Gender-based analysis plus

Section 1: Institutional GBA+ Capacity

Key actions taken to advance the implementation of GBA+ governance within the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and to build institutional GBA+ capacity are the continuation of the agency’s involvement in equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) through the new Executive Coordination Committee on EDI (created in 2020–21) and the Working Group on EDI (re-mandated in 2020–21).

The Executive Coordination Committee on EDI is the principal mechanism to guide SSHRC’s implementation of the Tri-agency EDI Action Plan, endorse a SSHRC EDI Implementation Plan, and ensure alignment between external-facing and internal-facing GBA+ and EDI initiatives. The committee is composed of seven SSHRC associate vice-presidents, executive directors and directors (or equivalent), representing SSHRC’s four directorates.

SSHRC reconvened its Working Group on EDI to support and implement SSHRC-specific activities in accordance with the Tri-agency EDI Action Plan and SSHRC EDI Implementation Plan, ensuring effective intra- and cross-divisional/directorate communication and coordination. The working group has one or more representatives from each SSHRC division/directorate.

In addition to these groups, GBA+ departmental capacity was advanced through information and resources available on a new intranet page for staff (updated in the fourth quarter of 2020–21), implementation of a revised version of a self-identification questionnaire launched in 2018 for funding applicants and merit reviewers, and an annual update to SSHRC’s EDI dashboard. The questionnaire and dashboard are important sources of administrative data on the participation of underrepresented groups in SSHRC’s funding programs.

SSHRC also continued to implement mandatory training for all staff: Introduction to GBA+; Diversity and Inclusion; and Civility and Respect. Bias in Peer Review is mandatory training for program delivery staff. Staff members who handle self-identification data must take the Introduction to Security Awareness course and the Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Data and Privacy Protection course. In addition, new mandatory courses on workplace harassment and violence prevention began in 2021–22. Recent training completion rates for staff, including the target deadlines set when the courses were first introduced, are as follows:

Training Deadline Completion by SSHRC staffFootnote *
Introduction to GBA+ October 1, 2019 80.9% (224/277)
Diversity and Inclusion March 31, 2022 49.8% (104/209)
Civility and Respect March 31, 2021 72.6% (201/277)

SSHRC administers some programs on behalf of the tri-agencies—the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and SSHRC—through the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat (TIPS). Key actions taken by TIPS to advance its EDI objectives are to continue to implement and monitor the requirements of the 2019 Addendum to the 2006 Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement (a federal court order) for the Canada Research Chairs Program. This work includes requiring participating institutions to set equity targets principally based on Canada’s population within their allocation of chairs (50.9% women, 7.5% persons with disabilities, 4.9% Indigenous peoples and 22% members of racialized minorities), which will need to be met by 2029. It also involves requiring institutions to implement their own EDI action plans for the program.

TIPS provides equity training for all members of its tri-agency executive management governance committees and implements action plans related to EDI objectives from the management responses to the program evaluations for the Canada Excellence Research Chairs, Canada 150 Research Chairs and Canada First Research Excellence Fund.

Section 2: Gender and Diversity Impacts, by Program

Terms used in this section are listed in the Definitions.

Core Responsibility: Funding Social Sciences and Humanities Research and Training

Program Name: Insight Research
Target Population: Scientific researchers, socio-economic researchers
Distribution of Benefits:
    First group Second group Third group Fourth group Fifth group  
By gender Men         Women
By income level Low         High
    First group Second group Third group  
By age group Youth     Senior
Key Impacts:
Statistics Observed Results Data Source Comment

Application rate for the four underrepresented groups

  • 49.1% are women
  • 3.5% are persons with disabilities
  • 21.3% are members of visible minorities
  • 1.9% are members of Indigenous peoples

Self-identification questionnaire

Additional data are available on SSHRC’s EDI Dashboard

Award rate for the four underrepresented groups

  • 50.4% are women
  • 3.7% are persons with disabilities
  • 20.1% are members of visible minorities
  • 2.6% are members of Indigenous peoples

Self-identification questionnaire

Additional data are available on SSHRC’s EDI Dashboard

Merit review committee member data for the four underrepresented groups

  • 49.7% are women
  • 6.5% are persons with disabilities
  • 18.6% are members of visible minorities
  • 5.4% are members of Indigenous peoples

Self-identification questionnaire

Additional data are available on SSHRC’s EDI Dashboard

Program Name: Research Training and Talent Development
Target Population: Students, international students, scientific researchers
Distribution of Benefits:
    First group Second group Third group Fourth group Fifth group  
By gender Men         Women
By income level Low         High
    First group Second group Third group  
By age group Youth     Senior
Key Impacts:
Statistics Observed Results* Data Source Comment

Application rate for the four underrepresented groups

  • 62.6% are women
  • 6.5% are persons with disabilities
  • 21.4% are members of visible minorities
  • 4.2% are members of Indigenous peoples

Self-identification questionnaire

Additional data are available on SSHRC’s EDI Dashboard

Award rate for the four underrepresented groups

  • 64.0% are women
  • 6.6% are persons with disabilities
  • 18.9% are members of visible minorities
  • 5.9% are members of Indigenous peoples

Self-identification questionnaire

Additional data are available on SSHRC’s EDI Dashboard

Merit review committee member data for the four underrepresented groups

  • 49.8% are women
  • 4.3% are persons with disabilities
  • 9.5% are members of visible minorities
  • 2.4% are
  • members of Indigenous peoples

Self-identification questionnaire

Additional data are available on SSHRC’s EDI Dashboard

Program Name: Research Partnerships
Target Population: Scientific researchers, socio-economic researchers, non-governmental organizations
Distribution of Benefits:
    First group Second group Third group Fourth group Fifth group  
By gender Men         Women
By income level Low         High
    First group Second group Third group  
By age group Youth     Senior
Key Impacts:
Statistics Observed Results* Data Source Comment

Application rate for the four underrepresented groups

  • 58.2% are women
  • 5.4% are persons with disabilities
  • 21.2% are members of visible minorities
  • 2.2% are members of Indigenous peoples

Self-identification questionnaire

Additional data are available on SSHRC’s EDI Dashboard

Award rate for the four underrepresented groups

  • 60.0% are women
  • 5.7% are persons with disabilities
  • 20.5% are members of visible minorities
  • 2.3% are members of Indigenous peoples

Self-identification questionnaire

Additional data are available on SSHRC’s EDI Dashboard

Merit review committee member data for the four underrepresented groups

  • 57.9% are women
  • 7.0% are persons with disabilities
  • 7.5% are members of visible minorities
  • 4.7% are members of Indigenous peoples

Self-identification questionnaire

Additional data are available on SSHRC’s EDI Dashboard

Program Name: New Frontiers in Research Fund
Target Population: Scientific researchers
Distribution of Benefits:
    First group Second group Third group Fourth group Fifth group  
By gender Men         Women
By income level Low         High
    First group Second group Third group  
By age group Youth     Senior
Key Impacts:
Statistics Observed Results* Data Source Comment

Representation of the four underrepresented groups among nominated principal investigators (letters of intent)

  • 32.3% are women
  • 3.5% are persons with disabilities
  • 32.3% are members of visible minorities
  • 1.0% are members of Indigenous peoples

Self-identification questionnaire

Additional data are available on SSHRC’s EDI Dashboard

Representation of the four underrepresented groups among nominated principal investigators (awards)

  • 35.8% are women
  • 4.4% are persons with disabilities
  • 31.7% are members of visible minorities
  • 0.8% are members of Indigenous peoples

Self-identification questionnaire

Additional data are available on SSHRC’s EDI Dashboard

Program Name: Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund
Target Population: University-based research staff
Distribution of Benefits:
    First group Second group Third group Fourth group Fifth group  
By gender Men         Women
By income level Low         High
    First group Second group Third group  
By age group Youth     Senior

Core Responsibility: Institutional support for the indirect costs of research

Program Name: Research Support Fund
Target Population: Colleges and/or universities
Distribution of Benefits:
    First group Second group Third group Fourth group Fifth group  
By gender Men         Women
By income level Low         High
    First group Second group Third group  
By age group Youth     Senior
Program Name: Internal Services
Target Population: SSHRC staff
Distribution of Benefits:
    First group Second group Third group Fourth group Fifth group  
By gender Men         Women
By income level Low         High
    First group Second group Third group  
By age group Youth     Senior
  • Introduction to GBA+ and associated mandatory training given to policy and program delivery staff enabled those employees to define key concepts of GBA+ and to recognize how various identity factors can influence the experience of members of designated groups in dealing with the federal government.
  • A mandatory Bias-Awareness Training for Staffing Purposes course was offered throughout the year. The course provides a range of applicable examples and strategies for mitigating the impacts of biases in the staffing process. The course is designed for executives, managers, supervisors and staff participating in hiring committees. Subsequently, a bias-awareness checklist with tips for the screening and interview processes was developed to remind managers to be aware of their possible biases so they can try to eliminate them from these processes.
  • Ongoing communication with managers through the quarterly human resources bulletin and with all staff continued through monthly learning emails, highlighting various learning opportunities related to EDI and GBA+.
GBA+ Data Collection Plan:

SSHRC has developed its data collection and analysis for its programs through the self-identification questionnaire. SSHRC collects self-identification information from all applicants, co-applicants and collaborators, and merit review committee members. This data collection allows SSHRC to monitor the equity performance of its programs and, eventually as needed, design measures that achieve greater EDI. SSHRC’s EDI dashboard interactively presents an aggregated summary of applications, awards, success rates and committee participation in relation to the identity factors collected on the self-identification questionnaire (age, gender, Indigenous, visible minority, disability).

Section 3: Program Links to Gender Results Framework

Core Responsibility: Funding Social Sciences and Humanities Research and Training

Program name Education and Skills Development Economic Participation and Prosperity Leadership and Democratic Participation Gender-based Violence and Access to Justice Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-Being Gender Equality around the World
Insight Research

Research Training and Talent Development

Research Partnerships

New Frontiers in Research Fund

Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund

Core Responsibility: Institutional support for the indirect costs of research

Program name Education and Skills Development Economic Participation and Prosperity Leadership and Democratic Participation Gender-based Violence and Access to Justice Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-Being Gender Equality around the World
Research Support Fund

Section 4: Program Links to Quality of Life Framework

Core Responsibility: Funding Social Sciences and Humanities Research and Training

  Prosperity Health Environment Society Good Governance
Insight Research

Research Training and Talent Development

Research Partnerships

New Frontiers in Research Fund

Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund

Core Responsibility: Institutional support for the indirect costs of research

  Prosperity Health Environment Society Good Governance
Research Support Fund


Target Population:

See Finance Canada definition of Target Group in the following document: User Instructions for the GBA+ Departmental Summary – Budget 2020 – (

Gender Scale:
  • First group: Predominantly men (e.g., 80% or more men)
  • Second group: 60%-79% men
  • Third group: Broadly gender-balanced
  • Forth group: 60%-79% women
  • Fifth group: Predominantly women (e.g., 80% or more women)
Income Level Scale:
  • First group: Strongly benefits low- income individuals (Strongly progressive)
  • Second group: Somewhat benefits low- income individuals (Somewhat progressive)
  • Third group: No significant distributional impacts
  • Forth group: Somewhat benefits high -income individuals (Somewhat regressive)
  • Fifth group: Strongly benefits high -income individuals (Strongly regressive)
Age Group Scale:
  • First group: Primarily benefits youth, children and/or future generations
  • Second group: No significant intergenerational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors
  • Third group: Primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation
Gender Results Framework Pillars:

See definitions at the following page: Gender Results Framework (Women and Gender Equality Canada)

Quality of Life Domains:

See definitions in Annex-5-eng.pdf (

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