Partnership Grants—Stage 2
Co-applicant with a SSHRC CV instructions
SSHRC recommends clearing your browser cache to ensure the most up-to-date instructions are consulted. Verify the date modified at the bottom of this webpage to ensure these instructions are for the latest funding cycle.
On this page
- Introduction
- Attaching a document
- Application summary
- Research contributions and relevant experience (mandatory)
- Career interruptions and special circumstances (optional)
You have been invited to participate as a co-applicant with a SSHRC CV on a Partnership Grants—Stage 2 application to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
You are encouraged to consult the instructions while you are completing your form by clicking on the “Instructions” button at any time within a screen. This button will link you directly to the instructions for the screen you are completing.
Accepting your invitation
When you accept this invitation, the system will attach a copy of your verified SSHRC CV to the form. If you wish to modify the CV attached to the Accept Invitation form, follow these steps:
- click on your name under Curriculum Vitae
- make the necessary changes
- verify and correct the data until the Verification Report indicates successful verification
- click on “Refresh CV” for the particular form
Co-applicants with a SSHRC CV must do the following:
- Co-applicants affiliated with a postsecondary institution must submit a full SSHRC CV.
- Co-applicants from a non-academic organization have the option of attaching a full SSHRC CV or completing only the following mandatory fields:
- Identification module—Correspondence language
- Identification module—Permanent postal code
- Current Position module—Organization, department, start date
- Current Position module—Address
- Current Position module—Primary phone number
- Research Expertise module—Keywords
- Research Expertise module—Discipline #1
Once this form is complete, you must return to your Portfolio page and verify and correct the data until the Verification Report indicates successful verification. A PDF copy of your CV, Research contributions and relevant experience, and Career interruptions and special circumstances attachments (if applicable) will be attached to the applicant’s / project director’s application form. The status on the Portfolio will change from “In Progress” to “Verified.” At this stage, your CV is now part of the full application. You can preview the form and CV and print them in PDF format by clicking the “Preview” button.
When the applicant / project director electronically submits their application form to the institution’s research administrator, the status on your Portfolio for that Accept Invitation form will change to “Submitted.”
Removal from the application
If you decide not to participate in an application, you may click on “Delete.” The system will then remove the invitation from your Portfolio and from SSHRC’s database. It will generate an email notifying the applicant / project director that you have deleted the invitation.
The applicant / project director may remove you from the list of participants at any time, at which point the invitation will disappear from your Portfolio and SSHRC’s database, and you will receive a system-generated email.
Attaching a document
Accepting your invitation to participate will require you to attach a PDF file. You must follow the specified requirements for margins and font size, or your Accept Invitation form will not be verified, and the entire application will be incomplete. An error message will appear if the file you are trying to attach does not meet the required specifications for page length and file size. Once you have attached the electronic file, click “View attached file” to ensure you have the proper file and it is not corrupted.
When preparing documents to attach to your invitation, make sure they:
- are within the maximum page count specified
- use 12-point Times New Roman font
- have at least ¾" inch (1.87 cm) margins
- use a page size of 8.5" x 11" (216 mm x 279 mm)
If you do not follow the specified requirements, your attachment may render the application ineligible.
Application summary
The information provided by the applicant / project director in the Identification module of their application form is automatically included here. The fields are not editable; they are read-only.
Research contributions and relevant experience (mandatory)
Maximum five pages
In addition to meeting the CV requirements above, you must also attach a document describing your research contributions.
You have five pages in total to address the sections below, as applicable. Research contributions content must address the Capability evaluation criteria listed in the funding opportunity description. You may choose to devote more space to certain sections depending on the nature of your past contributions and experience (for example, co-applicants from non-academic sectors may choose to have a larger Relevant experience section). The attachment should be presented in this order, as applicable:
- Research contributions over the last six years
- Other research contributions
- Most significant career research contributions
- Contributions to training
- Relevant experience
1. Research contributions over the last six years
Outline your research contributions within six years of the application deadline date. In the case of those co-applicants claiming Career interruptions and special circumstances, you may include publications drawn from your most recent periods of research activity to an overall total of six years.
Provide details, as appropriate, on the contributions you listed, as follows:
- In the left margin, identify with an asterisk (*) research contributions that resulted from previous SSHRC support.
- Specify your role in co-authored publications.
- For published contributions, provide complete bibliographic notices (including co-authors, title, publisher, journal, volume, date of publication, number of pages) as they appear in the original publication.
- For publications in languages other than French or English, provide a translation of the title and the name of the publication.
- For recent graduates, list theses.
Group your contributions by category in the following order, as applicable, listing your most recent contributions first.
Refereed contributions
Examples include books (where applicable, subdivide according to those that are single-authored, co-authored and edited works), monographs, book chapters, articles in scholarly refereed journals and conference proceedings.
Be aware that a “refereed work” involves its assessment:
- in its entirety—not merely an abstract or extract;
- before publication; and
- by independent (at arm’s length from the author), anonymous, qualified experts.
Other refereed contributions
Examples include papers presented at scholarly meetings or conferences and articles in professional or trade journals.
Non-refereed contributions
Examples include book reviews, published reviews of work, research reports, policy papers and public lectures.
Forthcoming contributions
Indicate one of the following statuses: “submitted,” “revised and submitted,” “accepted” or “in press.” Provide the name of the journal or book publisher and the number of pages. Contributions not yet submitted should not be listed.
Creative outputs
Examples of creative outputs may include exhibitions, performances, publications, presentations, and film, video and audio recordings.
List your most recent and significant achievements grouped by category. Creative outputs will be evaluated according to established disciplinary standards and creative and/or artistic merit.
If applicable, you may include a website link. SSHRC cannot guarantee links will be accessed.
2. Other research contributions
Describe any other contributions to research and the advancement of knowledge within the last six years, including your research contributions to non-academic audiences (e.g., public, policy-makers, private sector and not-for-profit organizations).
3. Most significant career research contributions
List and rank up to five of your most significant contributions over your entire career. The six-year rule does not apply to this section. Therefore, contributions listed here may differ from those listed in other sections of your CV. Please ensure that you explain briefly the significance of the contributions listed.
4. Contributions to training
Provide the following information on students you have helped train within the last six years.
- Indicate your role in supervising or co-supervising ongoing and/or completed theses, listing these by the student’s level of studies.
- Describe efforts you have made to involve students (e.g., doctoral, master’s or undergraduate) in your research activities
- Specify if opportunities for such contributions have been limited because your institution does not have graduate degree programs in your field or discipline.
5. Relevant experience
In the Relevant experience section, non-academic and academic researchers can list their previous experience relevant to the topic and objectives they are investigating in the application, including their experience in engaging in formal partnerships and collaborative research.
Please justify how this experience will aid you in the proposed activity. Examples of relevant experience include: working within or with communities and/or organizations (e.g., not-for-profit, public and private sector organizations), non-academic career information, or volunteer work. Include:
- your experience in engaging in formal partnerships and collaborative research;
- a brief description of the nature of the work you performed;
- an explanation of how this work has prepared you for your role in the project; and
- a description of the skills you developed (e.g., training, mentoring, analysis, networking).
Career interruptions and special circumstances (optional)
Maximum one page
SSHRC asks its merit review committees to consider career interruptions and special circumstances that have affected ci-applicants’ record of research. In doing so, merit review committee members will be able to assess the productivity of each researcher more accurately and equitably, independent of any career interruptions or special circumstances in the last six years. Previous productivity is one element that can predict the success of the proposed research project.
All information provided to SSHRC is subject to the Privacy Act. The information included in this section of your application will be shared with both external assessors and merit review committee members for consideration as part of their assessment. Research Office Administrators will also have access to your application when submitting on behalf of the administering organization. For more information, see merit review. All SSHRC merit reviewers are subject to the Tri-Agency Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy, and are prohibited from sharing this information outside of the merit review process.
Career interruptions occur when researchers are taken away from their research work for an extended period of time for health, administrative, family or other reasons, or reasons related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Special circumstances involve slowdowns in research productivity or any circumstances that impact the progression of academic careers in a distinctive way. Researchers can use this section to indicate their research work was impacted by circumstances related to health (and/or disability), administrative, family, cultural or community responsibilities, socio-economic context, COVID-19, or other factors. For example, applicants from small institutions could indicate their teaching load in this section if the change in workload impacted their research output. Indigenous co-applicants can use the Special circumstances section of their application form to describe special circumstances that may have had an impact on their academic or career paths.
Use this optional section to outline any career interruptions or special circumstances that have affected your research activities. Provide dates of interruptions and indicate the reason for the delay in general terms (e.g., illness, disability, family loss or illness, cultural or community responsibilities, socio-economic context, COVID-19).
SSHRC offers the following information for your awareness when considering how to describe your details of career interruptions and/or special circumstances:
- Co-applicants do not need to disclose any personal details of the career interruption or special circumstance.
- Co-applicants are asked to indicate how their research was impacted by delays to enable the reviewers to make an equitable assessment of the excellence of their research contributions while taking into account the impact of the interruption or special circumstances on their research production.
- Co-applicants are asked to quantify the impact on their research production as best they can, providing estimates of time or opportunities lost due to the interruption or special circumstances. For example, the amount of time and effort involved in seeking and receiving accommodations would be helpful to inform the committee’s assessment, by accounting for the impact of the special circumstances on the co-applicant’s research production.
- Date modified: