Adams, Noah J. |
University of Toronto |
An Institutional Ethnography into How Autistic Adults Navigate Transgender Healthcare |
$105,000 |
Adams, Sara W. |
Carleton University |
The Urban Ecology of Henry Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor |
$105,000 |
Agi, Ojo E.E. |
Concordia University |
Art, politics and representation: Black feminist artistic praxes in Canada |
$105,000 |
Alain, Hubert |
Université de Montréal |
Paysages énergétiques : histoire des imaginaires sociotechniques à travers les représentations de l'infrastructure hydroélectrique québécoise, de 1950 à aujourd'hui |
$105,000 |
Allard, Dane T. |
The University of British Columbia |
"Our people displayed their unity": Métis identities and political organizing in British Columbia |
$105,000 |
Alsaadi, Salam |
University of Toronto |
Authoritarianism and Democratization in a Highly Competitive Regional System |
$105,000 |
Amanatidis-Saadé, George |
University of Ottawa |
Saint Marutha of Martyropolis: Rome, Persia and the Life of a Frontier Bishop in Late Antiquity |
$105,000 |
Amin, Sanjida |
University of Toronto |
The Outsider's Effect: The Role of External Support in Shaping Rebel Organization |
$105,000 |
Ampleman-Tremblay, Sandrine |
McGill University |
Sexual Assault by Police: Towards a Victims' Rights Theory |
$105,000 |
Anderson, Alison L. |
University of Toronto |
Climate change mitigation through the restoration of First Nations governance |
$105,000 |
Anderson, Christy L. |
University of Saskatchewan |
Talking back to power: Indigenous women in the prairies confront settler-colonial violence in policing |
$105,000 |
Anderson, Jean-Christophe |
University Paris Nanterre |
Dilthey et l'énigme de l'édification du monde |
$105,000 |
Anderson, Shelbie |
Simon Fraser University |
Examining errors in childrens reports of repeated events |
$105,000 |
Andrade Torquato Schimidt, Deborah |
Université de Montréal |
Conceptions et pratiques des enseignants face aux enjeux de la justice et de l'égalité à l'école secondaire au Québec |
$105,000 |
Archambault, Maude |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Les comportements d'absence d'attachement sélectif et de désinhibition sociale chez les enfants 6-12 ans suivis par les services de la protection de la jeunesse |
$105,000 |
Aslam, Hira |
University of Saskatchewan |
Sexual offending through the eyes of sexual offenders: Exploring the subjective reality of sexual offenders through narrative theory and attachment |
$105,000 |
Aton, Henria |
University of Toronto |
Documenting Disappearance: Irregular Records, Memory, and Women's Activism in Sri Lanka |
$105,000 |
Audet, Nicolas |
University of Minnesota |
An Unholy Lineage: Japan's Online Far-Right |
$105,000 |
Auger, Monique D. |
University of Victoria |
Notre Zaanfaan (Our Children): Supporting cultural continuity among Métis children and families through prevention-based family support services |
$105,000 |
Auksi, Michael M. |
McGill University |
Indians don't cry: the hockey history of the Anishinaabe of Lac Seul First Nation |
$105,000 |
Badry, Nathan A. |
McGill University |
New approaches to collaborative natural resource governance: Examples from local indigenous food systems in northern Quebec |
$105,000 |
Bahia, Jasmeet |
Carleton University |
Gangsters and Terrorists: Canadian Sikh Perceptions of Identity Through Racialization and State Surveillance |
$105,000 |
Bailey, Allison T.M. |
University of Toronto |
Emotional violence or violent emotions? The legitimization of violence through emotions in medieval France |
$105,000 |
Banaei, Bahareh |
York University |
Legal and Racialized Violence: Experiences of Immigration Detention in Canada |
$105,000 |
Bargout, Remy |
University of Ottawa |
Political Participation, Gender Equality, and Climate-Smart Agriculture: Barriers to the political involvement of women in Uganda's agricultural institutions |
$105,000 |
Barker, Marianne E. |
McGill University |
Improving Canadian integration of immigrants: An exploration of the government-funded Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada program |
$105,000 |
Baron, Emily T. |
University of Toronto |
Not Criminally Responsible: A New Framework of Responsibility and Rehabilitation |
$105,000 |
Barr, Caolan |
The University of British Columbia |
Dispossession, Settler Subjectivities and the Nation-State: Exploring Colonial Geographies through Critical Infrastructures |
$105,000 |
Barron, Christine M. |
University of Toronto |
Investigating the Reciprocal Relationship between Self-Regulated Learning and Literacy Achievement Among Students with Diverse Language Backgrounds |
$105,000 |
Barry, Jacob M.M. |
Queen's University |
Trans* and Two-Spirit Healthcare in New Brunswick: A Comparative Analysis |
$105,000 |
Bastien, Marie-France |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Soutien du gestionnaire : un levier à la prévention des problèmes de santé psychologique au travail |
$105,000 |
Bath, Paula |
Concordia University |
Mapping the Social Construction/Formation of Sign Language in Federal Communication Legislation |
$105,000 |
Battaglia, Anthony M. |
York University |
A psychosocial understanding of forensic aggression |
$105,000 |
Bauduin, Émilie |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
"[D]es bains de réalité violente" (Zola : 2016 [1886], 402). Poétique du lessivé dans la production romanesque zolienne (1867-1894) |
$105,000 |
Baycroft, Anne M. |
University of Saskatchewan |
Socio-Economic Landscapes: the family and popular religion in late Imperial China |
$105,000 |
Baysal, Dilara |
Concordia University |
Affective labour or emotional intelligence? Understanding the work of managerial workers in tech start-ups |
$105,000 |
Beauchamp Legault, Marie-Ève |
HEC Montréal |
Vers une meilleure compréhension des programmes de santé et de mieux-être au travail |
$105,000 |
Beaulieu, Julie |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Traverser le territoire des yoginis : l'apport du corps transculturel à la création chorégraphique |
$105,000 |
Bédard, Charlène |
Université Laval |
Analyse des trajectoires de vie de pères vivant avec un enfant présentant une déficience intellectuelle ou un trouble du spectre de l'autisme ayant vécu une séparation conjugale ou une recomposition familiale |
$105,000 |
Bedard, Oliver C. |
University of Toronto |
Ann Radcliffe and the Peculiar History of Gothic Incarceration |
$105,000 |
Bedir, Buse |
University of Victoria |
Investigating the Efficacy of an Attention and Executive Function Intervention for Preschoolers from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds |
$105,000 |
Behmaram, Pouya |
McGill University |
Are Mutual Funds Worth Their Fees? A Cost Benefit Analysis for Future Retirees |
$105,000 |
Bélanger, Jennifer |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Vers une approche sympoïétique du corps féminin malade : une analyse de récits autopathographiques contemporains écrits par des femmes |
$105,000 |
Benaway, Gwendolywn F. |
University of Toronto |
Indigenous Trans Women and Decolonial Aesthetics of Sovereign Gender(ed) Story |
$105,000 |
Bergstrom, Veronica N.Z. |
University of Toronto |
They or Us: Assessing when a common ingroup identity can attenuate interfaith bias |
$105,000 |
Bernard, Tamara |
Lakehead University |
My Grandmother's Bundle: Honouring Indigenous Womanhood |
$105,000 |
Bernbaum, Joel S.S. |
University of Saskatchewan |
Beyond the stage: How theatre can strengthen our cities |
$105,000 |
Berwald, Anastasia |
University of Ottawa |
Men get angry, women get silenced: Feminist solutions to biased online content moderation |
$105,000 |
Best, Cecilia E. |
York University |
Sixties and Millennial Scoop: Archives and Experience |
$105,000 |
Bird, Danielle R. |
University of Saskatchewan |
Reintegration Strategies Amongst Formerly Incarcerated Indigenous Men and Women in Saskatchewan |
$105,000 |
Blais-Laroche, Antoine |
Université Laval |
Un détour par le passé : liberté et transcendance dans l'oeuvre essayistique de Pierre Vadeboncoeur et de Fernand Dumont |
$105,000 |
Blanchard, Marianne |
University of Barcelona |
Histoire d'un objet méconnu : les lipsanothèques catalanes du 10e au début du 12e siècle |
$105,000 |
Blémur, Daniel |
Université de Montréal |
La Machine à imaginer les futurs – Histoire de la modélisation en évaluation intégrée |
$105,000 |
Boeckner, McKenna J. |
University of New Brunswick |
Memoirs of a sodomite: Revisionary queer historiography of England's Long Romantic Period |
$105,000 |
Boettcher, Nicholas K. |
University of Calgary |
Case study of mental health communities on Reddit |
$105,000 |
Boileau, Kayla |
University of Ottawa |
Examining the effects of racism, discrimination, and historical trauma on Canadian Indigenous Peoples' psychological and physiological wellbeing |
$105,000 |
Bolton, Catesby J. |
York University |
Indigenous Women, Warfare, Leadership, and Nation-Building: Exploring the Contributions of Anishinaabekwe to the Military, their First Nation and Canada |
$105,000 |
Borden, Miriam |
University of Toronto |
Translating and Mythmaking: The Politics of Women, Literacy, and Yiddish in the Twentieth Century |
$105,000 |
Bork, Vanessa G. |
The University of British Columbia |
Indigenous Family Stories of Adoption |
$105,000 |
Boron, Jonathan M. |
Simon Fraser University |
Pathways to reconciliation in resource management: breaking down colonial barriers and building Indigenous decision-making institutions for resource governance |
$105,000 |
Boschee, Jana K. |
University of Calgary |
Reciprocal Literacies: Artful Engagement with Place and Community |
$105,000 |
Boucher, Éliane |
University of Ottawa |
Efficience des principes du langage clair et accès à la justice : étude de la compréhension des textes de loi chez les personnes non représentées devant les tribunaux |
$105,000 |
Boulanger-Bonnelly, Jérémy |
University of Toronto |
Whose justice? A comparative approach to disempowerment, participation and access to justice |
$105,000 |
Boulebsol, Carole |
Université de Montréal |
Comprendre les trajectoires de vie et de services de femmes immigrantes ayant vécu de la coercition reproductive |
$105,000 |
Boustani, Lama |
Université de Montréal |
Parcours, intégration et territorialités de migrant.e.s à Montréal (Canada) et Monterrey (Mexique), comparer les conséquences de l'attente dans les Amériques |
$105,000 |
Bowen, Jonathan G. |
Western University |
Towards Gibsonian Mindreading |
$105,000 |
Bowman-Smith, Celina |
University of Waterloo |
The Other Side of the Screen: The Impact of Perspective-Taking on Adolescents' Online Communication |
$105,000 |
Boyd, Valen |
Western University |
Entrepreneurial accelerator programs: closing the gender gap in entrepreneurship, or maintaining the status quo? |
$105,000 |
Boyle, Sarah L. |
University of Guelph |
Character strengths profiles: Relations between character strengths and student wellness |
$105,000 |
Branget, Benjamin |
Université de Montréal |
Favoriser l'activité physique et la santé par la planification des infrastructures récréatives et sportives publiques : regard sur les décideurs municipaux québécois |
$105,000 |
Brant, William J. |
University of Victoria |
Mohawk Language Documentation in Pedagogy |
$105,000 |
Breault, Chantale |
Université de Montréal |
Compétence sociale en milieu de garde/préscolaire et persistance des atteintes langagières |
$105,000 |
Brinklow, Nathan C. |
University of Victoria |
An Urgent and Ethical Response: Best Practices for Implementing the TRC Calls to Action Through Community-Campus Partnerships for Indigenous Language Revitalization |
$105,000 |
Brittain, Heather L. |
University of Ottawa |
Does bullying derail educational potential? A longitudinal examination of four academic periods |
$105,000 |
Britton, Tamara L.H. |
Western University |
People, Primates and Bamboo: Negotiating Balance through the Study of Human-Environmental Relationships in the Pacoche Wildlife Refuge, Ecuador |
$105,000 |
Brocklehurst, Stephanie |
Western University |
Dispossession and Disposability: A critical ethnographic study of the stigmatization of the poor and the gentrification of poor urban spaces in London, Ontario |
$105,000 |
Brodeur, Geneviève |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Évaluation des effets de la formation PAJ + destinée au personnel scolaire en matière de promotion des relations amoureuses harmonieuses à l'adolescence |
$105,000 |
Brophy, Kyla S. |
McGill University |
Self-compassion and Emotion Regulation: Deciphering the Pathways to Well-being |
$105,000 |
Bruijns, Brianne A. |
Western University |
The Development and Impact of an e-Learning Physical Activity Module for Early Childhood Education Students |
$105,000 |
Budd, Thomas |
Simon Fraser University |
Advances in integrating technological innovation and international trade modeling for analyzing deep decarbonization policies of emissions-intensive and trade-exposed industries |
$105,000 |
Burton, Anthony |
University of Oxford |
Platformed ideology: White supremacist manifestos and the discourse of violence on the deep web |
$105,000 |
Bussière, Kirsten A. |
University of Ottawa |
Future memory: utopia and the politics of collective memory in post-apocalyptic fiction |
$105,000 |
Butet-Roch, Laurence |
York University |
Toxic Images: Visual Representation of Sacrifice Zones in Canada |
$105,000 |
Butler, Cameron M. |
York University |
Fertilizing settler bodies: Tracing global phosphorus transfers through the Fraser Valley, BC |
$105,000 |
Bytautas, Jessica P. |
University of Toronto |
Rethinking Suffering in End-of-Life Care: An Ethnographic Study of Legacy Activities |
$105,000 |
Campbell, Tiffany M. |
Dalhousie University |
Matters of Care in Indigenous Relations Specialism: Storying Gendered Communities of Practice in Consultation, Engagement and Co-management Initiatives in Alberta |
$105,000 |
Carbert, Nicole |
Ryerson University |
Community first: Letting stakeholder-informed implementation pave the way to sustaining a parenting intervention for mothers living in complex risk |
$105,000 |
Carnovale, Michael |
University of Toronto |
Do personality measures suffer from the jingle-jangle fallacy? |
$105,000 |
Carpentier, David |
University of Ottawa |
Penser la nation à travers les mutations de la gouvernance locale : regard sur l'action publique en intégration des immigrants des villes de Barcelone, Bruxelles et Montréal |
$105,000 |
Chan-Kent, Alysha S. |
University of Calgary |
Who am I? The Immigration Experience of Chinese Parachute Kids in Canada |
$105,000 |
Chantel, Cole A.Z. |
University of Toronto |
Micro-level determinants of organized violence in Jamaica and Guatemala |
$105,000 |
Charbonneau, Isabelle |
Université du Québec en Outaouais |
Impact du racisme et de la déshumanisation sur les mécanismes perceptifs et cérébraux impliqués dans le traitement des visages d'une autre ethnie |
$105,000 |
Charles, Clara |
Université de Sherbrooke |
État des lieux des compétences développées dans les baccalauréats en communication au Québec francophone |
$105,000 |
Chiacchia, Daniel |
York University |
Economic threat and collective action: Empirical and theoretical considerations |
$105,000 |
Chornook-McDonald, Brody J. |
University of Oxford |
Platforms for Hate: How Media fuels Ethno-Sectarian Divisions in Iraq |
$105,000 |
Claxton, Rae Anne M. |
Simon Fraser University |
Language and Linguistic Ideology From a First Nations Perspective |
$105,000 |
Clements, Bradley A. |
University of Toronto |
Comparing experiences of restorative repatriation of Indigenous belongings in the Great Lakes region |
$105,000 |
Clements, Reed B. |
The University of British Columbia |
Unimaginable geometries in imaginative fiction, 1880 to 1940 |
$105,000 |
Coates, Alison M. |
University of Ottawa |
Rural emergency practice: insufficiency, isolation, and perceived inferiority |
$105,000 |
Cochrane, Dana M. |
Simon Fraser University |
A longitudinal analysis of reciprocal relationships between delinquency and depression in serious adolescent offenders |
$105,000 |
Colleret, Maxime |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
L'institutionnalisation du brevetage dans les universités canadiennes |
$105,000 |
Collins, Kim |
University of Toronto |
Posthuman Approaches to Anticipatory Ecological Grief |
$105,000 |
Cook, Christopher |
The University of British Columbia |
In our own words: Research-based theatre for community members living with mental illness |
$105,000 |
Cook, Ryan |
Saint Mary's University |
Preventing corporate psychopaths from being employed to positions of power: Validating the Conditional Reasoning Test for Workplace Psychopathy |
$105,000 |
Corbett, Lindsay |
McGill University |
The Mosaic Icon: Innovation and Circulation in the Late Byzantine Period |
$105,000 |
Côté, Jérémy |
University of Ottawa |
Le sport en prison : entre stigmatisation et émancipation |
$105,000 |
Couchie, Aylan N. |
Queen's University |
Ni waamjigaadeg debwewin: Rewriting the history of Nbisiing through a Nishnaabeg lens |
$105,000 |
Coulombe, Maxime |
Université de Montréal |
Pression sociale et participation électorale : lorsqu'on vote pour plaire aux autres |
$105,000 |
Cowley, Summer J. |
University of Toronto |
Institutional Stratification and University Presidents' Academic Capital |
$105,000 |
Cressman, Carly A.S. |
University of Manitoba |
Effects of Shared Decision Making Training on Autism Consultants |
$105,000 |
Crosschild, Ryan |
The University of British Columbia |
The system needs a good smudge: challenging heteropatriarchy, anthropocentrism, and the politics of traditionalism within Indigenous governance and resurgence paradigms |
$105,000 |
Curry, Janelle Catherine |
University of Toronto |
Anonymize This: Negotiations of anonymous gamete donation in Canada in the wake of direct-to-consumer DNA testing kits |
$105,000 |
Curtis, Laura S. |
Western University |
Singing our stories: Applied research on the connection between empowerment and voice with involuntarily childless women |
$105,000 |
Custodio, Alexandra |
Concordia University |
Handheld Histories |
$105,000 |
Cutler, Sofia |
Yale University |
Coming of Age at the End of the End of History: The Global Bildungsroman after 2008 |
$105,000 |
Cu Unjieng, Cesar Antonio |
The University of British Columbia |
Dora Lunn, Denise Wren, Dora Billington and English Studio Pottery: A Gendered Origins Story |
$105,000 |
Daigle, Marie-Pierre G. |
University of Ottawa |
Understanding Growth Narratives Related to Coming Out to Parents in Lesbian Women |
$105,000 |
David, Lawrence |
University of Toronto |
Class Actions, Constitutional Law, and Government Liability |
$105,000 |
Davies, Katharine T. |
The University of British Columbia |
The met and unmet communication needs of individuals with primary progressive aphasia and their families: A stakeholder consensus |
$105,000 |
Davis-Abraham, Hannah |
University of Toronto |
Analytical Perspectives in New Canadian Music: Selected Works by Di Castri, Lizée, and Morlock |
$105,000 |
Dean, Nikolaus A. |
The University of British Columbia |
From crime to prime time: Exploring skateboarding's inclusion into the Olympic Games |
$105,000 |
DeGagne, Cheyanne |
Carleton University |
Miziziwe: Anishinabekwe Life-Giving Beyond Birth |
$105,000 |
Denis, Béatrice |
Université de Montréal |
Le duc et la duchesse de Montebello : la société militarisée de Napoléon et l'équilibre des genres |
$105,000 |
Denomme, William J. |
Ontario Tech University |
Resting-state functional connectivity and virtuous and non-virtuous empathy |
$105,000 |
Derksen, Daniel George |
Simon Fraser University |
The impact of photos and other digital media on legal decision-making |
$105,000 |
Déry, Catherine |
Université de Montréal |
Revue systématique sur l'évaluation de la pensée historienne : métaanalyse quantitative, métaanalyse qualitative et synthèse croisée |
$105,000 |
Desgagné, Joanie |
Université Laval |
Effet des traditions orales sur le developpement de l'identité culturelle et de l'identité d'apprenant d'élèves allochtones et autochtones |
$105,000 |
Desjarlais, Estelle |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Les ressources de soutien en enseignement des sciences et le sentiment d'autoefficacité des enseignant-e-s du primaire |
$105,000 |
Desruisseaux, Caroline |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
La construction du problème environnemental au Québec : les représentations des environnementalistes et des militants autochtones, 1970-2014 |
$105,000 |
Diebel, William R. |
Western University |
Sustainability Diffusion in Supply Networks |
$105,000 |
Dineen, Tineke E. |
The University of British Columbia |
Exploring client receptivity and real-world implementation of diabetes prevention programs in the community: comparing digital and in-person delivery |
$105,000 |
Dionne, Jasmine Feather |
University of Victoria |
Indigenous diplomacy in Northeastern Alberta: Solutions to the missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit crisis |
$105,000 |
Dokis-Jansen, Kelsey L. |
University of Alberta |
Coming home: Anishinaabe explorations of community-led conservation with the Foothills Ojibway |
$105,000 |
Dool, Kacey |
Queen's University |
Painting You, Painting Me: Viewing the 'Other' in Kent Monkman's "Shame and Prejudice: A Story of Resilience" |
$105,000 |
Dorais, Olivier |
Université de Montréal |
Théorie et pratiques des médias chez Walter Benjamin |
$105,000 |
Dorion, Michelle |
University of Ottawa |
Développement et validation d'un questionnaire de satisfaction en télémédecine auprès des patients et des professionnels de la santé en contexte francophone minoritaire |
$105,000 |
Douglas, David M. |
École normale supérieure (Paris) |
A study of the formation of the canon of Epicurean philosophical texts, 2nd and 1st centuries BCE |
$105,000 |
Draga, Solomiya |
University of Toronto |
Organizational strategies for managing helping professionals with secondary trauma in Canada |
$105,000 |
Dreisinger, Olivia |
The University of British Columbia |
Pro-Illness Communities: Illness influencers and the construction of pro-illness identity |
$105,000 |
Dubash, Soli |
University of Toronto |
The Intergenerational Transmission of Mastery Beliefs Between Mother and Child |
$105,000 |
Dubin, Rachel A. |
University of Toronto |
The Development of Nationalism and National Identity in Late 19th-Century Wuerttemberg |
$105,000 |
Dubois, Marie-Ève |
Université de Montréal |
Contextualiser le désistement du crime : étude des trajectoires menant à la cessation des activités criminelles |
$105,000 |
Ducharme, Anne Gabrielle |
Université de Montréal |
Why autocrats censor: the varying levels of media censorship applied within a country and how it impacts media liberalisation |
$105,000 |
Durel, Laurie |
Université Laval |
Comment concilier commerce et environnement : effets des dispositions environnementales dans les accords de commerce |
$105,000 |
Durocher, Véronique |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
La disqualification des victimes d'agression sexuelle dans l'espace public : une analyse de discours médiatiques et citoyens |
$105,000 |
Eftekhari, Eldar |
University of Ottawa |
Mindful Awareness for Increasing Students' Motivation and Lowering Stress |
$105,000 |
Elliott, Spencer J. |
New York University |
Assimilation and reinterpretation: northern texts in the book of Psalms |
$105,000 |
Elnakouri, Abdelrahman |
University of Waterloo |
Defusing right wing extremism: Do debates work? |
$105,000 |
Elshahat, Sarah |
McMaster University |
Food (in)security and well-being among Arabic-speaking immigrants and refugees in Ontario, Canada |
$105,000 |
Essah, Marcellinus |
University of Toronto |
Is the fight against food insecurity real? An assessment of Ghana's food and agriculture policies toward achieving food security |
$105,000 |
Ewing, Alexandra M.E. |
University of Toronto |
Who Am I? The Influence of Identity Development on Self-Injurious Behaviours |
$105,000 |
Feige, Sarah |
University of Guelph |
Embodied executive functions |
$105,000 |
Fejzic, Sanita |
Queen's University |
How Language Use Shapes Human-Nonhuman Relations in Drama & Poetry |
$105,000 |
Findlay, Kaitlin |
University of Toronto |
A Humanitarian Vision Lost: International Committee of the Red Cross Inspection Tours During WWII |
$105,000 |
Fischer, Jaimy |
Simon Fraser University |
How much change and for whom? Understanding the impacts of bicycle infrastructure investment on ridership, safety, and equity |
$105,000 |
Flanagan, Agnes |
University of Alberta |
Making teachers' high expectations intentional: An intervention study |
$105,000 |
Fobert, Sophie |
University of Ottawa |
The role of parental playfulness in preschoolers' selective social learning |
$105,000 |
Forest, Marie-Pier |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Élaboration et évaluation d'une intervention fondée sur un enseignement par la résolution de problèmes pour viser une compréhension conceptuelle des mathématiques |
$105,000 |
Forsythe, Laura E. |
University of Manitoba |
Ka-akimaahk lii Michif: Including the Métis in Post-secondary |
$105,000 |
Fortin, Catherine |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Souillure sororale : le rôle des communautés dans les littératures féministes québécoises actuelles |
$105,000 |
Fournier, Mireille |
Sciences Po Paris |
Subversive personalities: non-commercial associations under the third republic |
$105,000 |
Fournier, Véronique |
Université Laval |
Des négociateurs aux scientifiques : produire un savoir faisant autorité sur la scène internationale |
$105,000 |
Fox, Liam B. |
University of Toronto |
Authorizing settler sovereignty: A study of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Canadian Energy Sector |
$105,000 |
Frandsen, Natalie M. |
Simon Fraser University |
Accessing ability: Mental health and online post-secondary learning environments |
$105,000 |
Franks, Scott J. |
York University |
"Moccasins or Brogues" ― A Critical Legal History of Métis Identity in the Alberta Métis Settlements |
$105,000 |
Frenette, Arielle |
Université Laval |
Glocalisation : la prise de parole des femmes inuit dans l'activisme environnemental global |
$105,000 |
Frenette, Michèle |
University of Ottawa |
Documenter le point de vue des enfants et des adolescents exposés à la violence conjugale : pour des pratiques d'intervention novatrices en maisons d'hébergement |
$105,000 |
Fuchs, Travis T. |
The University of British Columbia |
Developing social, moral, and ethical decisions and actions through science education: factors influencing implementation |
$105,000 |
Fung, Amy Y. |
Carleton University |
A Duty to Learn: Re-Imagining Transnational Migration and Belonging through Indigenous Law |
$105,000 |
Funk, Julie M. |
University of Victoria |
The quantified self: radical biohacking and the biocapital of bodily intervention |
$105,000 |
Furtado, Jessica A. |
University of Guelph |
Children's perspectives of parent-child trauma narratives following traumatic paediatric injury: A mixed-methods study |
$105,000 |
Gagné-Dumais, Charlotte |
Université de Montréal |
Vers une théorie critique du jeu d'acteur intermédial dans la pratique théâtrale contemporaine |
$105,000 |
Gagnier, Sheena |
Western University |
Implementation and evaluation of formal health literacy assessments by registered nurses |
$105,000 |
Garon-Bissonnette, Julia |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
Trauma et parentalité : le rôle protecteur de la mentalisation |
$105,000 |
Gascon-Detuncq, Camille |
Université de Montréal |
Perspective intermédiale sur les incursions du réel dans le théâtre documentaire contemporain |
$105,000 |
Gayfer, Brianne L. |
University of Guelph |
Development and evaluation of a training program on self-injury for campus residence hall staff |
$105,000 |
Gemuend, Julie T. |
Brock University |
On Becoming World: A Reimagining of the Material Self |
$105,000 |
Genest, Benoit |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
L'éthique des capabilités appliquée à la mobilité durable : la responsabilité des entreprises du Québec |
$105,000 |
Gerhardt, Alyssa K. |
Dalhousie University |
Intergenerational Experiences of Debt in Atlantic Canada |
$105,000 |
Ghimire, Shreya |
York University |
Empowerment empire: a critical investigation of Canada's Feminist International Assistance Policy |
$105,000 |
Giguère, Fanny |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Le travail au quotidien de l'enseignant en adaptation scolaire : pour un meilleur arrimage entre la formation initiale, l'insertion professionnelle et la formation continue |
$105,000 |
Girard Lindsay, Sébastien S.M. |
University of Ottawa |
Le consentement libre et éclairé relatif aux mégaprojets énergétiques au prisme des perceptions comparées des risques de la nation autochtone wetsuweten |
$105,000 |
Golay Lausanne, Kayla |
McMaster University |
Urban development of the Gallinazo Group, Virú Valley, Peru |
$105,000 |
Goldberg, Lauren |
University of Toronto |
Integrating Criminal Justice and Mental Health Systems: An Investigation of How Mental Health is Framed and Addressed Within Standard Youth Court Compared to Youth Mental Health Court For Young Offenders |
$105,000 |
Goldman-Hasbun, Julia |
The University of British Columbia |
From free speech to hate speech: examining right-wing student activism on Canadian university campuses |
$105,000 |
Gold, Rebecca |
York University |
(En)Acting Self Advocacy: Reimagining Disability Futures Through Autobiographical Performance by Neurodiverse Artists |
$105,000 |
Good, Elizabeth |
Northwestern University, Illinois |
UN Programming and Gender Equality: Analyzing the normative impact of gender mainstreaming programs for survivors of wartime sexual violence |
$105,000 |
Gorenko, Julie A. |
University of Calgary |
Examining Gambling, Late-Life Events, Social Networks, and Coping Among Older Adults: A Mixed Methods Study |
$105,000 |
Gough, Douglas T.S. |
University of New Brunswick |
Toward a Newfoundland Indigeneity: Healing Identity Fracture in the Wake of the Qalipu Mi'kmaq First Nation Enrolment Process |
$105,000 |
Gouin-Bonenfant, Mathilde |
University of Cambridge |
La circulation des savoirs dans un projet de coopération environnementale internationale au Sénégal : une approche sociolinguistique |
$105,000 |
Goyal, Julia N. |
University of Waterloo |
Caring for care: Towards a real-time monitoring system for long-term care workers |
$105,000 |
Grad, Kenneth |
York University |
Prosecuting the speech that we hate: A historical analysis of Zundel, Keegstra, and the criminal law's ability to protect vulnerable communities |
$105,000 |
Gravel, Anne-Sophie |
Université Laval |
Vers une émancipation des représentations du féminin et du masculin dans les séries télévisées adaptées de romans de femmes : interroger les modèles de genres sexués et leurs interrelations |
$105,000 |
Gray, Rebecca A. |
University of Alberta |
Lue Túé Sulái (Five Fish Lakes): Dene Archaeology and Cultural Landscapes in the Dehcho |
$105,000 |
Grisé Bolduc, Marie-Ève |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
Accumulation de traumas durant l'enfance et complexité des symptômes à l'âge adulte : le rôle de l'état d'esprit hostile-impuissant |
$105,000 |
Guay, Emanuel |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Marché, État et régulation du logement : analyse sociopolitique de la gentrification |
$105,000 |
Gustafson, Alexandra |
University of Toronto |
The Arationality of Love |
$105,000 |
Haile, Fikir G. |
Queen's University |
Governance systems at risk: Assessing the impact of urban expansion on ethnic federalism in Ethiopia |
$105,000 |
Harwood-Jones, Markus |
Queen's University |
Writing Our Transformative Futures: A Practice in Collaborative Storytelling as Community-Engaged Research |
$105,000 |
Hassan, Maira |
The University of British Columbia |
Being Consensual and Muslim: Placing Muslim Women within the Affirmative Consent Standard in Canadian Sexual Assault Law |
$105,000 |
Hatton-Proulx, Clarence |
Institut national de la recherche scientifique |
Une histoire sociale et spatiale des transitions énergétiques urbaines. Le cas de Montréal au 20e siècle |
$105,000 |
Hawkes, Jessica |
Dalhousie University |
Reading the climate: popular fiction and climate change communication |
$105,000 |
Hawkins, Joshua R. |
Lakehead University |
Care Systems and Pathways for People with Cancer and Serious Mental Illness |
$105,000 |
Hawley, Josh L. |
Carleton University |
Dispossession, Forced Displacement, and Community Action in Herongate |
$105,000 |
Hébert, Véronique |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Waskahikan, dramaturgie du territoire atikamekw |
$105,000 |
Henaway, Mostafa |
Concordia University |
The Geography of Amazon's Distribution Centres The Role of Place in the New Digital Economy |
$105,000 |
Henderson, Monica J. |
University of Toronto |
(Dis)parity via (dis)information: Toward Canadian policy for adult digital literacy and citizenship |
$105,000 |
Hogue, Caroline |
Université de Montréal |
Poïétique du sacrifice chez Michel Leiris, Colette Peignot, Antonin Artaud et Unica Zürn |
$105,000 |
Holbert, Quentin |
University of Calgary |
Imperial Spheres: The Ethiopian and British Empires in the Horn of Africa, 1868-1974 |
$105,000 |
Hollett, Kayla B. |
University of Waterloo |
Public Knowledge and Social Support to Facilitate Help for Binge Eating |
$105,000 |
Hord, Levi C.R. |
University of California, Berkeley |
The changing grammar of gender: the metaphysics of substance in non-binary narratives and legal definitions of identity |
$105,000 |
Horne, Greg O. |
University of Toronto |
At the confluence: The philosophy of consciousness from scientific and cross-cultural perspectives |
$105,000 |
Houston, Emmaline A.L. |
University of Toronto |
Factors Contributing to the Overrepresentation of Indigenous Children In-Care in Ontario, Canada |
$105,000 |
Hussain, Amina |
University of Toronto |
Exploring Social Work Practice within Eating Disorder Treatment Settings in Ontario |
$105,000 |
Iannuccilli, Maxine |
Concordia University |
The influence of parenting practices on children's gendered beliefs about intelligence |
$105,000 |
Ineese-Nash, Nicole |
University of Toronto |
Nigaanii Aki (Leading with Land): Land Based Understandings of Leadership through Intergenerational Knowledge Sharing in Constance Lake First Nation |
$105,000 |
Ingram, Victoria |
Ryerson University |
Pathways of parenting risk: Exploring the mediating role of maternal executive functions in the relationship between cumulative risk and sensitive parenting |
$105,000 |
Intson, Camille |
University of Toronto |
The Posthuman Body in Performance |
$105,000 |
Jackson, Cora |
University of New Brunswick |
"The Wind From the East": The Transnational Impact of the Russian Expeditionary Force and the February Revolution on the French Crisis of 1917 |
$105,000 |
Jany, Eli S. |
University of Toronto |
An Oral History of Reading Among Yiddish-Speaking Holocaust Survivors |
$105,000 |
Jeong, Tay |
McGill University |
The Historical Determinants of Ethnic Conflict: A case study of late Maoist China, 1957-1976 |
$105,000 |
Jerowsky, Micheal D.D. |
The University of British Columbia |
Facilitating access to green space and the environmental education of youth through virtual and augmented reality |
$105,000 |
Jewett, Rachel |
Ryerson University |
The interplay between mental health, podium performances, and culture in Olympic and Paralympic sport |
$105,000 |
Jin, Jin |
University of Wisconsin‒Madison |
Freedom and Progress: A Comparative Political Theory Study of Ancient Chinese Legalists and French Physiocrats |
$105,000 |
Johnson, Laura K.D. |
Western University |
Development and Validation of a Prosocial Tendencies Scale |
$105,000 |
Johnson, Samuella Jo K. |
York University |
Deaf Education in the Hearing World: Assessing the Cultural Relevance of Adult Education Programs for the Deaf in Ontario |
$105,000 |
Jones, Andrew |
University of Toronto |
Altered Egos: The Therapeutic Value of Psychedelic Drugs in Psychiatry, 1950-1970 |
$105,000 |
Jones, Janet M. |
University of Waterloo |
"It Probably Won't Help Anyway": How Stigma Hurts Health Care Access for Persons with an Addiction |
$105,000 |
Jones, Zachary D. |
University of Toronto |
Bastardized Americana: Disability and Synecdoche in Southern Gothic Literature |
$105,000 |
Jonker, Alexandrea M. |
McGill University |
The effectiveness of error detection activities in the undergraduate music major curriculum |
$105,000 |
Jopling, Ellen N. |
The University of British Columbia |
Understanding Socioemotional Well-Being Across the Adolescent Transition |
$105,000 |
Jordan, Joanna T. |
Macquarie University |
Makeshift camps, bordering, and abandonment: New geographies of migrant (im)mobility and protracted transit situations at the periphery of Europe |
$105,000 |
Juteau, Aimie-Lee |
University of Ottawa |
L'influence d'indicateurs de confiance sur l'apprentissage social sélectif des jeunes enfants : la confiance interprétée comme un indice de connaissance ou un indice social? |
$105,000 |
Kabbash, Laura |
University of New Brunswick |
Beyond Risk and Need: Service Utilization Among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness |
$105,000 |
Kainulainen, Kaylin M. |
Lakehead University |
Enhancing Student Mobility: Factors Influencing Students' Experience Transferring from College to University in Ontario |
$105,000 |
Kaiser, Nichol D.J. |
Queen's University |
Reconciling Special Education: The Spatiality of Inclusion at Tyendinaga First Nation |
$105,000 |
Kalantari, Masoomeh |
McGill University |
Gender Differences in the Employment Consequences of Leaving Engineering Majors: Evidence from Wage and Employment Level Decomposition |
$105,000 |
Kaplan, Jeffrey D.G. |
Ontario Tech University |
Validating the Interview and Interrogation Assessment Instrument |
$105,000 |
Kapoor, Aakriti |
Queen's University |
Driving system-wide critical consciousness development in the Toronto District School Board |
$105,000 |
Karnani-Stewart, Sean R.T. |
University of Toronto |
Epigraphic Culture of Lombard Italy |
$105,000 |
Kennedy-Slaney, Liam A. |
Simon Fraser University |
Handle with care: the political ecology of wildlife translocation |
$105,000 |
Kerrigan, Danielle J. |
McGill University |
Rethinking the landlord from folk devil to a social relation |
$105,000 |
Ketterling, Jean |
Carleton University |
Playing for Pleasure: Affective Experiences of Pornographic and Erotic Video Games |
$105,000 |
Khan, Rubaina |
University of Toronto |
Engineering education ― A learning community approach |
$105,000 |
Kim, Jaewuk |
University of Toronto |
Exit Wounds from the Colonial Dream: the politics and aesthetics of space and transition in Korean literature from 1930s to 1950s |
$105,000 |
King, Tyler J. |
University of Toronto |
"My brain made me do it": judicial interpretations of offenders with traumatic brain injuries |
$105,000 |
Kipp, Amy H. |
University of Guelph |
Anti-oppressive approaches in Canadian feminist organizations |
$105,000 |
Klassen, Christina L. |
The University of British Columbia |
Accent exposure, bi- and multilingualism, and experiences speaking an additional language: Exploring strategies for reducing language-based discrimination in Canada |
$105,000 |
Knowles, Natalie L.B. |
University of Waterloo |
The Future of the Ski Industry in a Warmer and Decarbonized Canada |
$105,000 |
Ko, Ariel Hoi Ching |
The University of British Columbia |
A 2-year longitudinal investigation on the development of perfectionism in 4 to 7-year old children |
$105,000 |
Kramer, Brydon J. |
University of Alberta |
Pipeline Perils: Canadian resource extraction, climate crisis, and Indigenous Nationhood |
$105,000 |
Kramers, Sara C. |
University of Ottawa |
Exploring how coaches learn to explicitly teach life skills in sport |
$105,000 |
Krzywania, Monika |
University of Northern British Columbia |
Geographies of northern and Indigenous birth choices: A critical socio-spatial qualitative analysis |
$105,000 |
Krzyzanowski, Daniel J. |
University of Toronto |
Values in people with severe mental illness, their first-degree relatives, and the general population |
$105,000 |
Kumaran, Maha |
University of Saskatchewan |
Minorities and minority leaders in the social design and solutions of Canadian library spaces |
$105,000 |
Lacy, Robyn |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Funerals, Burials, & Landscapes in 17th-Century North America: An Examination of Colonial French, Dutch, and British Burial Practices |
$105,000 |
Lagace, Marc |
McMaster University |
Chinese Sadhanas: Identity, Practice, and Change at the Chengdu Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center |
$105,000 |
Lajoie, Corinne |
Pennsylvania State University |
The Time of Sense: Love as Institutive-Generative Passivity in the Later Merleau-Ponty |
$105,000 |
Lambert, Sandrine |
Université Laval |
Enjeux et impacts de la fabrication numérique sur la participation citoyenne : entre émancipation politique et imaginaires du techno-utopisme dans la ville intelligente de Barcelone (Catalogne, Espagne) |
$105,000 |
Lamer, Marilyne |
McGill University |
Le Bildungsroman au Québec entre 1930 et 1960 |
$105,000 |
Lamond, Bronwyn S. |
University of Toronto |
Understanding Student and Teacher Perceptions of Assistive Technology |
$105,000 |
Langevin, Raphaël |
McGill University |
Dynamic estimation of finite mixture models for longitudinal data and applications within observational studies in healthcare |
$105,000 |
Langlois, Steven R. |
University of Alberta |
Uranium Fever: Canadian Uranium in the American Nuclear Weapons Program |
$105,000 |
Lanoue Deslandes, Rosie |
Université de Montréal |
Mises en récit littéraires de la nature : représenter l'expérience holistique du monde vivant |
$105,000 |
Lazarenko, Rebecca |
York University |
In times of crisis: unity and disunity among Prairie francophone communities |
$105,000 |
Leblond, Alyssa N.L. |
University of Ottawa |
Examining the Iron Law of Imprisonment: The Penal Voluntary Sector and Prisoner Re-Entry |
$105,000 |
Lees, James G. |
University of Oxford |
The Development of English Institutions of State Forestry and their Introduction to North America, 1600-1800 |
$105,000 |
Lefebvre, Danielle C. |
University of Calgary |
Exploring gender euphoria in transgender individuals |
$105,000 |
Legendre, Izabeau |
Queen's University |
How Do Zines Matter? Zines Politics in Canada |
$105,000 |
Lemay, Isabelle |
University of Oxford |
An 'Alan Kurdi' effect? Analyzing the emergence and decline of movements of openness towards refugees in the Global North |
$105,000 |
Léonard, Marie-Jeanne |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
La perte de signification et les attitudes radicales : un enjeu sociétal |
$105,000 |
LeRue, David J. |
Concordia University |
The phantom Expos: Art, city building, and the dream of baseball's return to Montreal |
$105,000 |
Le Page, Sophie |
University of Ottawa |
Ethical AI Toolkit: Translating Ethical Considerations Into Engineering Practice |
$105,000 |
Lessard, Isabelle |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Attachement, gestion des conflits et satisfaction conjugale lors de la transition à la parentalité des couples : le rôle modérateur de l'intimité |
$105,000 |
Lévesque, Ann |
Université du Québec en Outaouais |
La gouvernance du système socioécologique du lac Saint-Pierre : une évaluation multicritère sociale ancrée dans une démarche territorialisée |
$105,000 |
Levitan, Julia A.B. |
McGill University |
Sexual Arousal to Sexual Aggression: Mediating Rape-Supportive Attitudes and Moderating Dispositional Traits |
$105,000 |
Lewis, Maria Emmanouela |
University of Ottawa |
Difficult coalitions: place-based solidarity as decolonial pedagogy in Canadian literature |
$105,000 |
L'Heureux, Valérie |
Concordia University |
Balancing representation and advocacy: Understanding the influence of transnational advocacy networks in the global governance of the information society |
$105,000 |
Little, Ariel |
University of Victoria |
Saving Girls' Bodies, Minds, and Souls: Holistic Health as the Key to Well-being in the Works of L.M. Montgomery, Louisa May Alcott, and Frances Hodgson Burnett |
$105,000 |
Llewellyn, Anastasia |
University of Ottawa |
Politique et technologies de la revitalisation linguistique |
$105,000 |
Lloyd, Jayden C. |
The University of British Columbia |
Mediterranean Connectivity and the Formation of Sicilian Identities: An Interdisciplinary Approach |
$105,000 |
Longhurst, Andrew R. |
Simon Fraser University |
Reshaping public health care: The spread of market-oriented primary care policy reforms |
$105,000 |
Longman, Madelaine C. |
Concordia University |
Art (Vandalism) as Technology: Reading Iconoclasm through Living Presence Response |
$105,000 |
Lukawiecki, Jessica A. |
University of Guelph |
Developing indicators to evaluate the outcomes of biocultural initiatives |
$105,000 |
Lundine, Jamie L. |
University of Ottawa |
A feminist critique of power and privilege in health science journal peer-review in Canada |
$105,000 |
Lush, Mark R. |
University of Toronto |
Ethnic violence, state-building, and the Cold War: Mao's last revolution on China's northern frontier |
$105,000 |
Lynch, Melody C. |
McGill University |
Incorporating indigenous perspectives of health and well-being into impact assessment processes in Canada and Australia |
$105,000 |
Lyubykh, Zhanna |
University of Calgary |
The cost of inaction: Consequences of not intervening in the incidents of witnessed harassment |
$105,000 |
MacKenzie, Brooke |
University of Toronto |
Rethinking lawyers' monopoly: Enhancing access to justice by reassessing who (and what) is competent to practise law |
$105,000 |
MacMullin, Laura |
University of Toronto |
An Ecological Systems Approach to Understanding Risk and Promoting Resilience Among Racially Diverse Gender Minority Youth |
$105,000 |
Madden, Michael |
University of Ottawa |
The Readability of Judicial Decisions: An Empirical Study of the Accessibility of the Common Law in Canada |
$105,000 |
Magnusson, Laura K. |
Concordia University |
Video art as visual testimony: communicating impacts of trauma on survivors of sexual violence |
$105,000 |
Mailhot-Paquette, Eveline |
Université de Montréal |
Repenser le concept et le rôle du récit dans les expériences philosophiques intersubjectives |
$105,000 |
Mainhood, Lindsay A. |
Queen's University |
Gender equity in physics education: modeling a future for Canadian physics education research |
$105,000 |
Ma, Kara Kaifang |
University of Toronto |
Beyond Curios: The Formation of the Bishop White Collection and the Making of Chinese Studies in Canada |
$105,000 |
Makdissi, Emanuelle |
Université Laval |
Jouer mathématiques au secondaire |
$105,000 |
Malleau, Kaitlyn C.M. |
University of Toronto |
The more things change, the more they stay the same: Anishinabek lifeways at Fort La Cloche |
$105,000 |
Mallet Gauthier, Solène |
University of Alberta |
Archaeobotany and Archaeoentomology of Late 19th Century Métis Overwintering Sites in the Canadian Prairies |
$105,000 |
Manzer, Brett |
Université Laval |
Disentangling the triangle: Sub-state entities, central states and international partner states in the global normalization of paradiplomacy |
$105,000 |
Marchand, Beverly |
University of Ottawa |
Pierre Boulle mythographe : intermédialité du Pont de la rivière Kwaï et de La Planète des singes |
$105,000 |
Marcotte-Toale, Charlotte M. |
University of Toronto |
The History and Philosophy of Suffering in Twentieth-Century American Medicine |
$105,000 |
Marcoux, Isabelle |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
La stabilité des représentations phonologiques en lien avec la performance en lecture et la conscience phonologique chez les enfants et les adultes dyslexiques francophones |
$105,000 |
Marcus, Jaclyn |
Ryerson University |
Sartorial Narratives: Digitally Reconstructing Fictional Fashion Objects |
$105,000 |
Marmura Brown, Simon E. |
Queen's University |
Intolerance or Economic Anxiety? Understanding Ethno-national Movements in Canada |
$105,000 |
Marshall, Carley |
McGill University |
Intergenerational continuity of sexual abuse: a mixed methods study of risk and protective factors |
$105,000 |
Martens, Shelby B. |
University of New Brunswick |
From Missionettes to Calvinettes to the Pioneer Girls: Lived religion and the role of faith-based girls groups in Canada in the Secular age, 1960 to 1980 |
$105,000 |
Martineau, Isabelle |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
Aide médicale à mourir et dignité humaine : une étude qualitative sur le regard des personnes concernées |
$105,000 |
Mattan, Andrew J.A. |
Carleton University |
The visual campaign: a cross-national and multi-platform analysis of image management on social media during elections |
$105,000 |
McArthur, Jennifer J. |
University of Edinburgh |
Exploring the Influence of the Smart and Green Building Movements on Real Estate Investment |
$105,000 |
McCormick, Samantha D. |
University of Toronto |
Indigenous storytelling in school-aged children's oral language assessment |
$105,000 |
McCrossin, Jeffrey D. |
McGill University |
The role of family well-being in a supportive online parenting intervention for children living with neurodisabilities and mental health problems: a pan-Canadian study |
$105,000 |
McDiarmid, Serena S. |
University of Waterloo |
Supporting additional language acquisition among Canada's child refugees: a longitudinal study of risk and protective factors for language learning success |
$105,000 |
McGill, Meghan E. |
McGill University |
Decolonizing British Columbia's archaeological practice: applications of community-based participatory research in cultural resource management |
$105,000 |
McKie, Kelly A. |
University of Ottawa |
Examining the impact and sustainability of government funded professional learning for Ontario high school mathematics teachers |
$105,000 |
McMahon Morin, Paméla |
Université de Montréal |
Les effets de la lecture interactive sur l'interaction enseignant-élèves, la participation et l'inclusion en classe des élèves et les changements de pratique des enseignants |
$105,000 |
Mégrourèche, Charlotte |
Manchester Metropolitan University |
L'erreur en mathématiques : repenser son rôle dans le développement et l'évolution des compréhensions mathématiques |
$105,000 |
Meighan, Paul John |
McGill University |
Indigenous language revitalization using TEK-nology: Can Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and technology stimulate a growth in speakers? |
$105,000 |
Meilleur, Kathy |
Concordia University |
Marronnage versus ruralité : regard croisé sur la violence, l'identité et le capital social en Jamaïque |
$105,000 |
Metzger, Scott |
McMaster University |
Welby between Peirce and Russell: a neglected episode in the history of philosophy |
$105,000 |
Michaelsen, Sonia I. |
Université de Montréal |
Exploring Experiences of Gender-Based Violence Amongst Settlement and Self-Settled South Sudanese Refugees in Uganda: A Qualitative Case Study |
$105,000 |
Michaud O'Grady, Liam |
University of Toronto |
The everyday work of dealing: The role of people who sell illicit drugs in sociolegal responses to drug use |
$105,000 |
Mills, Ann S. |
York University |
Thriving with developmental disability: A mixed-methods study |
$105,000 |
Minano Garcia, Andrea Ximena |
University of Waterloo |
Evaluating flood risk governance in Canadian cities |
$105,000 |
Mirlycourtois, Amaryllis |
Université Laval |
L'agentivité des enfants suivis en protection de la jeunesse |
$105,000 |
Mirowski Rabelo de Souza, Alexandra C. |
York University |
Precarity and Pathways to Permanent Resident (PR) Status: An analysis of the role of legal service providers in brokering access to permanent legal membership in Canada |
$105,000 |
Misener, Kaylee J. |
The University of British Columbia |
Investigation of a novel and comprehensive self-compassion and yoga-based positive body image program for female adolescents |
$105,000 |
Mitchell, Kiera |
University of Saskatchewan |
Regulating relationships: the state, marriage and marginalization between 1950-2000 |
$105,000 |
Mitrovic, Milos |
York University |
The Pisan War: Crisis and Cultural Creativity in Renaissance Florence, 1494-1509 |
$105,000 |
Mohamed Ali, Ola |
Western University |
Investigating parenting and its influence on children's development |
$105,000 |
Montemarano, Vanessa |
Ryerson University |
Approaches to Reducing Weight Stigma: An Experimental Investigation |
$105,000 |
Moreau, Annabelle |
McGill University |
Penser la littérature montréalaise : territorialités, langues et espaces littéraires (1995-2020) |
$105,000 |
Morgan, Brianne G. |
McMaster University |
The Co-Occurrence of Acquired Anemia and Scurvy in 18th to 19th Century Quebec |
$105,000 |
Morgan-Brown, Jessica M. |
University of Toronto |
Linguistic Experimentation and Literary Innovation: The influence of the little magazine movement in Colonial Korea |
$105,000 |
Mori, Camille |
University of Calgary |
Prevalence and Outcomes of Adolescent Sexting: A Longitudinal Analysis |
$105,000 |
Morin, Adam |
Queen's University |
Feeding God's Empire: Foodways in Byzantium |
$105,000 |
Morissette Harvey, Francis |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
L'impact du trauma cumulatif en enfance sur le fonctionnement conjugal : le rôle de la présence attentive dans une perspective dyadique |
$105,000 |
Mottais, Evelyne |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Étude du parcours d'adultes engagés dans un programme de formation professionnelle par la voie de la reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences (RAC) |
$105,000 |
Mowatt, Gina L. |
University of Victoria |
Power in Place: Gitxsan Youth Resistance and Resurgence |
$105,000 |
Mrozewski, Josephine C. |
Trent University |
Arctic transformation: Roots of governance and self-governance in Canada's Arctic |
$105,000 |
Mullan, Kelly J. |
York University |
The Life and Times of Body-Mind Educator Genevieve Stebbins: From 19th Century European Physical Culture to 20th Century Somatics |
$105,000 |
Mushinski, Matthias D. |
Concordia University |
Sonic Visuality and Radical Resonance Across Free Jazz and Cinema |
$105,000 |
Nadler, Roland C. |
The University of British Columbia |
Reconciling Democracy and Technocracy in the Age of Courtroom Neuroscience |
$105,000 |
Nah, Kyoungsil |
University of New Brunswick |
Cultural differences in achievement attribution and the underlying mechanism |
$105,000 |
Najmzadeh, Sepideh |
University of Toronto |
The description of Zoroastrian divinities based on the Wasf i Amshaspandan, a New Persian versified rendition with a critical edition, English translation and commentary |
$105,000 |
Nananso, Aesha P. |
University of Toronto |
From the Civil Rights Era to #BlackGirlMagic: Reimagining Black Female Identities in Twentieth-Century American Neo-Slave Narratives |
$105,000 |
Nault, Geneviève |
Université Laval |
Valorisation des savoirs marginalisés : étude des pratiques et retombées des tribunaux de santé mentale au Québec à partir de la perspective des personnes qui y sont soumises |
$105,000 |
Navab, Navid |
Concordia University |
Active embodiment of complex data ecologies |
$105,000 |
Nawaz, Waqas |
Queen's University |
Making Fashion Sustainable: Corporate Strategies, Sustainable Development, and the Textile and Apparel Industry |
$105,000 |
Nelson, Alexandra E. |
Western University |
Gender, homelessness, and housing policy in Whitehorse, Yukon |
$105,000 |
Nelson, Elizabeth E. |
Queen's University |
Designing intercultural cities: Understanding public memory and marginalization in municipal cultural heritage practice |
$105,000 |
Ng, David Wayne |
The University of British Columbia |
Queer Imaginations: Intersectional Arts Practices of Queers of Colour |
$105,000 |
Nicholas, Jandell Jamela |
University of Toronto |
The Shelter as key site of Gendered Colonial Violence and Transformation: Mobilizing Indigenous and Black Women's Experiences |
$105,000 |
Nobiss, Jacqueline F. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Fractured Identity: The Search for Métis Cultural Connectivity |
$105,000 |
Nordstrom, Alexandra |
Concordia University |
Land-based Learning & the Arts: Indigenous Worldviews in Curriculum and Pedagogical Practice |
$105,000 |
Norris, Allison B. |
Concordia University |
Queers on Screens: Distribution of 2SLGBTQ+ Content in Mass and New Media |
$105,000 |
Nurmohamed, Alia |
Concordia University |
Between longing and loss: ambivalence, responsibilization, and grief in motherhood |
$105,000 |
Obedzinski, Kaitlyn Mary |
University of Manitoba |
Invasion of the Private Sphere: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of Live-In Caregivers in Home Care |
$105,000 |
O'Brien, Mariah P. |
Université de Montréal |
Curatorial performativity and installation art in the Canadian museum collection |
$105,000 |
O'Byrne, Ryan |
University of Guelph |
Enhancing the accessibility of online, strengths-based parenting interventions |
$105,000 |
Ofosu, Eugene |
McGill University |
Regional bias: Causes and consequences of the biases of millions in a similar geographic area |
$105,000 |
Ogrodnik, Michelle |
McMaster University |
Harnessing the benefits of physically active breaks to promote learning in higher education |
$105,000 |
Oliver, Lori A. |
Queen's University |
Towards an Understanding and Undoing of the Hidden Nature of Single-Mother Led Family Homelessness in Canada |
$105,000 |
Olszynski, Martin Z. |
The University of British Columbia |
Regional Land-Use Planning: Environmental Panacea or Business as Usual? |
$105,000 |
Oresnik, Sarah M.F. |
McMaster University |
Challenging Transitions: How Household Food Insecurity Affects Adolescents |
$105,000 |
Ostapovitch, Sherry |
University of Toronto |
For Relational Listening: Sonic and Pedagogical Possibilities |
$105,000 |
Pai, Raymond |
The University of British Columbia |
Negotiation of Identities and Language Ideologies in Heritage Language Learning: A Comparative Case Study of Heritage Learners of Cantonese in Vancouver |
$105,000 |
Palmer, John Marshall |
Carleton University |
Does Foreign Electoral Interference Improve Interstate Relations? |
$105,000 |
Palynchuk, Matthew H.B. |
McGill University |
Approaching Equality Together: How disability challenges contemporary theories of egalitarian justice |
$105,000 |
Paré, Florence |
University of Toronto |
Deterring Transgender Conversion Therapy Through Disciplinary Proceedings and Professional Liability |
$105,000 |
Parent, Natasha |
The University of British Columbia |
'Always connected': A comprehensive exploration of problematic smartphone engagement |
$105,000 |
Parent, Nicolas |
McGill University |
From the imagined homeland to environmental peacebuilding in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: An ethnographic study of Congolese refugees |
$105,000 |
Paré-Ruel, Marie-Pier |
Concordia University |
The Development of Antisocial Behaviors from a Dynamic, Multivariate, and Socio-Ecological Perspective: The Case of the Early Starter |
$105,000 |
Patterson, Heather A. |
University of Alberta |
Embodied theory in the dances of Deborah Hay, Alice Chauchat and Jennifer Lacey |
$105,000 |
Pauzé, Marisha |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Transformation industrielle et consommation des produits animaliers au Québec (1870-1970) |
$105,000 |
Peddigrew, Emma |
University of Toronto |
Staying Mindful: The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Individuals with Learning Disabilities |
$105,000 |
Pedersen-Macnab, Michaela C. |
University of Toronto |
SARS and Sovereignty: Data Transparency in Global Governance |
$105,000 |
Pejovic, Katarina |
University of Toronto |
Magician and Martyr, Sorcerer and Saint: St. Cyprian of Antioch and the Transmission of Occult Knowledge, Identity, and Authority |
$105,000 |
Pelletier, Laurence |
Université de Montréal |
Influence de l'égalité sociale et de l'accessibilité à l'enseignement supérieur sur l'excellence de la production de recherche : étude comparative de cinq provinces canadiennes |
$105,000 |
Pelletier-Morin, Sarah-Louise |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Politiques du théâtre. Une analyse de discours à partir de trois polémiques théâtrales au Québec (2011-2018) |
$105,000 |
Penteliuk, Kayla |
Queen's University |
Modernist Afterlives: Virginia Woolf and the Recovery of Female Victorian Authors |
$105,000 |
Perez, Rocio Macabena |
Université de Montréal |
Évaluation des effets d'un programme novateur misant sur l'art mural pour prévenir le décrochage chez les élèves du secondaire |
$105,000 |
Perks, Matilda R.P. |
McGill University |
Chogyam Trungpa's religious heritage and its impact on modern Buddhism |
$105,000 |
Perreault, Danny |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Processus collaboratifs pour la création d'une scénographie numérique |
$105,000 |
Persadie, Ryan |
University of Toronto |
Performing Qoolie Diasporas: Embodied Cartographies of Queer Indo-Caribbean Identity, Community and Belonging in Toronto and New York City |
$105,000 |
Petrasek, Sinead T. |
University of Toronto |
From co-operatives to co-living: Toronto's responses to housing affordability and devalued care-work in historical perspective |
$105,000 |
Pike, Melissa D. |
University of Guelph |
Detecting Honesty-Humility using Artificial Intelligence |
$105,000 |
Pimenova, Oxana |
University of Saskatchewan |
Consultations with Indigenous Peoples of Canada: argument constituencies as an impediment to epistemic success |
$105,000 |
Pitre, Jacob |
Concordia University |
To Hope or Despair? The Political Uses and Emotional Intensities of Social Media Platforms |
$105,000 |
Podvoiskaia, Ksenia |
University of Chicago |
Education as social capital: Discourses on education in the Global British Empire, 1815-1919 |
$105,000 |
Poole, Nicholas D. |
York University |
Judging with(out) Bannisters: Exemplarity as Political Normativity |
$105,000 |
Powell, Kerry Lee |
University of New Brunswick |
The Air Above Olympus: a work of experimental fiction inspired by postcolonial revisions of trauma theory and cognitive science-based models of the self |
$105,000 |
Preston, Kayla |
University of Toronto |
Right-wing extremist deradicalization: steps toward rethinking racial identity for those who have left extremist groups in a North American deradicalization program |
$105,000 |
Prévost-Lemire, Madeleine |
Université de Sherbrooke |
L'expérience de la maternité chez de jeunes mères issues des centres de protection de la jeunesse à la lumière de leur vécu traumatique et des relations tissées avec leur entourage |
$105,000 |
Quinton, Jessica M. |
The University of British Columbia |
The contribution of urban-greening efforts to gentrification in Canadian cities |
$105,000 |
Quist, Jennifer L. |
University of Alberta |
Translation as Metaphor: Another "Way" Through Creative Writing |
$105,000 |
Radke, Shane D. |
University of Toronto |
"Burning With Indignation and Energy": Capital Refuse and the Material Subject in Eighteenth-Century British Literature |
$105,000 |
Ramirez Padilla, Luis J. |
York University |
A Digital Environment for Collaborative Music Creation |
$105,000 |
Raposo, Stephanie |
York University |
How do you keep the spark alive? Lay beliefs and attributions for desire declines in relationships |
$105,000 |
Rattray, David |
Simon Fraser University |
The philosophical foundations of computational psychiatry |
$105,000 |
Raza, Zain |
University of Toronto |
From Biology to Teleology: A Theory of Mental Representations |
$105,000 |
Regan, James G. |
University of Toronto |
Past/oral: Elegy and Ecology at the Edge of the World |
$105,000 |
Reid, Brady |
University of Guelph |
Re-thinking remediation: traditional knowledge and abandoned mine sites in the Northwest Territories |
$105,000 |
Reid, Darren S. |
McGill University |
Indigenous and settler correspondence with the Aborigines Protection Society: negotiating imperialism from within Canada, South Africa, and New Zealand, 1850-1900 |
$105,000 |
Reinhardt Simpson, Autumn |
University of Alberta |
Authority and gender in early modern English ritual (1524 - 1666) |
$105,000 |
Reist, Wilissa M. |
University of Alberta |
Gender, Race and Violence in Canadian Political Humour |
$105,000 |
Renders, Micky A.F. |
Queen's University |
Inuit Art and Waste in Pangnirtung, Nunavut: A collaborative art project and exhibition |
$105,000 |
Rezania, Mehdi |
University of Alberta |
Persian Classical Music of the Post-Revolutionary Iran |
$105,000 |
Ricard, Laurence |
McGill University |
Protection de la jeunesse : analyse critique de la relation entre le juridique et le clinique |
$105,000 |
Richards, Kailey S. |
University of Toronto |
The Re-Embodiment of Affect in Historical Violin Performance |
$105,000 |
Richer, Natilie |
York University |
Re-thinking the Legal Arena: A Socio-Legal Inquiry into Indigenous Art During a Time of Reconciliation |
$105,000 |
Riedstra, David A. |
University of Leeds |
A tangle near silence: composing quiet relating |
$105,000 |
Ritchie, James |
University of Toronto |
The Poetics of Resistance in 20th-century Canadian Writing |
$105,000 |
Roberts, Diane A. |
Concordia University |
Navigating Stories of Exile, Loss and Belonging through Performing Ancestral Memory |
$105,000 |
Robillard, Christina |
University of Victoria |
Do Emotional Consequences Predict Divergent Trajectories of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Undergraduate Students? |
$105,000 |
Rocheleau, Jessica |
Carleton University |
A Nudge in the Right Direction: Enhancing Autistic Teenagers' Engagement and Safety on Social Media with an Emotion-Focused Nudging Tool |
$105,000 |
Rodriguez-Lefebvre, Renato |
Université de Montréal |
Le récit conquérant et l'écriture de l'Autre en Mésoamérique |
$105,000 |
Rondeau, Robin |
Simon Fraser University |
Beringia Underwater: The Search for New Archaeological Sites |
$105,000 |
Rouget, Elizabeth |
Princeton University |
Monsters, Savages, and Devils: Dancing the "Other" in Rameau's Les Indes galantes |
$105,000 |
Rouleau, Alexis |
University of Ottawa |
Placard, rue, menottes? Analyser la répression subie par les activistes queer au Canada |
$105,000 |
Rowe, Hillary S. |
Concordia University |
The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime: Associations between pet-human co-sleeping, attachment, and sleep quality |
$105,000 |
Roy, Véronyque |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Le droit du divertissement en tant que système |
$105,000 |
Ruder, Sarah-Louise |
The University of British Columbia |
A Digital Agricultural Revolution: The Risks and Benefits of Digital Farming and Big Data in Canadian Agriculture |
$105,000 |
Ryan, Ross B.B. |
McMaster University |
War and Peace in Costa Rica 1948-1987 |
$105,000 |
Sadowski, Isabel |
McGill University |
An urban nature-based mindfulness-meditation training program for emerging adults |
$105,000 |
Salas, Andrés |
Concordia University |
Niobium: The Paradox of Predicting Time by Disrupting the Present |
$105,000 |
Sarro, Douglas A. |
University of Toronto |
The Learning Regulator: Case Studies in Adapting Financial Regulation to Disruptive Technologies |
$105,000 |
Saunders, Gillian L. |
University of Victoria |
First-year multilingual students' experiences and attitudes regarding legitimate academic writing practices and supports: Insights from a Canadian university |
$105,000 |
Schiralli, Jordana Erika |
University of Toronto |
Understanding racialized sexism in Canada |
$105,000 |
Schulz, Samantha |
Western University |
Gender Differences in Social Competency of Autistic Individuals |
$105,000 |
Scotney, Victoria S. |
Purdue University |
When is prosocial behaviour pro social? A recipient perspective |
$105,000 |
Scott, Blake D. |
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
The Meaning of Argument: Perelman, Ricoeur, and the Rhetorical Turn in Philosophy |
$105,000 |
Scott, William A. |
Stanford University |
Examining indirect effects of decarbonization across the water-energy-food nexus |
$105,000 |
Sedgewick, Jennifer R. |
York University |
Unsettling the Marketplace: The Effects of Cultural Appropriation of Indigenous Peoples by non-Indigenous People and Interventions to Reduce Indigenous Stereotypes |
$105,000 |
Senneville, Marius |
University of Warwick |
Les grandeurs de l'intelligence machine du 21e siècle : les logiques évaluatives en jeu dans la recherche en apprentissage automatique à Montréal et à Londres |
$105,000 |
Shaughnessy, Sarah |
University of Toronto |
Intertextual Framing of Gender and Ekphrasis in Late Latin Epic |
$105,000 |
Sheppard, Lindsay C. |
York University |
Insta-activism: A posthuman analysis of young women's activism on Instagram |
$105,000 |
Sherry, Mikayla |
Carleton University |
Investigating the Role of Emotions for Black Youth in Canadian Social Movements |
$105,000 |
Sherwood, Arthur Percy |
Western University |
Indigenous voices in the digital age: using digital storytelling to illustrate the lived experiences of urban Indigenous peoples |
$105,000 |
Shipton, Leah |
The University of British Columbia |
Global health governance of extractive industries: An examination of power dynamics shaping the roles, influence and aspirations of health-specific actors |
$105,000 |
Shoikhedbrod, Ariel |
York University |
Interpersonal and motivational dynamics of social support provisions to depressed individuals |
$105,000 |
Shouldice, Stephanie A. |
Royal Roads University |
Yuck! Gross! and Ewwww! Why negative responses to water reuse undermines urban water security and how interdisciplinary insights offer more effective communication strategies |
$105,000 |
Shxwha:yathel Hardman, Shirley Anne Swelchalot |
The University of British Columbia |
Educating Hearts for Indigenization and Education for Reconciliation |
$105,000 |
Sibbald, Kaitlin R. |
Dalhousie University |
Breaking the silence among Wounded Warriors: Navigating mental illness through passing and covering in a professional culture of silence and non-disclosure |
$105,000 |
Silva Mota Drumond, Gabrielle |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
L'utilisation des données ouvertes dans la conception de systèmes d'intelligence artificielle : le cas du portail de données ouvertes de la Ville de Montréal |
$105,000 |
Single, Alanna |
University of Manitoba |
Experimentally Examining the Pathways from Mindfulness to Alcohol and Cannabis Use through Craving in Emerging Adulthood |
$105,000 |
Sin, Parco |
University of Guelph |
Narratives that influence perceptions of executive pay |
$105,000 |
Skelton, Kevin |
Middlesex University |
Transdisciplinarity, precarity, and the state (of) opera (ca. 2019-2022): implications for the pedagogy and practice of integrative performing artists |
$105,000 |
Slaunwhite, Stefanie R. |
University of New Brunswick |
The Dr. William F. Roberts Hospital School: A Critical History of a Contested Institution |
$105,000 |
Smears, Ali J. |
Concordia University |
Depictions of feminist Hindu identity by Indian artists on social media |
$105,000 |
Smith, Alyssa J. |
University of Calgary |
Parent-Child Relationships, Perfectionism, and Children's Body Image Development: A Longitudinal Study |
$105,000 |
Somani, Aly Farhad |
University of Toronto |
Municipal Audits and Corruption: A Structural Approach |
$105,000 |
Soomal, Sajdeep |
University of Toronto |
Transits of Pollution: Agricultural Colonialism, Punjabi Migration, Farmworker Politics |
$105,000 |
Sparrow, Corrina |
The University of British Columbia |
Return to Wholeness: Two Spirit Identity and Cultural Resurgence |
$105,000 |
Speight, Sarah |
University of Ottawa |
Jails and Prisons Kill: Geographies of Inquest, Redress and Injustice in Ontario |
$105,000 |
Springett, Denise |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Building a realm of queer possibilities through collaborative young adult literature: exploring the negotiation of (non-)heteronormative ideologies in the work of David Levithan, John Green, Rachel Cohn and Nina LaCour |
$105,000 |
Stark, Taylor R. |
University of Toronto |
Towards a new model of cultural change in Bronze Age Thessaly |
$105,000 |
Stein, Jessie L. |
The City University of New York |
Geographies of solidarity: Music interventions, arts institutions, and the politics of interculturalism |
$105,000 |
Stevens, Lukas |
McGill University |
Geographies of contingency and urban form: considering the trajectories and work locations of temp workers in Toronto |
$105,000 |
Stewart, Brent A. |
The University of British Columbia |
The mind of the gaps: science and the re-enchantment of nature |
$105,000 |
Stinson, Michela J. |
University of Waterloo |
Tracing Narrative, Affect, and Materiality for Reconciliation Through Tourism |
$105,000 |
Sullivan, Jennifer A. |
Queen's University |
Face-to-Face with the Sublime: Empathy and its Limitations in the Romantic Writers |
$105,000 |
Sunderland, Jillian |
University of Toronto |
Extremist men: An analysis of masculinities in the white supremacist movement |
$105,000 |
Sylvestre, Desiree F. |
University of Toronto |
From Interest to Identity: The Role of Teacher Efficacy in Developing STEM Interest in Racialized Girls |
$105,000 |
Tang, Lisa J. |
University of Guelph |
Mothering Online: Examining the influence of online body image messaging and online disinformation on mothers' body satisfaction, parenting confidence, and wellbeing during the postnatal period |
$105,000 |
Taplin, Kailey M. |
University of Ottawa |
South Africa's Passenger Name Records as a Public-Private Assemblage: The New Borders of Global Mobility Governance |
$105,000 |
Tassone, Adrianna M. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Negative forecasting with a chance of collective action: How perceptions of social costs impact women's willingness to act against sexism |
$105,000 |
Tessaro, Lara |
University of Kent |
Toxic temporalities: cosmetics labelling and the entanglements of law, mattter, and time |
$105,000 |
Théberge, Delphine |
Université Laval |
Comprendre les relations entre les services écosystémiques et la santé des Autochtones |
$105,000 |
Therrien-Brongo, David |
McGill University |
La musique québécoise pour multi-percussion solo : de Micheline Coulombe Saint-Marcoux à Nicolas Gilbert |
$105,000 |
Ting, Connie |
McGill University |
Learning English as a third language for Mandarin-French bilinguals |
$105,000 |
Tomlin, Antony C. |
University of Manitoba |
Early modern English identity: Self-sufficiency and construction of social, cultural, and political communities in seventeenth-century government |
$105,000 |
Torok, Debra |
University of Victoria |
Lived experiences of Syrian refugees in Canada: An intersectional conceptualization of intimate partner violence and resilience |
$105,000 |
Tremblay, Pier-Olivier |
Concordia University |
Éthiques et politiques dans les sciences sociales : éthique de la recherche et subjectivité chez les étudiants chercheurs |
$105,000 |
Trossman, Rebecca |
University of Waterloo |
The interplay of inattentive traits and social attention across levels of analysis |
$105,000 |
Tucker, Aaron R. |
York University |
Meta-Watching: Ethically Sourced Algorithms, and the Moving Images of Facial Recognition Software |
$105,000 |
Turnbull, George S. |
York University |
Hyperdance practices: exercising interactive dance media for seniors |
$105,000 |
Turner, Kimberly A. |
University of Ottawa |
The Association of Technology-mediated Social Participation with Community Integration, Wellbeing, and Quality of Life Among Individuals with Serious Mental Illness |
$105,000 |
Turpin-Samson, Alyssa |
Université de Montréal |
Des traumas transgénérationnels à la relation éducative entre l'élève inuit et l'enseignant Qallunaat au Nunavik |
$105,000 |
Twahirwa, Remy |
London School of Economics and Political Science |
Crimes et châtiments : la question de la violence dans les systèmes de détention de personnes migrantes et réfugiées au Canada et au Royaume-Uni |
$105,000 |
Vallance, Katherine J. |
La Trobe University |
Development and implementation of national alcohol strategies in Canada, Australia and Scotland: a policy process evaluation |
$105,000 |
Van Der Putten, Sonja A. |
Simon Fraser University |
Young Adult Females from Refugee Backgrounds and the Role that Education plays in Developing a Sense of Belonging in Canada |
$105,000 |
Vanhooren, Shanaya K. |
Western University |
Urbanization and Provincial Policy Agendas 1917-2017 |
$105,000 |
Vergani, Valeria |
University of Toronto |
Gathering on ancestral lands: Colonial history and reconciliation in the North American interfaith movement |
$105,000 |
Vernon, Thomas R. |
University of New Brunswick |
Writing Failure: introducing a literary theory of failure for creative and critical use |
$105,000 |
Vogl, Rhiannon J. |
University of Toronto |
Criticism, Canada and the Contemporary: The place of art writing in Canadian cultural discourse from 1967 to 1989 |
$105,000 |
Voloshyn, Anastasiya |
Concordia University |
Do ethnolinguistically diverse social networks affect psychological flexibility? A three-part study |
$105,000 |
Volpe, Claudia L. |
University of Guelph |
An analysis of policy and practice: Exploring the diversity of student mental health statuses on a university campus |
$105,000 |
Vriens, Arlan C. |
University of Toronto |
In the Image of Bach: The Solo Violin Works of Friedrich Wilhelm Rust |
$105,000 |
Wadsworth, William T.D. |
University of Alberta |
Reconciling nations, healing wounds: Canadian archaeology and remote sensing |
$105,000 |
Waldhauser, Katrina J. |
The University of British Columbia |
Genetic essentialism in adolescent education |
$105,000 |
Wallingford, Jessica K. |
McGill University |
Food insecurity among Indigenous peoples in Northern Canada in the context of climate change and natural resource development |
$105,000 |
Walsh, Edmund J. |
Western University |
Nursing leadership in long-term care in Ontario |
$105,000 |
Walsh, Kathleen E. |
The University of British Columbia |
Preventing teacher burnout: An investigation into teacher resiliency and well-being |
$105,000 |
Wang, Peiyu |
Queen's University |
Washback of TOEFL iBT on the Integrated English Skills for Academic Purposes |
$105,000 |
Wanstall, Elizabeth A. |
York University |
Unstructured Performance Task of Executive Functions: Development and Cognitive Correlates of a Novel Assessment Tool |
$105,000 |
Watkins, Alistair |
University of Toronto |
Pedestrian Majesty: Pieter Aertsen's Classicism and the Rise of Netherlandish Genre Painting |
$105,000 |
Watson, Cristalle N. |
University of Toronto |
The Poems of Boethius' Consolatio in the Ancient Aural Poetic Tradition |
$105,000 |
Wees, Michael |
Concordia University |
Critical Cinematography |
$105,000 |
Wells, Gordon A. |
University of Victoria |
A Community-Based Mixed Methods Study on the Benefits and Barriers for Participation in LGBTQ-Specific Recreational Sports |
$105,000 |
Wentworth, Annette |
University of Alberta |
Remembering towards an inclusive future: Unsettling grief in a time of AIDS |
$105,000 |
Whitebean, Shiann |
McGill University |
Multi-generational stories of Indian Day Schooling in Kahnawà:ke: Assessing impacts on Indigenous language and cultural identity transmission |
$105,000 |
Wieczorek, Karolina |
University of Calgary |
How flexible is preschoolers use of emotional prosody as a cue to communicative intent? |
$105,000 |
Wilks, Aisha R. |
The University of British Columbia |
Mad, Black, and Free: Emancipatory (Im)possibilities in Black Transatlantic Literature |
$105,000 |
Wilson, James S.F. |
New York University School of Law |
Finding yourself in public law: How different forms of legal reasoning can help us see our disagreements about constitutional ideals more clearly in the adjudication of rights claims |
$105,000 |
Wonneck, Luke A. |
University of Alberta |
The agri-culture of wetland drainage: an examination of social practice networks influencing Alberta's resilience to climate change |
$105,000 |
Woodworth, Stephanie M. |
University of Ottawa |
Land-based learning with Elders, youth, and scientists in the Northwest Territories |
$105,000 |
Wright, Natalie |
University of Wisconsin‒Madison |
Functional fashions: a history of clothing and disability in the United States |
$105,000 |
Wuth, Amanda A. |
University of Regina |
Investigating social cognitive processes in the workplace: Development and validation of workplace schema questionnaires to assess employee perceptions and examine counterproductive work behaviours |
$105,000 |
Wyse, Susan M. |
York University |
Assessing justice within Canada's emerging energy democracy movement |
$105,000 |
Xing, Deyu |
University of Cambridge |
Promoting Creative Language Learning in Canadian Classrooms |
$105,000 |
Yakashiro, Nicole |
The University of British Columbia |
The tastes of settler colonialism: tracing alternative food histories on Indigenous territory |
$105,000 |
Young, Shane Nicholas |
Trent University |
Indigenous Relational Ontology: Thinking Across Identities |
$105,000 |
Yusuf, Ismahan |
Western University |
Cartographies in the Capital: Mapping Somali Women's Conceptualizations of their Urban Environment |
$105,000 |
Zareian, Bita |
The University of British Columbia |
The effect of rumination on intra- and interpersonal wellbeing |
$105,000 |
Zhao, Steven |
Simon Fraser University |
Situating Radicalization as a Learned Outcome of Interpersonal Experience |
$105,000 |
Ziegler, Micheal J. |
University of Victoria |
A Nihilist's Dream: Artificial Intelligence, Governance and Political Existentialism |
$105,000 |
Zundel, Trudi |
Carleton University |
Prefiguring alternative food futures: Lessons from social movement and civil society actors on food systems governance |
$105,000 |
Zyfi, Jona |
University of Toronto |
Digital frontiers: Probing automated decision-making in Canada's immigration and refugee regimes |
$105,000 |