Executive Expense Claims

Chad Gaffield, President

Travel Expenses—September 2, 2010 to December 1, 2010

Date(s) Purpose
Total Cost
08/09/2010 CD Howe Institute Conference $766.01
14/09/2010 Open Text - Event $962.83
04/10/2010 Keynote speech at the New Brunswick Innovation Forum, meeting, at UNB (Fredericton) with provincial DMs $1,786.31
20/10/2010 Keynote speech at 2010 Canadian Science Policy Conference $553.58
28/10/2010 Gairdner Awards Announcement; G13 Universities meeting $715.76
17/11/2010 Conference Board of Canada Annual General Meeting and Event $828.84
18/11/2010 University Visits and Canada Research Chairs, 10th Anniversary Conference $3,785.87
Total: $9,399.20

Hospitality Expenses—September 2, 2010 to December 1, 2010

Date(s) Purpose
Total Cost
02/09/2010 Liaison with the President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Vice-President of the Common Administrative Services Directorate $102.66
07/09/2010 Liaison with the Vice-President of Research at Guelph University $34.44
07/09/2010 Liaison with the Associate vice-President, Networks of Centres of Excellences $69.85
15/09/2010 Tri-Council Meeting $45.42
28/09/2010 Liaison with the President of Canada Foundation for Innovation $73.43
28/09/2010 All Staff Meeting $1,800.00
30/09/2010 Discuss equitable participation of Francophones outside of Quebec institutions $224.83
04/11/2010 Liaison with the Minister of Justice and Human Rights and the Executive Vice-President of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada $57.18
09/11/2010 International business lunch with the Vice-President of the Grants and Fellowships Directorate $33.46
Total: $2,411.27