Abodohoui, Alexis |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
Knowledge-based view au prisme de la distanciation et de la proximité : étude des espaces diasporiques communautaires sur la collaboration |
$45,000 |
Alam, Md Mahbubul |
York University |
The antecedents, motives, and effects of managerial emotion regulation |
$90,000 |
Alderson, Aedan |
University College Dublin |
Irish pathways for reconciliation in Canada: A study of current Irish-Indigenous relations |
$90,000 |
Allaire-Duquette, Geneviève |
Université de Sherbrooke |
L'éducation scientifique pour lutter contre la COVID-19 : recherche collaborative avec des enseignant.e.s du Québec |
$90,000 |
Allan, Kate |
University of Toronto |
Developing a framework for parental decision-making in Canada: Implications for vaccine hesitancy |
$90,000 |
Ally, Shuaib |
McGill University |
How did Pre-Modern Ottoman Scholars Interpret the Quran? Marginal Indexing Notes to the Supercommentary of Shihab al-Din al-Khafaji (1069/1659) on Baydawi's (719/1319) Lights |
$90,000 |
Amri, Michelle M. |
Harvard University |
What does health 'equity' mean for the World Health Organization and World Bank: clarification needed to align policy and practice |
$90,000 |
Anctil Avoine, Priscyll |
Lund University |
La militance politique des femmes ex-combattantes en période post-accord de paix : corps, espaces et émotions en Colombie et au Népal |
$90,000 |
Archambault, Emil |
University of Ottawa |
A Genealogy of Remote Warfare |
$90,000 |
Aref, Samin |
The University of British Columbia |
The migration of scholars: Personal and professional factors driving academics to move to and from Canada during 1996-2020 |
$90,000 |
Ballantyne, Darcy P.Y. |
University of Toronto |
Reading the landscape: negotiating the porous borders of mixed race in the Canadian context |
$90,000 |
Barnes, Sarah |
York University |
Studying Diversity and Inclusion in Canadian Sport Coaching |
$90,000 |
Bauer, Michelle E.E. |
The University of British Columbia |
Exploring children's perspectives on outdoor risky play and neighborhood safety in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, Canada |
$90,000 |
Beaton, Ryan S. |
University of Alberta |
Roots of Reconciliation: Recovering Canadian Traditions of Legal Pluralism in Indigenous-State Relations |
$90,000 |
Beaumier, Guillaume |
Georgetown University |
La gouvernance hybride de l'intelligence artificielle : Innovation ou contournement réglementaire? |
$90,000 |
Becker, Sandra |
University of Calgary |
Shifting Elementary Educators from Best Practice to Invention in a School Makerspace Community of Practice |
$90,000 |
Belu, Charlene F. |
Dalhousie University |
A multi-method investigation of the impact of perceived partner responsiveness on sexual wellbeing among women with orgasm difficulty and their partners |
$90,000 |
Bernauer, Warren M. |
University of Manitoba |
The Politics of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Extraction in Canada |
$90,000 |
Bessaïh, Nesrine |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Pratiques langagières émancipatrices pour des droits sexuels et reproductifs |
$90,000 |
Biron, Charlotte |
Université de Montréal |
Terrains d'écriture contemporains au Québec (2000-2020) |
$90,000 |
Boron, Usmon |
University of California, Berkeley |
Toward an ethics of friendship: Islam and modern counterpublics in Kyrgyzstan |
$90,000 |
Bourns, Timothy J.S. |
The University of British Columbia |
The Nature of Emotion in Medieval Romance |
$45,000 |
Boyer, Kurtis |
University of Saskatchewan |
Reconciliation, Emotion, and the "Pull of the Status Quo" |
$90,000 |
Brant-Birioukov, Kiera |
Queen's University |
The Transformative Implications of Haudenosaunee Theory for Indigenous Language Learners |
$90,000 |
Brassard, Léonore |
Université de Vincennes-Saint-Denis (Paris VIII) |
Ambivalences littéraires du soin chez la bonne, la nourrice et la prostituée (1945-2020) |
$90,000 |
Briggs, Jacqueline |
University of Ottawa |
A History of Lawyering in the Department of Justice Canada |
$90,000 |
Brunet, Tyler D.P. |
Université de Montréal |
A neutralist account of metamorphosis |
$90,000 |
Burrill, Frederick |
Cape Breton University |
Yea Though I Walk: Death and Dying in the Musquodoboit Valley |
$90,000 |
Campbell-Duruflé, Christopher R. |
University of Cambridge |
State Accountability through Regime Interactions: Assessing Opportunities to Enhance the Implementation of the Paris Agreement |
$90,000 |
Chalmers, Jason |
Concordia University |
A Decolonial Critique of Human Rights: History, Narrative, and Settler Colonialism in Canadian Museums |
$90,000 |
Charlesworth, Tessa |
University of Toronto |
As circles expand and contract: How and why do social group categories and prejudices change over historical time? |
$45,000 |
Chipeur, Stephanie |
University of Calgary |
Paying Family Caregivers: A Human Rights-Based Approach to Carework Policy in Canada |
$45,000 |
Coghlan, Kale A.H. |
University of Toronto |
Eratosthenes: Writing the World into Being |
$90,000 |
Collins, David |
University of Oxford |
Why Good Art Matters: Connecting Artistic Value with the Value(s) of Art through the Philosophy of R.G. Collingwood |
$90,000 |
Collins, Tya |
McGill University |
Black Student Experiences after Special Education: Understanding the Intersections of Disability, Race and Language, and Resisting Structural Inequalities in Quebec |
$90,000 |
Cook, Nikolai M. |
University of Ottawa |
Increasing Transparency and Reproducibility in Economics Research |
$90,000 |
Coombs, Andrew J. |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Supporting teachers' assessment practices: A longitudinal examination of professional development models |
$90,000 |
Cormier, Matthew S. |
University of Toronto |
A Digital and Affective Study of Apocalyptic Preoccupations in the Literary Fictions of Canada in the Twenty-First Century |
$90,000 |
Cote, Nicolas |
University of Toronto |
The Ethics of Evidence and Uncertainty |
$90,000 |
Davis, Adam C. |
Nipissing University |
The Motives and Personality Traits of Canadian Women and Men Who Buy Sex |
$90,000 |
Del Gobbo, Daniel |
McGill University |
Restorative Justice Revisionism: The Challenge of Transformative Justice for LGBTQ2 Peoples in Canada |
$90,000 |
Deneault, Audrey-Ann |
University of Calgary |
The contributions of father-child attachment, mother-child attachment, and parental sensitivity in fostering children's psychosocial well-being in the 21st century |
$90,000 |
Deschênes, Marie-France |
University of Ottawa |
Développement et évaluation de la compétence associée au raisonnement clinique |
$45,000 |
Dhanvantari, Sujaya |
McGill University |
Theorizing the psychic trauma of racialized and colonized peoples: phenomenological and psychiatric approaches for the study of trauma in Frantz Fanon's writings (1952-1961) |
$90,000 |
Doucet, Emily G. |
McGill University |
Mobile Images: Photographic Formats and the Postal Service, 1870-1945 |
$90,000 |
Edwards, Robert G T. |
University of Toronto |
Rethinking Education: Monastic Schools in Ancient Syria |
$90,000 |
Fabiano, John M. |
Yale University |
Working for the City: Labour, Guilds, and the Socioeconomic Life of Non-elite Urban Populations in the Late Roman West |
$90,000 |
Fatigati, Michael |
New York University Abu Dhabi |
The Development of Avicenna's [Ibn Sina's] Aristotelian Psychology in the Marginal Glosses |
$90,000 |
Feltes, Emma R. |
Columbia University |
Crises of Settler Colonialism: Jurisdiction and Disaster in Tŝilhqot'in Territory |
$90,000 |
French Bourgeois, Laura |
Western University |
The effects of selective exposure on social identity, perceptions of social norms and attitudes towards immigrants and refugees |
$90,000 |
Gagnon, Audrey |
University of Oslo |
Has the far-right gone mainstream? A comparative analysis of the normalization of far-right parties, groups and ideas in Quebec, France and Norway |
$90,000 |
Gan, Gregory |
Freie Universität Berlin |
Picturing Postsocialism: Affective Dimensions in the "Renovation" of Socialist Panel Homes in Moscow and Berlin |
$90,000 |
García Yero, Cary Aileen |
University of Toronto |
Black Art in Cold War: Race, Politics, and the Cuban-Eastern European Socialist Bloc Art Exchanges, 1961-1989 |
$90,000 |
Ghaddar, Jamila |
University of Manitoba |
Responding to the Call: Canadian archival decolonization for land, law & sovereignty |
$90,000 |
Giasson-Dulude, Gabrielle |
Université Laval |
En voix. Entre l'essai et l'autofiction au Québec, suivi de Cartes (essai littéraire autofictionnel) |
$90,000 |
Girard, Tyler |
Duke University |
Bringing the Individual Back In: Leadership, Public Opinion, and Explanations of Global Norm Adoption |
$90,000 |
Giroux, Catherine |
McGill University |
Social media use in education and knowledge mobilization: A mixed methods study to inform education practices during COVID-19 |
$90,000 |
Godfrey, Michael J. |
University of Windsor |
Campus climate and persistence of LGBTQ+ students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics |
$90,000 |
Godin, Marie-Pier |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Favoriser la continuité éducative en émergence de l'écrit de la maternelle 4 ans à la maternelle 5 ans |
$90,000 |
Golubović, Jelena |
Tufts University |
Covert civilian participation in civil war violence: A political ethnography of denunciation |
$90,000 |
Gosselin-Tapp, Jérôme |
Queen's University |
Méthodologies en philosophie politique appliquée : une cartographie critique des approches récentes |
$90,000 |
Halaburda, Carlos Gustavo |
University of Toronto |
Teratology of the marimacho: modernismo & avant-gardes, queer women, and the end of gender normativity in Latin America, 1888-1933 |
$90,000 |
Harkin, Keelan J. |
University of Dublin Trinity College |
Until Our Final End: Negotiated Futures and the Novel in 1930s Ireland |
$45,000 |
Hétu, Martin |
University of Toronto |
The impact of intellectual property institutions on international technology commercialisation and inventor mobility |
$90,000 |
Heyn-Jones, Zoë A. |
Western University |
Curating Food Security, Sovereignty and Justice in Canada and Mexico |
$90,000 |
Hicks, Jeffrey |
University of Toronto |
Using large-scale administrative data to study the long-term causes and consequences of social assistance use |
$90,000 |
Hird-Younger, Miriam |
Carleton University |
"Cocoa! Good, Good, Good!": The significance of fair-trade cocoa farming in Ghana |
$90,000 |
Holding, Anne C. |
New York University |
Researching mental contrasting as an intervention to harness the power of autonomous motivation for successful goal pursuit and disengagement from unattainable goals |
$90,000 |
Houser, Natalie E. |
University of Manitoba |
Physical literacy, resilience, and creativity: An exploration of physical literacy enriched physical education |
$90,000 |
Huyghebaert, Céline |
Université Laval |
Enquête sur la maladie chronique, à travers le livre comme médium et la pensée incarnée comme forme |
$90,000 |
Ivry, Henry |
University of Pittsburgh |
Improbable Metaphor: Future Histories of Black Anthropocenes |
$90,000 |
Jia, Lianrui |
University of Toronto |
Analyzing Platform Power: Chinese App Stores and Their Global Impact |
$90,000 |
Johnson, Kelsey M. |
Queen's University |
Robo Care: Labour and the Making of Gerontechnology in Canada |
$90,000 |
Jolicoeur, Patrick C. |
University of Toronto |
Echoes of the Tuniit: Dorset-Inuit Interaction in Northern Nunatsiavut |
$90,000 |
Joly, Tara L. |
University of Victoria |
Traplines and Territorialities in the Oil Sands: A Community-Based Study of Loss and Reconciliation of Métis Space in Northern Alberta |
$90,000 |
Jurić, Dorian B. |
University of Ottawa |
"'Twas always known as the bloody Frontier": Rumours, Memories, and Bosnian Identity in the Migrant Crisis |
$90,000 |
Karmali, Francine |
University of Toronto |
At the intersection of nonverbal behaviour and race: A challenge and threat account |
$90,000 |
Kennel, Maxwell |
University of Toronto |
A Critical Theory of Conspiratorial Reason |
$90,000 |
Khakzad, Delbar M.S. |
McGill University |
The Politics of Time in the Modern Shi'i Eschatology: Forgetting as a Technique of Power |
$90,000 |
Kilgour, Lauren A. |
McGill University |
Challenges to Enforcing Police Accountability: A Sociolegal Examination of Police Body Cameras in the United States, 2004-Present |
$90,000 |
Klostermann, Janna |
Brock University |
Imagining Equitable, Sustainable Care Relations in Post-COVID-19 Canada |
$90,000 |
Kreuter, Aaron |
Carleton University |
Unsettled Jews: Jewish Diasporic World Literature and Settler Colonialism |
$90,000 |
Lafontaine, Simon |
The University of British Columbia |
Loneliness and the Capacity for Creative Action |
$90,000 |
Lahey, Stephanie J. |
University of Toronto |
Edge effects: new work at/on the edges of parchment and Mediaeval Studies |
$90,000 |
Lapp, Jessica M. |
The University of British Columbia |
Caring for Surrogate Bodies: Exploring Digital Records Conception |
$90,000 |
Laroche, Geneviève |
World Agroforestry (ICRAF) |
Exploring the gender-agroforestry-food security dynamics at the farm and landscape scale in Rwanda |
$90,000 |
Lavallee, Zoey A. |
McGill University |
Rethinking Social Responsibility for Addiction from a Relational Autonomy Perspective |
$90,000 |
Lemay, Marie-Pier |
University of Pittsburgh |
Searching for Feminist Solidarity in Informal Spaces: An Empirical and Theoretical Inquiry |
$90,000 |
Livernois, Rebecca D. |
University of Toronto |
Philosophy of Climate Economics |
$90,000 |
MacGowan, Taigan |
Queen's University |
When good kids are bad helpers: Social factors that affect children's prosocial behaviour |
$90,000 |
MacGregor, Stephen W. |
University of Toronto |
Knowledge Brokering in a Research-Intensive Canadian University: Mapping Connections and Measuring Impact |
$90,000 |
Mackinnon, Debra |
University of Windsor |
In the Business of Policing: Examining the Intersection of Private Security, Surveillance Technologies and Public-Private Partnerships in North American Business Improvement Areas |
$90,000 |
Marquis Bissonnette, Camille |
McGill University |
Lutter contre le terrorisme tout en protégeant les personnes migrantes vulnérables : incursions et limites de la lutte antiterroriste sur le régime de protection des réfugiés |
$90,000 |
Matte-Landry, Alexandra |
McGill University |
L'évolution du fonctionnement des enfants en situation de vulnérabilité dans le cadre de leur suivi au Garage à musique, centre de pédiatrie sociale en communauté soutenant la résilience |
$90,000 |
Mazumdar, Christine |
Concordia University |
Touch at a Distance: Examining Equity, Agency, and Consent in Virtual Movement-Based Training Practices |
$90,000 |
Mercier, Brett G. |
University of Toronto |
Single Cause Bias in Explanations of Politically Relevant Events |
$90,000 |
Millaire, Karine |
Queen's University |
Justifying Waiver of the Right to Life since Carter v. Canada |
$90,000 |
Molinaro, Monica L. |
McMaster University |
Stories of Health Inequity and Moral Distress |
$90,000 |
Moore, Amber |
Simon Fraser University |
Storied resistances: Rewriting & revisioning rape culture in YA fanfiction activist art |
$90,000 |
Moorsom, Toby L. |
University of New Brunswick |
In Search of Kind Herb: Canadian Investment in Jamaican Cannabis |
$90,000 |
Morinville, Cynthia |
York University |
Quebec's Lithium Rush: Global Mining and Recycling Markets for Fossil-Fuel Alternatives |
$90,000 |
Morneau-Vaillancourt, Geneviève |
King's College London |
The persistence of anxiety in adolescence: the roles of genetic factors and peer victimization |
$90,000 |
Morrison, Kristen A. |
University of Toronto |
Examining the strategic approaches to membership growth by nonprofit community sport organizations |
$90,000 |
Mussell, Linda |
University of Ottawa |
Breaking the chain: decarceration during COVID-19 in Canada and the United States |
$90,000 |
Neilson, Shane D. |
University of Ottawa |
Making and Unmaking: The Imbricated Fates of Socialized Medicine and Canadian Literature |
$90,000 |
Nemr, Carine R. |
Queen's University |
Situated in time and space: Integrating and evaluating a real-world virtual reality scenario for learning in undergraduate chemistry curricula |
$90,000 |
Nicholas, Vanessa K. |
Concordia University |
Natural Objects: The Domestication of Wilderness by Interior Decorations in Victorian Canada (1840-1890) |
$90,000 |
Noone, Rebecca Jane McGuire |
University College London |
Like a local (guide): Google Maps and the information practice of placemaking |
$90,000 |
Nunn, Neil |
The University of British Columbia |
Industrial primacy, colonial constraint, and false promises of environmental protection: An historical analysis of the Fisheries Act in BC |
$90,000 |
P. Lepage, Louis-Pierre |
Queen's University |
Biased Beliefs and Labor Market Discrimination |
$90,000 |
Patrick, Stephanie |
Ryerson University |
True North Strong and Fierce: Canada's Drag Race and the Future of CanCon |
$90,000 |
Pérez-Gay Juárez, Fernanda |
McGill University |
Fiction and cultural perspective taking, from social categorizaition to Theory of Mind |
$90,000 |
Pérez-Rivera, Gloria C. |
University of Toronto |
Flows of People, Flows of Credit and Debt: Examining Informal Financial Schemes among Latin American Migrant Workers in Canada |
$90,000 |
Peterson St-Laurent, Guillaume |
Wildlife Conservation Society |
New frontiers in conservation: implications of novel interventions in an era of climate change |
$90,000 |
Peterson, Jonathan |
Stanford University |
Deciphering Difference: Scripture, Polemic & Community in Early Modern India, 1520-1700 |
$90,000 |
Petoukhov, Konstantin S. |
University of Liverpool |
Imagining the Complex Victim of Crime in Restorative Justice |
$90,000 |
Pigeon, Stephan R. |
Dalhousie University |
How News Transformed Empire: C.F. Moberly Bell and Britain's Global Journalism, 1865-1911 |
$90,000 |
Pisapia, Jasmine |
McGill University |
Aesthetics and Environmental Catastrophe: A Sensory Ethnography of Southern Italy's "Landscapes of Crisis" |
$90,000 |
Plamadeala, Cristina |
Loughborough University |
Files, Fear and Espionage: A cultural history of the Securitate's surveillance practices in Romania under communism |
$90,000 |
Polleri, Maxime |
McGill University |
Citizen science and COVID-19: Governing health during the pandemic era |
$90,000 |
Posteraro, Tano S. |
Concordia University |
Sympathy and symbiosis: Henri Bergson's Creative Evolution and the New Philosophy of Biological Individuality |
$90,000 |
Pothier Bouchard, Geneviève |
Université Laval |
Biomolecular archaeological investigation into the subsistence shifts of the last hunter-gatherers in NW Italy |
$90,000 |
Pratte, Anne-Sophie |
Université de Montréal |
Chinese Qing (1644-1911) Imperialism in Inner Asia: An Environmental History of the Mongolian Steppe |
$90,000 |
Pue, Kristen M. |
University of Chicago |
The Consequences of Social Welfare Nonprofitization for Civil Society |
$90,000 |
Qian, Miao |
Harvard University |
Reducing implicit racial bias in children over the long term: An evidence-based approach |
$90,000 |
Racine, Maryliz |
Université libre de Bruxelles |
Les intérêts coloniaux et postcoloniaux de la France à l'ONU, 1950-1969 |
$90,000 |
Ravensbergen-Hodgins, Léa |
University of Oxford |
Toward Age-Friendly Communities: Planning for Mobilities of Care |
$90,000 |
Reid, Tiana A. |
University of Toronto |
Our World-Work: Reading Black Left Feminism |
$90,000 |
Renaud, Kiev |
Université de Montréal |
Le portrait en littérature québécoise de l'extrême-contemporain (2005-...) : comment le cliché fait mémoire |
$90,000 |
Rioux, Philippe |
Concordia University |
Les représentations de l'héroïsme dans la bande dessinée au Québec (1968-2019) |
$90,000 |
Rnic, Katerina N. |
The University of British Columbia |
A multi-method approach to examining the cognitive basis of emotion regulation and its impact on personal and interpersonal well-being |
$90,000 |
Robinson, David S. |
Regent College |
Self-Divestment for a Finite Earth: Recovering Philosophical and Theological Wisdom in the Anthropocene |
$90,000 |
Roukema, Aren B. |
The University of British Columbia |
Augmentation and evolution: race and the emergence of the superhuman mind in Anglo-American science and culture |
$90,000 |
Rudestam, Kirsten S. |
Royal Roads University |
Critical Thinking and Critical Feeling: Defining Existing Barriers to Sustainable Water Education, Research and Policy |
$90,000 |
Rudzinski, Katherine |
University of Windsor |
Gendering the impact of COVID-19 on women who use drugs: Considerations for ethical service provision, restrictive measures, and community engagement |
$90,000 |
Ruiter, Keith N. |
Université de Montréal |
Renegotiating Early Scandinavian Law |
$90,000 |
Scheibling, Casey |
University of Toronto |
Fathers on the Frontlines: Perceptions and Negotiations of Work-Family Stress Spillover Among Essential Worker Fathers During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
$90,000 |
Schrage, Kristina M. |
York University |
New and Exciting or Tried and True? Tailoring Relationship Activities to Insecurely Attached Partners |
$90,000 |
Schroeder, (Nina) Helena C.M. |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Mennonites and Art in the Dutch Republic: Church, Home, and Art Marketplace |
$90,000 |
Sevi, Semra |
Columbia University |
How do young voters and young ethnic minorities acquire party attachments? |
$90,000 |
Shewan, Kascindra I.S. |
McGill University |
Popular Culture as Pedagogy: The Role of Representations of Sexualized Violence in Prevention Programs |
$90,000 |
Slothouber, Vanessa |
University of New Brunswick |
Narratives of De/Retransition: Fat Matters |
$90,000 |
Spadafora, Natalie |
Brock University |
Why should we care about uncivil behavior in class? An examination of classroom incivility in adolescents |
$90,000 |
Spanner, Leigh Anne |
Mount Saint Vincent University |
Supporting Injured and Ill Veterans: Gender, Caregiving and the Modern Canadian Veteran |
$90,000 |
Steinhoff, James |
University of Toronto |
Not for Profit AI: Soft Power and the Tech Industry |
$90,000 |
Stephens, Phoebe G. |
University of Toronto |
Enabling Sustainable Food Transformations: Exploring the Intersections between Digital Technologies, Agroecology, and Investors in Supporting more Resilient and Sustainable Food Systems |
$90,000 |
St-Laurent, Guillaume |
Université Laval |
L'antinomie de la raison pure revisitée : Charles Taylor et la question de la viabilité de la métaphysique spéciale |
$45,000 |
Suffren, Sabrina |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
Transmission intergénérationnelle des symptômes d'anxiété et de dépression dans des contextes stressants : études longitudinales |
$90,000 |
Sylvestre, Paul A. |
Carleton University |
Innovations in settler colonial policing: Tracking the rise of the Ontario Provincial Police Provincial Liaison Teams |
$90,000 |
Tanti, Melissa |
University of Manchester |
Transnational Experiments: Women's Innovative Writing in a Global Frame |
$90,000 |
Taylor, Allison E. |
University of Guelph |
Fatness and/as disability: An arts-based exploration of disability and weight discrimination as barriers to women's public participation in Ontario |
$90,000 |
Thériault, Pierre-André |
University of Toronto |
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: An Empirical Assessment of Security Inadmissibility and Refugee Exclusion in Canada |
$90,000 |
Turner, Christina L.B. |
University of Manitoba |
Reimagining Indigenous Law Through Anishinaabe, Cree, and Métis Speculative Fictions |
$90,000 |
Úlehla, Julia T. |
Queen's University |
Towards an Extra-rational Vocal Performance Laboratory: Forms, Media, Analysis |
$90,000 |
van Beinum, Amanda |
University of Ottawa |
Changing minds in psychiatric spaces: social impacts of implanted deep brain stimulation devices |
$90,000 |
Visserman, Mariko Lisa |
University of Toronto |
The hidden potential of relational sacrifices for bolstering individual and relational well-being |
$90,000 |
Wagner, Sarah N. |
University of Victoria |
From lived experience to actionable results: Mobilizing meaningful media environments in long-term care |
$90,000 |
White, Amanda M.L. |
Western University |
Entangled Roots: Imagining human-plant futures differently in an age of crisis |
$90,000 |
White, Cindel J.M. |
Columbia University |
How karmic attributions shape predictions, person perception, and punishment |
$90,000 |
Wynes, Christopher S. |
Concordia University |
How do citizens and government officials understand and make decisions about climate change? |
$90,000 |