Award Recipients for Knowledge Synthesis Grants: Living Within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity

Applicant Ekaterina Rhodes University of Victoria
Collaborator Aglaia Obrekht Environment and Climate Change Canada
Madeleine McPherson University of Victoria
Title Towards more accurate climate policy projections: A review of improvements in energy-economy models
Years 1
Funding $38,672
Applicant Tamara Krawchenko University of Victoria
Collaborator Diana Gibson Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria
Ekaterina Rhodes University of Victoria
Frederick Grouzet University of Victoria
Karena Shaw University of Victoria
Thomas Heyd University of Victoria
Trevor Hancock University of Victoria
Title How can we manage a just energy transition? A comparative review of policies to support the just transition from carbon intensive industries
Years 1
Funding $23,636
Applicant Nino Antadze University of Prince Edward Island
Co-applicant Katharine McGowan Mount Royal University
Collaborator Juan Moreno Cruz University of Waterloo
Laurie Brinklow University of Prince Edward Island
Paulette Fox Harmony Walkers Inc.
Title Toward Envisioning and Implementing Just Transitions to a Post-Carbon Society in Canada
Years 1
Funding $47,001
Applicant Hisham Zerriffi The University of British Columbia
Collaborator Constantine Samaras Carnegie-Mellon University
Sonia Yeh Chalmers University of Technology
Title Understanding the impact of ICT use and mobility innovation on travel behavior and related GHG emissions for Canada
Years 1
Funding $49,950
Applicant Amy Luers Concordia University
Collaborator Sylvia Wood Future Earth
Title Assessing progress, roadblocks and tradeoffs in Canada's contributions to the 2020 Aichi targets—a knowledge synthesis to inform Canada's post-2020 vision for biodiversity and the SDGs
Years 1
Funding $50,000Footnote *
Applicant Taco Niet Simon Fraser University
Co-applicant Andrew Wright Simon Fraser University
Title Increasing the reliability of energy system scenarios with integrated modelling
Years 1
Funding $50,000
Applicant Lorien Nesbitt The University of British Columbia
Co-applicant Cecil Konijnendijk The University of British Columbia
Collaborator Alex Cool-Fergus Federation of Canadian Municipalities
James Steenberg Government of Nova Scotia
Katherine Witherspoon Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title Will smarter forests take us farther? Fostering resilient forest ecosystems in the digital era
Years 1
Funding $47,225Footnote *
Applicant Mahdi Shahbakhti University of Alberta
Co-applicant Alvaro Osornio Vargas University of Alberta
Charles Koch University of Alberta
Vahid Hosseini University of Alberta
Title Urban Carrying Capacity under Cold Climate for Transportation Generated Air Pollution and Public Exposure
Years 1
Funding $50,000Footnote **
Applicant Peter Victor York University
Co-applicant Eric Miller York University
Collaborator David Lin Global Footprint Network
Martin Bunch York University
Peter Mulvihill York University
Title Measuring and managing Canada's use of the Earth's regenerative carrying capacity
Years 1
Funding $48,160
Applicant Vivian Nguyen Carleton University
Co-applicant Kelly Bronson University of Ottawa
Collaborator Chris McPhee Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Jean-Francois Jasmin Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup
Ruth Sandra Schillo University of Ottawa
Steve Joncoux Université du Québec à Rimouski
Title What are the knowledge gaps for evaluating the social impacts and effectiveness of "Living Labs" focused on environmental and agricultural sustainability?
Years 1
Funding $50,000
Applicant Lars Hallstrom University of Alberta
Co-applicant Celine Surette Université de Moncton
Christopher Buse The University of British Columbia
Henry Harder University of Northern British Columbia
Margot Parkes University of Northern British Columbia
Maya, Gislason Simon Fraser University
Timothy Takaro Simon Fraser University
Title Carrying capacity surveillance: Indicators and frameworks for equitable sustainability
Years 1
Funding $46,422Footnote **
Applicant Ravi de Costa York University
Co-applicant Ida Ferrara York University
Maggie Toplak York University
Collaborator Bruce Lourie The Ivey Foundation
David Wheeler Academy for Sustainable Innovation
Natalie, Irwin Carleton University
Nicole Arsenault York University
Paul Bubelis Sustainability Network
Title Behavioural insights for living within the earth's carrying capacity
Years 1
Funding $48,844
Applicant Eric Higgs University of Victoria
Co-applicant Line Rochefort Université Laval
Nancy Shackelford University of Victoria
Sarah Wilson University of Victoria
Stephen Murphy University of Waterloo
Steven Cooke Carleton University
Title Ecological Restoration: Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Mitigation and Engaging Canadians with Nature
Years 1
Funding $50,000
Applicant Shelby Yamamoto University of Alberta
Co-applicant Alvaro Osornio Vargas University of Alberta
C. Allyson Jones University of Alberta
Charlene Nielsen University of Alberta
Jordana Salma University of Alberta
McKenzie Tilstra University of Alberta
Stephen Hodgins University of Alberta
Title Mind the gap: Assessing climate change vulnerability across populations
Years 1
Funding $49,987Footnote **
Applicant Kimberley Gilbride Ryerson University
Co-applicant Patricia Hania Ryerson University
Rania Hamza Ryerson University
Title 'Contaminants of emerging concern' in wastewater: Are current analytical technologies, policy development and industry guidelines enough to protect human and ecological health?
Years 1
Funding $50,000Footnote **
Applicant Sean Kidd University of Toronto
Co-applicant Kwame Mckenzie University of Toronto
Michael Kral Wayne State University
Samantha Wells Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Stephen Gaetz York University
Susan Greco University of Toronto
Vicky Stergiopoulos University of Toronto
Collaborator Elliott Cappell WSP Canada
Julia Christensen Memorial University of Newfoundland
Title Climate Change and Homelessness: Generating a Response Framework
Years 1
Funding $50,000Footnote **
Applicant Shooka Karimpour Ghannadi York University
Co-applicant Satinder Kaur Brar York University
Collaborator Hamidreza Shirkhani National Research Council Canada
Title The Fate and Tranport of Microplastics in Aquatic Ecosystems: Synthesis and Directions for Future Research
Years 1
Funding $48,400Footnote *
Applicant Emmanuel Raufflet HEC Montréal
Co-applicant Franck Scherrer Université de Montréal
Geoffrey McCarney University of Ottawa
Collaborator Julien Beaulieu Cégep de Sorel-Tracy
Title Circular Economy and Planetary Boundaries
Years 1
Funding $50,000
Applicant Atanu Sarkar Memorial University of Newfoundland
Co-applicant Gopal Achari University of Calgary
Collaborator Jaroslav Slobodnik Environmental Institute, s.r.o.
Title Contamination of marine ecosystem by Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) originating from landfills, current waste management practices, public perceptions, and sustainable solutions: a study by knowledge synthesis methods
Years 1
Funding $50,000
Applicant Gordon McBean Western University
Co-applicant Paul Kovacs Western University
Collaborator Gregory Kopp Western University
James Voogt Western University
Sophie Guilbault Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction
Title Building Climate Resilient Communities—Living Within the Earth's Carrying Capacity
Years 1
Funding $50,000
Applicant Geoffrey McCarney University of Ottawa
Co-applicant Manuele Margni École Polytechnique de Montréal
Stephanie Cairns University of Ottawa
Collaborator Paul Ekins University College London
David Hughes The Natural Step
Emilie Brown Environment and Climate Change Canada
Ian Clark Natural Resources Canada
Jeff Fritzsche Statistics Canada
Robert Larocque Forest Products Association of Canada
Sophie Fallaha École Polytechnique de Montréal
Title Planetary boundaries, global material demand and the emerging circular economy: Canadian perspectives
Years 1
Funding $49,880
Applicant Eric Pineault Université du Québec à Montréal
Co-applicant Ira Tanya Handa Université du Québec à Montréal
Jérôme Dupras Université du Québec en Outaouais
René Audet Université du Québec à Montréal
Title Le métabolisme social : un cadre d'analyse pour vivre collectivement à l'intérieur des capacités limites de la Terre
Years 1
Funding $49,790
Applicant Grant McSorley University of Prince Edward Island
Co-applicant Amy Hsiao University of Prince Edward Island
Hayden Woodley University of Prince Edward Island
Tina Saksida University of Prince Edward Island
Title Sustainable Engineering Practices: Current State and Future Challenges
Years 1
Funding $49,272Footnote *
Applicant Sean Blenkinsop Simon Fraser University
Co-applicant Mark Fettes Simon Fraser University
Title Living Within Earth's Carrying Capacity: Towards an Education for Eco-Social Cultural Change
Years 1
Funding $49,860
Applicant Steven Cooke Carleton University
Co-applicant Irena Creed University of Saskatchewan
Irene Gregory-Eaves McGill University
John Smol Queen's University
Joseph Bennett Carleton University
Vivian Nguyen Carleton University
Collaborator Amanda Winegardner Fisheries and Oceans Canada
André Martel Other/Unknown
Andrea Reid Carleton University
Andrew Drake Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Constance O'Connor Wildlife Conservation Society Canada
Jérôme Marty Council of Canadian Academies
Mark Taylor Parks Canada
Nicolas, Lapointe Canadian Wildlife Federation
Stacey Robinson Environment and Climate Change Canada
Title Developing an evidence-based toolbox for addressing freshwater biodiversity threats
Years 1
Funding $50,000Footnote *
Applicant Bipasha Baruah Western University
Title What does degrowth say about gender equality and social justice? Synthesizing the evidence
Years 1
Funding $50,000
Applicant Laura Marks Simon Fraser University
Co-applicant Stephen Makonin Simon Fraser University
Title Tackling the Carbon Footprint of Streaming Media
Years 1
Funding $50,000
Applicant Daina Mazutis University of Ottawa
Title The Business of Accelerating Sustainable Urban Transformations in Canada
Years 1
Funding $41,914
Applicant Ella Bowles Mount Allison University
Co-applicant Adam Ford The University of British Columbia
Deborah McGregor York University
Jesse Popp Mount Allison University
Collaborator Cailyn Glasser Okanagan Nation Alliance
Cory Kozmik Magnetawan First Nation
Title Interweaving Indigenous Knowledge and Western science towards conservation and management
Years 1
Funding $48,750Footnote *
Applicant H.M Tuihedur Rahman Saint Mary's University
Co-applicant Anthony Charles Saint Mary's University
Danika van Proosdij Saint Mary's University
Kate Sherren Dalhousie University
Melanie Zurba Dalhousie University
Peter Duinker Dalhousie University
Title Using carrying capacity measures to guide the tranformation of coastal governance systems for sustainability
Years 1
Funding $49,549
Applicant Jennie Moore British Columbia Institute of Technology
Co-applicant Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon École de technologie supérieure
Collaborator Alastair Moore Other/Unknown
Christina Olsen British Columbia Institute of Technology
David Lin Global Footprint Network
William Rees The University of British Columbia
Title Measuring and Managing Living within Earth's Carrying Capacity at the City Scale
Years 1
Funding $50,000
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