Participation in SSHRC-administered funding opportunities

To improve access to research support for underrepresented and disadvantaged groups, SSHRC must have accurate data on who is participating in and receiving funding from our programs. SSHRC, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research use a harmonized questionnaire to collect self-identification information from individuals participating in funding opportunities. SSHRC collects self-identification information from all applicants, co-applicants, collaborators and merit review committee members. This data collection allows SSHRC to monitor the equity performance of its programs and, ultimately, as needed, design measures that achieve greater EDI. The agencies review and revise the questionnaire on a regular basis to ensure it reflects emerging standards.

Equity, diversity and inclusion dashboard

Updated: September 16, 2021

SSHRC’s interactive EDI dashboard presents an aggregated summary of applications, awards, success rates and committee participation, in relation to the data collected on the self-identification questionnaires about age, gender, Indigenous identity, race/ethnicity, and ability. Users can select from competition years, programs, specific funding opportunities and designated groups. Updated annually, the dashboard is an important tool for publicly sharing performance data with stakeholders, supporting transparency while protecting privacy.

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