Contract Expenditures October 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016

Date Vendor Name Description Value
2016-10-13 Oracle Canada ULC License/maintenance fees for operating system and utility software related to servers, storage, peripherals and components—Oracle WebLogic Suite $36,368.13
2016-11-01 Southside Communications Communications professional services not elsewhere specified - English editing, proofreading, translation for the Canada Research Chairs’ profiles $72,885.00
2016-11-29 Universalia Management Communications research services—Evaluation $16,950.00
2016-11-30 Manson Clark Group Incorporated Communications services—development of partnership strategy and action plan $24,860.00
2016-12-09 PRA INC. Communications research services—Evaluation design $29,026.88

Proactive disclosure for contracts over $10,000.00 in fiscal year 2016-17 for the period of October to December.

NB: The contract date represents the date that the contract is recorded in the departmental financial system.