Award Recipients for SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships: Fall 2023 Competition
This list reflects the SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships offered in winter/spring 2024. This is a point-in-time list and may not reflect the actual total amount of funded recipients, with awards accepted or declined as late as January 2025. SSHRC does not post updates to these lists; however, you can find information about award recipients through the Open Government website.
Applicant | Affiliation | Title | Funding |
Alda, Kristina | Charles University | From Mining to Managed Wilderness: How the Post-socialist Landscape of Krusne Hory can Contribute to an Understanding of Environmental Responsiveness and Care in the Anthropocene | $90,000 |
Amédée, Laetitia Mélissande | McMaster University | Self-regulation of Children Exposed to Early Life Stress: An Investigation of Familial and Contextual Influences | $90,000 |
Amoak, Daniel | Wilfrid Laurier University | Climate Change in Semi-Arid Northern Ghana: Migration and Food Security Implications | $90,000 |
Babatunde, Elkanah O. | Université de Sherbrooke | Climate technologies as global public goods: examining the legal duty to transfer climate technologies under climate change treaties | $90,000 |
Bailey, Andrew R. | Concordia University | Playful Records: Developing an Archival Pedagogy for Canadian Videogame Art | $90,000 |
Baker, Leroy | Queen's University | Reframing Black Mental Health in Canadian University Discourses | $90,000 |
Balsom, Ashley A. | Dalhousie University | Heteronormativity theory of low desire in the transition to parenthood | $90,000 |
Bandula-Irwin, Tanya E. | Northwestern University - Illinois | When the tax man bears arms: Armed group taxation, governance, and prospects for peace | $90,000 |
Beach, Laura J. | Carleton University | Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in the Canadian criminal justice system: everyday practice and understanding among non-medical front-line workers in Saskatchewan | $90,000 |
Beauchamp, Gilles | Université du Québec à Montréal | Religious Literacy as Epistemic Justice in Secular Society | $90,000 |
Beaulieu, Jack | Cornell University | Introspection in Sanskrit Philosophy: The Brahmanical Traditions | $90,000 |
Bérubé, Éloi | Université de Montréal | Combiner l'archéobotanique et l'intelligence artificielle pour atténuer les effets des changements climatiques sur la population | $90,000 |
Boivin, Karol'Ann | Queen's University | Impact des presses universitaires au Canada : le cas de McGill-Queen's University Press | $90,000 |
Borsk, Michael G. | University of Toronto | The Presents of Empire: Gifts, Governance, and Political Economy in Early North America, 1756-1815 | $90,000 |
Brown, Colin | The University of British Columbia | Clitic linearization and interpretation across Tsimshianic | $90,000 |
Bruce, Gregory A. | McGill University | Innovating Instrumental Practice in the Face of the AI Revolution: Expanding Feedback Saxophone as a Post-Digital Instrument | $90,000 |
Bruzzone, Victor A. | Penn State (The Pennsylvania State University) | Democratic Deliberation and the Ideological Turing Test: An Antidote to Political Polarization | $90,000 |
Buttazzoni, Adrian | University of Waterloo | Urban landscapes and youth mental health: An interdisciplinary investigation of the implications of pedestrian and biomorphic design | $90,000 |
Caron-Roy, Fannie | Queen's University | Drawing and Praying: Rethinking Religious Sketches in Sixteenth-Century Italian Art | $90,000 |
Charbonneau-Lefebvre, Véronique | Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières | Does attachment moderate the association between childhood maltreatment and sexual wellbeing in couples?: A dyadic daily diary & longitudinal study | $90,000 |
Cherry, Keith C. | McGill University | Consociational Theory and Power-Sharing in Modern Treaty Negotiations: An Intellectual Exchange | $90,000 |
Clark, Cathleen | University of Manitoba | Integration or 'Indian-Controlled'? The Struggle Over Indigenous Education in Postwar Ontario | $90,000 |
Collette, Frédérique | Université de Montréal | Écrire jusqu'au bout : le travail de l'ultime dans la littérature québécoise des femmes depuis 1970 | $90,000 |
Collins, Kimberlee | University of Guelph | Stories for urgent times: Climate justice, ecological grief and speculative futures | $90,000 |
Comer, Leigha | Western University | Opioid Use Disorder: Exploring the Social Framing and Implications of Opioid Use as a Diagnosis | $90,000 |
Cullen, Lauren I. | The University of British Columbia | Stumps and sky: (Un)settled environments in Canadian literature and culture, 1840-1940 | $90,000 |
Dagenais, Matthieu | Brock University | ScolioX: Co-Developing a Gymnastics Program to Improve Positive Body Image for Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis | $90,000 |
Davis, Elizabeth | Concordia University | "What's hate got to do with it?" Understanding the role of affect in the reproduction of racism and hate speech in digital media | $90,000 |
Depow, Gregory J. | University of California, San Diego | Sharing, Caring, and Comparing: A Wise Empathy Intervention to Improve Well-being on Social Media and Beyond | $90,000 |
De Shalit, Ann | University of Windsor | Safety for whom?: A situational analysis of safe/r supply and the rhetoric of crime, social decline, risk, and unsafety | $90,000 |
Donovan, Amy V. | Dalhousie University | Nonhuman culture at the edge of extinction: Who are North Atlantic right whales? | $90,000 |
D'Orazio, Dax | University of Guelph | The Missing Piece of Police Oversight: Informal Discipline in Ontario Police Services | $90,000 |
Dougherty, Christopher N. | University of St Andrews | The political expressiveness of charitable sectors in comparative perspective: Canada and its provinces and the UK and its countries | $90,000 |
Drago, Alessandro | University of Notre Dame | Unveiling the Web of Extremism: Online Pathways to Far-Right Activism and Violence in Canada and the United States | $90,000 |
Eisenkraft Klein, Daniel | Harvard University | "The Political Economy of Canadian and UK Clinical Trial Reforms: A Critical Analysis of the Policy Process" | $90,000 |
Eke, Abimbola O. | University of Toronto | Black Women Athletes' Stressors and Coping in Sport in Canada | $90,000 |
Fakhoury, Hadi | University of Cambridge | The Philosophy of Religion of the Late Schelling | $90,000 |
Fung, Amy Y. | Concordia University | The legibility of mourning: Deciphering trauma, loss, and grief as Canadian identities | $90,000 |
Fusco, Leah | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Centering Equity and Justice in Canada's Energy Transition | $90,000 |
Gagnon Chainey, Benjamin | Université Laval | Imaginaires du soin des personnes queers ou en situation de handicap. Créer des dialogues entre littératures franco-canadiennes contemporaines et humanités en santé | $90,000 |
Gagnon, Monica D. | Toronto Metropolitan University | Framing "us" and "them" in Canada's Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States | $90,000 |
Galmiche, Julia | Université de Sherbrooke | Histoire du livre et mémoire de la littérature chez les écrivain.e.s de la diaspora africaine francophone (1999-2021) | $90,000 |
Girouard, Alice | Dalhousie University | The longitudinal dyadic associations between emotion regulation strategies and sexual wellbeing | $90,000 |
Glaros, Alesandros | Royal Roads University | Ag-Tech and Anticipatory Governance: Co-designing decision support tools for integrated food systems planning, scenario modelling, and imagining food futures | $45,000 |
Goldberg, Jennifer M. | McMaster University | Examining what gender-affirming language means to queer, trans, and nonbinary midwifery service-users using digital storytelling | $90,000 |
Grant, Amber | The University of British Columbia | Co-creating new pathways to recognitional justice in urban forest stewardship | $90,000 |
Greening, Spencer P. | University of Victoria | Nii 'Ntxo'ont'm (The Ones Who Feed Us): Indigenous Teachings on Spirituality, Ecosystems, and Harvesting the Animals Who Feed Us | $90,000 |
Greer, Amanda A.S. | McGill University | A Strange, Quiet World: Antisocial Aesthetics in Contemporary Girlhood Cinemas | $90,000 |
Grenier, Joanie | Queen's University | Le rôle des instances éditoriales et gouvernementales dans la découvrabilité des livres en ligne | $90,000 |
Harvey, Caitlin P.A. | University of Toronto | Tutelage: Higher Education and Decolonization in the British Empire, 1920-1970 | $90,000 |
Hewa, Nelanthi | University of Pennsylvania | "You Have to Feed the Beast": Journalism, Activism, and Sexual Violence in the Age of Algorithms | $90,000 |
Hillman, James G. | Ohio State University | The Role on Mindset and Two-Sided Messages in Information Search Biases | $90,000 |
Huellemann, Katarina L. | McGill University | Are we the company we keep? Disentangling the effects of peer status on emerging young women's body image and disordered eating | $90,000 |
Jafri, Mohammad Nabeel | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | Sounding sovereignty: Public oratory in contemporary Karachi | $90,000 |
Jeong, Tay | Kangwon National University | The Contact Hypothesis in an inter-Korean Context | $90,000 |
Jnawali, Hari | Queen's University | Population Settlements in the Contested Territories of South Asia: Why and How States Pursue Internal Colonialism? | $90,000 |
Kamgain, Olivia C.M. | Carleton University | What is the value of non-mixed associations for democracy? On Consciousness, Trust and Political inclusion | $90,000 |
Kelly, Mckelvey B. | University of Alberta | From Quebec to Quindaro: The Wandat and the Underground Railroad, 1857 | $90,000 |
Korte, Christine | Freie Universität Berlin | Staging Diversity: Negotiating Post-National Identities in Berlin Theatre | $90,000 |
Kovacheff, Chloe B. | University of Toronto | Unveiling the invisible: How disclosure strategies impact workplace support for employees with invisible disabilities | $90,000 |
Krashinsky, Lewis A.D. | University of Toronto | The Political Effects of National Identity in Canada and the United States | $90,000 |
Lajoie, Corinne | Western University | Taking Responsibility for Trustworthiness: Institutional Distrust, Disability, and Injustice | $90,000 |
Lambert, Sandrine | Concordia University | La gouvernance des infrastructures numériques à Montréal | $90,000 |
Lambrecht, Felix | Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München | What is structural injustice? | $90,000 |
Langill, Jennifer C. | University of Bristol | Embodied, Relational, and Temporal: A Feminist Political Ecology of Rural-Urban Migration to Luang Prabang, Laos | $90,000 |
Lareau, Francis | Université de Sherbrooke | Lecture et analyse de texte assistées par ordinateur : une approche synthétique de l'analyse des concepts, des thèmes et des arguments appliquée au conseil scientifique | $90,000 |
Laugrand, Antoine | University of Ottawa | Les montagnards et l'État aux Philippines et à Taïwan : relations asymétriques à la terre, territoire, et propriété privée | $90,000 |
Lecavalier, Emma K. | University of Sheffield | From commitment to climate action: building local capacities for overcoming the urban policy implementation gap | $90,000 |
Lefebvre, Marie-Eve | Dawson College | La mise en commun des mesures de soutien pour les étudiant·e·s neurodivergent·e·s aux études postsecondaires (ÉNEP): une recherche mixte participative | $90,000 |
Lessard, Isabelle | Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières | Prévention et sensibilisation aux violences familiales dans les communautés Atikamekw du Québec | $90,000 |
Letourneau, Angeline M. | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Climate change as lived reality: mapping social networks of climate disaster | $90,000 |
Litt, Claire S. | Tufts University | Practices of Pregnancy In Early Modern Italy | $90,000 |
Lowan-Trudeau, Kathleen M. | Western University | Exploring children's engagements with food, sustainability, and environmental education in urban agricultural contexts | $90,000 |
Lusoli, Alberto | Simon Fraser University | Computational creativity. Exploring the impact of AI on creative labor | $90,000 |
Macdonald, Alexandra M.M. | Brock University | Imperial Sensorium: Bodies, Industrialization, and the Dye Industry, 1750-1850 | $90,000 |
Manolova, Tzveta | Université de Montréal | Ships as an adaptive and resilience strategy to wide-scale crisis and transformation in the Mediterranean (c.1500-700 BC) | $90,000 |
Mantzios, George | University of Toronto | From Crude to Crypto: The Cultural and Environmental Politics of Digital Asset Mining in Alberta, Canada | $90,000 |
McCormack, Killian | Queen's University | The US Military and the Research and Development of Canada's Ebola Vaccine | $90,000 |
McRae, Cameron | Simon Fraser University | The interplay of nudges and economic incentives in lasting adaptive consumer behaviour at scale: Bridging behavioural and data science for actionable insights through precision retailing | $90,000 |
Metzger, Scott | University of Toronto | The Semeiotic Tradition After Peirce: Uncovering the Links Between Peirce, his Early Supporters, and the Rise of Analytic Philosophy | $90,000 |
Meyers-Riczu, Jamie F. | Carleton University | Selling Black Gold: Audiovisual Mediations of Alberta's Petroculture | $90,000 |
Miles, Sarah K. | Université du Québec à Montréal | Funerary Orations: Militant Death, Internationalism, and the Revolutionary Left in Quebec, 1959-1983 | $90,000 |
Molin Cherneski, Kristina | Northumbria University | Women's Work: Unpaid Cultural Labour in Northern England, 1850-1914 | $90,000 |
Moncion, Laura | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | Women on the Margins? The Order of St Mary Magdalene in Strasbourg, c. 1225-1792 | $90,000 |
Montiel, Corentin | Université de Montréal | Investigating physical activity as a coping strategy to promote mental health among youth facing stressful life events: A longitudinal mixed-method research program | $90,000 |
Nicola, Nicolas | Brandon University | Epistemic Blame and the Practice of Blame Avoidance | $90,000 |
Nunoda, Erin E.S. | York University | Aesthetics of Coldness: Frigid Femininity and Film Form | $90,000 |
Nyereyemhuka, Nyasha | Queen's University | Reframe, Recenter, Rewind: Examining how Principal Qualification Programs Develop Race-Consciousness | $90,000 |
Orr, Christopher J. | University of Waterloo | The Future of Sustainable Cities in Canada | $90,000 |
O'Shaughnessy, Frances | University of Toronto | Without Clear Title: Black Ecologies and Heirs' Property along the Combahee River | $90,000 |
Otott-Kovacs, Eszter | University of Toronto | Subject Marking in Cross-Linguistic Perspective | $90,000 |
Peiris, Eshantha J. | The University of British Columbia | The Thavil Drumming Tradition of Sri Lanka: A History of Musical Change | $90,000 |
Perri, Melissa C. | Unity Health Toronto | Structural Violence and Housing Precarity of Women and Gender Diverse Populations | $90,000 |
Perry, Scott J. | Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona | Spontaneous speech and lexical processing in second-language learners: the role of phonetic variability | $90,000 |
Price, Jenson M.L. | Queen's University | Creating Best Practice Principles for Training Kinesiology Undergraduate Students to Foster Full and Effective Participation Among People with Disabilities: A Collaborative Approach | $90,000 |
Proulx, Gabriel | University of Alberta | L'autisme en littérature francophone: représentation, éthos, mode de lecture | $90,000 |
Proulx, Melanie | McGill University | "BD, Malades!" Québécois Graphic Medicine and Disembodied Illness | $90,000 |
Pupco, Shani | University of Ottawa | Effects of Infertility on Leadership Emergence | $90,000 |
Quintal-Curcic, Daniel | York University | The Impact of the Anti-2SLGBTQI+ Movement on Canadian 2SLGBTQI+ Employees' Behaviours at Work | $90,000 |
Quinton, Jessica M. | McGill University | Social sustainability and equity of mixed-use development in Canadian cities | $90,000 |
Raber, Richard Levi | University of Toronto | Sun City in the Bush: Reorienting the Cartography and Cosmology of the Cold War in Southern Africa | $90,000 |
Rasiulis, Nicolas | Vilnius University | Sympathetic Security: Toward Conflict Resolution in Mongolia's Tengis-Shishged National Park | $90,000 |
Raza, Kashif | The University of British Columbia | Enhancing work-integrated learning opportunities for skilled immigrants in Alberta | $90,000 |
Regnier-Davies, Jenelle D. | University of Toronto | Institutionalizing a food sovereignty approach: Obstacles and best practices in strengthening urban food system justice and sustainability | $90,000 |
Robichaud, Philippe | McGill University | Le cri de la nature, ou l'invention du primitivisme musical à l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (1701-1793) | $90,000 |
Selby, Ishaan | Concordia University | The Beast with Two Backs: Bestiality, Capitalism, and Sexual Cultures | $90,000 |
Sévigny, Marie-Ève | Université du Québec à Rimouski | Habiter des identités limoneuses : récits et représentations de l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent dans le roman québécois contemporain (2008-2023) | $90,000 |
Shaffer, Miya | Western University | Spaces apart: rural imaginaries of Asian North America | $90,000 |
Shank Lauwo, Monica J. | McGill University | Stories of lives and literacies: Imagining futures, identities, and decolonial educational possibilities with Tanzanian girls | $90,000 |
Sherwin, Daniel D.R. | McGill University | Post-Negotiation Treaty Politics in Canada since 1900 | $90,000 |
Smith, Kristen A. | University of Alberta | Investigating Insound: Diverse Sonic Experiences in Composing and Processing Poetry | $90,000 |
Smith, Lauren K.M. | Royal Roads University | Gender, emotions, and our sustainable futures: Evaluating emotions in post-secondary environmental education and their influence on alumni environmental care work | $90,000 |
Steckley, Joshua W.L. | Carleton University | Creole pigs and capitalist pigs: How the swine fever eradication and repopulation program in Haiti informs future interventions around disease, capital, and our contradictory relationship to nature | $90,000 |
Story, Eric | Western University | The White Plague's Long Shadow: The Tuberculous Veterans Association and the Politics of Health in Canada, 1918--1952 | $90,000 |
Sullivan, Lisa M. | Oklahoma State University | Mapping Linguistic Variation in Pre-Velar Features in North America | $90,000 |
Sultana, Nasrin | McGill University | Implementation of artificial intelligence for achieving sustainable healthcare | $90,000 |
Théorêt, Valérie | Brown University | An evaluation of the social norms approach to prevent sexual and dating violence among adolescents | $90,000 |
Thériault, Rémi | New York University | Increasing mental health and prosociality through mindfulness-based and socio-emotional dyadic practice: A randomized controlled trial with app-delivered trainings in healthcare workers | $90,000 |
Thomson-Sweeny, Johanne | McGill University | L'expérience des parents biologiques d'origine haïtienne de l'adoption de leur enfant par le biais du programme québécois Banque-mixte | $90,000 |
Tison, Remi | George Washington University | Normativité sociale et neurosciences : le « façonnage mental » dans le cadre de l'inférence active | $45,000 |
Tomkinson, Matthew J. | The University of British Columbia | Adapting Schreber: From Memoir to Multimedia and Beyond | $90,000 |
Tunc, Ugurgul | McGill University | The Architecture of Neurology: Spatial Agency at the Montreal Neurological Institute | $90,000 |
Vahedi, Luissa | University of Toronto | The Temptation to Categorize: Interrogating Unintended Consequences of the "Fragile State" Concept During an Era of Crisis | $90,000 |
Vriens, Arlan C. | University of Toronto | Reembodied: A Novel Methodology for Assessing Violinist-Composers' Corporeal Knowledge | $90,000 |
Wees, Nicholas | Concordia University | Being-in-Public: Sensation, Perception and the (Changing) Uses of Public Urban Space | $90,000 |
Wilson, Lucas F.W. | University of Toronto | LGBTQ LU: A Queer Cultural History of Liberty University | $90,000 |
Zalis, Jordan W. | University of Guelph | What does basketball sound like? | $90,000 |
Zhao, Steven | Columbia University | Towards a Depolarizing Theory of Education | $90,000 |
Zhu, Rebecca | The University of British Columbia | Improving early learning materials and assessments involving pictures in urban and rural Kenya | $90,000 |
Zucker, Miriam | McGill University | BEYOND the Binary of Gender-Based Violence or State Violence?: A Comprehensive Study of Canada's Legal Response to Forced Marriage and a Way Forward | $90,000 |
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