Award Recipients for Canada Graduate Scholarships—Doctoral Program: Fall 2021 Competition

Applicant Affiliation Title Funding
Abdul-Karim, Abdul-Bari University of Manitoba A comparative analysis of labour market outcomes of international student graduates and their Canadian-born counterparts $105,000
Ace, Hope-Ann University of Manitoba Anishinaabe Necro-Politics: Law, Politics and Dispossession $105,000
Ah-Sen, Kevin McGill University Black and Indigenous youth restorying for educational sovereignty and decolonial futurity $105,000
Akhbari, Rouzbeh University of Toronto A Case for Hybridity: Informal Trade and Ecological Conflict in Iran's Porous Border Zones $105,000
Akhtar, Jadaon University of Toronto The Compositional History of the Qur'an $105,000
Alaniz, Grecia Western University Power, professions, and practices: Conceptualizations and management of risk in childbirth $105,000
Albrecht, Carina Ifanger Simon Fraser University Towards a non-market model for the current digital information ecosystem: Network science and the economic game of recommendation, search and retrieval $105,000
Alcaine Aviles, Ana Sofia Universität Bonn L'éthique du sens commun chez Hans-Georg Gadamer et John Dewey $105,000
Alcaraz, Nellie McGill University Documenting the Undocumented: A Closer Look Into the Lives of Nonstatus Migrants in Canada $105,000
Alimpic, Zorana University of Edinburgh The Impact of COVID-19 on Youth in South Africa: Understanding and Addressing the Effects on Mental Well-Being and Human Rights $105,000
Alkawaja Livermore, Maram The University of British Columbia The Social-Emotional Trajectories from Kindergarten to Adolescence: A Population-Level Analysis of Developmental Vulnerability and Emotional Wellbeing $105,000
Alley, Lindsay J. McGill University Understanding and addressing threats to measurement validity in large-scale replication studies $105,000
Anderson, Brianna M. Brock University Worry warriors: A play-based psychosocial package to target worry-causing compulsions in kindergarteners with autism spectrum disorder $105,000
Audet, Élodie McGill University Flourishing together: Social networks and the importance of individual and group psychological need satisfaction on young adults' goal pursuits and well-being $105,000
Baillargeon, Jeff University of Toronto Rhetoric and Empire: Indigenous Policy and Canadian State Formation in the Pre-Confederation Era $105,000
Bansal, Jotthi University of Toronto Assessing psychological and career counselling needs of Canadian professional athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic $105,000
Banville, Marie-Sophie University of Victoria Treaties Here, With the Earth: Grounded Pathways Toward Reconciliation(s) $105,000
Barry, Caitlin Queen's University Sexual Satisfaction Among Gender Non-Conforming Canadians: Creation and Validation of a Gender-Neutral Sexual Satisfaction Scale Using a Mixed-Method Approach $105,000
Bastien, Laurianne McGill University Effective knowledge mobilization for university mental health service provision $105,000
Beauvais, Michael University of Toronto Adolescent parental privacy and forming an identity of one's own $105,000
Bédard, Samuel Université du Québec à Montréal Fragmentation et luttes d'appropriation du temps de travail au XXIe siècle : essai d'interprétation de la temporalité contemporaine du capitalisme $105,000
Bekirsky, Liam University of Oxford Networked knowledge building in education: The role of technological, professional, and social structures $105,000
Belanger, Mariel J. Queen's University Storytelling Futurisms in Contemporary Indigenous Learning Practices $105,000
Bellavance, Amélie Université de Montréal La qualité de l'alliance thérapeutique chez un groupe d'adolescents et leurs parents : liens avec l'évolution des difficultés psychosociales, l'engagement dans la relation d'aide et certaines caractéristiques personnelles et relationnelles de l'adolescent $105,000
Bennett-Flammer, Briar A. McGill University Pagan-Christian interactions in Britain after the collapse of Roman imperial rule $105,000
Bergeron-Gauthier, Raphaël Université de Sherbrooke Mobilité sociale, élites seigneuriales et reproduction familiale dans le Canada des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles : le cas de la famille Drapeau $105,000
Berg, Zénaïde L.F. Université de Montréal La place des femmes dans la culture hip-hop au Québec : des pionnières à aujourd'hui (1978-2021) $105,000
Bernicky, Shanice Carleton University Making-With Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Plans: Managing Inequity in The Canadian Arts and Culture Sector $105,000
Berry, Abigail University of California, Los Angeles Building Blocks of the Hanseatic League: Gothic Architecture in and around the Baltic Sea $105,000
Berthelet, Marie-Pier Université du Québec à Montréal Représentations criminelles et sensibilités populaires : regards sur la criminalité de Spitalfields dans la presse et les discours populaires du XIXe siècle $105,000
Bertoldi, Eve-Gabrielle Université de Montréal Évaluation de la mise en œuvre et des effets des pratiques réparatrices en milieu scolaire comme alternative à la suspension et à l'expulsion $105,000
Bertrand, Marja G. Western University STEAM Education: Assessment Practices and Culturally Responsive Pedagogies $105,000
Bérubé-Deschênes, Natacha Université du Québec à Montréal Fonctionnement scolaire et rôle de l'ennui chez les filles et garçons doués d'écoles secondaires québécoises $105,000
Best, Sarah Wilfrid Laurier University Trading Spirits for Science: Environmental Attitudes and Behaviours Within Contemporary Science-Based Nature Religion $105,000
Blais, Marc-Antoine Université du Québec à Montréal Politiser le formalisme. Une histoire conceptuelle et littéraire (1960-2020) $105,000
Bleau, Denica Dione The University of British Columbia Indigenous Land-Based Healing from the Effects of Criminalized and Institutionalized Trauma $105,000
Blyth, Emily R. Simon Fraser University Comparing media coverage on lethal force: Challenging complacency and seeking resilience $105,000
Bockaj, Amanda University of New Brunswick Understanding the maintenance of relationship quality while coping with sexual performance anxiety $105,000
Borg, Meghan E. Brock University Affinity for Solitude and Motivations for Spending Time Alone in Adolescence $105,000
Boulet, Carole-Anne Université Laval Devenir des bébés signalés à la protection de la jeunesse et optimisation des services offerts $105,000
Bourgeois, Rebecca University of Alberta Amplifying Indigenous voices to re-centre, re-animate, and repatriate archives and collections $105,000
Bourget, Sabrina Université Laval Espace et identité chez les jeunes placés : quelle relation en contexte de restriction de liberté? $105,000
Bowra, Andrea University of Toronto Criminal justice, accountability, and Purdue Pharmaceuticals' role in mislabelling OxyContin $105,000
Brais, Nicolas University of Manitoba Using Self-Compassion to Reduce Fear of Evaluation and Improve Social Interactions $105,000
Brockbank, Madison McMaster University Developing an anti-carceral violence prevention program with and for men $105,000
Brosseau-Rioux, Jonathan Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Les règles procédurales des tribunaux permettant aux compagnies de saisir les biens des pays étrangers $105,000
Burdayron, Rebecca McGill University Prospective Relations Among Infant Temperament, Infant Sleep, and Maternal Sensitivity $105,000
Butler-Koo, Anna M. University of Toronto Reframing the Climate Crisis Through Diasporic Asian North American Literature $105,000
Butters, Leanna J. Memorial University of Newfoundland Building Fences: Decoding the Socio-Spatial Impacts of Mining in Rural Canadian Resource Communities $105,000
Canagasuriam, Damian Saint Mary's University Methods to Reduce Applicant Faking in the Police Officer Selection Process $105,000
Caravecchia, Emilie Sarah Université de Montréal Étude de la représentation décoloniale et de la réappropriation des narratifs identitaires féminins, masculins et non binaires dans la littérature autochtone contemporaine produite en contexte québécois $105,000
Carlson, Alain Nipissing University Employment Outcomes Among Disadvantaged and Marginalized University Graduates $105,000
Carr, Alexis Simon Fraser University Taming Technology: The Gendered Adoption of Mobile Learning in Agriculture $105,000
Carr, Mareesa S. University of Toronto Imagining Queer Family Futures Through Desire and the State $105,000
Carter-Rogers, Katelynn M. Saint Mary's University Co-curricular learning interventions to develop sustained equality, diversity, and inclusion outcomes in organizations $105,000
Cavenaghi, Anna Université de Montréal La frustration des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux, l'impulsivité et la prise de risque à l'adolescence : le rôle de la hiérarchie culturelle $105,000
Çevik, Deniz École nationale d'administration publique Surviving in a new ecosystem: The role of information and misinformation in temporary workers' migration experience in Quebec $105,000
Chahine, Karim T. Université Laval La bibliothèque de la Législature de Québec aux frontières des champs littéraire et politique : étude de ses réseaux de sociabilité à travers son directeur Ernest Myrand (1912-1921) $105,000
Champagne, Eden University of Waterloo Dancing together: A phenomenological exploration of relational dance movement therapy for couples living with dementia $105,000
Champagne, Marie-Pier Université Laval Les impacts des infrastructures de transport en commun sur la performance économique des entreprises : une analyse du développement régional local au Québec et en France $105,000
Chassé, Philippe Université de Montréal Les électeurs et les styles langagiers des candidats politiques : une étude comparative entre le Québec et la France $105,000
Chellew, Cara L. McGill University Planning for Exclusion: Defensive Urbanism in the Planning, Design, and Management of Public Space $105,000
Chen, Yu-Chen York University Beyond the Great Firewall: China's Disinformation in Canadian Cyberspace $105,000
Chin-Yee, Benjamin University of Cambridge Unravelling Precision Oncology: A Philosophical Analysis $105,000
Choi, Da In University of California, Los Angeles The Making of Industrial Subjects in Households: Domestic Labour, YWCA, and Economic Development in Postwar South Korea $105,000
Chokly, Catherine E. Carleton University Feeling weird: An affective analysis of trans media practices on Tumblr $105,000
Chou, Sharon University of Manitoba Understanding and Addressing the Support-Related Needs of Pregnant and Postpartum Women with Traumatic Experiences $105,000
Christy, Kayonne University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Examining the impact of policy on the prenatal healthcare experiences of Black Canadian women $105,000
Cielen, Dayna Concordia University It smells so good: Two-Spirit, Indigiqueer resurgence at hide tanning camps $105,000
Clement, Felicia University of Waterloo Mistrust and Refugee Integration: A Comparative Analysis of Syrian Refugees' Resettlement in Canada, Germany, and the United States $105,000
Clouet-Langelier, Marin University of Ottawa Fichte et le réel. Critique et réponse aux réalismes contemporains d'un point de vue fichtéen $105,000
Coderre, Charles-André Université de Montréal La performance cinématographique : la conscience du geste analogique $105,000
Coelho, Madelaine E. University of Toronto The Double-Edged Sword of Technology: The Potential for Digitally Enhanced Gender-Based Violence Prevention Interventions in Canada and India $105,000
Coppieters, Paisley K. Concordia University Petrols, Polymers, Poetics: The Plastic Turn in Contemporary North American Poetry $105,000
Corran, Charlotte Concordia University Cognitive theories and undergraduate drinking: Examining the effects of anxiety sensitivity and social norms $105,000
Côté-Gendreau, Marielle Princeton University Aspects démographiques d'une population immigrante en continuité géographique : les Franco-Américains du nord des États-Unis entre 1850 et 1940 $105,000
Couillard Larocque, Marianne Université Laval Représentations, besoins et pratiques de superviseurs cliniques en psychologie en contexte de diversités $105,000
Courdi, Clémentine Université de Montréal Accès aux soins en santé mentale au Québec : des inégalités se reflétant sur la détresse psychologique des jeunes en fonction des déterminants sociaux de la santé $105,000
Couture-Cossette, Marianne University of Toronto Habiter le Nord, construire le Nord : le rôle des travailleurs miniers dans l'économie politique du Québec septentrional $105,000
Crowe-Salazar, Noela University of Regina Pimotehowin Nehiyawi Pimātisiwin: We will walk this Cree way of life $105,000
Cui, Minnie H. Other/Unknown Essays on household finance, consumption, and inequality during COVID-19 $105,000
Cunningham, Alexandra C. The University of British Columbia Reconciling epistemic paternalism and epistemic autonomy $105,000
Currie-Williams, Kelann Concordia University The Aurality of Images: Photographic Life Stories of Black Canada $105,000
Czarski, Miriam A.E. University of Helsinki The Turning of the Tide in the Anthropocene: Navigating the Ecosystem Approach via Arctic Marine Governance $105,000
Daigle, Martin C. McGill University Technological Expansion of Drum Kit Performance $105,000
Dalexis, Rose Darly University of Ottawa Harcèlement psychologique et santé mentale et physique des travailleurs immigrants au Québec et en Ontario $105,000
Daoust, Melissa University of Ottawa Understanding 21st Century Professional Educators' Identities: A Teacher Education Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Inquiry $105,000
Dark, Zachary J. York University Climate Crisis Colonialism: Sustainable Energy, Hydroelectric Dams, and the Canadian State $105,000
David-Cooper, René McGill University Uncovering the State Factor in Aviation—A Study on the Relationship Between Systemic Discrimination and Air Safety Levels in Northern Canada $105,000
David, Kendal Carleton University What makes a normal social worker? Deconstructing professional social work identity and ideology through critical discourse analysis $105,000
Davy, Brittany McMaster University Exploring the role of racial stereotyping in Black women's breast cancer-related behaviours $105,000
de Barros, Ana Carolina Wilfrid Laurier University Queer Sobriety Over Time: An Insider Perspective $105,000
de Guise, Catherine Université de Montréal La ressource bouddhiste dans les pénitenciers au Québec : pratiques de restauration du soi et stratégies de réhabilitation sociale $105,000
de Montmollin, Peter Benjamin The University of British Columbia Local Rivers, Global Currents: Climate, Water and History in Chile and British Columbia $105,000
De Roche, Gabriel University of California, San Diego Climate migration and the criteria for humanitarian admissions $105,000
Desai, Arshad University of Toronto Freedom Fighters: Black Canadians and Southern African Liberation from 1970 to 1993 $105,000
Deveault, Audrey A. Goldsmiths, University of London Inquiétante blanchité : culpabilités et hantises coloniales dans le roman gothique américain $105,000
Dickson, Brandon A. University of Waterloo Policy, Programming and Lessons for Post-COVID Education: Comparative International Systemic Educational Resilience in Post-Traumatic Contexts $105,000
Dion, Jérémie Université du Québec à Montréal Épistémologie du financement de la recherche numérique canadienne : le cas de la Nouvelle organisation d'infrastructure de recherche numérique $105,000
Dorenbaum, Frances York University The Settler-Colonial Gaze in Transnational News Photography of Canada: Exposing the Unsettled History of and in the Rudolph P. Bratty Family Collection $105,000
Dourian, Tara Université Gustave Eiffel Préservation de la biodiversité par la consommation responsable : innovations dans les systèmes de garantie $105,000
Dubé, Céleste E. Concordia University The Role of School and Family Factors in the Development of Depression, Anxiety, Aggressive Behaviours, and Prosocial Behaviors among Youth with Intellectual Disabilities $105,000
Dunnigan, James University of Toronto "How They Go Wrong Thinking of Rightness:" The Ovidian Poetics of Ezra Pound's Cantos $105,000
Dupuis, Cathie-Anne Université de Montréal La mort et les esclaves : conditions de vie des Autochtones et des Africains asservis dans la vallée laurentienne (1600-1763) $105,000
Dupuis, Christopher Université catholique de Louvain Dance Curation as Contextual Practice: A Study of Dance Presentation Platforms in Belgium and Canada $105,000
Dutemple, Elizabeth Concordia University Learning to Think For Themselves: Studying the Cognitive Mechanisms Involved in School Readiness $105,000
Dzurka, Caylee Memorial University of Newfoundland Beyond Binaries: Gender Variance in Arctic Prehistory $105,000
Ellis, Jaclyn Western University Determining Research Priorities with Autistic Youth and Adults $105,000
El Ouardi, Martine Goldsmiths, University of London Lutter contre l'exclusion des migrants en milieu urbain : récits d'occupations de l'espace public à Paris $105,000
El Richani, Diana University of Toronto Possible Futures: A Politics of Radical Hope in the Middle East $105,000
El Skaf, Brooke A. Dalhousie University Trauma and the moral regulation of motherhood in Canada $105,000
Enns, Sara W. University of Victoria The effects of climate change on employment and traditional economic activity in Arctic and sub-Arctic North America $105,000
Epple, Autumn York University Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Identity: The Many Wars of Lieutenant-Colonel Louis Cook $105,000
Erb, Tara L. University of Victoria Creating Safer Environments for Indigenous Cultural Safety (ICS): The Development and Impact of ICS Facilitator Training in British Columbia $105,000
Etemad Yousefi, Arash University of Toronto The role of architectural drawings in the formation of late medieval aesthetics and craft practices $105,000
Fakirani, Alim The University of British Columbia The Representation of Refugee, Immigrant and Minority Histories in the Secondary-Level Social Studies and History Curricula of British Columbia and Ontario $105,000
Fazio, Nicholas York University Computational capitalism and the industrialization of language $105,000
Fecteau, Maxime Université du Québec à Montréal Vers une vision éco(ana)logique. Une analyse des représentations de la connaissance scientifique du monde naturel dans l'essai environnemental contemporain $105,000
Finlay, Toby York University Gender in the clinic: A socio-historical analysis of transgender discursive practices at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health $105,000
Finnsson, Ari University of Toronto Enlightenment Entanglements: Debt, Liberty, and the Formation of Modern Citizenship $105,000
Fletcher, Émilie McGill University Examining the role of mental health trajectories in the development of adolescent substance use and gambling behaviours $105,000
Floyd, Lisa A. Western University The Integration of Coding in a Teacher Education Program: Course experiences and the teaching and learning of mathematics $105,000
Forcier, Marie France F. Liverpool John Moores University Representing posttraumatic growth through somatic change sourcing in Western contemporary concert choreography $105,000
Foster, Rebecca E. Dalhousie University "Women then shall weep:" Loss and Grief in J.R.R. Tolkien's Old and Middle English Poetics $105,000
Frayne, Nicholas F. University of Cambridge Spaces of Violence and Healing: The material agency of architecture in building just futures in Rwanda and Kenya $105,000
Frisoli, Mélanie Université de Montréal Jeux d'espace et spatialisation du son dans la composition musicale de paysage sonore. Entre réflexions, créations sonores et développement d'outils numériques $105,000
Fry, Noah R.M. McMaster University Playing for Team Canada: Societal Interest Advocacy during the CUSMA Negotiations $105,000
Gagliardi, Meghan University of Toronto White-Settler Being through Property, Possession, and Violence: Examining the Spatial Reproduction of Colonial Canada through White Working-Class Subjectivities in one Small, Post-industrial City $105,000
Gagné, Anne-Laurence Université de Sherbrooke Le rôle protecteur du soutien conjugal dans les liens entre l'image corporelle et la satisfaction sexuelle des couples de nouveaux parents $105,000
Gagné Zouvi, Colin Université de Montréal L'asyntaxie comme forme du désir dans la littérature contemporaine (recherche-création) $105,000
Gagnon-Bouchard, Laurie Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Penser les coalitions écoféministes et décoloniales : conditions, pratiques et propositions $105,000
Gagnon, Jean-François Université de Sherbrooke L'engagement organisationnel et professionnel en contexte d'insertion professionnelle : ses prédicteurs et conséquences sur la rétention du personnel infirmier $105,000
Gagnon, Maude Université de Montréal Besoins des adolescents présentant une surdité qui sont intégrés en milieu scolaire ordinaire au secondaire $105,000
Gallagher, Anna Queen's University Individual differences in theory of mind predict social outcomes: The roles of egocentric bias and emotion regulation $105,000
Gardam, Olivia University of Ottawa The impact of parental body image on child development of body image: The protective role of parent-child discourse $105,000
Gatchalian, Terrance K. McGill University Deriving Verbs in Ktunaxa: Complexities in Argument Structure $105,000
Gaudreau-Majeau, Charlotte McGill University Social movements in deeply divided societies: The case of the Lebanese anti-sectarian mobilizations $105,000
Gault, Siann Memorial University of Newfoundland Understanding perceptions of individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A mixed-method examination of stigmatizing attitudes in Canada $105,000
Gauthier, Ariane J. University of Ottawa « Qu'attend-on pour agir? » Définir, mesurer et prédire l'inaction environnementale $105,000
Gelpi, Rebekah University of Toronto Stereotype Transmission in Social Learning $105,000
Genois, Rosalie Université de Sherbrooke L'impact d'une rétroaction normative sur la consommation de substances chez les adolescents : une étude sur l'efficacité et les mécanismes de changement utilisant la DEP-ADO $105,000
Gerbrandt, Julianne D. University of New Brunswick Investigating systemic barriers to early-French immersion through school mathematics $105,000
Gerbrandt, Ricki-Lee University of Oxford State sponsored and politically motivated disinformation and online abuse targeting journalists and human rights activists $105,000
Gheorghe, Ruxandra Mihaela Carleton University Conceptualizing Gender-Based Countertransference, Empathy and Boundaries: A Simulation-Based Study on Women Social Workers and Incel Clients $105,000
Gibadullina, Albina The University of British Columbia At the Dusk of the American Empire: The Limits to Finance Capital $105,000
Gilbert, Brian C.T. University of Calgary Development of scientific literacy skills through fan-fiction writing on the SCP Wiki: A cyberethnographic study $105,000
Gilchrist, Jessi A.J. Columbia University Fictitious Frontiers: Italian Libya, British Egypt, and the Making of International Law, 1910-1956 $105,000
Gillard, Allyson Université Laval Facteurs associés à la violence sexuelle vécue en sport par les athlètes du Québec $105,000
Gilman, Daniel University of Cambridge Echoes of abolition: rhetorical uses of enslaved Africans' trauma in abolitionist political persuasion $105,000
Giroux, Alexandra Université du Québec à Montréal Le rôle de la passion dans la santé psychologique des travailleurs communautaires à l'ère de la COVID-19 $105,000
Glassman, Rachel L. Rutgers University "Have got soul, you?": Nineteenth-Century British Literary Responses to Hong Kong $105,000
Godard, Rebecca The University of British Columbia Social Support Processes in Online Health Groups for People with Chronic Pain $105,000
Goedert, Taianara McGill University Translating embodied informal learning to formal education: Teaching Brazilian traditional musical expressions in a formal context of learning $105,000
Goel, Natasha University of Toronto Political Polarization and Animosity in the Canadian Context $105,000
Gousopoulos, Christina J. University of Toronto Reimagining "Christianization:" A Network Approach to the Diffusion of Early Christianity and the Decline of Graeco-Roman Elective Cults $105,000
Grant, Aubrey Concordia University The Poetics of Burial: A Media History of Mortal Remains in Romanticism $105,000
Grayer, Maryssa University of Victoria Tragic Impossibility or Dangerous Threat: Men with Disabilities in Victorian Marriage Plots $105,000
Grégorcic, Simon Université de Montréal La corporéité et l'expérience esthétique des musiques bruitistes et saturationistes $105,000
Grigoryeva, Idaliya University of California, San Diego Violence and Education in Favelas in Rio: The Effect of Crime Exposure on Student Performance in High-Stakes Tests $105,000
Guilbault, Louis University of Cambridge Les fondements théoriques et pratiques des considérations d'ordre humanitaire en droit de l'immigration canadien $105,000
Halpenny, Chloe Queen's University She works hard for the money: A critical feminist analysis of social assistance in Ontario $105,000
Hammond, James W. University of Victoria The liberal application of force: Evolving norms and international violence $105,000
Haniford, Alicia L. The University of British Columbia Cognitive Landscapes in Middle English Romance $105,000
Harasymiw, Alexander M. University of Toronto Human-Nature Relations in Modern Sinophone Cultural Production $105,000
Harris, Amy Simon Fraser University Feeling it in our fingers: How technology impacts our embodied experience of climate change $105,000
Harris, Molly E. Yale University Public Health and the Private Good: Pollution, Poverty, and the Politics of Public Health and Health Care in the US South, 1965-2016 $105,000
Heath, Devon S. University of Alberta Supporting students with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A preliminary pre-post research study evaluating the efficacy of dialectical behavioural therapy on emotional regulation $105,000
Hébrard, Jérémie Université du Québec à Montréal Les joutes dialectiques dans la philosophie de l'époque hellénistique $105,000
Hedayati, Mona Concordia University Sensorial-corporeal forced migration narratives: An extended reality research-creation project $105,000
Helleiner, Zoe F.C. Memorial University of Newfoundland The disappearance of the Groswater: Examining experiences of landscape through time $105,000
Helps, Carolyn E.I. University of Victoria Is Cessation of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Equivalent to Recovery? Self-Damaging Behaviour as an Alternative Emotion Regulation Strategy in Young Adults $105,000
Henry, Stanley Trent University Indigenous Cultural-Based Education: Re-imagining K-12 Education Across Canada $105,000
Hodgins, Kelly J. Carleton University The social and relational dynamics of farmland sustainability transitions $105,000
Holtz-Schramek, Evangeline McMaster University Parts and labours: North American online mothering in COVID-19: Virtual lactation, misinformation, mad moms and momfluencers $105,000
Hopper, Shawna Simon Fraser University Social Isolation Among Older Adults in Canada: Impacts of COVID-19 $105,000
Hoszko, Sheena Queen's University Imperative Artmaking: Prisoner Resistance in Canada $105,000
Howe, Stephanie University of Calgary Understanding Camouflaging Behaviour in Autistic Youth Using Photo-Based Participatory Action Research $105,000
Huard, Samuel University of Toronto Brother/Sisterliness and Coloniality among Transnational Catholic Orders $105,000
Huberman, Pinchas Yale University A Constitutional Theory of Free Speech for the Age of Social Media $105,000
Huebner, Emma June Concordia University Learning in the Art Museum Through Social Media Creations with Youth $105,000
Huellemann, Katarina L. Western University Using self-compassion to promote sustained physical activity engagement in women $105,000
Hu, John Simon Fraser University Narratives as Knowledge Mobilization Tools for Low-Income Youth's Health and Environmental Literacy $105,000
Ibrahim, Yasmeen Dalhousie University Development and Evaluation of an Evidence-Informed Nature Module Targeting Connection and Exposure to Nature $105,000
Ikiz, Ece University of Guelph Addressing food waste and food insecurity through a circular food economy $105,000
Jacques, Isabelle Université du Québec à Montréal La question de l'interpénétration de la raison et de l'émotion dans l'expérience complexe de l'identification au diagnostic en santé mentale $105,000
Jafari Milani, Sonia The University of British Columbia Where Does the Mind Wander During Sex? A Multi-method Examination of Gender Differences in Mind-wandering During Sex and Sexual Arousal and Desire $105,000
Janzen, Andrew J. University of Toronto Why Suruí Christians Sing: Critique and Collaboration in a Post-Secular Ethnomusicology $105,000
Jean, Mireille Université de Montréal Le non-pardon à la suite d'une transgression relationnelle et l'engagement conjugal chez les couples : facteurs individuels, relationnels et situationnels $105,000
Jean-Thorn, Arianne Université du Québec à Montréal Les facteurs de protection communautaires de la résilience chez les enfants victimes d'agression sexuelle $105,000
Jenni, Barbara University of Victoria The idea(l) of knowledge sharing: A mixed-methods investigation of labour and status $105,000
Jo, David McGill University Is it Ever Fair to Extend Special Legal Protection to Religion? $105,000
John, Jodi-Mae M. Queen's University Exploring Kanyen'keha:ka (Mohawk) values and relationship-building with healthcare providers in Kenhte:ke (Tyendinaga) $105,000
Johnson, Alanna University of Manitoba Exploring Individual and Conjoint Narratives of Couples that have Experienced Emotional Abuse $105,000
Johnson, Carol E. Concordia University Using automatic speech recognition for second language writing $105,000
Jones, Thomas S. University of Victoria Kweyulutstun: Strengthening Snuneymuxw language and traditions through performance $105,000
Joseph, Abraham York University Police power: A participatory and arts-based study of BIPOC youth experiences and perspectives $105,000
Joyce, Kayla M. University of Manitoba Self-Identified Program Needs for Addressing Co-Occurring Depression and At-Risk Substance Use among Postpartum Mothers: The Development of a Conceptual Framework to Improve Maternal Mental Health $105,000
Kaedbey, Mira McGill University Can an inclusive school-based music program enhance social inclusion, self-esteem, and social communication of adolescents on the autism spectrum? $105,000
Katz, Joshua W. University of Saskatchewan Masculinity Threat and Attitudes Towards Effeminate Bisexual Men $105,000
Katz, Leanna McGill University Organizing among Childcare Workers in the New Political Economy $105,000
Kazakov, Alan University of Ottawa Pour une nouvelle French Theory. Cinq approches à la crise de temps postmoderne à l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 1980-2020 $105,000
Keber, Andrea M. Western University Older lesbians and younger queers: Language, identity, and communities of activism $105,000
Kelsall, Tyson C. Simon Fraser University Risk, harm and community-based accountability of police "street sweeps" amongst people who use drugs in the downtown eastside of Vancouver, Canada $105,000
Kenyon, Madeleine University of Waterloo Re-engineering the concept of rapist $105,000
Killam, Laura A. Queen's University Nursing Student Experiences of Co-Creation: Shifting Universities Towards Authentic Assessment: A Phenomenographical Study $105,000
Klimenko, Marina University of Toronto Women Writing Water: The Political, Social, and Literary Power of Writing with Water $105,000
Kocsis, Emily A. University of Waterloo Exploring the influence of agroecology on the promotion of healthy, diverse and culturally appropriate foods in southern Mexico $105,000
Krajewski, Maegan R. University of Regina Community gardening in post-pandemic Canada $105,000
Krause, Amanda University of Ottawa When Kids Miss School: Problematic Absenteeism and the Role of Child Attributes and Social Contexts $105,000
Labelle, Sandrine Université du Québec à Montréal Volontaires à l'étranger. Charité internationale et gouvernance néolibérale (1968-1990) $105,000
Labranche, Andrée-Ann Université du Québec à Montréal Le rôle de la perception de compétence sociale et du style attributionnel dans l'adaptation des membres des communautés incels et femcels $105,000
Lacroix, Nicolas Université de Montréal La conflictualité démocratique. L'enjeu du conflit dans les théories contemporaines de la démocratie $105,000
Lajeunesse, Alizée Université de Montréal Vivre la COVID-19 en centres d'hébergement et de soins de longue durée : regard anthropologique sur les expériences, les dynamiques interactionnelles soignants-résidents-proches et les pratiques de soin $105,000
Laliberté, Bianca Université du Québec à Montréal De l'assimilation sémiotique aux politiques de reconnaissance. Une généalogie critique et visuelle de l'Iroquois Influence Theory $105,000
Lanctôt, Aurélie McGill University Ce que le droit ne sait pas dire. Mobiliser la littérature pour penser autrement le traitement judiciaire des agressions à caractère sexuel $105,000
Langshaw Power, Burgess University of Waterloo Technological Assessment for the Potential of Climate Altering Technologies within Canadian Climate Policy and Governance Frameworks $105,000
Lapierre-Berger, Guillaume McGill University Political Efficiency and the Management of Public Projects $105,000
Larochelle, Marlène Université de Montréal L'intégration des enseignants formés à l'étranger : une socialisation professionnelle réciproque au cœur de la classe universitaire $105,000
LaRoche, Rachel Université de Montréal Poétiques et politiques du rire dans le roman québécois 1970-2014 $105,000
Larose, Marion Université de Montréal Soutenir le passage du préscolaire au primaire : le rôle du climat familial et des interactions parent-enfant $105,000
Lau, Marianne A. McGill University Effects of social relationships on associations between childhood mental health problems and high school dropout $105,000
Law-Smith, Michael University of Toronto Between Political Authority and Interpersonal Morality: A Unified Theory of Criminal Law $105,000
Leduc, Natalie University of Toronto The Cyborg and Something Else: Applying Critical Race Theory to Digital Writing $105,000
Lefebvre, Audrey-Ann Université de Sherbrooke La satisfaction conjugale des couples : attachement, patrons de communication dysfonctionnels et violence conjugale selon le modèle vulnérabilité-stress-adaptation $105,000
Legassic, Cory McGill University Developing critical social-emotional competencies for the collaborative postsecondary classroom $105,000
Légeron, Karine Université de Montréal Appropriation mémorielle en littérature : écrire à partir de la mémoire des autres $105,000
Lemieux, François Universiteit Leiden Collaborations artistiques transculturelles : itinéraire pratique pour une méthodologie décoloniale $105,000
Lennie, Tyra E. McMaster University Discrimination and Autonomy: Arguments From Externalism $105,000
Lévesque, Gabriel McGill University Asbestos Mining in Canada and the United States: Between Space Production and Risk Invisibilization $105,000
Lewis, Sonia H. York University Thriving or Ignored? Examining the experiences of Black female students in Canadian postsecondary institutions $105,000
Lindquist, Kelsey University of Alberta A strengths-based, decolonial approach to Indigenous labour market research $105,000
Lin, Nancy X.Y. The University of British Columbia Enhancing access to psychosocial supports after acquired brain injury $105,000
Linton, Megan Q. Carleton University Invisible Institutions: A political economy of the institutionalization of disability $105,000
Litschko, Emma M. York University Reclaiming, Rediscovering, Rewriting: Two-Spirit Figures in Turtle Island, 1750-1929 $105,000
Lucky, Nathan Columbia University Resistance with Words: The Jewish Telegraph Agency During the Holocaust $105,000
MacDonald, Cameron J. University of Toronto Listening Queerly to Modern American Literature, 1890-1955 $105,000
Mackie, Juliet Concordia University A Reconstitution of Indigenous Identity through Portraiture and Storytelling: An Artistic-Reflexive Approach to Self-Strengthening for Indigenous Women and Two-Spirit Individuals $105,000
Mahleb, Rimal Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Extractivisme et résistances en Afrique du Nord $105,000
Major, Melissa M. York University Evaluating Hope as a Mechanism of Change in an Anishinaabe Land-Based Addictions and Mental Health Rehabilitation Program $105,000
Malouin, Hayley R.H. Carleton University Rings of Power: Circus and Democracy in the Modern Age $105,000
Mannard, Emily McGill University gamesRlit: Exploring Adolescent Pleasure Reading and Literacy Learning through Live Streaming Narrative-Based Video Games $105,000
Manova, Viktoriya McGill University Interpersonal mindfulness and social interactions: A tri-process model $105,000
Marois, Sophie University of Toronto Commemorative Politics: Examining the Memory of the Québec City Mosque Shooting $105,000
Martin, Vanessa E. Queen's University How Parents Foster Youth Emotional Competence $105,000
Matovic, Sara Concordia University Cumulative effects of adverse childhood experiences and current chronic stress on emotional well-being: The moderating roles of interpersonal and physiological processes $105,000
Matsuzaki Niki, Izumi University of Toronto Reframing the Care and its Value in a Global Context: Research on Immigrant Care Workers Through an Intersectional Approach $105,000
Matthey-Jonais, Eugénie Université de Montréal Responsabilités contemporaines de la lecture : enjeux éthiques et esthétiques de la mise en scène de l'effacement de la voix narrative $105,000
Mazur, Lindsey University of Manitoba Weight stigma and prenatal weight guidelines: History and future directions $105,000
McArthur, Jennifer L. Dalhousie University Developing a theoretical understanding of image-based sexual abuse $105,000
McConkey, Emily McGill University Ovid and the Metamorphosis of the Woman-Author $105,000
McDonald, Joseph S. University of Alberta A Constructive Topological Analysis of the Logic of Quantum Mechanics $105,000
McGlynn, Bridget Brock University Examining the Performance of Collaborative Governance in Social-Ecological Systems $105,000
McGuire, Michaela M. Simon Fraser University Decolonizing Belonging: A qualitative examination of the impacts of identity, belonging, and colonialism on the Haida Nation $105,000
McHarge, Erin E. Carleton University Small Screen Rhapsodies: Queering Television Intimacies with Schitt's Creek $105,000
McLaren, Sonya Carleton University Understanding Change in a Diverse Justice-Involved Sample $105,000
McLean, Michelle University of Alberta Boycott: Men Going Their Own Way's (MGTOW) lived experiences of romantic rejection $105,000
McNally, Rachel K. Carleton University The Resettlement of Refugees with Disabilities in Canada: Past and Present $105,000
McNutt, Brianna G. Dalhousie University Commemoration and Reconciliation: Decolonizing Nova Scotian Institutions of Public Memory and History $105,000
McPhail, Melanie The University of British Columbia Flexible Regulation of Innovative Medicines: Implications and Recommendations for Canada's Regulatory Systems $105,000
Meghji, Jasmine A. University College London "A Thread of One's Own:" Phenomenology, Pluralism, and the Subversion of Classics in Novelistic Retellings of Homer by Women in the 21st Century $105,000
Meiorin, Rachel H. University of Toronto Macrolevel Trauma, Neighbourhood Stressors, and Mental Health: Mapping Canadians' Stress Trajectories in the COVID-19 Pandemic $105,000
Meunier, Jordan Université de Montréal Poétiques et politiques de la néo-avant-garde québécoise des années 1960 : les tropes de la communauté dans l'œuvre du compositeur Jean Sauvageau $105,000
Milne, Elizabeth Western University Understanding masculinity in digital sexual cultures: A study of pressure in adolescent sexting $105,000
Mitchell, Fallon R. University of Windsor Enabling environments: Understanding accessibility and usability $105,000
Mitchell, Kate C. The University of British Columbia Constitutional Litigation, Comprehensive Legislation, and Independent Oversight—Comparing the Levers of Prison Law Reform in Canada and the United States $105,000
Mohammed, Shakira Lakehead University Perfectionism From the Inside and Outside: Clarifying the Role of Intra- and Interpersonal Processes in Predicting Maladjustment Using Multi-Source Longitudinal Methods $105,000
Moloo, Zahra University of Toronto Conservation Capitalism and Ecological Enclosures: Contesting Interests in the Congo Basin $105,000
Morissette, Jean-Bruno McGill University D'Expo 67 à la trame verte et bleue et au-delà : repenser les permanences paysagères des infrastructures vertes de l'archipel montréalais dans une vision de résilience et de justice environnementale des territoires urbanisés $105,000
Moss, Sarah University of Guelph Supporting Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and their Caregivers in Managing Sexuality $105,000
Muise, Megan D. University of New Brunswick A conceptual framework of distress in couples coping with Sexual Desire Discrepancy $105,000
Murphy, Kathleen E. University of Oxford Towards a Gender Transformative Approach: Exploring the parenting perceptions, experiences, and practices of street-connected mothers and fathers in Eldoret, Kenya $105,000
Murphy, Tracey l. University of Victoria Storying Indigenous Young Women's hope and healing in school pedagogies $105,000
Muskens, Anders C. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen A Rhetorical Approach to the Historical Performance of Solo Keyboard Music $105,000
Nagel, Tyler W.S. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen News deserts and information jungles: The changing ecology of local news media in Canada $105,000
Nair, Shruti Shashikumar University of Alberta Pedagogy and Performance Practices of North Indian Classical Music in the Digital Era $105,000
Neilson, Luke A. The University of British Columbia Exploring Historical Explanation $105,000
Nesbitt, Philippa Toronto Metropolitan University Fashioning Disability: Disabled Models' Experiences in the Fashion Industry in North America $105,000
Nesdoly, Nina D. University of Toronto The Role of Leadership in Workplace Anxiety $105,000
Neupane, Sunisha University of Sussex How to improve maternal health in rural Nepal: What women themselves say matters $105,000
Nichols, Shalea J. University of Alberta Victims' rights in Canada: Examining legal and political challenges for sexual assault survivors $105,000
Nightingale, Bethany A. Toronto Metropolitan University Body positive—The effect of model size and caption content when viewing fitness transformation photos $105,000
Nikolić, Leona M. Concordia University Believing in spiritual software: Artificial intelligence and hyper-personalisation in astrology apps $105,000
Nogueira, Bruna University of Calgary High-impact teaching strategies for postsecondary learners in online environments $105,000
Nolin, Marie-Chloé Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Pornographie et bien-être sexuel des individus et des couples : le rôle du contenu utilisé $105,000
Nwapi, Chilenye University of Cape Town The Role of Personal Conviction in Transformational Leadership Towards Sustainability $105,000
Ogunnote, Olaitan The University of British Columbia Understanding intellectual property rights in the context of cancer drug access in Africa $105,000
Olufade, Cynthia University of Alberta Tracing Trafficking Networks: The Social Dynamics of the Sex Trafficking of Edo Women to Europe $105,000
O'Rourke, Roxy H. University of Toronto Body-related shame, guilt, and pride experiences of youths with physical disabilities in sport $105,000
Orr, Alicia University of Alberta Perfectly Imperfect: Addressing Perfectionistic Concerns in Gifted Students $105,000
Otte, Julia Queen's University Platforms Competing for Monopoly Power—Aggressive Customer Acquisition and the Role of Proactive Competition Policy $105,000
Ouellet, Raphaël Université du Québec à Montréal La bureaucratie, l'art et les artistes dans le champ de l'art contemporain $105,000
Paikin, Teddy R. McGill University Early Modern Political Thought and Economic Development: State and Economy in Locke and Montesquieu $105,000
Paradis, Elizabeth University of Cambridge L'influence des efforts de consolidation de la paix dans les États post-conflits sur l'émergence et le maintien de l'autoritarisme $105,000
Park, Jeong Hyun University of Toronto Multiculturalism and Race Relations: A Study of Asian Youth and Social Media $105,000
Parnia, Abtin University of Toronto Measuring and explaining racial and migration-based inequalities in Canada $105,000
Payeur, Camille Université du Québec à Montréal Dans l'atelier des récits de voyage : production et stratégies éditoriales des imprimeurs-libraires en France aux 17e et 18e siècles $105,000
Peacock, Cara University of Toronto Braiding Disparate Traditions: Theorizing an Ontology of Settler-Colonialism $105,000
Pelletier, Gabrielle Université du Québec à Montréal Expérience des professionnels travaillant en clinique de fertilité au Québec : une recherche qualitative exploratoire $105,000
Penniston, Trinda L. Queen's University Black Women's Sexual Desire: The Role of Sexual Racism and Sexual Desirability $105,000
Perrier, Rachel Université de Montréal Associations longitudinales entre la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux, la relation coparentale et l'adaptation socioaffective à la petite enfance $105,000
Perri, Melissa C. University of Toronto Safe Supply, housing, and social services as technologies of biomedicalization: Resistance, adaptation, and/or acceptance by women and gender diverse people who use drugs $105,000
Peters, Kaleigh University of Calgary Understanding the culture of a children's day surgery unit and its influence on day surgery nurses' pain assessment practice $105,000
Piccin, Kyla Simone The University of British Columbia Visioning Abolitionist Geographies: The Struggle for Climate Justice at Ada'itsx/Fairy Creek $105,000
Pierce, Kathryn N. York University Engaging Students with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Self-Regulation Skills Development through Martial Arts: A Pilot Project $105,000
Pietrangelo-Porco, Evania York University Sex and Identity in the City: Sex Work and Urban Conflict in Three Canadian Cities, 1970-2002 $105,000
Plouffe, Véronique Université d'Ottawa Décolonialité et antiracisme dans la coopération internationale. Perspectives des expertes en genre canadiennes $105,000
Pollock, Chantal M. University of Guelph Seeking help for suicidality online: Views from young people with lived experience $105,000
Pomerleau-Fontaine, Lara Université de Sherbrooke Santé mentale des athlètes en développement du Québec : portrait de la prévalence et de la prise en charge $105,000
Porter, Mary Cecilia University of Calgary Inuit voices, heritage, and climate change in international policy: A case study in new media and community collaboration in northwest Greenland $105,000
Poussard, Heather Queen's University Imperialism, Decolonization, and the Commonwealth: A Global History of South Asian Migration, 1945-1980 $105,000
Prince, Jessica University of Saskatchewan An Evaluation of Risk/Need Factors for Adult Females with Violent Offenses Including Domestic Violence, Sexual Aggression, and Co-offending $105,000
Pryor, Teaghan A.M. University of Manitoba A Needs-Assessment of Individuals Supporting Adults Experiencing Mental Health Problems: A National Study $105,000
Racine Maurice, Stéphanie Université Laval Le rôle modérateur de la régulation émotionnelle sur les conflits conjugaux chez les personnes ayant des organes reproducteurs féminins en âge de reproduire $105,000
Rahi, George Simon Fraser University New worlds for old sounds: The emerging digital culture of the pipe organ $105,000
Raiche, Ann-Pierre Université de Montréal L'agent virtuel autonome : une avenue prometteuse pour la formation des professionnels responsables de l'évaluation du risque de récidive des mineurs auteurs d'infractions $105,000
Ramji, Shazia Hafiz University of Calgary Using Aurality to Reimagine Family Narratives in Canadian Literature $105,000
Rasmi, Farah Nasser University of St Andrews The Influence of Western Extremist Right-Wing Ideologies on Egyptian Identity Politics $105,000
Rayan, Tamara The University of British Columbia Transplanted Culture: Archiving the Palestinian Diaspora $105,000
Regnier-Davies, Jenelle D. Toronto Metropolitan University Fostering equity and resiliency in Toronto's food systems during times of crises and periods of post recovery $105,000
Resendes, Tiffany Concordia University Investigating the impact of stress and family functioning on the socio-emotional development of at-risk youth to develop preventative interventions $105,000
Retanal, Fraulein University of Ottawa Decreasing High Math Anxious Parents' Controlling Behaviour to Improve their Children's Math Outcomes $105,000
Rivest-Beauregard, Alexandra Université de Sherbrooke La considération des représentations familiales de l'enfant par le droit de la jeunesse : perspectives française et québécoise présentées à l'aune de la théorie des droits de l'enfant $105,000
Roche, Kailey Carleton University The minority stress model and preferential attraction to children: Exploring child sexual abuse risk and general well-being $105,000
Rogers, Morgan University of Calgary Exploring leadership development for women and girls: Challenges and opportunities to diversify the culture of Canadian sport $105,000
Rokay, Moska University of Toronto Agential Archives: Cross-Generational Community Memory Practices of Long-Time and Newly Arrived Afghan-Canadians $105,000
Romao, Vanessa D. University of Toronto Musical Modernism, Gender Politics, and Extended Vocal Techniques in Performance $105,000
Romenco, Marcie University of Toronto What are the characteristics of Indigenous Leadership in Human Service Organizations and how do they impact outcomes for the communities they serve? $105,000
Ronaghan, Dana F. University of Manitoba Coparenting and Family Quality of Life in Families of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders $105,000
Rouleau, Étienne McGill University La fonction épistémologique de la dialectique aristotélicienne $105,000
Rozendaal, Kate N. University of Alberta More than medal: Exploring athlete experiences of womens' parasport $105,000
Safaee Chalkasra, Lolita Shaila University of Ottawa Examining the climate impacts and responses of rural migrants to climate change in selected Philippine cities $105,000
Samuel, Cara A. University of Toronto Promoting life when the trauma isn't over: Understanding Inuit suicide through policy discourse, socio-ecology, and lived experience $105,000
Sanader, Daniella E. York University On the tip of the tongue: Exploring misunderstanding and misreading in contemporary artistic research and practice $105,000
Sandstrom, Andrea Concordia University Understanding beliefs about losing control: A multidimensional approach $105,000
Sapoznikow, Avery J. University of Calgary Exploring the Perspectives of Frontline Workers on Opioid Use and the Opioid Crisis $105,000
Saulnier, Claudie Institut national de la recherche scientifique Capital de visibilité ou capital culturel? Le dilemme des artistes en arts visuels québécois sur les médias socionumériques $105,000
Scardera, Sara McGill University Indexing childhood maltreatment and examining later socio-emotional functioning $105,000
Schinck, Carole Université de Montréal Costume, diva, persona et aura : l'Albani, Lady Alys, Queen Céline $105,000
Scholes, Samantha McGill University Sleep as a Predictor of Academic Performance Across Time in Youth with Autism $105,000
Schreiner, Margaret J. City University of New York Gaylords not landlords: Queer housing activism in the United States and Canada, 1970-2000 $105,000
Séguin, Mélisande University of Victoria Résistances autochtones à l'extractivisme : étude des consciences du droit à l'intersection de plusieurs ordres juridiques $105,000
Sharma, Sitara University of Ottawa Creating an effective self-management program for adolescent and young adult cancer survivors with cognitive impairments $105,000
Shaw, Mairead McGill University Developing and validating multilevel measurement models to account for measurement differences in many-group datasets $105,000
Sheluchin, Anwar McMaster University Governing digital money: The political economy of cryptocurrency regulation $105,000
Sher, Chloe University of Toronto Trajectories of physical activity over the lifespan and gender inequality in health $105,000
Shields-Rivard, Sara Toronto Metropolitan University Hybrid Space: Toward a Sapphic Theory of Modern Interior Design $105,000
Short, Jessie R. University of Regina Historical re-visioning: The 1885 Resistance at Batoche $105,000
Sikri, Kanishka York University Making Violable Bodies: Writing the Attackable Black, Brown, and Indigenous Woman in Vancouver's Red-Light District $105,000
Silang, Katherine University of Calgary Fighting the Shadow Pandemic: A longitudinal analysis of maternal mental health, partner support, and infant socio-emotional development from the Pregnancy during the COVID-19 Pandemic Study $105,000
Sippert, David J. McMaster University Better Them Than Us: Interspecies Narratives of Labour, Life, and Death in Chicago's Meatpacking Plants, 1870-1920 $105,000
Sirois, Élisabeth University of Ottawa Croire en temps de crise ou transformations des croyances religieuses et séculières des jeunes face à l'écologisme : étude des jeunes du Québec $105,000
Sky, Rowan University of Toronto The (Re-)Territorialization of E. Pauline Johnson Tekahionwake: The Performance of the Indian Maiden Stereotype on the Stages and Pages of Victorian Wilderness $105,000
Soukhov, Anastasia McMaster University Affordable Housing as a Prerequisite for Equitable and Sustainable Low-Emission Transportation Systems: A Canadian Perspective $105,000
Sowter, Deanne M. York University Towards a Modified Conception of the Family Lawyer $105,000
Sparwasser Soroka, Hannah G. McGill University Jews in Space: Diaspora, Indigeneity, and Eschatology in the Seventeenth Century $105,000
Stanton, Victoria Concordia University Modelling rest, cuing recovery: Reimagining performance art and pedagogy for a post-COVID context $105,000
Stark, Zoey Concordia University Using text-to-speech technology to reduce effort of reading in individuals with dyslexia $105,000
Steinmann, Jeanette V. The University of British Columbia A study of urban homeless perspectives on bicycling and the role of cycling policy $105,000
Stevens, Samantha Carleton University Self-governance in action: Navigating Crown/Indigenous legal tensions during the Robinson-Huron Treaty annuity lawsuit $105,000
Stewart, Tyler J. University of Lethbridge Detuning the World: Critically Deconstructing the Sounds of Settler-Colonialism $105,000
Stienwandt, Shaelyn University of Manitoba Intergenerational impact of parental psychosocial factors and parenting on changes in child mental health $105,000
Stonyk, Nicole M. University of Manitoba Mapping Métis Aesthetics, Migration and Social Lives in Central Manitoba $105,000
Strauss, Dana University of Ottawa Understanding the Impact of Forced or Coerced Sterilization on Indigenous Women in Canada: Development of an Indigenous Racial Traumatization Framework $105,000
Stutzman, Levi D. University of Toronto Language-based social biases from infancy to childhood: A longitudinal view $105,000
Talbot, Annie Université du Québec à Montréal Femmes comme « objets » d'enquête : les enjeux éthiques et esthétiques de la posture auctoriale dans les récits d'investigation biographique $105,000
Tanguay-Sela, Myriam Université du Québec à Montréal Portrait comparatif de la détresse des endeuillés par homicide et par mort naturelle : identification de facteurs de risque et de protection $105,000
Teichman, Samantha Simon Fraser University Funerals without Hugs: Providing Care through Communication Technologies $105,000
Tennant, Elizabeth P. Queen's University Contested heritage and fractured national identity: An investigation of the repatriation claims for the Parthenon Marbles and Pergamon Altar $105,000
Teo, Celine Brock University Connecting knowledge to action: using evidence to inform the implementation of LGBT-affirming policies to reduce suicidality $105,000
Thibault, Jacqueline University of Ottawa Le positionnement des enfants de 6 à 12 ans dans les politiques et les pratiques d'intervention d'organismes communautaires québécois $105,000
Thompson, Connor J. University of Alberta The Pioneer-as-Symbol: Historical Memory and Public Commemoration on the Canadian Prairies, 1945 to 1975 $105,000
Thorn, Michael University of New Brunswick The Horrors of Humanism: Unthinking the Human in Contemporary Horror Fiction $105,000
Thorpe, Cassandra University of Alberta Work trans-actions: The lived experiences of career development in transgender and gender nonconforming young adults $105,000
Tomasiello, Melina McGill University Childhood externalizing difficulties, sleep, community mental health and school service use $105,000
Tortorelli, Christina D. University of Calgary Understanding Well-being and Resilience Through the Lived Experiences of Foster Parents $105,000
Tremblay, Marie-Pier Université Laval Du lecteur idéal au lecteur empirique : pratiques de lecture, imaginaire collectif et patrimoine lettré sur la Côte-du-Sud au 19e siècle $105,000
Trespalacios, Florencia Concordia University Modifying social information processing and improving interpersonal functioning by matching attention re-training to attachment styles $105,000
Tu, Eric York University A spark of interest: Does chemistry predict romantic relationship initiation and stability over time? $105,000
Tyrrell, Jonathan D. University College London Sonically Active Architectures and Mediated Listening $105,000
Udy, Vanessa M. University of Victoria Fisheries Management: Indigenous Law, Legal Pluralism and Reconciliation in Musgamagw Dzawada'enuxw Waters $105,000
Vachon, Alexa Toronto Metropolitan University Redefining right/s in collaborative image-making: Accountability and the ongoing negotiation of consent in photography $105,000
Valiquette, Tyler University College London Queer Migration in the Periphery: Responses to Venezuelan sexual minority refugees in Colombia and Brazil $105,000
Vallières, Mathilde McGill University Pour une poétique de la critique d'art française au XVIIIe siècle (1747-1791) $105,000
Vargas, Lorenzo Toronto Metropolitan University Bottom up Climate Justice: Citizens' Media as Tools for Climate Adaptation $105,000
Varin, Rose Université de Montréal Studying self-compassion in the parenting context from a self-determination theory perspective $105,000
Vayalinkal, Atom University of Toronto Joint Inference for Multiple Hypotheses in Covariate-Adaptive Randomized Experiments $105,000
Veilleux, Alexandre Université de Montréal Dépossession et marginalisation dans le cadre du développement touristique durable en Thaïlande $105,000
Velasquez Buritica, Juan Camilo University of Toronto Action and Contemplation in Queer Narratives $105,000
Venturo, Erica A. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor The infrastructure behind wine production in Central Crete and Campania in the Early Roman period $105,000
Visotzky-Charlebois, Maxine University of Ottawa Réflexions autour de l'acteur syndical au Québec : analyse de son rôle et des stratégies privilégiées dans le cadre du processus de retour au travail à la suite d'une lésion professionnelle au Québec $105,000
Vyas, Shruti S. Toronto Metropolitan University The communicative role of touch in caregiver-infant interactions through early development $105,000
Waddell, Maitland W. Simon Fraser University They had it coming! Examining the psychological antecedents of support for collective harm $105,000
Wallace, Simon York University Banished from Canada: The deportation of de facto Canadians $105,000
Walters, Sophia The University of British Columbia Wayich: the Tojolab'al Mayan Dreamscape, Language and Connection to Waking Life $105,000
Wang, Tong McGill University The Twofold Power of Musical Cuteness $105,000
Waterfield, Beatrice York University Exploring Binary Notions of Gender within Healthcare IT Systems: Implications for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Service Users $105,000
Weiss, Melaina M. University of Alberta Explorations of Feeling and Affect in Rural and Farm Living for Teaching $105,000
West, Joel University of Toronto Dawkins' Meme as a Case Study for Sense Making $105,000
White, Andrea J. University of Victoria Patient Agency: An ethnographic study of the Vancouver Mental Patients Association 1970-2024 $105,000
White-Gosselin, Charles-Étienne Université du Québec à Montréal Liens longitudinaux entre la participation sportive et les problèmes intériorisés à l'enfance et à l'adolescence : examen de médiateurs sociaux $105,000
Whittle, Daniel University of Oxford Between Books and Life: Analyzing the Reception of Classical Literature within Enslaved Black American and Caribbean Memoirs $105,000
Wilgosh, Rebecca J. Concordia University Collaborative Just Transitions: Unions and environmentalists fighting for transformative justice $105,000
Williams, Duncan A. Bournemouth University Applying Near-Surface Geophysics to Pre-Modern Battlefield Sites: The Battle of Waterloo $105,000
Wilson, Emma-Catherine University of Toronto Heraldic Narratives: Chivalry, Violence, and Nationalism in Late-Medieval England $105,000
Winter, Jacob A. University of Toronto Paper to Practice: Public Sector Reforms in Least Developed Countries $105,000
Wolfe, Susannah York University Imagining Sexual Radicalism: The Mexican LGBTQ+ Movement in a Transnational Context, 1967-2000 $105,000
Wong, Lok Yi The University of British Columbia Older adults' access to information and communication technology $105,000
Woodley, Jacqueline R. McGill University The Show Must Go On: the impact of childbirth on the professional classical singer $105,000
Woodstock, Patrick University of Toronto Anatomy of a Murderer: Conceptualizing True Crime Media as Queer-Trans History $105,000
Wright, Amie Carleton University Operation Good Reading: The Canadian Crusade to Contain the Comic Book Threat, 1945-1970 $105,000
Wright, Ella The University of British Columbia Compassion Fatigue, Moral Distress and Burnout in International Development: A Focus on Education Development Professionals $105,000
Xiong, Christine Stanford University Multimodal Matter(ing) in the Anthropocene: Embodiment, Ecofeminism, and Racial Geographies in Postcolonial Anglophone Literature $105,000
Yamamoto, Cynthia M. University of Manitoba Devaluation and erosion of the social in home care: Exploring meaning-making and resistance among home care actors $105,000
Yelle, Thérèse Université du Québec à Montréal Pour une éthique féministe de la fabrique des images de sensibilisation à la violence conjugale au Québec $105,000
Zdjelar, Vanja Simon Fraser University Understanding the Spectrum of Misogynist Terrorism: Who Are Incels? $105,000
Zewge-Abubaker, Nishan Y. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Examining the racial logics of hot spotting in healthy neighbourhood strategies and planning tools $105,000
Zhang, Yuxin University of Waterloo Growing up digital: Understanding media use and socioemotional well-being in children $105,000
Zhu, Jenney University of Calgary Maternal adverse childhood experiences and child socio-emotional and cognitive outcomes $105,000
Zito, Stephanie McGill University Informal mindfulness: A promising approach for adolescents with ADHD? $105,000
Zufelt, Braden C. University of Oxford Many means to an end: The composition of Catholic orthodoxy in pre-Reformation England $105,000
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