Perspectives on COVID-19: Impacts on education

The pandemic has forced the education system to adapt to the new reality of distanced and online learning. Social sciences and humanities researchers are shedding a light on various ways in which this adaptation is affecting students, and positing solutions to improve educational practices and outcomes during this time of disrupted learning.

Supporting students learning in home environments, maintaining the human aspect of education in a period of virtual delivery, and recognizing the labor of teachers as frontline workers are some of the topics included in this selection of articles. This research is vital to understanding how students are learning during the pandemic so that they are prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

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Browse through this set of articles about different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to impacts on education.


External sources have published all of the articles shared on this page. SSHRC is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by these external sources. SSHRC-funded researchers contributed to these articles in their personal or professional capacity. The views expressed are their own and do not represent those of SSHRC or the Government of Canada. Individuals that want to use this information should contact the Canadian news sources directly.

Articles Publication Date

6 actions school systems can take to support children’s outdoor learning

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Mariana Brussoni

Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Population and Public Health, The University of British Columbia

Eva Oberle

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of British Columbia

Megan Zeni

PhD student and sessional lecturer, Faculty of Education, The University of British Columbia


Bullying, racism and being ‘different’: Why some families are opting for remote learning regardless of COVID-19

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

J. Marshall Beier

Professor, Political Science, McMaster University

Rebecca Collins-Nelsen

Postdoctoral Scholar, McMaster Children and Youth University, Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University

Sandeep Raha

Associate professor, Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University


How addressing our young kids’ COVID-19 learning loss is a matter of child’s play

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Hetty Roessingh

Professor, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary


A ‘return to normal’ on campus? 5 ways university students and faculty hope for better

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

George Veletsianos

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Innovative Learning and Technology, Royal Roads University


Mandatory COVID-19 vaccines on university campuses: An obvious solution or a problem?

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Adrian Guta

Associate Professor, School of Social Work, University of Windsor

Peter A. Newman

Professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto


Student achievement depends on reducing poverty now and after COVID-19

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Don A. Klinger

Pro Vice-Chancellor of Te Kura Toi Tangata Division of Education; Professor of Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation, University of Waikato

Louis Volante

Professor of Justice Research, Brock University


Especially after COVID-19, Canadians need better financial literacy and teachers can help

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Pamela Beach

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University

Gail Henderson

Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law, Queen’s University


How the COVID-19 pandemic may have changed university teaching and testing for good

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Eric Champagne

Associate professor, School of Political Studies, Director, Centre on Governance, University of Ottawa


7 ‘read-aloud’ tips for parents to help prevent children’s COVID-19 pandemic learning loss

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Hetty Roessingh

Professor, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary


To help children learn how to read in the pandemic, encourage writing messages as part of play

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Shelley Stagg Peterson

Professor of Elementary Literacy, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, University of Toronto


Comment la pandémie pourrait changer l'enseignement universitaire (in french only)

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Eric Champagne

Associate professor, School of Political Studies, Director, Centre on Governance, University of Ottawa


How universities can support Indigenous online learners in the COVID-19 pandemic

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Janelle Marie Baker

Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Athabasca University


À l’ombre de la crise de la Covid-19, les directions d’écoles ont dû revoir leurs pratiques (in french only)

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Jean Bernatchez

Professeur, Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR)


Distance learning: How to avoid falling into ‘techno traps’

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Louis-Etienne Dubois

Assistant Professor, School of Creative Industries, Faculty of Communication and Design, Ryerson University


Comment la Covid-19 transforme le travail des chercheurs en sciences religieuses (in french only)

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Frédéric Dejean

Professeur en sciences des religions, Université du Québec à Montréal


Teachers are on the front lines with students in the coronavirus pandemic

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Anne Burke

Professor, Faculty of Education, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Diane R. Collier

Associate professor, Department of Educational Studies, Brock University


Outdoor education at universities can be a positive legacy of COVID-19

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet

Professor, Department of Preschool and Primary Education, Université de Sherbrooke


COVID-19 shows the cracks in public education – here’s how to repair them

Source: The Conversation

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Jennifer Wallner

Associate Professor, School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa


Effets de la COVID-19 sur le bienêtre, l’anxiété et la motivation des élèves (in french only)

Source: Le Réseau EdCan

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Patrick Charland

au département de didactique et cotitulaire de la Chaire UNESCO de Développement Curriculaire, Université du Québec à Montréal


Immigration declined during the pandemic but some still took the leap; here's one family's experience

Source: CBC News

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Ranjan Datta

Former Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Regina, and Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Community Disaster Research at the Indigenous Studies, Department of Humanities, Mount Royal University


COVID-19 is Changing Our World: It’s Time to Rethink International Education

Source: The Globe and Mail

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Roopa Desai Trilokekar

Associate Professor, Post-Secondary Education, Faculty of Education, York University


Promoting Second Language Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Parents’ and Teachers’ Coping Strategies

Source: The Globe and Mail

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Guofang Li

Professor and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Transitional/Global Perspectives of Language and Literacy Education of Children and Youth in the Department of Language and Literacy Education, The University of British Columbia


Psychology research during the pandemic: The upside of being online

Source: The Globe and Mail

Featured SSHRC-Funded Researcher(s):

Alona Fyshe

Assistant Professor, Departments of Computer Science and Psychology, University of Alberta

Janet Werker

University Killam Professor and Canada Research Chair in Psychology, Department of Psychology, The University of British Columbia


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