Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
The Manitoba Law Journal (MLJ) |
$35,000.00 |
Recherches qualitatives |
$29,738.00 |
$29,738.00 |
$29,738.00 |
Papers in Political Economy |
$26,000.00 |
Science et Esprit |
$30,050.00 |
Canadian Literature |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly |
$26,000.00 |
$26,000.00 |
$26,000.00 |
International Journal of Child, Youth, & Family Studies |
$31,250.00 |
Laval théologique et philosophique |
$22,000.00 |
$22,000.00 |
$22,000.00 |
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy |
$27,300.00 |
Ethnologies |
$31,932.00 |
Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research |
$20,750.00 |
$20,750.00 |
$20,750.00 |
Canadian Medical Education Journal |
$29,800.00 |
$29,800.00 |
$29,800.00 |
Études littéraires |
$33,978.00 |
$33,978.00 |
$33,978.00 |
Alberta Journal of Educational Research |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
Recherches sociographiques |
$29,550.00 |
$28,500.00 |
$29,550.00 |
Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales |
$21,013.00 |
TTR : Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction |
$23,900.00 |
$23,900.00 |
$23,900.00 |
Scholarly and Research Communication |
$17,600.00 |
Governance Review |
$15,023.00 |
Feminist Philosophy Quarterly |
$18,275.00 |
$19,270.00 |
$18,275.00 |
Anthropologie et sociétés |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
Journal of Rural and Community Development |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
Labour: Journal of Canadian Labour Studies |
$31,000.00 |
$31,000.00 |
$31,000.00 |
International Indigenous Policy Journal |
$33,817.00 |
$33,817.00 |
$33,817.00 |
Revue internationale PME |
$34,806.00 |
$34,806.00 |
$34,806.00 |
McGill Journal of Education |
$29,992.00 |
$29,992.00 |
$29,992.00 |
Informal Logic: Reasoning and Argumentation in Theory and Practice |
$24,965.00 |
$24,965.00 |
$29,165.00 |
Ontario History |
$13,500.00 |
$13,500.00 |
$13,500.00 |
Comparative and International Education |
$30,806.00 |
$34,300.00 |
$34,300.00 |
Mediaeval Studies |
$12,400.00 |
Canadian Journal of Regional Science |
$19,170.00 |
$19,170.00 |
$19,170.00 |
Canadian Journal of Action Research |
$16,800.00 |
$16,800.00 |
$18,900.00 |
Journal of the Canadian Historical Association |
$18,650.00 |
TESL Canada Journal |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
Archivaria |
$18,500.00 |
$18,500.00 |
$18,500.00 |
Newfoundland and Labrador Studies |
$17,828.00 |
$18,878.00 |
$19,928.00 |
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health |
$13,400.00 |
$13,400.00 |
$13,400.00 |
International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership |
$15,750.00 |
$21,000.00 |
$15,750.00 |
Communication |
$25,200.00 |
$25,200.00 |
$25,200.00 |
Rabaska : Revue d'ethnologie de l'Amérique française |
$31,000.00 |
Journal of Cultural Analytics |
$26,250.00 |
$26,250.00 |
$26,250.00 |
The Canadian Journal of Education (CJE) |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
Canadian Journal of Higher Education |
$28,500.00 |
$28,500.00 |
$28,500.00 |
Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies |
$31,650.00 |
$31,650.00 |
$31,650.00 |
Les Cahiers de droit |
$33,800.00 |
$33,800.00 |
$33,800.00 |
Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies |
$24,950.00 |
$20,750.00 |
$20,750.00 |
Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work |
$17,750.00 |
$17,750.00 |
$17,750.00 |
Canadian Journal of Career Development |
$23,500.00 |
ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
Studies in Canadian Literature |
$34,400.00 |
$34,400.00 |
$34,400.00 |
Philosophical Inquiry in Education |
$20,665.00 |
$20,665.00 |
$20,665.00 |
Canadian Journal of Law and Society |
$28,450.00 |
$29,700.00 |
$29,700.00 |
Canadian Journal of Political Science |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
Mesure et évaluation en éducation |
$25,750.00 |
$25,750.00 |
$25,750.00 |
Meta: Translators' Journal |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
Canadian Journal of Film Studies |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
Revue musicale OICRM |
$16,908.00 |
$17,088.00 |
$17,286.00 |
Politique et Sociétés |
$31,250.00 |
$32,300.00 |
$32,300.00 |
Voix et Images |
$34,836.00 |
AEQUITAS : Journal of Human Development, Disability, and Social Change |
$19,626.00 |
$19,626.00 |
$19,626.00 |
Anthropologica |
$34,251.00 |
$34,251.00 |
$34,251.00 |
Frontières |
$28,900.00 |
$28,900.00 |
$31,000.00 |
Études internationales |
$26,000.00 |
$26,000.00 |
$26,000.00 |
Renaissance and Reformation |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
Engaged Scholar Journal |
$29,150.00 |
$29,150.00 |
$29,150.00 |
Canadian Foreign Policy Journal |
$26,000.00 |
$27,050.00 |
$28,100.00 |
Enfances, Familles, Générations |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
Intermediality: History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanicos (RCEH) |
$29,679.00 |
$29,429.00 |
$29,429.00 |
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology |
$23,250.00 |
$23,250.00 |
$23,250.00 |
Communiquer (Social and Public Communication Journal) |
$18,900.00 |
$18,900.00 |
$18,900.00 |
Osgoode Hall Law Journal |
$21,800.00 |
$21,800.00 |
$21,800.00 |
Captures: Figures, théories et pratiques de l'imaginaire |
$25,172.00 |
Canadian Journal of European and Russian Studies |
$15,500.00 |
$17,600.00 |
$17,600.00 |
Recherches féministes |
$34,200.00 |
$34,200.00 |
$34,200.00 |
Canadian Journal of Disability Studies |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
Romanticism on the Net |
$26,800.00 |
$26,800.00 |
$26,800.00 |
Historical Studies in Education |
$10,500.00 |
$11,550.00 |
$11,550.00 |
Revue des sciences de l'éducation |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
RACAR (Canadian Art Review) |
$24,248.00 |
$24,248.00 |
$23,748.00 |
Revue Jeunes et Société (RJS) |
$14,356.00 |
$13,006.00 |
$14,056.00 |
Lex Electronica |
$26,000.00 |
$26,000.00 |
$26,000.00 |
Left History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Historical Inquiry |
$12,517.00 |
$9,183.00 |
$8,951.00 |
Revue générale de droit |
$33,339.00 |
$33,339.00 |
$33,339.00 |
Studies in Book Culture |
$23,100.00 |
$25,992.00 |
$25,992.00 |
Nouvelles pratiques sociales |
$26,250.00 |
$26,250.00 |
$26,250.00 |
Canadian Planning and Policy |
$18,750.00 |
$22,900.00 |
$27,050.00 |
Early Theatre: A Journal Associated with the Records of English Drama |
$22,850.00 |
$22,850.00 |
$22,850.00 |
Industrial Relations |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
Health Reform Observer |
$17,000.00 |
$21,324.00 |
$21,024.00 |
International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience |
$25,882.00 |
$23,900.00 |
$23,900.00 |
Canadian Social Work Review |
$20,600.00 |
$20,600.00 |
$20,600.00 |
Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture, and Social Justice |
$27,600.00 |
$29,450.00 |
$31,550.00 |
Recherches amérindiennes au Québec |
$32,050.00 |
$32,050.00 |
$32,050.00 |
Ottawa Law Review |
$15,500.00 |
$14,000.00 |
$12,500.00 |
Revue @nalyses |
$20,006.00 |
Canadian Jewish Studies |
$18,588.00 |
$18,208.00 |
$18,208.00 |
Review of Economic Analysis |
$27,300.00 |
$27,300.00 |
$27,300.00 |
Journal of Childhood Studies |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
Téoros – revue de recherche en tourisme |
$29,000.00 |
$29,000.00 |
$29,000.00 |
McGill Law Journal |
$30,195.00 |
$30,195.00 |
$25,995.00 |
Criminologie |
$33,725.00 |
$33,725.00 |
$32,860.00 |
Semiotic Inquiry |
$24,750.00 |
$24,750.00 |
$24,750.00 |
Lien social et politiques |
$26,340.00 |
$26,340.00 |
$26,340.00 |
International Management |
$35,000.00 |
Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy |
$24,850.00 |
$29,575.00 |
$29,960.00 |
Fashion Studies |
$22,650.00 |
$22,650.00 |
$22,650.00 |
Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice |
$36,800.00 |
$26,800.00 |
$26,800.00 |
Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region |
$23,900.00 |
$23,900.00 |
$23,900.00 |
Sociology and Societies |
$33,725.00 |
$33,725.00 |
$33,725.00 |
Canadian Journal of Development Studies |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
Surveillance & Society |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
$29,400.00 |
Canadian Journal of Linguistics |
$26,250.00 |
$26,250.00 |
$26,250.00 |
Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice |
$23,770.00 |
$23,770.00 |
$23,770.00 |
Digital Studies |
$29,900.00 |
Journal of the Motherhood Initiative |
$35,000.00 |
Quaderni d'Italianistica |
$29,900.00 |
$30,025.00 |
$30,900.00 |
ESC: English Studies in Canada |
$25,200.00 |
$25,200.00 |
$25,200.00 |
Quebec Journal of International Law |
$34,150.00 |
$34,150.00 |
$34,150.00 |
International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education |
$33,000.00 |
$33,000.00 |
$33,000.00 |
Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies |
$32,970.00 |
$32,970.00 |
$32,970.00 |
Philosophiques |
$32,050.00 |
$32,050.00 |
$32,050.00 |
Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française |
$22,600.00 |
$22,600.00 |
$22,600.00 |
Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics |
$34,150.00 |
$34,150.00 |
$34,150.00 |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
Intersections: Canadian Journal of Music |
$27,850.00 |
$34,150.00 |
$34,150.00 |
Éducation relative à l'environnement |
$35,000.00 |
Bulletin d'histoire politique |
$28,470.00 |
$28,470.00 |
$28,470.00 |
Éthique en éducation et en formation. |
$26,330.00 |
$26,420.00 |
$26,511.00 |
Journal of Law and Social Policy |
$12,600.00 |
$12,600.00 |
$12,600.00 |
Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees |
$33,100.00 |
$33,100.00 |
$33,100.00 |
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature |
$34,500.00 |
$35,000.00 |
$33,000.00 |
Journal of Military and Strategic Studies |
$29,400.00 |
Études françaises |
$33,189.00 |
$32,139.00 |
$32,139.00 |
VertigO : La revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
$35,000.00 |
Cahiers de géographie du Québec |
$26,000.00 |
$26,000.00 |
$23,900.00 |
Sens public |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
Canadian Journal of Bioethics |
$34,400.00 |
$34,400.00 |
$34,400.00 |
Éducation et francophonie |
$30,858.00 |
$30,858.00 |
$30,858.00 |
Canadian Woman Studies |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |