Award Recipients for Canada Graduate Scholarships—Doctoral Program: Fall 2022 Competition

Applicant Affiliation Title Funding
Abela, Katrina McMaster University Exposure to Interparental Conflict During Childhood: A Longitudinal Approach to Analyzing Outcomes for Emotional Development and Problem Behaviour $105,000
Aboubakar, Harmata University of Toronto Contested Memories and Revised Myths: How Collective Memory Affects Identity and National Ties in Kenya $105,000
Adeyanju, Samuel The University of British Columbia People, projects, and poverty: Investigating the effectiveness of livelihood interventions implemented in Community Resource Management Areas (CREMAs) in Northern Ghana $105,000
Ahmed, Abdulrizack Wilfrid Laurier University South-South Migration and the Food Security Nexus: Enhancing Effective Migration and Food Systems Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa $105,000
Alfred-Olmedo, Leah K. The University of British Columbia The Indigenous Monstrous & The Monstrous Indigenous $105,000
Allard, Chloé-Victoria Université de Montréal Intimate partner violence risk assessment and psycho-criminological analysis : Development of a new risk assessment scale $105,000
Allison, Andrew D. University of Calgary The Role of Incentives in the Ontology of Money $105,000
Alshomali, Faris University of Toronto Palestinian Art in the Age of Decolonial Tragedy $105,000
Alzaghoul, Aseel McGill University A feasibility study of an adapted psychosocial Intervention to address psychosocial well-being of asylum seekers families in Montreal, a mixed methods approach $105,000
Amestoy, Maya University of Toronto Examining the role of dynamic factors in the self-stigma of borderline personality disorder $105,000
Anderson, Lea M. The University of British Columbia In search of relational governance: environmental values in collaborative co-management arrangements for protected areas $105,000
Andersson, Karina M. University College London Machine learning as a method of sex estimation from cranial CT scans $105,000
Anstis, Siena The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Transnational Repression Through the Lens of International Law $105,000
Archer, Rebecca M. McGill University The benefits of simulation education and current technologies on experiential learning in higher education $105,000
Arès, François Université Laval Externalités transfrontalières liées à la gestion de la pandémie de COVID-19 $105,000
Arisha, Khan University of Oxford From At Risk to At-Potential—Fostering Healthy Transitions for Youth Aging Out of Care $105,000
Attia, Cheery-Maria University of Toronto Understanding Bodily Autonomy Across the Political Spectrum: Anti-masking and Pro-veiling in a Post Pandemic World $105,000
Azher, Sayed A. McGill University Understanding the Uses and Benefits of Haptic Integration with Virtual Reality Surgical Simulations $105,000
Baerg MacDonald, Kristi J. Western University Loneliness in Canada $105,000
Baiocco, Michele Université du Québec à Montréal Bien-être au travail des personnes lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles et queer (LGBQ) : le rôle des stratégies de dévoilement, de l'authenticité au travail et de la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux $105,000
Baker, Jennifer L. Western University Anne Boteler: A Family History of Abuse and Terror $105,000
Balakarzai, Abdul Tawab Z.B. University of Victoria Nature-based solutions and the strengthening of water governance in Afghanistan $105,000
Baleshta, Clair Western University A feminist harm reduction approach to medical AI $105,000
Barber, Katie Wilfrid Laurier University Re-connection with All Our Relations: Unearthing pathways to cultural identity and mechanisms of connection, inclusion, and belonging for marginalized Indigenous youth $105,000
Barise, Aisha McGill University Towards Raciolinguistic and Plurilingual Perspectives in Canadian Language Education: Centering Experiences of Black Youth $105,000
Barnes, Alexandra M. University of Oxford Interpolated Devotion: Ideologies of Textual (Re)construction in Late-Medieval Wycliffite Writings $105,000
Barnes, Lauren University of Toronto The art museum as a site of (post)colonial intimacies $105,000
Barnwell, Catherine Université Laval Entretiens avec Pol Pelletier autour de ses archives : penser les relations entre donateur, archiviste et archives à l'aune de l'affect $105,000
Bass, Kristen University of Toronto Making Sense of Uncertainty and the Potential for a Just Transition for Canadian Oil Workers $105,000
Bassone-Quashie, Yena A. Toronto Metropolitan University Improving climate adaptation and flood resilience in Ontario municipalities through adaptive infrastructure planning tools and policies $105,000
Baxter, Mary E. Western University An environmental history of gas and oil extraction in the Great Lakes $105,000
Bazos, Ethan McGill University The use of authentic assessment in anatomical sciences education, from conceptualization to ensuring quality practice $105,000
Beaulieu, Kim The University of British Columbia Explaining patterns in implementation of prison and justice system reforms in post-conflict contexts $105,000
Beauvilliers, Laurie Université de Montréal Trajectoires de bien-être sexuel des couples en procréation médicalement assistée $105,000
Bédard, Sylvain Université de Sherbrooke Prévention des discours trompeurs et haineux en ligne sur les sujets controversés : la contribution des interventions méta-délibératives à la résilience démocratique $105,000
Béland Ouellette, Alexandre University of Ottawa Penser la justice autrement - analyse des perceptions d'acteurs oeuvrant dans les programmes de justice réparatrice au Canada, en Israël et à Taiwan $105,000
Benjamin, Grant W. University of Toronto Children of enclaves: how restricted networks may inhibit immigrant assimilation $105,000
Benjamin, Kayla University of Toronto Understanding and addressing the mental health impacts of unpaid care work on women in Bogotá, Colombia $105,000
Benson, Madalen C. University of California, Santa Cruz Land-Based Art and its Interventions into Settler State Law and Property Regimes $105,000
Bernier, Alexander University of Toronto Regulating Data Exchange Platforms as a Public Good: Perspectives from Transaction Cost Economics $105,000
Biddle, David S. Simon Fraser University Novopoiesis and Contemporary Art: Mediating Eternity in the Attention Economy $105,000
Biron-Boileau, Camille University of Michigan, Ann Arbor L'effet du genre sur l'expérience de planification successorale $105,000
Blackman, Tyler University of Waterloo Back to the office: hybrid work arrangements and the future of work in post-COVID Canada $105,000
Blaisdell, Whitney D. University of Regina Co-creating children's outdoor play opportunities amongst urbanization in the Canadian prairies $105,000
B. Ménard, Daphnée University of Ottawa Prendre le taureau par les cornes : mener une enquête approfondie sur l'élaboration des normes de bien-être animal à la ferme par un organisme privé $105,000
Bonnetti, Kilyan Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Diffuser, diffuser, diffuser ! : dynamique intermédiale et circulation des manuscrits philosophiques clandestins au XVIIIe siècle $105,000
Bordignon, Mara Western University Critical policy analysis of open education in Canadian higher education $105,000
Bossom, Isabella University of New Brunswick The Influence of Materialism on the Self-Concept $105,000
Boucher, Troy J.Q. Simon Fraser University Effect of an educational presentation on elementary school student perceptions of autism $105,000
Bradford, Stephanie Concordia University Labour contradictions: exploring the contemporary working relations and conditions of Ontario midwives $105,000
Brassard, Florence Université de Montréal L'ambition dans les nouvelles historiques et galantes (1657-1703) : sociocritique d'une passion ambiguë $105,000
Braun, Graham C. University of Cincinnati Diachronic Change to the Built Environment of the Bronze Age Northeastern Peloponnese, Greece (c.3100-1100 BCE) $105,000
Braun, Teresa Concordia University Virtual Queerality: Building Speculative Futures Through Virtual Reality $105,000
Brecht, Ariel Lee University of Toronto Accessing the written word: finding devices in late medieval personal preaching aids $105,000
Brkic, Tatjana Saint Paul University Social Innovation in Entrepreneurship Education: Charting a Global Pathway $105,000
Broche, Clément Université du Québec à Montréal La Chine et les populations noires : races, racisme et nationalisme identitaire (1912 - 2022) $105,000
Brownridge, Amelia A. University of Toronto The Dual Feminine: The Body, Metaphor, and Crisis in Early Jewish Literature $105,000
Buck, Charles University of Toronto The Bifurcation of the Notwithstanding Clause Along Federalist Lines Contrasting Provincial and Federal Experiences with Section 33 of the Charter $105,000
Buffalo, Amanda University of Toronto Studying the Practice of Kedzentede Kedzedi $105,000
Bui, Van University of Waterloo Psychological mechanisms and consequences of excessive reassurance seeking in social anxiety $105,000
Busch, Louis P.A. University of Toronto Kwayask Ayamiwin Kaki Nitaskakon (Good Words are Medicine): Articulating Indigenous Conceptions of Helping Work to Build a Framework for Indigenous Counselling $105,000
Cadieux Van Vliet, Anais McGill University Siblings: forgotten voices in child sexual abuse research and intervention $105,000
Caldwell, Johanna McGill University A critical analysis of an intercultural approach to child protection social work with immigrant families in Montreal, Quebec: A mixed-methods study $105,000
Campbell, Allison The University of British Columbia Parenting behind bars: maternal-child (connection and) separation in BC's correctional facilities designated for women $105,000
Campbell, Sarah N. University of Guelph The Hour of the (Sports) Women?: Women and the Rebuilding of Sport and Nation in Postwar Occupied Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the German Democratic Republic, 1945-1960 $105,000
Carter, Kaitlyn N. University of Oxford Performing Pain: A Transnational Examination of Emotions, Pain, and the Male Body in the British Military During the Napoleonic Wars $105,000
Caruso, Olivia T. Western University School neighbourhood food retail environments and adolescent food purchasing behaviours $105,000
Casgrain, Juliette Université du Québec à Montréal Les impacts d une intervention axée sur l alimentation intuitive sur les motifs d exercice physique et le bien-être chez des femmes actives présentant des comportements alimentaires compensatoires : une étude contrôlée randomisée $105,000
Chan, Esli H.L. McGill University The co-optation of feminism in the digital age: Women's online radicalization and participation in far-right movements $105,000
Chang, Andrew University of Toronto Empire and Sexuality in the Age of the Periodical Press $105,000
Cheung, Hoi Ching University of Toronto Cantopop Fans in the Hong Kong Toronto Diaspora: Musical Practice and Identity $105,000
Chevalier, Élisabeth McGill University Le tragique ordinaire : l'éthique de l'écriture dans les journaux de Marie Uguay, d'Hervé Guibert et de Jean-Luc Lagarce $105,000
Chevalier, Flavie The University of British Columbia Pour une éthique de l'oubli. Apports du modèle "constructiviste" de la mémoire $105,000
Chi, Belinda W.Y. The University of British Columbia Creating employment pathways for individuals with disabilities in rural communities $105,000
Chilliak, Shayla J. McGill University Is interrogation of children seeking asylum in Canada developmentally and culturally appropriate? $105,000
Chung, Kwang Dae M.Y. Western University Examining the Complexities of Subjectification in Early Childhood Education $105,000
Clark, Brenna L. University of Guelph Reconstructing the Late Medieval Parchment Industry and Trade Networks in the Orkney and Shetland Islands, 1300-1600 $105,000
Coleman, Astrid D. University of Windsor Exploring the impact of aging on the relationship between metacognitive processes and cognitive performance in autobiographical memory and future imagining $105,000
Commisso, Melissa Concordia University Contextual Variations in the Longitudinal Associations between Social Withdrawal, Friendship and Emotional Well-being in Late Childhood $105,000
Connell, Cheyanne The University of British Columbia Naachin of Past and Present: Traditional Performativity and Indigenous Identity-Making $105,000
Crépeau, Alexandre University of Ottawa Temporalité et matérialité. Les conditions d'une relation réussie au monde chez Simone Weil et Hartmut Rosa $105,000
Cuerrier-Richer, Élisabeth Texas State University, San Marcos Assessing Hispanic cranial morphometric variation to aid in migrant identification $105,000
Cunningham, Timothy J. University of Victoria "Every Year is Therefore a Separate Problem": Fisheries, Forestry, and the Future of Salish Sea Sockeye $105,000
Curley, Evan D. Dalhousie University To Fair and Spile: The Possibilities of Wellbeing in Boatbuilding Practices of Nova Scotia $105,000
Das, Prerana Queen's University From Naxalbari to Hindutva: Political participation among Bangladeshi migrant women labourers in tea plantations of the Siliguri Corridor, 1967-2020 $105,000
De Grandpre, Ayla D. The University of British Columbia Impact for whom? Exploring how participant diversity influences the outcomes of participatory mapping research and practice $105,000
Dela Cruz, Ariel M. Cornell University Tomboy Ethics: Transmasculine Performances of Care Across the Filipinx Labour Diaspora $105,000
Delage, Veronic L. University of Ottawa Spatial reasoning training intervention to improve undergraduate students' spatial reasoning performance, mathematics performance and reduce their spatial anxiety $105,000
DeMerchant, Connor E.R. University of New Brunswick Making whiteness, remaking empire: the poor whites of Dorsetshire Hill, St. Vincent, 1834-1940 $105,000
Denault, Vincent Université Paris 8 Perception de culpabilité et confiance du public à l'endroit du système de justice : Influence de la description du comportement non verbal des victimes et des accusés lors de reportages $105,000
Desmarais, Jean-Philippe Université du Québec à Montréal Généalogie de la réconciliation avec les peuples autochtones au Canada : sociologie herméneutique des écrits de Louis Riel $105,000
Désormeaux, Michaël McMaster University Manufacturing Image of Peaceful Power: China's Propaganda State Under Xi Jinping $105,000
Desranleau, Yannick Concordia University Collective Supports for Creativity: Fostering Inclusive Collaborative Practices in Arts Pedagogy $105,000
Dhaliwal, Randip University of Calgary Using Legacy Work to Understand Anticipatory Grief Among Individuals Diagnosed with a Terminal Illness: A Hermeneutic Endeavour $105,000
Dhamanaskar, Roma McMaster University Identifying and addressing epistemic injustice in deliberative public and patient engagement for Canadian health policy $105,000
Di Bartolomeo, Alyssa York University The effect of emotion regulation on responsiveness to difficult interpersonal interactions $105,000
Dingman, Chelsea University of Alberta Narrative and Lyric Tension in Contemporary Poetics $105,000
Dion Larivière, Cassandre Ontario Tech University Improving Investigative Interviewing with Older Adults $105,000
Dionne, Hélène Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Description et compréhension à l'aide de l'archéologie spatiale du mode d'occupation du territoire des groupes de la période archaïque dans le Nord-Est de l'Amérique du Nord $105,000
Disimino, Katerina York University Inclusive interventions: Supporting community-based organizations with developing and disseminating physical activity information $105,000
Dragon, Marilyne Concordia University Learning from others: How social affiliation, parenting style, and theory of mind impact social learning abilities in childhood $105,000
Dromer, Elisabeth University of Ottawa Racial Discrimination, Burnout, and Resilience in Racialized Health Care Professionals in Canada $105,000
Drouin-Trempe, Victor Université du Québec à Montréal L expérience du vivant dans l art sonore : composition algorithmique en vie artificielle $105,000
Dubé, Justin Université Laval Anatomie du gouvernement responsable au Canada, 1834-1854 $105,000
Duker, Peter University of Guelph Fish are friends and food: Indigenous-state environmental conflicts in Northern Thailand $105,000
Dupuis, Jacinthe Université de Montréal Entrepreneuriat hors normes? Étude de trajectoires entrepreneuriales queer $105,000
Dyck, Carol K. Western University Balancing opportunity with opportunism: Governance challenges of an economically lucrative ice-free Central Arctic Ocean, amidst political tensions and legal gaps in marine conservation $105,000
Eaker, Meghan T.B. University of Alberta e-mamawi niâcimowinân: a nehiyaw storysharing practice towards miyo pimatisiwin (a good life) $105,000
Elchuk, Desiree L. Dalhousie University Correlates of intimate and sexual adult-partnered relationships among individuals with sexual interest in children $105,000
Elliott, Michael W. University of Calgary Reform(att)ing Canada's Relationship with Indigenous Economies $105,000
El Shazly, Adham University of Cambridge The Nature of Moral Understanding $105,000
Emery, Jamie M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Impact of Childcare Subsidies on Gender Convergence in the Labour Market $105,000
Evernden, Christopher B. University of Calgary Cultural Memory: Technological Imperfections in the Cinema of Malfunction $105,000
Eyob, Hirut Melaku York University Birthing While Black in Canada: Disability at the confluence of racism and obstetric violence $105,000
Faitakis, Martina University of Guelph Implementing and Evaluating a Screening Toolkit for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Justice Settings $105,000
Farhloul, Miriam Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München La métaphore post-métaphysique: "Le retrait de la métaphore" chez Jacques Derrida, la catachrèse chez Paul Celan et la métaphore de la métaphore chez Stéphane Mallarmé $105,000
Farrell, Natasha Memorial University of Newfoundland Star-Dust in Hollywood: Jan and Cora Gordon's Multimedia Portraits of America's Dream Factory $105,000
Farrelly, Kyra N. York University The Role of Implicit Alcohol and Cannabis Co-Use Biases Between Stress Exposure and Co-Use in Young Adults $105,000
Fenerdjian, Christopher Université de Montréal Biais d'intentionnalité et contrôle volontaire chez les personnes colériques $105,000
Feng, Ruo Ying University of Ottawa Barriers and Facilitators to Mental Health Help-Seeking and Service Use Among Immigrant Youth in Canada: A Mixed-Methods Investigation $105,000
Filek, Emily Kate University of Toronto Building on a Global Stage: Transnationalism and Mid-Century Canadian Architecture $105,000
Fiorelli, Maia McMaster University The Sexualization and Objectification of Feminine Figures in Greek Tragedy and Roman Epic $105,000
Fiset, Amélia Université Laval Quand la transitude s'exprime : l'assujettissement dans les romans d'écrivain·es trans du Québec $105,000
Fitzpatrick, Erin The University of British Columbia Can strengthening new parent couples' sexual connection benefit coparenting and child outcomes? Testing a novel online prevention program for sexuality in the transition to parenthood $105,000
Fitzsimmons, Paige University of Oxford Ethics of health data use by commercial organisations $105,000
Flemington, Ashley C. University of Windsor Understanding the leadership structure of shared athlete leadership on sport teams and its influence on team outcomes $105,000
Forget, Wina Université du Québec à Rimouski Nos trajectoires sont des constellations, poème dramatique; l'intertextualité comme pratique de mise en commun des parcours transclasses $105,000
Fortin, Laurie Université du Québec à Montréal Les compétences relationnelles et les stratégies de gestion de conflits comme médiateurs du lien entre les traumas interpersonnels en enfance et la perpétration de la violence psychologique dans les relations amoureuses $105,000
François-Sévigny, Juliette Université de Sherbrooke Le stress parental et le sentiment d'efficacité parentale des parents d'enfants ayant un haut potentiel intellectuel avec TDAH associé $105,000
Fraser, Patrick T. University of Toronto Agency, Ontology, and the Structure of Physical Theories $105,000
Fredette-Lussier, Arnaud Université de Montréal Philosophie non occidentale : pour une relecture de l'Histoire des idées. L'influence du confucianisme sur Spinoza, ou comment penser l'immanence du divin ? $105,000
Friedman, Nathan H.C. University of Toronto Shadow Sounds Schnittke and Modernist Negativity $105,000
Fruchtman, Sara E. University of Toronto Carceral Care: Prison Healthcare and Medical Power in Canada, 1940-1970 $105,000
Gagné, Marie-Emma McGill University Objective and Subjective impacts of the implementation of a Trauma-Informed Approach in a community organization serving young mothers living in a context of adversity $105,000
Gardiner Milln, Danielle M. University of Alberta Investigating Post-Secondary Staff Interactions and Interventions in Service of Equity-Deserving Student Success at the University of Alberta $105,000
Gaspard, Valere University of Ottawa Old Enough? The Framing of Age-Based Public Policy in Canada $105,000
Gaudissart, Albane Concordia University Caring for the chronically ill: gender, intergenerational relations and the epidemiological transition in Tanzania $105,000
Gaylor, Brett J. Simon Fraser University Using Interactive Documentaries to Increase Critical Big Data Literacy $105,000
Ge, Sabrina The University of British Columbia The Impact of Social Rejection on the Perfectionistic Self-Relationship and Distress $105,000
Ghalem, Yassmine Université de Montréal Sex and ancestry estimation from the cranium in bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology using artificial intelligence and 3D techniques $105,000
Gilbert, Izara Université du Québec à Montréal La reproduction territoriale, institutionnelle et quotidienne des pratiques discriminatoires: L'étude de cas de Rivière-des-Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles $105,000
Gilboa, Ori University of Toronto Making sense of transforming institutions: a quantitative study on policing in Vichy Paris $105,000
Gill, Hymnjyot K. Toronto Metropolitan University In-person or Online: The Impact of Setting and Interpolated Testing on Learning Outcomes $105,000
Giroux, Jonathan-Felix The University of British Columbia Ethnography of green hydrogen in Canada $105,000
Glista, Victoria University of Toronto Posing Alternatives: Bodily Comportment and the Feminist Imagination $105,000
Gottlieb, Marcus The University of British Columbia Fathers' Views of the Father-adolescent Relationship $105,000
Goulet-Stock, Sybil University of Victoria Harm Reduction Approaches to Alcohol Use in Canada: From Alcohol Labelling Policies to Cannabis Substitution $105,000
Gourde-Bouchard, Noémie Université Laval Quand la doctrine se livre : les mélanges dans la littérature juridique $105,000
Greenshaw, Claire York University Drawing as a Residue of Time: Rematerializing Images in the Digital Age $105,000
Gregory, Madeline A. University of Victoria Exploring Resiliency in Informal Caregivers of People Living with Dementia $105,000
Grier, Laura York University Denedá Kede: Creating and Understanding Indigenous Language Methodologies Through Dene Kede Based Artistic Research $105,000
Grier, Melanie University of Calgary Re-rooting work: Indigenous employment and organizational change $105,000
Grimes, Alyssa C. Queen's University Sports-related concussions: Knowledge and management practices among Para sport coaches $105,000
Grocott, Bronwen B. The University of British Columbia Biopsychosocial mechanisms in the reciprocal association between loneliness and emotional wellbeing $105,000
Guernon, Anne-Sophie McGill University The Disease of the migrant: Syrian refugees, stories of displacement and diabetes $105,000
Haentjens, Sandrine J. University of Toronto Canada's captive workforce: incarcerated workers' exclusion from Canadian employment legislation $105,000
Haines, Emily University of Saskatchewan Lii Michif di Graan Vil: Métis Negotiations of Colonialism in Edmonton, 1870-1920 $105,000
Haines, Rebecca L. McGill University Feminist activism in anti-authoritarian movements: the cases of Myanmar and Afghanistan $105,000
Haney, Carly-Ann M. University of Calgary Towards a Fat future: Transforming primary healthcare for and by Fat service users $105,000
Hanson, Madeline G. Columbia University International Trade and Business Cycle Anatomy $105,000
Hatalova, Barbora D. University of Southern California Forbidden Cinematic Visuals and Representations: The Political Discourses and 21st-Century North American Film Censorship $105,000
Ha, Vulam Queen's University Asianly Queer: How the Boys Love Media is Transforming Queer Asian Social Spaces in Toronto $105,000
Hébert, Corinne Université de Montréal Co-construction et implantation d'un programme de développement professionnel visant à promouvoir des pratiques pédagogiques culturellement sensibles chez les enseignants du secondaire $105,000
Hébert, Élizabeth Université du Québec à Montréal Les parcours de victimisation dans les relations amoureuses des Le rôle protecteur du sentiment d'auto-efficacité contre la revictimisation $105,000
Heidebrecht, Christine L. University of Waterloo Participatory mapping as a tool for transformation towards socially just climate futures $105,000
Henning, Colin T. Trent University Predicting Successful Ageing in Older Adults: The Role of Emotional Intelligence $105,000
Hillis, Dylan University of Victoria Examining Archaeological Fisheries Records for Evidence of a Warming Ocean: A Palaeothermometer for Ancient Fish Catches $105,000
Holden, Olivia Leslie McGill University Perceptions of peer and sibling disclosures among school-aged children $105,000
Hopwood, Pamela University of Waterloo Digital platforms for gendered care work: Experiences of working females $105,000
Hoyle, Aaron J. University of Victoria Making net-zero possible: Exploring effective and popular climate policy pathways $105,000
Hummell, Caroline Brock University An Exploration of Mentorship and Positive Youth Development for Girl Athletes $105,000
Ingalls, Aidan M.J. Dalhousie University On the Unity of Nature: The Late Neoplatonist Reading of Plato's Statesman $105,000
Ismaiel, Ahmed Queen's University Saving goddess Isis: the crisis of Egyptian rural women breadwinners in the post-Arab Spring, and collective myth-telling as resistance tool $105,000
Jackson, Taylor University of Toronto Influence Gained, Influence Denied: Assessing Great Power Influence Over Intergovernmental Organizations and What Can be Done About It $105,000
Janes, Heidi M.A. University of Victoria The slow violence of philanthropy: Contentious politics of global food governance $105,000
Jensen, Nayani S.E. University of Toronto British Meteorology, Romanticism, and the response to extreme weather events (1800-1840) $105,000
Jezrawi, Rita McMaster University Multi-method investigation of regional differences in developmental and service use pathways for young children with neurodevelopmental disorders $105,000
Ji, Wei Simon Fraser University Examining postsecondary ESL/EAL (English as a second/additional language) students' metacognitive strategy use and metacognitive knowledge in facilitating their English speaking in synchronous online discussions $105,000
Jones, Donna University of Waterloo Sustainable healthcare system in Canada: current state and future financial strategies $105,000
Jones, Thea K. York University Mother's Monster Body—The post-cancer female body and its failure to perform mother $105,000
Juteau, Gabrielle Bowling Green State University Parent-child Relationship and Transitions to Adulthood Among Immigrant and non-Immigrant Families $105,000
Kalchos, Linnea F. The University of British Columbia Exploring the Role of Student Advocacy in Shaping School-Based Support Services: A Youth Participatory Action Research Study with Newcomer Youth $105,000
Karasavva, Vasileia The University of British Columbia Bystanders as cycle-breakers: A longitudinal exploration of the role of bystanders in halting the perpetuation of cyber aggression $105,000
Kehler, Sarah C. University of Alberta Ready or not, it's here: Why endure climate change unprepared? $105,000
Kelly, Scarlett University of Ottawa Change Management Success in Technology Adoption $105,000
Kemp-Gee, Meghan University of New Brunswick The Lyric and the Athlete $105,000
Kern, Audrey McGill University A descriptive study of families involved in intergenerational cycles of maltreatment and reported to child welfare $105,000
Kerr, Brynna J.K. University of Toronto Exploring the role of knowledge mobilization in influencing youth and young adult athletes experiences with concussion education and reporting $105,000
Khan, Maimuna S. McMaster University Dismantling colonialities of caring: An institutional ethnography of social work and the resistance of disabled and Mad Muslim women $105,000
Khan, Umang University of Toronto The Role of Experience in the Development of Moral Judgment $105,000
Khau, Michelle Université Laval Evaluation of engagement towards a novel, self-management support intervention for worker mental health $105,000
Khera, Devinder S. Western University The Sexual Compatibility Project $105,000
Kim, Dong Wook Dalhousie University Hangxiety after a night of drinking: Why do some people experience anxiety during alcohol hangover? $105,000
Kinnear, Abbigail Western University Validation of an eating disorder behaviour functions measure $105,000
Kinzie, Stephanie York University How Mentoring Matters: Exploring the Preservice Practicum Experience of TESOL Mentors $105,000
Kirumira, Destiny McGill University Rebuilding the Black Home: The Architecture of Black Settlements in Canada $105,000
Kliever, Jenny Carleton University In awe of science: an examination of how awe is constructed in science communication $105,000
Knight, Lauren E. University of Toronto Decolonizing Soundscapes: Crafting sonic presence through participatory research design $105,000
Kolbuszewska, Marta The University of British Columbia Bridging gaps: A mixed method dyadic longitudinal investigation of couples' sexual pleasure and sexual desire discrepancies $105,000
Krubnik, Alicja P. McMaster University Social Policy and Gender Equity: The Impact of International Financial Institutions Across the Neoliberal-Postneoliberal Spectrum in Latin America $105,000
Laberge, Carl Université Laval Portraits des habiletés mobilisées (ou non) pendant des activités littératiées par des personnes adultes immigrantes en apprentissage de la langue et de la littératie $105,000
Lacelle, Abby L. McGill University Nurturing Loss: A Reproductive Justice Ethics of Loss in Contemporary North American Literature $105,000
Laflamme, Emma Université Laval Associations prospectives entre le soutien paternel à l'autonomie et le développement cognitif et socioaffectif de l'enfant à l'âge préscolaire $105,000
Laframboise, Beverly Jessa Queen's University Influence and Innovation: Reimagining 1970s Feminist Art from Inside the Classroom $105,000
Lai, Dana M. Simon Fraser University Space Matters: Power and Gender in Nineteenth-Century Scottish Women's Writing $105,000
Lamanna, Sabrina L. University of Victoria Beyond Reconciliation: Transforming Relations through Mi'kmaq Legal Orders from a Qalipu Women's Perspective $105,000
Lambert-Deslandes, Émile Queen's University Deterrence, Prestige, and Survival: Understanding the Access to Nuclear Benefits $105,000
Lambert, Olivier Université du Québec à Montréal La planification urbaine intégrée et la participation citoyenne dans un contexte de cohabitation ville-industrie : L'acceptabilité sociale au prisme de l'urbanisme négocié $105,000
Lamer, Madeleine The University of British Columbia Slavery in the Viking Age: the use of skeletal trauma and paleopathology to interpret health and occupation status and identify marginalized groups $105,000
Lamkhioued, Majda Université de Montréal Les conditions de travail dans le secteur de la pêche en Afrique de l'Ouest : analyse sociojuridique des obstacles à la mise en oeuvre du droit international du travail $105,000
Lamoureux, Frédérique Université de Montréal Quand autrices et cinéastes se soucient du monde: manifestation du concept d'amor mundi chez Marguerite Duras, Chantal Akerman, Agnès Varda, Anne-Claire Poirier et Mireille Dansereau $105,000
Lana, Nadia McMaster University Psycholinguistic dimensions of mis- and disinformation $105,000
Lapointe Provost, Emeraude Université du Québec à Montréal Have you fed the gods yet? Etude ethnographique des pratiques rituelles, domestiques, feminines et hindoues du Bengal occidental contemporain $105,000
Larouche, Guillaume François Université Laval The exportation of the rule of law by the European Commission's lawyers: A legal ethnography $105,000
Larsen, Aaron J.H. University of Oxford Landscapes of the Witches' Sabbath: Space, Place, and Fantasy in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1750 $105,000
Laruelle Aranguiz, Katarin Maria McGill University Colour as a matter. Impact of socioeconomic networks on the Tzotzil Maya biocultural space in the practice of natural dyes $105,000
Latif, Maya The City University of New York Reproducing Violence: Conflict, Carcerality, and the Contours of Reproductive Health and Harm in Berlin's Refugee Communities $105,000
Lavoie-Racine, Simone Université Laval Invisibles. Expériences de l'endométriose au Québec $105,000
Lazzaroni, Cynthia McGill University Home is where the mind is: an ethnography of aging, needs and dementia $105,000
Leblanc, Jessica Université du Québec à Montréal Élaboration d'une théorie relationnelle de la propriété en droit civil québécois : quel potentiel pour re(penser) la transition écologique? $105,000
Lefebvre, Gabriel McGill University Prévenir, contrôler et guérir les facteurs de risque : la fonction préventive de l'institution pénale contemporaine $105,000
Léger-Goodes, Terra Université du Québec à Montréal Le photovoix comme intervention preventive de l ecoanxiete chez les enfants $105,000
Levac, Étienne Université du Québec à Montréal Les dimensions épisté(co)miques du rire et de l'humour dans la cosmologie Atikamekw Nehirowisiw $105,000
Lewis, Kristen Rita R. Concordia University The Question of Capture: Refusal and Non-Participation in Participatory Art $105,000
Li, Alice The University of British Columbia How do you formulate your online health search queries? A crowdsourcing mixed methods explanatory study $105,000
Li, Belinda Simon Fraser University Conceptualizing a Just Transition to a Circular Food Economy in Canada $105,000
Lieu, Erika University of Calgary Development and validation of a team communication intervention for neurodiverse teams working in science, technology, engineering, and math domains $105,000
Lim, Tee Wern The University of British Columbia Maintaining and strengthening the Tlicho traditional economy: Mine closures, caribou, and the mixed economy of the Tlicho Nation $105,000
Lin, Fay Princeton University Paper Work: the Life and Labour of Diasporic Subjects in Infrastructures of Documentation $105,000
Longpré, Charlotte Université de Montréal Le rôle des pratiques parentales dans le développement des compétences socioémotionnelles chez les élèves du primaire $105,000
Loohuizen, Tyler McGill University Stories As Relations: Political Imaginaries, Colonial and Otherwise, in News Media Discourse $105,000
Lukic, Boris University of Ottawa Les conceptions et les critiques des décolonisations dans la pensée d'Albert Memmi : un regard sur les droits de la personne dans le contexte post-colonial africain $105,000
Lukits, Catherine H. University of Toronto Trauma and artistic recovery practices in modern Europe $105,000
Lum, Chloe Concordia University Sick Alterity: An Alien Praxis for Disabled Performance $105,000
Luo, Han Wei Columbia University Probability and the Harms of Mere Belief $105,000
Lu, Yanfei University of Toronto Adult Second Language Acquisition of Oneida (Haudenosaunee) $105,000
MacBeath, Victoria G. Concordia University Stitching Sentiment: Affect, Craft, and Care in Rural New Brunswick $105,000
MacDonald, Natasha Concordia University Intercultural Communication in Second-Language Learning via Social Media in Nunavik $105,000
MacInnis, Jessie University of Manitoba Analyzing the contributions of youth to La Via Campesina and food sovereignty $105,000
MacLachlan, Madison B. Dalhousie University The effect of prosocial behaviours on accent comprehension over the lifespan $105,000
Magneson, Marissa A. York University Beadwork as pedagogy: a bridge towards cultural reclamation and (re)conciliation $105,000
Mahetaji, Kaushar University of Toronto The politics of tools in the creator economy: How platforms govern digital labour $105,000
Mariamo, Audrey McGill University Adaptive and maladaptive sexting among young men and women: a developmental psychopathology-informed approach $105,000
Martino, Natasha C. McMaster University Bylaw and People Experiencing Homelessness: A Case Study of Toronto and Edmonton $105,000
Mastragostino, Emily University of Toronto "When I came to Canada, I had to start from minus;" Finding professional success and wellbeing as an immigrant to Canadian $105,000
Matthew, Melpatkwa E. The University of British Columbia Secwépemc health geography: the intersections of language, environment, and wellness $105,000
May, Victoria I. Concordia University A stitch can save a life: Indigenous Survivance through Embodied Storymaking and Youth Performance $105,000
McCracken, Madelaine A.M. University of Ottawa A Métis Sash Research Methodology: Re-Storying Truth and Reconciliation Education Together $105,000
McCready, Kelsea School of Advanced Studies, University of London A comparative case analysis of the rights of lesbian, bisexual, and queer women in theory and practice in Commonwealth states where homosexuality has been decriminalised $105,000
McGarragle, Kaitlin Toronto Metropolitan University An Exploration of Sociodemographic Factors Impacting Relationship Satisfaction and Dyadic Coping Strategies in Couples Facing a Stressor $105,000
Mees, Jayna York University Performing Failure: An Accessible Approach to Immersive Performance $105,000
Melançon-Thibault, Léo University of Toronto Les débats autour de la notion d'intellect agent entre 1250 et 1350 $105,000
Melendez, Sofia I. Toronto Metropolitan University Building Better Lives for Racialized Trans People: Improving Clinical Training $105,000
Mercier, Georges Sciences Po (Paris Institute of Political Studies ) La « construction sociale de la réalité » implique-t-elle une éthique particulière ? Étude sur la « normativité immanente » des constructivismes sociaux $105,000
Mickelson, Samuel Carleton University Akikodjiwan and settler colonialism in the Ottawa Valley from 1763 to 1900 $105,000
Minarik, Julia E. University of Toronto The Ontology of Artistic Adornment $105,000
Minister, Claire York University Social Media and Body Image in Middle-Aged Women: A Mixed Methods Investigation $105,000
Minuk, Alexandra Queen's University Family matters: Exploring parents' experiences with the classroom placement decision-making process for their children with autism spectrum disorder $105,000
Miquelon, Alexie Université de Montréal Développement de la conscience antiraciste chez les élèves du secondaire par le bais de la lecture de poésies décoloniales en classe de français au secondaire $105,000
Mitchell, Charlotte A. University of Alberta Racing from 26th Place to Olympic Gold: Spaces of Equity and Discrimination in Canadian Womens Nordic Sports in the Winter Olympic Games of Calgary 1988 and Vancouver 2010 $105,000
Moffatt, Kate L. Simon Fraser University Mapping women in the London book trades, 1750-1800 $105,000
Montague, Janet Western University The pursuit to belong: Black nursing students' experiences in Canada $105,000
Moostoos-Lafferty, Etienna University of Alberta How do Indigenous educators exhibit knowledge dexterity in their professional practice? $105,000
Moranis, Rebecca The City University of New York Timbre and memory in theory and practice $105,000
Moreau, Julia Queen's University Promoting socioemotional wellbeing with Indigenous post-secondary students: A mixed methods approach to evaluate a mentorship intervention $105,000
Morgan, Rachael McGill University Conduct problems exacerbate the link between gender-based discrimination and depression and substance use among youth $105,000
Morin-Hébert, Anthony Université du Québec à Montréal Représentations cinématographiques contemporaines du soupçon numérique $105,000
Morley, Shantha P. The University of British Columbia Migrant sex workers: at the margins of domestic and international protections $105,000
Morstead, Talia The University of British Columbia Trauma, loss, and COVID-19: A longitudinal examination of coping $105,000
Moser, Christiana I. University of Toronto Understanding prepositional phrase omission in Icelandic figure reflexives $105,000
Motluk, Kathleen E. Wilfrid Laurier University COVID-19, Contemporary Colonialism, & Carceral Violence in Canada and Australia $105,000
Moumblow, Monique A. Université du Québec à Montréal The Blank Page and Illuminated Screen $105,000
Mscichowski, Jakub University of Toronto Mao's Great Dinner Party: Canteens, Women, and Quotidian Revolution in China's Great Leap Forward $105,000
Mumford, Cara University of Alberta The Places We Tried to Call Home: Past, Present and Future in the Cypress Hills $105,000
Murray-Tanguay, Jeanne Université du Québec à Montréal Dramaturgies québécoises contemporaines et postures de lecture : tendre l'oreille et risquer d'être habitée par l'autre $105,000
Muzzerall, Parker The University of British Columbia Pockets of polarity: Theorizing climate (de)polarisation in Canada $105,000
Nadon Bélanger, Michelle University of Toronto From conservatories to concert stages: Examining the underrepresentation of women in the Canadian music industry $105,000
Naeimi, Hanieh University of Toronto The role of partner support in cultural sacrifices in intercultural relationships $105,000
Nault, Daniel R. Queen's University How you say it: Nonverbal emotional expression and social success in adolescence $105,000
Ng, Pearlyn H.S. University of Waterloo Exit, Voice, Loyalty, Counter: How Followers React to Self-serving Leaders $105,000
Nijim, Mohammed Carleton University Genocidal Violence in Gaza and the Production of Perpetrators: A Sociological Perspective $105,000
Noel, Chelsea Lakehead University Are Cannabis Novel Modes of Use and Multimodal Use Patterns Associated with Hazardous Use Behaviours and Adverse Health Consequences among Ontario Youth? $105,000
Obed, Diane Mount Saint Vincent University Decolonizing Eco-education via Contemplative Ecology $105,000
Obomsawin, Anik P. Toronto Metropolitan University Resilience in Off- and On-reserve Indigenous Populations $105,000
O'Brien, Rachel University of Guelph Representations of Jewishness in the Grimms' fairy tales and their retellings $105,000
Ofori-Atta, Eric B.N. University of Calgary Understanding the experiences of Black adult learners in Canadian graduate education: A qualitative study $105,000
Ogilvie-Hanson, Eva Sophie Concordia University Playing for the algorithm: Independent musicians, music streaming, and sonic ethnography $105,000
Oh, Sanghoon University of Toronto Free Verse and Free States: Nationalists Reception of Free Verse, 1910 to 1940 $105,000
O'Keeffe Almond, Caitlin A. York University Unhomely Aesthetics: Unsettling Domesticity in Contemporary Feminist Art $105,000
Oklikah, Desmond Ofori Western University Under the Blacklight: Exploring African/Black Lived Experiences in Southwestern Ontario $105,000
Orsini, Arielle Concordia University Math tool vs. toy: First graders' use and construal of concrete objects on their part-whole understanding $105,000
Oudin, Mael McGill University La création musicale dans le cirque contemporain au Québec $105,000
Ouellet, Lyne University of New Brunswick Incorporating the perspectives of Community Connectors and older adults experiencing social isolation and loneliness to understand social connection $105,000
Owens, Benjamin University of Toronto Exploring experiences of precarity among young people experiencing homelessness in Toronto, Ontario $105,000
Palermo, Alisia M. University of Saskatchewan Understanding sexual victimization experiences among professional psychology graduate students at practicums $105,000
Panchyshyn, Kelly University of Sydney Queer Friendshipping: Decolonizing Relationality in Young Adult Television $105,000
Pang, Nelson University of Toronto Understanding the Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Mental Health Care Among Chinese Canadian Youth $105,000
Pankratz, Lily University of Manitoba Understanding the Experiences of the Canadian Public with Long COVID $105,000
Paradis, Salomé Université Laval La gouvernance spatiale au Canada : étude comparée de l'encadrement juridique des activités extra-atmosphériques au regard de contrats d'assurance $105,000
Parker, Fawn University of New Brunswick Duck Fat Manhattan $105,000
Parlatore, Victoria University of Toronto Considering the Impact of University Faculty Attitudes and Beliefs About Ability on Access and Persistence of Students with Disabilities in Ontario Education $105,000
Parzen, Kristina Concordia University The History of Europe's Geopolitical Relationships in Anthropomorphic Maps: Visual Narrative Techniques $105,000
Patel, Jinesh University of Toronto The Cultivation of Inner-Asceticism Through The Performance of The Ritual of Seva $105,000
Pavelich, Alexandria R. University of Saskatchewan "Mattering" and the social significance of companion animals for individuals living with pain and suicidality $105,000
Pearson, Ali University of Toronto Neuro Queer-iosity: Mapping the Intersection of Neurodiversity and Gender/ Sexual Diversity in Social Work $105,000
Pearson, Heather A. McGill University Using 3D Printing to Enhance Adolescents' Self-Directed Learning Skills $105,000
Peever, Alexander R. McMaster University Gig Work and Retirement: A Precarious Transition? $105,000
Petresin, Tamara University of Guelph Engaging low-income residents in place-based interventions to increase access to nutritious foods $105,000
Pfiffer, Megan University of Toronto Centring the Right to Public Justification: A New Theory of Substantive Review of Administrative Decisions $105,000
Picard, Ève Université du Québec à Montréal Les prédicteurs et corrélats de l'intelligence et du rendement académique des enfants autistes de l'âge préscolaire à l'âge scolaire $105,000
Pihlak, Chris University of Toronto Islands of Belonging in a Transphobic Sea: The Intangible Sisterhood of 20th-Century North American Transfeminine Periodical Communities $105,000
Poirier-Poulin, Samuel Université de Montréal Corps, affects, immersion : conceptualiser le trauma dans le jeu vidéo $105,000
Porter, Alexis Zoe York University Why do we not do what we are committed to do? Gender Equality in Aid: a feminist analysis of policy generation and implementation at the United Nations $105,000
Pratezina, Jessica L. University of Victoria The corner opposite: Canadian women's accounts of radical change in their attitudes towards abortion $105,000
Proulx-Giraldeau, Ophélie McGill University Sophie Calle et le détective. Pour une poétique de l'enquête $105,000
Puiras, Erika H. Lakehead University Voluntary Childlessness: The Role of Self-Stigma $105,000
Qazzaz, Aseel Carleton University Objects of Decolonization: Materializing Palestinian Collective Memory in Transnational Comics $105,000
Qiyomiddin, Komin McGill University The impact of the choice of fields of study and nontraditional educational pathways on university graduates labour market outcomes and their social mobility in Canada $105,000
Rabichuk, Susan M. University of Manitoba Best kept secret: gendered differences in officer experiences of coercive control within Canadian policing institutions $105,000
Raby, Marie-Laurence Université Laval Les mouvements d'autosanté féministe au Québec et leur projet épistémologique: entre relation à l'État, remise en question du contrôle médical sur le corps des femmes et projet transnational $105,000
Racho, Melissa Ida C. Toronto Metropolitan University Data care over colonialism: complicating data colonial logics $105,000
Rahman, Sanjana P. York University Sending States Unite?: Regional Cooperation Towards Mitigating the Precariousness Among South Asian Migrant Workers Under the Kafala System in the Gulf Region $105,000
Rapaport, Li-elle M. University of Manitoba Improving Mental Health Service Navigation Among Older Adults with Multimorbidity $105,000
Rasheed, Sabah Wilfrid Laurier University Developing a Fake-Resistant Occupational Interest Measure $105,000
Readman Prud'homme, Camille New York University La vulnérabilité comme posture énonciative au fondement d'une littérature contemporaine de langue française $105,000
Reaume, Chelsea L. University of Guelph Examining Parental Emotion Belief-Behaviour Concordance and Child Emotion Regulation: The Moderating Role of Parental Stress $105,000
Registre, Jean Frantz Ricardeau Université de Montréal La transformation de la gestion des ressources humaines par l'intelligence artificielle et ses conséquences sur les milieux de travail $105,000
Reid, Holly The University of British Columbia An exploration of 2SLGBTQ+ Indigenous peoples' experiences of occupational possibilities and engagement $105,000
René, Grégoire McGill University An Ameliorative Account of Masculinity $105,000
Richards, Carly A. McMaster University Examining Neighbourhood Gun Violence: A Resource-Based Model of Collective Efficacy $105,000
Rickards, Nicholas Brock University When Feminists Learn From Hollywood: Critical Media Literacy and Public Pedagogy $105,000
Rioux, William Gabriel Université de Montréal La réglementation en matière de valeurs mobilières et ses incidences sur le financement des sociétés émergentes canadiennes $105,000
Robert, Naomi Simon Fraser University Beyond GDP: Toward a wellbeing economy for the Canadian agriculture and food system $105,000
Roberts, Candace Carleton University Strengthening Strategies to Scale Up Trauma- and Violence-Informed Physical Activity $105,000
Rodrigue, Lancelot McGill University Towards equitable public transport infrastructure, assessing the impacts of the construction of blue line metro extension in Montreal on local communities well-being $105,000
Ross, Alexandra D. The University of British Columbia Pragmatics at work: Exploring the use of role-play to assess newcomers' English for the workplace $105,000
Roulx, Dominic Université de Montréal Adorno et Marx sur la domination capitaliste de la nature $105,000
Roy, Mathieu Université du Québec à Montréal Coopératisme, État et société au Québec de 1940 à 1996 $105,000
Roze des Ordons, Amanda L. University of Calgary Lived experiences and conceptions of trauma among residents in postgraduate medical education $105,000
Rudderham, Hannah L. University of Ottawa Revelation, Revolution, and Reform: Utopianism in English-Speaking Canada, 1880s-1950s $105,000
Ruderman, Michael York University Experience of residential long-term care in Ontario: A photovoice-podcast project $105,000
Ruhl, Leo University of Toronto The narrative experiences of people with Post-Covid Syndrome in Canada $105,000
Saas, Jessy Lee University of Saskatchewan Stories of the West: The Agrarian Influence on Prairie and National Identities in Canada, 1867 - 1967 $105,000
Sanfaçon-Gagnon, Geneviève Université Laval La perspective des enfants faisant l'objet d'une mesure de placement en famille d'accueil en vertu de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse sur la relation avec la famille d'origine $105,000
Scobie, Olivia York University Birth and Reproductive Trauma in LGBTQ+ Communities $105,000
Shahid, Hamnah Brock University Lay Perspectives on Drug (De)Criminalization as a (De)Stigmatizing Process $105,000
Shahzeidi, Monir The University of British Columbia Something Is Missing: Feminist Perspectives on Racialized Young Women Refugees' Leisure $105,000
Shaw, Jenessa L. University of Waterloo Overcoming emotional avoidance: Exploring the effects of self-compassion on emotional avoidance behaviours via soothing physiological affect and distress intolerance $105,000
Shields, Tasha M. University of Waterloo An examination of organizational health-promoting work culture post-Covid-19 pandemic and the related impacts on employee health and wellness $105,000
Shoufani, Yara York University Palestinian Urban Displacement in Israel: Anti-Colonialism and the Right to the City $105,000
Shoychet, Gillian York University Development of a Measure of Positive Adaptation in Families During COVID-19 to Assess Differences in Coping Across Caregiver Gender and Income $105,000
Simard, Pierre-Luc Université du Québec à Montréal Le statut épistémologique de l'éthique chez Aristote $105,000
Simard, Sonia Dalhousie University Developing a regulatory framework to minimize acoustic pollution from ships—opportunities and challenges $105,000
Simpson, Lucas University of Toronto Early Modern Sacramentalities: Liturgy, Literature, and Politics, 1500-1689 $105,000
Skelding, Brittany C. University of New Brunswick Post traumatic stress disorder, substance use disorders, and impulsivity: Making sense of comorbidity in the context of heterogeneity $105,000
Snaychuk, Lindsey Toronto Metropolitan University Associative Stigma in Family Members of Individuals with Substance Use Disorders $105,000
Sodhi, Myrtle M. York University Black Women EDI Educators & Ethics of Care $105,000
Spring, Daniel Antioch University Investigating Social Contexts to Provide Better Outcomes for Autistic People $105,000
Spring, Karen University of Ottawa Evaluating strategies for greater accountability: Communities engaging World Bank complaint mechanisms in Central America $105,000
Staats, Jesse A. University of Toronto Decolonizing and Indigenizing Bicameral University Governance in Ontario $105,000
St-Arnault Chiasson, Simon Université Laval Symboles et images des textes magiques antiques : une étude systématique et comparative du corpus copte $105,000
Sternin, Shulamit University of Rhode Island Longitudinal dyadic analysis of sexual motivation and technology mediated sexual interactions in couples $105,000
Stewart, Emma K. Western University An Investigation of the Psychometric Properties of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire $105,000
St-Hilaire, Cloé University of Waterloo Financialization and digital divide in the Canadian rental housing sector: Evolution, spatiality, and impacts $105,000
St-Jean, Renee University of Ottawa Does looking back prevent us from moving forward? How nostalgia hinders forgiveness and meaning-making after infidelity $105,000
Sukhdev, Shabnam York University Picture Perfect: Untangling Families $105,000
Suliteanu, Jennifer McGill University How regional norms affect individual level prejudice $105,000
Sun, Kerry University of Oxford Equality in Access and Trade: Common Law Responses to Discrimination in the Market $105,000
Suntjens, Terri University of Calgary Understanding Indigenous Traditional Knowledge for End-of-Life Practices $105,000
Swanson, Cole E. York University The Devil Bird Matters: Eco-Justice Through Multispecies Art Practice on the Leslie Spit Cormorant Colony $105,000
Swiderski, Natasha A. McMaster University Turned Away: A Multi-Sensorial Study of Haitian Migrant Women in the Tijuana Borderlands $105,000
Tétreault, Alexis University of Ottawa L'ennui au XVIIIe siècle en France. Les aléas d'un affect philosophique : de la crise existentielle aux crises politiques $105,000
Thakrar, Ushma Carleton University Architectural Aesthetics of Cleanliness: Colonial and Nationalist Modernities in India, 1911-1947 $105,000
Thompson, Kenya York University Care and Everyday Activism in Nova Scotia Childcare Deserts $105,000
Thornton, Emily University of Guelph An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Strengths to Grow-Preteen: a Positive Parenting Intervention $105,000
Toews, Julia B. The University of British Columbia S2LGBTQIA+ Newcomer Youth's Understandings of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Inclusive Education in BC Secondary Schools $105,000
Tong, Eryn University of Toronto Understanding the Experience of Caring for Parents with Incurable Disease in Emerging Adulthood $105,000
Tremblay, Natalyn University of Guelph Practicing World Making: Prefigurative Politics & Transformative Justice Praxis in Canada $105,000
Tremblay, Pascale Université du Québec à Montréal Pratiques performatives et postures décoloniales, quels apports critiques aux approches théoriques de la muséologie. Analyse des oeuvres de Dayna Danger (Métis, Saulteaux, Polonaise), Stanley Février (Québécois, Haïtien) et Ursula Johnson (Mi'kmaw) $105,000
Twele, Anita C. Brock University First Impressions of Older Adult Faces and Their Influence on Behaviour $105,000
Urbaniak, Kathryn Concordia University Policy Analysis of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategies in the Ecosystem of the Canadian Workplace: A Critical Disability Framework $105,000
Valentine, David Université de Montréal Les transformations du territoire montréalais sous la loupe des graphes de connaissances spatiotemporelles $105,000
Vallerand, Amelie Université de Montréal Reconstitution des paysages socio-environnementaux et des dynamiques néandertaliennes de la fin du Paléolithique moyen dans l'arc liguro-provençal $105,000
Vanasse, Chloe HEC Montréal Corporate Response to a Crisis: Hybrid Apologies and its Effect on Firm Performance $105,000
van Vliet, Grace University of Toronto The Cold War, Underground: Terrorism, Intelligence, and Assassination from the Eastern Bloc through the Career of Carlos the Jackal $105,000
Vela Alarcon, Andrea McMaster University Exploring relationships between resource extraction and gender and sexual violence in Loreto women through cultural production $105,000
Villeneuve, Katrina-Ray Ontario Tech University The effect of language proficiency on rapport and information disclosure, and the protective role of interpreters $105,000
Vlaad, Sofie Queen's University Understanding creativity in the case of Artificial Intelligence $105,000
Walsh, Nyissa Concordia University The Influence of Psychosocial Factors on Insomnia Severity in Gender Minority Groups $105,000
Wambold, Rosemary D. University of Alberta In Good Relation: Métis Archaeology in Southern Alberta $105,000
Wang, Grace Adele Dalhousie University Interpersonal emotion regulation during sexual conflict: Implications for sexual well-being for community couples and couples experiencing low desire $105,000
Wang, Zhen University of Toronto Bank Practices and Risks: Varied Experiences of Financialization $105,000
Wardell, Victoria The University of British Columbia Loneliness and memory for social encounters: Do differences in memory for the context surrounding social information account for individual differences in loneliness? $105,000
Wasson, Kendra S.J. University of Waterloo Exploring the Relationships Between Perfectionism, Sexual Desire, and Sexual Communication in Dyadic Intimate Relationships $105,000
Waswa, Benjamin J. York University Tah-she-kay-win: The place we do life—an Anishinaabe history of the Little North, 1780-1885 $105,000
Watts, Dana N. University of Calgary Prenatal cannabis use and its associations with childhood developmental outcomes in a large, cross-Canada cohort study in a post-legalization context $105,000
Wazeer, Ahmed A. University of Oxford Building domestic legitimacy abroad: evidence from Saudi Arabian foreign economic policy $105,000
Weizman, Aviva York University Bridging Memory: Towards a Political Economy of Memory in Mostar, Derry and Adams Lake $105,000
Wells, Kendra University of Alberta Are these feelings even real?: A program of research addressing teacher emotions and attrition $105,000
Weselake-George, Jonas B.D. University of Victoria Transforming cultural appropriation discourses through Cree and Anishinaabe traditions $105,000
Wessel, Samara G. University of Calgary Counselling Psychology's Role in Decolonizing Child Welfare Practices $105,000
Wikler, Maia University of Victoria Remembering Forward: Mobilization of Memory for Climate Justice $105,000
Wiley, Adrianna N. University of Toronto Embodying the Mind: A Mixed-Methods Biocultural Approach to Disentangling the Impacts of Childhood Psychosocial Stress on Adult Growth Outcomes $105,000
Wilkowski, Rachel Kathryn University of Dublin, Trinity College A critical analysis of the interpretive influences underlying adaptations of Genesis 1 through 3 in modern Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant Bibles for children $105,000
Williams-Davidson, Terri-Lynn The University of British Columbia Kil 'yahda sing.Ga suu (Haida Laws Ceremony) $105,000
Willmann, Simone M. University of Alberta Cultural and Scholarly Elitism: Musicology Beyond the Hierarchies of Western Art Music $105,000
Willsie, Jane Harvard University The madwoman in nature: an ecofeminist intercultural thematic network from Hélène Cixous to Han Kang $105,000
Wilton, Jessica A. York University The Queer History of Nova Scotia Through Community Archival Practices and Ephemeral Archives, 1969-1995 $105,000
Withnell, Samantha Western University An intersectional minority stress model of the effects of weight and sexuality self-stigma on psychosocial outcomes $105,000
Witt, Taisto McGill University Identifying and Mapping Far-Right Radicalization Programs Online $105,000
Wolfe, Tammy G. University of Manitoba Beadwork is Medicine: Sharing Healing Stories Through Beading $105,000
Wolff, Christopher Concordia University International Trans Media Activism 1950-1990: Newsletters and the circulation of a community $105,000
Wood, Emily K. University of Toronto Equity in literacy assessment: Development of a community-informed tool for evaluating early reading abilities of bilingual children $105,000
Wood, Emma McMaster University Femmes, Dykes, and Lesbian Ghosts: The Hauntings of Lesbian Bar Culture in Canadian Queer Short Fiction $105,000
Woznowski, Michalina Queen's University Virtual Work as a Double-Edged Sword: Examining the Trade-off Between Autonomy and Belongingness $105,000
Xuereb, Silas R. École normale supérieure, Paris The Role of Market Power in Profits, Inflation, and Inequality in Canada $105,000
Yahiaoui, Nabiha Concordia University (Re)producing heteronormativity through the construction of Muslim sexual difference in nationalist discourse around the veil in Quebec $105,000
Yates, Julia Western University A mixed methods, longitudinal study investigating caregivers perspectives on resilience and protective factors among children exposed to parental gender based violence $105,000
Yellow Horn, Marlene F. University of Calgary Mookakiit Iikakiimaat to Persevere and Try Hard: An Investigation of How Ceremony Supports Academic Success for Urban Indigenous Students $105,000
Yetman, Cameron C. University of Toronto The brain-based phenomenal intentionality theory $105,000
Yin, Kevin Yale University Self Harm and Sovereign Debt: Default Risk with Domestic Lenders $105,000
Young, Colleen Carleton University Mapping the embodied research practices of graduate students with disabilities $105,000
Yusuf, Mohamed Queen's University The Role of Mentorship on the Self-Esteem and Retention of Black Men in Graduate Studies $105,000
Zhang, Lifang Queen's University Is Environmental Upgrading Attainable in the Global Value Chain? Evidence from Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Africa $105,000
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