Award Recipients for Canada Graduate Scholarships—Doctoral Program: Fall 2023 Competition

This list reflects the SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarships—Doctoral Program offered in winter/spring 2024. This is a point-in-time list and may not reflect the actual total amount of funded recipients, with awards accepted or declined as late as January 2025. SSHRC does not post updates to these lists; however, you can find information about award recipients through the Open Government website.

Applicant Affiliation Title Funding
Lafrance, Philippe  Université de Sherbrooke Impact du dialogue démocratique avec des personnes d'extrême-droite ou en processus de radicalisation à droite au Canada sur leur confiance envers la démocratie $105,000
Oscilowicz, Emilia R. University of Colorado at Denver Fires on the Fringe: How climate gentrification shapes social vulnerability on the periphery of urban regions in Canada and the United States $105,000
Gagné, Allison  Université de Montréal La socialisation professionnelle d enseignants non légalement qualifiés travaillant dans l école publique montréalaise $105,000
Penn, Sara  University of Pennsylvania Women's Books, their Labour, and the Archive, 1730 to 1820 $105,000
Schlanger, Tudor-David  Yale University Housing markets and wealth inequality $105,000
Polanski, Julian N. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Decolonizing Cape Town: A Social History of Race and Urban Politics (1984-2004) $105,000
Tychon, Ofelia  University College London Urban Sustainability and Imperial Collapse: The Case of the Fall of Assyria $105,000
Wilmshurst, Sara  University of Guelph Medical experimentation, health, and colonialism at a Saskatchewan residential school $105,000
Mullock, Katharine A. University of Ottawa Could the circular economy support a more inclusive labour market in Canada? $105,000
Gunaratnam, Anjalee R. Stanford University Energetic Ethics and the Matter of Aesthetics: Thermodynamic Sensibilities in Victorian Fiction $105,000
Gladue, Keeta  University of Calgary RECONCILIATION, A LABOUR OF LOVE $105,000
Bennett, Shannon H. University of Saskatchewan ADHD in Women: Role of Negative Affect in Procrastinatory Inattentive Symptoms $105,000
Brand, Joshua Lewis Mackenzie  Institut polytechnique de Paris Human-centred explainable artificial intelligence and the virtue of vulnerability $105,000
Imahori, Jordan K. University of Oxford Electrification and Firm Productivity: An Empirical Investigation $105,000
Turner, Alison  Dalhousie University Exploring fat transgender and non-binary experiences of gender, embodiment, and stigma when pursuing gender affirming care $105,000
Sedig, Adib I. University of Toronto Strategically Responsible Social Media Platforms: Modelling the Impact of Reputation on Competitive Advantage $105,000
Collishaw, Skye R. University of Oxford Mapping densification and green space redevelopment in Toronto $105,000
Cheng, Brianna  University of Cambridge Chinese migrant women and the Anglo-American imperial imagination, circa 1852-1898 $105,000
Adasi, Akosua  Concordia University Black Feminist Activism in Canada and The Transnational Reverberations of In Visible Colours $105,000
Metcalfe, Kate B. University of Texas at Austin Stealthing: Non-Consensual Condom Removal in Canada and the United States $105,000
Albin, Maya  McMaster University Identifying aspects of neurodiversity-affirming communication for autistic youth and their communication partners $105,000
Gerlach, Emma  University of Kent "Every Atom Belonging": Anti-Exceptionalist Epic in Contemporary American Poetics $105,000
Ilyniak, Natalia T. The University of British Columbia A Relational Exploration of Settler Allyship in Standing Rock and Wetsuweten Resistance and Resurgence $105,000
Zhang, Bo  Harvard University Making Non-Human Empire: Human-Animal Conflicts, Environmental Disasters, and Scientific Imperialism in China, 1880-1920 $105,000
Kristen, Anna M. The University of British Columbia The development of the perfectionist self-relationship in adolescence $105,000
Clitheroe, Heather J. University of Calgary Leveraging Science Fiction for STEM Literacy, Outreach, and Engagement $105,000
Hostetler, Angela N. The University of Melbourne Youth TikTok Production as Public Pedagogy for Liveable Climate Futures $105,000
Samson, Olivier  McGill University Décoloniser la critique du capitalisme: une approche matérialiste du colonialisme d'établissement $105,000
Chang, Lauren  University of Oxford Sonic Socialities: Learning to Listen with Elephant Ears $105,000
Morand, Hannah B. Yale University Developing a Savoir-Faire Français: Absolutism, Nationalism and Mercantilism in the Crafts of the late Ancien régime $105,000
Schmidt, Leah M. University of Cambridge Queer (In)Security: The Production and Practice of Belonging for Canadian 2SLGBTQI+ (Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Plus/Other) Military Personnel $105,000
Hickman, Bryan V. Simon Fraser University It's Ali(v)e: CGI and Non-human Animals in Documentary Media $105,000
Hanks, Robert K.A. The University of British Columbia Innovating Translingual Pedagogies for Indigenous Language Reclamation $105,000
McLaren, Gabrielle  York University As in most new countries: Malaria and the social reproduction of settler colonialism in 19th century Upper Canada $105,000
Nelson, Emma  Dalhousie University Interrupted Labour: Historical Portraits of Birth Assistants in Nova Scotia, 1850-1900 $105,000
Goodmurphy, Brendon E. University of Toronto Political Economy of the Green New Deal: Opportunities and Challenges for Canada $105,000
Walters, Reakash A. Columbia University The Criminalization of Black Friendship & Belonging $105,000
Gray, Kevin W. Columbia University Constitutional Resistance to Investor State Dispute Settlement $105,000
MacNeil, Andie Taylor  University of Toronto Examining the intersecting stigma of ageism and opioid agonist therapy: A qualitative grounded theory analysis $105,000
Paterson, Darren W G. University of Cambridge Children's Metafiction: Rights of Passage $105,000
Sniderman, Andrew Stobo  Harvard University Separate but (actually) equal? : A Positive and Normative Inquiry $105,000
Beaulieu, Julien Olivier  London School of Economics and Political Science Analyse économico-juridique des litiges climatiques: écoblanchiment et indemnisation pour dommages climatiques $105,000
Chou, Sutina  University of California, San Francisco Doctor's orders: biomedicine, authority, and the politics of global health at the World Health Organization $105,000
Shore, Montana  Boston University Examining the social and cognitive mechanisms underlying children's risky decisions $105,000
Frost, Rebecca A. Princeton University Skill Frictions in the Green Energy Transition $105,000
Wang, Eddy  University of Pennsylvania Imaging the Everyday: Towards an Asian North American Theory of the Visual Quotidian $105,000
Russell, Alyssa  Yale University Demand for differentiated childcare types $105,000
Beaudoin-Gagnon, Simon  University of California, Berkeley Global Environmental Governance: Architectures and Synergies $105,000
Thorburn, Michael H.F. Stanford University Environmental Industrial Relations: Assessing the Motivations for and Impacts of Green Collective Bargaining in the Canadian Workplace $105,000
Sidi, Sofia  University of Toronto Psilocybin Mushrooms in Huautla de Jímenez $105,000
Lima, Sarah  University of Cambridge Bringing a Queercrip Lens to Human Trafficking: Investigating the Temporal and Theoretical Relationship between Queerness and Disability in the Context of Human Trafficking $105,000
Gibbs, Charlotte R. University of Southern California Intersections of race and gender in Jewish women's experiences of the Holocaust $105,000
Philibert, Victoria J. University of Victoria The Ethics of Looping Effects and Diagnoses in Natural Language Processing (NLP) $105,000
Malo, Sébastien  University of California, Berkeley Décarbonisation de l'économie : le rôle des forces armées et son économie politique $105,000
Norris, Sarah E. Dalhousie University Climate Risks and Resilience: Learning from the Experiences of Nova Scotians with Disabilities for Adapting to Climate Change $105,000
Gloade-Raining Bird, Gerald  Dalhousie University Asserting Mikmaq Sovereignty through Two Eyed Seeing and Ethnography:  Exploring Indigenous Rights Based Impact Assessments Within a New Federal Framework $105,000
Campeau, Gabriela  Université de Montréal Rétablissement des jeunes vivant avec des troubles de santé mentale : analyse du rôle des facteurs sociaux lors de la transition post-hospitalisation $105,000
Leduc-Frenette, Justin  McGill University Les comédies négatives : énonciation poétique et affects mineurs (Hervé Bouchard, Suzanne Jacob, Victor-Lévy Beaulieu) $105,000
Laverdière, Yanick M. Université de Montréal La chute libre des corps et le mouvement naturel dans la physique du XIVe siècle $105,000
Laliberté, Félix  Université de Montréal Mieux comprendre la relation entre les pratiques de consommation de nouvelles et les actions utilisées au Canada pour participer politiquement à l'aide de modèles de mélange $105,000
Ouellette, Samuel S. Université de Montréal L'apport d'une séparation des aspects réactifs et proactifs à la conceptualisation et la mesure de la performance adaptative $105,000
Girard, Samuel  Université de Montréal Pratiques efficaces en matière d'entrevue d'enquête auprès de suspects d'agression sexuelle $105,000
Deslandes-Leduc, Julie  Université de Montréal Favoriser l'accès aux soins  des travailleurs du sexe : une recherche-action participative menée avec RÉZO Montréal et PIPQ Québec $105,000
Amnotte-Dupuis, Antoine  Université de Montréal De gestes en milieux : pour l'élaboration d'un dispositif audiovisuel mésographique $105,000
Browne, Lalique  Université de Montréal Understanding the effects of extending voluntary termination of pregnancy rights on women's health and bodily autonomy, through an intersectional lens: a mixed method study $105,000
Jomphe, Martine  Université de Montréal Eli Rubinstein at the Segal Centre from 1968 to 1980 $105,000
Benzouine, Youssef  Université de Montréal Les masculinités des hommes musulmans issus de la migration maghrébine au Québec $105,000
Guy, Eleonore  Indiana University, Bloomington Choosing to Leave: Gender, Language Ideology, and the Rural-Urban Divide in Contemporary Kazakhstan $105,000
Ostiguy, Rebecca  Université de Montréal Comprendre la violence interpersonnelle armée à Montréal : Cartographie, transmission et escalade $105,000
Béland, Marie-Pascale  Université de Montréal Regards sur les différences dans le parcours scolaire d'élèves réfugiés blancs et racisés en classe d'accueil au secondaire $105,000
Gaumond, Eve  Université de Montréal Opérationnaliser le droit fondamental à l'éducation supérieure pour guider le développement et l'implantation responsable de l'intelligence artificielle en milieu universitaire $105,000
Fournelle, Sabrina  Université de Montréal Posture interdisciplinaire d'infirmières et d'infirmiers en soins palliatifs et de fin de vie : résultats d'une théorisation ancrée $105,000
Violo, Pietro  Université de Montréal L'accroissement de la longévité et ses déterminants dans les provinces canadiennes, sous l'optique des méthodes de l'ère numérique $105,000
Poitras, Constance  Université de Montréal Importance des trajectoires : analyse bibliométrique des mouvements disciplinaires des chercheurs $105,000
Spallanzani-Sarrasin, Nicolas  Université de Montréal L'expérience judiciaire des personnes en situation d'itinérance $105,000
Paquette-Lacasse, Alexis  Université de Montréal D'une altérité l'autre. Marginalité, conformisme, transgression : les dualités homosexuelles paradoxales et leurs errances identitaires et idéologiques (Canada, Québec, France et États-Unis) $105,000
Perreault-Corbeil, Élisabeth  Université de Montréal Le soin du corps au péril de l'âme: les débats éthiques entourant la pratique médicale à la cour de Charles V (1364-1380) $105,000
Sinotte, Étienne  McGill University The Convergence of Environmental and Human Rights Struggles through Political Violence in Brazil and Peru $105,000
Markwart, Elizabeth N. University of Manitoba Dancing toward peace: examining the cultural, structural, and physical trauma in the Canadian dance industry $105,000
Violini, Cara L. Athabasca University Reframing Disability in the Online Writing Center through Parasupport and AI $105,000
Levasseur-Puhach, Sydney D. University of Manitoba Maawandoonan "Bring Them Together" - Collaborative Reimagination: Indigenizing and Decolonizing Mental Wellness Care in Manitoba $105,000
McHardy, Robert J.W.. University of Manitoba Identifying pathways toward child well-being: testing family risk and resilience theory in a population-based cohort $105,000
Hardman, Madison  University of Manitoba Gender Responsive Forensic Mental Health Programs Across Canada: Program Provider and Program Users' Perspectives $105,000
Patrinos, Dimitri  McGill University From Birth to Litigation: A Comparative Study of Judicial Responses to Wrongful Birth and Wrongful Life Claims $105,000
Desmarais, Ariane  McGill University Understanding the longitudinal and daily psychological impacts of online racism experiences and online civic engagement in Quebec Black adolescents $105,000
Bailey, Jade A. McGill University Developing and Testing a Conceptual Model to Predict Queer Women's Physical Activity Experiences $105,000
Bharadwaj, Nandini Asavari  McGill University How children understand and learn from artificial intelligence, such as voice assistants $105,000
Williams, Khandideh  McGill University Racial Equity in the Context of Canadian Primary Healthcare: A mixed-methods study of racial disparities and perceived racial discrimination among Black and other ethno-racial groups $105,000
Bélanger, Élisabeth  Université du Québec à Montréal Effets d'interventions visant à soutenir la mobilisation du contrôle inhibiteur et la réussite d'apprentissages scolaires fondamentaux au primaire $105,000
Ko, Dane  McGill University The Romanian Piano School in Canada: The Pedagogical Legacy of Marietta Orlov $105,000
Joseph, Jada  McGill University Using Participatory Action-Based Research to Develop a Critical Systematic Review and Guide Recommendations for Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive Mental Health Practice for Black LGBTQ+ People: A Theoretical Thematic Synthesis $105,000
Pelchat, Karl-Antoine  Université du Québec à Montréal Apriorisme, fiabilité et métaphilosophie: vers une épistémologie transversale des intuitions $105,000
Huard, Catherine  Université du Québec à Montréal Chanter pour raconter : une recherche-intervention par l'art avec les enfants migrants vulnérabilisés et leur famille $105,000
Lemire, Marilou  Université du Québec à Montréal Impact de la qualité de l'air dans les écoles sur les aptitudes d'apprentissage des élèves du primaire $105,000
Stark, Adriana  McGill University Human rights-based approaches to homeless encampments: Identifying implementation barriers and strategies in Canadian cities $105,000
Burns, Nicole  University of Waterloo Advancing Indigenous self-governance: Inter/national relations in the Canadian context $105,000
Lamoureux, Rachel  Université du Québec à Montréal Le freudo-marxisme au féminin : de la théorie socio-politique à la pratique littéraire des femmes (1968-1981) $105,000
Crescenzi, Olivia  McGill University The role of slut-shaming in predicting profiles of peer victimization and victimization perpetration among adolescent girls $105,000
Bélanger, Emilie  McGill University The influence of social information on the evaluations and occurrence of lie-telling in children $105,000
Tezine, Anne-Marie  Université du Québec à Montréal L'émergence du mouvement des boites à chansons dans le contexte de la Révolution tranquille $105,000
Xu, Gillian Shihan  University of California, Berkeley A World in a Drop: Microscopic Shapes in British and American Romantic Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century $105,000
Barabas, Cris  McGill University A participatory inquiry on the multimodal writing literacies of urban queer immigrant youth $105,000
Graca, Daniela  McGill University Women's Community and Women's Song: Community Music-Making Amongst Laywomen and Nuns at the Consorority of Santa Caterina da Siena in Florence $105,000
Vasquez-Garcia, Jose  McGill University Enhancing the Learning Journey for Higher Education Music Students Living with Autism and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Self-Regulated Learning Approach $105,000
Zoricic, Vera  University of Waterloo Divergent Memories: Digital History and the Black Freedom Struggles in Canada and the United States, 1960-2020 $105,000
Adams, Kyle K.J. University of Waterloo Statistical Misleadingness $105,000
Thompson, Brian C. McGill University Daughters of the Regiment: The De Angelis Family, Italian Identity, and the British Empire $105,000
Kropp, Kaelen A. McGill University Public land in private hands: investigating urban land management trends in large Canadian cities $105,000
Valiquette, Matthew  McGill University Creating a Taxonomy of First-Person Experiences of Mental Health: A Novel Tool for Philosophical Research in Psychiatry $105,000
Desmarais, Nelly  Université du Québec à Montréal Ville de corps, ville de désir : espace urbain et écriture des femmes au Québec (1974-1980) $105,000
Masson, Romane  Université du Québec à Montréal Les effets de la passion au travail sur la gestion des frontières travail-vie personnelle et le rôle médiateur des sacrifices $105,000
Therrien, Francis  Université du Québec à Montréal Démocratie et éducation : analyse des discours « démocratiques » concurrents en classe $105,000
Debanné, Laurianne  McGill University A just energy transition in Canada: What are the challenges and solutions in addressing energy poverty $105,000
Vriezen, Rachael  University of Waterloo Hidden in grain sight: The impact of temperature and precipitation changes on global grain prices and food security $105,000
Bustillo, Tania  Université du Québec à Montréal Pour une approche décoloniale de l'esprit : conception(s) décoloniale(s) de l'esprit incarné $105,000
Barich, Lee  University of Waterloo Modernity, Decay, and Dysfunction: A Comparative History of East and West Berlin $105,000
Tsygankova, Olga  McGill University Shakespeare and the Mask: Avant-garde Shakespearean Productions and the Bakhtinian Theory of Carnival $105,000
Lachegar, Mouna  Université du Québec à Montréal Les accords idiosyncratiques en contexte de diversité quand la personnalisation du contrat de travail cherche à promouvoir la justice et l'inclusion dans des organisation au Québec $105,000
Dakkach, Nazik  Université du Québec à Montréal L'alchimiste au travail : le livre alchimique, entre hermétisme et utilité poétique $105,000
Lok, Ryan  University of Waterloo Planning for Inclusion: Examining the Impacts of Diversity and Difference in Place on Immigrant Integration in Canadian Communities $105,000
Provost, Simon  Université du Québec à Montréal Les communautés culturelles et le mouvement indépendantiste de 1957 à 1995 $105,000
Goulet, Flavie  Université du Québec à Montréal Les laïcités municipales : une comparaison France - Québec $105,000
Marceau, Catherine  McGill University Punk manifestoes: songs for social revolutions in 1980s-1990s America $105,000
Ragot, Samuel  McGill University Legislated Poverty No More: Conceptualizing, Evaluating and Improving Social Assistance Programs for Persons with Disabilities in Canada $105,000
Fitzpatrick, Jennifer L. McGill University Understanding student attrition from genetic counselling programs in Canada $105,000
Bertheussen, Morgen Gabrielle  McGill University The consideration of social infrastructure in the context of climate change across Canadian coastal communities $105,000
Forget, Nancy  McGill University Comprehensively Assessing Competencies in Health Care Professionals To Support University Programs and Graduating Students: Development of the Professional Readiness Examination for Practice in Occupational Therapy (PREP-OT) $105,000
Calderbank, Jane A. McGill University (Re)imagining River Restoration: Human-Salmon Relationality in Pacific Coast Rivers $105,000
Bernier, Ambroise  McGill University La grâce concise : poétique de la brièveté dans les oeuvres spirituelles de Marguerite de Navarre, Claude Hopil, Jean de La Ceppède et Blaise Pascal $105,000
Tobin, Ryan  McGill University Self-Critical Perfectionism, Daily Emotion Regulation, and Well-Being Over Two Years $105,000
Verellen, Annelies  McGill University Self-Reflection: Women and Mirrors in the Arts of the Early Modern Low Countries $105,000
Quirion, Sophie  Université du Québec à Montréal Industrialiser le quotidien: une histoire de la charpente à claire-voie au Québec $105,000
Beaudry, Jennifer-Ann  Université du Québec à Montréal La subjectivité des programmeur.euses dans l'élaboration d'algorithmes $105,000
Yulmuk-Bray, Ketzali  Université du Québec à Montréal Fiction sous l'Anthropocène : usages critiques et pratiques de la littérature en sciences sociales (Despret, Hache, Haraway, Latour, Stengers, Tsing) $105,000
Germain, Sara  Université du Québec à Montréal Les groupes féministes issus de la diaspora russophone au Canada et la contestation des normes patriarcales dans la Fédération de Russie à travers les technologies numériques $105,000
Garon-Grimard, Charles-Philippe  Université du Québec à Montréal Écologie et luttes sociopolitiques : histoire intellectuelle d une convergence en France dans les années 1970 $105,000
Mauer-Vakil, Dane I.F. University of Waterloo Examining inequities in health and well-being in the development of quality of life indicators for emerging adults with bipolar disorder $105,000
Lejeune, Laurence  Université du Québec à Montréal Transformations des pratiques de recherche et diffusion de l'innovation dans l'écosystème de recherche académique : Rôle des plateformes scientifiques au Canada et à l'international $105,000
Lindhorst, Jonathan  McGill University Tone-Clock Theory, Jazz, and Identity: A Radical and Inclusive New Harmonic Map $105,000
Pitre, Martha  McGill University Beyond Age Thresholds, Toward Intergenerational Justice: A Critical Theory of Childhood and Public Life $105,000
Lefebvre Morasse, Hugues  Université de Montréal Inventaire des architectures, des environnements et des aménagements d'espaces queers non-métropolitains : le cas des campings gais d'Amérique du Nord $105,000
Drouin, Violette K.B. Université du Québec à Montréal "[J]e sons revenus" : pour une géographie littéraire et culturelle de l'Acadie $105,000
Liu, Xuanchi  McGill University Campaigns against gender-based violence in China: The relationship between the feminist movement and silencing practices $105,000
Dias Martins, Claudia  McGill University The Individual and Dyadic Influences of Interpersonal Mindfulness and Psychological Safety on Relationship Functioning $105,000
Tessier, Madeline  McGill University Poétique de l'ambivalence des « tournois de dames » (XIIe et XIIIe siècles) $105,000
Rousselle, Taylor  McGill University (Im)material Ideations: Genderless Spirits and Gendered Bodies in Women's Literature of the British Enlightenment $105,000
Ezike, Solomon Ugochukwu  University of Ottawa REIMAGINING Investment and Investor Protection Rules for Energy Transition in Africa $105,000
Dumais, Samia  Concordia University Ancrer le passé dans le présent : pédagogie et récits en histoire afro-canadienne dans le cursus scolaire québécois (1967-1990) $105,000
Moisan, Geneviève  Concordia University Artful Care: Best Practices in Teaching Textile Arts for Family Caregivers Well-being $105,000
Barker, Dustin  McGill University Apocalyptic Determinism in Second Temple Literature $105,000
Montambault, Benoit  University of Ottawa Using Translation Theory to Read Creative Critical Writing $105,000
Yang, Michelle  University of Ottawa Nothing about us without us: Disability-Inclusive Disaster Management and Disaster Risk Reduction Practice $105,000
Kar, Sharmistha  Concordia University Decolonizing Indigo-Dyeing: 21st Century Trans-Locality Arts Practices in India-Canada $105,000
Broussard, Cathy  University of Ottawa Développer une approche sensibilisée aux traumas dans les écoles: Perspectives des jeunes et des enseignant.e.s au Canada $105,000
Charest-Trudel, Mathilde  University of Ottawa Pratiques prometteuses en matière d'accompagnement d'hommes ayant subi des traumatismes durant l'enfance et qui consultent pour des comportements violents en contexte conjugal $105,000
Miller, Granville Eric  University of Ottawa Understanding The Impact of Institutional COVID-19 Policies on Nurses' Silent Struggles: A Phenomenology $105,000
Darius, Wina Paul  University of Ottawa Idéations et comportements suicidaires, discrimination raciale, dépression et mécanismes d'adaptation chez les étudiant.e.s Noir.e.s poursuivant des études postsecondaires au Canada $105,000
Gusmao, Carolina  University of Ottawa A feminist critique of domestic labour: debates on social reproduction, oppression and exploitation $105,000
Carrese-Chacra, Emily  Concordia University Contextualizing health-related spousal social control: The role of communal coping $105,000
Houle, Meghan  Concordia University Deconstructing Sexual Assault: An Examination of Police Practices in Canadian Policy $105,000
Di Francesco, Cynthia  Concordia University Emotion socialization in the context of risk: A longitudinal examination of maternal emotion socialization and child socioemotional adjustment from infancy to adolescence $105,000
Desbiens, Anthony  Concordia University Une analyse dramaturgique et narrative des récits de pratique des employé·es de deuxième ligne en contexte de restructuration $105,000
Gauthier-Boiteau, Delphine  University of Ottawa L'intervention judiciaire en droit de la protection de la jeunesse,  psychiatrique et pénal : représentations et expériences de mères à l'intersection de ces prises en charge $105,000
Cooper, Amy  Concordia University Exploring the third space through human rights education $105,000
Bordeleau, Jean-Nicolas J. University of Ottawa Why Do Citizens Support Undemocratic Behaviour in Multiparty Democracies? $105,000
Laframboise, Lauren  Concordia University The Gendered Pathways of Decline: Lived Experiences of Deindustrialization in Montreal and New York's Garment Industries $105,000
Mya, Nyein  University of Ottawa Decolonising Treaty Citizenship Education for Newcomer Settler Canadian Students $105,000
Daniels, Ashley J.W. University of Manitoba Upholding Indigenous Data Sovereignty in Research: Intervention, Accountability, and Capacity-Building to Mitigate White Academic Possession $105,000
Cappon, Alyssa M. Simon Fraser University Indicators of Successful Opioid Misuse Recovery: Insider Perspectives $105,000
Hewitt, Jackson  University of Calgary COVID and the Bidirectional Effects of Maternal and Child Depression $105,000
Miller, Courtney L. University of Calgary Family is Key to Supporting Children with ADHD: Strengths and Parent-Child Relationship Quality $105,000
Wasif, Fatima  University of Waterloo Social and cognitive influences on undergraduate subjective well-being $105,000
Mueri, Kendra  University of Calgary Early Life Adversity and Social-Emotional Functioning in Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: The Protective Role of Caregiver-Child Reminiscing $105,000
Wissink, Rebecca j. University of Calgary The Cultural and Femininst Possibilities of Women's Solo Travel and Women's Travel Media $105,000
Adela, Gershon  University of Calgary Process tracing of Canada's defense posture toward Arctic geopolitics $105,000
Strand, Dawson T. University of Calgary Piloting a Community-engaged Approach to Institutional Ethics Review $105,000
Sheppard, Brooklyn  University of Calgary Intonation Contours and Prominence Perception: An Exemplar-Based Approach to Speech Categorization $105,000
Gooding, Nolan B. University of Calgary Developing an Assessment for the Risk of Gambling-Related Harm $105,000
Qiao, Qingqi  University of Calgary How do college students, especially minoritized students, understand and ascribe meaning to their mental health problems? $105,000
Stokvis, Caitlin  University of Calgary Lived Experiences of the Drug Toxicity Crisis in Calgary, Alberta: A Community-Based Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis $105,000
Li, Queenie K.W. University of Calgary Pain, Empathy, and Racialized Femme Identity: Co-creating an Empathy Intervention for Adolescents $105,000
Stojanovic, Aleksandra  University of Calgary Realizing the dream of socialism: the role of Italian communist militants in building Yugoslavia after World War II $105,000
Eastveld, Melissa  University of Calgary Understanding the experience of stigma in Métis mothers with a history of Alcohol Use Disorder $105,000
Blais, Julien  Université Laval Shakespeare augmenté : analyse et création transmédiatique de Macbeth. Exploration et intégration de la réalité augmentée dans le théâtre contemporain $105,000
Janssen, Valérie  Université Laval L'usage de la notion de "stress" dans le traitement des demandes d'indemnisation des lésions psychologiques par le régime québécois de santé et de sécurité du travail : quels enjeux juridiques et conséquences pour les vicitmes ? $105,000
Gurr, Erin  Western University A Comparative Participatory Action Research Needs Assessment with Canadian Inuit & Kalaalleq Youth: Necessary Foundations for Novel Psychometric Instrument Use with Holophrastic Language Speakers $105,000
Simard, Pascale  Université Laval Adaptation et implantation d'une intervention pour soutenir les proches aidants de personnes vivant avec les séquelles d'un traumatisme craniocérébral $105,000
Therrien, Steven  Université de Montréal Les fondements de la « carrière » entrepreneuriale dans une économie financiarisée : Une ethnographie du trading indépendant au Québec $105,000
Woodman, Laura A. University of Alberta Who Cares? A Quantitative Study Exploring the Perspectives of Licensed and Unlicensed Family Childcare Educators in Canada $105,000
Zamfir, Ioana  University of Oxford Queer Subculture of the Post-Soviet Space: Reconsidering Identity Formation and Post-Soviet Transition $105,000
Gagné-Pomerleau, Élodie  Université Laval Profils personnologiques et trajectoires évolutives de gens aux prises avec des difficultés relationnelles et des problématiques alimentaires $105,000
Tipler, Megan M. University of Alberta Big auntie energy: Storying sâkihitowin and experiences of Indigenous aunties as a pathway for reimagining and rematriating educational practices $105,000
Karamally, Talib  Western University The Development and Validation of a Scale for an Indigenous-Based Pro-environmental Leadership Style: Wisdom From the Walpole Island First Nations $105,000
Anderson, Christopher S.W. The University of British Columbia Explorations of temporal aesthetics and affects of music recording technology through machine learning $105,000
Anglehart, Vincent  Université Laval La sécurité, intérêt global à la base de la protection contre les fouilles, perquisitions et saisies abusives : étude comparée des systèmes canadien et français $105,000
Lawson, Katherine B. Western University Contemporary art and climate change: emergent practices of sustainability $105,000
Lalancette, Audrey  Université Laval Le traitement morphologique chez l'adulte aîné : évidences comportementales et électrophysiologiques $105,000
Marceau, Laurence L.M. Université Laval Perspectives de justice réparatrice dans le milieu artistique québécois en matière de violences basées sur le genre dans le contexte de la Cancel Culture $105,000
Geanta, Oana  Université Laval L'attachement des enfants autochtones et les enjeux relatifs en protection de la jeunesse : étude qualitative en milieu urbain à Québec $105,000
Hicks, Owen  Western University Empirical validation of the minority stress model: Addressing key limitations $105,000
Conrad, Mari Alice  University of Alberta Autosonographic Composition: Amalgamating personal history, form, and sound objects to create a new music experience $105,000
Eyni, Seyyed Ardalan  University of Alberta Using Gamification to Promote Productive/Associative Social Participation among Communities $105,000
Yang, Albert Y. University of Toronto Out of the Shadow of the Missionary Paradigm: Schereschewsky's (1831-1906) Chinese Bible Translations and their contemporary significance $105,000
Zarir, Amélie  University of Toronto La gouvernance des catastrophes climatiques : la gestion des feux de forêt en Indonésie $105,000
Rooney, Matthew J. Western University To tread an endlesse trace, withouten guyde: Surveyor's Space in Early Modern Britain $105,000
Reid, Florence  Université Laval Les expressions conventionnelles : la clé pour faciliter l'intégration linguistique des nouveaux·velles arrivant·es dans la ville de Québec ? $105,000
Leblanc Huard, Gabrielle  Université Laval Grandir dans la douleur : une étude qualitative et participative sur la transition à la vie adulte des jeunes vivant avec de la douleur chronique $105,000
Proner, Robert  Western University Developing Innovative Machine Learning Techniques for Accurate and Interpretable Inflation Forecasts $105,000
Jackson, Sarah M. University of Alberta Exploring overlooked and discarded performative moments of women's stage acts in the music halls of London from 1885 to 1905 $105,000
Ribeiro, Savannah  University of Alberta Dead men tell no tales: nationalism and imbuing the dead with meaning $105,000
Stewart, Emily  University of Alberta Paving the Way Home: Women's Reentry into Rural Communities After Provincial Custody $105,000
Heintzman, Savannah M. Western University What kind of sound does this letter make? Teaching grade one students to identify usual and unusual sounds in high frequency words $105,000
Feltis, Lindsey  University of Alberta The Flow of Compassion in Close Friendships in Emerging Adulthood: A Grounded Theory Study $105,000
Bomberry, Eulene V. Western University How do we navigate nation-to-nation relationships within a municipality? A Hamiton, ON case study $105,000
Grenon-Simard, Nicolas  Université Laval Les collections archéologiques à l'épreuve du rôle social des musées : développement d'un discours muséographique et patrimonial autour des collections du site Cartier-Roberval et du fort de Ville-Marie $105,000
Murphy, Gabriela C.M. Western University Navigating Canada together: A longitudinal examination of dyadic coping on the well-being of newly immigrated couples $105,000
Cornelissen, Louis  Université Laval Reprendre la mesure du langage et des langues en milieu de travail au Québec $105,000
St. Pierre, Charis E.H. University of Alberta Vegetal persons: cultivating ecological consciousness through plant characters in contemporary picturebooks $105,000
Awashish Soucy, Yoan  Université Laval Facteurs de réussite des entreprises autochtones dans le secteur forestier $105,000
Kuznetsov, Evgeny  University of Alberta Avatars of ADHD: Game-making through the lens of critical disability studies $105,000
Davies, Nicole  The University of British Columbia Revitalizing Indigenous Agricultural Food Systems through a Community-Led Research Framework $105,000
Geddes, Daniel M. The University of British Columbia The Politics of Paradox in Decadent Modernism $105,000
Duggleby Wenzel, Shanda M. University of Alberta Parents' Experiences of Speech-Language Assessment for their Preschool-Aged Children $105,000
Mayer, Jordan  Université Laval La confiance comme principe du droit public ? Réflexions interdisciplinaires par l'étude critique des pouvoirs de nomination du gouvernement et du Parlement en droit québécois, canadien et comparé $105,000
Bianchini, Genevieve M. Western University Examining the impact of self-compassion on internalized homophobia in sexual minority youth $105,000
Valerio, Nakita S. University of Alberta Keepers of the Qur'an: Women's Religious Literacy and Leadership in Morocco $105,000
Dabbs-Petty, Madison  University of Alberta Beyond the Basics: A Needs Assessment of Human Sexuality Training in Alberta Counselling Psychology Graduate Programs $105,000
Zeng, Norman  University of Toronto Investigating the Nature and Scope of Infants' Trait Inferences $105,000
Goudarzi, Baktash  University of Alberta Iran and the Russian Diaspora in the Interwar Period (1917-1939) $105,000
Cesario, Adrien  Université Laval Kabeshinàn : lieu de rencontres et de négociations au coeur de la médiation archéologique en territoire anishinàbe-algonquin $105,000
Ren, Sijie  Université Laval L'impact de l'intelligence artificielle sur l'intégration socioprofessionnelle des travailleurs immigrants: l'agentivité humaine $105,000
Wiebe, Andrew  University of Toronto Mowshookoona: Queering and Indigenizing the Archive with the 2-Spirit and Queer Map $105,000
Gatto, Stella Maria  The University of British Columbia Dada Discipline: Photomontage and the Art of Psychotechnics $105,000
Dion-Carrier, Daphnée  Université Laval Étude comparée des rites post-menstruels des femmes de traditions hindoues et juives contemporaines $105,000
Dubé, Laurence  Université Laval La victimisation secondaire dans le système de justice pénale chez les personnes victimes d'agression sexuelle $105,000
Martin, Janna M. University of Guelph Decolonizing Swiss-Mennonite Settlement Narratives in Waterloo Region $105,000
Neufeld, Sadie F.M. University of Guelph Empathy in Action: The Developmental Importance of Children's Real Time Emotions Within the Family System $105,000
Weerasinghe, Navisha  University of Toronto Interactions Between the Medical Device Industry and Hospital Infection Control and Impacts on Environmental Waste: A Critical Ethnography $105,000
Lozano, Nathalie  The University of British Columbia Weaving Theory and Practice: Decolonial Solidarity, Transnational Relationships and Mobilization of Indigenous Women in Canada, Colombia and Mexico $105,000
Conway, Lisa Ruth  Concordia University Sound Spacing: Developing Tools for Artists Designing Multi-Channel Sound Installations $105,000
Starnino, Antonio  Concordia University Nurturing Activism: Understanding The Role of Relationality and Care in Shaping Activist Group Process $105,000
Izatt, Alyssa  The University of British Columbia The Relevance of Regret in Medical Decision-Making $105,000
Raine, Jazmine  Trent University : Navigating Identities and Empowering Futures: Understanding the Experiences of Older 2SLGBTQIA+ Adults in Ontario for Policy Advancements and Clinical Training Innovations $105,000
Sosa Hernandez, Linda-Paola  University of Guelph Interpersonal Emotion Dynamics in the Family $105,000
Chevalier, Clemence  Université de Sherbrooke La notion de personne lanceuse d'alerte en droit international : d'approches hétéroclites à une convergence de critères définitionnels ? $105,000
Lavallee, Brooke  Trent University A Longitudinal Study Strengthening Indigenous Identity through the Aboriginal Head Start in Urban/Northern Communities Programs in Ontario $105,000
O'Handley, Bre  Trent University Strengthening LGBTQ+ resilience in a time of resurging hate: A longitudinal study examining how psychological sense of community improves mental well-being among LGBTQ+ young adults $105,000
Cole, Ashley L. University of Guelph Do Leaders Really Want to Hear Employee Voice? $105,000
Nkoghe, Tristan  Concordia University Embodiment at the interstices: The liminality of the body in fashion $105,000
Holy, Talia D. The University of British Columbia No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land: Migrant Rights in Settler States $105,000
Serry, Salma  University of Toronto A History of Food Knowledge, Imperialism and Power between Egypt, Britain and France (1869-1970) $105,000
Léveillé, Yoann  The University of British Columbia A comparative study of focus in Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun $105,000
Le, Thao Nguyen  Concordia University Examining Sociocultural Aspects of Adolescents' Heritage Language Maintenance $105,000
Pumphrey, Andrea  University of Northern British Columbia A Human Dimensions Case Study of Urban Bear Management in Northern British Columbia $105,000
Whiteman, Andrew  Concordia University Re-Visioning the Mythic Voice: Modern Experimental US Poetry, On/Off the Page $105,000
Fouquet, Céline  Université de Sherbrooke Effets d'une intervention pédagogique soutenant l'adoption d'un état d'esprit de développement sur l'engagement, les résultats et les choix d'orientation d'élèves du secondaire $105,000
Soltan, Hajar  University of Guelph Host Societies' Attitudes Towards Diversity: Implications for Gender Ideologies and Support for Gender Equality Among Muslim Migrants $105,000
Morin, Marie-Christine  Université de Sherbrooke Intégration d'objectifs de développement durable en éducation physique et à la santé: Portrait, relations et actions $105,000
Greening, Julia  The University of British Columbia The Place of First Nations in the Formation of British Political Economy $105,000
Stutz, Sterling K. University of Toronto The Health of the Kehillah (Community): Jewish Community Wellbeing & Relationships with Indigenous Nations in Southern Ontario $105,000
Baher, Tabarak  University of Windsor Development and Validation of the Emotional Processing Capacity Scale $105,000
Langille, Donna  The University of British Columbia Paris as Site of Queer Memories: Understanding the role of augmented reality (AR) in 2SLGBTQIA+ public history $105,000
Hall, Marissa R. The University of British Columbia An Exploration of Social and Emotional Support Systems in an Elementary School: Stakeholder Perspectives and Implications for Student Well-being $105,000
Larkin, Persephone L. The University of British Columbia Behind closed doors: How stigma shapes service providers responses to hoarding behavior $105,000
Blondeau, Samantha J. Trent University Who Has the Right to Housing? Exploring Canadas' Human Right to Housing $105,000
MacAllister-Caruso, Francesco G. Concordia University Democracy beyond the binary: A mixed-methods study of the political representation of Two-Spirit, trans, and nonbinary people in Canadian federal and provincial legislative elections $105,000
Homier, Marianne  Université de Sherbrooke L'intégration de l'Éducation au développement durable dans les pratiques d'enseignement des probabilités de personnes enseignantes du primaire : une recherche collaborative $105,000
Rudi, Wencke  University of Guelph Scraps, Patches, Anecdotes: Black Literary Land Claims of 19th-Century Black Canadian Communities $105,000
Guo, Yingchi  The University of British Columbia Feelings of fit, authenticity, and identity-based segregation $105,000
Kroschinsky, Rheanne A. The University of British Columbia Community Watershed Partnerships $105,000
Small, Lisa  University of Toronto The Archaeology of Black Migration, Settlement, and Placemaking in 19th century Ontario $105,000
Halicki-Asakawa, Amané  The University of British Columbia Development of the BEYOND workshop: A community-based participatory action project $105,000
Stojanovic, Luka  Trent University From Silence to Empowerment: Restorying Experiences of Chronic Pain Among Older Adults in Ontario $105,000
Beaulieu, Émélie  Université de Sherbrooke Commissaire de police parisien: acteur pivot des maillages policiers (1761-1791) $105,000
Golden, Ariella  University of Guelph Reported Strengths and Challenges among Adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder $105,000
Gupta, Charu  The University of British Columbia Language Ideologies and Attitudes Among Japanese Study-Abroad Students: An Intersectional Inquiry $105,000
Kozar, Kristin R. The University of British Columbia First Nations data sovereignty: Aspirations, broken promises, rigid colonial systems, and making paths forward $105,000
Tu, Stephen  University of Toronto Exploring the Professor's Role in Supporting Chinese International Student Mental Health: A Grounded Theory Study $105,000
Stevenson, Cassandra  University of Toronto Addressing procriminal attitudes: Insights from probation officers and youth in Ontario $105,000
Fraser, Nicholas  University of Guelph Composing Resistance: A Method of Instruction in Musical Improvisation $105,000
Lee, Jessica  The University of British Columbia The Development of Social Hierarchy Understanding $105,000
Gariépy, Félix  Stanford University Interstate Cooperation in Classical Greece $105,000
Chenard, Joseph  University of Toronto A Reconsideration of the Historical Phonology of the Ge'ez Language and its Reading Traditions $105,000
Beaulieu, Danie A. University of New Brunswick From diagnosis to desire: An exploration of the unaddressed sexual well-being needs of cancer survivors by their care providers $105,000
Wilson, Kaitlyn M. University of New Brunswick Male Peer Support of Intentional Sexual Aggressors $105,000
Faisal, Eman  University of Toronto Age and Biological Sex Assessment Using Machine Learning in Forensic Anthropology $105,000
Sewepagaham, Sherryl C. The University of British Columbia The Impact of Cree Song Practices in Language Revitalization $105,000
Pham, Tien  University of Toronto Changing Weathers, Shifting Desks: Educational Experiences of Climate-Displaced Students $105,000
Maddalozzo, Frances V. The University of British Columbia Indigenous-led Podcasting as Social Scholarship in Teacher Education $105,000
Anderson, Kara  University of Toronto Gendering food production: Feminist political ecologies of food in in the Guatemalan Highlands $105,000
Calzavara, Alexandra  University of Toronto Stepping up to do the right thing: The impact of moralizing language in science discourse throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada $105,000
Milne, Charlotte  The University of British Columbia How do we improve Canadas riverine flood maps to align to the needs of Indigenous communities and reduce risk for all? $105,000
Scurlock, Hannah Lynn  The University of British Columbia Otherwise Literary River Ecologies: Orienting Indigenous and Black Queer Kinship in the 'Deep South' $105,000
Gerbrandt, Marshall J. University of New Brunswick Culture change in the Canadian Armed Forces: What does informal learning have to do with it? $105,000
Begum, Momtaz  University of Toronto An intersectional political economy study examining how social and economic policies influence employment and health inequalities among marginalized workers in Canada $105,000
Hartford, Patrick F. University of Toronto Re-Examining the Contract Law Underpinnings of Corporate Law: Toward a New Theory of the Firm $105,000
Morin, Eveline  Université de Sherbrooke Rétention des avocats canadiens : étude des déterminants de l'engagement professionnel et analyse du rôle modérateur du soutien social au travail $105,000
Stuart, Nicole S. The University of British Columbia The role of felt age in day-to-day experiences of stress and well-being $105,000
Dunn, Wanekia  University of Toronto Relationships with Land: Exploring applications of natural agency and rights of nature theory to facilitate innovations in Indigenous land tenure and governance $105,000
Brodkin, Sabrina K. University of Toronto Understanding Parent-Child Dyadic Influences on Dysregulated Emotion and Behaviour $105,000
Perossa, Andrew J. University of Toronto Who am I to You?: Using Multirater Personality Measures to Identify and Develop Talent $105,000
Pugliese, Melanie  University of Toronto New Paleoethnobotanical Methodology: Using Artificial Intelligence to Illuminate Plant Use in the Past $105,000
Mansouri, Sanna  Université de Sherbrooke Notre Jinsaniyya (notre sexualité), suivi de Sexualité dans la littérature maghrébine : une sororité dissonante $105,000
Holmquist, Chloe  University of Toronto Measuring Matter and Quantifying Empire in Early Modern English Literature $105,000
Desrosiers, Émilie  Université de Sherbrooke Leadership et tensions paradoxales : cartographie de la trajectoire décisionnelle des leaders en contexte de changements climatiques $105,000
Claassen, Stephen J. University of Toronto Accessing opportunity: evidence from Canadian neighborhoods and migration choices $105,000
Griffiths, Krystal  University of Toronto Examining the educational trajectories of Black youth who have transitioned from Ontario child welfare system $105,000
Yu, James Yuming  The University of British Columbia An interdisciplinary approach to modeling equity in labour markets $105,000
O'Kane, Kiarah  The University of British Columbia A multi-method examination of links between gender euphoria and sexual well-being in gender-diverse and cisgender individuals and couples $105,000
Soldovieri, Antonia K. The University of British Columbia Classroom Spaces Matter: Building Neurodiversity-Affirming Learning Environments for Students $105,000
Thomas, Karen R. The University of British Columbia Storying the Past: Remaking Meaning with Lithic Technological Change in the Eastern Burrard Inlet Region of British Columbia $105,000
Di Carlo, Jonathan  University of Toronto Lavender Lawsuits: Queer Litigious Resistance to Police Power in post-Stonewall North America $105,000
Puinean, Giulia  University of Toronto Navigating without a map: How youth who have aged out of the shelter system experience primary healthcare $105,000
Popovic, Mila  Lakehead University The Intersectional Public and Self-Stigma of Borderline Personality Disorder and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury $105,000
Mickelson, Johanna M. The University of British Columbia Crisis Counsellor Interventions and Their Role in Distress Processing Progression $105,000
Ly, Lexis  The University of British Columbia The use of systems thinking to reduce companion animal relinquishment to animal shelters $105,000
Draicchio, Emily  University of Massachusetts Amherst The Archaeology of Canadian Slavery: Unearthing the Realities of Black Enslaved People in New Brunswick's Loyalist Landscape, 1783 to 1834 $105,000
Lapierre-Bédard, Arnaud  Université de Sherbrooke Sur les origines du narcissisme normal et pathologique : analyse de facteurs étiologiques $105,000
Drudge, Emma J. University of New Brunswick A mixed method investigation of attitudes and attributions underlying sexual violence against young women $105,000
Tran, Hannah  York University Mental Representations of Trustworthy Features on Black and White Faces: A Black and White Perspective $105,000
Garcia, Lawrence Neal U. University of Toronto Genetic Principles in Experimental Cinema and Media $105,000
Baues-Wright, Helena  University of Toronto A Contested Love: Black and White Interracial Relationships in Ontario, 1880-1950 $105,000
Patterson, Sydney  University of Toronto Wellness as Vulnerability: Participation in Online Wellness Communities and Vulnerability to Misinformation $105,000
Tremblay-Lemieux, Charlotte  Université de Sherbrooke Une approche multidimensionnelle de la littératie familiale en milieu rural défavorisé au Québec $105,000
Larocque, Ophélie  Université de Sherbrooke Leadership inclusif et vulnérabilités sociodémographiques à l'épuisement professionnel et au cours de la pandémie de la COVID-19 au Canada $105,000
Hou, Yijie  University of Toronto Revealing Political Power: Images of Women in Premodern Chinese Literature and Painting $105,000
Nankivell, Stephanie  University of Toronto Refusing State Surveillance of Indigenous Social Reproduction Within the Consultation Process: Creating a Web-based Platform for Community-led Mapping Projects $105,000
Chowdhury, Rasnat  University of Toronto Exploring gender-based violence and child protection: The experiences of South Asian mothers navigating the child welfare system in Ontario for exposure to intimate partner violence $105,000
Magnacca, Carly A. York University Caregiver-mediated communication interventions: Exploring the bidirectional impact and predictors of positive outcomes for autistic children $105,000
Overvelde, Alexandra  Queen's University Well-being and the Workplace: Canadian Grocery Store Workers in the Post-COVID-19 Era $105,000
Zanello, Rebecca M. University of Saskatchewan Bridging Business Risk and Rangeland Management $105,000
Moghaddas, Milad  University of Toronto Working Towards a More Psychologically Safe Canadian Labour Market By Understanding Historically Marginalized Workers Experience with Employee Voice $105,000
Fulham, Lindsay V. York University The Experience of Identity Disturbance in Everyday Life $105,000
Buhrig, Ryan C. Simon Fraser University Unmasking Masculinity: The Evolution of Police Culture and Its Impact on Officer Behavior and Community Policing $105,000
Tran, Cathy N.H. Simon Fraser University Recovering Human DNA from Grave Sediments for Individual Identification of Human Remains $105,000
Mondal, Suman  McMaster University "Queer India?": Social, Political, and Legal Measures Affecting LGBTQIA+ People's Experiences in Progressive Regions of India $105,000
Greencorn, Christopher S. Queen's University Canada's story in song: Canadian women producing racial difference through folk music, 1942-1971 $105,000
Legacy, Brandon  Queen's University Fit for Command? Distrust, Disclosure, and Assessment of Leadership Suitability among 2SLGBTQIA+ Leaders $105,000
Pratchler, Devin Q. University of Toronto Unpacking Risk: Exploring s.810 Peace Bonds $105,000
Mijanovic, Jelica  University of Toronto Introducing Historical Women Composers in Guitar Duo Repertoire Through Arrangements of Keyboard and Chamber Music $105,000
Amarnath Nair, Medha Y.X. Simon Fraser University Parenting post-concussion: Investigating interpersonal fear-avoidance behaviour and its impacts on child community reintegration across academic, recreational, and social domains $105,000
Mozessohn, Kerri  Memorial University of Newfoundland When stigma about sexuality and addiction collide: The role of identity support for LGBTQ+ youth in addiction recovery $105,000
McCausland, Julie-Ann P. University of Toronto We are farmworkers too: Women and Gender Nonconforming persons in the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP) $105,000
Crump, Melissa  University of Victoria Black Nurse Leaders: Navigating the Canadian Health Care Waters $105,000
Banan, Guita  York University Nervous archives of post-slavery: a racial account of the United States early clinical neurology $105,000
Kruisselbrink, Emma D. Simon Fraser University Memory contamination from social media: Can social media exposure impair memory? $105,000
Lamb, Josiah  University of Toronto A Woman's Character[s]: Early Modern Women and Ciphered Communications $105,000
Forchuk, Callista A. York University Everyday Mindfulness on Mood: Effects of Mindful Processes on Daily Events and Affect $105,000
Kay, Dianna N. University of Victoria A Case Study Upriver Halq'emeylem Language Community Development $105,000
Baksh, Amilah  Wilfrid Laurier University "Just Keep Your Head Down": Exploring Gendered Islamophobia in the Social Work Academy $105,000
Dobai, Jennifer S. Wilfrid Laurier University Exploring the role of eco-anxiety, eco-rage, and other climate emotions in sustaining youth climate justice activism $105,000
Kirchenbauer, Johann  University of Toronto Disruption and dystopia: Trauma and Testimony in Venezuelan Diasporic Cultural Productions $105,000
Custer, Andrea R.R. University of Victoria Cree-English Language Shift Among Cree-Speaking Parents: Implications for Language Revitalization $105,000
Ho, Man Him  Simon Fraser University Watching the watchers: A risk-informed approach for assessment and managing police conduct $105,000
Douglas, Anna  Queen's University SubRosa, Cyberfeminism and Embodiment: Performance Art Practices in the Internet Age $105,000
Thibeault, Laura J. Wilfrid Laurier University Infertility, Childlessness and Healing: Untold Stories from First Nations Women $105,000
Chutskoff, Michael I. University of Victoria Centering the queer in decolonial movements: How narratives of cis-heternormativity work to exclude queer, trans, and two-spirit people from Indigenous land-based decolonial movements $105,000
Gazendam, Isaac W. Simon Fraser University Assessing the income- and geography-based distributional impacts of a zero-emissions vehicle sales mandate in Canada $105,000
Hull, Christopher J.E. University of Toronto The Paradox of Pelestarian: Balancing Tradition and Innovation in the Selonding Revival $105,000
Petrasek, Katherine E. University of Exeter Midwives, Root-Cutters, Masseurs: Exploring the Figures of the Greco-Roman Sickroom $105,000
Maki, Samantha  Queen's University Social Media Portrayal of Spanking and Bondage: Beliefs, Impacts, and Learning $105,000
Klassen, Nikola  Simon Fraser University Perceived credibility of various child testimony presentations in court $105,000
Le Bourdais, Isabelle  York University Critical Theory of Fascism and the Concept of Commodity Fetishism: a New Dialectics Reading $105,000
McKee, Miranda L. York University A Pedagogy of Prebunking Visual Mis- and Disinformation on Instagram $105,000
Tian, Huiqing  York University Examining the role of regulatory focus and ethical climate on sustainable supplier selection $105,000
Korotaiev, Ruty  University of Toronto Mediatized Diaspora: Analyzing the Russian Diasporic Experience in Estonia and Latvia $105,000
Edwards, Ashley  Simon Fraser University Decolonizing librarian and library technician curriculum $105,000
Elaneh, Elias  Queen's University Reading Minds and Coordinating Bodies: The Pathway to Closeness in Social Interaction $105,000
Bordini, Alessandra  Simon Fraser University Remediating Aldus for the Digital Age: Imagining an Open, Networked Platform for Public and Scholarly Engagement $105,000
Nakano, Robyn  University of Victoria The Material Culture of the Accumulative Stone Throwing (AST) Behaviour in Wild Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) $105,000
Ross-Furlong, Frances K. Simon Fraser University Taii Tr'ahtsik/Blazing Trails: Gwich'in perspectives on self-led education under the Yukon's First Nation School Board $105,000
Tkachenko, Alyson K. University of Victoria Climate Change, Conflict, and Cooperation in the Arctic: Possibilities for an Ecological Security Framework $105,000
Stearns, Gessie E. McMaster University Beyond good intentions: Challenging the atrocities of homelessness through analyses of land, body, and classification $105,000
Pacini, Sophia M. McMaster University Perceptions of Community Policing in Two Low-Income Toronto Neighbourhoods $105,000
Anson, Emily S.M. McMaster University Rematriating a Discipline: Decolonizing Southern Ontario Archaeology through Indigenous-Led Collaborative Practice $105,000
Hill, Andrea E. Queen's University Unlocking Potential: Incarcerated Women's Perceptions of Gender-Responsive Programming in an Ontario Prison $105,000
Held, Myla D. Queen's University Presentation of Self for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder Participating in Video Games and Fandom Cosplay $105,000
Simioni, Olivia  Queen's University Caring for caregivers: Exploring well-being in caregivers who have loved ones with psychosis $105,000
Blumberg, Michelle  York University Examining the factors associated with poor psychosocial functioning and quality of life among homeless and precariously housed individuals $105,000
Yap, Eva  Simon Fraser University Science that Matters: Designing Learning Environments for Connecting Life Sciences with Youth's Everyday Experiences through Biomaking $105,000
Magni, Sarah  York University Theatre as a Tool for Sex Education in the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities $105,000
Wallbridge, Jeremy Beau  Simon Fraser University Learning how to care for others: investigating the role of caregivers' supporting actions in infants' early comforting behaviours $105,000
Beerman, Mikhaela  York University The Ecology of Sex Trafficking in Canada $105,000
Lu, Sarah  University of Toronto The Impact of the Model Minority Stereotype on Asian Canadian STEM Teachers $105,000
Charalampopoulou, Marina  York University Therapeutic Photography and Self-determination Among Autistic Young Adults with Intellectual Disability $105,000
Houseman, Leah J.E. University of Saskatchewan Disability and emerging adulthood in Canada: Exploring the intersectional barriers $105,000
Chacinski, Dorothy M. University of Saskatchewan Improving Social Engagement of Older Adults in Long-Term Care by Assessing Disability Support Priorities $105,000
Norman, Rebekah Ann  Brock University Exploring Relationships Between Young Carers and Parent(s) with Mental Illness: A Critical Participatory Action Research Project $105,000
Wong, Owen N. University of Toronto The Ethnic Domination Lifecycle: Explaining Post-Domination Outcomes $105,000
Zoeller, Sonja M.V. University of Victoria Crisis and Homelessness Governance Network Resilience in Canadian Cities $105,000
Cameron, Elizabeth S. Dalhousie University Producing intersectional knowledge to improve care for people with suspected endometriosis $105,000
Laskey, Noah M. University of Toronto De-Biasing the Moral Foundations of Political Ideology $105,000
Hill, Faith Isabelle  Brock University Reducing the struggle to exercise: Co-developing a refined reframing training module for coaches working with people with Multiple Sclerosis $105,000
Frooman, Tamara  York University Death Writing in the Public Sphere: Autothanatography as Theory $105,000
Habtegergesa, Makda  University of Calgary Analyzing the Presence and Impact of Racially Minoritized Women MPs on Parliamentary Discourse and Policymaking in Canada $105,000
Thambipillai, Prakash  Queen's University Emotion Expression Flexibility in First- & Second-Generation Immigrants $105,000
Wiltzer, Maxwell  McMaster University Responsibility and Addiction: An Increasingly Complicated Debate $105,000
Breadman, Jacob R.G. Queen's University An Environmental History of the War of 1812 in the Great Lakes Region $105,000
Hadjistavropoulos, Dimitri  Queen's University Sustainability Disclosure Standards and Common Ownership $105,000
DeSouza-Coelho, Shawn  York University Playing Race Critically: Embodied Negotiation of Racialized Theatrical Space in the Southern Ontario Theatre Industry, 2005-2023 $105,000
Jones, Krista M. Queen's University An examination of occupational factors and sleep disturbance among Canadian teachers $105,000
Pakkal, Oya  Brock University Navigating Marginalization: An Ecological Framework Study on the Impact of Social Identity Threat on Adolescents' Learning $105,000
Legault (Taylor), Tyna  Lakehead University Water Sovereignty and Water Justice in Attawapiskat First Nation $105,000
Tremonte, Isabella L. University of Toronto Empowering positive body image among girl para athletes and coaches to promote quality sport participation $105,000
Lukacs, Julia N. Simon Fraser University Playing it safe: caregiver perspectives on risky play and well-being $105,000
Faanu, Phil  McMaster University Gender, Agency, and Stakeholder Engagement in Resource-Rich Communities in Ghana $105,000
Erickson, Stephanie G. University of Victoria Reading for Reconciliation: Indigenous Futurism Literature on Northern Turtle Island $105,000
Fairholm, Madison  University of Saskatchewan Assessing Risk and Treatment Outcomes in Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence $105,000
Morgan, Sean  University of Victoria Examining partner maltreatment in same-sex couples: How stressors specific to sexual identity are related to abusive behaviours and victimization $105,000
Hui, Jenny A. University of Toronto Exploring the Lived Experiences of Bisexual Asian Youth in Canada: A Photo Elicitation Study $105,000
Wyatt, Brett  University of Victoria Decolonial Anarchism and Anarcho-Indigeneity in Canada, 1970-present $105,000
Ginther, Logan C. McMaster University Imperfect Duties, Conflicted Decisions, and Personal Moral Feelings in Kant's Ethics $105,000
Coles, Ashlee R.L. Memorial University of Newfoundland Cannabis health literacy and perceptions of help-seeking for cannabis as a coping mechanism $105,000
Mahhouk, Shahdah  University of Toronto Normativity and Self-Beliefs: What Ought We Believe About Ourselves? $105,000
Thorne, Tara  University of Victoria Being Suwsiw: A celebration of Hulquminum cultural teachings through applied theatre $105,000
Toorenburgh, Lydia A.I. University of Victoria Métis Two-Spirit, queer, and trans resurgence: building a cultural bundle with audio-visual methodologies $105,000
Rohr, Veronica A. University of Saskatchewan Advancing Indigenous Food Sovereignty through Cumulative Effects Assessment $105,000
Li, Jessica J. University of Toronto Leadership in Engineering Consulting: qualitative case studies on leadership development within this unique organizational context $105,000
Dodge, Janine  Queen's University Re-imagining the sandbox: a cross-cultural exploration of how playful interactions can facilitate the social connectedness of older people $105,000
Rose, Gwen  University of Saskatchewan Transgender Modernisms: Locating the Transgender in Works by Gertrude Stein, Radclyffe Hall, and Djuna Barnes $105,000
Chung, Alison F. University of Victoria Understanding Chinese Canadian Experiences and Outcomes of Navigating Dementia Services $105,000
Sallis-Parchet, Cléo  York University Tracing feminist networks: a constellation of film festivals, media, and activism in 1970s Canada $105,000
Kuchma, Christopher N.J. Virginia Tech Friday Night At Saint Andrews: Negotiating Subcultural Values and Everyday Life Within Detroit's Rap Scene, 1993-1999 $105,000
Walsh, Hannah Jane  Queen's University Navigating the Threat of Violence: Understanding Transgender Experiences, Perceptions, and Strategies Regarding Intimate Relationships in a Rural Canadian Context $105,000
Leskovac, Milana  Queen's University Big pharma content moderation: how do commercial interests shape public knowledge through social media branding? $105,000
Boothby, Megan E.H. Memorial University of Newfoundland Speaking with Monsters and Mushrooms: The Neuroqueer Potential of Nonhuman Communication in Speculative Fiction and Media $105,000
Mansook, Edwin O. Memorial University of Newfoundland Mapping Sonic Acts Through Revival and Sustainability $105,000
Benoit, Kayla  University of Saskatchewan Decolonizing Retention Efforts: A Critical Examination of Organizational Practices at the City of Saskatoon $105,000
Bélanger, Edith  Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Structure de gouvernance et traditions juridiques de la Confédération Wabanaki, une perspective Wolastoqey $105,000
Dupuis, Hannah E.S. Simon Fraser University Integrated or Isolated?: A mixed methods analysis of the social support quality for single women and single men $105,000
George, Shaunette A. McMaster University Black Voices in Academia: Understanding the Impact of Cohort Hires in Canadian Universities $105,000
Rondeau, Olivia  Queen's University Tasatahsawen Senikhon: Exploring Haudenosaunee Raised Beadwork $105,000
Pevie, Noah  University of Guelph Understanding Transgender Discrimination and Body Image Variability Among Transgender People $105,000
Benson, Sarah M. York University Illuminating the multicultural history of Sunset Country: Jewish-Indigenous relations and ethno-religious diversity in twentieth-century Northwestern Ontario $105,000
Quinn, Michayla C. University of Saskatchewan Community-based arts-informed evaluation of traditional food experiences in Saskatchewan school food programming $105,000
Wong, Heather  York University The limits of compassion: workplace barriers for people with (un-)observed disabilities $105,000
Black, Ashton  York University Alexa, Am I Depressed?: The Ethical and Political Implications of AI in Mental Health Care $105,000
Monaco, Julia  University of Toronto Local Expressions and Resilience in the Popular Music of Nariño, Colombia $105,000
Morland, Ayla R. University of Toronto The Reading Lives and Practices of Feminist Scholars at the University of Toronto $105,000
Mooney, Kelsey D. University of Saskatchewan Exploring Violence Prevalence and Prevention for Child and Adolescent Dance Participation $105,000
Clarke, Tayah  McMaster University Black Queer Feminisms: Collectivities of Care $105,000
Novick, Jake  Queen's University Risky sexting amongst LGBTQ+ young adults: A mixed methods examination $105,000
Kim, Stella H. York University Canadian youth and the double bind in science education $105,000
McKibbin, Corey R. Carleton University Decolonizing Canadian Water Governance $105,000
Foster, Gavin  Johns Hopkins University Middle-Ground Conceptualism, Non-Human Animals, and Persistent Challenges in Comparative Psychology $105,000
Cheng, Tiffany  Carleton University I Think Therefore I am: The Influence of Social Identity on Experiences of Solitude in Childhood, Adolescence, and Young Adulthood $105,000
Sinclair, Eliscia S.L. Toronto Metropolitan University Examining the causal effects of gambling advertisements on sports betting behaviour $105,000
Gonzalez, Emilia  Toronto Metropolitan University Youth activism: How relationships can transform young people's participation in advocacy $105,000
Pennell, Chantal A. Memorial University of Newfoundland West Coast Wildflowers: Traditional Medicinal Healing on the West Coast of Newfoundland $105,000
Kelly, Anna  Carleton University The lived experience of suffering and its ritual healing in contemporary China $105,000
Schwinghamer, Steven P. Carleton University Institutional History of the Canadian Immigration Branch 1867 to 1950 $105,000
Bourdeau, Noe L. Carleton University Trans* Performances of Gender During the Holocaust $105,000
Kay, Tatjana L. Toronto Metropolitan University Investigating the impact of parental use of technology while breastfeeding on infant-parent bonding $105,000
Butterfield, Kaitlyn M. York University Cognitive resilience and recovery trajectories following paediatric stroke $105,000
Osminin, Irina  Toronto Metropolitan University The role of developmental trauma, reorganization, and perceived stress on disrupted caregiving in mothers with problematic substance use $105,000
Sohail, Roshni  Carleton University Charting New Territory: Exploring Interviewing Techniques with Psychopaths $105,000
Storey, David P. Memorial University of Newfoundland Understanding views on and experiences with medicinal cannabis among Canadian Veterans who live with pain: A mixed-method examination of perceptions, stigma, and gender $105,000
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