Executive Committee Mandate

The Executive Committee assumes the responsibilities assigned in the SSHRC by-law to exercise the powers of councilFootnote 1 between meetings and makes recommendations to council on governance matters. The committee also provides strategic oversight on human resources policy matters, risk management and financial stewardship.

Statutory Responsibilities

  • Exercises the powers of council between meetings, as stipulated in the SSHRC by-law.

Governance Responsibilities

  • Monitors and makes recommendations concerning the structure and effectiveness of SSHRC’s governance in accordance with current best practices;
  • Establishes time-limited, ad hoc committees as required, focused on particular strategic issues;
  • Reviews and recommends to council the membership of other committees, including ad hoc committees, at least once per year; and
  • Provides advice on the agendas for council meetings.

Human Resources Responsibilities

  • Provides strategic advice and oversight regarding human resources policies and practices, including the composition and performance of the senior management team.

Risk Management Responsibilities

  • Provides strategic advice and oversight regarding the management of risk, including the development and monitoring of strategic and corporate risks.

Stewardship and Financial Oversight Responsibilities

  • Provides strategic advice and oversight regarding the stewardship of financial and other resources, including the implementation of the federal budget measures and review of relevant audit findings.


  • The vice-president and chair of council chairs the committee.


  • The committee is composed of the vice-president and chair of council, the president of SSHRC, and at least six other members of council, one of whom shall be the chair of the Programs Committee; and
  • Membership is established by council on a motion by the vice-president and chair of council.


  • The schedule of meetings will be determined by the chair of the committee, in consultation with management.

Quorum and voting

  • A majority of the members of the committee, including the committee chair, shall constitute a quorum; and
  • Decisions of the committee shall be taken by majority vote and, where an equal number of votes are cast, the issue to be decided shall be referred to council.

Reports to Council

  • The chair of the committee, or a designated alternate, shall report at each council meeting on behalf of the committee, on its activities, observations, advice and any decisions made on behalf of council; and
  • Draft minutes of the committee’s most recent meeting will also be provided at each council meeting.


Footnote 1

In this document, SSHRC refers to the agency and council refers to its governing body.

Return to footnote 1 referrer