laurie-Anne  Université de Montréal Enfant actif, ado accompli: associations prospectives entre l'activité physique parascolaire en enfance et l'engagement et la réussite scolaire à l'adolescence $17,500
Koshuta, Makayla R. University of Lethbridge The Immigration Settlement Process in Western Canada: Content Analysis and Social Marketing Benchmarks $17,500
Kosteniuk, Savannah K.O. The University of British Columbia Imaginative Intimacies: An arts-based ethnography of Black and Indigenous co-resistance and place-making on the prairies $17,500
Kouaci, Salima S. York University L'expression et la non-expression du blanc mémoriel du trauma colonial en Algérie sur l'enquête menée par la psychanalyste Karima Lazali $17,500
Koutroumanos, Leah A. Emily Carr University of Art + Design Painted Moments of Joy $17,500
Kowalewski, Jasmine C. University of Alberta The Effects of Indigenous Youth Engagement in the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls March $17,500
Kraemer, Joanna H. Queen's University She/He/They: The Underlying Impact of Introducing Oneself with Pronouns $17,500
Krahn, Sara N. University of Saskatchewan The "Spider-Web Rose": Ephemera and Resistance in Mennonite Women's Household Arts $17,500
Krank, Liliana  The University of British Columbia The Effect of Victim and Perpetrator Relationship on Mental Representations of Sexual Assault Victims $17,500
Krause, Sabrina C.H. Université du Québec à Montréal Femme, politique et résistance à la médiatisation sexuée : le cas d'Angela Merkel $17,500
Kundan, Harleen K. University of Toronto Teaching and Learning: Implementing Decolonizing Pedagogies in History Education $17,500
Kuo, Christine  The University of British Columbia Perceived legitimacy of animal welfare governance mechanisms by the public and dairy farmers in Canada $17,500
Laassassy, Chama  McGill University Socialiser avec la langue : l'impact des activités en dehors de la classe sur l'apprentissage du français $17,500
Labossière, Martine M. TÉLUQ Consortium d'innovation en ligne rassemblant des chercheurs professionnels et d'autres citoyens pour protéger les droits fondamentaux $17,500
LaBrie, Kathryn L. University of Saskatchewan The Understanding of Pathogens, Infection, and Microbes Among the Q'eqchi' Maya $17,500
Lacelle, Catherine  Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Point de vue de jeunes et de parents suivis pour troubles de comportement en protection de la jeunesse sur leur expérience d'un programme en réadaptation externe $17,500
Lachapelle, Andrée-Anne  Université de Montréal Étude exploration de la perception de l'analyse appliquée du comportement selon les jeunes personnes autistes et leurs proches l'ayant vécu $17,500
Lachapelle, Safira M. University of Alberta Alternative Home Care Models in Alberta $17,500
Lachmansingh, Andrea  York University Weaponizing AI: A Comparative Analysis of Israel and The People's Republic of China's (PRC) Digital Surveillance Regimes $17,500
Lacosse, Zachary D. York University Imperial Green $17,500
Lafreniere, Bianca  Université de Montréal University: a stressful experience? Exploring the role of racial discrimination and motivation $17,500
Lagacé-Bureau, François-Xavier  Université du Québec à Montréal Influence des pratiques sexuelles à l'adolescence sur la santé mentale : analyse de données statistiques longitudinales québécoises $17,500
Lai, Alvina  University of Toronto Marche mondiale des femmes des Amériques, souveraineté alimentaire et impact politique $17,500
Laing, Kateryna J. University of Toronto Bilateral Misogyny and Ethical Transgender Masculinity $17,500
Lake, Danan A. University of Guelph Encounters with the Weird $17,500
Lalancette, Audrey  Université Laval Le traitement morphologique chez l'aîné : évidences comportementales et électrophysiologiques $17,500
Laliberté, Clarence  Université de Montréal Manger le caribou en chassant le phoque. Les restes fauniques de trois maisons d'hiver inuites du XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle sur la Basse-Côte-Nord $17,500
Laliberté, Félix  Université de Montréal Contestation des mesures sanitaires au Canada : une analyse de transitions latentes $17,500
Lam, Gia Hoa Diana  University of Toronto Studying the Relationship between Academic Stress Culture/Environments and Mental Health $17,500
Lam, Matthew C. Western University Counselling Psychology Application $17,500
Lamontagne, Justin  Université de Montréal La régulation émotionnelle et la mentalisation prédisent-elles la satisfaction conjugale des jeunes adultes en couple? $17,500
Lamothe-Katrapani, Maya  Concordia University The Lachine Canal: An Ethnography of Eco-Gentrification $17,500
Lang, Thalia  The University of British Columbia Children Experiencing Peer Victimization and the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide: The Role of Friendship Quality in Preserving Peer Belongingness and Decreasing Suicide Risk $17,500
Langlois, Isabelle  Université du Québec à Montréal Exploration intersectionnelle des discriminations vécues par des populations marginalisées adultes dans des services de counseling de carrière $17,500
Langlois, Meghan  McMaster University Lives of Broken Bones: Juvenile and Adolescent Fractures in Post-Medieval Dutch Communities $17,500
Langmuir, Tori  Concordia University Towards improving patient-provider communication in immunotherapy cancer treatment: Using implementation science to develop evidence-based recommendations $17,500
Lapointe, Amélie  Université de Montréal Entre mépris et adoration: la cristallisation stendhalienne et ses schémas amoureux $17,500
Lapointe, Jérémy  Université du Québec à Montréal Défis environnementaux et solutions technologiques : analyse des pratiques discursives et des imaginaires sociotechniques portés par la géo-ingénierie $17,500
Lapointe, Salomé  Université du Québec à Montréal Lusty, opulent, glorious, fuckery : Analyse textuelle des scripts de sexualité dans un univers pornographique queer $17,500
Laskey, Noah M. University of Toronto Identity Fusion & Political Extremism: The Roles of Primal World Beliefs & Appeals to Outgroup Threat $17,500
Latouche-Simard, Loïc  Université Laval Cognitivisme et psychologie évolutionniste : le cas de l'inférence causale $17,500
Lau Kwok Fat, Mélina  Concordia University De l'apport de la traduction littéraire dans la formation en traduction pragmatique : entre métacognition et émotions $17,500
Lavoie, Camille  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Transmission intergénérationnelle des comportements alimentaires $17,500
Lavoie, Florence  McGill University Rapport à l'autre et construction de soi dans Testament et Drama Queens de Vickie Gendreau $17,500
Lavoie, Marianne  Université du Québec à Montréal Pour un design régénératif des événements culturels éphémères $17,500
Lavrukov, Yonatan  University of Toronto Before Crimea: The Evolution of Russian Disinformation and Political Warfare, 2003-2014 $17,500
Law, Amanda B.S. The University of British Columbia #starringasianamerica: Representation in New Media Narratives $17,500
Law, Sarah  Simon Fraser University The Moral and Cultural Politics of Eco Grief $17,500
Lawryshyn, Diana N. University of Toronto Combining Technology and Tradition to Enhance Artistic Expression $17,500
Lazarev, Alexey  Concordia University Phantom Home II $17,500
Lazimbat, Olivia  University of Ottawa The associative effects of maternal and child temperament on dyadic co-regulation $17,500
Le Corff, Martine  Université de Montréal Militantisme en ligne et système de justice : les mouvements d'auto-justice portés par les victimes/survivantes de violences sexuelles en réponse aux violences structurelles $17,500
Le Dorze-Cloutier, Geneviève  Université de Montréal La transition socio-écologique dans les espaces urbains et défavorisés au Québec $17,500
Le Huray, Lena J. University of Calgary Readiness to Practice Indigenous Healthcare $17,500
Lê, Tina N.M. Concordia University Social Media as Archive of Repetition Without Difference: The Eternity of an Oppressive Circular Time $17,500
Lea, Abigail M. University of Calgary Spatial talk in parent-child dyads during physical and virtual puzzle play with and without mental rotation $17,500
LeBlanc, Eve  University of New Brunswick Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE): Its effectiveness on perceived stress and performance statistics for Atlantic University Sport ice hockey and cross-country athletes $17,500
Leblanc, Jonathan  Université du Québec à Montréal Étude de la réactivité à la discrimination en fonction de l'identité panhumaniste et de l'identité culturelle $17,500
Leblanc, Marie-Claudelle  Université du Québec à Montréal Douance et créativité : Contribution des fonctions exécutives dans le développement de la créativité chez les enfants doué·e·s $17,500
LeBrun, Benjamin  McGill University Explaining Incremental Conversational Implicatures $17,500
Lebrun, Catherine P.J. Université Laval Approche temporelle de la schizophrénie $17,500
Leclerc, Émilien  Université du Québec à Montréal Comment devenir adulte quand l'avenir s'effondre devant soi ? : Analyse sociologique de l'écoanxiété en contexte néolibérale de transition à l'âge adulte $17,500
Lee, Morgaine A. Simon Fraser University Debates about the Nature of Nature: An Anthropological Exploration of Scientific Controversies over the Fungal Wood Wide Web $17,500
Lee-Yow, Cheryl L. Queen's University Understanding the implementation and impacts of CWELCC program in Ontario $17,500
Légaré-Baribeau, Marie-Pierre  Université Laval Expérience de la stigmatisation liée au poids au sein des couples appartenant à la communauté LGBTQ+ $17,500
Leger, Ève  University of Ottawa Analyse comparative de la reconnaissance de la scientologie comme religion par la France, l'Allemagne et le Québec $17,500
Leger, Joelle  Université de Moncton L'effet de la motivation académique et sportive sur le bien-être des athlètes universitaires $17,500
Leggett, Aislinn  Concordia University Teaching generalist elementary teachers $17,500
Leidershnaider, Liran  University of Toronto Gender-Based Violence in Racialized Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic $17,500
Leighton, Erica G. University of Toronto Challenging Petro-Nationalism: Norm Implications of Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaigns in Western Canada $17,500
Leistle, Hannah  Carleton University Reclaiming the Witch in West German Feminism, 1970-1990 $17,500
Leitch, Kate E. Toronto Metropolitan University Depersonalisation and Buddhist Ethics $17,500
Lelièvre-Blais, Sophie  Université de Montréal « Parler pour que les enfants écoutent, écouter pour que les enfants parlent » (How-to Parenting) : Se sentir plus compétent et moins stressé comme mécanismes induisant de meilleures pratiques parentales $17,500
Lemay, Matis  Université de Montréal Longueuil rêvé, Longueuil réel suivi de L'écriture de la mémoire dans Fontainebleau de Michael Delisle $17,500
Lemelin, Michaël  Université du Québec à Montréal Une défense du limitarisme comme théorie de la justice distributive $17,500
Lemieux, Marianne  Université du Québec en Outaouais Les rôles du genre et de l'intelligence émotionnelle dans l'utilisation problématique des réseaux sociaux $17,500
Leotaud, Elijah J. York University Planning for Informal Spaces in Toronto $17,500
Lesage Fongué, Cassandra N. University of Waterloo What Happens to a Landscape in Ruins? How New Ecosystems Follow Water to Emerge and Spread in Abandoned Places $17,500
Lessard, Guillaume  Université Laval Perspectives d'appropriation des voitures électriques dans un contexte de transition énergétique : Aspirations et représentations sociales $17,500
Lessard, Pierre-Olivier  Université de Montréal La contribution de la théorie marxiste au concept de loi économique $17,500
Levangie, Maureen M.S. Memorial University of Newfoundland Sensitivity as Epistemology: The Role of Sensitivity in Midwifery Care in Newfoundland and Labrador $17,500
Levesque, Marie-Christine  University of Toronto Apollo In the Black Sea: The Role of Cults in Archaic Greek Colonization $17,500
Levesque, Thomas  Université de Sherbrooke Le rôle des journaux quotidiens régionaux dans l'intégration et les représentations de la population vietnamienne dans les Cantons-de-l'Est (1975-1985) $17,500
Leving, Lola  University of Toronto Investigating the role of interoception and symbolization in emotional processing $17,500
Lewis, Clara D. Western University Bringing our Women Home: Supporting Practices of Environmental Repossession through a Traditional Foods Program in London, Ontario $17,500
Lewis, Jade S. University of Alberta Do Bilinguals Develop Differently? Insight into the Phonological Awareness of French Bilingual Kindergarteners in Minority Contexts $17,500
Lewis, Tristan M. Queen's University The Queer Curriculum: A Practical Guide to Queer Inclusion in Schools $17,500
Li, Amy  Carleton University Disabled Chinese Diaspora and Traditional Chinese Medicine $17,500
Li, Ruoning  The University of British Columbia A Scalable Solution to Designing Physical Spaces That Promote Social Interactions $17,500
Li, Yijia (Jessica)  University of Victoria Exploring truth, reconciliation, and decolonization in settlement agencies in British Columbia $17,500
Liang, Emily J.Y. The University of British Columbia Community Formation Against Systemic Racism: Chinese Times and Cantonese Opera in British Columbia, 1914-1939 $17,500
Liang, Ivy  Queen's University Assessing Quality of Campus Open Spaces $17,500
Lin, Stephanie K. The University of British Columbia Caring for the land: Indigenous land defenders, guardians, seed keepers and love $17,500
Lindsay, Isabelle S. McGill University A Culture of Discourse: Pluralism in Cassirer's Renaissance Studies $17,500
Liptrot, Emma  McGill University Why This App? Do User Ratings Impact Educators' Selection of Quality Apps? $17,500
Lisk, Rachel A. University of Waterloo Effects of Social Status on Concerns with Status Losses and Status Gains: Loss Aversion and Deviance in Peer Groups $17,500
Lisus-Reiter, Serena  Concordia University Toxic metaphors in wellness TikTok $17,500
Littler, Charlotte E.S. University of Toronto Aurochs management in Mongolia? Testing domestication through geometric morphometrics $17,500
Livolsi, Simon  McGill University The Domain of Application of Raddoppiamento Fonosintattico in Corsican Italian $17,500
Lofthouse, Tessa M. York University Dramatic Arts Education as a Tool for Reparative Pedagogy in French as a Subsequent Language Curriculum $17,500
Lomami, Pauline B. Concordia University Superperformances for a superhuman: Creating performative and technological possible through sliding and asymmetries $17,500
Lopez Gomez, Felipe  York University 126th Kilometre $17,500
Lopez, Camilla  The University of British Columbia Narrating Otherwise Kinship, Identity, and Belonging in Margaret Laurence's The Diviners and Cherie Dimaline's The Dream Thieves $17,500
Loveless, Courtney A. Memorial University of Newfoundland An Examination into the Role of Dyadic Coping and Posttraumatic Growth in Sexual Passion for Couples with Adverse Childhood Experiences $17,500
Lowan, Emily  The University of British Columbia Decolonizing Climate Policy: Barriers to Indigenous Renewable Energy Sovereignty in BC $17,500
Lukawiecki, Emanuel  University of Ottawa Lessons to draw from other states national security policy; defending Canadians from the rise of non-conventional threats $17,500
Luszawski, Michelle  Western University Ecological Momentary Assessments of Sensory Experiences in Autism in the Classroom $17,500
Luther, Teresa Y.H. The University of British Columbia Singing the Feminine: Sophocles and the Gendered Chorus in Greek Tragedy $17,500
Lutrin, Aimee D. The University of British Columbia Examining the effects of instructional verbal disfluencies on exploratory behaviours in early childhood $17,500
MacAdam, Gabriel A. McMaster University Horror as Resistance: The Representation of W.E.B Du Bois' Theory of Double Consciousness in Jordan Peele's Get Out $17,500
Macdonald Mager, Olivia G. University of Manitoba Decolonising Access: Teranet Manitoba and Public-Private Partnerships in the Archives $17,500
Macdonald, Alaina  University of Guelph Signals: examining the role of equity in emerging disease in humans and animals $17,500
Macdonald, Darcy F. University of Alberta Artificial Object Intelligence: Dredging up Recombinant Monsters $17,500
MacDonald, Katie  University of Regina Victim Blaming in the Courtroom: The Influence of Attorney Gender on Juror Decision-Making $17,500
Macdonald, Noah  The University of British Columbia Expanding Our Concept of Doxastic Wronging $17,500
MacLachlan, Lauren A. University of Guelph Advancing Indigenous Led Conservation and Governance in Unama'ki $17,500
MacPherson, Chelsey J.K. Dalhousie University Developing a Sustainable Digitization Policy for Gaelic Sound Recordings in Nova Scotia $17,500
Magarro, Carl  Queen's University Characterization of Varnishes on Nineteenth-Century Québécois Furniture $17,500
Mahakul, Shubhika  Western University Exploring Pregnancy and Recent Immigration on Quality of Life for Muslim Individuals of Middle Eastern Descent $17,500
Mailloux, Jena B. University of Victoria Fostering inclusion for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth in Northern Canada through Applied Theatre research $17,500
Mainland-Gratton, Maya A. McGill University Confronting capitalism: the ecopoetry of Karen Solie $17,500
Malchelosse-Fournier, Rose  Université Laval La perception des adolescents délinquants, qui ont un lien significatif avec un.e intervenant.e, des interventions reçues dans le cadre de peine avec placement sous garde $17,500
Malhi, Supreet S. Simon Fraser University Converting used electric vehicle batteries to energy storage for renewable energy $17,500
Mally, Bethany  The University of British Columbia Starhawk $17,500
Manalo, Ren Claire D.C. McMaster University Bridging Gaps: Implementing Interdisciplinary Approaches to the First Plague Pandemic $17,500
Mandolini, Elena  Université de Montréal Intertextualité dans les notes de programme en contexte de création musicale : perspectives littéraires sur un objet de médiation culturelle $17,500
Manfredi, Sophie M. University of Toronto Patterning Niche Construction: Castanea crenata in the Japanese Archipelago during the Middle Jomon Period $17,500
Manhas, Muskan  Simon Fraser University Women With Less Perceived Relationship Power & Higher Belief in Gender Norms Report Less Sexual Satisfaction? $17,500
Manis, Jordyn E. Western University Impacts of COVID-19: An examination of mental health and social development in elementary school students with learning disabilities $17,500
Manning, Kavone L. University of Toronto Black musicians in post secondary music programs $17,500
Manning, Rachael A. McGill University Female Hockey Players Perspective on the Mental Health Support of Elite Female Athletes $17,500
Mao, Jin Xin  McGill University Setting Classical Chinese Poetry to Music: Comparison of Three Settings of Su Shi's Prelude to Water Tune by Chen Yi and Chen Qigang $17,500
Marche-Shears, Brittany M.A. University of Saskatchewan Establishing the Psychometric Properties of a Popular Checklist for Psychopathic Behaviour $17,500
Marcoux, Deric C. University of Manitoba The Effects of Language Proficiency and Reading Skill on Cross-Language Activation in Bilinguals $17,500
Markowski, Nicholas P.W. Queen's University Abject Decadence: Science and Horror in Fin-de-Siècle Art $17,500
Marshall, Max J. Toronto Metropolitan University The Effect of Compassion Meditation on Performance Attribution Following Task Failure $17,500
Marshall, Nicholas F. McMaster University The Role of Philosphical Ethics In Public Policy $17,500
Marshall, Sara A. McGill University Relationships between Educator School Climate Knowledge, Perceived Institutional Support, Self-Efficacy, and Commitment to Improving School Climate $17,500
Martel, Marguerite  Université du Québec en Outaouais L'influence du passé de maltraitance du parent sur la perception des émotions sur le visage des enfants : le rôle de l'alexithymie $17,500
Martel, Nadia  Université du Québec à Montréal Profils de sexualité traumatique d'adultes survivants d'abus sexuel en enfance qui consultent en thérapie sexuelle : Hétérogénéité de la présence attentive et du bien-être sexuel $17,500
Martin, Helen  Brock University Incarceration as a Space for Health Promotion: An Intersectional Approach to Reviving Community Health $17,500
Martins, Isabel  University of Calgary Storied Doing as a Source of Social Enrichment for Great Apes Living in Managed Settings $17,500
Martsoukaki, Eirini  University of Toronto Cognitive Coupling: A Philosophical Study of Authenticity and Mind-Sharing in Romantic Love Relationships $17,500
Mason, Hana O. University of Victoria Friends and Lovers: an exploration of self-conception and interpersonal relationships before and during the Covid-19 pandemic through transpersonal autofiction $17,500
Matharu, Kirandeep K. University of Ottawa Music as an Instrument of Acculturation: On Singing Heritage in Young South Asian Canadians $17,500
Matin, Sumaiya  The University of British Columbia Stories of the Makhfis (Hidden Ones) $17,500
Matta, Danielle  Carleton University Assessing the Potential of Regenerative Agriculture in Canada $17,500
Matthews, Kaitlyn  McMaster University Trauma, Minoritized Feelings, and Suburban Spaces in Toronto's South Asian Literatures $17,500
Maurice, Arianne  Université du Québec en Outaouais Description de la compétence orthographique et métaorthographique en orthographe lexicale des différentes populations d'élèves en classe ordinaire au secondaire $17,500
Mauro, Joseph  University of Toronto Refusing the human: Black and Indigenous relationality in the novel $17,500
Maybanting, Sherjan  University of Regina Understanding the Settlement and Integration of Newcomer Filipinos from Canada's Economic-Based Immigration in Rural Saskatchewan: An Anti-racist and Anti-colonial Constructivist Grounded Theory Analysis $17,500
Mayer, Jordan  Université Laval La centralisation du pouvoir de nomination des juges de cours supérieures - Vers un processus plus démocratique et plus intergouvernemental $17,500
Mazerolle, Naomie  Université de Moncton Comprendre la trajectoire de dévoilement des étudiantes universitaires ayant vécu des expériences de violence à caractère sexuel et ses effets sur les demandes de soutien formel et informel $17,500
Mazumder, Ashmita  University of Toronto Immigration Stress and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Mediating role of social connectedness $17,500
Mbowe, Adam  Concordia University Bleach: Exploring Colorism through Experimental Cinema $17,500
McCloy, Morgan  University of Alberta Activity Engagement and Coping Education for Post-COVID-19 Stress in University Students $17,500
McConney, Robert A.D. University of Toronto Hosay, a dougla material culture $17,500
McCormick, Matthew L. University of Manitoba Lost in Trans-ition: A Qualitative Analysis of Housing First Programs in Winnipeg from the Perspective of Transgender Youth Experiencing Homelessness $17,500
McCoy, Alexandra B. University of Toronto Art and Incarceration During the Nazi Era: Claude Cahun's The Soldier With No Name $17,500
McCoy, Ryan N. University of Toronto Assessing the Possibility of Anxiety Reduction and Identity Enhancement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education through a Mindfulness-Based Intervention $17,500
McCutcheon, Victoria P. Queen's University Atlantic Oasis: Improving Refugee Settlement Strategies in Rural New Brunswick $17,500
McDowell, Hannah  University of Ottawa The Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa Through the Integration of the PACE Model in Family Based Therapy $17,500
McGuire, Katherine C. Toronto Metropolitan University The impact of COVID-19 family stress on marital satisfaction and maternal-child closeness $17,500
McIntyre, Cassia L. Simon Fraser University Adverse Childhood Experiences and Psychopathic Traits as Risk Factors for Cyber Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration $17,500
McIntyre, Victoria R. The University of British Columbia Signs of a Selkie: Folktales as a Vehicle for Ecosophical Storytelling $17,500
McKeag, Suzanne A. York University Stigma by Association: Experiences of Family Members Who Have Relatives With Serious Psychological Challenges $17,500
McKenzie, Marina F. York University (Un)necessary Evils?: Cause Lawyering and the Limits of Strategic Litigation in Canada $17,500
McKeown, Matthew F. Trent University Building the Great White Hope 1908-1936; Mapping the City, Urban Change and Boxing in the United States and Canada $17,500
McLean, Ava  University of Saskatchewan ''New People'': Memory and the Unlived Life at the British Seaside $17,500
McLean, Hannah  Memorial University of Newfoundland Transgender/Non-Binary Supports for Homelessness in Canada $17,500
McLeod, Valerie D. Laurentian University The Effect of Context in Alibi Evaluations $17,500
McNeil, Brooklynn R. Carleton University Exploring A Child-Centred Approach to Harm Reduction Education in BC's Public School System $17,500
McPhee, Payton K.R. Saint Mary's University All this life is suffering... but it doesn't have to be: Examining victim to perpetrator forgiveness $17,500
McPherson, Alannah J. Simon Fraser University Outcomes Following Formal and Informal Social Controls Among Incarcerated Youth in British Columbia, Canada $17,500
Medwayosh, Audrey R. University of Alberta Urban Indigenous People's Experiences of Grief $17,500
Mees, Sadie L. Memorial University of Newfoundland Women's Unpaid Labour in Rural Newfoundland Communities $17,500
Meignan, Matthieu A. Université du Québec à Montréal La diversité et l'inclusion dans les productions sérielles de sport : portrait et analyse de la situation sur les plateformes numériques $17,500
Meira de Vasconcelos Spinelli, Larissa  Université du Québec à Montréal Étude sur les agressions verbales envers les préposé.e.s aux bénéficiaires dans les Centres d'hébergement de longue durée publics au Québec $17,500
Melinchuk, Harlee J. Queen's University Patterns of Substance Abuse Across Various Measures of Socioeconomic Status $17,500
Ménard, Ève  Université Laval Les représentations du corps des femmes, des filles et des personnes LGBTQ+ dans les médias sportifs québécois et canadiens $17,500
Mendelenko, Olha  University of Waterloo When employees mistreat their managers: The influence of gender stereotypes in shaping bottom-up mistreatment $17,500
Merskey, Madeleine J. Queen's University Golden Fleeced?: Ancient Greek Constructions of Black Sea Peoples $17,500
Merucci, Bianca  Western University Climate and Narrative: Rethinking Agency in Climate Crisis $17,500
Mesli, Nesrine  Concordia University The daily and longitudinal effects of exposure to thinspiration vs. fitspiration content $17,500
Meunier, Owen J. University of Toronto The Contemporary Evolution of the German Language $17,500
Meyrick, Judith F. Dalhousie University The Oliver Act, an amendment to section 49 of the Indian Act, and its impact on Kun'tewiktuk/Kings Road Reserve and other small urban reserves in Canada $17,500
Miclaus, Julia  University of Toronto Commoning Beyond Crisis: Designing a New Model for Childcare Centres to Address the Crisis of Care in Toronto $17,500
Middleton, Lucas F.P. University of Northern British Columbia No More Homes on the Range: Patriarchy in the Contemporary Frontier of Canada's National Parks $17,500
Mierzwa, Tyler S. Simon Fraser University Crime Radiation: Does Crime in Bars Spread From Inside to Outside? $17,500
Mifsud, Joshua  University of Waterloo Health and Wellness Practices for the Body & Mind in Ancient Greece $17,500
Miller, Katherine S. University of Guelph Disgraced Former Rodeo Princesses $17,500
Miller, Meagan  University of Alberta Good Homes Take Work: Increasing Accessibility in Canada's Community Housing Sector $17,500
Milner, Paige L. Western University "For the outcast, the wanderer, the tempted...and the penitent": An Investigation of the Female Inmates Incarcerated in the Elgin County House of Industry and the Norfolk County House of Refuge Between 1850-1900 $17,500
Minott, Jenisse R.A. York University Jumps, Stunts, and Social Constructs: Investigating Black Cheerleading in Toronto $17,500
Mirsky, Sharron  York University My Mother's Hands $17,500
Mitchell, Emily A. University of Manitoba Medical Assistance in Dying {MAiD] and Disability: The Failure of the Canadian Healthcare System $17,500
Mitchell, Madeline  University of Waterloo New Ways, Old Teachings: Understanding Northern Canada Community Values for Controlled Environment Agriculture in a Changing Climate $17,500
Mitchell, Robert J. McMaster University Evaluating Emerging Educational Technologies $17,500
Mittertreiner, Emily J.E. University of New Brunswick Accessibility of Social Support Services Among Autistic, Gender-Diverse Young Adults: A qualitative study $17,500
Mohamed, Najla  McGill University Canada's Inclusive Trade Policy: Towards Meaningful Feminist Outcomes or Business as Usual? $17,500
Monette, Juliette  Université Laval Effets d'une TCC sur les fonctions exécutives d'enfants vivant avec un trouble du spectre de l'autisme (TSA) et un trouble anxieux $17,500
Montgrain, Clara J. HEC Montréal Le conflit russo-ukrainien et son impact sur la chaîne d'approvisionnement alimentaire : une analyse du risque politique en affaires $17,500
Montiel, Andrés E. The University of British Columbia Masculine gender role stress and sexual dating violence perpetration among adolescent boys: Identifying targets for psychosocial interventions $17,500
Montpetit, Guillaume  Université de Montréal L'acceptabilité sociale des projets d'aménagement durable en banlieue de première couronne de la région de Montréal $17,500
Moore, Annabelle  York University Patterns and Predictors of Suicidality Among Transgender Youth $17,500
Moore, Mackenzie  Carleton University Relations between personality traits and pandemic related emotional distress in university students $17,500
Moraleja, Marielle  University of Toronto It's a Long Road Ahead: Understanding the Lived Experiences of Graduate Student Commuters Using Photovoice Methods $17,500
Morasse, Marie-Jeanne  Université de Montréal Les transformations du genre féminin au 19e siècle à travers les images de lectrices dans les uvres de Mary Cassatt (1844-1926) $17,500
Morielli, Amanda M. University of Waterloo Unhealthy Food and Beverage Advertising to Youth in Outdoor Environments: A Mixed-Methods Study $17,500
Morin Perron, Léa Valérie  Université du Québec à Rimouski Précarité des statuts migratoires et droits fondamentaux, quelles interactions? $17,500
Morin, Gabrielle R. Dalhousie University Does Theory of Mind enhance reading comprehension for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder? $17,500
Morin, Maëlle  Université Laval Positionnement de la poésie québécoise contemporaine et activisme éditorial : le cas de l'Écrou $17,500
Morin, Pierre-Luc  Université de Sherbrooke À la recherche de l'effectivité : le phénomène de l'inclusion de clauses relatives au droit à un environnement sain dans les accords commerciaux régionaux $17,500
Morse, Catherine  Université de Montréal Exploration de l'acceptabilité des premiers soins psychologiques : une approche préventive des blessures traumatiques pour les policiers de la Sûreté du Québec $17,500
Morton-Ferguson, Aden C. Dalhousie University Authentic Indigenous Inclusion in Environmental Governance $17,500
Moscovitz, Aly M. Western University The Grass Isn't Always Greener: The Relationship Between Perspective-Taking and Attitudes Toward Dating Violence $17,500
Moss Brender, Emma  Concordia University Diagramming the Syntax of Canonical Poetry for Analysis and Creation $17,500
Moss, Emma C. University of Toronto Conducting Mozart's Late Symphonies: A Hypermetrically Informed Analytical Guide $17,500
Motazedi, Meysam  York University All Through Eternity—20-min narrative film examining the crisis of masculinity $17,500
Motola, Samantha T. York University A discourse analysis of psychologists in podcasts $17,500
Mouallem, Ameena K. University of Alberta Dual Language Development in Multilingual Children $17,500
Mozessohn, Kerri  Memorial University of Newfoundland Grandma Doesn't Need to Know: Measuring Support from Friends and Family for Identifying as a Recovering Addict $17,500
Munoz Beaulieu, Isabel  McGill University What values guide humanitarian project closure? An investigation of community members' expectations for how humanitarian organizations close projects in the Philippines $17,500
Murphy, Gabriela C.M. Western University The Impact of a Large-Scale Sacrifice on Well-Being in Romantic Relationships, and the Role of Partner Support $17,500
Mutschler, Katherine C. University of Ottawa I Love Time because It Is the Starting Point of Creation: An Exploration of Musical New Beginnings and Eternity in Works by Olivier Messiaen and Outi Tarkiainen $17,500
Mutsuddi, Rupsha  York University Understanding tea making rituals for designing prompts in mixed reality technologies $17,500
Nabi, Mohammad Nur  University of Ottawa Canada's International Human Rights Norms and Economic Relations with China $17,500
Naccarato, Emily A.I. Dalhousie University Reimagining Indigenous Women: The Legacy of Christianne Paul Morris $17,500
Nadeau, Amandine  Université de Moncton L'exposition intraconjugale chez les jeunes francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick (N.-B.) $17,500
Nadeau, Amélie  Université Laval Sur les critères de reconnaissance patrimoniale - Les cas des églises modernes à Québec $17,500
Nadeau, Dominic  Institut national de la recherche scientifique Examiner le potentiel de la baladodiffusion pour mobiliser et transférer des connaissances sur la sexualité des personnes LGBTQ+ : une démarche de recherche-action $17,500
Nadeau, Ivoire  Université Laval Agentivité du personnage féminin dans les romans post-apocalyptiques Le mur invisible de Marlen Haushofer et Neige dèAnna Kavan $17,500
Nadeau-Besse, Édouard  Université de Montréal Jouer le devenir possibilités esthétiques et puissances du cinéma dans l'uvre de Nobuhiko Obayashi $17,500
Naser, Nada R.M. McGill University Violence and Political Identity-Making: Considerations for Decolonization $17,500
Nason, Kathryn V. University of New Brunswick Perceptions of Smartphone Etiquette Among Older and Young Adults $17,500
Nasseri, Anisa  The University of British Columbia Newcomer Parent Experiences of Receiving their Child's Psychoeducational Diagnosis: A Qualitative Study to Inform School Psychologist's Practice $17,500
Navickas, Erica N. University of Calgary Reclaiming the Sovereign Body Through Performance: An Intersectional Feminist Investigation of Men's Violence Against Women $17,500
Nayir, Aline S. York University Missionaries, Atrocity, and Transnational Memory in North America (1895-1918) $17,500
Nayir, Veronika Z. York University Thinking in Ruins: The Translation of Catastrophe $17,500
Negash, Adiam  University of Manitoba Emotional Regulation and Reading Development $17,500
Nelson, Maria L. University of Alberta The Dead Can Speak: A Look Into Métis Cemeteries $17,500
Neufeldt, Alexandra E.J. University of Toronto Stakeholder-informed Recommendations for Copyright Amendments to Secure Access to Streaming Content for Canadian Education Institutions $17,500
Neustaedter, Max P. University of Manitoba Contextualizing Farmer's Perspectives of Greenbelt Planning $17,500
Ng Cheng Hin, Natara J. McGill University Training kinesiology internship students to coach physical activity behaviour change skills to university students with disabilities $17,500
Nicoletti, Orlando G. Concordia University Public safety or public relations? Investigating police mixed squads in Montréal. $17,500
Niehaus, Grace E. University of Victoria Enacting Cultural Perceptions of Gender: Examining the Use of Gender as a Political Tool by Women in the Severan Dynasty (193-235 CE) $17,500
Nienhuysen, Jamie L. University of Manitoba Addressing Historical Trauma: Reconstruction of the Sandy Bay Residential School $17,500
Ninan, Reshna M. McMaster University Identifying Available Resources for Military Sexual Trauma Survivors within Civilian Communities $17,500
Nisipeanu, Gabriela A. University of Toronto Teaching Ideology: Nationalism and Military Education in Communist Romania $17,500
Niyonkuru, Ghislaine  University of Ottawa Comprendre les pratiques parentales des familles Noires : dépasser la vision eurocentrique de la parentalité $17,500
Normandeau, Julien  Université du Québec à Montréal (Dé)normalisation de la pratique du crunch dans l'industrie du jeu $17,500
Normandin, Béatrice  Université de Montréal Exploration des types de peur vécus par les athlètes canadiens commotionnés : Une étude qualitative $17,500
Norton, Noah B. Simon Fraser University Perceptual Deterrence: Assessing Within Individual Differences in Perceptions of Costs and Rewards Across Crime Types for Solo and Group Offending $17,500
Nussey, Michelle  McMaster University The Therapeutic Potential of Fictional Literature $17,500
Nzeza, Mélina M. McMaster University Financing my Graduate Studies To Further my Expertise in the Field of Communication $17,500
O'Callahan, Aidan S. The University of British Columbia Examining the relationship between Indigenous attitudes toward mental health resources in British Columbia and likelihood of use $17,500
Odlin, Arianna  McMaster University Representation of Race and Gender in Narnia's Fantasy Landscape $17,500
O'Donnell-Shaw, Emily  McGill University Leaving home: The experiences of rural New Brunswick youth in search of post-secondary education $17,500
Ogie, Dania Asahi  University of Toronto Caste, Class, and Ethnicity in the Metropolis: Investigating Inequalities Faced by Japan's Minority Groups in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area From the Tokugawa Period Onwards $17,500
Oh, Eunna  University of Alberta Forest Landscape: Sustainable Coexistence of Nature and Humans $17,500
Okello, Peninah F. Thompson Rivers University Violence Against Kenyan Women Domestic Workers In Saudi Arabia $17,500
O'Leary, Rieley M. University of Ottawa Understanding School Attendance: Experiences from Educational Hubs for Inuit Youth $17,500
Olivier, Annabelle  Université Laval Financement pour mémoire de maîtrise : Lutte climatique et allégeance politique : comprendre et motiver les électeurs $17,500
Olsen, Julie  Queen's University Individual Differences in Children's Readiness to Benefit from Cognitive Flexibility Interventions $17,500
Olsen, Stephanie A.L. University of Alberta Grief as Power: Mobilizing Climate Grief for Climate Action $17,500
O'Neil, Holly S. Simon Fraser University Religious belief, group cooperation, and social complexity: A historical case study analysis $17,500
Orcutt, Sarah G. Carleton University What Difference Does It Make? The Boundaries of Canadian Identity for Canadians with Multiple Identifications $17,500
O'Toole, Ryan J. University of Alberta Indigenous Right to the City: Camp Pekiwewin, the Settler City of Edmonton and Municipal Colonialism $17,500
Otto, Kyra A. The University of British Columbia Sedimented Histories: Navigating the Poetics of Riverways in Canada $17,500
Ouellet, Camille  Université du Québec à Montréal Les points de vue des jeunes Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok de Manawan sur la transmission des savoirs $17,500
Ouellet, Félix  Université de Montréal Des archives locales à l'Atlantique global : Le commerce maritime à travers les archives du Fonds de l'Amirauté de Québec $17,500
Ouertani, Mehdi  Saint Paul University Une batterie émotionnelle, et si l'énergie des émotions ravivait la paix ? $17,500
Ouimet, Alexandra  McGill University Faciliter la négociation interculturelle entre les générations : Les besoins actuels des intervenants sociaux oeurant auprès d'adolescents et de leurs parents immigrants en contexte de conflit familial $17,500
Pacholski, Casandra  Simon Fraser University Guilty Until Proven Innocent?: The effects of wrongful conviction in North America $17,500
Pador, Paolo Felipe E. University of Alberta Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Disorganized Attachment Relationships: The Mediating Role of Disrupted Caregiving $17,500
Padros-Ross, Antonella  Université du Québec à Montréal Les femmes incarcérées au Québec. En danger et dangereuses : la reproduction des corps dociles $17,500
Pagaling, Nikki M. York University From Caregiver to Personal Support Worker: Labour Market Segmentation Among Filipina Women in the Greater Toronto Area $17,500
Pagé, Leah L. University of Alberta Family language planning in bilingual emerging adults $17,500
Pagliaro, Sara P.M. University of Toronto Who you say I am: Attributing racial terror to implications for self-identity among Muslim women in Ontario $17,500
Paisley, Madison C.M. University of Waterloo Enhancing Indigenous Voices in Trade: Building Safeguard Mechanisms for Traditional Knowledge Systems in FTAs $17,500
Pajovic, Jovana  University of Toronto Representations of Passing in the Fiction of Richard Bruce Nugent $17,500
Palamar, Bailey M. McMaster University Trends in the Expression of Grief in Burials of Older Adults $17,500
Palmer, Beth M.A. University of Waterloo Linking Tourism, Social Capital, Disaster Recovery, and Climate Change Adaptation: A Case Study Perspective from Yogyakarta $17,500
Pankewich, Kevin  Thompson Rivers University Community Gardens and Non-capitalist Production $17,500
Papak, Robert  University of Windsor The Effect of Counterfactual Imagining on Levels of Psychological Closure and Distress $17,500
Paquet, Theodore A. Université Laval Prise de possession de l'histoire chez Robert Cliche et Madeleine Ferron $17,500
Paquette, Emmanuelle  Université de Montréal Étude de la peste noire à travers le Poème sur la Grande Peste de 1348 $17,500
Paquin, Ariane  Université du Québec à Montréal L'isolement social et la solitude : le rôle des tiers lieux comme facteurs de protection et les barrières structurelles à leur utilisation chez les aîné.e.s $17,500
Paquin, Laurie  Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Pauvreté et exclusion sociale en Abitibi-Témiscamingue : récits de vie $17,500
Paquin, Samuel  HEC Montréal Favoriser le développement du sens au travail par les pratiques de gestion : une perspective multiculturelle $17,500
Pardy, Luke  NSCAD University Settler Responsibility in Land-Based Living $17,500
Paré, Ash  McGill University Improving mental health provision for trans, non-binary and gender-diverse Francophones in Quebec $17,500
Parent Corriveau, Agathe  Université du Québec à Montréal Inclusivité aux abords des infrastructures aériennes de mobilité : étude comparative et design-fiction $17,500
Parent, Alexander  University of Toronto Redesigning Assistive Technology for Climate Adaptation $17,500
Parent, Rosalie  Université Laval Exploration des trajectoires de services et de développement des enfants d'âge primaire faisant l'objet d'une Entente multisectorielle $17,500
Parkkila, Colby G.K. University of Alberta Creating Canada's "National Playground": Tourism Development, Indigenous Labour, and Representations of Indigeneity in Rocky Mountains Park, 1880-1930 $17,500
Parsons, Jenna R.E. University of Windsor Social Support, Community, and Culture in Resilience of Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence $17,500
Parsons, Savannah C. The University of British Columbia MultiGen: Preliminary qualitative research on a novel multigenerational journalism initiative $17,500
Patel, Nisha  The University of British Columbia A Fate Worse than Death: A Graphic Poetry Memoir on Disabled Life $17,500
Paton, Allyson C. University of Manitoba Blunted Stress Reactivity and Motivation in Preschool-Aged Children $17,500
Patterson, Dominica N. University of Ottawa Migrant Work in Canada: Temporary Shackles, Longterm Enslavement $17,500
Patton, Elizabeth  Université de Montréal Femmes et nature dans la révolution scientifique moderne $17,500
Paul, Willow A. University of Victoria Improving access to culturally safe, trauma-informed, and gender-affirming post-abortion support for Indigenous women, Two-Spirit and LGBTQIA+ people in Canada $17,500
Pawluk, Mitchell D. University of Alberta Towards a Pluralistic People: Examining Constructions of "the People" within Populism $17,500
Pearson, Madison B. Carleton University Gendered and Violent Incivility on Canadian Political Social Media $17,500
Peck, Myles M. McGill University The Role of Energy Imbalance Markets in Facilitating the Energy Transition $17,500
Pecore, Ryan W. University of Ottawa You, me, and HIV: A dyadic exploration of relational and structural factors associated with HIV risk in gay couples $17,500
Peddle, Maria E. Carleton University The Influence of Structural Contributors towards On-Campus Sexual Assault in Ontario Universities $17,500
Pedersen, Sloan A. University of Toronto Is Caring for our Elders Impacting our Youth? Examining Parenting in the Sandwich Generation $17,500
Pelletier, Stéphane É. Université Laval Surveillance,compassion et politique du corps : enjeux des employés québécois de la haute technologie à l'aube d'une gestion des comportements humains à l'aide de l'intelligence artificielle $17,500
Pepin, Etienne  University of Ottawa L'apport de la pair-aidance facultaire dans l'adaptation universitaire $17,500
Perehudoff, Kara L. Royal Roads University Rural Canadian post-secondary institutions as accelerators of sustainable community development: A case study of Selkirk College, British Columbia $17,500
Pereira, Marcus T. University of Waterloo Gentrification, Displacement, and Resistance in Toronto's Little Jamaica $17,500
Perey, Céline  Université du Québec en Outaouais La recherche AVEC les enfants : perspective des chercheureuses et d'enfants de 6 à 12 ans $17,500
Perez, Alaina R. Concordia University Textures of Sovereignty: Black and Indigenous Mobilizations of Aesthetic Resistance $17,500
Perezmontemayor Cruz, Ignacio  Concordia University Rumination. Experiential Avoidance, Depressive Symptoms: A Daily Diary Study $17,500
Peries, Ambroisine  University of Ottawa Marche mondiale des femmes des Amériques, souveraineté alimentaire et impact politique $17,500
Perreault, Émilie  Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Effets aigus du programme Cogni-Actif sur les fonctions exécutives $17,500
Perron-Cordero, Daphnée K. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Les pratiques enseignantes dans deux communautés du Nunavik : pour une école culturellement signifiante $17,500
Perry, Maxwell A.W. University of Waterloo Re-evaluating Mass Timber Regulation in Canada $17,500
Perry, Sabrina  Trent University The Role of Executive Function in Associations Between Personality and Theory of Mind $17,500
Petit, Élodie  Université de Montréal Contribution du climat motivationnel de la classe sur l'engagement scolaire des élèves du primaire en milieu défavorisé : une analyse multiniveau $17,500
Petrasek, Katherine E. Queen's University Reading Between the Lines: The Citation of Women by Male Authors in Greco Roman Medicine $17,500
Pétrin-Pomerleau, Philippe  University of Ottawa Profil des buts d'accomplissement entre les individus poursuivant l'excellence et la perfection dans un contexte de pratique et de performance $17,500
Pettifer, Kylie S.L. McGill University Leveraging Philanthropy for Climate-Resilient Cities: Building a Framework of Practice for Urban Planners $17,500
Pharand, Owen  Concordia University A Peoples History of the Saugeen Peninsula $17,500
Philippe, Clementina E. McGill University Programme de bourses d'études supérieures du Canada au niveau de la maîtrise $17,500
Phillips, Abby R. University of Regina Exploring the potential of reading blog posts to improve well-being of parents of children with mental illness $17,500
Phillips, Charly  The University of British Columbia Exploring Sustainability Governance Discourse in Alberta's Beef Sector $17,500
Picazo, Melvin  University of Alberta Finding Pedagogical Links Across Instruments $17,500
Picco, Corina Z.D. Ontario Tech University Prevalence of Anti-Social Personality within a Substance-Abuse Population $17,500
Pichette, Florence  Université du Québec à Montréal Profil psychosocial et sexuel des patients qui présentent des symptômes persistants 3 mois après un traumatisme craniocérébral léger $17,500
Pickard, Rachel D. The University of British Columbia Oral Histories & Ongoing Legacies: Investigating narratives of history and identity in the Okanagan $17,500
Pierre-Paul Cardinal, Melinda  Concordia University A Labour of Love: Black Feminist Healing in Tau Lewis' Soft Sculptures $17,500
Pike, Emily V. McGill University A qualitative exploration of single-athlete retirement from high-performance dyadic sports $17,500
Pilotte, Adam  McGill University The influence of the coach-athlete relationship on athletes' perceptions of feedback $17,500
Pinilla, Hannah Marie  Carleton University Taste of Home: The Transformation of Memory and Identity through the Food Practices of Colombian Canadians in Quebec $17,500
Pitonak, Monika  University of Alberta If you speak it, you can translate it, right?: An Exploration of Translator Training Offered by Provincial Translation Associations $17,500
Piuze, Alexandra  Concordia University Neurophysiological Differences in Response Inhibition Between Typically-Developing Children and Autistic Children $17,500
Plante, Isabelle T. McGill University The Impact(s) of Historical Consciousness on Social Discrimination $17,500
Poblete, Nicolas  University of Toronto Bathing as Revolt: A Socio-Historical Analysis of Aesthetic Male Bathing Scenes as Queer Utopianism $17,500
Poirier-Leblanc, Laurie  Université Laval L'écoanxiété mise en discours. Émergence d'un nouveau problème de santé mentale $17,500
Poirier-Lemelin, Maxime  Université Laval Entre chez-soi et identité : positionnalité en recherche-création $17,500
Popescu, Simon M. Queen's University Mediation and Impact Assessment: Potential and Limitations for Process Reform $17,500
Popovic, Caio H. University of Toronto The (De)Classification of Literary Movements in the Age of Digital Globalization $17,500
Portugais Hoyos, Cassandra  Université de Montréal Jean-Pierre Ronfard et le théâtre espagnol : l'adaptation québécoise de Le grand théâtre du monde de Calderon de la Barca $17,500
Potter, Aimée R. The University of British Columbia Social Theory and Women's Agency in Roman Egypt $17,500
Pourghanad, Samira  The University of British Columbia An Examination of Ara Güler's Photographs of Istanbul in the 1950s and 1960s as Objects of Political History $17,500
Prada, Kevin F. McGill University Religiosity and belonging to queer communities: predictors of wellbeing for 2SLGBTQ+ Canadians? $17,500
Price, Lena  Simon Fraser University Queer Feminist Organizational Structures and Programming: Impacts of State Funding $17,500
Prince, Alexandre  Concordia University Fashion of a Thousand Hills: a case study of the Rwandan sustainable garment industry $17,500
Proctor, Amanda  University of Guelph Confluence: Poetic Exploration of Intergenerational and Individual Trauma $17,500
Proner, Robert  Western University Developing Innovative Machine Learning Techniques for Accurate and Interpretable Inflation Forecasts $17,500
Pronovost, Étienne  University of Ottawa Problèmes et enjeux philosophiques dans la doctrine de la foi de Thomas d'Aquin $17,500
Provost, Amy  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Étude de l'interaction entre l'engagement social, l'adhérence à un type de diète et la cognition chez les personnes âgées $17,500
Provost, Simon  Université du Québec à Montréal Analyse de l'utilisation des termes souverainiste, séparatiste et indépendantiste dans les chroniques de journaux et dans les revues intellectuelles québécoises, de 1957 à 1970 $17,500
Psaris, Maya V. McMaster University Examining movement-rhythm synchronization in children with Autism spectrum disorder $17,500
Psihogios, Sarah  Concordia University The effect of body diversity in media on consumer attitudes towards advertised brand $17,500
Purser, Annilea D. University of Victoria 50 Years Later: The Prospect of Provincial First Nations Self-Determined Education Policy $17,500
Quero-Dallaire, Jérémy  HEC Montréal Évaluation des marges bénéficiaires dans les grandes cultures agricoles au Québec : un découplage économique « substitutif » entre le conventionnel et le biologique? $17,500
Quibrantar, Selina Mae  University of Toronto Understanding perceptions and needs of diverse households in relation to school food programs from a caregiver perspective $17,500
Quinn, Michayla C. University of Saskatchewan Indigenous Food Knowledge Sharing in Urban Centres $17,500
Rachkowski, Dayna  The University of British Columbia Policy Reform Required for Meaningful Inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge Systems a Critical Analysis of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) $17,500
Racine, Patrick  Université Laval Learning Before Performing: A Single-Session Growth Mindset Intervention among University Students and Its Effects on Their Anxiety and Depression $17,500
Rahman, Faith W. McMaster University What have we learned? Navigating the climate change research landscape in Nunavut (2004-2022) $17,500
Ramadan, Basmah  University of Toronto Assessing Mental Health Supports for Refugees in Canada: A Cross-National Study $17,500
Ramirez, Victoria A. McGill University An assessment of the impact of transport opportunities and barriers for the aging Canadian Population $17,500
Ramirez-Serrano, Penny C. University of Calgary How to Adapt Early Music for the Classical Accordion? $17,500
Ramlochan, Janine Z. University of Ottawa Shifting Sands in Nationalism: Tanvir's Agra Bazar and Wu's Lear is Here $17,500
Rancourt, Carole-Anne  Université de Sherbrooke Transmission de la honte d'une génération à l'autre : impact des défenses psychiques du parent ayant été victime d'abus ou de négligence à l'enfance $17,500
Randall, Christopher  Toronto Metropolitan University Flood Risk Governance and Adaptation of Critical Transportation Infrastructure: Vancouver's Fraser River and False Creek Floodplains $17,500
Raposo, Kalea S.F. University of Victoria Colonial Crafting: 19th-century Girls' Print and Craft Cultures $17,500
Rasmussen, Ngaire A. Wilfrid Laurier University Peer Support to Bridge Mental Healthcare Gap $17,500
Rattray, Heather A. York University How I Go To The Woods $17,500
Raval, Derelyne T. McGill University If These Walls Could Talk: Architecture and Magical Realism $17,500
Rawlyk, Madelyn S.J. University of Waterloo Gain Frames: Examining the Outcome Orientation of Climate Communication Across Nations $17,500
Rebentisch, Hannah  McGill University Canadian institutional culture and megaproject management, and the case of Ottawa's O-Train Line 1 $17,500
Redelmeier, Paul A.E. McGill University An analysis of equity implications of the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) in Montréal $17,500
Rego, Skylar  Western University Factors Important to the Counselling Process with Low-Income Clients: Counsellors' Perspectives $17,500
Repton, Paige  McMaster University Sex, Faith, and the Symbology of Gravestones (1845-1925) $17,500
Rerrie, Taryn E. Carleton University Framing Intersecting Identities: News media coverage of Annamie Paul $17,500
Rey, Naomi J. Trinity Western University Yahweh's or Ptolemy's? Jewish Land Laws in Greek Egypt $17,500
Reynolds, Lauren E. Lakehead University The Development and Initial Validation of the Injured Worker Stigma Scale $17,500
Reynolds, Lisa M. Western University Trauma-and-Violence-Informed-Care Training for Teachers of Military-Connected Students in Canada $17,500
Rhoden, Justin H. University of Toronto Education for Reconciliation, Anti-Black Racism, and Moving towards "Right-Relations" in Malvern, Toronto $17,500
Riazi, Mahta  The University of British Columbia Marjan $17,500
Ricci, Michael  University of Waterloo Queer placemaking: A case study of King Street corridor public spaces and queer visibility in Kitchener/Waterloo $17,500
Rice, Katrynne M. Brock University Playing with Pride? Queer History of Women's Ice Hockey in the Niagara Region $17,500
Richard, David A. Université de Montréal Vers une responsabilité criminelle plus objective : l'implication du potentiel lié à l'événement $17,500
Richard, Julianne M. University of New Brunswick An Ecocritical Comparative Analysis of Atlantic Canadian Literature $17,500
Richard, Katerina  Carleton University Stigma, Regulation, and Education: University Students' Experiences of Studying Alongside Incarcerated Persons $17,500
Riddell, Rachel J. Western University The Spiritual and Gendered Implications of Anorexia in Commonwealth Literature $17,500
Ritonja, Emily J. Queen's University How Psychonauts Seek ''Spiritual Healing'' Through Indigenous Knowledges on Psychedelics $17,500
Rivest, Jozef  Université de Montréal L'opinion publique japonaise face à la réorientation de la culture stratégique $17,500
Roberts, Jacob C. York University Staging an Olympic Myth: Democracy and the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics $17,500
Robertson, Wyeth L. University of Toronto Early Human Rights in Canada: Evolution, Canadian Contributions, and the Recognition of Indigenous Voices $17,500
Robidoux, Étienne M. Université du Québec à Montréal La représentation fictive de l'intellectuel.le dans la littérature au Québec, entre 1940 et 1960 $17,500
Robin, Chanel  Université de Montréal La convivialité des médias sociaux alternatifs : un compromis sociotechnique $17,500
Robson, Levi E.R. The University of British Columbia Who is "the public" and what is the "public interest?" Examining the role of professionals and policy makers in stewarding British Columbia's forests $17,500
Rodericks-Schulwach, Ashley  Lakehead University Faith and DeColonization: Church Education Strategies in Response to Call to Action 59 of Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission $17,500
Rodrigues, Élizabeth  Université de Sherbrooke La réintégration scolaire d'adolescent.e.s à la suite d'une hospitalisation en psychiatrie : exploration des dimensions du soutien social qui la facilitent et qui y font obstacle par le biais d'une photo-élicitation $17,500
Rodrigues, Nelson B. University of Windsor All for One: Development of Performance Validity Cut-offs from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale $17,500
Rojas-Fischer, Carmen  University of Toronto Short-Term Rentals as Drivers of Contemporary Gentrification: Studying the Role of Home-Sharing in Halifax, Nova Scotia's Retail Districts $17,500
Rose, Jenna  Concordia University Digital Media Culture at a French Waldorf School in Quebec $17,500
Rosenthal, Elliott N.T. University of Toronto Crises of democracy through Greek tragedy $17,500
Rosnau, Kathryn E. University of Victoria Promoting justice-oriented disaster response and recovery efforts in Canada $17,500
Ross, Jesse J.A. The University of British Columbia Locating Identity through Self-Portraiture $17,500
Rossiter, Emma J.S. Memorial University of Newfoundland LGBTQ Communities and Organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1974-1985 $17,500
Rostek, Bailey J.J. The University of Winnipeg Urban Reserve: An analysis of Indigenous urban space and the Kapyong Barracks $17,500
Rouleau-Grosset, Tristan  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Granularité de la notion de fondation : formalisations et analyses philosophiques des notions de fondation mondaine et représentationnelle $17,500
Rousseau, Barbara C. University of Prince Edward Island Understanding Factors Contributing to the Resilience of Prince Edward Island's North Shore Coastal Dune Ecosystems $17,500
Rousseau, Victoria  Université Laval De l'agression sexuelle à l'homicide sexuel : lumière sur les facteurs de risque d'aggravation $17,500
Roussel, Marie-Elyse  Université du Québec en Outaouais Comment mener une recherche auprès de personnes récemment victimes d'agression sexuelle de façon sensible au trauma : une recherche-action participative anti-oppressive $17,500
Rowe, Emily C.L. Memorial University of Newfoundland Directed Education on Cannabis for Youth Decision Empowerment (DECYDE): Developing a Tool for Evaluating Cannabis Health Literacy in Grades 4-6 $17,500
Roy, Emmanuelle  Université de Montréal De la rue à l'assemblée : l'impact des groupes féministes dans le processus constituant au Chili $17,500
Roy, Gabrielle  Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Violences dans les relations amoureuses des adolescent.e.s et appréciation corporelle : le rôle modérateur du soutien perçu des parents et des ami.e.s $17,500
Roy, Marie-Maude  Université du Québec à Montréal Images de la diversité sexorelationnelle : converser avec les populations cibles $17,500
Rozon, Yanik  University of Northern British Columbia Cumulative Impacts of Climate Change and Resource Extraction in Fiji $17,500
Ruby, Ariella B. Concordia University Novel Spaces: A Feminist and Ecocritical Exploration of the Imagined Spaces of Seventeenth-Century British Women Poets Through Analysis and Novel-Writing $17,500
Ruel, Rosalie  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Soutien technologique à la vie résidentielle pour les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle avec ou sans trouble du spectre de l'autisme $17,500
Russell, Jessica  Wilfrid Laurier University Aging in place: In-home dementia care from the perspectives of care providers and recipients $17,500
Rusu, Veronica C. HEC Montréal Supervision abusive : L'effet de la psychopathie, du narcissisme et du machiavélisme sur la prise de conscience des comportements abusifs émis par les gestionnaires $17,500
Rzezniczek, Amy R. Western University The Efficacy of a Parent-Led Child Anxiety Intervention $17,500
Saad, Ashley  McGill University The Impact of Environmental Policy on Canadian Federalism $17,500
Sabourin-Laflamme, Marie-Maude  Université Laval Pratiques de soutien au développement de l'écrit en contexte d'éducation par la nature à l'éducation préscolaire $17,500
Sadler, Ryleigh  University of Victoria BC's Implementation of UNDRIP: The Challenges that Lay Ahead $17,500
Saffaran, Pouria  University of Toronto Moral Injury and Wise Coping in the Context of Political Violence $17,500
Saint-Laurent, Rachelle  Université de Montréal L'interprétation du partage des compétences dans les fédérations comportant des minorités culturelles et linguistiques $17,500
Sallans, Alissa K. University of Ottawa Country Foods in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, NWT: Understanding Child and Youth Preferences $17,500
Samson, Danielle  Université du Québec en Outaouais Impact de la culture sur les processus perceptifs sous-jacents à la discrimination de l'expression faciale émotionnelle $17,500
Sandre, Brittany E. Laurentian University Net-Positive Buildings Mitigating Emissions and the Homelessness Crisis $17,500
Sang, Tina  University of Alberta Evaluating the Success of Non-Male Exclusive Esports - VCT Game Changers as a Case Study $17,500
Sansfacon-Levesque, Olivier  Université de Montréal Narrateur biblique face au genre: partialité narrative dans les récits de Saül (1 S 28) et David (2 S 6) $17,500
Santana Ortiz, Sebastian  The University of British Columbia Migration Status and Early Education: Does Generational Status Influence Learning Trajectories Among Migrant Youth? $17,500
Santilli, Hannah K.N. University of Alberta Extending the Campus Belonging Project: Analyzing the relationship between autism researchers and the autistic community $17,500
Sarrazin, Zandria  Simon Fraser University From Absence to Connection as an Urban Musqueam Woman $17,500
Saudrais, Rose  Université du Québec à Montréal Série S ; suivi de La collection d'objets kitsch et l'expérience subjective dans l'écriture $17,500
Savage, Aliera  University of Calgary Livy's Heroes as Augustan Propaganda $17,500
Savard, Louis-Philippe  Concordia University Entre art et activisme politique : l'art radical de Piotr Pavlenski $17,500
Scatozza, Liliana  Wilfrid Laurier University Dance is for Everyone: A Comprehensive Assessment of Senior Dance Programs and Recommendations for Future Program Development $17,500
Schafer, Solomon  McGill University Allegro Agitato: Political tempo, rhythm, and democratic dysfunction $17,500
Schalk, Owen K. University of Saskatchewan Estranged Earth: Prairie Climate Crisis and the Ecological Uncanny $17,500
Schneider, Maris A. Western University Animals in the ancient ritual landscape: Species identification of ancient Egyptian animal mummies through superimposed micro-Computed Tomography $17,500
Schnoor, Tyler T. University of Alberta Consonant Cluster Simplification in Spontaneous Non-Native English Speech $17,500
Schwartz, Maya J. Simon Fraser University Prairie Poetics in Erín Moure and Billy-Ray Belcourt $17,500
Scott Fiddler, Piper  The University of British Columbia Kaykway Aen Nistwayr? (What is the story?): Métis Storytelling to improve access to Family Planning Services $17,500
Scott, Adrienne M. University of Toronto An eye on the ground $17,500
Scott, Jesse  Simon Fraser University Adversity and Adolescent Psychopathology: Testing a Moderated Serial Mediation Model $17,500
Scott, Kiara S.J. Simon Fraser University Coexistence Planning and Indigenous Urbanism in Vancouver, British Columbia $17,500
Scully, Jane M.D. University of Toronto Examining gender-responsive criminogenic needs of Canadian justice-involved female youth $17,500
Seal, Erica  Western University The Impact of the Novel Coronavirus Disease on the Physical Health and Activity of Families Dealing with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder $17,500
Sealy, Gabriela A.K. York University Who is Fashion? Fashioning Leadership, an Anthropological Study $17,500
Sears-Williams, Morgan  The University of British Columbia How handmade filmmaking can reflect abstract queer experiences $17,500
Séguin, Robert  Université du Québec à Montréal Feu flottant, suivi de : Indécidabilité narrative et vérité(s) fictionnelle(s) : poétique d'un conflit $17,500
Séguin, Solenne  Université de Montréal À la recherche des origines du flamenco à Montréal : une ethnographie $17,500
Sehabi, Ghizlène S. University of Ottawa Vers des soins sensibles à la diversité culturelle : l'expérience et la mesure de la peur de récidive du cancer chez les femmes Noires canadiennes atteintes d'un cancer du sein $17,500
Semenoff, Anna  University of Guelph Perception, Agency, and the Making of Reality $17,500
Serry, Salma A.H. University of Toronto Eating in Diaspora: Oral Histories of Food Among Temporary Migrants in the Arab Gulf $17,500
Servant, Alexa  McGill University Uncovering Empathizing and Systemizing Skills in Females on the Autism Spectrum Through Perception of Emotional and Structural Aspects of Music $17,500
Setti, Anik G.B. McGill University Canadian and Brazilian voices: how university students build well-being through relationships $17,500
Sevo, Mila  Toronto Metropolitan University Abjection and Collection: Finding the Photography of Alix Cléo Roubaud $17,500
Seyler, Amanda B. University of Calgary Cultural consonance with marianismo as a predictor of subjective social status $17,500
Shahid, Sheza  Athabasca University Integrating Psychoeducation in Religious Settings $17,500
Shahkarami, Shabnam  The University of British Columbia Afterlife of Manuscripts from the Islamic World, in Private and Public Collections $17,500
Shaikh, Samia  University of Calgary The Effects of Screen Exposure on Executive Functions from Children in Lone-Mother Homes $17,500
Shanahan, Daniel B. Saint Mary's University Social Motivation and Engagement: Inclusive Classroom Activities for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typically Developing Children $17,500
Sharma, Aayush N. Simon Fraser University An investigation of 15-minute neighbourhoods in Surrey, British Columbia: a community-engaged social equity analysis for a fast growing, diverse, Canadian city $17,500
Shaw, Jacqueline E. Saint Mary's University Safety branding: The mediating role of conscientiousness on safety climate and organizational attractiveness $17,500
Shears, Devin  York University Cherub $17,500
Sheasby, Katrina T. University of Calgary Sacred and Mundane: Paganism and Everyday Life in Early Medieval England $17,500
Sheedy, Lauren  University of Manitoba Embracing urban decay: Counterpreservation as a method for regeneration of vacant heritage buildings in Winnipeg $17,500
Sheikh, Anushay A. Toronto Metropolitan University Building New Worlds: The Police Abolition Movement in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) $17,500
Sheppard, Elsie E. McMaster University Health Surveillance: Data Collecting by Patent Medicine Firms and Pharmacies, 1880-1930 $17,500
Shiller, Sydney M. University of Toronto The Ukrainian-Jewish Political Encounter in Habsburg Galicia, 1867-1918 $17,500
Shimizu, Justin P.K. Dalhousie University A Multi-Component Intervention for Reducing Implicit Racial Biases $17,500
Shinbine, Danielle L. University of Calgary Queer, Here, Throughout The Years $17,500
Short, Molly  University of Toronto Attendance Policy Negotiation and Realities of Practise in Northwest Territories Education $17,500
Siamro, Jacob R. Wilfrid Laurier University Do Competitive Worldviews Account for the Relation Between Narcissism and Empathy? $17,500
Sidhu, Rajpreet  The University of British Columbia Understanding Community Support Networks as a Response to Sexual Violence: The Case of Punjabi-Sikh Farmworkers in the Fraser Valley $17,500
Sidnell-Greene, Ginger  University of Toronto Disruption and Desire: Narrativizing the Death Drive $17,500
Siebel-Achenbach, Ellen M. University of Toronto Intangible Heritage and the Processes of Making in the Northern Renaissance $17,500
Sim, Jenna A.P. The University of British Columbia A needs assessment of type 2 diabetes prevention in people experiencing food insecurity $17,500
Simmons, Chloe M.G. University of Alberta Sustainable Stitching: Modern craft culture and the fight against "fast fashion" $17,500
Simons, Kyra  Bishop's University Impact of a culturally sensitive, cognitive-behavioral, and art- based intervention on mental health in mixed-race children $17,500
Sin-Chan, Connor S. McGill University From Lurking Online to Sharing Offline: The Importance of Perceived Visibility $17,500
Sinclair, Erin M. University of Manitoba The Impact of the Indigenous Course Requirement (ICR): Does the Indigenous Course Requirement Reduce Prejudice and Increase Positive Attitudes Toward Indigenous Peoples? $17,500
Singh, Jasmine  University of Guelph Understanding the Disclosure Experiences of Queer South Asian Women $17,500
Singh, Shelby T. Western University Evaluating a Daily Physical Activity Toolkit for Elementary School Teachers $17,500
Singh, Supreet K. Western University The Early Bird Catches the Worm...or Does It?: Investigating the Effects of Acute Chronotypic Mismatch on Student Cognitive Abilities $17,500
Sinha, Sakshi  McMaster University Competency-Based Medical Education: Understanding the Emotional Impacts on Postgraduate Learners, Faculty, and Administrators $17,500
Siracky, Hailey A.W. The University of British Columbia Novice: A Graphic Memoir $17,500
Skeete, Jaylynn  University of Windsor Private Literacy Tutoring: The Case of Nova Scotia $17,500
Skov, Brittany  Lakehead University Developing Best Practices for Mobile Neuroimaging with Indigenous Communities to Facilitate Dementia Research $17,500
Skrudland, August T. Simon Fraser University A Theory Based Understanding of Crime Victim Reactions: Findings from a Nationally Representative Canadian Survey $17,500
Smith, Brenan R.R. University of Saskatchewan Experiences of Coresiding Students Living with Autism Spectrum Disorder $17,500
Smith, Haley H. Queen's University Parent-child co-participation and the developmental contexts of non-traditional sports $17,500
Smith, Jill P. University of Waterloo Transfigured Object: Sustainable Materiality $17,500
Smith, Kalen  McGill University Nonlinear Musical Structures: Compositional Process and Implementation $17,500
Smith, Mackenzie F. University of New Brunswick One Thousand Views on the End of Canada's Second World War: The Bonga Collection and Canadian Veterans of the Liberation of the Netherlands $17,500
Smith-Tague, Keira  The University of British Columbia Testimonio and Womens Struggle against Male Violence, from Latin America to Canada $17,500
Smolyanitsky, Sulamith  University of Toronto Critical Perspectives on the Creative Sector: The Case of Toronto's Film Industry $17,500
Smyth, Ryan  The University of British Columbia Imagining the Nation in English: Language, Class, and National Identity in India $17,500
Snow, Jaime  University of Ottawa Intersectionality-Based Policy Analysis of Ontario Correctional Policy $17,500
Sobral, Marcos A. The University of Winnipeg Reid, Oickle, and False Confessions in Canada $17,500
Sohier, Léonie  Université Laval Effets d'une intervention de yoga sur le fonctionnement cognitif et la détresse psychologique des patients souffrant d'insuffisance cardiaque $17,500
Soldovieri, Antonia K. The University of British Columbia What do Kindergarten Educators Think, Talk, and Do about Neurodiversity in the Classroom? Exploring Educator Training, Understanding, and Affirming Teaching Strategies $17,500
Solis, Wynette Marie N. University of Windsor Re-examining Cultural Differences in Autobiographical Memory Through a More Precise Lens $17,500
Solomon, Misha D. Concordia University My Great-Grandfather Danced Ballet: An Exploration of Intergenerational Queer Longing $17,500
Solomon, Sarah J. University of Toronto Lessons on Inclusive Education from Teaching Students with Exceptionalities Remotely During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Policy Recommendations and Strategies for Future Online Learning $17,500
Soneff, Danielle  University of Alberta Winter City Urbanism: How Design Can Help Us Adapt and How Systems Can Influence Culture in a Northern City $17,500
Soutar, Ian  University of Ottawa Gallant, Muir and the Many: Finding Unity Within Our Disunity $17,500
Spalding, Shayla R. University of Guelph Digital Equity in Rural Ontario: Opportunities of Data Science and Mapping $17,500
Spencer, Rebeca  University of Lethbridge Climate Hope and Optimism Research $17,500
Spooner, Jessica L. Acadia University Trail Magic: The Importance of Women's Hiking Groups and the Ways that Community Organizations Can Support Their Development $17,500
Spyksma, Sydney D. Ontario Tech University Assessing the supplementary usage of a digital self-interview approach: The virtual memory assistance tool (VMAT) $17,500
Stacey, Anna J. The University of British Columbia Cross-Linguistic Enhancements to Automatic Glossing for Northern Interior Languages $17,500
Stacey, Juliana N. University of Toronto A Study in Women's Health Narratives and Medical Misogyny in Literature $17,500
Stack, Shaelene G. Carleton University Structural Barriers to Supervised Consumption Sites in Ottawa $17,500
St-Amour, Danielle M. Western University Mapping Absences: Surveying Tactics for Queer Archival Recovery $17,500
Stanski, Julia B. University of Alberta In Service, In Silence: Representations of Edwardian Domestic Servants in Western Canadian Living History Museums $17,500
Star, Charlie  University of Waterloo Reframing Mixed Race Identity Through the Musical Mashup $17,500
Starlund, Jessica A.H. University of Victoria Sa Dax_gyatim Hli Naahlx_s Dip Ni'ye'em (strengthening the breath of our ancestors) $17,500
St-Denis, Bianca  University of Ottawa Comparer pour se diriger vers une vision englobante des défis liés à l'anxiété des données chez les personnes aînées $17,500
Stearns, Natalie  University of Guelph Exploring the impact of psychopathic traits on automatic perspective taking and fairness norm violation in a non-forensic sample $17,500
Stephen, Cynthia  Lakehead University Cadaver dogs and their ability to detect varying amounts of human remains in water environments $17,500
Stepien, Lauren G. Brock University Predicting poor attentional control in highly sensitive children with high executive function as a potential protective factor $17,500
Stevenson-Kaplan, Allegra  The University of British Columbia Long poem, long life: Resisting Closure in the Radical Life-Long Poems of bpNichol and Fred Wah $17,500
Stiles, Leigha A.M. University of Ottawa Beyond Words: The Transformative Power of Art as Activism for Mental Illness and Stigma Reduction $17,500
Stollar, Ethan J. McMaster University Electroencephalography Investigation of Phase Theory Using Syntactic Head Movement and Phase Extension Diagnostics $17,500
Stora, Lisa M.E. University of Guelph The Moderating Role of Third-Culture Connections on the Relationship Between Cultural Conflicts and Mental Health Outcomes: A Social Network Approach $17,500
Strachan, Taylor  Trent University Publication Bias in Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis $17,500
Stresing, Stephanie N. The University of British Columbia Masculinity in Hockey as it Relates to Health Behaviours $17,500
Strickland, Evengeline S. University of Waterloo Centring Children in Paleopathological Research in Greece $17,500
Stringer-Holden, Bridget  The University of British Columbia Why is Climate Action Not Taken Until it is Too Late? Policy Inaction on the Sunshine Coast's Failing Water Supply $17,500
Stryker, William T.P. The University of British Columbia Quantifying the Wage Gap Associated with Secondary School Mathematics by Indigenous Status $17,500
Stuart, Mary L. University of Victoria Pathways for Degrowth in Canadian Environmental Justice Campaigns $17,500
Stuive, Rebekah J. Simon Fraser University Discovering the Voice of Sarah Siddons; Gender Performance in the 18th Century Theatre $17,500
Stupar, Philip  York University Existential National Narratives in Contemporary International Foreign Policy: Framing Bellicosity through Necessity $17,500
Sturm, Richard O.R. Queen's University Understanding Vision Zero's Impact on Reducing Traffic-Related Fatalities $17,500
Sullivan, Katherine A. OCAD University A Toolkit for Hope: Immersive experiences for healing through creativity $17,500
Summers, Alyson M. University of Toronto Changes in Mortuary Behaviour associated with Decreased Stature amongst KhoeSan individuals of the Cape Ecozone, South Africa $17,500
Sunderji, Samira  University of Toronto Testing self-efficacy as a moderator of mental fatigue and body-related emotions in the physical activity decision-making process of adolescent girls $17,500
Susko, Melissa L. Queen's University Investigating Social Skills and Restricted, Repetitive Behaviours as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms Transdiagnostically During the COVID-19 Pandemic $17,500
Sutherland, Brooke  University of Toronto Envisioning Post-Fossil Fuel Scarborough: Evaluating Methodologies for Addressing Power Imbalances in Knowledge Co-Production $17,500
Sutherland, Molly M. Acadia University Education and Capitalism: Exploring the Expectations and Perceptions of High School Students Across Different Course Levels $17,500
Suttorp, Hailey L.S. Western University Ironic and Sarcastic Compliments and Insults in Third-Party Evaluations of Performance $17,500
Swanson, Anna J. University of Guelph Laying the Table: A poetry manuscript exploring Jewish intergenerational trauma and resilience $17,500
Syed, Areej-E-Zehra N. University of Calgary Community or Strangers? $17,500
Taher, Khatereh  McGill University Bhakti Belonging: An Ethnography of a South Asian Diasporic Community in Montre´al $17,500
Talbot, Karine  Laurentian University Perfectionism and Body Image in Young Female Athletes: A Preventive Intervention $17,500
Talbot, Philippe J. Université du Québec à Montréal Le rire inclusif et le rire d'exclusion en littérature : arrimage de la dialogisation affective et de la dialogisation de l'hétéroglossie chez Flaubert et Rabelais $17,500
Tan, Catherine Jia En  University of Toronto The influence of musical emotions on children's sensorimotor synchronization $17,500
Tanaka, Yoshinori  The University of British Columbia Integrating traditional ecological knowledge to heal deteriorating Satoyama ecosystems in Sakaue-cho, Aichi Prefecture, Japan $17,500
Tang, Jasmine S. University of Victoria Mental Illness and Medical Assistance in Dying: Perspectives from 2S/LGBTQ+ Atlantic Canadians with Mental Illness $17,500
Tao, Wei William  The University of British Columbia The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Canadian Immigration and Its Impact on Canadian Administrative Law $17,500
Tarantino, Marcus A.C. University of Toronto Constantine: A Hellenistic Monarch on Roman Coinage $17,500
Tarling, Gemma L. University of Victoria A Socio-political Perspective on Archaeological Research in Cordova Bay $17,500
Tarrant, Damon C. Simon Fraser University Identifying the Origins of Unidentified Human Remains from Forensic Contexts: Applications of Isotope Analysis and Development of Novel Sulphur Isotope Methods $17,500
Tasabehji, Zahira  The University of British Columbia The Age of Meta: Exploring the Relationship between Metagaming and Metacognition in School-aged Children $17,500
Tate-Howarth, Adam R. University of Toronto Teaching Waves: Qualitative Analysis of Interdisciplinary Math and Music Education Intervention $17,500
Taylor, Emily M. Dalhousie University Understanding the Impact of Community Music Groups on Amateur Musicians' Wellbeing $17,500
Taylor, Samuel W.R. University of Waterloo Governance at the Periphery: A Critical Analysis of Latin America's Position in Global Economic Governance $17,500
Taylor, Simon T. Memorial University of Newfoundland "Life is a Field of Honour": Literary and Biographical Adventurism of Sir Wilfred Grenfell and his Mission $17,500
Temprile, Nicholas  University of Toronto Tosaka Jun's Theory of Fascism and Its Relationship to Western Marxism $17,500
Terra, Clara L. University of Alberta Phonology (Speech Sound) Development of Bilingual French Speaking Children $17,500
Terrault, Zoé  Université Laval Portrait et besoins des parents sur le marché du travail en matière de soutien à la parentalité $17,500
Tess, Victoria A. University of Manitoba Is Environmental Knowledge Related to Environmental Behaviour? A Systematic Literature Review $17,500
Tétreault, Gabrielle M. Université du Québec à Montréal Signalement des symptômes de commotions cérébrales : Exploration des facteurs psychosociaux chez les adolescents pratiquant un sport individuel élite $17,500
Therrien, Julia K. University of Calgary Social Emotional Assets and Thriving During the Covid-19 Pandemic $17,500
Thiessen, Hannah  McGill University Scale 1:1 Figure—The Body's Role in Scaled Representation $17,500
Thind, Anmol  McMaster University Dreams as a Tool for Self-Reflection $17,500
Thorul, Sahil K. University of Ottawa Testing Preschooler's Hypothetical Thinking $17,500
Tilly, Grant S. University of Calgary The Use of Theatre and Empathy to Address Growing Polarization $17,500
Tobia, Jessica  Concordia University Transition to School: Teacher Knowledge & Parental Reports of Transition Practices for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder $17,500
Todd, Katherine E. University of Toronto Research Capstone: Developing Arctic Defense Capabilities While Respecting UNDRIP $17,500
Tokko, Geon  University of Toronto Comparative Cultural History between Contemporary Okinawa and Jeju $17,500
Torrance, Nicole P. University of Ottawa Waving and Clapping Gesture Development in Infants $17,500
Torraville, Bethany  University of Calgary Exploring the Experiences of a Dual-Diagnosis Learner: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Students with Down Syndrome $17,500
Tourkmani-MacDonald, Salima H. University of Toronto Poetics of Blackness in the Atlantic Canadian Diaspora $17,500
Trapara, Sara  Concordia University Disrupting the Anthropocene: "World-Making" in the Work of Marcela Armas and Yen-Chao Lin $17,500
Traynor, Jessica L. McGill University Improving Engagement and Inclusive Pedagogy Within High-School Music Education $17,500
Tremblay, Fabien  Université Laval Démocraties délibératives et démocraties contemporaines chez James S. Fishkin et Hélène Landemore $17,500
Tremblay, Maxime  Université de Sherbrooke Quand justesse devient justice : pour une approche herméneutique du consentement en matière sexuelle $17,500
Tremblay-Ross, Josiane  Bishop's University Mapping Community-Based Justices $17,500
Tremonte, Isabella  Brock University Body appreciation and well-being in female powerlifters undergoing weight loss for competition: A longitudinal analysis $17,500
Tressou, Dawn M. York University "No Words": Juggling the Alphabet to Examine Literacy Through Embodiment $17,500
Trottier-Dumont, William  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Une évaluation de la réponse au stress chez l'enfant autiste pour mieux comprendre ses comportements d'attachement envers son parent $17,500
Tsang, Annette T.H. McGill University Playing your tune: Creating meaningful aesthetic experience for long-term care audiences $17,500
Tuico, Kyle A. University of Calgary Conspiratorial Thinking and Gambling Fallacies Among Cryptocurrency Users $17,500
Tulk, Joshua G.J. University of Calgary Examining the Impact of and Factors Associated with Sleep Deficiency in Rural and Small Towns $17,500
Tunggal, Jesaya  University of Alberta Gaming the System: Investigating the Potential of Serious Games in Organising Game Labour $17,500
Turcotte, Ashton  Concordia University Exploring Assumptions of Service Providers in Québec and Alberta to Account for Trans Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence $17,500
Turcotte, Guillaume  Université Laval Étude de la fonction des outils découverts sur le site archéologique CeEu-10 au Sylvicole inférieur selon la tracéologie lithique $17,500
Tuzi, Irza  Université du Québec en Outaouais Violences sexuelles sur un.e partenaire intime : Étude des stratégies coercitives employées et des facteurs de risque associés $17,500
Tyner, Gemma  University of Ottawa Childhood Maltreatment and Trajectory of Borderline Personality Disorder $17,500
Ujejska, Aleksandra L. Queen's University Beyond the Written Word: The Centrality of Malintzin in the Spanish Conquest $17,500
Umer, Madeha  University of Toronto Evidence Synthesis: A Review of Caregiver Burden in Bipolar Disorder and Qualitative Inquiry $17,500
Unninayar, Tara  University of Alberta Does The Belief That Psychopathic Traits Are Adaptive Predict Psychopathic Traits? $17,500
Uppot, Akshita A. York University Sexual responsiveness: The role of sexual growth and destiny beliefs $17,500
Vaah, Lois  McGill University Mobilizing Through Cyberspace: Black Feminist Activism in the Age of TikTok $17,500
Vaccarella, Paige M. University of Toronto Predicting AT use in Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities $17,500
Vallières, Laurence  Université Laval Habillement non genré : sens, pratiques quotidiennes et identités de genre $17,500
van Beusekom, Theodore M.B. The University of British Columbia Investigating pedestrian and cycling road safety perspectives and infrastructure in Vancouver $17,500
van Blankenstein, Zia B. University of Alberta Developing Predictive Outcomes for Preschoolers with Language Difficulties $17,500
Van Dorpe, Josiane  Université du Québec à Montréal Identification et explication des biais sociaux présents dans un modèle de détection de toxicité $17,500
van Haaften, Jacob S. Trent University Decolonizing connectedness with nature $17,500
Van Hoeve, Jacoba K. Carleton University ARTiculating Canadian Identities: The Canada Council Art Bank and "EDI" in Contemporary Canadian Fine Art $17,500
Van Schaik, James E. Western University Economic and Social Human Rights as Basic Human Rights $17,500
Vankooten, Nicole L. University of Waterloo The Legacy of Medieval English Forestry and Land Use Practice $17,500
VanStarkenburg, Sharon E. University of Ottawa Master of Contemporary Art Theory $17,500
Vanstone, Rena E. Toronto Metropolitan University Evaluating the Potential of Arts-based Knowledge Mobilization with Newcomer Youth $17,500
Veilleux, Charlie  Université du Québec à Rimouski Pratiques des enseignant.e.s en évaluation en contexte de communauté de recherche philosophique (CRP) au secondaire $17,500
Veilleux, Mathilde  Université de Montréal Le paradoxe du snobisme musical. Le rôle du snobisme musical dans la diffusion de la musique d'avant-garde en France durant la Troisième République $17,500
Veisman, Nikol  Carleton University The Effect of Antisemitism on the Contemporary Jewish Canadian Identity $17,500
Velez, Avery S. Memorial University of Newfoundland Apaja'tunej Maqamikew eteg Tskinuk Ktaqmkuk: Land Back in Western Newfoundland $17,500
Ventress, Sydney  Nipissing University Calling all grrrls and women!: The Riot Grrrl Movement and Makings of Third Wave Feminism $17,500
Verbisky, Emma K. University of Toronto Addressing the Escalating Housing Market in Toronto: Housing becoming a symbol of privilege rather than a human right $17,500
Verdon, Carolanne  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Étude dyadique chez les couples : Liens entre la satisfaction relationnelle, l'estime corporelle et la qualité de l'alimentation $17,500
Vermette, Laurence  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Étude des associations entre les caractéristiques des repas en famille, les comportements alimentaires et l'image corporelle des adolescent(e)s $17,500
Véronneau, Jade  Université de Montréal La trajectoire des femmes victimes de violence conjugale selon l'influence de la maltraitance vécue à l'enfance et des évènements de vie à l'âge adulte $17,500
Veselka, Mercedes K. York University Task Repetition for Adult Literacy Learners in Canada $17,500
Veto, Eric  Concordia University Intellectual Property: How Indigenous Knowledge Is Impacted $17,500
Vettorel, Anne-Marie  Toronto Metropolitan University Becoming #thatgirl: the rhetoric of self-care on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube $17,500
Vieira, Jenna L. Toronto Metropolitan University A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Motives for Online Gaming $17,500
Vigneau, Elisabeth  Université de Moncton Le lexique du français acadien des jeunes des Îles de la Madeleine $17,500
Vigneault, Coralie  Université Laval Le réalisme magique comme levier féministe du théâtre de Jovette Marchessault $17,500
Vigneault, Junior  Concordia University The Comedic Potential of Physical Robots and AI Avatars $17,500
Villani, Emily J. Western University Integrating Diversity and Friendship in STEM: An Inclusive Summer Day Camp $17,500
Villeneuve, Élise  Université du Québec à Montréal Les traumas interpersonnels en enfance et le sentiment d'efficacité parentale : le rôle de la mentalisation chez des couples parentaux $17,500
Vinod, Anagha  McMaster University Patterns of Neuronal Activity and Neural Connectivity in Neonates with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy $17,500
Vito, Ashley P. Western University Teachers' Experiences and Perceived Self Efficacy in Teaching and Practicing Nutrition Curriculum to Children in Elementary $17,500
Vong, Joey  Toronto Metropolitan University (Not) All For Myself: Young Women's Navigation of Postfeminist Discourses & Heterosexual Romance $17,500
Vuillaume, Pauline  Université Laval Interactions gènes-environnement dans le développement des comportements antisociaux à l'adolescence $17,500
Wachuku-Olarewaju, Ethan  Toronto Metropolitan University An investigation of Military Sexual Misconduct: The Case of Canada $17,500
Waez, Jumana  University of Windsor Sport as Means for Newcomer Youth Integration $17,500
Walker, Clare M. Concordia University I deserve this: Cosmic wellness and the commodification of one's best self $17,500
Walker, Taryn M. Simon Fraser University Listening to Our Future Planet $17,500
Wallbank, Samantha R. Brock University Assessing Barriers and Facilitators in Evidence-Based Parent Training $17,500
Walsh, Annika S.R. The University of British Columbia The Art of Repairing Our Relationship With Food $17,500
Wamambo, Chenai  Carleton University Microaggressions: An Analysis of Lethbridge School District $17,500
Wang, Aletheia  University of Toronto Women's Higher Education and Service in Early Twentieth-Century British Fiction $17,500
Wang, Eric  The University of British Columbia Sitting In My Giant Robot, Corner of the Party $17,500
Wang, Ting  McGill University Understanding stigma from the perspectives of East Asian patients with first episode psychosis (FEP) and their family members: a qualitative study $17,500
Webster, Paige O. University of Calgary Impacts of European Contact on Indigenous Blackfoot Subsistence Strategies $17,500
Weder, Julia  University of Victoria Settler Action to Respect Indigenous Jurisdiction on Haida Gwaii $17,500
Weerasinghe, Jennifier B. York University The Creation of an Elite through Private Education in the Canadian and American Contexts $17,500
Wegenschimmel, Neil H. University of Waterloo Escape From History: The Perception of Societal Radicalism and Its Psychological Consequences $17,500
Weiler, David  University of Waterloo Prudentiu's Use of Nature: Building a Roman Christian Identity $17,500
Weston, Shanley M. University of Guelph Craft and economic development on Cape Breton Island-Unama'ki $17,500
Wheeler, Joel E. University of Victoria A Novel is a Playlist: The Influence of Music Streaming on Contemporary Fiction $17,500
Wheeler-Noiseux, Joël  Institut national de la recherche scientifique Marchabilité des environnements urbains pour les ainés : le cas de Laval, Québec et Saguenay $17,500
Whelan, Lee  University of Waterloo Transgender Health Activism in Ontario and New Brunswick $17,500
White, Brandy L. University of Calgary Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Healing from an Indigenous Perspective $17,500
White, Cecelia G.C. University of Toronto Queer Understandings of Community: Rural-Urban Youth LGBTQIA+ Migration in Canada $17,500
Whitelaw, Hannah J. University of Toronto Applying Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry to Commingled Bone Fragment Identification in Forensic Anthropology $17,500
Whittaker, Darby  Queen's University HIV AIDS risks embodiment and well-being of women in Kumasi Ghana $17,500
Widmer, Denika  University of New Brunswick Investigation of Police Officer Use of the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) and Risk Management Strategies $17,500
Wilkinson, Isaiah  Concordia University Freedom, Hegel and History $17,500
Williams, Annika R. McGill University Intersections of Agency and Vulnerability in Early Opera $17,500
Williams, Shyla  University of Toronto Breaking down the crisis: What is the role of global governance in addressing climate cause migration $17,500
Wilson, Alexander  University of Toronto The Motivations of Multiple Jobholders Over the COVID-19 Pandemic $17,500
Wilson, Alexandra H. University of Ottawa A National Syllabi Review of Canadian International Development Studies Programs: Sustainable Development Goals and Skills Valued and Forgotten $17,500
Wilson, Kaitlyn M. University of New Brunswick Sleep Outcomes in Survivors of Sexual Trauma $17,500
Wilson, Owen R. Simon Fraser University Protecting Indigenous Cultural Heritage on Private Property: A Case Study of Lasqueti Island, British Columbia $17,500
Winchester, Nicole K.T. York University One Game to Rule Them All: Professionalization, Standardization, and Consolidation in Tabletop Roleplaying Games $17,500
Winsor, Andie L. Carleton University An epidemic of discrimination: The impact of HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 on 2SLGBTQ+ arts communities in Canada $17,500
Wodzicki, Alexander A. Queen's University The Contemporary Reception of Thomas Hobbes' Behemoth $17,500
Wolfe, Aurora G. University of Saskatchewan Mônahaskwêw s/he harvests; s/he roots: Intersections between Indigeneity and Agriculture on the Plains $17,500
Wong, Bliss  York University Transracial adoptees sense of belongingnes's and identity within the context of sport $17,500
Wong, Kristi Yuk Ki  University of Toronto Decolonizing Middle School English Curricula through Multilingual Pedagogy $17,500
Wong, Michael D. Toronto Metropolitan University A Community-Based Qualitative Review of Housing in Saskatchewan First Nations $17,500
Wood, Corey  University of Guelph Minority stressors, strengths, and social support experiences of Canadian LGBTQ+ employees $17,500
Wood, Emily C. Wilfrid Laurier University Teaching children how to evaluate the credibility of online information: A digital media literacy intervention program $17,500
Wood, Robyn  University of Waterloo Exploring Health Implications of Metallurgical Production in the Faynan Basin, Jordon, Using Lead Trace Element Analysis $17,500
Wood-Anderson, Desmond J. The University of British Columbia Enactive perspectives on human cognition $17,500
Woods, Alyssa J. University of Toronto A Retrospective Analysis on the Public Political Discourse on the City of Toronto's Response to COVID-19 in relation to the TTC for Resilient Transportation Planning in the Future $17,500
Woods, Kyle G. University of Waterloo Understanding the Influence of Severity on Attentiveness to Weather Information in High-risk Outdoor Situations $17,500
Woods, Rachel M. Carleton University Assessing Social Impact Investments for an Equitable Future in Rural Senegal $17,500
Woolf, Emunah R. McMaster University Chronic Pain, Substance Use, and Trauma: An Artistic Inquiry Into Identity Formation $17,500
Worthman, Sarah M.E. Memorial University of Newfoundland Far Right Flirtations: How Mainstream Centre-Right Parties Encourage Far-Right Violence $17,500
Wu, Sophie  McGill University Thinking Meat: Using AI for computational narrative studies $17,500
Wu, Yueting  University of Alberta Classifers beyond the classroom: Characterizing error rate and error patterns in Mandarin classifiers used by Mandarin-English bilingual children enrolled in bilingual education $17,500
Xie, Yonger  McGill University When Paper and Clay Spoke: Material Spontaneity in Thirteenth-Century Chinese Art $17,500
Xu, Cathy  The University of British Columbia Asian Canadian/Settler Embodiment as Archive in Larissa Lai's Iron Goddess of Mercy and Jin-me Yoons About Time $17,500
Yahia, Nadia  Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Travail des enfants de moins de 14 ans en Abitibi-Témiscamingue : causes et conséquences $17,500
Yang, Jenny  The University of British Columbia Re-Animating a New China: National Style, National Gods and International Style, International Stories $17,500
Yang, Jun Ying  Simon Fraser University Propertied Subjects: Vancouver Real Estate and Asian Subject Formation, 2009-2021 $17,500
Yao, Xinyu  Mount Saint Vincent University Institutional Responses to Gender Violence: A Discourse Analysis of the Dalhousie Dentistry Restorative Process $17,500
Yassine, Nour  University of Windsor Social Transmission of Memory: The power of conformity on false memory reports $17,500
Yates, Avery M. Toronto Metropolitan University Imagining a Better Future for Fashion: The Impact of 3D Design on Creativity and Sustainability in the Apparel Industry $17,500
Yeboah, Kofi A. McGill University Qualitative Analysis of Growing Racial Hatred and Far-right Political Parties/Leaders in the West $17,500
Ying, Fei  Western University Partner Schema Structures, Observable Behaviours, Relationship Outcomes and Depression $17,500
Young, Meghan E. University of Manitoba Engaging with Urban Métis Youth in Winnipeg $17,500
Young, Thomas R. University of Toronto Work-Integrated Learning: The Tensions Between the Governance within Higher Education and Teaching Pedagogies $17,500
Yuen, Camryn N. Simon Fraser University Consequences at the Border $17,500
Yus, Atticus A. University of Toronto A Decaying State of Nature: Oscar Wilde's A House of Pomegranates and the Early Years of the Anthropocene $17,500
Zahabi, Seyed Abbas  University of Toronto Diversity and Equity $17,500
Zandvliet, Alyssa L. Simon Fraser University Historical Ecology of Indigenous Cultivation Systems: Ancient Landscape Management in the Cowichan Bay Watershed $17,500
Zeng, Norman J. University of Toronto Investigating the Origins of Morality in Infants and Children $17,500
Zentner, Kristen E. Concordia University of Edmonton E-Mental Health Services as a Foot in the Door for Youth Mental Health Access $17,500
Zhaksybek, Aliya  University of Toronto Turkish Impersonal Passives $17,500
Zhang, Jessica D.N. The University of British Columbia Beyond National Canons: Tamura Toshiko and Transnational Feminism $17,500
Zhang, Muning  Western University Experiences of Newcomer Children and Youth in Canada Engaging with Education and Healthcare Systems and Shaping Occupational Possibilities $17,500
Zhong, Zehui  University of Toronto Infamous Daughter of an Infamous Mother: The Intertextual Relationship between Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea $17,500
Zhu, Haijie (Catherine)  The University of British Columbia The Importance of Employing an Ethic of Empathy in Canadian Journalism $17,500
Zimmer, Jacob P.L. The University of British Columbia Digital Modelbook for adaptable productions $17,500
Zimmermann, Valerie D. The University of British Columbia Unearthing Farmers' Perspectives on Sustainable Agriculture $17,500
Zybinova, Daria  University of Alberta Sharing Our Truth: Overcoming Internalized Stigma of Parental Substance Use Disorder $17,500

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