Disclosure of transfer payment programs under $5 million

General information
Name of transfer payment program Canada 150 Research Chairs (voted)
End date 2025–26
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through the Estimates
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Insight Research
Main objective The Canada 150 Research Chairs Program provides Canadian universities with a one-time investment to attract top-tier, internationally based scholars and researchers (including Canadian expatriates) to Canada. This program is administered by SSHRC on behalf of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and SSHRC.
Planned spending in 2019–20 (dollars) 2,100,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation N/A
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation (if applicable) 2019–20
General targeted recipient groups Persons (researchers), not-for-profit organizations (universities)
General information
Name of transfer payment program Canada Excellence Research Chairs (voted)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through the Estimates
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Insight Research
Main objective The Canada Excellence Research Chairs program is a tri-agency initiative that supports Canadian universities in their efforts to build on Canada’s growing reputation as a global leader in research and innovation. The program awards funding to world-renowned researchers and their teams to establish ambitious research programs at Canadian universities. This program is administered by SSHRC on behalf of CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC.
Planned spending in 2019–20 (dollars) 1,400,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2014–15
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation (if applicable) 2019–20
General targeted recipient groups Persons (researchers), not-for-profit organizations (universities)
General information
Name of transfer payment program Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research
End date 2022–23
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through the Estimates
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Research Partnerships
Main objective The Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research program bridges the challenging gap between innovation and commercialization. The program matches clusters of research expertise with the business community to share the knowledge and resources that bring innovations to market faster. Centres advance research and facilitate commercialization within four priority areas: the environment; natural resources and energy; health and life sciences; and information and communications technologies. This program is administered by NSERC on behalf of CIHR, SSHRC and NSERC.
Planned spending in 2019–20 (dollars) 2,694,769
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2017–18
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation (if applicable) N/A
General targeted recipient groups Not-for-profit organizations

Note: In Budget 2018, the Government of Canada called for changes to streamline and modernize programs in support of research and innovation. The management of the Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research program is being transferred to the Strategic Innovation Fund managed by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.

General information
Name of transfer payment program Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence (voted)
End date 2023–24
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through the Estimates
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Research Partnerships
Main objective The Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence program funds large-scale collaborative research networks that bring a wide range of research expertise to bear on specific challenges identified by an industrial sector. This tri-agency program is administered by NSERC on behalf of SSHRC, CIHR and NSERC.
Planned spending in 2019–20 (dollars) 983,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2015–16
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation (if applicable) N/A
General targeted recipient groups Not-for-profit organizations

Note: In Budget 2018, the Government of Canada called for changes to streamline and modernize programs in support of research and innovation. The management of the Business-led Networks of Centres of Excellence program is being transferred to the Strategic Innovation Fund managed by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.

General information
Name of transfer payment program College and Community Innovation Program (voted)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through the Estimates
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Research Partnerships
Main objective The College and Community Innovation Program is managed by NSERC in collaboration with CIHR and SSHRC. The program increases innovation at the community and/or regional level by enabling Canadian colleges to increase their capacity to work with local companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, in areas of the natural and social sciences, engineering, the humanities and/or health. It supports applied research and collaborations that facilitate commercialization, as well as technology transfer, adaptation and adoption of new technologies, in areas of strategic importance to Canada.
Planned spending in 2019–20 (dollars) 650,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2018–19
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation (if applicable) 2023–24
General targeted recipient groups Persons, not-for-profit organizations
General information
Name of transfer payment program Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS)
End date 2024–25
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through the Estimates
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Research Training and Talent Development
Main objective

Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) is a Department of National Defence (DND) initiative, part of which is administered by SSHRC on behalf of DND. The objective of the MINDS initiative is to strengthen the Canadian knowledge base in contemporary defence and security issues through supporting research training and fostering capacity-building in defence and security-related areas across disciplines.

SSHRC is responsible for providing this financial support on behalf of DND to students at the masters and doctoral level and to postdoctoral fellows who are pursuing research related to defence and security, thereby helping to foster the next generation of defence and security experts.

Planned spending in 2019–20 (dollars) 601,500
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation N/A
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation (if applicable) N/A
General targeted recipient groups Persons (students)