Award Recipients for SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships: 2019-20 Competition

Applicant Administering Organization Application Title Amount Awarded
Ada Tchoukou, Julie University of Ottawa Legal Development and Post-modern Africa: A Case for the Legal Regulation of Cultural Violence against Girls in Nigeria $60,000
Adam, Edmund University of Toronto The Impact of Global Rankings on Funding $40,000
Adams, Alisha University of Otago From the mouths of babes: weaning, diet, and stress in Neolithic Northern Vietnam $60,000
Afiouni, Rania McGill University A Study of the Evolving Nature of the Radiologist's Job in the Age of AI: A Job Crafting Perspective $40,000
Ainsley, Martin J. University of New Brunswick Askew: a novel of colonial British Columbia $60,000
Akbary, Sayed Hamid University of Calgary Shift in gender roles and masculine status: Examining how the gender dilemmas in post-migration experiences of Muslim men impact their social integration in Canada $40,000
Allard-Gaudreau, Noémie Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Entrevues d'enquête auprès d'enfants victimes d'agression sexuelle : une analyse sociopragmatique du discours des victimes $40,000
Allen, Jeffrey J. University of Toronto Suburbanization of poverty and adverse travel behaviour outcomes in Canadian cities $80,000
Ally, Shuaib University of Toronto The Process of the Integration of Linguistic Analysis (Pragmatics) into Quran Commentaries from the 11th to the 14th C $20,000
Alston, Lauren University of Alberta The impacts of school-based gay-straight-alliance clubs on student academic achievement and emotional wellbeing in urban and rural Alberta $80,000
Amiro, Fae E. McMaster University The Portraiture of the Empress Sabina $20,000
Anaquod, Jennifer The University of British Columbia Where we are from: Stories of place, displacement and third-space $20,000
Andersen, Grant T. York University Democracy and the Order of Knowledge in Historical Perspective $40,000
André, Gwénaëlle Simon Fraser University Adolescents' experiences of digital literacy practices $80,000
Andrews, Derek W. Dalhousie University Mental Competence and the Right to Die: Dementia and Medical Aid in Dying $60,000
Anka, Jaiya A. University of Victoria Interwoven identities: portraiture and the spaces between 'East' and 'West' in Renaissance Venice $60,000
Anstey, Hannah University of Regina An Intersectional Approach to Investigating Gender Based Microaggressions $80,000
Aslam, Awish Western University Second-generation Canadian Muslim women and their work experiences $40,000
Aubry, Philip-Emmanuel McGill University L'économiste en tant que théoricien politique : Max Weber, Joseph Schumpeter et Karl Polanyi $80,000
Aucoin, Philip M. University of Ottawa Math anxiety and performance: Understanding the role of feeling threatened by math $80,000
Badawy, Philip University of Toronto The Paradox of Control: Investigating the Nature and Implications of Time and Task Control with a Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Design $40,000
Bafghinia, Mandana Université de Montréal The architecture of the skyscraper's summit and its effect on the representation and experience of the urban skyline $40,000
Baillargeon, Justin York University Comparing and Curating Virtual Reality Experiences in Canada $20,000
Baker, Joseph L. McGill University Knowing by Habit: the Origins of Ethical Knowledge in Aristotle $80,000
Bakos, Cassandra Simon Fraser University The professional evolution of primary teachers, utilising technology for teaching mathematics $40,000
Baldwin, Christopher J. University of Toronto An Empire of Plunder Maritime Violence in the British Caribbean 1689-1763 $40,000
Baldwin, Danielle Carleton University Developing a Comprehensive Model of Shame $80,000
Ball, Tanya C. University of Alberta Li Jhyaab is My Cousin: Michif Storytelling and Religiosity in St. Ambroise, Manitoba $80,000
Bambrah, Veerpal York University What does it mean to be boredom prone? Exploring the role of poor self-regulation $80,000
Bardaxoglou, Sarah McGill University Inégalités de deuxième génération dans le milieu universitaire: un défi pour le droit et l'égalité $80,000
Barnett, Rachel A. McMaster University Local Political Parties and Diverse Candidates in Canadian Cities $40,000
Bartel, Sara Dalhousie University Social networks and substance use: A longitudinal study of social influence $40,000
Bateman, Dylan S. The University of British Columbia (Un)Borderings: Shape-Shifting as Resistance in Contemporary Texts on Turtle Island $60,000
Batist, Zachary University of Toronto Investigating how information infrastructures frame archaeological practice $40,000
Baugh, Leah The University of British Columbia Partner Trust after Childhood Maltreatment: A Mixed-Method Approach with Veterans $80,000
Beamer, Kate M. University of Calgary Educating the silenced: A hermeneutic inquiry into the use of the novel to educate adolescent undisclosed child sexual abuse survivors $60,000
Beboua, Pascal Blaise University of Ottawa De l'affinité élective entre milieu religieux et engagement civique chez les immigrants récents (post-1965): le cas des protestants évangéliques Chinois de Toronto $20,000
Béchard, Benoît Université Laval Le rôle de l'intuition dans la prise de décisions des politiciens $40,000
Bechard-Torres, Edward McGill University Realizing Socio-Economic Rights: Investigating Two Distinct Paths of Judicial Enforcement $80,000
Belafi, Veronica Columbia University Energy Poetics: Writing Carbon in the Twentieth Century $40,000
Bélanger Sabourin, Catherine Université du Québec à Montréal Interventions de proximité avec des familles en situation de vulnérabilité: coconstruire le sens des situations et de la pratique $20,000
Bélanger, Audrey Université de Sherbrooke Enseigner la lecture littéraire et la pensée historienne au secondaire: une recherche développement autour d'un roman historique évoquant l'Holocauste $80,000
Beninger, Christina G. University of Cape Town Seeking access to justice for gender-based violence in transitional and plural legal contexts: Lessons for rule of law development programming $80,000
Bennett, Arlana University of Alberta Co-producing knowledge of chronic wasting disease with Indigenous partners $80,000
Bernier, Emmanuel Université Laval Tous corrompus? Argent, influence et politique provinciale au Québec (1920-2015) $80,000
Berry, Gabrielle J.M. McGill University The Sound of Silence: Listening to Sign Language in Popular Film and Television $80,000
Bérubé, Éloi McMaster University The Relationship between Humans and their Environment in the Everyday Life and Ritual Practices of the Zapotecs at Monte Albán, Oaxaca, Mexico (500 BC to 750 AD): Paleoethnobotanical Research $80,000
Biernacki, Paulina Stanford University Promoting Test Fairness for English Language Learners with Disabilities $60,000
Blampied, Thomas E. University of Toronto The power and responsibilities of "Ontario's Development Road":  the Ontario Northland Railway, the Omushkego and provincial colonialism, 1900-present $60,000
Blouin, Jocelyn University of Saskatchewan Resilience and adults' pursuit of leisure time physical activity: Prediction and change $40,000
Boileau, Elizabeth Y.S. Lakehead University How do forest school experiences shape children's empathy and care for the environment? $20,000
Boisvert, Marie-Ève Université de Montréal Vers une compréhension intégrée de l'industrie osseuse des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent $80,000
Boivin, Marie-Pier Université de Sherbrooke Le fonctionnement multidimensionnel de l'individu au travail : conceptualisation et développement d'un instrument de mesure validé $40,000
Bone, Heather University of Toronto Do User Ratings Help Mitigate Risk? Evaluating the Importance of User Feedback on Online Drug Markets $80,000
Boublil, Shachar Université Laval La gravité einsteinienne: conception, réalisation et analyse de l'ingénierie de l'enseignement au secondaire $80,000
Bouchard, Karen Université Laval Indigenous Self-government and Extractive Resource Development in the Canadian and Norwegian Arctic $80,000
Boulé, Jessica University of Guelph The Positive Life Experiences of Older Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Adults Living in Southern Ontario: A Community and Arts-Based Research Initiative $80,000
Bouvier, Victoria University of Calgary Michif nishtoohtamhk didaan enn grann vil (Metis understanding in the city) $40,000
Bragoli-Barzan, Léa Université du Québec à Montréal Lien entre le contexte social et les configurations identitaires des immigrants $40,000
Breton-Demeule, Charles Université Laval Vers une approche territorialiste de la protection juridique du patrimoine culturel québécois? $60,000
Brewster, Barbara Jane M. University of Prince Edward Island Expressive writing as a treatment for math anxiety in female college preparatory students $80,000
Bricka, Ivan Université du Québec à Montréal La dimension sémantique des contenus représentationnels et la nouvelle génération de l'intelligence artificielle $40,000
Brisson, Ariane Université de Montréal Agogique de la musique d'hier à aujourd'hui ou la transcription musicale comme outil créatif $60,000
Brown, Christopher D.P. University of Calgary The Haunted North: Counter-Narratives of the Indian Agent in the Canadian North-West $40,000
Bubak, Oldrich McMaster University Explaining Policy Divergence in Integrated Polities $40,000
Buchanan, Rachel McGill University Considering Indigeneity in Uganda's education system $80,000
Buchinski, Alexander J. Indiana University, Bloomington The Conceptual Interpretation of Kant's Transcendental Idealism $40,000
Bullock, Nerida Simon Fraser University Crimes of Commitment: A Queer Critique of the Supreme Court of British Columbia Charter Reference on Polygamy $60,000
Burgess, Julianne Brock University Community resilience: Learning from/with young adult Syrian refugees in Ontario $40,000
Burns, Robyn L. University of Waterloo Gentrification of the 'Gayborhood' in North End Halifax, Nova Scotia $80,000
Burns, Samara E. University of Toronto A Logic for Situated Belief Revision $80,000
Butler, Michael Blake Western University Arctic unicorns: A history of human interactions with narwhals $60,000
Butterfield, Julian McMaster University The Pusa yingluo benye jing and Buddhist Initiation in Early Medieval Chinese Society $80,000
Buzzell, Andrew W. York University Does Cognitivist Explanation Require a Naturalized Theory of Representation? $80,000
Cameron, Sheena E. University of Toronto Stories of Relation, Resistance and Resilience: Transformative Counter Narratives in the Environmental Justice Movement $40,000
Campana, Christine Western University The long poem in transit: Indigenous, diasporic, and settler women's contemporary writing in Canada $40,000
Campbell, Warren C. University of Notre Dame Textual Archives, Literary Migration, and the History of Jewish-Christian Relations: The Case of the Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions $60,000
Campeau, Kathryn University of Toronto Differentiating human skeletal remains through elemental analysis $40,000
Carlson, Jonathan Carleton University The Relationship between Indigenous Labour and Self-Determination $40,000
Carpenter, Justin R. University of Waterloo Authorship, Agency, and Emergence: Generative Approaches in Pale Fire; Green Grass, Running Water; and No Man's Sky $20,000
Carpentier, Tania Université de Montréal Évaluation de l'implantation et des impacts d'une intervention visant la communication sociale auprès d'élèves du primaire présentant un trouble du comportement $40,000
Castellanos, Mariana École nationale d'administration publique Les transformations des institutions publiques à l'aube d'une nouvelle politique culturelle au Québec $40,000
Castonguay-Khounsombath, Sonn Université de Sherbrooke Les relations entre l'adhésion aux croyances et préjugés vis-à-vis la violence sexuelle et les formes de violence sexuelle subies en milieu universitaire selon le genre chez les é universitaires $80,000
Chalk, Alex York University Producing Play: TRPG Culture and the Political Economy of Actual Play Media $60,000
Chang, Jie Concordia University Is emotional differentiation good for you? It depends on the cultural context $80,000
Charest-Bourdon, Noémie Université du Québec à Montréal Le malade, le maire et le magistrat: la difficile reconnaissance d'un droit aux soins de santé au Québec (1921-1970) $60,000
Charron, Renée Concordia University Drawing from the Architectural Body $80,000
Chassé, William Université Laval Subir le changement d'empire : le sort des communautés françaises des Grands Lacs, du pays des Illinois et de la vallée de l'Ohio, 1720 à 1775 $80,000
Chattoraj, Ananya University of Calgary Understanding modal reasoning in non-fundamental science $60,000
Cheng, Michèle P. The University of British Columbia An exploration of social constructivist constructs in reading interventions $40,000
Cheng, Siu Mee Ryerson University Collective Case Study on Healthcare and Social Services Integration for Older Adults in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta $40,000
Cherney, Katrina McGill University Subjective financial wellbeing during young adulthood: The role of debt $20,000
Chong, Samantha M. Lakehead University The Investigation of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis among Pathological Narcissists $40,000
Chrétien-Vincent, Myriam Université Laval Accompagner l'éducateur en milieu de garde incluant un enfant ayant un trouble du spectre de l'autisme par une meilleure compréhension des manifestations sensorielles pour favoriser sa participation sociale $40,000
Chutter, Jennifer A. Simon Fraser University Palimpsests and Placemaking: an investigation of Vancouver as home $40,000
Clermont, Guillaume Université libre de Bruxelles Des différents modes de diffusion de l'oeuvre d'art: l'improbable comme générateur de sens en art actuel $40,000
Clouston, Nicole E. York University Enmeshed Selves $20,000
Cloutier, Meagan N. University of Calgary The Gendered Division of Labour in Constituency Offices: The Consequences for Women in Canadian Politics $80,000
Cole, Lindsay The University of British Columbia Expanding Theoretical Foundations and Evaluation Practice in  Public Sector Innovation Labs to Increase Their Beneficial Impacts $60,000
Collis, Susan Queen's University From settler colonial to capital colonial relations: How neoliberal law is rewriting Canada's legal infrastructure of colonialism $20,000
Comtois, Nicolas Université de Montréal L'art de l'interprétation dans l'oeuvre de Pierre Hadot $60,000
Constant Pruvost, Axel University of Sydney The concept of niche construction in the philosophy of biomedicine $80,000
Copeland, Anastasia V.M. Simon Fraser University The Lesbian Show: The evolution of marginalized voices in Canadian Audio Media $60,000
Cormier, Lauren A. University of New Brunswick In their own words: Examining sexual assault from the perpetrator's perspective $60,000
Correia, Vanessa University of Waterloo Harm Reduction for Corporations $40,000
Courteau, Clément McGill University Des grands récits médiévaux - poétique de la compilation $80,000
Courteau, Emilie Université de Montréal Les processus neurocognitifs associés aux mécanismes d'acquisition du langage : une question de sémantique et de morphosyntaxe $40,000
Coutu, Charlotte Université du Québec à Montréal Faire voir l'invisible: fonctions de la négativité dans la représentation de la marginalité en littérature et au cinéma $80,000
Croll-Baehre, Marta M. McMaster University Transing the North-American Neverland: Trans Conceptions of Single-Sex and All-Gender Spatialities $80,000
Curlic, Vesna University of Oxford Medicine, Immigration, and Ethnicity in Britain, 1890-1914 $80,000
Cyr, François-Xavier Université Laval Quel dialogue au sein du Conseil Cris-Québec sur la foresterie? Ethnographie d'une collaboration entre un État et une nation autochtone $40,000
Czuy, Kori University of Calgary Ethno(mathematics): weaving together mathematical knowings through story $20,000
Dakin, Cortney K. Western University Indigenous Energy Justice in Anishinaabeg Pipeline Resistance $40,000
Daly, Owen Brock University A Multi-Method Approach to Understanding Affinity for Aloneness in Childhood and Adolescence $80,000
Danckert, Paula University of Toronto The Role of the Dramaturg: Remaking Historiographies, Revisioning Relationships $20,000
Danniels, Erica P. University of Toronto Supporting the inclusion of children with developmental disabilities in play-based pedagogy $40,000
Davidson, Andrea H. University of Antwerp Constructing Adolescent Minds in Experimental Fiction for Young Readers: A Genetic Approach to the Dance series by Aidan Chambers $80,000
de Weers, Noortje Simon Fraser University The effect of speaker ethnicity and accent on speech processing and speaker evaluation $20,000
DeMaio, Peter N. McMaster University Supporting Mindfulness-based Interventions in Older Adults: A Qualitative Investigation $80,000
Demeau, Elodie Université de Montréal Distribution spatiotemporelle de la criminalité à Montréal: Une évaluation de l'importance conceptuelle de la microtemporalité $60,000
Demers, Hervé Université du Québec à Montréal La ville désindustrialisée comme lieu de survivance : une poétique cinématographique de l'après $80,000
Dempsey, Erin E. Dalhousie University The Development of Moral Foundations in Autism Spectrum Disorder $40,000
Denicourt-Fauvel, Camille University of Oxford Au nom de la démocratie. Entre impunité transitionnelle et extrême violence actuelle : Analyse à la lumière des cas du Brésil et du Chili post-transition $80,000
Derrickson, Aaron N. The University of British Columbia Leadership and Governance from a Syilx Perspective: Revitalization and Resurgence Resident in "Oraliture." A Contemporary Model of Tradition. (Armstrong, 2009, p.40) $40,000
Desjardins Mooney, Zachary Columbia University Jean Hyppolite et la philosophie française (1938-1968) $80,000
Desjardins, Bridgette Carleton University #WeAreHumboldt: The affect of white nationalism in Canada $60,000
Desjardins, Émilie Université du Québec à Montréal Évaluation d'une intervention de formation en manutention: à quelles conditions l'intervention s'avère rentable? $80,000
Desmeules, Amélie Université Laval Analyse de la mise en place d'un dispositif de développement professionnel ancré dans une approche enactive lors de l'entrée en carrière d'enseignants et enseignantes à l'éducation préscolaire $40,000
Di Lonardo, Sabrina M. Carleton University Learning from mistakes: Intelligent tutors for common math misconceptions $60,000
D'Itri, Michael McGill University Milton and Posthumanism: The Tenuous Ontological Divides of Paradise Lost $80,000
Dixon, James University of Saskatchewan The political economy of the Canadian opioid crisis in four Western Canadian centres: An exploratory case study $20,000
Dizdar, Ivana Harvard University Critical horizons: North American landscape painting as a site of institutional critique $80,000
Doering, Sara Simon Fraser University Understanding terrorism in Canada: A model of municipal variation in terrorist incidents $80,000
Drago, Alessandro McGill University From the Bedroom to the Streets: How White Supremacists Recruit and Mobilize $60,000
Dudko, Oksana University of Toronto Recycled Soldiers: War, Violence, and Identity on the Eastern Front (1914-1920) $40,000
Dufoe, Nicole University of Toronto Meanwhile: Sleep and the Victorian Novel $40,000
Duguay, Michèle The City University of New York Gendering Musical Spaces in Experimental and Popular Music $40,000
Dunbar Winsor, Katharine Concordia University The days are long, but the years are short: Motherhood and substance use in Canadian prison and parole $80,000
Dunbar, James University of New Brunswick Cohabitation, Marriage, and Childbearing in The Welfare State $40,000
Dunleavy, Matthew York University Writing Work and the Work of Writing: The Reform Work of Clementina Black and Margaret Harkness, 1880-1915 $20,000
Dupéré, Geneviève Université du Québec à Montréal écH2osystème : Du Fleuve à la scène $60,000
Dupuis, Jérémie B. Université de Moncton Social Determinants of Health on Probabilities of Academic Achievement and Mental Health for New Brunswick Youth: A Bayesian Predictive Model $60,000
Dupuis, Rosemary Wilfrid Laurier University Geographies of trauma: Refugee women's well-being from camp to Kipling street, are global health policies and practices gender-responsive? $40,000
Dysart, Taylor University of Pennsylvania Portable Healing: Hallucinogenic Plant Medicines in the Human and Life Sciences Between the Peruvian Amazon and North America, 1948-2018 $60,000
Elias, Paula Veronica University of Toronto Young adults and Ontario's Literacy and Basic Skills pathway to postsecondary education $60,000
Ellis, Heather C. Western University Aftershocks: The Psychological Cost of the First World War in Canada $60,000
Elsaadawy, Norhan University of Toronto Good Judges of Meta-Perception: Who are they and how do they do it? $80,000
Empey, Julia A. Wilfrid Laurier University She Becoming It Becoming She: Sex Robots and Embodied Subjectivities $60,000
Enel, Lucie Université du Québec à Montréal Les enjeux relationnels des nouvelles structurations sociales du travail à l'ère numérique $40,000
Engstrom, Holly The University of British Columbia Investigating why socioeconomic status (SES) is related to how people believe others see them, how this impacts risk-taking and inequality, and how intervening can improve outcomes for low SES people $80,000
Evans, Vanessa K. York University Leaving the Land Before Time: The Planetary Presence of Indigenous World Literatures $20,000
Fang, Bingxu University of Toronto The informational role of non-financial performance measures in the bond market $40,000
Farina-Schroll, Andreas Université de Montréal Le scepticisme hégélien comme liberté de la subjectivité : le décloisonnement de la finitude $80,000
Farmer, Julia R. University of Alberta Raising Readers: The Impact of Parental Attitudes Toward Pleasure Reading on the Development of Child Reading Orientation and Motivation $80,000
Fassi-Fihri, Hatim HEC Montréal Des communautés en consensus $20,000
Favreau, Julien McMaster University Geochemical Sourcing of Stone Tools at Olduvai Gorge $80,000
Fergie, Dexter Northwestern University Geopolitics in Orbit: The United States and Global Satellite Communications $60,000
Fernandez, Amanda K. University of Calgary Attention Biases and Wellbeing Within the Family $40,000
Figueiredo Pereira de Faria, Ane Cristina University of Manitoba How Environmental Degradation Affects Basic Human Needs and Food Security in Fragile States: A Comparative Study of Somalia and South Sudan $60,000
Filiatrault, Jean-François Université de Montréal Transformation des marchés de l'emploi et modes d'accès au travail chez les personnes handicapées $80,000
Fiorentino, Carlos A. University of Alberta Rich Prospect Taxonomy on Structural Colour: A Tool for Research to Connect Nature and Design $20,000
Forcier, Eric R. Swinburne University of Technology Grounded in Convergence: Information Behaviours of Transmedia Fan Communities $60,000
Forrest, Nikki Concordia University From Experimental to Ecological: Non-Binary Approaches to Sound Art Practice $80,000
Fortin-Guichard, Daniel Université Laval Le profil cognitif comme agent de rétention dans le sport: Le cas de la position occupée au volley-ball $20,000
Foshay, Jeff E. University of New Brunswick Understanding the Role of Coping in the Use of Unwanted Pursuit Behaviours in Young Adulthood $20,000
Franco Vazquez, Abigail Memorial University of Newfoundland Identifying and Evaluating the Role of Ethical Capital in the Performance of Social Enterprises $60,000
Frappier, Daniel Université du Québec à Montréal Le « devenir-peinture » de la musique et le « devenir-musique » de la peinture sous le régime esthétique des arts $40,000
Friesen, Laura S. University of Alberta How do Psychologists Win the Trust of Clients in Rural Culture Communities? $40,000
Fuller, Erin K. Simon Fraser University The identification of culturally-informed risk and protective factors for violence in emerging adults $80,000
Gagné, Andréanne R. Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Entre mer et montagnes. Étude de l'imaginaire de la Gaspésie dans les romans québécois de 1965 à 2015 $40,000
Gagnon, Audrey Concordia University Les voies de l'engagement idéologique et militant radical au Québec $40,000
Gagnon-Legault, Maryse McGill University A soloist perspective on early 19th century German clarinet repertoire $80,000
Gallucci, Alissa T. University of Calgary Understanding the School Integration of Newcomer Youth Through a Case Study Exploration $40,000
Gaudette-Leblanc, Aimée Université Laval L'impact de la participation à un programme d'éducation musicale en dyade parent-enfant sur le développement de la relation d'attachement et le développement du jeune enfant $20,000
Gauvin, Mitchell J. York University Rhetoric and the Literary Text as a Technology of Citizenship $40,000
Gennis, Hannah G. York University Operationalizing the construct of child emotion regulation: impact of caregiver factors $40,000
Germann, Fraser K. The University of British Columbia In the Footsteps of a Demon King $20,000
Ghazal, Jenan Carleton University The wall, the line and the square: investigating spatial violence in Beirut $40,000
Gidaris, Constantine McMaster University Re-Imagining Everyday Carcerality in an Age of Surveillance and (In)Security $40,000
Giffen, Robyn L. University of Victoria WAYKing Up Endangered Languages: An Analysis of the WAYK Teaching and Learning Method in Language Revitalization $80,000
Gill, Louis-Nascan Université du Québec à Montréal Mise au point d'un programme d'intervention basé sur la présence attentive pour favoriser l'engagement scolaire $80,000
Girard-Joyal, Olivier Université de Montréal Le trouble du déficit de l'attention/hyperactivité : une porte d'entrée vers une meilleure compréhension de la créativité ? $40,000
Godbout, Ariane Université du Québec à Montréal Citoyenneté de fait et citoyenneté d'expérience: les modalités de la mobilisation politique à La Rochelle entre 1614 et 1650 $80,000
Godfrey, Michael J. Wilfrid Laurier University Cultural diversity within interdependent sport team contexts $40,000
Goldstein, Laura York University Validation of a novel coding tool for nonverbal behavior during the adult attachment interview (AAI) $80,000
Gordon, Tiffany M. Dalhousie University Incarceration and Collective Responsibility for Historical Wrongdoing $40,000
Granger, Steven University of Calgary Workplace Injuries and Mental Health $40,000
Gray, Christina University of Calgary Emotions and Social Perspective-Taking in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder $40,000
Greer, Eleanor School of Advanced Studies, University of London Scholarship and Status: Tension in the Intellectual and Material History of Book Collecting in the 18th Century $60,000
Groat, Cody W. Wilfrid Laurier University Politics and Plaques: Indigenous People and the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, 1919-2019 $60,000
Groh, Benjamin L. University of Calgary Historical Modernities: Democratizing Allegory in the Works of Walter Benjamin $60,000
Gruno, Jennifer B. University of Victoria Nature based physical activity and its benefits to adolescent girls' self determined motivation $40,000
Guay-Boutet, Charles McGill University The financialization of the Canadian oil sector $60,000
Guertin, Marc-André Université du Québec à Montréal La formation relative à l'environnement des élus municipaux québécois - enjeux socioécologiques, fondements et stratégies $40,000
Guzman Martin, Esther Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Queering Ghosts: memories of queer resilience during Spanish fascism $80,000
Gwathmey, Matthew O. University of New Brunswick Inside A Dog: A Novel $40,000
Habib, Rishad The University of British Columbia Motivating prosocial behaviour through benefit appeal type and group membership $40,000
Hadziosmanovic, Maida Concordia University An alternative to corporate greenhouse gas emissions accounting: modelling emissions using business factors $60,000
Half, Judy M. University of Calgary Nehiyaw Ontology and Heritage: Revitalizing the Sacred Stories of Little Hunters Band in Alberta $60,000
Halvorsen, Jeffery J. University of Calgary White male social justice allyship: Engagement, commitments, and tensions $60,000
Hamelin, Gabrielle M. Université de Montréal La circulation défendue des savoirs bibliques : évolution des pratiques hétérodoxes de traduction de la Bible en italien à Venise (1596 à 1660) $60,000
Hancock, Amanda J. Memorial University of Newfoundland Employee attitudes and outcomes after a leader discloses a stigmatized identity $40,000
Harbec, Marie-Josée Université de Montréal Liens bidirectionnels entre les trajectoires développementales de participation au sport organisé et celles du développement psychosocial chez des élèves du primaire $40,000
Harris, Sheereen M. McMaster University Investigating Learned Industriousness and Decision-Making $80,000
Harris-Brandts, Suzanne Massachusetts Institute of Technology Constructing the post-socialist capital: Identity contestation in urban development, event programming, and branding $20,000
Harrison, Helen F. Western University The lived experience of peer mentoring in an undergraduate program: an hermeneutic phenomenological study $40,000
Hatabi, Miriam University of Ottawa La construction discursive de la violence : analyse du discours sur le féminicide dans l'État de Oaxaca $80,000
Healey, Priscilla L. University of Victoria Street-involved youth: Pathways to adulthood $60,000
Hébert-Ratté, Roxanne Université du Québec à Montréal Jeux de rôle massivement multijoueurs et leurs conséquences : une analyse par profils $40,000
Henri-Garand, Laure Université de Montréal Écrire entre les genres et les formes : interdépendance des poétiques littéraire et journalistique chez Albert Laberge et Jean-Aubert Loranger $40,000
Hequet, Céline McGill University L'impact des mesures d'austérité dans les services publics de soin sur le temps de travail domestique selon le sexe $60,000
Heystee, Bryan W. Memorial University of Newfoundland The Impact of Technology on Contemporary Society in the Thought of George Grant $80,000
Hinton, Lucy University of Waterloo Nutrition Transition Governance: Lessons for Policy and Partnerships $40,000
Ho, Jennifer A. McMaster University People with Disabilities and Meaningful Employment Outcomes: What Factors Contribute to the Job Carving Negotiation? $80,000
Hogan, Jessica L. University of St Andrews Winds of Change: Barriers to Acceptance of Wind Turbines in Ontario and Scotland $80,000
Hoover, Bradley J. University of Oxford François Delsarte at the opera: an harmonic system of artistic expression $80,000
Howlett, Marnie L.A. London School of Economics and Political Science Rethinking Ukrainian from the Cartographic Peripheries:  Borders, Boundaries, and National Identities $60,000
Hudec, Mariah University of Guelph Women and the Supernatural in Nineteenth-Century Scottish Writing $20,000
Hurly, Jane University of Alberta Exploring leisure in the wellbeing and sense of belonging of African refugees in Canada $40,000
Ignatovich, Elena The University of British Columbia Lifelong education in the era of multiple modernities: A study of USSR and Russian policies 1917-2018 $40,000
Ireland, Leanna J. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Uber for Cops: The Effects of Mobile Applications on Citizen Reporting and Police Interaction $40,000
Issi, Cynthia University of California, Santa Cruz Waste Histories from Beirut: Toward a Methodology of Environmental Justice in Visual Culture $60,000
Jacob, Christine University of Toronto Palliative poetics: early modern lyric as physic $80,000
Jagger, Patricia L. University of Alberta Being feminist ~ becoming teacher: Negotiating feminist identities, pedagogies, and emotion through collaborative film $40,000
Jalsevac, John University of Toronto Memory, mnemonics, and moral perception: Thomas Aquinas' philosophy of memory $80,000
Jamieson, Brittany Ryerson University Unpacking mother-infant regulatory attunement: Advancement of a theoretical and empirical model $40,000
Jamil, Rawa University of Windsor Mental Health and Well-Being in Arab Canadian Immigrants $40,000
Janssen, William F. Brock University Thinking (and thinking...) about perfection: A test of the Perfectionism Cognitions Theory $80,000
Jiao, Ziqian The University of British Columbia Addressing discrimination of people who use drugs within public sector services: A case study $40,000
Jodoin Léveillée, Maude Université de Montréal L'héritage des Nanas Benz: trajectoires d'implication des revendeuses de pagne dans le milieu associatif loméen $20,000
Johnson, Benjamin T. York University The True North: remote and algorithmic security in the Canadian Arctic $40,000
Johnson, Brittany University of Alberta Birthing Beaver: Sexual and Reproductive Justice in amiskwaciwâskahikan $60,000
Jones, Alan M. University of Toronto A Narrative of Silence? Confronting the Memory of Nazi Crimes in West Germany, 1959-1965 $80,000
Jones-Chick, Rachael Saint Mary's University Lead to innovation: the development of a leader training program to promote employee innovation $80,000
Kabir, Mabruk University of Toronto Education in Crisis: Improving Gender Equity in Afghanistan $60,000
Kalb, Natalie University of Toronto Understanding the Substance Use Behaviour of LGBQ People of Colour: The Role of Intersectional Microaggressions, Identity, and Collective Resilience $40,000
Kane, Jocelyn M. University of Ottawa Lived experiences of stateless persons in Canada $40,000
Kapron, Benjamin J. York University Storying survivance of Land: Land as an agent and teacher of decolonization for settler Canadians - Case study: the Trent-Severn Waterway $40,000
Karasewich, Tara A. Queen's University Situational Barriers to Young Children's Prosocial Behaviour $40,000
Karim, Mariam University of Toronto Tracing transnational feminist solidarities: A study of Arab women's online collectives $60,000
Karn, Sara E. Queen's University Passing the torch: Canadian youth and the social memory of the First World War, 1918-2018 $80,000
Karunananthan, Meera University of Ottawa Women's Rights to the Thirsty City: A Comparative Analysis of Struggles for Water among Women living in Poverty in Cape Town and Bangalore $40,000
Kelly-Turner, Ken Concordia University Examining Beliefs about Losing Control: A Multimethod Investigation $80,000
Kempton, Allen University of Toronto Crossroads in digital gaming: metaplay, communication, interaction $20,000
Kenney, Theresa N. McMaster University Imagining Asexual Citizenship: Queerly Alternative (Digital) Practices of Relation in Conceptions of Belonging $80,000
Kernan, Luke University of Victoria Madness and Myth in Graphic Narratives--A Case Study of Recovery Communities of Practice $60,000
Kinakin, Emma University of Toronto Inter-temporal Climate Change Treaties with Adaptation $80,000
King, Clare L. Western University Follow the Leader: Understanding Genre and Canon Formation Through a Case Study of Nümetal Music $40,000
Kirley, Michael P.M. University of Toronto The Agent Standpoint and the Structure of Actions $60,000
Korytko, Joel F. University of Oxford The "Law of the Land" in the land of the Lagides: the influence of Hellenistic law upon the Greek translation of Exodus 21-23:19 $80,000
Kovalchuk, Alexander McMaster University Sovereign as Sanctified? Sanctuary Toronto in Graphic Novel $40,000
Kowalski, Christopher M. Western University Development and Validation of the Rumination Domains Questionnaire $80,000
Kunimoto, Erica University of Toronto A Genealogy of Desire: Recovering Authentic Desire in a Good Life $80,000
Kuri, Erin L. McMaster University Young mothers' experiences and views of support: A feminist arts based study $40,000
Kuzucuoglu, Sahver N. Wilfrid Laurier University The Jerrahi Sufis of Canada  Experiences of a 'Minority Within a Minority' $60,000
Kuzyk, Olivia Concordia University Contextual changes in peer victimization: A longitudinal, cross-cultural analysis of the predictors of peer victimization in preadolescence and the moderating roles of anxiety and depressed affect $80,000
Kyeremeh, Emmanuel K. Western University Immigrants' Networks and the Integration Process in Canada: A Case Study of Ghanaian Immigrants in the Greater Toronto Area $40,000
Labonté, Thalie Université de Montréal La régulation émotionnelle comme variable médiatrice du lien entre les insécurités d'attachement et le bien-être sexuel chez une population de couples en détresse $60,000
Labonté, Véronique Université Laval Le rôle des médias et des TIC dans la reconstruction mémorielle post-conflit : Analyse du discours entourant les projets de reconstruction patrimoniale en Bosnie-Herzégovine $60,000
Labossière, Sophie Université de Sherbrooke Processus de développement des attitudes et comportements alimentaires problématiques pour les éètes universitaires $80,000
Labrecque, Katherine Institut national de la recherche scientifique Pratiques de sociabilité liées au visionnement de séries chez les jeunes adultes québécois : rôle dans la construction du rapport au monde $60,000
Lachance, Valérie Université de Sherbrooke Profils d'empathie dispositionnelle chez les psychothérapeutes: Corrélats avec la personnalité et impact sur l'expression d'empathie $40,000
Ladouceur, Patrick University of Ottawa Comprendre la justice sociale par la voix des militantes et des militants $60,000
Laguë Maltais, Magalie Université du Québec à Montréal Femmes magistrats et liturges en Grèce antique (Ier siècle avant J.-C.-IIIe siècle après J.-C.) $80,000
Lambert, Danaël Université de Sherbrooke Développement d'un modèle explicatif de la maturation des organisations dans la gestion du développement durable $60,000
Lamoureux, Samuel Université du Québec à Montréal L’institutionnalisation et la légitimation de l’économie néoclassique par la communication : le cas de la Banque du Canada $80,000
Lapierre, Andréanne Université du Québec à Montréal Résolution de conflits dans les relations amoureuses à l'adolescence: variations quotidiennes du stress et de l'attachement comme facteurs situationnels menant à la violence $20,000
Laszlo, Rita K. University of Toronto A Genealogy of Gullibility in German Literature and Theory $60,000
Lavigne, Mathieu McGill University Accessibilité des données sur les électeurs et efficacité des communications électorales $80,000
Lavoie Mongrain, Catherine Université du Québec à Montréal La valeur de la "compagnie" des femmes : Pratiques et sens du sugar dating en contexte occidental contemporain $60,000
Lawrence, Casey M. Trinity College Dublin The New Womanly Man: Crossdressing, androgyny, and transgenderism in Joyce and Woolf $80,000
Leahy, Emily Catherine G. University of Toronto Settlement and National Mythmaking in the Fictionalized Canadian and American Prairies of the Late Nineteenth Century $80,000
Lecoq, Garrett P. Carleton University Governing Death: The Right to Die and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms $20,000
Lee, Angela University of Ottawa Saving the Planet and Feeding the People: Advancing Technology Justice in the Agri-Food Sector through Improved Law and Governance $20,000
Lee, Chelsey M. Simon Fraser University The effectiveness of afterschool mentorship programs: An evaluation of the metro Vancouver YWCA Youth Education Programs $80,000
Lee, Grayson F. University of Toronto Digital Imaginations Within/Without Capitalism: The South Korean Webtoon Industry and Its Transnational Narratives $80,000
Lefebvre, Rachael University of Toronto The intersection of poverty and child maltreatment: Narrowing the gap in knowledge within the Canadian context $40,000
Legg, Nicole K. University of Victoria Examining emotional consequences and trajectories of disordered eating in undergaduate females $80,000
Lehoux-Jobin, Etienne Université de Montréal Cinéma québécois au Japon : circulation, traduction et réception $60,000
Leibel, Miranda S. Carleton University "Getting it right for the kids?": Manufacturing scandal and transparency in provincial child death inquiries in Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario $60,000
Leon-Carlyle, Michael R. Pennsylvania State University Feminist ethics of care and early twentieth century French and German epistemology $40,000
Lepage-Richer, Théo Brown University Neural Media: On Machine Learning and the Reformulation of Knowledge $60,000
Leroux, Maxime Université du Québec à Montréal La prise de décision lorsque l'information abonde : une application aux modèles macroéconomiques $60,000
Leslie, Jason S. The University of British Columbia Housing versus Finance: A Critique of Mortgage Securitization in Canada using the Human Capabilities Approach $20,000
Leung, Enoch McGill University Comparing attitudes and beliefs towards sexual education among pre-service and in-service educators in Quebec $40,000
Leveau, Fanny Western University Métamorphose des corps ou redéfinition de l'humain chez les écrivaines contemporaines $60,000
Levesque, Nataly Université Laval Marque humaine: comportement des fans et stratégies de marketing innovantes $20,000
Lewis-Sing, Emma B. Memorial University of Newfoundland Plastic landscapes: an archaeological and heritage approach to places of ecological shame $80,000
Lion, Vittoria L. University of Toronto "We are but everlasting animals": speculative Darwinism, the paleontology of the self, and the Surrealist adventure $80,000
Lockwood, Ilana E. University of Toronto Optimizing outcomes for Indigenous justice-involved youth: A study of culturally tailored rehabilitation and firsthand accounts of pathways to success $40,000
Logan, Emily C. The University of British Columbia Managing Music Performance Anxiety Through Non-Medical Interventions $40,000
Long, Austin J. University of Toronto Woolf and Hemingway: Style, Content, and Opposition as Products of the Press $80,000
Lord Ferguson, Sarah L. Simon Fraser University Marketing, eWOM and the Modern Healthcare Consumer: Using Artificial Intelligence to Demystify Online Patient Reviews $60,000
Louis, Dustin E. University of Hawai’i at Mànoa Trans-indigenous relationality through the migratory route of yellow breasted chats (Icteria virens auricollis) $80,000
Lukacik, Eden-Raye A. University of Calgary Detecting Faking in Online Video Job Interviews $40,000
Lummack, Robert A. University of Ottawa Reassessing understandings of contemporary conflict using a bottom-up approach: Appreciating the agency of military members within the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria and the war in Eastern Ukraine $60,000
Luo, Yu The University of British Columbia Sociocultural influences on climate change perception and action $80,000
Lynch, Signy C. York University Direct Audience Address: Inviting Emotion and Felt Immediacy in Contemporary Performance in Canada $20,000
Ma, Cindy X. University of Oxford The troll academy: Irony and the politics of transgression in the "alt-lite" $80,000
Ma, Dennis G. The University of British Columbia Essays on organizing platforms: Towards a theory of platform organizing using Ethereum blockchain data $20,000
MacDonald, Jennifer C. University of Calgary Re-Imagining Curriculum to Renew Ethical Relations with the Land $20,000
MacDonald, Kristie L.A. York University Documents from Antarctica $40,000
Machado Araujo, Vanina Sofia University of Toronto Spontaneous Spanish: Prosodic alignment in the speech of speakers of Uruguayan Portuguese $60,000
Mackay, Caroline L. Simon Fraser University How do moral convictions impact pro-environmental action? $60,000
MacKenzie-Dale, Brittni University of New Brunswick Their Imperceptible Parts: Interrogating the Animal Industrial Complex Through Gothic Creative Writing $80,000
Mackey, Wendy L. St. Francis Xavier University Transforming a School System through Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: An Instrumental Case Study $20,000
MacKinnon, Marla J. University of Victoria Form and function: Adaptive responses of human pelvic morphology in forager populations $40,000
MacLachlan, Janna L. University of Toronto Understanding rehabilitation from the perspective of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit $40,000
MacNeil, Sasha Concordia University Early Adversity, Attributional Style, and Negative Social Interactions in Adolescence: The Moderating Influence of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia $60,000
MacQueen, Michelle Queen's University Resilient, Dissident, Restorative: Musical Communities and Counternarratives to Nova Scotian Identity $80,000
Majnemer, Jacklyn London School of Economics and Political Science Understanding reneging: Why allies withdraw from nuclear sharing commitments $40,000
Makovichuk, Lee University of Alberta Transitioning from Home to School: Researching Lived Experiences of Children, Parents, and Teachers $60,000
Mallery, David York University A relational framework for sustainability assessment $40,000
Mario, Brittany L. University of Ottawa Mental Health and Prison Programming for Federally Sentenced Women in Canada $40,000
Marquis, Alexandra R. Ryerson University Drawing links between infants’ social exposure and their recognition of emotion $40,000
Martalogu, Alexandru University of Oxford Beyond change and continuity: local trading patterns under the first dynasties $80,000
Mason, Elliot Allan Concordia University Monsters on the Margins: Minority Identification With Monsters and the Monstrous $40,000
Matheson, Lauren P. University of Victoria Does doing gender have to be part of doing parenthood? Household labour in same- and mixed-sex couples $80,000
McAuley, Katherine R. University of Guelph Understanding barriers to behaviour change in vulnerable populations to inform and address community home safety programming $80,000
McClure, Bryan M. Western University 'Gave His Life for the Empire': Memory, Memorials and Identity in the British Empire after the First World War $40,000
McConnell, Elysa I. University of Ottawa The Nation at the Periphery: Fascism and the Holocaust in the Northeastern Italian Borderlands, 1918-1948 $20,000
McCutcheon, Shawn McGill University Of Honest Men and Brutes: Education and Masculine Selfhood in the Laurentian Valley 1791-1840 $40,000
McEvoy, Joshua Queen's University The glocal energy transition: (dis)assembling community renewable energy projects $40,000
McFadden, Daniel University of Toronto Accident in Media: Imagining Complex Causality $20,000
McKay, Jennifer L. University of Waterloo Conflict, Repression and Creating a Dictatorship in 1950s East Germany $60,000
McKelvie, Sylvia Columbia University Courts of cognition: state violence and justice for disability communities in the post-welfare era $80,000
McKeown, Ryder University of Toronto The Weaponization of the Social: Emerging Practices of Strategy in Space, Cyberspace and International Law $40,000
McLay, Rachel J. Dalhousie University Political change and extremism in a "culture of defeat" $80,000
McMahon, Nicole Western University Transgender Visibility in Western Democracies: Comparing Public Policy in Canada and Australia $40,000
McTavish, Sarah C.R. University of Waterloo Exploring Queer Identity on the Early Internet, 1983-1999 $40,000
Medvick, Amy K. Tulane University Queens and batuqueiras: race and gender in the transnational migrations of Brazilian maracatu-nação $20,000
Mendonca, Brandon University of Guelph Writing to the Masses, not the 'Masseys': Agricultural Journalism, Cultural Nationalism and the Canadian Farm Writers' Federation, 1945-2003 $40,000
Mian Akram, Ayesha K. University of Windsor Expose Fears, Not Women: Challenging Contradictions in Canada's Presumed Secularity $40,000
Michelot, Florent Université de Montréal Pensée critique et compétences métalittéraciques d'étudiants sur Facebook : une étude de cas multiple dans trois universités de la francophonie $20,000
Miller, Chris D. University of Waterloo Out of the Broom Closet and into the Academy: The Development of Contemporary Pagan Studies and the Impact of Scholarship on Legitimacy $40,000
Mills, Erin University of Waterloo External drivers affecting nutrient management in the Lake Erie Basin: Implications for water governance $40,000
Mockler, Patricia E. Queen's University Learning to be good citizens: long-form deliberative processes and lessons for democratic citizenship $40,000
Moevus, Adrien McGill University The Hidden Siddhas: The Importance of Adamantine Songs For Atisha and The Kadam Tradition $80,000
Morgan-Thorp, Emma K. York University Acting on Behalf of the Ocean: The Performative Politics of the Pipeline & Tanker Debate on the Pacific Coast of Canada $40,000
Morin, Laurence Université de Montréal Présence attentive, régulation émotionnelle et satisfaction conjugale en contexte de transition parentale : une étude longitudinale intensive $60,000
Morris, Heather M. University of Alberta Promoting a public health approach to Canada's opioid overdose epidemic: The role of bereaved mothers' media advocacy $40,000
Mouland, Carolyn R. University of Toronto Remedying the right to life, liberty, and security $80,000
Mouton, Gauthier Université du Québec à Montréal La sécurisation du secteur énergétique en Chine depuis la fin des années 1970 $40,000
Mullen, Faye C. Université du Québec à Montréal Architecture décoloniale : Déconstruction du mur par la démarche artistique visant la frontière transdisciplinaire en Art Contemporain depuis 2000 $40,000
Munroe, Melanie University of Toronto Exploring Pathways from Growth to Wisdom: The Role of Coping Styles and Meaning-making $20,000
Murchison, Daniel R. York University Becoming Indians or Citizens: Metis Lives, Lands, and Laws in the United States and Canada, 1860-1930 $40,000
Naismith, Benjamin University of Pittsburgh Statistical measures of lexical development and their relationship with user ratings $60,000
Nayak, Preeti University of Toronto An examination of how teachers apply 'race training' in secondary school classrooms $80,000
Néron, Camille Université de Sherbrooke Apparentements textuels et filiations littéraires dans les romans et nouvelles de Virginia Woolf et d'Anne Hébert $40,000
Neuman, Sydney R. York University The transnational circulation of pharmaceuticals $60,000
Nixon, Lindsay M. McGill University Fem the future: contemporary Indigenous (new) feminist art, manifestos from the margins $80,000
Noorizadeh, Bahar Goldsmiths University of London Economic science fictions $80,000
Noury, Cynthia Université du Québec à Montréal Recherche(création) compréhensive sur les pratiques d'entrevues de rue médiatiques (titre de travail) $40,000
O'Brien, Laura J. McGill University Vice, Virtue and (In)Visibility: The Benevolent Network of Montreal, 1887 - 1905 $40,000
Occhiuto, Katherine Carleton University The Gendered Complexities of Relying on Community Charities to Meet Basic Needs: Effects on Mothers and the Communities to Which They Belong $40,000
O'Doherty, Desmond A.D. York University Tongzhi in Hong Kong: Queer (Un)Belonging in the Age of Post-colonialism $40,000
Olmstead, Nathan A. University of Toronto A Posthuman critique of Transhumanism and the quest for digital immortality $80,000
Oloko, Majing University of Saskatchewan Strengthening the  Nuu-chah-nulth Peoples' Traditional Food System Through Youth Participation: An Effort Towards Enhancing Food Security in the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve Region $80,000
O'Neill, Kerry Ellen Carleton University Conditional cash transfers: a policy tool for women's empowerment or exploitation? $40,000
Oralova, Gaisha McMaster University Differences in cognitive processing of logographic and alphabetic writing systems $40,000
Osborne, Carla A. University of Victoria We Know Where We Are: Indigenous Historiography in Northern North America $40,000
Padgett, Jessica K. York University Polyculturalism and Modern Masculinity: A Canadian Model $60,000
Pageau, Laurie Université Laval Les représentations des élèves de 4e et 5e secondaire au sujet de l'histoire et de l'épreuve unique ministérielle $40,000
Pajunen, Patricia University of Guelph Norval Morrisseau's Legacy or A Sini Dreamt About Amik and Maanameg $40,000
Paré, Alexandra Université de Montréal Analyse comparative de la relation entre stratégies architecturales et théories du développement de l'enfant dans un corpus canadien d'écoles primaires contemporaines $60,000
Parent, Josianne Université du Québec à Rimouski Développement d'une intervention orthopédagogique, fondée sur la négociation graphique, visant l'amélioration des habiletés en orthographe grammaticale d'élèves du primaire $60,000
Parent, Simon Université de Montréal La programmation au primaire dans une perspective de développement de compétences transversales : un regard sur la résolution collaborative de problèmes $40,000
Pascoe, Rachael V. University of Toronto Shame Reduction and Feminist Advocacy for Adolescents who have Sexually Offended $80,000
Patrick, Heather R. University of Manitoba Desacralizing ancient texts: satire and parody in first- and second-century early Christian and Greco-Roman literature $80,000
Patterson, Sean David University of Alberta Beyond East and West: Zaporizhian Regional and National Historical Narratives in Post-Stalinist and Post-independence Ukraine $60,000
Pedreira, Karli M. University of Manitoba A Comparison of EIBI Treatment Quality Across Settings $60,000
Pelletier-De Koninck, Marie-Charlotte Université de Montréal Les concours de Miss et Mister Terena: historicité et transformations des dynamiques de représentations et d'auto représentations d'un groupe d'autochtone du Brésil $40,000
Pennanen, Kelsey A. University of Calgary The Future History of Qikiqtaryuk Monitoring Threatened Heritage in Canada’s Western Arctic $80,000
Perron, Eve-Lyne Humboldt University of Berlin The symmetry theory: Leibniz on the problem of extrospection $60,000
Pesic, Julija University of Toronto Cultural Specificity, Global Dynamics: The Performance Art of Marina Abramovic $40,000
Petryszak, Alexandra The University of British Columbia Equal Shares of Sorrow: Men of Feeling on the Early Modern English Stage $60,000
Petschke, Karl F.W. York University Lives on the line: Remediating wayside ecologies in regional transportation corridors $80,000
Pind, Jackson Queen's University Beyond the Binary Experience: Reframing Indigenous Day Schooling in Ontario, 1930-1982 $60,000
Pineault, Laura A. Wayne State University How can work-life intervention programs better promote women in leadership? $40,000
Poucher, Zoe A. University of Toronto Psychosocial Well-Being in Canadian High-Performance Sport $60,000
Price, Taylor R. University of Toronto A Digital Art World in the Making: The Case of Canadian Recording Artists $40,000
Prost, Jean-François Université du Québec à Montréal Architectures adaptatives $80,000
Purcell, Victoria L. University of Calgary Relationships Between Parental Characteristics, Emotional Regulation, and Anxiety Symptom Development in Adolescence: A Path Model $60,000
Qi, Hongyuan Wilfrid Laurier University A Cross-cultural Comparison of Chinese and Euro-Canadian Children's Memory $40,000
Quistberg, Kirsten University of Victoria Preventing Maladaptive Behaviours: The Effects of Parenting on Self-Regulation Development $80,000
Rabbani, Golam Queen's University Commodifying Baul Spirituality: Consumer Capitalism, Agency, and Changing Baul Literature and Music in Bangladesh $40,000
Rahimi Fard Jahromi, Seyedeh Dorna The University of British Columbia Immigrant Students' Experiences of Biculturalism $40,000
Rahman, Farhana A. University of Cambridge Rickety Boats to Refuge(e): Gender, Identity, and Everyday Negotiations of Rohingya Refugee Women $40,000
Ramsundarsingh, Susan N. University of Toronto When safe spaces aren't safe, exploring how the organizational characteristics of social service organizations contribute to service user oppression $20,000
Rattner, Maxxine Wilfrid Laurier University Advancing palliative care's discourse on dying $40,000
Reale, Kylie S. Simon Fraser University Online child pornography offending: A criminal career and life-course perspective $60,000
Reeves, Paige E. University of Alberta Physically present but socially distant: The role of ableism in shaping the experiences of community belonging of adults with intellectual disability $40,000
Rempel, Emma R. Ryerson University Technology on Trial: Exploring the Cognitive and Affective Influence of Animations on Mock Jurors' Legal Judgments $80,000
Richardson, Ashley A. Ryerson University Examining Indigenous Education: Decolonization, Curricula & Well-being $40,000
Rioux Collin, Josiane Université de Sherbrooke Étude des fonctions du droit en matière d'accès à la saine alimentation au Québec $40,000
Roberts, Aaron J. McMaster University Ethical analysis of synthetic gene drive applications in mosquitoes for malaria elimination $60,000
Rodrigues, Michelle University of Toronto Turning the focus to fathers: Broadening our understanding of how fathers influence child development $40,000
Romagnoli, Bianca University of California, Los Angeles The Eyes and Ears of the North: Canadian Northern Sovereignty and Canadian Armed Forces Ranger Patrol Group $60,000
Romain-Tappin, Christine Queen's University Part of the Team; Exploring the Added Value of Early Childhood Educators' Approaches to Assessment in Play based Kindergarten Education $60,000
Rouleau, Héloïse Université de Montréal Bruxelles arrive, résurgence de la scène rap belge à l'ère du numérique $80,000
Rouleau, Traleena M. University of Ottawa The role of self-compassion in resolving discrepancies about the provision and perception of support in romantic relationships $80,000
Rounds, Kelsey University of Victoria Stories of strength: Resilience in older trans adults $20,000
Roy, Beverley C. University of Toronto Indigenous Higher Education in Northern Ontario: Linking Worldviews with Strategic Policy Action $20,000
Rozenberg, Sara S. York University Decolonial Crossings: Aesthetic Futures in Contemporary Literary and Visual Arts $40,000
Rozhon, Jon University of Calgary Dawn of the Anthropocene: Emergent Representations of Energy in Early Modern English Literature $60,000
Runesson Sanfridson, Rebecca Tove Maria University of Toronto The Creation of Social Space in Antiquity: Categorizing Different Modes of Elective Group Foundation in the Ancient Mediterranean World $80,000
Ryan, Erin B. The University of British Columbia Shared reality as a developmental model for the psychological construct of solidarity with animals $80,000
Sabattis-Atwin, Allan J.W. University of New Brunswick Skicinuwimiyewakono Returning to our Cultural Realm to create a Wolastoqey model of education $40,000
Saiphoo, Alyssa N. Ryerson University Social Comparisons of Facial Attractiveness $60,000
Salerno, Alisha C. York University Improving police response to Autism Spectrum Disorder: a social-psychological approach $60,000
Sauvageau, Claudine Université de Montréal L'oral réflexif entre pairs pour favoriser la consolidation du vocabulaire rencontré en lecture chez les élèves à risque du 1er cycle du primaire $60,000
Schaufert, Braidon T. University of Alberta Queer Hospitality: Sexuality and Race at the Threshold $40,000
Schmidt, Catherine J. University of Toronto Parenting in the shadows: the caregiving experiences of undocumented parents with young children in Canada $60,000
Schmitt, Romain Université Laval Analyse de la validité et de l'impact du Test de certification en français écrit pour l'enseignement : le TECFÉE $40,000
Schriemer, Lydia University of Ottawa I Ask You to Give Me a Guardian: Female Guardianship and the Influence of Christianity in Late Antique Egypt $80,000
Schultz, Christie University of Alberta Towards Care-Centered Leadership in Higher Education: A Narrative Inquiry into Care Ethics Experiences and Practices of Academic Leaders $40,000
Schwartz, Flint D. Dalhousie University Direct and intergenerational effects of the Sixties Scoop and Indian Residential School system in Manitoba: Social, family, and community impacts and resiliency $60,000
Schwartz, Noah S. Carleton University Quick Draw History - the National Rifle Association, the Politics of Memory & the Great Gun Debate $40,000
Sears, Nathan A. University of Toronto International Politics in the Age of Existential Threats $40,000
Sedov, Ivan D. University of Calgary Unplanned pregnancy and parenting self-efficacy $40,000
Segger, Mark University of Alberta Colliding Referents: Opus 0 no. 0 $40,000
Sellinger, Katrina E.L. McMaster University Passing for Human: Queer Technologies of Racial Passing $80,000
Semple, Tori L. Carleton University A pre-post evaluation of a mobile crisis intervention team $80,000
Sevi, Semra Université de Montréal Youth and Representation $40,000
Sezlik, Sage B. University of Ottawa Father and mother emotion dialogues with children in middle childhood: Associations with parental sensitivity and stress, attachment, and child social adaptation $60,000
Shahsavar Zadeh, Elham York University Reading Iraniannesses through contemporary Isfahan's Naqsh-e Jahan Square $60,000
Shanahan Somerville, Mari C. Concordia University Crime Onset and Neighbourhood Change in an "At-Risk" Sample $60,000
Shankar, Saguna The University of British Columbia Care-driven migration strategies: Investigating how information practices influence migrants' ability to thrive $40,000
Sheppard, De-Ann Michelle University of Toronto Decolonizing Indigenous Health Nursing in Unamaki, Cape Breton Nova Scotia: Equity Oriented Collaborative Community Based Research $40,000
Siad, Roda M. Concordia University Digitally displaced: The impact of blockchain and other emerging technologies on refugee rights $80,000
Simard, Charles-Olivier Université de Montréal Vivre sous un même toit : une analyse sociodémographique des arrangements résidentiels chez les Inuits de l'Arctique canadien $40,000
Simon, Jérome University of Ottawa First language maintenance in a non-native bilingual linguistic environment $60,000
Sirois, Marie-Soleil Université de Montréal Le tempérament des enfants et leur fonctionnement socio-émotionnel à l'entrée scolaire: Le rôle modérateur de la qualité de la relation mère-enfant $40,000
Skulstad-Brown, Timothy J. Queen's University Imagining a World Without Prisons: Decolonial Abolitionist Social Imaginaries $40,000
Slavik, Catherine E. McMaster University Expert and non-expert perceptions of risk: Improving the risk communication of cancer clusters $60,000
Smith, Kevin Université du Québec à Montréal La victimisation par les pairs et dans le cadre des relations amoureuses : médiations et génétique $60,000
Smith, Sarah E.K. Queen's University Roots: An Ethnographic Study of Women, Hair and Madness $80,000
Soloninka, Deanna R. University of Edinburgh States of Nationalism: External Influence on State-Minority Relations in Post-Soviet Ukraine and Moldova $60,000
Souffrant, Kharoll-Ann University of Ottawa De #AgressionNonDénoncée à #moiaussi: analyse des mouvements de dénonciation en ligne d'agressions sexuelles au Québec entre 2014 et 2017 $80,000
Steele, Bridget University of Oxford The Relationship Between Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Women's Economic Empowerment $80,000
Stenason, Lauren University of Ottawa Assessing and Addressing the Parenting Needs of Foster Caregivers $40,000
Stephens, Phoebe G. University of Waterloo Impact Investing for Sustainable Food Systems $40,000
Stewart, Brandon D. Yale University Addressing the everyday legal problems of Ontario's low-income LGBTQ+ community $80,000
Stieva, Katelyn N. University of New Brunswick Race, racism, and the systemic exclusion of racial minorities in the Canadian Army during the Second World War $80,000
Sumner, Carolyne University of Toronto Musical Networks and Cultural Expression in Canada: The Postcentennial Years $40,000
Sunahara, Cecile Southern Methodist University The influence of maternal implicit attitudes towards their child on the development of socioemotional abilities in children: the implications of epigenetic alterations in the oxytocin receptor gene $80,000
Sutcliffe, Jordan University of Wollongong Examining the influence of parent-athlete relationships on positive youth development through sport $80,000
Suteu, Oana Université de Montréal Le mouvement des plantes: vers une éthologie de représentation de la vie végétale $80,000
Sutherland, D. Kyle G.R. The University of British Columbia Addressing Transgender-Related Social Barriers to Health-Care $60,000
Sutherland, Graeme University of Toronto Diversity and Assimilation: Muslims in Early Modern Rome $80,000
Swim, Jeffrey R. Western University "Airs upon Pan's pipes": Victorian pagan revivals $40,000
Tahir, Munazza University of Ottawa Maternal wellbeing during the postpartum period in mothers with intellectual and developmental disabilities $80,000
Tanguay, Eric Wilfrid Laurier University Infrastructures for Peace in Ghana: Navigating Hybridity and Local Ownership in Peacebuilding $40,000
Tanner, Alexa The University of British Columbia Disaster resilience in complex systems: Planning for and recovering from natural hazards $40,000
Taylor, Brandon University of Toronto Towards a Vibrant Ecomythology: Resisting Enlightenment Humanist Myths $60,000
Tchanou, Armel Quentin HEC Montréal Impact Of Information Technology Multitasking On Hedonic Experience: A Neurophysiological Perspective $60,000
Teigeiro, Sarah École Polytechnique de Montréal Policies for material traceability and information sharing: Blockchain application for the Circular Economy $80,000
Thomas, Alexander J.C. University of Toronto Interpretive Plurality in Romantic Biblical Hermeneutics $60,000
Thompson, Lauren E. Carleton University Eyewitness memory for a familiar perpetrator: The influence of prior contact and a subjective sense of familiarity on recall and recognition accuracy $80,000
Thompson, Michelle Carleton University World Music as a Transcultural Meeting Place for Francophones $40,000
Thompson-Walsh, Catherine A. University of Toronto Promoting social-emotional development in child victims of exposure to domestic violence $40,000
Tollefson, Hannah McGill University The politics of logistics and infrastructure at the Port of Vancouver $80,000
Tong, Donia McGill University Encouraging truth-telling in children: Comparison of three techniques $80,000
Toomey, Nisha University of Toronto Humanitarianism on Indigenous lands: Development and displacement on the Thai-Burma border $20,000
Tran, Emily Y. University of Wisconsin, Madison Race, memory, and school desegregation in Boston, 1974-2014 $60,000
Tran, Kieu Trang University of Toronto What's Love Got to Do With It? A Study on the Regulation of Marriage and Policing of Marriage Fraud in Canada $20,000
Trode, Rachel G. European University Institute Striking a Balance: Social Relations, Identity, and Practice during the 1906 General Strike in Bosnia and Herzegovina $60,000
Tsakpinoglou, Florence Université du Québec à Montréal Comprendre la compétence émotionnelle pour promouvoir la réussite des élèves en formation professionnelle $40,000
Tsui, Tiffany Y. L. Queen's University Linking emotion dynamics and well-being in peer relationships $40,000
Tsuruda, Samantha M. The University of British Columbia Kwéweme: harvesting knowledge for Indigenous education reform $60,000
Tunnicliffe, Kevin R. University of Victoria (An)aesthetic Narrative Form in Modernist Fiction $60,000
Turner, Ian S. E. University of Toronto Locating the Home in Newar Buddhism: (Re)Productions of Place and Personhood $80,000
Twance, Melissa Lakehead University The Ceremony of Place: Mazinaabikiniganan as Sites of Resistance and Renewal $40,000
Udenigwe, Ogochukwu C. University of Ottawa Cost Effectiveness and Job Satisfaction of Reoriented Traditional Birth Attendants $60,000
Underwood, Erik McGill University Nationalism and the Quest for Status in International Relations $60,000
Unsworth, Roisin AM. University of Victoria Substance Use, Violence & Pathways to Resilience:  Examining the Experiences of Street-involved Young Women $80,000
Uribe Albornoz, Alejandra Université de Montréal Colombian paramos: a study of environmental borders and livelihoods $60,000
Vaccaro, Mary-Elizabeth McMaster University Participatory installation of permanent housing with women experiencing chronic homelessness $60,000
Vanzella Yang, Adam P. The University of British Columbia Musical tastes and social stratification: A cross-national analysis $60,000
Vaughan, Dylan T. Western University Speaking in Absolutes: Jean-François Lyotard and his Speculative Philosophy of Language $20,000
Vazquez, Hector University of Victoria Building appreciation for Indigenous cultures in Mexico via music education $40,000
Vermette, Kyrie The University of British Columbia Sister Colonialism?: the Interactions Between Korean Women and Foreign Women in Korea, 1884-1945 $60,000
Vicars, Kelsey L. The University of British Columbia A Historical Defence of Indigenous Land Claims $80,000
Victor, Florence Université du Québec à Montréal Esthétiser l'abject. Considérations pratiques et théoriques sur la peinture; vers une représentation contemporaine de la nature morte $60,000
Vidal, Sabrina Université de Montréal New Bee to Chief Bee : Compétence criminelle des producteurs de drogues de synthèse $40,000
Viger, Jonathan York University Historicizing the Political Geography of the Middle East: Social Conflicts, Competing Sovereignties, and Changing Territoriality $20,000
Visser, Serena N. University of Lethbridge Determining the impact of institutional practices on trans and gender diverse people accessing mental health services $80,000
Vovk, Justin McMaster University Deathly Rites: Royal Funerals in Post-Reformation Britain and Austria, 1695-1780 $60,000
Vrantsidis, Thalia University of Toronto Mechanisms of stereotype overuse under cognitive load $40,000
Walton, Ann M. Carleton University From Labour to Leisure: Gender,  Residential Institutions, and Shifting Approaches to Aging  in Canada, 1900-1960 $40,000
Walzak, Laura C. Simon Fraser University Social Cognition in Older Adults: Mechanisms Associated with Fraud Susceptibility and Risky Decision-Making $40,000
Warner, Matthew Stanford University Reading Sex Backwards: Sexuality, Historicism and Anachronism in Tudor England $40,000
Watts, Carolyn J. Princeton University Half warrior, half musician: Adolph Bolm and American ballet $20,000
Weiner, Joshua The University of British Columbia The Changing Legitimacy of Assassination $60,000
Wenzel, Abra Carleton University Métis Moose Hair Tufting: Revival of a Tradition $40,000
Whistance-Smith, Gregory University of Alberta Structured Wandering: Embodied Spatiality in 'Walking Simulator' Videogames $80,000
Wilson, Fiona M. University of Toronto The many kinds of 'no': Negation in Muskeg Cree $40,000
Wray, Dana University of Toronto Reshaping Fatherhood through Policy: The Consequences of Parental Leave for Fathering Definitions and Practices $60,000
Wynes, Christopher S. The University of British Columbia Mitigating climate change at the individual level $40,000
Yanota, Erin N. University of Texas at Austin Formal experimentation and myth in transatlantic women's modernist poetry $60,000
Yellow Old Woman, Pearl M. University of Calgary Siksikaitsitapi (Blackfoot Speaking People) Parenting of Children with Disabilities $40,000
Young, Deborah G. Carleton University Walk the Talk:  Can the Talk of Reconciliation Transform the Federal Government? $80,000
Young, Jason A. University of Calgary Mêskanaw-Natawaho:  A Research Based Composition for Mixed Ensemble in Four Movements $40,000
Yousuf, Biftu M. York University Transnational Geographies of Solidarity and Cooperation Mobilized by Oromos in Diaspora $80,000
Zakharchuk, Nataliia V. University of Saskatchewan Transforming university governance in the context of the Bologna Process: A case study of Ukrainian higher education $40,000
Zelenka, Antony University of Toronto Translating sustainability: collaborative development and the knowledge politics of Cree sovereignty $80,000
Zepeda, Michelle S. University of Calgary Do infants use helpful and harmful interactions to predict social category membership? $80,000
Zuniga, Didier University of Victoria An ethics of interdependency. Ecosocial diversity, sustainability and reconciliation $20,000
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