
The International stream aims to support international collaborations and position Canada and Canadian researchers as strategic partners at the international level. The International stream includes two mechanisms:

  • joint funding calls with international agencies on topics of international relevance; and
  • a dedicated fund to support participation of Canadian researchers within international teams in projects seeking funding from major global platforms.



2024 NordForsk-Led International Joint Initiative on Sustainable Development in the Arctic

For information about the call, see Sustainable Development of the Arctic: Call for pre-proposals on NordForsk’s website.

This international joint initiative represents a collaboration among research funders from Canada, Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the United States. The Arctic region has seen and continues to see rapid and drastic changes, mostly due to climate change, which has a bigger impact in the Arctic than in the rest of the world. Declining sea ice has also opened possibilities of new transport routes, new opportunities for resource extraction, and led to increased international interest in the region. The direct effects of climate change, as well as these indirect ones, have a significant impact on ecosystems, Arctic communities and traditional ways of living. Through interdisciplinary research projects that include Indigenous perspectives, this call will leverage expertise across Arctic countries to explore approaches to sustainable development in the Arctic, considering aspects such as security, natural resources and societal changes.

  • Registration deadline for Canadian research teams: May 30, 2024
  • Application deadline for Canadian research teams: Fall 2024

Competition information


2023 International Joint Initiative for Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Competition closed

This international joint initiative represents a collaboration among research funders from Brazil, Canada, Germany, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States to leverage international expertise to tackle the global challenges caused by climate change. It aims to further the design and implementation of co-produced adaptation and mitigation strategies for vulnerable groups—those groups currently most impacted by the effects of climate change, owing to both physical vulnerability and socio-economic vulnerability.

  • Notice of intent deadline: May 2, 2023
  • Full application deadline: September 12, 2023

Competition information

Merit review

A multidisciplinary/multisectoral review panel composed of national and international members evaluates the applications according to the selection criteria.



2022 Horizon Global Platform competition

In November 2023, the Government of Canada closed substantive negotiations with the European Commission to join Horizon Europe as an associate country under Pillar 2. While signature and implementation are underway, Canadians can apply now as fully-fledged members of consortia. Check out the Horizon Europe page to learn more.

This competition provides funding for Canadian researchers who are partners on research and innovation actions under Horizon Europe’s Pillar II and have been awarded Horizon Europe project funding.

  • Registration deadline: One week after the Horizon Europe application deadline for an eligible call
  • Application deadline: Two weeks after the review results from a Horizon Europe call are communicated to the project team

Competition information


2020 Horizon Global Platform Competition Competition closed

This competition provides funding for Canadian researchers who are partners on Horizon 2020 calls that are eligible under the New Frontiers in Research in Research Fund (NFRF) program and have been awarded Horizon 2020 project funding.

  • Registration deadline: Two weeks after the Horizon 2020 application deadline for an eligible call
  • Application deadline: One month after the review results from a Horizon 2020 call are communicated to the project team

Competition information


This competition builds off the existing Horizon 2020 scientific review process. The New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) program reviews and evaluates registration forms and applications only for conformance to NFRF-specific eligibility criteria.


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