Canada Biomedical Research Fund and Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund
Stage 2 Endorsement report
The endorsement report should provide a concise summary of the hub’s vision, priorities and program of research, with a focus on aspects critical to realizing the hub’s vision. The report will provide contextual information required for the scientific and technical committee and the strategic review committee to carry out their assessments according to the funding opportunity selection criteria descriptions and ratings matrices. Applicants will have the opportunity to describe alignment of individual proposals with the priorities of Canada's Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy and the strategic objectives of the funding opportunity in their individual applications.
Structure and content
Use the endorsement report template to describe the following elements:
- alignment of the suite of proposals with the hub’s vision, priorities and program of research
- alignment of the suite of proposals with the priorities of the Strategy and the strategic objectives of the funding opportunity
- how the suite of proposals leverages known strengths and/or addresses key research gaps to benefit Canada’s biomanufacturing and life sciences sector
- linkage, complementarity and interdependencies across proposals within and between hubs including identification of elements most critical to achieving the objectives of the hub
Creating and submitting your endorsement report
Do not include URLs for supplemental information. Reviewers are not expected to access URLs included in supporting documents. Prepare your endorsement report using the template provided and following these requirements:
- Page limits for both official languages must be respected (five pages in English, six in French).
- Any acronyms and abbreviations must be explained.
- Pages must be 8 1/2” x 11” (216 mm x 279 mm).
- All text must be black, set to a minimum 11-point Arial font; condensed fonts will not be accepted.
- Text must be single-spaced with no more than four lines of type per inch.
- All page margins must be set at a minimum of 3/4” (1.87 cm).
- No personal identifying information should be included in the headers and/or footers (e.g., name, PIN, institution, etc.)
- Either single- or double-column presentation of text, graphs and illustrations is acceptable.
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