2024 Transformation: Reviewer Manual

This manual is designed as a guide for reviewers for the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) 2024 Transformation competition. It describes activities to be undertaken by expert panel reviewers, members and chairs of the multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panels, and outlines the policies, guidelines and deliverables relevant to these activities. Applicants who refer to this manual should note that the content is intended to guide reviewers and outline principles rather than provide them with a set of rules.

A word of thanks

On behalf of the Canada Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC), we would like to thank you for agreeing to participate in the review process for the 2024 Transformation competition. The success of the review process is made possible by dedicated people like you who generously give your time and expertise. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by the CRCC and the research community.

Review panel members and expert reviewers are asked to read this document in its entirety before starting to review applications assigned to them. You may ask for clarification on any subject from NFRF program staff at any time.

The NFRF Transformation stream is designed to support large-scale, Canadian-led interdisciplinary research projects that address a major challenge and have the potential to realize real and lasting change (high reward). The challenge may be fundamental, leading to a scientific breakthrough, or applied, with a social, economic, environmental or health impact. Projects are expected to be world-leading, drawing on global research expertise where relevant. For further details about the 2024 competition, including eligibility requirements, refer to the funding opportunity. The instructions for the notice of intent to apply (NOI), letter of intent (LOI) and full application provide further details on the information required at each stage of the competition.


Success of the NFRF merit review system depends on the willingness and ability of all reviewers in the process to be fair and reasonable; to exercise rigorous judgment; and to understand—and take into account in a balanced way—the particular context of each application.


All reviewers are asked to consistently guard against the possibility of unconscious bias influencing the decision-making process, whether this bias is based on a school of thought, fundamental versus applied research, certain sub-disciplines, areas of research or approaches (including emerging ones), size or reputation of an institution, or the age, personal factors, sex or gender of applicants. All reviewers are cautioned against judging an application based on these factors. Before review panel members are able to view any applications, they must first complete the required unconscious bias training module.

Confidentiality and conflict of interest

The Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy of the Federal Research Funding Organizations is to ensure the effective management of conflict of interest of any participant in the review process, and to ensure, during the review process, confidentiality of personal and commercial information submitted to the program.

Conflict of interest

Members are responsible for evaluating the merits of applications assigned to them for review, with the exception of those for which they have a conflict of interest.

A conflict of interest is a conflict between a person’s duties/responsibilities as a participant in the review process, and that person’s private, professional, business or public interests. There may be a real, perceived or potential conflict of interest when the review panel member, expert reviewer, referee or observer:

  • would benefit professionally or personally as a result of the application being reviewed;
  • has a professional or personal relationship with any of the applicants (including the nominated principal investigator, co-principal investigators, co-applicants and collaborators) or applicants’ institutions; or
  • has a direct or indirect financial interest in the application being reviewed.

A conflict of interest may be deemed or perceived to exist when a review panel member, expert reviewer or observer:

  • is a relative or close friend, or has a personal relationship with any of the applicants;
  • is in a position to gain or lose financially/materially if the application is funded;
  • has had long-standing scientific or personal differences with any of the applicants;
  • is currently affiliated with any of the applicants’ institutions, organizations or companies—including research hospitals and research institutes;
  • is professionally affiliated with any of the applicants as a result of having in the last six years:
    • frequent and regular interactions with any of the applicants in the course of their duties at their department, institution, organization or company;
    • been supervisor or a trainee of any of the applicants;
    • collaborated, published or shared funding with any of the applicants, or made plans to do so in the immediate future; or
    • been employed by any of the applicants’ institutions; and/or
    • feels, for any reason, unable to provide an impartial review of the application.

All members are subject to the same conflict of interest guidelines. If any of these situations apply, the member must declare a conflict of interest and leave the room when the application is being discussed. NFRF staff and the co-chairs are responsible for resolving areas of uncertainty. A conflict of interest can be declared at any time during the competition cycle. Contact NFRF program staff if you have any changes.


The information provided by applicants in their applications is protected by the Privacy Act and is included for the purposes of review only. Details of the application, scoring, panel discussions and recommendation for a specific application are confidential and must never be divulged. Only NFRF staff can release information. Under no circumstances should members disclose to anyone the recommendations from the merit review meetings; this also applies to when the competition is over and the award recipients are announced.

Funding recommendations made by the review panel are subject to approval by the CRCC and are subject to change for reasons of budget or lack of full adherence to policies.

Members are asked not to communicate any information relating to the review of a specific application nor to offer to applicants, or anyone outside of the panel, opinions on the applicant’s chances of success or failure. In turn, applicants are not to contact panel members regarding the status of their applications (ratings, rank, etc.). By law, applicants have access to their own application files. Therefore, all written materials used in evaluating an application are made available to applicants when they are notified of the funding decision for a competition. This includes written feedback provided by expert reviewers but does not include any notes or feedback a review panel member has provided that was not shared in written form with the other panel members or NFRF staff.

Steering committee

For all NFRF competitions, the steering committee is the CRCC. The committee ensures that the evaluation process is rigorous, objective and transparent, in keeping with the standards of excellence expected by the research funding agencies and consistent with the program’s objectives. The committee also makes decisions regarding which applications to fund based on the review panel’s recommendations.

Multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel


The multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panels are composed of experts, including non-academics, who represent the various research disciplines of the three research funding agencies (the Canadian Institutes of Health Research [CIHR], the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council [NSERC], and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council [SSHRC]). To achieve a balance among panel members, factors such as area of expertise, language, inclusion in the four designated groups (women, Indigenous Peoples, racialized groups and persons with disabilities), region, institution size, career stage, knowledge of best practices for equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), and experience with research by and with Indigenous Peoples are taken into account. Members are selected to ensure the panel has the capacity to review proposals in Canada’s both official languages.

The multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panels make recommendations to the NFRF Steering Committee about which applications should move forward to the next stage of the competition.


At the LOI and application stages, the multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panels include chairs who fulfill an oversight role and participate in the review of applications. Chairs are responsible for ensuring that the multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel functions smoothly, effectively and objectively and according to the program’s policies. The chairs establish a positive, constructive and fair-minded environment in which the applications are evaluated.

The chairs’ responsibilities include:

  • ensuring that the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy of the Federal Research Funding Organizations is followed before, during and after the meeting;
  • ensuring the integrity and quality of the merit review process and that each application is assessed fairly (free of bias and equitable to all applicants) based on the evaluation of all criteria;
  • ensuring that applications involving Indigenous research are reviewed in accordance with SSHRC’s Guidelines for the Merit Review of Indigenous Research;
  • completing the online training module for unconscious bias in peer review;
  • participating in preparatory meetings/discussions and information sessions before the merit review meeting;
  • including all members in the discussion of applications;
  • ensuring that all documents are considered in the panel’s assessments;
  • guiding the panel to a consensus recommendation, where applicable;
  • assisting with the preparation of feedback to applicants, where applicable;
  • contributing to discussions on NFRF policy issues;
  • participating in discussions on review panel membership for future competitions; and
  • ensuring that all confidential review materials provided to them are handled safely and disposed of according to program policy.

Multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel and jury members

Members evaluate applications and make recommendations to the NFRF Steering Committee based on their assessments. Specific responsibilities of members include:

  • ensuring that they follow the program’s Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy of the Federal Research Funding Organizations before, during and after the evaluations and/or meeting;
  • ensuring the integrity and quality of the merit review process and that each application is assessed fairly (free of bias and equitable to all applicants) based on the evaluation of all criteria;
  • ensuring that applications involving Indigenous research are reviewed in accordance with SSHRC’s Guidelines for the Merit Review of Indigenous Research;
  • completing an online unconscious bias training module for peer review;
  • participating in preparatory meetings/discussions and information sessions before evaluations and/or the merit review meeting as needed;
  • reviewing in depth the applications assigned to them;
  • providing ratings for applications assigned to them by the deadline or before the merit review meeting, where applicable;
  • ensuring that all documents are considered in their assessments;
  • participating in the review of applications assigned to them by providing a verbal assessment to the entire committee during the meeting, where applicable;
  • preparing feedback to applicants, where applicable;
  • participating in the discussion and review of all relevant applications, according to their role, where applicable; and
  • ensuring that all review materials provided are handled safely and disposed of according to program policy.

NFRF staff

NFRF staff are typically represented at the merit review panel meetings by the director, deputy director and/or manager, and the program officers. The staff’s responsibilities include:

  • ensuring that the panel follows the program’s Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy of the Federal Research Funding Organizations before, during and after the review meeting;
  • ensuring the integrity and quality of the merit review process and that each application is assessed fairly (free of bias and equitable to all applicants) based on the evaluation of all criteria;
  • assigning applications to review panel members;
  • providing advice and guidance to the panel on the program’s policies;
  • ensuring that all documents are considered in the panel’s assessments;
  • keeping notes on procedural aspects of the panel’s functions;
  • recording comments made by the panel for each application, where applicable;
  • working with the co-chairs to manage conflicts of interest, where applicable;
  • recording concerns raised by the panel on issues requiring subsequent attention by staff;
  • ensuring that all review materials provided are handled safely and disposed of according to program policy; and
  • facilitating the final approval of recommended applications by the NFRF steering committee.

Incomplete or non-adherent applications

The onus is on applicants to provide complete and sufficient information that adheres to the Convergence Portal instructions for attachments and instructions for completing the NOI, LOI and full application. Problems related to application content should be brought to the attention of NFRF program staff, which can be done at any point during the competition. To maintain fairness in the competition, applicants must adhere to the guidelines in preparing application materials. If NFRF staff determine that information provided is incomplete or does not adhere to guidelines or instructions, the application may be rejected.

Eligibility of applicants

Eligibility decisions are the responsibility of NFRF program staff. Review panel members who have doubts as to a researcher’s eligibility should review the application on the same basis as all the others, and alert NFRF staff to potential problem(s) as soon as possible. The eligibility criteria for applicants can be found in the eligibility section of the competition overview.

Indigenous research

If a review panel member or expert reviewer is assigned a proposal in which the applicant has answered “Yes” to the question “Does your proposal involve Indigenous research as defined by SSHRC?” they must use SSHRC’s Indigenous Research Statement of Principles and Guidelines for the Merit Review of Indigenous Research as references in assessing the application. These guidelines are provided to help reviewers build understanding of Indigenous research and research-related activities and to assist them in interpreting the specific evaluation criteria in the context of Indigenous research.

Merit indicators

The merit indicators are criteria that should be considered when reviewing applications. The evaluation scales include references to major points of consideration to guide reviewers toward arriving at a rating for a given criterion. Although only four ratings are described for each evaluation scale (with the exception of the interdisciplinarity and the EDI in research practice (EDI-RP) and early career researcher criteria), members may select a rating between each of the four ratings described, providing a seven-point scale.

All applications are evaluated using the same merit indicators. Members are encouraged to use the full range of ratings, as appropriate, to achieve a rating distribution that reflects the quality of applications being evaluated. Members are expected to discuss and justify (or adjust) their ratings during the LOI and full application stages.

Areas of concern

All reviewers can comment about any areas of concern in the application (“other considerations” for expert reviewers), including ones related to any of the selection criteria. This includes interdisciplinarity, EDI-RP, EDI in research design (EDI-RD); Indigenous research; budget; and others.

Reviewers will be asked to describe the concern noted.


The proposed budget is not one of the selection criteria. It is not typically discussed by reviewers, except where it may affect the assessment of feasibility in accomplishing the research with the proposed resources. However, if a reviewer notices an expense that is not eligible under the Tri-Agency Guide on Financial Administration, or one they perceive has been greatly overestimated, they should raise it when the proposal is discussed with review panel members.

All reviewers will access applications through the Convergence Portal, and will have access only to applications that have been assigned to them.

Multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel members

Members will receive an email with detailed instructions asking them to log in to the Convergence Portal and complete the biographical information section, including their fields of research, in their personal profiles. Following this step, panel members will receive an email asking them to accept the terms and conditions of the Convergence Portal. Members must accept the terms and conditions before they can continue with the review process. After acceptance, two new tabs will appear on the home screen when the member logs in to the Convergence Portal: Committee Conflicts and Committee Assignments. If the terms and conditions are accepted prior to applications being assigned, both tabs will remain blank until applications are assigned.

Expert reviewers

Expert reviewers will receive an email with detailed instructions asking them to log in to the Convergence Portal and complete the biographical information section, including their fields of research, in their personal profiles. Following this, they will receive an email asking them to accept the terms and conditions (T&Cs) of the Convergence Portal. Reviewers must accept the T&Cs before they can continue with the review process. Once the reviewer has accepted these, a new tab will appear on the home screen when they are logged in to the Convergence Portal: Reviewer Assignments. If the T&Cs are accepted prior to applications being assigned, this tab will remain blank until applications are assigned.

Shortly after the application deadline, expert reviewers will receive an email informing them that the application(s) assigned to them are ready under the Reviewer Assignments tab. Any problem with the assignment of applications should be brought to the NFRF program staff’s attention as soon as possible or at any point in the process.

Letter of intent stage

The purpose of the LOI stage is to identify the most meritorious proposals to be invited to submit full applications.

Review timeline

Date Activity
January 10, 2024 LOI deadline
January 19, 2024 Members receive assignments
January 31, 2024 Deadline for members to indicate conflicts of interest
March 18, 2024 Deadline for members to record scores
April 15 to 19, 2024 Virtual multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel (LOI) meeting
April 22 to May 1, 2024 Feedback to applicants is finalized with input from members
May 6, 2024 LOI results released to applicants

Evaluation by multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel—LOI stage

The multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel (LOI stage) will meet virtually to identify the research teams to be invited to submit full applications.


Each LOI submission will be assigned to five members for review. Language abilities and expertise will be taken into account when assigning LOIs.

Conflicts of interest

Shortly after the LOI deadline, members will receive an email informing them that their list of assignments is ready. Before gaining access to their assigned applications, members will receive instructions for indicating any conflicts of interest. Minor changes to assignments could occur if members identify conflicts of interest. Any problems should be brought to the attention of NFRF staff as soon as possible.


All eligible LOIs are to be reviewed and scored according to the merit indicator matrices for all five selection criteria:

  • high risk: 20% of overall score
  • high reward: 60% of overall score
  • feasibility: 20% of overall score
    • for feasibility, the evaluation will focus only on the proposed approach to the problem or challenge at a relatively high level, commensurate with the amount of information provided at the LOI stage
  • interdisciplinarity (pass/fail)
  • EDI-RP/ECR (pass/fail)

Members may assign one of seven ratings for the high risk, high reward and feasibility criteria (see Merit Indicators).

Members also provide comments on:

  • interdisciplinarity (if the score is a fail)
  • EDI-RP/ECR (if the score is a fail)
  • any areas of concern or comments related to the proposal (i.e., budget, EDI-RD)


Members’ ratings for the high risk, high reward and feasibility criteria will be compiled, with the mean being used to calculate the overall rating for each criterion. Overall scores will be calculated according to the weighting of the criteria and used to identify the top LOIs to be discussed at the meeting. The cutoff score will be determined based on the distribution of scores and the number of LOIs received. Members may identify any LOIs to be discussed at the meeting, regardless of their overall score.

The scores for interdisciplinarity and EDI-RP/ECR will be recorded as a pass, fail, or mixed. An LOI must have passed both of these criteria in order to be considered to be invited to the full application stage.

All applicants will receive the overall ratings for the high risk, high reward and feasibility criteria, as well as a pass, fail, or mixed assessment for the interdisciplinarity and EDI-RP/ECR criteria. Comments from the review panel will be provided for LOIs that are discussed at the meeting. No comments will be available for those not discussed.

Determining which LOIs proceed to application stage

After discussing each LOI, members will decide by consensus whether an LOI “should be invited,” “could be invited” or “should not be invited” to the full application stage. In determining the distribution of LOIs between the categories, members will be asked to consider all information provided and focus on quality, according to the program criteria, while also considering diversity as an important component of quality. The multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel will recommend to the NFRF Management Committee a list of 20 to 25 LOIs to be invited to the full application stage.

Application stage

The multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel (full application) will meet to identify the highest quality proposals, according to the criteria, whose teams will be invited to present their proposals to the jury.

Review timeline

Date Activity
September 5, 2024 Application deadline
September 6, 2024 Expert reviewers given access to applications
September 10, 2024 Members receive assignments
September 24, 2024 Deadline for members to review and indicate conflicts of interest
October 7 to 10, 2024 Expert Panel virtual meetings
October 15, 2024 Deadline for members to record scores
November 12 to 22, 2024 Multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel (full application) meeting
December 6, 2024 Results communicated to applicants with invitations to present to jury for successful proposals
January 13 to 17, 2025 Jury meeting
February 2025 Application results released to applicants

Evaluation by expert reviewers (full application)

Reviewers will be asked to comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed project in relation to the interdisciplinarity, high risk, high reward and feasibility criteria. They will also be asked to identify any areas of concern.


Each application will be assigned to five expert reviewers who will each have access to all sections of the full application (except the participants’ personal profiles, suggested reviewers, reviewer exclusions, and certifications).

Meetings of the expert reviewers, moderated by NFRF staff, will be held virtually to arrive at a consensus summary report. NFRF staff will draft the consensus summary report for review and approval by expert reviewers.

Evaluation by multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel (full application)


All members of the panel will read all applications (except those for which they are in conflict), including the expert reviewers’ consensus summary.

Conflicts of interest

Shortly after the full application deadline, members will receive an email informing them that their list of assignments is ready. Before gaining access to their assigned applications, members will be provided instructions for indicating any conflicts of interest.

Members are asked to log in to the Convergence Portal, review the summary of each of their assigned applications and indicate if there is a conflict of interest. Once a member has checked all assigned applications for conflicts, they immediately gain access to the applications for which they are not in conflict. Some changes to assignments may occur, as any conflicts of interest are identified by members. Any problems should be brought to the attention of NFRF program staff as soon as possible, at any point in the process.


Multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel members receive access to all content from the LOI and application stages.

Members receive their assignments and are given access to the applications before they receive the expert reviewer assessments.

Members will review each application and provide:

  • validation of the interdisciplinarity and EDI-RP/ECR ratings from the LOI stage; and
  • scores according to the merit indicator matrices for the high risk (25%), high reward (25%) and feasibility (50%) criteria.

Members can assign one of seven ratings for the high risk, high reward and feasibility criteria (see Merit indicators). In assessing feasibility, members must consider the approach to Indigenous research (if applicable) and EDI-RD considerations in the research design.


Members’ ratings for the high risk, high reward and feasibility criteria will be compiled, with the mean used to calculate the overall rating for each criterion. Overall scores will be calculated according to the weighting of the criteria and overall ratings calculated for each application.

Multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel meeting

The multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel will meet to identify the proposals to be invited to present to the jury.

  • All applications will be thoroughly discussed, covering each criterion.
  • The lead reader for the application will initiate the discussion, and members will be invited to provide their assessments.
  • After discussing each application, the panel will decide whether it “should proceed to jury,” “could proceed to jury” or “should not proceed to jury.” The decision will be consensus-based.
  • The panel will identify the 10 to 15 best applications, according to the program criteria, whose teams will be invited to present their proposal to the jury. Each of the identified proposals must meet the standard of excellence and be considered fundable.
  • Feedback to the applicant will be prepared.

Jury stage

The objective of this stage is to identify the proposals to recommend for funding. The jury will consider the objectives of the Transformation stream in their deliberations, as well as the diversity of the projects it will recommend for funding, in terms of topics, geography, research teams and potential impacts, in addition to the diverse groups/communities/individuals that will be impacted by the outcomes. When considering diversity elements, the jury will also take into account active Transformation projects funded through previous competitions.


The teams identified by the multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel will present their proposal in person to the jury in Ottawa.

Jury membership

The jury will be composed of 10 to 15 international and Canadian members representing diverse sectors (policy-makers, government, academia, industry, not-for-profit).

Jury review


The jury meeting will begin with an in camera (private) meeting of the jury members to discuss all the applications and identify questions for each. The jury will be reminded of its responsibility to consider the diversity of the applications it recommends for funding. The meeting will then proceed to the “project pitch” segment.

Project pitches by applicants

One hour will be allocated for each application during the project pitch segment of the jury review. This hour will comprise a 10-minute pitch by the applicants (details below) followed by a Q&A period. The final 20 minutes will be for the jury members only, during which time they will discuss their impressions of the project pitches.

Applicants must deliver a 10-minute project pitch to the jury. This may include a visual presentation or other materials, but these are not required. Applicants are encouraged to highlight how the project addresses the Transformation stream objectives (listed below) and evaluation criteria, and to include any additional/supplemental information. Applicants are also encouraged to address the diversity aspects that the jury must consider in its deliberations.

In their pitches, applicants must demonstrate how the project:

  1. tackles a well-defined problem or challenge;
  2. proposes a novel world-leading approach that is different from the current state-of-the-art approaches to the issue (high risk criterion);
  3. is interdisciplinary (interdisciplinarity criterion), bringing different perspectives to the defined problem; and
  4. has the potential (feasibility criterion) to be transformative, which is defined as the potential to create a significant and real change or impact—a noticeable leap or tangible breakthrough rather than an incremental advance (high reward criterion).

Up to five individuals for each application may be present to pitch to the jury. The five representatives should provide a breadth of perspectives on behalf of the proposed project. They may include members of the research team, collaborators, administrators from the nominated principal investigator’s institution, etc. It is expected that all those present will contribute meaningfully to the discussion with the jury.


At the end of the meeting, the jury will discuss the merits of all the pitches and come to a consensus on which six to eight applications (depending on the amounts requested) to recommend for funding. The jury will be reminded to consider its recommendations as a whole: to recommend projects that are compelling, while also considering, as noted above, diversity in terms of topics, geography, research teams and potential impacts as well as the diversity of the groups/communities/individuals that will be impacted by the outcomes.

Steering committee approval

The NFRF Steering Committee will make the final decisions on which applications to fund based on the recommendations of the review panel and the jury.

Merit review documents contain personal and other information, the unauthorized disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to cause serious injury (such as prejudicial treatment or loss of reputation or competitive advantage) to an individual, organization or government. Therefore, these documents are subject to regulation under the Privacy Act, the Access to Information Act and the Policy on Government Security. Protocols must be followed to ensure that information contained in applications, internal and external reviews, and panel discussions remains strictly confidential. Improper or unauthorized collection, use, disclosure, retention and/or disposal of this information can result in a privacy breach. Refer to the Guide on Handling Documents Used in Peer Review for further details.

Responsible Conduct of Research

Canada’s federal research funding agencies—CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC—are committed to fostering and maintaining an environment that supports and promotes the responsible conduct of research. The Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research sets out the responsibilities and corresponding policies for researchers, institutions and the agencies that, together, help support and promote a positive research environment.


Members appointed to the panel must read and agree to the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Agreement for Review Committee Members, External Reviewers, and Observers describing expectations and requirements.

Privacy Act

Personal information refers to any information about an identifiable individual. Based on the Privacy Act, personal information provided by applicants must be used only for assessing applications, making funding decisions, and related uses describing applicants at the time that their personal information is collected. Members are reminded that the use or disclosure of this information for any other purpose is illegal. It is important for panel members to adhere strictly to the guidelines set out in the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Agreement for Review Committee Members, External Reviewers, and Observers.

Canadian Human Rights Act

The activities of CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC are subject to the Canadian Human Rights Act. The purpose of the Act is to extend the laws in Canada to give effect to the principle that all individuals should have equal opportunity to make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have. They should also have their needs accommodated, consistent with their duties and obligations as members of society, without being hindered in or prevented from doing so by discriminatory practices based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted, or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.

Official Languages Act

All review panel members and NFRF program staff must be aware of their obligations and rights as legislated in the Official Languages Act.

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