New Frontiers in Research Fund – Exploration
Inaugural Competition (December 2018)

Instructions for Completing the Application

On this page


You must have submitted a Notification of Intent to Apply (NOI) by the deadline to be eligible to create and submit an application.

The application will be available to create on the Convergence Portal as of mid-January. The deadline to submit applications is February 14, 2019.

If you are the nominated principal investigator, please check with your institution’s Research Grants Office (RGO) as they may have internal deadlines with dates prior to those listed in the funding opportunity.

Information Required to Complete an Application

A complete application includes the following information:

  1. Complete profiles for the Nominated principal investigator, co-principal investigator and co-applicants (if applicable). Complete profiles include information about affiliation(s), fields of research, and keywords. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Self-Identification Questionnaires must also be completed.

  2. The Proposal:
    • Budget table
    • Budget justification (attachment, maximum of one page)
    • Research Team’s Biographical Information (attachment, maximum of two pages)
    • Proposed research project (attachment, maximum of five pages)
    • References (attachment, maximum of one page)
  3. Indication whether or not:
    • The proposed research requires certification, licenses or permits
    • Sex- and gender-based analyses (SGBA) considerations have been integrated into the proposed research, if appropriate
    • There is an Indigenous research component in the proposed research.

Note that all relevant information from the NOI will be pre-populated in the application. The nominated principal investigator will have the opportunity to update the information if required (with the exception of the language and nominated principal investigator) before submitting the application.

General Information

About the program

Read the funding opportunity description before completing the application.

Am I eligible to apply?

Consult the Eligibility section of the funding opportunity to ensure that you can participate in this grant program as a nominated principal investigator, co-principal investigator or co-applicant. The Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat (TIPS) verifies the eligibility of researchers only after the application has been submitted, so it is important to consult the eligibility criteria and discuss any concerns with your institution’s Research Grants Office (RGO) prior to submission.

Application deadlines

TIPS must receive your application by 8 p.m. (eastern) on the deadline date. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Once submitted by the RGO, no updates to applications will be accepted, even if the deadline has not yet passed.

Collection and use of personal information

The information provided in the application is collected under the authority of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Act and stored in a series of SSHRC data banks described in Information about programs and information holdings. All information collected is used to review applications and to administer and monitor awards. Details on the use and disclosure of this information are described in Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information, in the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) program literature, within the Convergence Portal, and below. The three participating agencies, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) may share information, as needed to manage the program. All three agencies are subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, which strictly limit the use and disclosure of personal or other sensitive kinds of information. For further details on access rights and on the implementation of these laws by each agency, please consult the agencies’ websites, as follows: NSERC; SSHRC; and CIHR.

Completing the Application as the Nominated Principal Investigator

The Convergence Portal is used to complete and submit the application. The application will be available to create on the Convergence Portal as of mid-January. Convergence Portal is only supported on the latest versions of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox. Please note that only the nominated principal investigator will be able to edit the application; the co-principal investigator and co-applicants will have read-only access, with the exception of their user and eligibility profiles.

The following sections are to be completed by the nominated principal investigator.

User Profile

Fields of Research

Provide at least two fields of research related to your primary areas of research. These do not need to be directly related to the project and there is no requirement that they be from different disciplines. These will be used to monitor program uptake and will not be used for evaluation of the application.

Tip: To find a specific field, use the search button in the top right-hand corner of the look-up screen. Wildcards, such as asterisks (*), can also be used.


Provide a minimum of five keywords that best describe your main areas of research. As with the Fields of Research, these do not have to be directly related to the project and will not be used for evaluation purposes.


Eligibility Profile

This information has been copied from the NOI stage. It may be updated, if required. Eligibility will need to be re-confirmed if any changes are made.

Application Details

This information has been copied from the NOI stage. Both the title and the answer regarding the incorporation of Indigenous research may be changed. The language of the application cannot be changed.


This information has been copied from the NOI stage. It may be updated, if required.

Fields of Research

This information has been copied from the NOI stage. It may be updated, if required. Please keep in mind that the project must include fields of research from at least two different disciplines (as defined by a group-level classification based on the Canadian Research and Development Classification) for the project to be eligible.


This information has been copied from the NOI stage. It may be updated, if required, by inviting new participants or removing existing ones. Prior to the submission of your application, any invited participants will either need to: (1) accept their invitation and complete the required information; or (2) be removed from the application by the nominated principal investigator.

Please note that this inaugural competition for the NFRF-Exploration funding opportunity has specific restrictions on the eligibility of nominated principal investigators, co-principal investigators and co-applicants.

  • Email addresses entered by the nominated principal investigator in invitations to the co-principal investigators and co-applicants to participate on an application are not verified and bounce backs are not registered. Therefore, it is good practice to follow up with invitees through some other means to confirm that they received the email if an individual has not accepted the invitation.
  • Once the nominated principal investigator has submitted the NOI, the co-principal investigators and co-applicants (if applicable) will be able to accept their invitations to participate once the Convergence Portal opens for applications.

This information has been copied from the NOI stage. It may be updated, if required. For the definition of a Collaborator, please refer to the Funding Opportunity.

Summary of Proposal

This has been copied from the NOI stage. It may be updated, if required.

Reviewer Exclusions

This information has been copied from the NOI stage. It may be updated, if required.


Before completing the table, consult the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide for information about the eligibility of expenditures for the direct costs of research and the regulations governing the use of grant funds. If an expense is allowed for one of the agencies, it is considered eligible under this program.

The maximum budget for the direct costs of the research project for this inaugural competition is $100,000 per year for up to two years. Applicants may also add up to 25% of the value of the direct costs of research to cover indirect costs, and include this in the total funding request.

Enter the planned amounts of grant funds to be spent in each budget category (direct and indirect costs) for each year of the project. The indirect portion of the award must only be used to pay for eligible expenses as outlined on the Research Support Fund website and will be managed by the institution.

Sex- and gender-based analysis
Indicate if SGBA considerations are appropriate and if they have been integrated into the proposed research. Note that they must be integrated if considered appropriate or you will be unable to submit your application. Provide an explanation if SGBA considerations are deemed not appropriate for the proposed research.

Certifications, licenses and permits
Complete this section by answering the questions as they relate to the proposed research project. Consult the Requirements for Certain Types of Research for more information or clarification about this section, if needed.

With the exception of research taking place outdoors, which may require submission of an Environmental Information Form at the time of application (follow the instructions provided in Convergence Portal), no forms or certifications are required at the time of application. If you are awarded a grant, the necessary certification requirements must be met in accordance with the Agreement on the Administration of Agency Grants and Awards by Research Institutions.

Supporting documents

Please note that it is the responsibility of the nominated principal investigator to verify the page lengths and formatting of any uploaded attachments. Should a submitted application contain one or more attachments that do not comply with the page length or formatting standard, the application will be withdrawn from the competition.

From this screen, you will be able to upload the following documents:

Budget Justification
Maximum length: one page attachment

Provide a breakdown and an explanation for the project’s direct costs. Provide sufficient information to allow reviewers to assess whether the resources being requested are appropriate for the proposed research. If needed, this section can also describe other resources, including funding, materials or equipment that will contribute to the project. Co-funding is not expected for this funding opportunity.

Research Team’s Biographical Information
Maximum length: two page attachment

Explain how the knowledge and experience of each researcher (nominated principal investigator, co-principal investigator and co-applicants, as applicable) relates to the expertise needed to accomplish the project objectives, and how the contributions of the collaborators will be integrated.

Proposed Research Project

Revision: Proposed Research is now the first section of this attachment.

Maximum length: five page attachment

Using the headings and the approximate lengths specified below, describe your proposed research project. Each section can be up to a half page longer or shorter than indicated; however, the total length cannot exceed the 5 page maximum. Ensure that you use language that can be understood by all members of the multidisciplinary committee, which will be comprised of experts in research fields spanning the mandates of CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC.

  • Proposed Research (one and a half pages): Provide a concise overview of the research objective(s). Relate the proposal to current scientific, technical or scholarly developments in the field, referring to current literature. Describe the research methodology and experimental design proposed to resolve the scientific issues, research problems or technical complexities. Provide a brief work plan with a timeline. Discuss how sex and gender-based analysis will be carried out within the research itself, if applicable. Discuss approaches to Indigenous research, if appropriate (see SSHRC’s Guidelines for the Merit Review of Indigenous Research).
  • High Risk (one page): Briefly describe why the proposed research should be considered high risk. See the High Risk selection criterion.
  • High Reward (one page): Briefly describe why the proposed research might be considered high reward. See the High Reward selection criterion.
  • Interdisciplinarity (¾ page): Briefly explain how the proposed research is interdisciplinary (i.e. includes elements from at least two different group-level classifications based on the Canadian Research and Development Classification) and why this approach is needed and/or the added value of an interdisciplinary approach to the research problem. In the case of proposals where both fields of research fall within the mandate of one of the three granting agencies, explain why funding is required from this program versus programs available through the agencies. See the Interdisciplinarity selection criterion.
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (¾ page): Describe concrete measures that address each of these three key areas:
    • Team composition and training activities: Outline measures and safeguards that will be implemented to ensure that equity, diversity and inclusion principles are key considerations in the composition and management of the research group and training activities.
    • Recruitment processes: What safeguards will be put in place to ensure the recruitment of additional team members (faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, etc.) is open and transparent and aligned with best practices (e.g. minimizing barriers and mitigating against unconscious bias)?
    • Inclusion: What measures will be put in place to ensure team members from underrepresented groups are supported and integrated into the team?
    Please see the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: A Best Practices Guide for Recruitment, Hiring and Retention for suggested best practices. See the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion selection criterion.

Literature References
Maximum length: one page attachment

Use this section to provide a list of literature references.

Completing the Application as a Co-Principal Investigator or Co-Applicant

The Convergence Portal is used to complete and submit the application. The application will be available to create on the Convergence Portal as of mid-January. Convergence Portal is only supported on the latest versions of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox. As a Co-Principal Investigator or Co-Applicant, you will only have full access to your user profile and eligibility profile. You will have read-only access to all other sections of the application. (The nominated principal investigator has full access to all sections of the application other than your user and eligibility profiles.)

The following sections are to be completed by the co-principal investigator (if applicable) and/or co-applicant(s) (if applicable).

Fields of Research

Provide at least two fields of research related to your primary areas of research. These do not need to be directly related to the project and there is no requirement that they be from different disciplines. These will be used to monitor program uptake and will not be used for evaluation of the application

Tip: To find a specific field, use the search button in the top right-hand corner of the look-up screen. Wildcards, such as asterisks (*), can also be used.


Provide a minimum of five keywords that best describe your main areas of research. As with the Fields of Research, these do not have to be directly related to the project and will not be used for evaluation purposes.

Eligibility Profile

At the application stage, the co-principal investigator and co-applicants are required to complete their eligibility profile(s).

Participant on another application: Please note that individuals can participate on only one application as a nominated principal investigator, co-principal investigator or co-applicant in this competition.

Early Career Researcher (ECR): Indicate whether you meet the NFRF’s definition of an ECR displayed in the Eligibility Profile as of January 1, 2019. Nominated principal investigators must be ECRs. Co-principal investigators who are affiliated with an academic institution must also be ECRs. Co-applicants are not required to be ECRs.

Affiliation Type: For the co-principal investigator and co-applicants, selected affiliations cannot be a federal, provincial, territorial or municipal government department or a for-profit organization.

Specific to the Co-Principal Investigator

Independent Research Appointment: As the co-principal investigator, you must either currently hold an independent research appointment or hold one by the start date of the grant.

Affiliation: As the co-principal investigator, you may select any of your affiliations, though you must be considered an Independent Researcher at your selected affiliation. Finally, your selected affiliation cannot be a federal, provincial, territorial or municipal government department or a for-profit organization.

If you haven’t previously created an affiliation, you may do so by first clicking the magnifying glass and then the New button in the bottom left-hand corner of the pop-up. If the affiliation you create either does not have an end date or the end date has not yet passed, it will automatically be set as the Primary Affiliation.

Specific to Co-Applicants

Type of Appointment: As a co-applicant, you can be an independent researcher or have another type of eligible appointment. If none of the listed appointments are appropriate, select Other and type in the nature of appointment in the textbox that appears.

Appointment: As a co-applicant, you must either currently hold an eligible appointment or hold one by the start date of the grant.

Affiliation: As a co-applicant, you may select any of your affiliations. Your type of appointment at your selected affiliation must match the one you selected above. Finally, your selected affiliation cannot be a federal, provincial, territorial or municipal government department or a for-profit organization.

If you haven’t previously created an affiliation, you may do so by first clicking the magnifying glass and then the New button in the bottom left-hand corner of the pop-up. If the affiliation you create either does not have an end date or the end date has not yet passed, it will automatically be set as the Primary Affiliation.

Submitting the Application

Review your application before submitting. Once your RGO has submitted the application to TIPS, you will not be able to make any changes to it, even if the deadline has not yet passed.

Submit the application from the Finalize Application section. The Submit button will be displayed once you and the co-principal investigator and co-applicants (if applicable) have completed all the required sections of the application. Upon clicking Submit, you will be asked to review the Terms and Conditions. Clicking Accept will submit your application to the RGO.

Return to the Home page to view the status of your submission; the status will be Received by Administrator. Please note that your application will go to your RGO first. If the status of your application is Received by Administrator, you may contact them to return the application to you. Once the RGO submits the application to TIPS, the status will read Received by Agency. If the status is Received by Agency, you will no longer be able to make changes to your application.

Submitting an Application as the RGO

When you receive an application submitted by a nominated principal investigator at your institution, you will be asked to approve their application and submit it to TIPS. Before being able to forward the applications to TIPS, the research administrator, on behalf of their institution, will be required to specifically confirm that:

  • The nominated principal investigator meets the definition of Early Career Researcher; (see the Funding Opportunity for more details);
  • The co-principal investigator meets the definition of Early Career Researcher (if applicable) (see the Funding Opportunity for more details);
  • The requested funds for indirect costs:
    • reflect the actual indirect costs for the institution associated with the execution of the proposed project only; and
    • will be used by the institution in accordance with existing agreements with CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC.

By forwarding the application, the research administrator, on behalf of their institution, will also be certifying that the nominated principal investigator:

  • is affiliated with the institution or organization;
  • has the necessary time and facilities to carry out the activity; and
  • will notify TIPS of any changes during the tenure of the grant, including changes in the composition of the partnership, such as the addition of new co-principal investigators, co-applicants, collaborators, etc.

Whom should I contact for help?

If you have questions:

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