Canada Biomedical Research Fund and Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund—Stage 2: 9. Selection criteria

9. Selection criteria

Eligible institutions must submit proposals for research, talent development, and infrastructure funding aligned with the hub’s vision, priorities, and program of research and with the strategic objectives of the funding opportunity. In addition to individual proposals, each hub’s endorsement report presenting a cohesive suite of proposals will further support the merit and strategic review processes. The review process will be managed by TIPS and the CFI using the selection criteria identified below. The elements under each criterion are further outlined in the detailed selection criteria.

Scientific and Technical Criteria
For research and talent development components
Criterion Definition
Relevance The extent to which the component’s objectives and design meet the hub’s vision, priorities and program of research.
Effectiveness The extent to which the component is expected to achieve its objectives.
Efficiency The extent to which the component is likely to deliver results in an efficient and timely manner.
Impact The extent to which the component is expected to generate significant benefits.
Contribution of partners The extent to which partners concretely contribute to the component.
Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and early career researchers (ECRs) The extent to which commitment to EDI and ECRs is demonstrated in the component.
Scientific and Technical Criteria
For proposals including a research infrastructure component
Criterion Definition
Need The extent to which the infrastructure component efficiently supports research component(s) submitted by institutions.
Building capacity The extent to which the infrastructure component enhances the research capacity of institutions to support the hub's vision, priorities and program of research.
Sustainability The extent to which the infrastructure component will be optimally used and maintained over its useful life.

The Strategic Review Committee will assess the following criteria to recommend a portfolio of proposals that will support the Strategy and benefit Canada.

Strategic Criteria
(all proposals)
Criterion Definition
Relevance The extent to which the proposal’s objectives and design respond to the strategic objectives and the Strategy.
Impact The extent to which the proposal is expected to generate significant benefits for Canada.
Coherence The extent to which the proposal complements other proposals within and across hubs.

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