2022 Horizon Global Platform: Full application guide

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This guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the information in the 2022 Horizon Global Platform Competition overview.

Your application must be received by the deadline date. Your institution may have earlier internal deadlines. Check with your research administrator regarding internal deadlines for your institution. The research administrator at your institution is responsible for submitting your application.

All team members, including nominated principal investigators (NPIs) and co-principal investigators (co-PIs), if applicable, should inform the research administrator at their institution of their involvement in the application.

Completing the application

To be eligible to create and submit an application, you must have previously submitted a registration for the NFRF 2022 Horizon Global Platform Competition and have been notified of a successful outcome of the Horizon Europe adjudication process.

You must complete your application using the Convergence Portal. The Portal is only supported on the latest versions of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox.

Follow the instructions in the Portal to complete your application. The information you will need to complete an application is outlined below.

The NPI must complete all sections of the application and submit the application via their institution’s research administrator. Co-PIs will be able to see all sections of the application, but will not have edit access.

NPIs must verify the page lengths and formatting of any attachments uploaded to the application. If a submitted application contains one or more attachments that do not comply with the page length or formatting standard, the application may be removed from the competition.

Required information

Note: All relevant information from the registration will be prepopulated in the full application. You must include the following content to complete an application.

  1. Equity, diversity and inclusion in research practice (EDI-RP, referred to as EDI in previous NFRF competitions)

    Applications must not include any self-identifying information about members of the research team, including in the EDI-RP section, but you may include information that reveals team members’ affiliations, including departments, lab groups, etc. Focus on the team’s commitment to EDI, not on its EDI profile. See NFRF’s Best Practices in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Research guide for more details.

    Applicants may draw on institutional EDI policies and practices where these exist, but this information must be tailored to the particular context of the fields and teams involved. Applicants are encouraged to be specific and concise.

    In this section, provide:

    1. information about the team’s specific circumstances related to EDI, including identification of structural biases that could affect members of underrepresented groups (character limit: 2,500);
    2. the best practices that will be applied for each of the following elements (character limit: 250):
      1. team composition and recruitment processes;
      2. training and development opportunities; and
      3. inclusion.

      For each practice, provide a brief explanation, including: how each practice applies to the team’s specific context; how it will be implemented; the expected impacts; and how the impacts will be measured (character limit: 2,500).

  2. Equity, diversity and inclusion in research design (EDI-RD, referred to as gender-based analysis plus, or GBA+, in previous NFRF competitions)

    Indicate whether EDI considerations are appropriate for the project, and whether they have been integrated into the proposed research. If the team believes no EDI considerations are applicable to the research design, provide a rationale for this. You must complete these fields before your application can be submitted.

  3. Support for early career researchers (ECRs)

    Explain how ECRs will be included in the team and integrated in a meaningful way, including plans to support their leadership and development throughout the project (character limit: 3,500).

  4. Certifications, licences and permits

    Answer the questions as they relate to the proposed research project. Consult the Requirements for Certain Types of Research for more information or clarification, if needed. With the exception of research taking place outdoors, which may require submitting an Impact Assessment Form as part of your application (follow the instructions in the Portal), no forms or certifications are required at the time of application. If you are awarded a grant, you must meet all necessary certification requirements in accordance with the Agreement on the Administration of Agency Grants and Awards by Research Institutions.

  5. Supporting documents

    Upload each document as a separate attachment (see the page limits noted below), following the instructions for attachments:

    1. Description of the potential outcomes of the project, including the benefits to Canada (maximum one page if written in English; maximum 1.2 pages if written in French).
    2. Budget justification (maximum one page English; 1.2 pages French)

      Provide a breakdown and explanation of the direct costs of the research project. Provide sufficient information to allow reviewers to assess the appropriateness of the requested resources. If needed, you can also use this section to describe other resources, including funding, materials or equipment that will contribute to the project. Do not include a breakdown of the indirect costs of research.

    3. Horizon Europe notice of a successful application

      Include a copy of the notification of decision from Horizon Europe.

    4. Horizon Europe copy of submitted application

      Include a copy of the application submitted to Horizon Europe.

Submitting the application

Review your application to ensure it is complete.

From the Finalize Application section, follow the prompts to submit your application.

After you accept the terms and conditions, the status of your submission will change to “Received by Administrator.” If you want to make any changes at this point, you may ask your research administrator to return the application to you.

Once your research administrator has approved and submitted your application, the application status will change to “Received by Agency.” No changes can be made from this point on.

Submitting the application as the research administrator

When you receive an application submitted by an NPI at your institution, you will be asked to approve the application and submit it. By submitting it, you are confirming that:

  • the participants meet the eligibility requirements; and
  • the proposed research project meets the eligibility requirements.

By forwarding the application, the research administrator, on behalf of the institution, will also be certifying that the NPI:

  • is affiliated with the institution or organization;
  • has the necessary time and resources to carry out the activity; and
  • will email NFRF-FNFR@chairs-chaires.gc.ca if there are any changes during the tenure of the grant, including changes in the composition of the partnership, such as the addition of new co-PIs, co-applicants, collaborators, etc.

Note: If the NPI’s primary affiliation is not on SSHRC’s list of eligible institutions, the institution may be required to sign the Agreement on the Administration of Agency Grants and Awards by Research Institutions with SSHRC, for this program only, before receiving agency funds. Agency staff will contact the institutions of successful applicants after the notices of decision have been released, to initiate this process, as appropriate.

Contact information

If you have questions:

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