SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships Program: November 2015 Competition Awards

Applicant Administering Organization Application Title Amount
Abanda Ngono, Fernande Suzann Université du Québec en Outaouais Patrimonialsation mondiale de la nature et développement des communautés dans les territoires forestiers du bassin du Congo 40,000.00
Abdulla, Rosanne University of Waterloo The representation of melancholy and depression in French literature of the extreme contemporary period 40,000.00
Abdullayeva, Yelena University of Waterloo Submissive wife at home and Communism builder at work:  controversies of female emancipation in the Soviet Islamic Regions in 1919 - 1941 60,000.00
Abel, Jordan S.W. Simon Fraser University Distant reading Indigenous poetry in Canada 60,000.00
Acorn, Elizabeth D. Cornell University The practice of compliance: norm diffusion and contestation in the foreign anti-bribery regime 20,000.00
Acton, Kelsie L. University of Alberta Integrated dancers' practices of time 40,000.00
Ahn, Claire S. The University of British Columbia The iconic polar bear:  visual rhetoric in environmental documentaries and its effects on engendering awareness and sustainable action 40,000.00
Akbari-Dibavar, Aytak York University Politics of memory:  understanding trans-generational trauma in Iran and beyond 80,000.00
Alaca, Zahide University of Toronto Resilience in schools:  a mixed methods, comparative study of academic achievement in low socioeconomic schools 80,000.00
Ali, Myles York University Here in the Queen's territory, every man and woman is free:  slavery and the lives of the enslaved in colonial Sierra Leone, 1834-1896 20,000.00
Alkouatli, Claire The University of British Columbia Integration of Islamic social practices in pluralistic contexts:  learning from exemplary Muslim educators 80,000.00
Allan, Teresa A. University of Ottawa Measuring resilience:  a systematic review and meta-analyses to summarize 65 years of research 60,000.00
Allen, Lauren Western University An interactive 3D learning resource for improved neuroanatomy education 40,000.00
Almeida Nunes, Vanessa University of Manitoba The Brazilian favelas, the Canadian North, and the politics of spatial imaginaries in twenty-first century film 80,000.00
Amengay, Abdelkarim University of Ottawa Le contenu des médias comme variable explicative du vote Front national : étude comparative de 22 régions françaises de 1986 à 2010 60,000.00
Amoozegar-Fassie, Farzad University of California, Los Angeles Children and everyday suffering in the Kalandia refugee camp 60,000.00
Anderson, Sarah J. University of Calgary Application of neurophysiological methods to assess spatial understanding: implications for teaching and learning in anatomy 40,000.00
Andrews, Brendon P. Princeton University Contents uncertain:  harnessing uncertainty to unravel paradoxes in economic decision making 80,000.00
Andrews, Curtis T.D. The University of British Columbia An ethnomusicological study of resistance to cultural hegemony in rural Ghana:  the case of Torgbui Apetorku 40,000.00
Anonby, David G. University of Victoria Shakespeare and salvation:  crossing the theological divide 40,000.00
Aroni, Gabriele Ryerson University Scar-shaming:  how video games can improve the body image of burn victims and their social reintegration 80,000.00
Arseneau, Courtney A. Wilfrid Laurier University Indigenous legal frameworks in the implementation of free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) within the context of extractive industries on Indigenous territory in Canada 40,000.00
Atoui, Farah McGill University Abu Dhabi's Louvre, Guggenheim And Zayed National Museums:  mediating a new global Arabism 80,000.00
Audet, Étienne University of Ottawa L'instrumentation dans la gouverne des territoires au sein de la fédération canadienne : le cas des agences fédérales de développement régional 60,000.00
Azzarello, Stephanie University of Cambridge Illuminating the melodic:  reconstructing the fifteenth-century Murano choir books 60,000.00
Baboi, Oana Cristina V. University of Toronto Healing the Jesuit body:  medical knowledge and materia medica in 17th-century Macau 40,000.00
Baird, Dhanya University of Edinburgh Baffling betrayals:  on the meaning of betrayal in Indo-European mythology 80,000.00
Baird, Stephanie University of Toronto The bridge to healing:  informing intimate partner violence service provision for women experiencing trauma 40,000.00
Balakrishnan, Sarah M.C. Harvard University The West African spring:  Ghana and the transition to democracy, 1957-2000 60,000.00
Banks, Lisa McGill University Illness, aging, and dying in the work of H.D., Elizabeth Bishop, and Kay Smith 80,000.00
Barreno, Leonzo A. University of Saskatchewan Defying cultural and religious domination:  the continuity of Mayan spiritual beliefs 60,000.00
Basso, Andrew R. University of Calgary Destroy them gradually:  understanding displacement atrocities 40,000.00
Beattie, Ian W. McGill University The state on the street:  a social history of 19th-century state development in Britain 80,000.00
Beauchamp, Myriam L.H. Université de Montréal L'effet du bilinguisme sur les fonctions exécutives d'enfants ayant un trouble du spectre du l'autisme : une évaluation comportementale et électrophysiologique 60,000.00
Beaulieu, Braydon University of Calgary Void of expression 20,000.00
Beauregard, Jean-Philippe Université Laval Discrimination des minorités racisées à l'embauche dans la région de Québec 80,000.00
Beavington, Lee Simon Fraser University Reclaiming romanticism in science education:  cultivating the conditions for wonder 20,000.00
Bégin, Vincent Université de Sherbrooke Traits psychopathiques chez des enfants présentant des problèmes de conduites : valeur prédictive, trajectoires évolutives, et facteurs individuels et environnementaux associés 40,000.00
Behan, Antonia Bard College The brain of the machine:  Ethel Mairet's textile laboratory 60,000.00
Beier, Jessie L. University of Alberta Teaching at the end of the world 80,000.00
Beller, Jeremy A. University of Victoria Neanderthal adaptation to environmental stress at a Middle Pleistocene Levantine refugium 60,000.00
Ben-Choreen, Tal-Or K. Concordia University Educating taste:  a study of the construction of photographic art aesthetic in the 1970s and 80s 80,000.00
Bentley, Christopher M. York University Environmental education after the fact(ory):  a case for learning with formerly farmed animals 60,000.00
Bérard, Jessica Université de Montréal L'impact du leadership d'habilitation sur le bien-être au travail et la performance d'innovation des travailleurs du savoir 60,000.00
Bernal-Rodríguez, Alejandra University of Ottawa Post-national allegories:  Latin American romances of biopolitical resistance, transhistorical memory and cosmopolitan desire (1992-2012) 20,000.00
Berseth, Valerie K. The University of British Columbia Reconcilable differences:  integrating Indigenous and western knowledge 60,000.00
Bessaih, Nesrine University of Ottawa La traduction-adaptation de Our Bodies Ourselves avec et pour les femmes du Québec 80,000.00
Bhanwer, Aisha K. Simon Fraser University Implementation of an assessment of protective factors and strength-based case management planning in youth on probation 80,000.00
Bianchi, Andria University of Waterloo Autonomous consent to sex 60,000.00
Biao, Agbélémiché Florent Université Laval Élaboration, expérimentation et analyses de séquences didactiques articulant l'enseignement de la langue à l'enseignement des textes littéraires aux secondaires québécois et suisse 60,000.00
Bibeau-Picard, Gabriel Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) La dimension politique de la constitutionnalisation du droit international 40,000.00
Black, Shannon A. University of Toronto The (new) geographies of domesticity:  work, space and subjectivity in (virtual) domestic arts and crafts 80,000.00
Bob, Valerie N. Simon Fraser University Hul'q'umi'num' ceremonial music and language renewal 60,000.00
Bobbette, Adam W. University of Cambridge The gatekeepers:  agency, boundaries and controversy on Mount Merapi 60,000.00
Bock, Maxime Raymond Université de Montréal Les filiations meurtries : pères morts, tragiques et impossibles dans l'oeuvre de Gilbert La Rocque 80,000.00
Boffa, Adriana M. University of Alberta Re-thinking cultural representations through public pedagogy 80,000.00
Bohn, Linzy M. University of Alberta Emotional processing and decision-making in adulthood 60,000.00
Borges Matias, Ligia Université du Québec à Montréal Investigations théorique-pratique sur le travail du conteur en vue d'établir une rencontre entre comédien et public 40,000.00
Boucher, Martin University of Saskatchewan Sustainability transitions to decentralized energy:  developing a socio-technical strategy 60,000.00
Bourdeau, Sarah Université du Québec à Montréal Stratégies en matière de conciliation travail et vie personnelle 60,000.00
Bourns, Timothy University of Oxford Between nature and culture: animals and humans in old Norse literature 40,000.00
Braaten, Arthur University of Ottawa Linking worldviews with the pursuit of eudaimonia and hedonia 80,000.00
Branion-Calles, Michael C. Simon Fraser University Spatio-temporal modelling of cycling risk in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia 80,000.00
Braund, Heather Queen's University Linking classroom assessment practices, student metacognition, and achievement:  a logical next step in closing the achievement gap 80,000.00
Breau, Jessica A. University of Ottawa L'influence des membres de la communauté dans la socialisation des enfants sourds de Bengkala  80,000.00
Brien, Samuel Université du Québec à Montréal L'impact des inégalités de richesse sur l'investissement dans les pays de l'Organisation de développement et de coopération économique (OCDE) 80,000.00
Bronguel, Davi Université Laval Identification des éléments caractérisant l'apprentissage informel de la musique par de jeunes Brésiliens : étude de deux cas 80,000.00
Brown, Danielle L. University of Alberta Moral defect and aesthetic deformity:  moralism in Hume's, Of the Standard of Taste 60,000.00
Brown, Stefan Queen's University Rescuing the Leviathan:  the British reception of Thomas Hobbes during the Enlightenment 40,000.00
Brunner, Lisa R. The University of British Columbia Higher education as immigration actor:  selecting and integrating the future of Canada 80,000.00
Budd, Brian F. University of Guelph Discursive constructions of Aboriginal peoples:  a comparative analysis of media framing under Harper and Trudeau 80,000.00
Budzan, Brittany N. University of Alberta Exploring self-compassion's role in LGBTQ youth resiliency 80,000.00
Burnett, Adam J. Simon Fraser University Neural correlates of ideological depolarization using a moral turing test 80,000.00
Burnside, Kimberly Concordia University Using pupillometry to uncover the early emergence of selective learning in infancy 80,000.00
Butler, Stephanie E. Newcastle University Trauma, war and domesticity in British women's correspondence during the Second World War 20,000.00
Button, Melissa L. York University Examining the impact of contextual processes and motivation in relational Dyads 40,000.00
Campbell, Derek T. University of Windsor Association of callous and unemotional traits with latent conduct disorder subtypes:  advancing understandings relevant to DSM-V diagnostic criteria 60,000.00
Campbell, Nicola I. The University of British Columbia Spilexm:  storytelling in contemporary Indigenous literature 40,000.00
Candiz, Guillermo Université Laval Espaces de transit et trajectoires migratoires : une comparaison du Mexique et du Maroc 40,000.00
Caron, Matthieu R. University of Toronto An architecture of surveillance:  policing race in Montréal (1960-2000) 80,000.00
Carrier Emond, Fannie Université de Montréal Les liens entre l'impulsivité et la coercition sexuelle : les apports d'un modèle multidimensionnel et de tâches comportementales 40,000.00
Carter, Jaclyn L. University of Calgary Medieval (post) colonial affect:  performing national identity and colonial ambivalence in Old Norse and Old English literatures 60,000.00
Carvalho, Amanda M.F. Nipissing University Exploring the impact of postsecondary vocational education on student marginality and identity:  a critical narrative approach 40,000.00
Castleton, Alexander D. Carleton University Technology and Inuit's lifeworld:  the role of information and communication technologies 60,000.00
Chadwick, Nicholas Carleton University Assessing offender change among dynamic risk and protective factors:  implications for risk management, working relationship, and prediction of future crime 60,000.00
Chalifoux, Annie Université de Sherbrooke Le développement professionnel du personnel éducateur en service de garde scolaire 80,000.00
Chalmers, Jason University of Alberta Indian residential schools, the Holocaust, and Canada's unique narrative of genocide 60,000.00
Champigny, Antoine Université du Québec à Montréal Un Gauloys cosmopolite au XVIe siècle : Guillaume Postel et son réseau transnational (1538-1579) 80,000.00
Chang, Samantha Chiu-Yang University of Toronto Listening to painting: music inside the painter's studio 80,000.00
Chenard-Poirier, Léandre Alexis Université de Montréal Les effets des profils de leadership paradoxal, destructif et constructif sur la performance et la motivation des travailleurs : une étude comparative 40,000.00
Chernoff-Gula, Michael L.A. York University Ordinary eternal machinery:  Holocaust studies and the poetics of memory in Jewish-Canadian literature 60,000.00
Cheung, Tracy T.L. Utrecht University Turning vice into virtue: exploiting impulsive tendencies of low self-control states to facilitate self-control success using effortless strategies 20,000.00
Chiabaut, Catherine L.C. Yale University Ce sexe qui n'en est pas un : l'hermaphrodisme dans la littérature française du dix-huitième siècle 40,000.00
Chikoc Barreda, Naivi University of Lleida Succession héréditaire internationale et protection des biens destinés à des fins sociétales 80,000.00
Chinneck, Anne D. Dalhousie University Neurotic personality traits and risk for adverse alcohol outcomes:  chained mediation through internalizing disorder symptoms and drinking to dope 40,000.00
Chong, Carolyn Memorial University of Newfoundland The role of pan-Indigneous festivals in the Arctic: Re-storying the past and Rebuilding Indigenous-settler relations through intercultural musical encounters 40,000.00
Chowdhury, Shamarukh F. Carleton University Understanding the role of emotion regulation in procrastination and well-being 80,000.00
Chowdhury, Wahida A. Carleton University Cognitive rules for judging online privacy and surveillance 40,000.00
Cibola, Anne York University The reluctant dialogue of art and design:  an exploration of the career and work of Arnaud Maggs 60,000.00
Clavet, Nicholas-James Université Laval Effets sur les familles et les gouvernements des politiques de financement des services de garde et du Régime québécois d'assurance parentale 40,000.00
Colasante, Tyler University of Toronto Developmental origins of social cohesion: a social-emotional account of inclusion and exclusion in childhood 40,000.00
Connolly, Mary B. The University of British Columbia Helping youth develop financial literacy:  exploring innovative tools and strategies 40,000.00
Cooke, Thomas N. York University The noisy co-production of digital privacy 20,000.00
Correa Ochoa, Laura Harvard University We are all citizens:  race citizenship and Afro-Colombian mobilization 1900s-1970s 60,000.00
Cossette, Julien Duke University Building imagined futures:  Dakar's port infrastructural projects and their human implications 80,000.00
Coupland, Sarah H. Simon Fraser University Stalking and violence:  a 10-year follow-up of stalking offenders 40,000.00
Craig, Jared N. University of Calgary The criminal brain:  intervention and autonomy 40,000.00
Crepault, Daniel University of Ottawa The tough-on-crime myth:  understanding contemporary crime control legislation as mythical semiological system 40,000.00
Crooks, Hayley R. University of Ottawa Reel girls:  qualitative research and participatory video as a lens on gendered cyber-violence 40,000.00
Crymble, Phillip E.S. University of New Brunswick Quiet please:  hybridity and the silencing of alterity in contemporary American poetry 40,000.00
Cudmore, Jaimie L. McGill University Transforming architectural education for a pluralistic world:  subcultural landscapes and public engagement as design practice 40,000.00
Dale, Amanda B.A. York University Intersectionality in women's international human rights:  some lessons for Canadian equality law 60,000.00
Dale, Bryan University of Toronto Farming for system change:  the politics of food sovereignty and climate change in Canada 40,000.00
Daoud, Dalal Queen's University Minorities in Islamist states:  comparative analysis of Sudan, Turkey, and Iran 40,000.00
David, Elise J. Ohio State University Networks sketched in ink:  advertising the woman painter Wu Shujuan (1853-1930) in the Shanghai art world 20,000.00
de Boer, Tracy R.W. Western University Excess and material inequality 60,000.00
de Laat, Sonya N. Western University Regarding humanitarian aid:  the photographic situation of humanitarianism 20,000.00
De Leon, Marc Adrian University of Toronto Eating (with) savages:  U.S. imperialism and the racial diet in the Philippines, 1888-1945 80,000.00
Deal, Colin J. University of Alberta Coaching for community:  development and evaluation of a PYD informed coach education program 80,000.00
Dean, Ryan J. University of Calgary Securitizing the Arctic 60,000.00
DeCock, Miriam J. McMaster University The reception history of the Gospel of John in the Patristic period 20,000.00
Del Gobbo, Daniel Harvard University Negotiating sex, power, and politics:  a systems approach to resolving gendered and sexual conflicts in Canada 80,000.00
Desautels, Julien Université de Sherbrooke Intervention en contexte de crise familiale : impact de la nature de l'intervention sur évolution des jeunes et des familles 40,000.00
Desmarais, Danielle L.L. University of Toronto Change and continuity of women's roles in Arctic skin clothing production 60,000.00
Desnoyers, Amanda Wilfrid Laurier University How does mindfulness work 40,000.00
Deutsh, Shoshana M.K. Cornell University Conservation mining:  sustainable development technology and environmental knowledge in the Yukon and Aotearoa New Zealand 80,000.00
Diep, Van Thi York University Groundedness, embodiment, transcendence:  phenomenologies of the perception, meaning-making, and design of poignant landscapes 80,000.00
Dinan, Shannon Université de Montréal Active social policy:  youth initiatives in the European Union 60,000.00
Dipple, Joseph A.J. University of Manitoba Indigenous sovereignty and natural resource extraction:  Manitoba Hydro and affected First Nations in northern Manitoba 80,000.00
Doff, Miranda E. University of Toronto Disqualifying characteristics:  victim blame and disbelief in sexual assault cases 80,000.00
Dority, Kimberly A. Western University Dancing grief:  exploring the embodied dimensions of racial oppression 20,000.00
Dowd, Marc-André Université Laval Programmes de promotion sociale et choix budgétaires gouvernementaux : entre déférence judiciaire et respect du droit à l'égalité réelle 40,000.00
Dumas, Philippe École nationale d'administration publique L'approvisionnement des avions de combat au Canada : une évaluation des conditions de succès et d'échecs politiques 40,000.00
Dunn, Brittany C. Wilfrid Laurier University On that blood-soaked Flanders plain:  death and grief in the trenches 80,000.00
Dykstra Dykerman, Katelyn J. University of Manitoba Telling stories about sex:  troubling popular representations of intersex in literature, film, and multi-media 40,000.00
Dyshniku, Fiona University of Windsor Experiencing and responding to self-discrepant memories 40,000.00
Eby, Marek R. New York University Empires of the M.D.:  medical mobility and global modernity in Central Asia, 1900-1953 80,000.00
Ellens, Jantina C. McMaster University Book as body in anonymous devotional texts by women (1630-1665) 20,000.00
Ellens, Samantha M. Wayne State University Landscapes of labour:  tracing montserrat's post-emancipation lime industry, 1852-1928 80,000.00
Elliott, Elizabeth University of Ontario Institute of Technology Police officers' deceptive interactions with alleged online pedophiles 80,000.00
Elliott, Rachel University of Guelph The phenomenology of perception and the roots of music 40,000.00
Elsherief, Heba University of Toronto Citizenship critical literacy and the young Muslim woman 60,000.00
Ennis-Booth, Andrea L. University of Toronto Life through translation:  a study of Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita 60,000.00
Enns, Mackenzie Western University Game scoring:  towards a broader theory 80,000.00
Erentzen, Caroline York University Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate crimes 40,000.00
Eslaminosratabadi, Hadi McMaster University Managing innovation and new product development through balancing internal and external R&D arrangements:  a combined perspective 20,000.00
Esling, Natalia M.E. University of Toronto Adaptive sense-making:  the effects of sensory modification on audience perception 20,000.00
Esmonde, Katelyn R. University of Maryland Governing the physical education classroom:  neoliberal policy technology and physical education 60,000.00
Evans, Lois M. The University of British Columbia Increasing records productivity through artificially intelligent classification 80,000.00
Falardeau, Isabelle Université Laval Innovation, authenticité et développement durable : quel point de rencontre pour les organisations touristiques collaborant dans un réseau 60,000.00
Falcon, Kyle J. Wilfrid Laurier University The ghost story of the Great War:  spiritualism, psychical research and the British War experience, 1914-1939 40,000.00
Fang, Mei Lan Heriot-Watt University Mapping relocation experiences:  an exploration of older peoples' place-based histories through an intersectionality lens 80,000.00
Felepchuk, William Leonard Carleton University Ottawa as contact zone: discursive relationships of non-Indigenous Canadians to the Algonquin Nation in Canada's capital 80,000.00
Fernandez Ibarz, Erik McGill University The function of dissonance and non-diatonicism in contemporary heavy metal music 80,000.00
Ferozan, Arazoo McMaster University Marriage, family and commerce in Marseille:   merchants and cross-cultural influences in the seventeenth-century Mediterranean trade 60,000.00
Field, Emily N. Western University Positive women and negative policies:  service provision for HIV+ migrant women in Canada 40,000.00
Fines-Neuschild, Mirjam Université de Montréal La dualité ethnographe-physicienne : une zone d'échanges entre cultures épistémiques, la construction de théories scientifiques et le féminisme en sciences 60,000.00
Fiset, Charlie J. University of New Brunswick Digital identities and gender normativity:  a cyberfeminist reading of women in new media folklore 60,000.00
Forbes, James A. York University Viral ontology:  queering the affects of bio-power in HIV+ gay men 40,000.00
Fox, Margaret Elizabeth University of Toronto The poetics of interruption:  virtuosity, digression, and redistribution of formal functions in the early nineteenth-century piano concerto 80,000.00
Fu, Michelle York University A cultural history of boredom in Canada, 1945-1990 80,000.00
Fullerton, Brady M. University of Guelph Evolutionary aesthetics and the Kantian aesthetic paradigm 80,000.00
Gaffney, Caitlin A. University of Toronto The effect of IQ and personality traits on first and second language oral fluency 40,000.00
Gagné, Joseph J.M. Université Laval Voix de guerre : communications et renseignement au sein de l'armée française lors de la guerre de Sept Ans en Amérique du Nord 40,000.00
Galante, Angelica University of Toronto Plurilingualism and English language learning:  fostering linguistic and cultural diversity 40,000.00
Galappaththi, Eranga K. McGill University Adaptation to the effects of climate change on Indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon 80,000.00
Gallant, Jessica Queen's University The production and distribution of primary commodities and the economic analysis of civil war in Sub-Saharan Africa 80,000.00
Gallitto, Elena University of Ottawa Evaluation of the positive discipline in everyday parenting program:  a randomized controlled trial 60,000.00
Gallo, Alessandra Ryerson University Psychopathy in sexual and nonsexual violent offenders:  recidivism and treatment responsivity 80,000.00
Gamarra, Jorge A. McGill University Violence and belonging:  political violence and the culinary boom in Peru 80,000.00
Garant, Jessica University of Guelph But, what can we do:  empowering observers to promote respectful workplaces and reduce incivility 80,000.00
Garchinski, Christina M. Brock University The impact of teaching adolescents to think and act responsibly using the EQUIP-narrative filmmaking program 60,000.00
Garcia, Louis-Alfredo University of Victoria Dasigox Tribal Park:  Aboriginal title, creative land use and cultural revitalization 80,000.00
Garneau, Marie-Claude University of Ottawa Analyse féministe et dramaturgie de l'insolite : nouvelle théorie de la réception à partir de l'oeuvre de Geneviève Billette 80,000.00
Gaudette, Marilyne Université du Québec à Montréal Les nouvelles littoralités urbaines : entre reconquête et résilience - le cas de New York 80,000.00
Gauthier, Nathalie Y. Brock University Risk assessment and reduction in psychopathy 60,000.00
Geampana, Alina McGill University Beyond birth control: the Yasmin/Yaz controversy and the risk evaluation of hormonal contraceptives 20,000.00
Gee, Sean York University Speaking in spaces of silence:  HIV nondisclosure and customs of silence 60,000.00
Gendreau-Beauchamp, Geneviève University of Ottawa Historicité et historicisme : l'épistémologie des sciences sociales au défi du relativisme historique 20,000.00
Gendron, Danielle R. The University of British Columbia Taste of the Northwest Coast:  traditional food and place-making 80,000.00
Gibson, Kirstian A.V. University of Saskatchewan The role of sexting in sexual self-esteem and relationship outcomes 80,000.00
Gillis, Rory A.P. University of Toronto Fiscal federalism, income taxation and constitutional order 80,000.00
Gilpin, Erynne University of Victoria Carriers of our nations:  women-centred leadership as revitalized indigenous governance 60,000.00
Giroux, Chandra University of Oxford Plutarch's Athens:  exploring the state during the Pentecontaetia through Plutarch's lives of Aristides, Cimon, Pericles, and Themistocles 80,000.00
Glenn, Clinton The University of British Columbia Transnational queer identities and cultural programming of gay pride, 2005-2015 80,000.00
Go, Matthew University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Investigating skeletal remains at Manila North Cemetery:  contributions to the forensic estimation of the Philippine biological profile 80,000.00
Godfrey, David M. University of Arizona Mapping market access:  analyzing geographic and socio-cultural patterns in food acquisition practices 60,000.00
Gonsalves, Leroy Harvard University Redesigning the office phase II: status inequality in the workplace 60,000.00
Gosse, Meghan K. Dalhousie University The ideal vulva:  exploring women's perceptions of normal genitalia 80,000.00
Gosselin, David McGill University La violence politique dans la littérature allemande de la Révolution française au Printemps allemand 60,000.00
Gosselin-Lavoie, Catherine Université de Montréal Développer le vocabulaire d'enfants allophones d'âge préscolaire au moyen de livres bilingues : mise en oeuvre d'une formation parentale portant sur l'utilisation de stratégies lors de la lecture à voix haute de ces livres 80,000.00
Govrin, Ido Western University Small music:  Rolf Julius' Oeuvre 80,000.00
Grace, Anita Carleton University Agents of the carceral net:  understanding the role of community organizations in governing criminalized women 60,000.00
Grigg-McGuffin, Christopher J. York University Communicating colonized identities:  an ethnography of criminal sentencing within Ontario Gladue courts 80,000.00
Grillo, Carmen M. York University Canadians moral views on death:  end of life in context 40,000.00
Grumet, Robin McGill University The influence of values change on prosocial behaviour and well-being 40,000.00
Haag, Halina K.L. Wilfrid Laurier University Battered, brain injured, and out of work:  employment for disabled women survivors of intimate partner violence 20,000.00
Haddon, Edward The University of British Columbia The implications of social class on perceptions of inequality:  evidence from 38 countries 40,000.00
Hai, Nadia S. Carleton University Join ISIS, save the world:  understanding online recruiting practices of religious insurgent groups 40,000.00
Hammer, Kyle L. Queen's University Haligonian hospitality:  race, space, and whiteness in 20th century Halifax 80,000.00
Harris, Daniel McGill University Revisiting the frame problem 80,000.00
Harrison, Sarah M.E. McMaster University Adapting mad studies according to the use of humor in Indigenous literature 80,000.00
Hart Blundon, Patricia L. University of Victoria Learning standard English as a second dialect in a remote northern British Columbia community 20,000.00
Hatton, Deborah L.B. University of Manitoba Teaching, students, staff, and parents to assess preferences of persons with multiple disabilities 60,000.00
Hayes, Matthew Trent University Project second story:  government science and the search for the unknown during Canada's Cold War 60,000.00
Hebert, Carolyn M. University of Ottawa Living dancing gender:  a phenomenological study of gender in competitive dance 80,000.00
Heidinger, Loanna S. Western University When the going gets tough, and the tough accumulates:  a longitudinal analysis of cumulative childhood adversity and adult socioeconomic attainment 40,000.00
Henry, Frances H.I. Western University Love, sex and the noose:  the emotions of sodomy in 18th century England 40,000.00
Hernandez-Salamovich, Antonia Concordia University Maintenance pornography:  sexcams in a dollhouse 60,000.00
Hervé, Martin Université du Québec à Montréal La démonomanie des lettrés : Maurice Garçon, Marcel Jouhandeau et le Diable en France au XXe siècle 80,000.00
Hill, Jesse University of Toronto Catullus on love:  a reading of his elegiac libellus 80,000.00
Howie, Jordan J. University of Toronto So dumb and mixed a feeling:  objectivity, interiority, and sexual consent in modernist literature 60,000.00
Hunt, Katie A. Queen's University The pains of sleep:  British romanticism and the poetics of insomnia 40,000.00
Ihnatovych, Diana B. The University of British Columbia Music in environmental education:  singing in the garden 60,000.00
Imseis, Ardi A. University of Cambridge The United Nations and the question of Palestine:  exploring the gulf between law, legitimacy and peacemaking in international affairs 60,000.00
Jackson, Victoria York University Children and childhood in Wendat society, 1600-1700 40,000.00
Janhunen, Anne University of Saskatchewan Indigenous labour and livelihoods in the southern Georgian Bay region, 1860-1970 20,000.00
Jannard, Louis-Philippe Université du Québec à Montréal Le migrant entre droits fondamentaux et enjeux sécuritaires : une étude sociojuridique de la criminalisation des migrations dans le processus législatif et les décisions de détention au Canada 80,000.00
Jewell, Eva M. Royal Roads University Research as resurgence:  honouring Anishinaabe story as strategic vision 40,000.00
Jia, Lianrui York University Conflicts, constrictions, cooptation:  post-WTO internet and telecommunication development in China 60,000.00
Jones, Angeline M Memorial University of Newfoundland The politics of alcohol in Scotland:  an anthropological inquiry 40,000.00
Kaiser-Derrick, Elspeth M. The University of British Columbia Institutional justifications:  correctional narratives and practices regarding security and responsibility in the carceral stories of two women prisoners 20,000.00
Kalan, Amir University of Toronto An ethnographic case study of the literate lives of three multilingual English writers 40,000.00
Karpetz, Jonathan McGill University Creative patronage in capitalist economies:  from early industrial capitalism to contemporary crowdsourced patronage 60,000.00
Katz, Joel J. York University Optimizing long-term verbal retention through song:  a study in distributed learning 60,000.00
Kayed, Mohammad McMaster University The impact of green products and their degree-of-greenness on shareholder value, and the moderating role of brand sentiment 60,000.00
Kelly, Wade B. Charles Sturt University Community-engaged academics:  conceptions of identity and social obligation 60,000.00
Khalifa, Nada University of Toronto Sense power struggle: Nietzsche's philosophy of life in interwar Egypt 80,000.00
Khan, Fatima S. McGill University Using participatory visual methodologies to respond to children's trauma as a result of natural disasters in rural Pakistan 40,000.00
Khatibsemnani, Nasim University of Ottawa Experiences of immigrant women living with disabling chronic pain:  an intersectional approach 60,000.00
Kiai, Deirdra Sorayya Acosta Concordia University Playing it personally:  the design of autobiographical games 80,000.00
Kinsella, Kathleen L. McMaster University Enumerating informality in the rental market:  understanding the linkages between housing affordability, the spatial geography of neighbourhoods, and well-being 40,000.00
Kocsis, Joanna L. University of Toronto The role of leisure in increasing adolescents' and children's participation in society:  the effects of stigma-based programming in Latin America 60,000.00
Krecsy, Stefan University of Toronto Contemporary representations of terrorism: medical metaphors and outbreak narratives 60,000.00
Kristjansson, Margaux L. Columbia University the labor of settler colonialism:  child welfare, Indigenous nationhood and reproductive Labor 40,000.00
Kwan, Crystal University of Calgary Growing old in the face of poverty and climate disasters:  a case study exploring disaster resilience in the Philippines 40,000.00
Labbé, Stéphane Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières La consommation de livres des usagers des bibliothèques publiques autonomes du Québec 40,000.00
Lacombe-Duncan, Ashley A. University of Toronto Advancing a critical theoretical perspective on intersectional stigma and coping among trans women living with HIV 40,000.00
Lacroix, Sébastien University of Toronto Ronald Dworkin et l'arrêt Carter : une théorie du droit pour le XXIe siècle 80,000.00
Lamalice, Annie Université de Montréal La sécurité alimentaire dans l'Arctique : des projets horticoles pour favoriser la résilience du système alimentaire chez les inuit au Nunavik et les saamis en Scandinavie 80,000.00
Landry, David B. University of Manitoba Applying lidar and archaeo-geophysics as new methods for Arctic archaeological hunter-gatherer site investigation 40,000.00
Lang, Michael k. University of Victoria Water rich, but governance poor:  privatization, light groundwater regulation, and the shifting value of water in British Columbia 60,000.00
Lapointe, Justin Institut national de la recherche scientifique La ville qui voulait planter des arbres : etude sur le developpement de la canopee urbaine de Montreal a travers les particularitees de son systeme de gouvernance 80,000.00
Lavoie, Jennifer M. McGill University Development of children's deception 40,000.00
Laycock, Katherine University of Waterloo Reducing confusion:  moving climate change adaptation forward within complex urban situations 60,000.00
Lee, Mark University of Oxford Bedlam and the soul: madness treatment and religious interiority in Britain and America, 1760-1850 60,000.00
Lee, Matthew The University of British Columbia Teachers' influence on student social dynamics:  what classroom management practices yield cohesive classes 40,000.00
Legare, Marily Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Une conceptualisation multidimensionnelle de la résistance au dévoilement chez les enfants suspectés victimes d'agression sexuelle en contexte d'entrevue d'enquête 60,000.00
Lemieux, Tad Carleton University Sovereign time:  Inuit sovereignty claims in the Era of Neoliberalism 40,000.00
Li, Ken Stanford University Information accessibility and capital markets 60,000.00
Lisi, Diana M. The University of British Columbia Interpersonal emotion regulation during the transition to university 80,000.00
Liu, Ying-Ying Tiffany Carleton University Chinese restaurant entrepreneurship and Zimbabwean migrant workers in South Africa 20,000.00
Lorenz, Danielle University of Alberta Navigating the Eddy Turn:  Alberta pre-service teacher candidates' experiences of Indigenous content in their coursework 20,000.00
Lortie, Josée HEC Montréal L'expérience collective du flow et les pratiques de leadership dans les équipes de haute performance 20,000.00
Lougheed, Kirk S. McMaster University What should we do when we disagree 60,000.00
MacDonald, Anna E. The University of British Columbia The ink of her insides:  female expression and bodily fluids in mid- to late-Victorian literature 80,000.00
Macdonald, Mitchell C. Simon Fraser University Analyzing the dynamic structure of fraud networks on the dark web 80,000.00
Mackenzie, Graham S. Simon Fraser University Postmodern critique and the return of critical theory 40,000.00
MacKinlay, Hillary Harvard University Negotiated space:  indigenous and colonial narratives in Tahiti, Vancouver Island, and Hawaii, 1767-1855 80,000.00
MacMartin, David University of Saskatchewan The Honour of the Crown and Ontario's northern treaties:  a history of the Taken Up clause 80,000.00
MacNairn, Ian A.S. University of Calgary Trails to community:  an ethnography of ultrarunning 60,000.00
MacPherson, Ellen University of Toronto Professional athletes' experiences of shaming on social media 40,000.00
Magee, Carly E. The University of British Columbia Accuracy in first impressions and relationship development 80,000.00
Maguire, Shannon M.K. Wilfrid Laurier University Noise poetics:  contemporary queer and Métis poetry and hospitality 20,000.00
Maharaj, Nandini The University of British Columbia Exploring the lived experience of the human-companion animal relationship for people with cancer 40,000.00
Mahoney, Adam J.A. The University of British Columbia Staking responsibility:  the mining industry and corporate social responsibility 60,000.00
Maiorano, John University of Toronto Sustainability in Ontario hospitals:  drivers and impediments to energy management practices 20,000.00
Majewski, Veronica University of Guelph Towards a listening-focused account of deliberative democracy 40,000.00
Malhi, Simritpal K. University of Windsor Symbolic and embodied influence on concrete and abstract stimuli:  an investigation of hemispecialization and event-related potentials 80,000.00
Mann, Sarah Elizabeth T. York University The topographical and topological geographies of academic workers with mental illnesses 80,000.00
Manson, Johnnie J. The University of British Columbia Cultural resurgence, self-determination, and food sovereignty:  towards sustainable Indigenous Nations in British Columbia 80,000.00
Manson, Michaela E.R. University of Toronto Cartesian perceptions:  attention, self-awareness, and understanding 80,000.00
Marlatt, Savannah L. The University of British Columbia A stage of mind:  Paolo Giovio's portrait collection and the early modern Memory Theatre 60,000.00
Marr, Eric J. University of York Food production or environmental conservation: competition for land in Canada and the United Kingdom 60,000.00
Marr, Gemma E. University of Ottawa Reclamation, reconfiguration, and resistance:  writing by Mi'kmaq women in Atlantic Canada 80,000.00
Martin, Denis M. McGill University Ear training for audio engineers:  developing refined skills for loudness evaluation through computer-assisted practice 60,000.00
Mason, Robert S.L. University of Toronto Reinterpreting Leibniz's possible worlds 60,000.00
Mason-Case, Sarah A. University of Toronto Understanding the role of courts in global society:  impacts of climate change litigation 80,000.00
Matheson, Ian A. Queen's University Students with learning disabilities and graphic text:  an exploratory study 40,000.00
Mazumdar, Christine University of Toronto The balancing act:  negotiating athleticism and artistry in aesthetic sport 40,000.00
McEwen, Karen D. University of Toronto Emerging self-tracking practices:  a biopolitical economic analysis 60,000.00
McGiffin, Emily J. York University Extraction, environment and the poetry of defiance 40,000.00
McGrandle, Jocelyn Concordia University Understanding the impact of diversity policies on organizational performance in the public sector 40,000.00
McIsaac, Stephen University of California, Berkeley The shifting terrains of violence and trauma in post-Apartheid South Africa 20,000.00
McLean, Heather R. University of Guelph Parental knowledge of secure base scripts:  exploring script-based attachment representations and correlates with attachment outcomes 40,000.00
McNeil-Marshall, Sandra University of Toronto Recovery, identity and resistance:  exploring substance use stigma in rural contexts 80,000.00
Medina, Humberto J. Université de Montréal Echoes of the written - subjective experience and technological traces in Latin-American avant-garde narrative 60,000.00
Melara, Emilia University of Toronto How do we know what's there when we can't see it:  examining null subjects in Mauritian Creole 60,000.00
Melchin, Paul B. University of Ottawa Complement selection and the structures of noun phrases and clauses 40,000.00
Mellor, Lee Concordia University The expressive/transformative offender:  communication and negotiation of identities through the process of violence 20,000.00
Merchant, Stefan D. Queen's University Learning skills and work habits:  what are they and how are they being assessed 40,000.00
Michalowski, Victoria I. The University of British Columbia Emotion coregulation in older adulthood 80,000.00
Milanovic, Melissa Queen's University Can our recall be trusted - self-identification of nonverbal behaviours in social interactions 80,000.00
Miller, Kathryn E. University of Waterloo Is self-compassion contagious:  can displays of self-compassion by someone else impact ones' own state level of self-compassion 80,000.00
Milosz, Magdalena McGill University Indian Affairs architecture: a critical investigation of the governmental apparatus of design and construction on reserves in Canada 1879-1987 80,000.00
Milot-Lapointe, Francis R. Université de Sherbrooke Effet du counseling de carrière sur la détresse psychologique : influence des difficultés relatives à la prise de décision de carrière et de l'alliance de travail 40,000.00
Mohamed, Deika University of Toronto Circuits of knowledge:  yaws control between the colonial medical office and the world health organization in British West Africa, 1942-64 60,000.00
Monfette, Olivia Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Le sens que des stagiaires finissants en enseignement accordent à leur persévérance 40,000.00
Montreuil, Arnaud University of Ottawa Histoire de l'adoubement : étude du sens et de l'évolution spatio-temporelle d'une pratique aristocratique (XIe - XVe siècle) 80,000.00
Moore, Graham S. University of California, Irvine Idealization and fiction in simulated models 80,000.00
Moran, Richard M. University of Alberta Reconciliation or re-inscription:  Indigenous literature and the truth and reconciliation commission 40,000.00
Morin, Émilie Université du Québec à Rimouski Pouvoir d'agir de jeunes québécois et norvégiens autochtones et non autochtones face à la problématique environnementale complexe des changements climatiques 80,000.00
Morris, April Pauline Western University Politics and performance:  Isaac Stern and Cold War cultural diplomacy 80,000.00
Morris, Justin R. McMaster University The moral ecology of global poverty 40,000.00
Mrazek, Courtney A.E. University of New Brunswick Eugenic economics and tuberculosis in the Department of Indian Affairs:  First Nations' health and education in Nova Scotia, 1900-1944 80,000.00
Mu, Xiao Qi University of Waterloo Apology and relationship repair in the workplace 80,000.00
Muhammad, Umair D. York University The utilitarian environmentalist:  ecology in Peter Singer's thought 60,000.00
Mundy, Crystal L. The University of British Columbia Developing a valid and reliable measure of pedophilic interests and measuring pedophilic prevalence rates in non-clinical samples 80,000.00
Musabende, Alice University of Ottawa How international peacebuilding organizations negotiate the sovereignty of the host country:  the case of Burundi 80,000.00
Myles, Bryan W. Simon Fraser University Indigenous heritage in digital contexts:  ethnographic films from the 'Ksan Historical Village 80,000.00
Nadeau, Anne Université du Québec à Montréal L'accompagnement au spectacle jeune public pour développer le rôle de passeur culturel : une intervention de médiation culturelle auprès des enseignants du primaire 40,000.00
Nadeau, Frederick Institut national de la recherche scientifique Engagement politique et processus de radicalisation : ethnographie d'un mouvement d'extrême droite au Québec 40,000.00
Nelson, Eric L. University of Ottawa Administrer le livre : l'édition savante et l'administration publique au Canada, 1985-2015 40,000.00
Nguyen, Vinh T. McGill University Two projects on reliable inferences with finite samples:  1-valid inferences with missing regressors, 2-estimation of the iterated bootstrap with saddlepoint approximations 40,000.00
Nice, Lauren York University The final frontier:  the new space race and its scientific, economic and political implications for Canada 80,000.00
Nielsen, Elly-Jean University of Saskatchewan From page to stage:  the lifeworld of lesbian and queer women slam poets 20,000.00
Nimjee, Ameera M. University of Chicago Choreographing contemporaneity:  the politics of representation in Indian dance 20,000.00
Notte, Chelsea A. Simon Fraser University Mitigating risks to water security from shale gas extraction in Northeastern British Columbia:  an adaptive management approach 60,000.00
Notwell, Jessica A. University of Guelph Women crossing boundaries, embracing difference, claiming rights: intergenerational action for freedom, peace and dignity in Palestine 60,000.00
Nzindukiyimana, Ornella Western University Minority groups in historical narratives:  the case of Black Canadian women in sport 40,000.00
O'Brien, Jeffrey P. The University of British Columbia The right to be seen:  representing the disappeared in postwar Lebanese art 60,000.00
Ockenden, Zoey A. The City University of New York What is implicit bias and how can it be mitigated/a proposal for a new research model in philosophy and social psychology 60,000.00
O'Connor, Kelly I.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology The impact of civil war on inequality 80,000.00
O'Hagan, Michael S. Western University In the midst of the Canadian bush:  prisoner of war labour projects in Canada during the Second World War 40,000.00
O'Hara, Meghan Western University Appearing live:  perceiving transience and trace in contemporary British performance 20,000.00
Olaveson, Heather A. Wilfrid Laurier University Remediating history:  gender and historiography in Canadian postmodern biographical poetry 60,000.00
Olson, Lara University of Oxford Linking good and bad civil society in civil wars:  how local networks promote windows for peace or renewed violence 60,000.00
Opoku-Agyemang, Adwoa Atta University of Toronto Templates in West African comedy 60,000.00
Orr, Patrick Scott University of Toronto Estimating the impact of marijuana pricing on cocaine demand using data from an online illicit drug marketplace 20,000.00
Osborn, Jonathan M. York University Choreographing habitat:  animal bodies in simulated spaces 40,000.00
Ouellet-Bernier, Marie-Michèle Université du Québec à Montréal Un double regard sur les changements du climat sur les marges de la Baie de Baffin au cours des derniers siècles: analyse des archives littéraires et paléoclimatiques 80,000.00
Pageau, Francois V. University of Alberta From Hussites to witches:  authority, control and the construction of a new other 40,000.00
Pan, Jennifer Y. University of Chicago Creativity and exploitation:  narrative form and firearms in the long 19th century 60,000.00
Parent-Rocheleau, Xavier Université du Québec à Montréal La contagion de la positivité au travail : étude des relations entre le capital psychologique du leader et celui de son groupe 60,000.00
Parsons, Carly A. The University of British Columbia Affective consequences of social media use as a function of social anxiety level 80,000.00
Pauker, Sharon University of Toronto Caregiver cognitive sensitivity: measure development validation and applicability in early childhood education and care /ECEC/ settings 40,000.00
Pawlak, Matthew C. McMaster University Sarcasm in the letters attributed to Paul 80,000.00
Pedri, Jennesia E. Simon Fraser University Developing the nation:  childhood, television, and the Canadian Broadcast Corporation 20,000.00
Peverill, Sarah E. Dalhousie University The importance of future thinking for self-control and decision making in young children 80,000.00
Pham, Michelle Trang University of Washington Scientific consensus 20,000.00
Phull, Kiranjit London School of Economics and Political Science Uncovering hidden publics:  understanding the relationship between public opinion and foreign policy in authoritarian states 60,000.00
Pineo-Dunn, Jennifer L. New York University Reading difference, reading sameness:  a transnational study of the translation and reception of Arabic literature 60,000.00
Plante, Marie-Andrée New York University L'appréhension et l'utilisation du concept de principe en droit par la cour suprême du Canada 80,000.00
Polleri, Maxime York University Figuring radioactivity:  a study of knowledge, expertise, and science in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster 40,000.00
Poray-Wybranowska, Justyna York University From vulnerability to adaptability:  negotiating eco-catastrophe in postcolonial world literature 60,000.00
Previsic, Ivana University of Ottawa Boundary-making as a destigmatization strategy:  the case of Balkan Muslims in Canada 20,000.00
Price, Shelley T. Saint Mary's University Storytelling the Churchill River - pasts, presents and futures 20,000.00
Proulx, Christelle Université de Montréal Les cyber-utopismes vus à travers l'art : rêves de connexions universelles et immatérielles 80,000.00
Provost Savard, Yanick Université de Montréal Le transfert de bien-être subjectif entre le travail et la famille : évaluation longitudinale du processus 60,000.00
Purewal, Tavleen K. Queen's University Diasporic-Indigenous resistance in North American literature and grassroots organizing 80,000.00
Radil, Amanda I. University of Alberta Developing a cross-theoretical model of teachers' motivational practices 20,000.00
Ralph, Rebecca F. University of Calgary From interdenominational to sectarian:  an examination of the development of the denominational school system in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1836-1933 60,000.00
Ramlo, Erin J. McMaster University Psst want to form a union:  a critical history of the Writers' Union of Canada, 1970 - 1990 80,000.00
Rao, Sheila Nakhate Carleton University Fortifying women farmers:  investigating the impact of promoting biofortified sweet potato on women's roles in farming systems in Mwanza, Tanzania 40,000.00
Ratcliffe, Jessica A. University of Saskatchewan The imaginative geographies of North America:  literary mapping, spatial justice, and Douglas Coupland 20,000.00
Rayment, Erica J. University of Toronto Ms Smith goes to Ottawa:  institutions, agents, and feminist representation in the House of Commons 60,000.00
Rea, Béatrice University of Oxford Je m'ai fait mal quand j'ai tombé:  issues regarding auxiliation and reflexivity in spoken Montreal French 80,000.00
Repchuck, Ruth McMaster University The impact of gender and occupation on social capital and employment rewards 40,000.00
Rioux-Turcotte, Jessica Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières L'analyse de discours au prisme de la jurisprudence canadienne : vers une définition opératoire du discours haineux 80,000.00
Ritchie, Nicole A. York University The imaginary:  cultural pedagogy, (non)normativity, and aesthetic play 80,000.00
Robinson, William Concordia University The amalgamated:  serious game design methodology for archived networks 20,000.00
Rodrigo, Achala H. University of Toronto Clarifying the role of extraversion and self-control in social interactions 80,000.00
Roellinghoff, Michael University of Toronto No man's land:  the Ainu, Aboriginality and settler colonialism in Hokkaido 40,000.00
Rollins, Annie K. Concordia University Transmitting China's shadows:  a study on how best to safeguard folk art performance practices in the age of globalization 40,000.00
Roman, John M. McMaster University Philosophical problems of synesthesia 80,000.00
Rosé, David Queen's University Understanding the impact of rural financial development on technological adoption in ethnically fragmented markets 40,000.00
Rosner, Tamara M. University of Waterloo The interplay of executive skills and goal-oriented behaviour in young adulthood 40,000.00
Rothery, Jason P. Carleton University Agency in play:  communicating agency in video game advertising 40,000.00
Roussel, Katrine Université de Montréal Les stratégies de scripteurs avancés du secondaire dans la révision de phrases complexes : description et implications didactiques 80,000.00
Rowsell, Mandy M. Memorial University of Newfoundland Reconstructing masculinity in contemporary Newfoundland fiction 40,000.00
Ruddy, Philippa L. University of Manitoba The promise of presence, the potentiality of dissociation 80,000.00
Ruschiensky, Carmen Concordia University Translating cultural memory: migrations and mediations of contemporary Québécois literature 80,000.00
Rusk, Brian University of Alberta Understanding environment in ESL and EFL 60,000.00
Sadeh, Farhad McMaster University Three empirical essays on distribution channel expansion 40,000.00
Salehi Kahrizsangi, Farzaneh University of Ottawa Home, away from home:  a hermeneutic approach to metaphor understanding in second language 20,000.00
Salt, Alexander University of Calgary Processing the lessons of war:  organizational change and the U.S. Military 60,000.00
Samson, Martin Saint Paul University La centralité du conflit dans la sociologie de Michel Freitag : présentation critique et contribution à une pensée de l'émancipation dans le champ des études de conflits 40,000.00
Sandle, Luke University of Alberta Resistance to American exceptionalism on faith-based campuses 80,000.00
Savoie-Bernard, Chloé Université de Montréal La lésée, la lésante et la lésion : la poésie féministe québécoise de 1965-1985 60,000.00
Scirocco, Alyssa Concordia University Mothers' and children's perspectives on effective moral strategies 60,000.00
Scobie, Niel P. Western University A critical examination of early Canadian hip-hop music:  1985-1997 80,000.00
Scott, Anthony R. University of Toronto The commentarial revolution:  the power of Buddhist literature in postcolonial Burma 60,000.00
Scott, Caitlin M. University of Waterloo Big food, big impacts:  corporate politics in the sustainable diets debate 40,000.00
Seatter, Lindsey University of Victoria Distant and digital readings of Austen's literary canon 60,000.00
Seguin, Lea J. Université du Québec à Montréal To fake, or not to fake:  a story of meaning, and its impact on sexual communication and relationship quality 60,000.00
Semenec, Paulina The University of British Columbia Seclusion and restraint as everyday practices in schools 20,000.00
Semeniuk, Monica J. Simon Fraser University Incoming firms from developing economies:  the quest for knowledge workers 20,000.00
Settels, Jason University of Toronto Cross-contextual effects upon the quality of life of older persons 40,000.00
Shanks, Rhonda L. The University of British Columbia Strange motherings:  nurturing and relations of care in recent speculative fiction (1979-2011) 40,000.00
Sharples, Amanda E. University of Toronto Using media contact to encourage high-quality cross-group interaction in daily life 40,000.00
Sharren, Kandice B.D. Simon Fraser University The author/reader relationship in romantic-era women's fiction 20,000.00
Shayanfar, Setareh University of Calgary Overcoming emotional barriers to adjustment:  the role of peer interactions in negative emotion regulation of recent immigrant adolescents 80,000.00
Sherry-Kirk, Laurie A. McMaster University Democracy, freedom and human rights:  comparing social work policy and practice with an Aboriginal culturally based approach to child protection 80,000.00
Shine, Laura Concordia University From disgust to desire:  the case for eating insects 40,000.00
Shiplett, Hugh The University of British Columbia Migration and subjective well-being in Canada 60,000.00
Sikkema, Doug University of Waterloo Ecocriticism in the secular age 40,000.00
Sirois-Moumni, Bachir Université du Québec à Montréal Sport spectacle et hybridité culturelle : le rôle de la star sportive dans la recomposition des identités 60,000.00
Slade Shantz, Angelique F. York University Institutional barriers to entrepreneurial innovation in contexts of poverty 40,000.00
Smith, Bradley University of Alberta Displaying the new Soviet state:  a study of Soviet exhibits, the 1939 New York World's Fair and interwar Soviet-American cultural diplomacy 80,000.00
Smith, Martin M. Western University Multidimensional perfectionism and neuroticism:  incremental validity and cultural variations across Canadian and Chinese university students 60,000.00
Sohail, Juwairia University of Toronto Investigating the cross-language contribution of syntactic awareness to reading comprehension performance and the comparative language and literacy development of  EL1 vs. ELL students in canadian french immersion programs 80,000.00
Soliz, Aryana T. Concordia University Cultivating collaboration, gathering diversity:  a study of situated knowledge and agrobiodiversity from Mexico 80,000.00
Solomon-Krakus, Shauna University of Toronto Perfectionism and body image as predisposing factors to appearance-related media consumption 80,000.00
Sommer, Brandon International Institute of Social Studies Mediating livelihoods in newly industrialized zones:  a comparative analysis of two regions in China 80,000.00
Speirs, Calandra E.C. University of Calgary The process of planning for dependency in culturally diverse Canadian families 80,000.00
Spring, Andrew J. Wilfrid Laurier University Fostering resilient food systems in Canada's Northwest Territories in response to climate change 40,000.00
Spring, Lauren University of Toronto Military trauma and civilian life:  a forum theatre exploration of heroism and moral injury 40,000.00
Stanley, Daina McMaster University Caring in custody:  subjectivity and personhood in a men's prison hospice 40,000.00
Stinson, Rachelle J. York University Nostalgia and the Victorian varsity novel 20,000.00
Surkan, Neil University of Calgary Be/hold: poetry and activism in contemporary Canada 80,000.00
Sutherland, Jessica Emily Ryerson University Does poor emotion regulation predict increased risk-taking in juvenile offenders 60,000.00
Sutherland, Siobhan E. University of Waterloo Why is sexual communication challenging for couples/understanding the consequences of sexual versus non-sexual communication 80,000.00
Szijarto, Barbara University of Ottawa Learning at the edge:  mediation and place-based learning for social program design 40,000.00
Tait, Victoria E. Carleton University Norm translation in the Canadian Armed Forces 40,000.00
Tang, Alva McMaster University Understanding the role of shyness in socioemotional processes and outcomes in adolescence 40,000.00
TeBokkel, Nathan B. University of Toronto Falterity and the apathetic fallacy 80,000.00
Teitel, Trevor New York University What vagueness can teach us about linguistic competence 80,000.00
Tetrault, Justin E.C. University of Alberta Big Data, little kids:  assessing kid targeted customer relationship media in Canada 60,000.00
Tétreault, Matthew J.M. University of Alberta The Métis in Canadian literature:  representation, identity, nationalism 80,000.00
Thériault, Jean-François Université de Montréal Revenir à ce qui commence : nostalgie et médiation dans la culture populaire au XXIe siècle 80,000.00
Thibault Landry, Anais Université du Québec à Montréal Peut-on utiliser l'argent comme source de motivation : deux études sur l'effet informatif ou contraignant des récompenses monétaires au travail 40,000.00
Thompson Wagner, Christiani P. University of Victoria Second-language test-takers' nonverbal cues and examiners' ratings:  an examination of rater bias and implications for training 80,000.00
Tilleczek, William C. University of Toronto Critique and social transformation in emergent lifestyle capitalism 80,000.00
Tilley, Micah A. McGill University Context is key:  changing how teachers implement evidence-based educational innovations in Canadian classrooms 80,000.00
Timmers, Beth R. University of Waterloo Sustainable food security for growing cities:  investigating rural-urban linkages in Jamaica 60,000.00
Timmons, Kristy University of Toronto The influence of educator and child expectations on kindergarten children's learning outcomes 40,000.00
Tink, Lisa N. University of Alberta The bottom-line:  the price of participation in Canada's recreation system 80,000.00
Tohver, Gillian C. Western University Healing thyself:  effects of core personality cimensions on longitudinal blame management 60,000.00
Touchant, Lauren l. University of Ottawa Les dynamiques de transferts d'instruments politiques dans la gouvernance énergétique et environnementale au Canada et aux États-Unis 60,000.00
Treffers, Stefan R. York University A critical analysis of the municipal bond market in Detroit 80,000.00
Tremblay-Wragg, Émilie Université du Québec à Montréal L'influence de l'utilisation de stratégies pédagogiques diversifiées par des formateurs universitaires sur la motivation de leurs étudiants 40,000.00
Turner, Caitlin J. Carleton University Free network foundation and activists enabling activism:  designing ICTs with a difference 20,000.00
Ulysses, Monique F. University of Toronto Unmasking el luchador: transnational ideals of masculinity, modernity and empire in lucha libre across the Mexican-American border, 1933-1950 80,000.00
Uzdenskaya, Zinaida University of Toronto Constructing a martyr:  the case of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury studies in the iconography of Canterbury pilgrim souvenirs 60,000.00
Valade, Marc Y. Ryerson University Attracting immigrants to smaller Canadian cities:  the capacity of local networks 40,000.00
van Monsjou, Elizabeth M. York University Differentiating between holding a grudge and seeking revenge 40,000.00
Van Nuland, Sonya E. Western University The anatomy of e-learning tools:  does software usability influence learning outcomes 40,000.00
Vandenborn, Elisa Simon Fraser University Exploring a communal approach to child protection 40,000.00
Vartija, Devin J. Utrecht University The colour of equality: racial classification and natural equality in enlightenment thought 40,000.00
Veilleux-Lepage, Yannick D. University of St Andrews Antecedents of terrorism:  techniques of resistance in Western Europe 60,000.00
Venovcevs, Anatolijs Memorial University of Newfoundland A landscape approach to early Newfoundland food security 80,000.00
Verhey, Melissa F. Princeton University Storytelling as care of the self:  moral and narrative identity in first-person introspective fiction 20,000.00
Vinerte, Santa University of Ottawa The effects of bilingualism on language processing and cognitive control:  an investigation of alphabetic and logographic languages 40,000.00
Vink, Katherine University of Alberta Knowledge is power:  the importance of teacher training on reporting suspected child exposure to domestic violence 60,000.00
Vivion, Maryline Université Laval Internet : habitus informationnel et construction du savoir 20,000.00
Walker, Heidi M. University of Saskatchewan The cultural context of participation in strategic environmental assessment: implications for learning and sustainability in Western Canada 80,000.00
Walker, Kevin William University of Chicago Meister Eckhart's reception of intellectual mediation between the natural world and God 80,000.00
Wallace, Rebecca A. Queen's University Unpacking the progressive dilemma:  framing the deservingness of immigrant and indigenous recipients of social assistance in Canadian news media 60,000.00
Walpole, Felix University of Toronto The metaphysics of natural selection 80,000.00
Watson, Nicholas Concordia University Re-crafting games:  Minecraft and the inner life of computer game modding 20,000.00
Weiss, Odette York University Wellbeing and quality of life as experienced by families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 40,000.00
Westcott, Michael R. Memorial University of Newfoundland Transforming citizenship in a British Dominion:  gender, class, and ethnicity in the Newfoundland home front, 1914-1918 60,000.00
Whetung, Madeline University of Toronto Baamaaya Akeeng:  Anishinaabeg geography through place-making in the Williams treaty First Nations 80,000.00
White, Carmela A. The University of British Columbia The role of parenting time and decision-making arrangements on later subjective well-being of young adults 80,000.00
Whitney, Allison L.T. Western University Re-forming death:  neurophilosophy and the plasticity of contemporary dying 40,000.00
Whitney, Stephanie University of Waterloo Shaving the peak:  assessing the effectiveness of energy conservation and demand management interventions 40,000.00
Wiens, Gavin T. Johns Hopkins University The cult of Bernardino of Siena and the reform of saintly portraiture 20,000.00
Wilkins, Dianne University of New Brunswick Why public schools fail First Nations students:  a critical policy analysis 60,000.00
Williams, Elizabeth A. The University of British Columbia How caring more about bears might make us care more about humans:  speciesism, trophy hunting, and conservation 80,000.00
Williams, Keegan A. Wilfrid Laurier University Arriving somewhere, not here:  exploring and mapping the relationship between border enforcement and migration by boat in the Central Mediterranean Sea, 2006-2015 40,000.00
Wilson, Cecile M. Carleton University The representation of powerful women in sixteenth-century graphic images and humanist texts 40,000.00
Winchester, Sean M. Carleton University UN peace operations and the protection of civilians:  a disaggregated approach 40,000.00
Windeyer, Richard C. University of Toronto Big Data performance:  enriching public engagement with Big Data through artistic performance 40,000.00
Wing, Erin K. University of Ottawa A longitudinal research program to enhance youth's self-regulation to promote active leisure pursuits, optimal functioning, and educational outcomes 80,000.00
Wojciechowski, Christine K. University of Waterloo Policing vulnerable populations:  an investigation of police discretion and the use of force 40,000.00
Wong, Brenda Lok Ryerson University Levels of social engagement among Chinese elderly immigrants in Canada 40,000.00
Woods, Heather University of Ottawa The interface of school bullying prevention programs:  exploring teachers' experiences with bullying prevention programs 80,000.00
Wray, Brittany D. University of Copenhagen Synthetic biology and its societal implications:  sounding out science with interactive documentary as public engagement 60,000.00
Wyman, Joshua McGill University The ACID test:  detecting children's false denials and false accusations of an alleged theft 80,000.00
Yaqub, Said Carleton University State fragility and the emergence of extremist Islamist groups 40,000.00
Yim, Odilia University of Ottawa Distinguishing biculturals and bilinguals:  effects of identity integration on context sensitivity 40,000.00
Zephyr, Lory Université du Québec à Montréal Les troubles de l'attachement : un examen de la sécurité d'attachement et de la qualité des soins parentaux 40,000.00
Zhang, Tianyao The University of British Columbia How effective can professional fund managers price capital assets 40,000.00
Zhou, Kefen University of Victoria Canadian missionaries' contributions to the foundations of medicine and education in Modern China, 1880-1950 80,000.00
Zouda, Majd University of Toronto STEM education perspectives and practices:  the case of school coaches 40,000.00